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Last >>47770591

Debt Repaid Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
I'll touch her tail but nothing else.
Which 2ho hag makes for the best wife?
Ran, because she's already a housemaker
I wish women loving me were real.
Rape is always the answer.
This is not the one.
more like debt paid by rape amirite
Ran is not a hag, I'd say she's around 35
decades old
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it won't make them real, you need daoism for that
but she's physically not a hag!
That makes her a hag by any reasonable metric.
hag is 45+ dumbass
Always been 30 mate
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>hag is 45+
Not in the games I play.
12 you mean.
Hag is 16+
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what is this detail for if I can't even get married
Happen when the girl is [Ignorant].
In a dialogue file, let's say I wanted to have conditional daily greetings for locations independent of the fall state tree (ie. character can make a "lover" greeting, or make a "Human Village - Square" greeting, randomly chosen). Is there a more elegant way than just pasting the latter into each of the IF, SELECTCASE branches?
There are zero(0) tail interactions during training.
You should be able to hug bushy tails. Thin tails, like cat tails, should wrap around your waist or arms.
All women 30 or over are HAGS
YOU are a hag.
But hags are great.
Every time you post this image I can only think of Omniman grabbing that one guy from behind and crushing his spine through his clothes.
Well it's not the spine there.
you're right, I'm gonna crush her useless infertile womb.
Too bad, it will just ACTIVATE the womb.
How do you even manage that?
You'd only be able to crash that if you somehow managed to delete your mob character's slot entirely, which shouldn't be possible since every function that possible could also immediately recreates it.
Oh if it's mob character related I have an idea of what it might be then. When travelling between zones with "dangerous path" enabled an oni attacked me and ran away after I beat her in Danmaku. She never got added to the mob list so I assumed she was one time for the event.
How much dust comes out when that happens?
Single keypress inputs in era when?
What about anal?
Saved for last.
Amabie in eraMegaten when
Running through a update fixed it.
Weekly update:

- The 4.952 merge is almost done. If all goes well, we'll have a new release out within a week.

- The latest JP dialogues got merged. Alice got some new stuff- please wait warmly for me to translate it and for Tiael to proofread it.

- After a whole lot of blood, sweat, and tears, eraMakaiRanch has been updated to 1.011. Check it out if you're into breast expansion, gigantic breasts and/or lactation.
Shouldn't make a difference there. The mob code just reuses the one existing slot and never leaves it empty, and even then, it wouldn't cause issues until the game is restarted, as that's when the crucial RANDOM_CHARANUM value is set. Unless someone or something screws with the mob flag it should never cause a crash.
That sounds about right, since that completely rebuilds it from the ground up.
I guess I could add a warning if the game is ever in an incorrect state, but I still don't see how it could ever reach that point.
>- The latest JP dialogues got merged. Alice got some new stuff- please wait warmly for me to translate it and for Tiael to proofread it.
People here translate this stuff? Do you have a list of things pending for translation? What do you prioritize and what do you have no intentions of ever translating?
>it wouldn't cause issues until the game is restarted
The game had been restarted because I went out for dinner not long after the mob encounter and the bug happened immediately when I came back (Reimu in the room when I woke up asking if I wanted to go to the village) and then whenever I tried leaving the map through any means.
I can't think of anything I'd done that would make it bug out. No messing with the files or playing around in the debug menu or anything like that. At least the fix was simple enough.
Status fairy and sex fox?
Does the megaten card battle minigame get you any sex? I don't think I want to play not!MTG if it doesn't result in any sex.
Does MTG result in any sex?
It unlocks two characters according to the wiki
Tsukasa's love confession dialogue is surprisingly sweet.
Too bad Vinum won't give us an ETA on when it will be translated.
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Not Vinum but,
>People here translate this stuff?
Some does, some outright creates new stuffs like Cleopatra, etc.
>List pending?
Can just check the Github yanno
Alice > Bugfixes > Mainline Content > Chara Events ≥ Extra Content >>>>>>>>> Training
After Eirin!
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>Check it out if you're into breast expansion, gigantic breasts and/or lactation.
Finally, a game catering directly to me
What's the point of those skills that say "attack with your weapon for light slash damage"? Do they do anything in particular outside just being a slash damage skill?
It's just flavor text
Quit dodging the question and ask Clavis what's going on. I'm not joining the server.
If it's like old smt, it may indicate a bodypart a character needs to have to know that skill.
Presumably it gives you the option to do slash damage if your weapon or regular attack doesn't.
Where the hell do you even get Chocolate or Premium Chocolate to cook in TW? I've only ever seen it as a Valentine's gift and the ones you get from the Moriya lottery can't be used to cook.
Do I have to wait an entire year if I want to cook with chocolate?
Also, is there a list of how to make all the alcohol? There's a stupid amount of alcohol recipes.
>- The latest JP dialogues got merged. Alice got some new stuff- please wait warmly for me to translate it and for Tiael to proofread it.
For one moment, I was confused as to which Alice it was.
Thanks for the hard work!
You can cook the day before iirc
Having a lot of extra scenarios on makes the MC into a total freak of nature. You go from just being a newbie in the phantom society to being a newbie in the phantom society who is contacted by like 10 different interdimensional beings simultaneously.
It's not like being climbing the rank is hard or anything too.
And on the side you become the Chaos King.
What is the Chaos King?
Nigga do you even SMT?
Dungeon sex on or off?
Off. On when you get the Tactical Demonica.
I really wish we could use it with off though.
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Are there many dungeons which don't work right with dungeon sex off?
I dunno, I only used it for the Tactile Demonica.

Though be warned that if it's On and your MC is horny, he will ask for sex during TALKs.
I was aware of that part, since if you choose a kitsune or succubus FMC she will start day 1 in heat and immediately demand sex in negotiations. It's a massive pain in the ass.
>kitsune or succubus FMC
That, is indeed, a massive pain in the ass.

You can choose to be a demon, or be a human with inhuman traits.
When you choose nonstandard body size and also set your personality, you will get asked why you're that size, and the options can alter your character's body attributes. Kitsune, Succubi, and Vampire bloodline all give your character the [Has Heats] trait, which causes extreme horniness on danger days (which is always day 1 for FMC) both during training and in dungeons.
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I know about the white day stuff. I meant actual chocolate to cook because some ho asked me for a chocolate cake in one of those random cooking requests.
Chocolate (I know you get some in Valentines) and Unknown Meat (I think you can just forage it) are the only 2 cooking ingredients I don't know where to get.
There's also bugs but I assume you can use the ones you get with the bug catching kit or maybe traps, which I never bothered with.
There are workarounds to this. Simply don't negotiate with male demons on heat days if you don't want to get fucked. Enable talk command for party members and have someone else do negotiations. Do one of the tutorial dungeons day 1 so that recruitment is scripted.
Will EGGS finally be merged in as well?
Go egg yourself.
What the hell? I explore Tartarus' basement, and Metis is there, chilling, like any P3 characters I can attack, talk, or ignore her.
What's the strat if I want my first eramegaten run to be as smooth as possible? I want to cheese things and progress quickly because I've played it to hell and back and now I want to try out the new stuff.
Man Izanagi no Ookami is such a cool Persona. Great skills, great res, great everything.
A part of me want to bitch about Myriad Truths being magic and not physical, but not really. It's just a really good skill, even if it's """"just"""" one target. 50MP for that? Sign me the fuck up samurai.
Would be cool if the fortune teller letter did more stuff.
Also how the fuck am I meant to summon him without Reimu immediately offing him? Even when I'm on the opposite side of the world she somehow teleports there instantly just to slice him in half.
I highly suggest enabling touhou stuff and picking up Lily White. Her personal skill autotargets weaknesses. Combined with Sixth Sense and Invigorate and she basically turns into a button that you can spam to make enemies go away. Not great for loyalty grinding though.
is eratohoPM worth checking out?
I played it for 2-3 hours, it's a neat game.
I like the color scheme, changes up from the usual 24/7 black background the 3 main games (and most of them really) have.
It's very short, I got one of the endings in like an hour and didn't like it but you don't lose anything by trying it.
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Marie('s persona) has another skill glitched.
She really go far, I wouldn't have thought she got skills until level 90.
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Someone pls finish Lavenza's character kudasai
>Someone pls finish Lavenza's character kudasai
I already did
and I'm keeping her to myself
Other than the usual advice thrown out for early game
Turn extra events on like the other anon said. You'll get access to some good characters that can last for the entire game for free like Tamamo from fate or characters with pierce like Templeborn T-san.
If you don't give a shit about balance turning on custom skill on basically gives you access to a broken create a skill to carry you through all of the game.
We would need a P5 storyline, then a fight against here, and a fight with her two lesser selves with their own personas, and a fight against her with her own persona.
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Those skills should work normally if you learn them.
The Korean version already has both fights, faithfully translated into eraten's system, but the code itself is also in Korean, so we can't port those without a proper translator.
>but the code itself is also in Korean, so we can't port those without a proper translator.
It's doable without Korean knowledge if you're familiar with the JP code and have the patience to cross-reference the code.
Biggest problem is that it's tedious work and you still have to translate all the text to English.
Do they have initial persona evolution yet?
>Alice > Bugfixes > Mainline Content
Flavor. The skill's description was just copied from the game/manual/whatever.
Why does nobody give a shit abou yumoo?
It has Last Bible characters in it. Somehow.
Pursuing Sanae and this has been stuck in my head for hours https://youtu.be/fkN3nV1Fc0M
They don't for me.
I mean if it's just fights, is it really worth it?

Having any Last Bible storylines would be something
Wait. What are the chances that she got patched "recently" and it only fuck up for me because the character I have is an old version that I got?
Lavenza is, at least, a fun boss to fight; if not for the 4 or so flags that don't have a direct analogue in current eraMegaten and thus require reimplementation, I'd have finished porting this colosseum fight over hours ago.
The alternative is none of them having any content at all since no one stepped up.

I just tested Marie. The skills showed up as 専用技1 & 専用技2 when learning them, but worked normally when used in combat. Just a quirk of how Personas & CSTR skills interact. So if yours are just not working at all, toss Marie into a tentacle pit and get a new one.
>Lavenza is, at least, a fun boss to fight; if not for the 4 or so flags that don't have a direct analogue in current eraMegaten and thus require reimplementation, I'd have finished porting this colosseum fight over hours ago.
>The alternative is none of them having any content at all since no one stepped up.
I'm just thirsting so much for a legit P5 content, bros, like a retard in a desert...
Do they even give good rewards? A Satanael Picaro?
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Actually 専用技1 didn't do jack shit and appeared exactly as that out and during fights.

Guess I'll really have to throw a wife into the pit... what a world we live in.
There's no special reward for the Lavenza fight. The fight with the twins has minor stat boosts for Joker (commented out), but I ain't about to dive into that wall of text.
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>There's no special reward for the Lavenza fight.
>Yukari (Gap Hag) gets Anti-All
I thought that was exclusive to Loki
My plan was to move Lavenza's recruitment to the end of the fight like how Liz & Margaret work. Dunno what I'd do with the twins though.
And all of that is going to have to wait anyway, because the checks for phases 2 & 3 depend on old-ass flags that not even the korean version uses, on top of the structure for the files where those would need to be inserted having changed in the last 3 years.
At least her dialogue was less troublesome than I expected, since it is just the P5R bossfight stuff word-for-word from what I can see.
I don't get why Anti-All is even a thing desu.
It's a skill from the Devil Survivor games
Let me rephrase, I don't get why it's a thing in Era.
I want to eat a Megido Fire.
To tank damage. It halves all non-Almighty damage, meaning that the weaknesses of whoever has it basically don't exist, and resistances become even better. The increased damage from Almighty is dangerous yes but surprisingly there's not that many bosses who are a "spam Almighty every turn" deal
Ok, trying to make this work. Had to import 2 more function files to make this run and alter the battle processing part of the game to add the missing flags; now I need to solve some buggy behaviour.
Fixed her starting the battle at 80% and 0 MP by forcing the game to set both to max before she started speaking and setting a pre-emptive attack.
The increased damage isn't also a weakness, so it doesn't give a bonus turn right?
Don't forget... to give them... a portraits... please...

*dies from Shiho thirst*
Yeah, doesn't trigger the enemy One More or your Demon CO-OP, it's just more Almighty damage taken
So it's not that big of a deal. Unless, theorically, the theorically thing, already has an almighty weakness.
Double 400%, talk about being fucked sideway.
I think the only demon with an Almighty weakness is Arahakabi (and Homulilly before they patched it out)
Reaper has it too, and one or two shadows in Tartarus.
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Talking to women is hard.
Zurvān has one as well, even if it is only 125%.
If cleaning isn't your first 6 you're a worthless bum who should be exiled from Gensokyo.
As an aside, none of the Velvet attendants are properly equipped to deal with Pierce at all.
A single, non-crit Hollow Bisection from Surtr with Twilight active took ~6.7k at once.
Given Lavenza's 25k HP total, that bypassed phase 3 completely.
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It really is anon. It really is...
Based hermit
>~6.7k at once
What the fuck
speech is my highest skill, how do you even get everything else up to Ex before it?
Remnant Ash gives her a 20% boost, Hollow Bisection has 600 base power and she has 79 Str; Twilight boosts her to kingdom come in exchange for burning to death super quickly and gimping healing by 90% to make sure you can't replicate Arknights' mobile hospital.
Oh, it's the Arknights Surtr
I thought it was regular Surtr somehow dealing 4-digit damage
He could do so, but would've required a higher level than Erotic Red Woman.
I was actively trying to crit, and actually thought I was done for before she phase-skipped. Guess I can't reach 5-digits on Lavenza without buffs yet.
>a boss is folded by an ultra-performance waifu
Is it bad, though? If you try to remedy it you arrive at either
>nerfing the waifu to just powerful (which may or may not lead to anons screaming bloody murder and being turned worthless)
>making the boss stronger (so now they expect ultra-performance waifus to be reasonably beaten, so overtuned to outside the range of the average game enjoyer)
I posted that pic because I found it funny it was unintentional. There's no book for speech so I just never bothered.
If I wanted to get close to anyone for foraging or logging permissions I'd just beat them up, play music, train with them, etc.
Eirin has the highest affection now because I trained mixing, combat and gathering with her.
I'm just gonna level speech by opening stalls now.
It's not, but the Velvet trio could use some more HP.
I remember straight up slugging it out with Marge and winning by a hair's breadth back in the day, but Liz is considerably easier than in P3, to the point where a Lv80 party can 2-turn her without prep.
I think the four elements have one?
what even is erasdmprotontr? I can't find anything on it and I downloaded it just out of curiosity and it never loaded
The version on the git is broken iirc and won't load properly, it's just a game where you live in the SDM and possibly get cucked. In spite of being an NTR game you can turn off the visitor or the girls fucking each other, then it's just mediocre LiG.
even the LiG git is broken
In eraMegaten, do Trust/Affection/Love tags stay on even if you change alignments? Lets say i get a N/N demon to love as N/N, but after getting the tags i change to N/C for whatever reason, will she suddenly not want to suck my cock in the morning because of it?
Alignment doesn't affect already obtained fall states. What it affects is non-training fall state adquisition, where the character requires less loyalty to get to Affection/Trust the more your alignment is closer to theirs, and more if the alignment differs
plz hlp
I think it's just a representation of the japanese language being a pain in the dick to use.

Or something, think of another joke.
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What is Marie's ID? Or better yet, how do you get Character's ID?
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If playing vanilla, do the Demikids questline. You can grab Ares (Lv.30) and Thor (Lv.40) via gambling. Considering that most battle-related endings are doable at lv50 (that's with subpar demons and companions), getting both of them from the start would make the first ~30 days a breeze. The dungeon is unlocked from the start, and it's filled to the brim with weak lv2 demons like Yukinko, so you'll be fairly safe even if you forgot to explore the Kuzunoha dungeon, unlike the death trap that is Echo Building.
If you hate used goods, try to always decline time-sensitive requests unless you're absolutely sure you can finish it in one sitting.
Be careful if you're nearing the time limit, some dungeons (like Tartarus and Amala) needs to be explored multiple times/have requisites before you can actually clear it, so you may actually softlock your progress if you're careless.
Although quite lucrative, training takes a shitton of time, might want to put it aside for your first run.
Like in Marfu--real world, you should always pay your taxe--debt, most endings are locked before you've repaid at least 1 mil yen. You don't really need to buy equips.
Naw, but if you're still in Fall State 1, you should be careful with their [Abnormal Experience]s. Also, might be better to never use Auto-Upgrade altogether due to how it works.
You could always just cram an IF CFLAG:現在位置 == GET_MAP_REPLACEMENT(P202中央広場) && !RAND:2 or something at the top of the IF-ELSE chain, depending on how often you want to trigger it.
Marie's character number is 9122.
All character numbers are in _Rename.csv; hers can be obtained by typing [[キャラ:Marie(P4)]] into the debug console.
If you need her party registration number instead, either open Check Status and look for the No. column or type GETCHARA([[キャラ:Marie(P4)]]) into the debug console.
Aunn, empty? The green dog? Are you sure? She received a massive expansion a year ago or so.
I was playing with an old savefile when I said that and didn't realize she had gotten new dialogue
I see, so everything with a name is in _Rename.csv file.

Thank you.
>You can grab Ares (Lv.30) and Thor (Lv.40) via gambling.
but how
I remember spending two hours in the casino and I wasn't even close to getting them
I was told that a few times when I started and it also took me a wee longer than two hours. I think I had to take a few breaks because it was pretty mind numbing.
I played the poker mini-game and eventually got a Thor, i was confused at first because i kept getting pairs and got nothing in return, turns out they give prices from 3 of a kind upwards, but the real money maker is when you can double your prize
I don't know about Ares but Thor can be your bodyguard for the rest of the game
What does bodyguard even mean?
Well you see anon, a bodyguard is a person who guards you. You could say they are guarding your body, hence the name.
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You are very funny Anon. I'll kill you for last.
It was basically my experience in the early game without knowing anything, i go to a mission i clearly wasn't ready for, get my party killed except for Thor and myself, then win by attrition
On that subject, why isn't there level recommendations for requests and events like there is for dungeons? I feel like sometimes, specially the early game, the game is "Hope your next requests isn't against something 20 lvls over you"
there should be a prompt asking me if I'm sure I want to push a girl down after beating her, I've gotten so many hate marks by accident and then had to restart the whole day because I misclicked
oh hell yeah, we're cooking
it's gonna look positively disgusting when I add more locales, but that's roughly what I was thinking about
You can disable the option entirely in the options menu. Also for some reason hitting rape is less damaging than pressing push down.
Can demons have their alignments changed?
Add a toggle to restore honorifics to all the dialogue, please.
Do it yourself.
Are there any buffs to the crossbow?
Very well, I'll just play japanese versions with sugoi going forward.
Have fun.
Will do. Tsukasa's dialogue is really cute by the way.
tsukasa is a huge shotacon
so am I
as am I
How will sexfox's (You)-dono be translated? Sir (You)?
me too, just saying I wasn't expecting that when going through her dialogue
The games use "Miss", so that or "Mister" should suffice
hey mister
Will Marisa also call me a bitch?
You get an option to keep it weeb or have it be accurate like with the american clown and I think 1-2 other girls.
I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass I'm gonna cum in Tenshi's ass and then make Iku clean my dick
>Hate Mark
Setting Tsukasa to be a virgin
Romancing Tsukasa
Refusing to have sexual intercourse with Tsukasa
Training Tsukasa to have sex using only her ass
She's a lolicon too. Her dialogue for taking the virginity of an ignorant loli MC with an ultra-big cock is especially degenerate.
>*taking the virginity of an ignorant loli MC with her ultra-big cock is especially degenerate.
Anal pregnancy added when
Whenever I bite the dust I do consider giving everyone a cock just to see who has dialogue, but I've never gotten around to it
virgin tsukasa just doesn't seem right, she is the sex fox for a reason
She leads you on until you are ruined and never gives you the ultimate prize. (You) are just too powerful though so she can't resist
It's the fact that you're breaking her very nature that makes it enjoyable.
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A home wrecker too, she's delighted when (You) push her down while in a relationships with someone else.
She also have lines for being thressomed with Megumu.
Truly the "Aren't you tired of being nice?" character .
Which 2hu's can go into heat? Everyone with animal ears + Wriggle or?
what is the pregnancy boost for feeding a blessing dish to a character before sex?
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Sanae when using her pushy type alternative dialogue.
Is that something best experience when living on her home map or does it not matter?
No she will go in heat upon pushing (You) down at Love fall state.
I meant her dialogue in it's entirety rather than just the heat, I probably should have made that clear. I don't know if some characters have map specific lines or not.
some do
I dont know about map specific lines either but living on the home map of a your current love interest is something I recomend.
How do you know whether a skill is physical or magical?
It denotes extreme politeness, so I'd go with Lady/Sir Anon which I don't think anyone else does.
I think there was an option to turn on detailed skill descriptions
Dunno why it isn't on by default
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Decided to move all the era games from the harddrive they were on for some reason to an nvme because the noise of the disc spinning was annoying me. I should have considered the almost 200,000 files that windows never indexed would make the process take half an hour.
The girls don't need to wait warmly for as long now though.
What does (Cheating may be addressed) mean when enabling non-protagonist characters to talk?
If you have Lewd Dungeon events you can ask demons for sex. If you let one of your non-MC characters talk to a Demon they may ask to fuck the character they're speaking to. They've always refused though in my runs
Thought it might be related to that. Just tried and you can have a party member ask for sex, get pregnant, and immediately be mindbroken, so yeah. Party talking can probably be considered incomplete for the purpose of sex events.
Isn't it referring to the fact that you don't need a character to be fallen to have them talk, when the option says "master + fallen"?
Hey that's cheating!
We're at a banquet so there are a lot of witnesses and I'm surprised how many have lines.
I made a new branch on EraAkumaMaid that has a lot more translations on it for a lot of different stuff, making it a lot more human readable; it'll be merged into the main eng-translation branch once it's been combed over. It's a work in progress, but thank you for waiting warmly.
based, keep up the good work
Thanks anon. I'll give it a shot once it's ready.
Any futa/male translated?
If I make a modded demon for eraMegaten, where should I post it?
It's mostly a lot of non-com translation. Who do you want translated? Not that I make any promises.

I'm basically going to be adding to the branch as I go (I typically translate something as I see it while playing), it's up on the main repo at game/Peje-translation at the moment.
Oh good. I gave it a shot yesterday and was a little offput at how a lot of the menus were still untranslated.
Is the Battle Sex EN MOD for Megaten just not ready for actual use? I can't get it to work even once without spitting out errors on a completely fresh save and install.
is [Successor] used for anything beyond sword fusion
equiping and using magic weapons sounds great but I'm not too keen on turning my wives into swords so idk if I'd get much use out of it
It's very buggy, can break the AI, can give your party members hate mark 3 with little recourse, and is probably kind of overpowered since it's a hard lockdown of sorts.
Loved TW and K, give me motivation to try Megaten for the first time.
A shame mamizou doesn't have more dialogue.
BEEG update.
Depend of the demon. Show us the goods, ask advice, we'll give you feedbacks, this sort of things. Then post it on the discord server and they might make it official.

Just Sword Fusion yeah, unfortunately, Sword Fusion isn't exactly good.
It also lets the character use the weapons from Devil May Cry.
Dev here, it was never really finished and uses training mechanic in a way it shouldn't have been used. But it would be good if the errors were posted to track down, people rarely bother to.
what a gamer chair.
>suwako can say sorry for raping the player
what are the conditions
Ran is right about tube foxes.
>Show us the goods, ask advice, we'll give you feedbacks, this sort of things
So, decided to put Amabie from SMTV Vengeance on eraMegaten because there's not much SMTV Vengeance stuff and wanted to start with something simple
>Amabie herself, a Lv 39 Enigma (actually Megami) race Demon
>She can be obtained as a Special Fusion of Apsaras, Mermaid, and Harpy
>Weak to Pierce, Electricity, Dark and Nuclear
>Resistant to Fire, Light, Earth, Wind, and Gravity
>Nulls Ice, Mind, and Nerve
>Absorbs Water
>Affinity for Defense, Support, Healing, and Ice
>Stars out with Mediarama, Bufudyne, and Samarecarm, on level-up learns Mabufudyne, Tetraja, Brave Dance, and her signature skill Good Cheer
>Good Cheer works like in VV, Me Patra + Dekunda
May need to check some things later (and maybe some balance adjustments?) but she should work
I am once again asking for the whereabouts of Clavis and want to know when the eta is for Tsuk.
whereabouts: Gensokyo
ETA: when it's done
have you played any SMT? if not you shouldn't
It's the best old style smt fangame and a fairly solid turn based rpg in it's own right, but at the same time it's overloaded with stuff from every game which can make it very confusing if you don't choose to ignore them.
The training is sort of TW+ but it is almost completely optional if you just want to play the game.
Playing through the tutorial dungeon won't take long and you'll have a very good feel for the base experience by the end.
Did a quick check:
3000 starting willpower is awfully high (I'll get the advice in the character creation guide fixed).
You have "CSTR,専用技1,Good Cheer" in the CSV, which indicates you wanted to use a CSTR skill, but you ended up using a regular numbered skill.

Other than that, everything looks fine.
Thanks for the tips
Yeah I wanted to make Good Cheer unique but accidentally made it a normal skill
I'll fix it up and post it on the discord later
Getting enough submission marks on her after she's raped you, most likely.
That or getting affection fall states after she's raped you. Or perhaps even both.
Is Suwako's """"""""""""""""""""""translation"""""""""""""""""""""""" still just Pedy fanfiction?
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First time I encountered the watermelon slicing mini game
Pretty cute
Sure. Here's the logs.
This one occurs whenever a male NPC is involved in Battle Sex, regardless of whether they are initiating or not. This is the new character I made yesterday.

This one occurs when ejaculating during penetrative Battle Sex as a futa. It doesn't happen to pure females.

This one happens immediately upon entering combat with Battle Sex on for this older character.
And here's the save
I don't know but, for me, it always triggered in these conditions:
She's at yearning.
Got her into the mood during a date and she pushed me down back home.
The dialogue triggers when you meet her again next day.

Maybe you also have to let her do her thing until you pass out?
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If you are in a relationship with Seija, trying to hypnotize her should result in the same response as when you drug her with laced tea
AKA she should comply with you and hypnotize yourself in reverse and give you a good time, maybe use this as a way to gain buffs or be able to train weird stats such exhibition on self which is really hard to train and usually only goes up on specific character interactions
Also not sure if Reisen got expanded some more on hypnotism, but she should basically be the same, except I guess 100% completly dominating you since in comparison to Seija (in her completly pure route) she doesn't go as much lovely-dovely and giving in to you but rather shes way more hard horny
Nice, thanks a lot man.
Please consider translating Cecilia among the first.
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Also if you beat someone at danmaku and push them down it seems theres no checks for whenever you are in a public place or not, so you just engage in sex on the spot regardless if theres other characters around or not, not even secluded spot status
Why is my character unable to get past lvl 10 in eramegaten? What do I need to do to level up past it? I checked my options and I do not have a level cap set.
Did you stopped gaining exp? There's a ring in a early game dungeon that stops the user from gaining exp, its an ingredient for the exp. share of the game
Do you have the Have-Not Ring from the Echo building equipped?
Wait, beating a girl at danmaku lets me rape her for free?
I think its something you have to toggle in mod settings + you need to buy rope
I believe its because I'm in a relationship with Seija I am given the option to push down alongside rape
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Anon... Remind yourself that Touhous are supposed to be cherished...
It's something made by pops, so that should explain some things including why it lets you push someone down in the middle of the street.
Yeah, you can also just do it in public and nobody seems to care (unless they also come into the same area while you're mid-fuck)
Yes, although half the time your character will give up turn one out of social embarrassment
I raped sumireko because she's a bitch.
oh please, as if it's a problem for the girls to push (You) down in the middle of the fucking Village Square
if anything the limit on the player to have high obedience is restrictive enough compared to this
Speaking of, Sumireko is, for some reason, the only character that allows me to choose the option
>"Boldly declare you will get pregnant here and now"
I don't know what gives access to that option but Sumireko is the only one I've ever seen it available on and it absolutely destroys all favor and trust you built on her.
Exactly, I didn't read the description, thanks a lot.
Yuuka, Seija, Hecatia, Tewi, et cetera can rape me and laugh at my attempts to get away, but the player doing it should be an issue?
just win a fight and then push them down, I got it by accident after beating Reimu and accidentally pushing her down, the option still shows up even though she loves me
>just win a fight and then push them down, I got it by accident after beating Reimu and accidentally pushing her down, the option still shows up even though she loves me
No anon, just regularly pushing down Sumireko while she's already Lovers gives me the option to boldly declare it.
I don't know why it's there or how it appeared but it just is there.
I've definitely seen it on other characters but I have no idea what the requirements are.
Pretty sure it's a rape option, like you have to restrain the girl and then tell her you're going in without protection whether she wants it or not.
>you have to restrain the girl and then tell her you're going in without protection whether she wants it or not.
Nope, no it isn't. I've said twice now that the option appears on Sumireko despite being a regular, faithful, trustworthy and wholesome Push Down action.
Push Down after Danmaku still sets the "Loser" flag which is one of the valid triggers for forced impregnation.
As it is never reset and was really only intended for mob characters, the option will continue to be available forever.

So yes, it's basically just rape with extra steps coming from a very shittily implemented feature.
>Pops feature is poorly thought out, causing lingering issues
I can't believe it
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>Push Down after Danmaku still sets the "Loser" flag which is one of the valid triggers for forced impregnation.
I don't remember ever doing that to Sumireko but I can believe that I've done before and just forgot.
HOWEVER, I have 100% done push down after danmaku to Yuuka but the option does not show up to her. I honestly believe there might be another reason.
You haven't used the rape mod's pushdown, as that would definitely set the loser flag irreversibly and enable the forced impregnation option.
You're confusing it with Yuuka's own Danmaku reward system that has nothing to do with the rape mob.
Thanks, I'll try to address these and the Hate Marks.
Sound perfect.
As for Good Cheer, is it strong enough to justify making it a bar? Personally, I don't think so.
I'd say it's a pretty average skill, it's just Me Patra + Dekunda, there's crazier things in this game.
Nah, it's a nice thing to have, but not broken.
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Very nice KMS reference.
>You haven't used the rape mod's pushdown
I have it enabled.
>You're confusing it with Yuuka's own Danmaku reward system
Maybe but the problem is I only ever got something out of Yuuka's Danmaku reward system once I turned that option on.
Besides I didn't get the actual rape thing from Yuuka, it was the play-rape one that you can only get after Lovers. I don't know if the flag for that special play-rape one is the same as the regular mob one but one thing I know for sure is that it is absolutely different than what you would get out of Sumireko because Sumireko has no dialogue for it and loses basically all her trust and favor with you, while Yuuka does not.
Again, I still believe it's something else but I can't prove that to you.
So yeah bro eraclavis is alive. Tsukasa drained his dick so much he started dying from coughs, but he recovered.
>Everything learns Domudi at Lv 70+
>It's a mere 130-Power skill
Who is this everything?
Aka Manah, Satanael, Hachi-Shaku-Sama, Tsukuyomi, Dagda, Tezcatlipoca, Alice, Sekibanki
Everything as in "everything that learns it"
What the fuck are they doing with that skill.
Hachi-Shaku-Sama kinda makes sense since she's all about physical and Domudi is a physical damage skill, but the others are mainly magic users so they have no reason to have a random Dark-element physical Life Drain clone that's strong as a weak-tier spell at levels 60-70
>she's all about physical
Too mad she got no dialogues.
Something something be the change you wanna see in the world
Making Dialogues is almost the same as wishing someone to be slowly cooked alive.
Do you make different saves for different girls in TW?
I'm gonna sex the cow
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Why would I do something that pointless?
If you mean NG+ then yes, if you mean complete fresh saves then I don't have the time to do that much grinding
Tsukasa will gladly homewreck you but how does she respond to you cheating on her?
She loves it
It's something you have to enable, but it's dogshit because they will usually just break out within 3 turns of doing anything to them, then you get a hate mark.
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>Character is a metahuman that can casually walk off being tossed through multiple buildings and can punch so hard that it creates destructive shockwaves
>Isn't even a magical girl so her powers aren't contingent on a transformation and are on 24/7
>Gets held down and gangraped by like 5 normal human males through the power of dick and mild surprise
GvT and hentai logic in general is pretty funny.
The only reason I know that girl on the left is Chin doujins, why the fuck does she cheat on her husband so hard?
...just stop reading doujins where she cheats?
Why are you so retarded you think doujinshi are canon?
It’s the animal ears/features, any youkai with these are huge sluts.
They pretty much are.
It's the only ones where she appears...
All doujins are canon.
They are, retard.
In fact any headcanon about any character's canon for all intents and purposes.
Yikes. You're even more retarded than I thought.
wriggle is a boy
>utsuho gets overpowered and raped by random literalwhos every 5 minutes
K in a nutshell.
They are but only if Yassy wrote them.
Diisuke is the uncontested GOAT.
She used to murder humans for fun. It's obvious that she has switched to murdering them emotionally since Yukari has a huge stick up her ass about wholesale slaughter now.
Next anon will say Wriggle can't become Super Wriggle Nightbug, strongest in Gensokyo, and mindbreak everyone with her futa dick
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Wriggle can't become Super Wriggle Nightbug, strongest in Gensokyo, and mindbreak everyone with her futa dick
it can't be a futa dick since he's a boy dummy
Why is it always futafags, cucks and homo lovers
I'm just baiting since everyone else seems to be
Stop contributing to their shitposting efforts dumbass
Sometimes I just want to be the one getting trained
>Why do people posting bait intentionally choose routes that will rile people up?
Dunno. It's a real mystery. I bet the Legion of Cucks are hiding out in Futa Swamp in their Hall of Homo, wringing their hands and sipping from chalices of bull semen while plotting out the downfall of the good and totally not shitposting-addicted residents of /egg/. Also Pops and Pedy are involved somehow.
I get it man but they could choose to post about different things. Why is there never any loli spam or I dunno, some focus on embarrassing girls or anything else.
Like get some better fetishes already, fuck.
Loliniggers are just as obnoxious as the rest.
If anything I'm glad there's a lack of them here.
I disagree, for there isn't a lack of them they just don't act like retards.
In a single post he went from downplaying NTRfags and discord niggers like Pedy to equating them to loliposters in quality. How curious.
Literally what the fuck is this schizo even saying?
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lolicons??? in my /egg/ thread??? how can that be???
Does Remilla still have that dumb ignorant child dialogue for sex?
He's calling you a retard.
FUCK you.
Wow, Remilia has dialogue for sex?
If you meant Flandre, yeah, but I think there was a guy making dialogue for her a few months back, maybe that got added since.
how dare you badmouth Flandre? Tarako-san will come for you.
At what point are you identified as cheating by a lover? Seen on a date? Seen hugging? Seen having sex?
caught during sex
That seems hard to do without actively trying.
Speaking of futafags, I gave GvT a try as a solo character just to get a feel for it an immediately got captured by the boss tentacle. They then proceeded to turn my character into a futa before letting them escape after 6 turns
How do you check the credits in TW?
Why do only japanese people know how to write a character that's sexy, sexual, and yet not vulgar?
>Why is there never any loli spam
I wouldn't mind more checks and descriptors for body size differences, but honestly theres not much you can do that we don't already have. Dialogue changes would end up kinda cringey and antithesis to characterization anyway, though "ignorant" perk dialogue checks would be cool I guess.
>Want to be raped by Kagerou
>It's not rape if I want it
It's so fucking over...
if you bitch to the law (Reimu) afterwards it still is
i keep seeing that flan's writer quit so is she being worked on or not?
He literally stopped by a few threads ago talking about how he's working on an update, idiot.
Another EraMT update~~ Thank you~~
Can someone break down what contributes to pregnancy chance in TW for me?
I randomly impregnate Suika via a quick shag on a non-dangerous day with no prep 13 points beating 11 needed. I spend a day breeding Marisa on her dangerous day using food and a dozen lovey dovey mating presses 100% filled womb and I'm 200 points short.
>or type GETCHARA([[キャラ:Marie(P4)]]) into the debug console
"Found an illegal substituted(rename) sign [[キャラ:Marie(P4)]] during lexical analysis"
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RNGesus, boy.
Every day each 2hu rolls a number, and sets a maximum number you can reach once you dump enough sperm in her. If you beat that number, you "win" the impregnation, the limit of these numbers is affected by their race, whether it's ovulation time, etc. There will be cases where you can snipe that minimal point requirement on a hourai on a safe day (this happened to me twice basically back to back with Patchouli and Koa) and there will be cases where even if you're using the magic food and thick cum, a human 2hu on dangerous day will still somehow avoid getting pregnant.
Use GETCHARA(9122) instead.
Thanks. I ended up using the Add Slave but it will make things easier in the long run.

which trait is 両刀? i'm trying to do some modding but going insane trying to figure this out.
I figured it'd be something like that, I just didn't want to believe. Thanks.
Whilst I'm asking questions, is there a way to search multiple tags when cooking? And is there a way to check what things like [Enchanted] or [Oni Power] do?
That's Bisexual.
You can check the build your own waifu guide for a list of the talents.
thank you for your wisdom
i had gotten so used to trying to figure out things myself that i didn't even realize that docu had all that
>Whilst I'm asking questions, is there a way to search multiple tags when cooking?
If there is, I haven't found it.

>And is there a way to check what things like [Enchanted] or [Oni Power] do?
If you don't know how to read the game's code, like me, best you get is Doremy giving you a short list of some of the food effects in the tutorial.
can these fuckers stop trying to put stuff in my butt
Stop putting your butt where their stuff is. It's your own fault.
my butt is perfectly out of their way.
Stop letting them take the lead. Push them down and fuck them properly.
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>Wizard Badge gives Invigorate Large
>but it's found in the DDS2 storyline and only if you recruit Jenna
>meaning only one per playthrough and you'll have to play THAT each time for it.
>Debug Mode Activato
Can't you just keep it with the "Keep Inventory" NG+ option?
Uhh, Anon, I think you got a stroke.
but I like switching places sometimes :(
I forgot what NG+ does, but doesn't it let you keep items in future runs?
Anon, reread the post.
>it's found in the DDS2 storyline and only if you recruit Jenna
>meaning only one per playthrough
I'm probably misinterpreting it but isn't it equipment? You usually get to keep equipment after a run is over and you go into the next, meaning you don't have to do it multiple times. Unless your goal was having more than one at the same time which means I completely misunderstood your post
Clearly not, or their stuff wouldn't keep being sucked into it.
Just use shin draupnir or something, it's also once per run but all you have to do is take the normal one from beldr to akasaka's dwarves.
I want Remilia to slurp my anus and fondle my balls while Flandre rides my cock and French kisses me.
Look, you are making it very difficult to NOT insult you there. NG+ has nothing to do with it.
It's an equipment. That you can only get one, per playthrough. Capiche?

The Akasaka Dwaves currently aren't there for whatever reason.
Yeah I'm retarded, I thought the complain was about something completely different. Reading comprehension is a bitch.
It's fine, it happens to me too.
Thank God you understand in the end. Because if there's one thing that is also a bitch is you trying to explain something, only for the guy in front of you NOT understanding it ever, and you losing patience and throwing insults and so breaking any sort friendliness.
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You want to have sex with a 495 years old?
I'd rather have Sakuya as my personal Maid 24H.
she has no right to tease me like this...
Just had my first TW threesome. Probably my biggest disappointment since starting the game.
It is what is is man. Not much can be done about it. I will say that it's a lot more enjoyable if you let them lead.
Ah yes, Margaret, of the Boss Race.

With a skillset like that, that is definitely good, that is definitely what a Pixie should, that she'll definitely keep as a team member.
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>as usual the character come at lvl5
>Her Persona is shit especially compared to the thing she was using.
I hope Orpheus Telos is better.
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>Orpheus Telos is basically Izanagi no Ookami with better resistances
If it's possible to get personas with a bunch of auto-buffs that's kind of nuts, since you can just enter battles with that form active and then immediately switch to something with real combat skills.
I gotchu, but that's not time efficient.
i think kaguya has some threesome lines
Harem sex illegal faggot
You know what, fuck it and fuck me, Is Elizabeth's Pixie special? (does it has a different internal name or something)
How do you trigger the Elizabeth and Margaret fights?
Elizabeth is in Tartarus's basement. You will need to come back multiple times to it to "advance", the "plot" of the basement.
For Margaret, iirc you need to finish the P4 storyline, and then a request will be sent.
There is a setting in the options to disable that mechanic or limit what they can do with it
I haven't done DDS2, what is THAT?
I'm sorry but receiving anilingus is gay and Japan is a disgusting country
THAT is the entire DDS2 storyline.
It is a place where the light of good and fun doesn't shine.
Telos is exactly what you'd expect. Has Boosters + Guard Kills for Fire, Ice, Lightning & Wind, high-end elemental spells, Concentrate, Enduring Soul, Mediarahan, Samarecarm, Spring of Mana + Invigorate (Large), Megidolaon & Prayer. Resists everything but Almighty.

It's a normal Pixie. Same for Lavenza currently.
I see, thanks
>he wouldn't let a woman toss his salad
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Brother, all you have to do is tie her up with a rope.
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Why would you do this
Taking her virginity the normal way already plucked my heartstrings, why would you do this to her!
To punish Sleigh.
What is the difference between BoyLove and Faggotry in in EraRL?
Xaavi, Xavi Xavi Xa-vi-xav
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It's BL and BLaddict apparently.
The translation isn't particularly good I'm finding. A lot of mistakes that make it very clear it wasn't done by an English speaker. Lots of confused sentence structures, wrong grammar, and words used mistakenly like "looser" instead of "loser"
>Throwing one of those on someone face is symbols flame peak of the conversation
Hey anon, those weird twins keep told me to tell you that they have a special request, Their microphone broke and they were wondering if (you) would take its place and give them a white filling afterwards in the NEW THREAD

Legitimately switching to the jp branch because it's easier to read the quest dialogue
In addition to what the other anon said, see the multipliers here:
Is it possible to get a ghost blowjob in this game?
If you mean a blowjob from a ghost then yes, if you mean something specific then you'd need to explain further and say which game
I am going to find you, and I am going tie you up with a rope. I am going to do a sex change surgery on your before taking your newly created inside-out axe wound's virginity, mark my words, buster. I know you live in Alice's spare room, and I've already told Seija about you.
The only 2ho ghost I remember is that butterfly cherryblossom one, is her route in this game any good?

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