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Last >>47790820

Sweet Nothings Into Your Ear Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
First for Jack Frost
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the new thread announcement was too cheeky.
I have seen this before but apparently I forgot about it. Thanks.
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...Do we really need to make charts about impregnation?
They've existed for years now.
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Marisa is a big girl.
That's not what I asked... I mean, do we really need to go that far? Should we sometimes not take a step back to ponder over how far we are taking our autism?
what a fucking baby
Should have tied her up so she couldn't sneak off and drink some of eirin's shady medicine.
Somehow I don't think you're a part of this community.
>do we really need to go that far?
>Should we sometimes not take a step back to ponder over how far we are taking our autism?
Only in regards to aislopping.
It's a mechanic in a game like any other and it's something that can be very specific and difficult to achieve, what are you even trying to say?
I like the robustness of it as a "simulation"
If I could just click a button and make the guya pregnant, it wouldn't be nearly as interesting as having to do extensive planning for it, it's like my devotion is made manifest by the hoops I need to jump through
Like wise it's fucking hilarious when right after that I knock up that slut mokou with no pre-planning by accident
Charts or guides for specific game mechanics that can be opaque to the player and involve rng? Yes.
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If most era games got its mechanics from eratohoA, does anyone know where GvT got its battle mechanics?
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Doesn't stop her dumb useless womb rolling a naturally 1
Does that mean it fails to get pregnant or fails to resist getting pregnant?
Deserved after what you've done to her.
I'm sure you can figure out the chart on your own, ze
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Kek, I'm not >47834861.
Just needed an excuse to repost it.
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She is just a little shy anon.
she's a bit tsun, but a good-hearted tsun.
I genuinely feel compelled now to start adding "~woooo ~woooo" blowjob dialogue to the phantoms and ghosts.
Legitimately when the question was asked I had a similar though
Strmesko works very hard but is also a mystical rat that speaks in riddles. Please be patient
There should be a mechanic where Keine explains all your chances (at the current moment in time) to get someone pregnant. A breakdown of her in front of a chalkboard or something going through stuff like the Scouter where she points out everything that's adding to your ability and everything that's adding to your desired impregnation target's ability to resist it, then gives suggestions on what you might be missing to make it happen/buffs you have yet to apply. Maybe as a hypno event.
I realised how much work he put into it when after playing an hour of the jp branch it dawned on me that half the stuff wasn't a horrible translation or localised references but actually 100% original writing. He sure has a... particular sense of humour.
A for effort I guess.
I couldn't get through it, but I found it admirable in a vague sort of way. Can't help but respect it.
EraMakaiRanch is really good, play it now.
The sprites really help a lot. The mechanics are good.
I tried it, it's translated enough. Didn't understand how the hypnosis works and am still confused by a few things but it's fun. Needs more unique characters, unique events, and touhou characters added in.
Someone mentioned they're cleaning up the translation soon so i'm waiting for that. It was fun for the short bit I played.
Is it a male MC only game?
Nevermind. I'm an idiot. I found the option literally 5 seconds after I made this post.
>It's a normal Pixie. Same for Lavenza currently.
So it's a normal, but modified Pixie? How did they do that? Same with Yoshisune.
>Telos is exactly what you'd expect. Has Boosters + Guard Kills for Fire, Ice, Lightning & Wind, high-end elemental spells, Concentrate, Enduring Soul, Mediarahan, Samarecarm, Spring of Mana + Invigorate (Large), Megidolaon & Prayer. Resists everything but Almighty.
I actually would have expected Telos to "just" resist everything (but Almighty)
I have to admit, it's not a bad skillset at all though, perhaps too full on Magic and no Phys is a negative. But it's still a Persona you can give to everyone, and fully optimize it so they become One/Two Element(s) + Megidolaon + Healing.+ Passives. Perfect Casting
Eirin can give you heavy balls I think she's the better pick for something like this.
>Eirin can give you heavy balls
What the hell are heavy balls.
Balls filled with thick semen
She can also drain your balls with Reisen if you tell Eirin that the doc makes you hard. Trust me it is very fun.
Permanently I hope.

What if you do that while married to Eirin.
I'm gonna try that after impregnating my wife for the third time.
24 hour
fucking gay
Margaret's Yoshitsune has his own csv, 3977, so her recruitment is a normal one via ADD_NEW_COMPANION. For Eliizabeth/Lavenza's Pixie they used DITEMTYPE, as follows:
;set LOCAL to the Persona User you want
LOCAL = (GETCHARA([[キャラ:エリザベス]]))
;find their starter Persona's number
LOCAL:1 = CFLAG:LOCAL:初期ペルソナナンバー
;edit the property you want, e.g.: Level to 50
DITEMTYPE:(LOCAL:1):ペルソナ("LV") = 50

This can also be used to set stats, skills and their learning level, along with resistances IIRC.
I'm not going to lie, I did not understood a single thing.
You're fucking gay.
File deleted.
My hentai history disagree with you.
The general-use Izanagi no Okami is the exact same since they share a stat block in the Velvet Room file; they were good for the time when they were made, and are still solid choices, even if Messiah, Izanagi-no-Okami and Satanael are stronger because of their uniques, skill potentials and skillsets.
why does Yukari have a picture of ran in her boobs? seems gay.
P4 and P4G Izanagi No Ookami was a legit shitty Persona though. Interesting to put in EraMT, but with Atlus and our devs finally giving them things to make them special, there is no reasons to NOT to.
Imho, Telos should be the only one having the honor of getting multiple Boosts and all that, since high personalization is his thing.
It's almost shame that Persona's internal file cannot handle too much skills.
I just looked up your shit and it's netorare, even gayer.
>even gayer.
LOCAL = (GETCHARA([[キャラ:エリザベス]]))
Allows the code to use LOCAL as a substitute for Elizabeth's character identifier

LOCAL:1 = CFLAG:LOCAL:初期ペルソナナンバー
Does the same for her initial Persona, Pixie, only with LOCAL:1 instead.

DITEMTYPE:(Pixie's number):ペルソナ("thing you want to edit") = value you want to give it
Is used to alter whatever you want about a Persona, the rest is taken from the original demon's file.

You have to do this or else the game will give Elizabeth a completely normal Pixie, same as the demons you recruit in a dungeon, as a Persona.
Margaret avoids this issue because her Persona isn't the demon Yoshitsune. He has his own separate file, with different resistances and skills compared to the demon. Most Personas are done like this.
Elizabeth was made as she was because the author didn't want to use up a character number on her Pixie.
... I just want to edit her Persona in the files man.
NTR is only bad if you are a dumb faggot that self inserts as the beta.
If you aren't picturing yourself as the guy doing the cucking then you actually have problems.
Go to CSV\人間\Chara4555_エリザベス.csv and edit the number 501 in line 101 to the number of whatever demon you want as her Persona if you don't want Pixie.
If you do, just go to ERB\RPG\ダンジョンアタック\ダンジョンデータ\DUNGEON70_タルタロス.ERB and copy lines 1813 and 1819-1834; edit them to have whatever stats and skills you want, and:

If you don't have Elizabeth yet, just paste your edits back in and recruit her normally.

If you already have her, go into debug mode via the shortcut in your eramegaten folder, and paste the lines one by one into the debug console or get rid of her and get her again.

Before you ask, this is the easy way.
Okay this SEEMS easy enough. I do want to keep her Pixie, just modifying her as the boss version of it.
Where are the resistances though?

>and copy lines 1813 and 1819-1834
Why so? I think you mean modifying them, right?

>edit them to have whatever stats and skills you want, and:
I don't know about all that but I don't self-insert ever.
I find it turbo cringe. No matter what game I play I always try to make a distinction between the character I'm controlling and myself, unless they absolutely make it a point that the character's supposed to be me the player.
NTR is bad no matter how you look at it.
Seems like this method can't define resistances in post.
Look at Chara501_ピクシー.csv, figure out which resistances you want to change; they're in lines 52-70, edit them directly there.
Get rid of Liz if you have her and get a new one.

Just recruit her again after modifying the skills and stats in DUNGEON70_タルタロス.ERB. Change the resistances in the csv back after you do this or every Pixie going forward is going to have them.
>the guy doing the cucking
You mean the guy that gets hard when another dude is on the corner watching and jacking off? That empty his balls looking directly to the eyes of another man? That's the guy that's not gay?
Calm down Griffith.
But see, I don't want to change the Pixie's resistance itself, I want to change Elizabeth's Pixie's resistance specifically.

>Just recruit her again after modifying the skills and stats in DUNGEON70_タルタロス.ERB. Change the resistances in the csv back after you do this or every Pixie going forward is going to have them.
So that's what you meant. Sorry for the the misunderstanding.
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>NTR is only bad if
Stopped reading there.
Kill yourself
where is kasen's fusion story in the game? I need ibaraki-douji
I suppose it's impossible huh.
only weaklings care about 'gay' and 'not gay'
domination is the only thing that matters
Okay Dio calm down.
I don't care about stuff being gay or not, I fap to femboys. That doesn't change the fact that NTR is an abomination.
Ah, meant for >>47837246
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Can characters use other characters as their persona? (internally)
Never tried it, but it would probably be quite buggy if it worked.
Ah christ, that's too bad. "I want Iz's pixie to have her res from her bossfight" so why not edit that.
I remember how in the Idolmaster storyline, the MC became Futaba Anzu's linked demon, it's purely symbolic though and temporary.
>I remember how in the Idolmaster storyline, the MC became Futaba Anzu's linked demon, it's purely symbolic though and temporary.
That's was simply a bug due to the linked demon not being set properly.
Here I though it was symbolic or something.

Way to kill the kino.
He's russian so that's to be expected
You've apparently consumed far more than I have because I ain't never seen that
Then you have a cheating fetish and not a NTR fetish, the whole point of NRT is that there's a second dude watching the first dude fucking, if you make another dude a central part of your sexual fantasy you're gay, there's no ifs or buts about it, everything else is just cope
You've made that up.
NTR isn't exactly what the anon said, but it is about showing the misery of the person being cucked and how the infidelity might affect them, if you're reading a doujin and it just says "oh the heroine has a husband btw" but you never get to see the guy and how he's affected that's just considered cheating.
Power is what matters.
It's funny, I think fucking someone's wife or girlfriend is hot but I don't want the guy there nor his opinion on any of it. He should exist as a theoretical supplement to the sex with the woman, a concept purely up in the air to raise the unscrupulousness of it. Don't even wanna know how he is or what he looks like.
I guess I just haven't engaged with that content or took notice of that side of it then. I don't feel like a lot of people make that distinction though, like most of the NTR events in Mega don't have stuff like that, nor in K.
Honestly, ideally, he pops in for a single page to show him cheating on his wife too. All morals erased.
that just makes the whole thing even more miserable desu
Dude, you're talking to the cuckfags about how cucking makes you feel bad.
You should be ridiculing them, not engaging in polite discussion.
Let me keep it $10 with you, it's not like NTR is good. There's supposed to be an element of moral degradation. I'm into it for how it makes my penis feel and I'm not interested in moralizing it; I think the only moral situation is the one I described where the two hypothetical partners could reasonably tell each other they're not interested anymore and separate, a scenario where they're "even" so to speak. I hold no delusions about the NTR fetish whatsoever.
i'm going to commit a war crime, what numbers should I use if want to make a characters without fear of it being erased?
In eraMegaten? 9000+ usually
More precisely and safely, should I do something like 9999 or 9989?
If you don't want it to get merged then yeah 9989 is good
I see, thank you.
Time to do a War Crime with Pixie.
If you ever plan on merging your stuff, 9035-9099, 9105-9121 and 9127-9500 are free at the moment. 9500+ is used for English demons.
Ah, this help too.
Can you evolve the velvet room attendants initial personas?
Sadly nope
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What did I do wrong this time?
Youmu being ignorant feels weird.
Sounds entirely in character to me, anon.
Are you trying to give her 9999 Megidolaon?
If so, the correct name is "9999メギドラオン".
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She just doesn't get it.
No way. It worked. Such tiny mistake completely screwed up everything? Thanks!

Also when I edited Pixie, it automatically change everything her resistance instead of waiting for it to be "updated", is it normal?
get her wet you moron
Just realised the solo start for GvT is for easier management, not that it's easier. I don't feel so bad about poor performance now. Still not really sure what I should be doing though.
I did the same with her being wet, she just hates it when you take her virginity while she still doesn't love you.
She says the exact same even if you've got Lover on her, I've tried.
Beginners guide for TouhouTW plz?
Earn money by helping at work -> buy musical instruments -> play everyone's ears off -> go on dates -> drown in child support
use TSP whenever available until capped
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Just make whatever character you want, besides your gender most of the options are meaningless
Then when you get to this screen click this option
It's a sandboxy game, there's no fail state. Your character somehow obtains ability to stop time and becomes a menace to an otherwise perfectly chill and friendly Gensokyo. Or simply befriends everyone and builds a harem net.
Just do whatever you want, but the game rewards autistically repeating the same action over and over to level up your skills (conversations notably have a hard cap that resets after around an hour).
DO pilfer panties. Complete achievements for permanent bonuses. Most girls begin to like skinship at 100 favor.
>there's no fail state.
there is if you piss off reimu with the right settings
Would EraTohoTW be a better game if it had common fail states since you're a man trying to fuck youkai? Of course you could just make it at the beginning where you choose "Outsider" to enable these fail states, since "Villagers" are protected.
It wouldn't no.
Play pop's version retard
It's so poorly implemented that it's hard to even call it a fail state. It's more like randomly losing. I got a warning talisman from a girl taking a meal I was carrying and then disliking the stolen meal. I got another for having sheer nerve, the raw, unmitigated GALL to touch Hecatia's breasts after she forcibly pushed me down.
All jokes aside, Pop's fail states were all pretty soft once you got past the very early game and had any kind of income and some medical skill. Dead girls could be revived easily and you could surgically slap on new limbs or get bionics to fix your permanent injuries. Even if you died yourself and become a ghost, all it took to realive yourself was grinding a bit of dosh and hoping you didn't get dragged into a gang war on your way to Eientei.
I think any kind of failstates in EraTohoTW should be more dependent on who you're facing. Like if you're harassing an oni like Yuugi she might just accidentally kill you if she's not considerate with you due to how strong she is. Reimu shouldn't factor into it.
It's not a joke, go play the dunce version. Your ideas aren't as profound as you imagine them to be.
If it's like K you give ignorant girls a sex talk to remove ignorant, which makes the consent check harder to pass but reduces the amount of fear when deflowering them.
>having sheer nerve, the raw, unmitigated GALL to touch Hecatia's breasts after she forcibly pushed me down.
how fucking dare you? SHE'S the one raping you dipshit, I hope you rot in jail for sexual harassment.
Create a duplicate pixie with alternate stats/resistances and give that to her? You might be able to use pixie.erb instead of pixie.csv, but I don’t know how that works.
My favourite is still getting pushed down and then the girl impaling herself on your dick and getting a hate mark
Honestly I don't get how this isn't bug fixed. It's clearly retarded that a girl would try that and just hate you afterward.
maybe she just hated the experience?
The experience of sitting down on a dick? maybe if she experiences ten times the pain of a normal girl
Women don't have notions of personal responsibility, (You) should have stopped her and you chose not to
genuine good point
What is the current status of Meiling and Kasen's dialog in tw?
Provided the wiki is up to date, Kasen has 7000 lines (untranslated) and meiling has 4000 lines (translated)
Yeah but >>47842995
I thought that changing the Pixie would change the Pixie that are recruited, not the Pixie that was already there.
What is .erb?

Here I thought I could use what >>47837055 >>47837126 >>47837167 safely.
Does the game eventually throw more curve balls at you as you progress or time passes? Played for a few hours and while it was entertaining, it seemed kinda limited with so few unique characters. I was nearing the point where it felt like I was just catching and milking more valuable girls just for the sake of seeing numbers go up.
I mean, that makes sense, but clearly not.

Embedded Ruby, I think. It's part of the code language that era uses. Unless Im wrong, at least. Anyways, if you make Pixie.erb, then fusing a pixie will summon from that erb instead of from the normal Pixie.csv like it would otherwise. It's basically just another way of doing boss correction, though I have no idea if it's relevant in this suggestion.
Good to know, thank you.
Anyone know how good they are?
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They are alright with some interesting ones such as meeting her for the 1st time in her home or how she slowly come to understand that sex can be virtuous for an hermit in the right state of mind.
She also have a few unique lines related to her steadily growing addiction of giving paizuri.
Yeah it's not as lengthy as the bigger erage and some stats and mechanics seem to go up over time, it's rare to lose any of the progress you made.
I like the game not having as many overwhelming mechanics like Megaten, and there still being a lot of unlocks and things to look forward to as the numbers go up. While keeping the complexity down.
The game does graphics well, it communicates info well, it has fun mechanics to unlock over time, the progression feels good, it's pretty relaxed. I'd love to see TW or games in general add in scenes something like MakaiRanch's sprites to have more visual info about each 2hu.
>7000 lines
>0% translated
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what's wrong with this bitch? can't she stand a little correction rape? what a fucking pussy.
I know this game is non-canon but cmon
You didn't rape her hard enough.
Mother Computer is such a bullshit boss
My formative experience with tw is when Byakuren threw a rock at me for playing guitar in public
...Rape is wrong you know...
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Final boss of the Gunvolt iX2 route in eraMegaten
Has a shitton of health, resists literally everything except Almighty and Mind (but is immune to all ailments), and hides behind a clone of herself (and while the clone is alive, Mother Computer herself has all damage received reduced to basically nothing), and if you kill the clone (which changes movesets and weaknesses whenever it wants), it gets revived later, oh and the clone is always casting Debilitate at the end of every turn, and sometimes busts out a move that's Dekunda + two Luster Candies in one
There's challenging bosses and then there's the ones that are just a slog to get through, this one's the latter
How aggravating.
I could just make another Pixie, but taking up a slot needlessly isn't something I want, even for personal use.
A character with a unique Persona with a skill that does 9999 damage no matter what is a good reward for a challenging bonus boss right? No that Elizabeth was actually challenging but hush I'm coping that they are daring to give us such a shitty character.

>I mean, that makes sense, but clearly not.
Story of my life in coding lol.
Oh this stupid bitch where having an optimized team with SHEER HEART ATTACK HAS NO WEAKNESSO, with Joker spamming Sinfull Shell constantly is almost mandatory.
It's as if my brain was blocking the memories! It will always not be funny when it's happening.
And of course, we can't get her. Or any bonus bosses for that matter. Lolo growing up to be THAT kind of ultrapowered babe is insane.

>There's challenging bosses and then there's the ones that are just a slog to get through, this one's the latter
>Braman: Hey kids
>And of course, we can't get her
You can actually, check the Sub-Events after beating the route, she unlocks after obtaining all other bosses (BUT it's the same fight AGAIN, so have fun with that)
Funny because that's the route I'm doing next after beating the SMTI Chaos route
I have a King Frost with Concentrate Atomic Bufula, if it doesn't oneshot Michael/Brahman's Fire phase, it'll at least do ten quintillion damage to them.
>You can actually, check the Sub-Events after beating the route, she unlocks after obtaining all other bosses (BUT it's the same fight AGAIN, so have fun with that)
Since when? Also we can get her, but not Asimov? Da fuck? I hope she's at least as bullshit, but who am I kidding.
I complain, but the Ix storyline is kino.

>Funny because that's the route I'm doing next after beating the SMTI Chaos route
You fool, this hell you are walking into!
Well at least you are ready for that part. Unless you have hundreds of levels.
Don't forget Donum Magici lel
>I hope she's at least as bullshit, but who am I kidding
Haven't leveled her up yet, but she starts with those three skills that hit everyone and are three elements at the same time (Fire/Ice/Electricity, Force/Nuclear/Gravity, and Earth/Water/Wind) and is now nerfed from her boss version in that she's now weak to the physical elements (Slash, Pierce, Strike, Havoc), but keeps all her other resistances/nulls, and can equip guns + ammo like the other iX 2 bosses
>that hit everyone
*Hit a single target, misread it
This sound good, nowhere near the bullshit she was, but good.

>(Fire/Ice/Electricity, Force/Nuclear/Gravity, and Earth/Water/Wind)
Not the Inanna ones that change weaknesses right?

That would be too fun otherwise!
The Scorching Tri- moves, and I'm gonna assume those are the ones Inanna has (haven't unlocked her yet) because they do change Mother's weaknesses after use
She keeps the Dekunda + two Luster Candies move, Tenson Kourin, but it can only be used once per battle
>those are the ones Inanna has (haven't unlocked her yet) because they do change Mother's weaknesses after use
Shite. That's why I never bother with them. Being able to craft them is just rubbing salt.

>She keeps the Dekunda + two Luster Candies move
Ahhh that's good.

>but it can only be used once per battle
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Are the reverse rape events in TW actually real? I haven't been able to trigger a single one
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I'm still mad we can only get Mother but not Roro
Mother IS Roro from the future though. And dayum, robotic puberty hit her like a montains
Next you are gonna ask for Lumen. I'm actually partially surprised we didn't get a GV-element class.
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>robotic puberty hit her like a montains
What robo depression does to an AI.
>Next you are gonna ask for Lumen
Damn! How did you figure that out?
>What robo depression does to an AI.
I mean, Lolo will eventually end up like that probably, so...

>Damn! How did you figure that out?
I am Thou. Thou are I. The time has cum and so I am.
>I mean, Lolo will eventually end up like that probably, so...
Can't believe angel genes even affects robots
Copen is that much of a genius apparently.
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Gonna do it.
Gonna go for Meiling.
She's chinese
I don't want coolness or yahoos.
I want boobah.
china is a big dumbdumb
How do you give characters skills with debug commands?
If you have them turned on they are, try changing the multiplier for their aggression up.
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Ok, the fight with Lavenza seems to be working. Had to abandon the special battle start file the Koreans made, but I think all it did was turn off Hyakutarou and Mr. Surprise for this fight, so I disabled the COMP until Lavenza moves, and she's guaranteed to get a pre-emptive. Said file also had the side-effect of giving you the fight's rewards even if you lost, so that's fixed too.
Phases 1, 3 and 4 are the same as in P5R.
That's a rather peculiar team. Who the heck is Utako.
What's the rewards?
True Sky Break?
>that damage
>bypass resistance
What is that?
Former MC Diva/Idol Expert kept from a previous NG+ cycle. The team was made to maximize damage in order to skip phase 2, since that's even more RNG-prone than critting.
The rewards are 50000 yen, 100 fame and 100 arena fame. That needs to change.

Gotou's secret technique, gained from Pregnancy item in the form of a skill card
>Gotou's secret technique
>gained from Pregnancy item in the form of a skill card
Double what?
Oh that's right, you can get past MCs now! Meaning better Haru.

>The rewards are 50000 yen, 100 fame and 100 arena fame. That needs to change.
Well, yeah.
Seriously seriously.
It pierces resistances if the user is under Charge or Cut-off and has a high crit rate, but has insanely low accuracy.
He'll get it if you do his event with Homura.
And I misremembered it; I think I might've crossbred Gotou with a demon instead in order to extract the skill from their child instead.
>He'll get it if you do his event with Homura.
Homura? What the hell.

>I think I might've crossbred Gotou with a demon instead in order to extract the skill from their child instead.
Somehow that's less weirder.
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It seems that rolling ace out in cee-lo at the mountain foot gambling den breaks the game in TW. I've had this happen every time it gets rolled whether it's dealer or not.
do characters just stop starting penetration when they become too submissive? feels that way for me.
Ace Out is so strong that it destroys gensokyo
Tried Makai Ranch because anon was talking about. Is a relaxing slow burn and I like how, at default settings, features gradually open up to you. The training I'm not particularly into compared to other era games but I am enjoying the end results of number go up.
I also tried eraSQR and I just didn't get it, maybe I'm missing something.
I'll probably give 4X or AS another try as it's been a few years, but not until I finish my current Megaten run.
I'll have a look at it.
new TW release soon? Not sure if I should bother updating from the commit if there's going to be a full release soon
Thanks. Any idea what the status of the ultimate survivor betting bracket is? It says coming soon, but who knows when that it is.
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Made a fix for it.
Until it's merged in, please refrain from playing Cee-lo at the highest available difficulty.
I 'unno. The developer probably just quit, since the last meaningful developments were two years ago. Even the Hardcore Gambling Den difficulty being available was already a change on our side.
No, we decided there wasn't enough new stuff added in the last few JP releases to justify a new one.
Weekly update:

- TW got updated to 4.953. It doesn't add too much, mostly just image updates.
- Added an option to make NPC futas start with 9999 VIG.
- Finally finished Reisen's hypnosis events.
- Parsee, Wriggle, Momoyo, YuugenMagan, and Nemuno got some more stuff.
- A bunch of tweaks and fixes from JPAnon got added. Some characters' work outfits got tweaked, and food requests got adjusted (you can turn them off, and also deliver the requested food to a character's home now).

- Some more of Rinko's dialogue got translated.
- Some more of Nagi's events got translated.
- The Sucker and Chikan events got fixed.
- Amabie (made by an anon) was added.

- eraMakaiRanch got updated to 1.020.
- eraAkumaMaid got a bunch of UI translation.
- eratohoYMAEM got a fix for a bug affecting alignment changes when buying slaves.
>- Finally finished Reisen's hypnosis events.
>- Parsee, Wriggle, Momoyo, YuugenMagan, and Nemuno got some more stuff.

Weeeee (Which Rinko?)
>and food requests got adjusted (you can turn them off, and also deliver the requested food to a character's home now).
>The Sucker and Chikan events got fixed.
It was broken?
Sucker had a menu added that lets you disable the riding sex and toilet of happiness events.
Chikan had some really dumb checks that made it very unlikely to trigger.
The revised check is now mostly dependant on the master's talents.
>toilet of happiness
Pffft. This name.
When's the next anonTW release? should I just download the repo?
Use the updater from the OP
That's more of a hassle, I just wanted to know if it's alright to just download the repo
You just double click the bat every time you want to update my dude, it's way less hassle.
But also they replied before >>47851741
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is this ever going to be fixed? There's multiple characters who detect you regardless of whether or not the game says they detected you
nothing actually happens, the lines may play out the same but the characters aren't affected and your panties don't get confiscated.
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Guess it's time for some more bug and typo reports.
Using the latest commit of ATW for most of them.
They do say she's taking the panties though
does anyone know if Hatate's TW dialogue is geared toward lust routes at all or if it's all love route?
does it say that sort of thing somewhere for every character? it'd be useful to know
she doesn't actually take them, they stay in your inventory
He's saying the dialogue shouldn't be there, that's the issue.
Can't say from experience because I've never pursued the Hat but she does have the second highest high line count of any character so you'll probably find enough stuff in there to your liking
yeah, but so does the sex fox and her love route feels way less interesting than her lewd route
Well same writer for both of em so maybe the focus on routes is the same
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EraMegatenP translation updated to be up to date with japanese repo.
>demons in the comp receive exp
Gay. Defeats the entire point of white album and watchful.
>summon is a free action
Also gay. There were already apps for that.
>software capacity and demon capacity separate
Turbo gay. Use devil chamber if you need to.
>demons don't return to comp when dead
Ultra turbo gay, makes the skills that revive and summon demons from stock completely useless.
>removal of stat bonuses for breeding
Thank god this isn't the main branch. Why are all of P's balance changes so questionable?
Taimanin Rinko
Ah, she doesn't have much dialogues though.
>Back upper has a set cost of 4
Well, that frees up something like 8 points of memory to use. Nice.

How long until these are on the main branch?
I'm not sure what to think of this, but some of them are really good.
I'd stick with the normal version for now though.
I love making babies with my wife.
Why are you such a faggot?
bring back sleigh
Hopefully never. If you want a casualized persona-like experience you can go play P instead.
1 is an obvious anti-tedium change. If you have a party that can farm EXP then you can already level up infinite demons. White Album is an anti-tedium tax.
A lot of major QoL improvements, but did harmonizer need a nerf? Weren't humans bad on average?
It's a change for lazy faggots who can't be assed to interact with the systems the game already provides you, same as most of the changes. I'd say might as well just break out cheat engine if you wanted to cheat, but that's clearly too much effort for the intended audience.
You sound like a faggot.
Yeah paying comp slots to spend 5 minutes sidestepping and spamming autobattle instead of 30 minutes is such an interesting interactive system you retarded pseud.
From a level-headed perspective, 1, 3, 4, and 5 are straight-up good changes.
I want to say Free Skill Inheritance is a good change but it feels like it's really easy to make an OP demon by just choosing whatever skills you want. Same with the Summon command not being once per turn. I don't like COMP demons not returning to Stock tho, makes skills like Dance of Invitation not that worth it.
>NPC futas start with 9999 VIG
who was this made for. I need names.
Demons staying dead is necessary when making summon a free action, otherwise you could just cycle out new demons when they die for ridiculous tempo.
Dead demons staying on the field, I mean.
What's bad about "ridiculous tempo"?
I cannot fathom why someone could consider allowing you to walk around with a full suite of all the best apps at no cost is a good idea. The entire point of the shared app point system is to make it so you have a trade off between demons and apps. Now you can just load up on a ton of stat boosters, ignore taking several apps you might have taken before because they are now rolled into the base feature set, and end up several times as strong as you would normally be. Didn't P remove backupper a while back too? Ten bucks says they remove hyakutaro too in a couple months.
>Free Skill Inheritance
It was a horrible mistake in the series proper, but here I don't think it matters much either way. You could always just purge skills to inherit exactly what you wanted anyway. Not to mention skill cards in general.
I cannot fathom how a person grows up and matures into being such a colossal faggot.
The enemy killing one of your party members is supposed to be a dangerous event where you have to revive or replace them and stabilize the fight, or win quickly. Auto-desummon compared with free actions summons pretty much eliminates that from battles and you can just faceroll shit by throwing a comp full of strong demons at it.
Why is it "supposed" to be a "dangerous event"? That's just your opinion.
Because in no version of eramegaten, P or not, do you get to replace dead party members are a free action. That would be retarded.
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He is right though. How is a character dying not supposed to be a dangerous event?
Why would it be retarded? I play games to have fun. And it seems the developer of P wants to cater to a different audience than you pseudointellectual tryhards. It's a fork. Nobody is forcing you to play the fork.
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Well I'm glad you found a branch that caters to your tastes. Just keep in that branch please. The rest of us enjoy the game not wiping our ass for us.
That's not for me to decide. That's for the developers of P and Megaten to decide. Will you throw a tantrum if they decide to do things differently? I bet you will~
Then make your own form that has both auto desummon and free action summons simultaneously. Thankfully the P maintainer knows better.
Not that anon, but P really does look like vanilla eraMegaten but more casualized
damn dude was off by 1 key, his life is OVER

Do you even need to go about making an entire fork i'm sure you can just swap a line or two
That's a good thing!
It is. He'll never get hired by the zaibatsu for that.
Current eramegaten is casualized compared to old eramegaten. Before you had to manually spam click vibrators now you just save and run a training script.
We must return to tradition.
>That's a good thing!
Eh, kinda mixed about that
eraMegaten starts out hard but gets easier as you unlock stuff and NG+
Casualizing it removes the most tedious aspects but also has the problem of making it boring if it's TOO easy
In your opinion. Just play on a harder difficulty if you want it harder.
>That's a good thing!
The casualization of Megaten is a big reason why I stopped caring about Megaten and Atlus in general, so I'm not so sure of that.
What actually good game has ever used tedium and player annoyance as a valid source of game difficulty? Desert bus?
It sounds like somebody's being pissy the company decided to cater to a different audience. Newsflash, kiddo. Companies have no obligation to make what you want. None of them are your friends.
Digimon World
Never (since it's a different branch that diverged), but in a certain sense, it's now overtaking the main branch with multiple daily commits compared to the main's uploader drying up.
To be honest, I can sorta see some changes being "valid".
Being able to choose what skill you want to inherit isn't that much of a deal, since if you tryhard like a bitch, you won't even care about it and will just use Skill Cards by the end, on your endgame demons.
Demons not going back to the COMP after dying is 50/50, while it's one of the difference between Demon characters and Human characters, it's also a colossal pain in the ass having to ressumon a demon, or rezing then ressumoning it midfight. Will it be the same for demons?
It being an instantenous action could be interesting.
Rip rez and summon skill tho.

1-Demons receiving experience won't change my own experience much.
3-They didn't already have that?
4- Ooookay?
5- It wouldn't be on my list of things, but well, I guess management
6 and 7 I've already talked about.

The second list, I... have no idea what to think of it.

Third list
1- I don't get it. I thought it was the point of human characters, being weaker, but being able to equip and relatively free when it comes to personalization?
2- Option for what?
3- Why not? Sounds like a good thing.
4- Pooey, nerfed? Laaaame. I also question the utility of not only nerfing it, but also, putting a new software. Since apparently, human character even with the EXTRA are still weaker than demons.
5-...Sure why not.
6- Fair.
7- Fair too.
8- I have no idea what this is.
9- What the hell is boycott.

Fourth list
No comment.

Fifth list
1- Interesting.
2- Eeeeh... I dunno what to think.
3- Okay, what options?
4- Good I guess.
Nta but I'm kinda fine with what we have as the current EraMegaten meta. If it was similar to modern SMT that would be boring.
Imagine the fucking skills.
>Stonk Elemental Attack.
>Big Boost
>Enduring Souls
>Cover Weakness
>Cover other Weakness
>Item use
>Enduring Soul
Silly anon, item use is part of demon's default kit now not a skill. That slot goes to either fuck physical or fuck status effects.
I'm talking about as if we were talking about EraMegaten, but, yeah.

>fuck status effects.
EraMT actually have two skills for that, but since it's two skills and you can just be immune to the elements, it's not the best use of slots.
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>I like spending hours on bad UI and pointless grinding
sure, go back to the 90s oji-san
Go back please.
Suck my cock, faggot.
Every jrpg has been made better by having party members who are sidelined still receiving exp, so that change I'm happy for. For the rest as of now I don't really care but I'll give it a go and see how it feels.
Was that added to the latest version of metagen?
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Try not being French.
Actual help, please.
what's more helpful than not being french?
An answer to the fucking question. Faggot.
Try doing what it says at the bottom of your screenshot, and then try not being French.
So, save the savefiles, erase everything, and then run the updater? Got it.
How are the other Era games other than the big three?
I believe it's Fagot to you.
>ERROR: id_ed25519_era file not found
>please re-extract the updater.
And then
>Portable Git not found.
>please re-extract the updater
So I'll have to download the Git at github when I don't have an account to this shit, woopie fucking do.
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Fait ce que >>47857404 dit.
Ça m'etait arrivé aussi il y'a un bail.
I dunno what's more vexing, that you have a better french than most people, including animes, or that you didn't see >>47857826
Use a temp email, tempmail.plus is the one in the 8ch thread OP so I assume it works fine.
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Ouais, je suis sur mon phone donc j'avais pas vu la réponse quand j'ecrivait.
Mais même, faire un compte sur sapphire c'est rapide.
I'm personally in-love with GvT
This is way too complicated for a simple game.
If I play Era or this kind of game, this is precisely to NOT deal with this kind of shit.
>prepare a tempmail.plus
>I need to make a sapphire account to make a git account
Yeah at this point the Git should be on the thread too. Or the wiki..

Stop talking french, this is killing me how good you actually are.
You could kill the entire fate fandom typing like that. Le Grondement du Haine. Fucking Le Grondement du fucking Haine
Or a lot of anime communities. That'd be karmic justice.
What is GvT? Sell it to me.
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Let's not exagerate anything when I see the typo I made with "j'ecrivait" instead of j'écrivais".
I stand my point about making a sapphire account if only to get the other eragame that aren't included with the auto-updater, like akumaid or YMAEM.
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Meiling's special event where she fucks you doesn't take into consideration virginity or any other sex experience such as creampie
Additionally the reasoning of such event to start is that she's sexually frustrated, but after the event her sexual frustration was still 71%
She's rubbing your dick with her pussy, not inserting it. That's why you cum on your belly and she is getting C not V pleasure.
gomen... i've re-read it and that seems the case...
I guess I speed-read through it....
Though in my defense I'll say that 99.9999% of times that a girl sits on top of you its to fuck you, plus the use of "rape" kinda makes it shift towards the insertion route....
Typos are typos. It's normal to make them, no matter what people are saying.
And yeah fine, account, but I'm not making accounts if it's only for one or two things. My brain and heart are too fragile for that. I'm already getting stressed as shit when it comes to do my taxes once every assholes of the moon, it's to add more to it.

>akumaid or YMAEM
Are they good?
What would have happend if you had more experience?
It is ambiguous if not leaning towards implying penetration I agree.
Akumaid is a good game with 90% sex and a bit of interaction on the side, mostly vanilla with no hate mark at all.
YMAEM is a ok game going 100% training on the 2hu in order to sell them and reach a set amount of money in a limited time.
>download the whole fucking thing on git
>no Portable Git found
>take the Portable Git from the old file
>another error id_something not found
Oh My Fucking God. Simple, my fucking ass.

Akumaid seems to be my jam.
It's the magical girl era game and a pretty good tentacle fighting era game too
What happens in it?
Still doesn't work. Still have the same error as >>47856877
Fuck. My. Ass.
With or without lube?
I just tried it and did what I did previously to start a new installation and it's also having an error. Something is broken.
According to server code monkeys, ssh is having issues.
If i want to impregnate Remi in TW do i have to use ovulation drugs or is there another way?
I just did it the normal way, keep loving and fucking.
All you have to do is induce her first ovulation by fucking her vampire cunt and feeding her undead kiddie womb with hunk spunk until the baby batter revives her eggs.
With lubes. We're not in a hentai. And I have hemorrhoids.

I know I'm not the only victim there, but did no one tried during the hours I asked or what?
People have other things to be doing
I just git pull'ed
just tried, >>47859140 seems to be right as I can't even update my folders, nevermind download another copy
Thanks man.
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Hello my French friend, I will tell you the ultimate way to download and play era games.
1. Make a sapphire account.
2. Download the zip file.
3. Unzip the zip and paste your save folder if you have it.
4. Viva Le France.
Read above, he already did that.
Updater is working now on my machine
Can confirm.
Just download straight from the repo
Why would I when the updater is working
You doing it on purpose don't you?
You need to put in a way he'll understand, dum dum
1. Make ze sapphire account
2. Download ze zip file
3. Unzip ze zip file and paste your save folder if you have it
4. Viva Le France
Petite chienne.
>Are they good?
I enjoyed what I saw from both.
YMAEM is a solid slave training game that is played straight. One of the perks is that it allows you to be especially brutal in your training methods.
AkumaMaid is probably the least "game" out of all the era games I've tried, but I still like it from a fap material standpoint. All you do in it is have sex and engage in some dating sim lite stuff.
im new to all this, is it normal to spend 30 mins in tohotw setting it all up and then moonrunes still showing up this early ingame, like in introductions?
You need to set up sugoi if you haven't already to enjoy untranslated characters

Falling that just pursue translated characters, if you click on characters from the "abilities" tab at the start of day you can see the status of their dialogue, look for translated or English OC here

Also if you really want to know what the moon runes are saying without bothering with sugoi you can just open clipboard from the file option at the top left of the window, and then just copy the text into deep L or whatever
hello guys i got linked here
please be nice :^)
haha sorry first time crossposting sorry cant help it i got the /v/ brainrot
Seems like the level of discourse I'd expect on v
I kinda want to make a text based game but I've got no idea where to start, besides not using era's setup cause it looks horrid.
Most would use various html engines these days because they require very little know how
Every Twine game is open source just due to the nature of how Twine works. Nothing stopping you from learning from just looking at what DoL did things for example.
See I don't know where to start either, but honestly looking at the games we have you can kind of see which just start completely arbitrarily and otherwise build off the example era game.
Text based games with any measure of complexity tend to evolve into a clusterfuck regardless of the engine. It's just a matter of picking your favorite. To be quite frank, you are probably better off making a pseudo text based game in a more polished game engine than a true text based game.
Me too, but I'm a codelet so it'll never happen.
That's why RPGmaker continues to be commonly used for games that aren't necessarily what it was designed for. It can host a "text based" game just fine and is fairly easy to make one in. Although it's not as ideal as something like ren'py, or twine, or whatever else for that sort of game it still gives you the option to use the rest of it's toolset if you want to do something more with it.
Do we know when the thing it is that which?
This is not the thread for which you should be engaging in epistemology friend.
Sorry, I was asking for status updates on interesting features.
Is every other game just abandoned?
I did a quick look and it looks like eraMegaten doesn't have FGO Kiyohime. That seems strange considering I thought she was quite popular.
Kiyohime has a KOJO that's a blatant reference to FGO's. So she's technically in via that.
It has normal Kiyohime.
You create and manage a team of magical girls in their daily lives and in battle with tentacles
I find it more weird we don't have more Fate in the first place, with everything being a bit awkwardly clumbed together.

That's it? What is the salt of it? The sexo?
The gameplay while not megaten-level good is pretty fun, that and seeing pure magical girls turned into tentacle seedbeds is cool too
They have been slowly tossing more and more servants into that newer servant fusion event, but it's really just a matter of who someone wants to make than anything.
They should be my seebeds instead!
No but seriously, you are doing a bad job at selling it to me.

Tbh I don't see the point, even at full power, I don't find them fun to use, nor are they the meta, their skills are pretty mehish, so it's a killer boner to me. Also, they have a NP bar because.
And they don't have Unique Dialogues.
>No but seriously, you are doing a bad job at selling it to me.
Honestly it's kinda hard to sell it if you're not that interested in the idea of corrupting magical girls. Doesn't help that the game is pretty barebones outside of that specific fetish.
But I like tentacles. I like corruption. I like-okay not exactly like, it's just some of them that I like, like Meguca, Negima, Symphogear and Sailor Moon and I think that's it.

>Doesn't help that the game is pretty barebones
Ah I see. That's problematic.
>Ah I see. That's problematic.
Yeah that's the reality you have to accept for games outside the big three
'm sad now.
You miss the point of era, characters have innate value by who they are (waifus to). There is no attempt to make or chase any sort of meta, just anons making waifus for waifu game.
I both disagree and agree with you. How odd.
But going throught that amount of length to get them, then power them is just a nuisance. And then they aren't worth it.
It's just no fun or good.
Anon, Sanae is so happy that you married her, but Suwako and Kanako are getting a little impatient since you promised to impregnate her and give them an grandchild already. The contract said that if you don't impregnate her within a few months you'll be forced to impregnate them all in the NEW THREAD

I have a feeling that Kanako would actually be trying to prevent you from impregnating Sanae for now just so she can have some action herself.
>"I have a secret to tell you Kanako"
I prefer you to Sanae
How can I change it so the random gen girls in EraGvT start off as virgins and such? Been going through the files and I've found about everything but the random gen girl info. Started off looking in there thinking I could insert some google translated names in there so I didn't need to alter them every time, but found the thousands upon thousands of untranslated names in there, lol.
Update: wasted a whole day playing this wtf why is it this addictive
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Have fun and dont lose yourself too deeply in this fantasy.
A dream must stay a dream.

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