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Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>47788583
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Why are you studying Japanese?
>download vn because the art looks really cool
>futa in the first h-scene
rondo duo
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nvm reddit likes it
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>rondo duo
>the art looks really cool
the art looks like shit. it's the animation that's great.

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how do i get a japanese boyfriend like this?
if only there were hentai on catalog.mokuro.moe
I think I might be too retarded to learn Japanese
No matter how often I try to memorize kanji I can't do it.
Go on without me.
read more dude
you can install mokuro and run it against hentai locally
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i tried to run mokuro locally a year or two ago and ran into annoying errors but i've thought about trying it again. but downloading hentai is gay.
Just delete it after? Its the same as loading it into your browser disk cache and that deleting sometime later.
it's not the same
i walked by a restaurant a while ago that said ピッツァ on one of the signs and was immediately struck by how close it is to the english pronunciation, and i've been sad ever since at what was chosen for the word everyone actually uses when there was such a perfect alternative
what do i do if i want to watch airing anime and kitsunekko only has 2 episodes
use english subtitles to make them comprehensible of course
How do I immerse more other than simply watching more anime and forcing myself to read more light novels
read visual novels, manga, 18+ wns, play doujin games and watch vtubers
boring, stale, cliched

>girls being so hopelessly horny they play along with the 催眠
crazy how one little twist can make something interesting again

anyway back to immersion
i read nothing but vanilla with virgin heroines, how am i supposed to know what to say when i'm raping whores with the boys in a tokyo slum??
hypnosis that induces lust later down the line is hotter than someone faking hypnosis because they're already horny.

netorare is hotter than both of course. especially if it's a fat bastard.
I guess
But I’m dumb and wanna track everything and have daily quotas

I guess I should just stop worrying about the literal number and simply make like everything in my Japanese (to a degree)
just hit 500 vocab, was planning on mining my first VN at 1k, but I may just finish Kaishi
honestly frustrating that the fake me is being mean to anons
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his mission is working tho, u got filtered by like 40 ppl
is that his goal? still downright creepy the amount he has posted
Okay watching anime and not being able to understand just about anything other than keywords and retroactively guessing the meaning of a sentence is just getting fucking annoying at this point
When the fuck will my brain process information at real time
I’m just hearing noises it’s been months of this shit but my brain cannot process the words
put jsubs on when you get tired of it and off when youre feeling ambitious
I’m always using subs
then sometimes dont
listen to a podcast while you walk or game or whatever
Okay I have and don’t understand it so I just tune it out or close it
Passive listening is pointless
relisten to the same podcast many times over weeks
When I click "Show answer" in Anki, it's showing the backs of the wrong cards. Is there a fix for this?
but was she elegant pure and calm before?
>Old version cuts the audio off prematurely
>New version can't keep cards consistent
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you didn't try to memorize "memorize" but you still recognize it at a glance and know what it means
you know what that means, right?
Advice from a guy who had the bright idea to study Chinese to get an advantage in Japanese: You can break down each kanji using the logic of Chinese radicals and memorize them that way, but learning the name of a given kanji or radical will make learning Japanese more difficult.
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dw anon i am also retarded, i just grind the retardation away.
600 cards in a day? tf..
100 reviews
20 new cards
failed new cards about 10 million times,
failed many of the reviews :)
mnemonic for 合格する = goukakusuru?
I feel like from month 5-6 I just haven’t made progress
It all just feels the same
Even on a basis of comparing month 4 to 6 really
Listening is just as hard
Reading is easy but gotta hover for so many unknown words so…
Nothing I mine tends to stick
Just stuck in limbo, I wanna skip ahead 2 years from now
I came up with the idea of a family which always starts their heirs name with 骨 and tried to crank out as many real sounding male names as I could with it.
How'd I do?
骨之命 Honenomikoto
骨之寧 Honenonei
骨之昭 Honenoshou
骨之元 Honenogen
骨之平 Honenobei
骨武 Honetake
骨経 Honetatsu
骨明 Honemei
骨治 Honeji
骨綱 Honetsune
骨恒 Honetsuna
骨時 Honetoki
骨盈 Honemitsu
骨本 Honemoto
骨国 Honekuni
骨茂 Honeshige
骨仁 Honehito
骨正 Honemasa
骨文 Honefumi
骨隙 Honezuki
骨至 Honeyuki
骨月 Honegetsu
骨左衛門 Honezaemon
骨一 Honeichi
骨一廊 Honeichiro
骨之助 Honenosuke
骨丸 Honemaru
骨寿郎 Honejurou
骨次郎 Honejiro
骨太郎 Honetarou
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Dug up this old piece of software, "Wakan". Seems pretty nifty to have. They have a feature where you can narrow down kanji searches to only the ones on your clipboard. It's fancy.
Another productive day of not immersing
why not just immerse
nta but I also want to immerse but just can’t
Not sleeping for 5 hours but just can’t hit play
The video player is open in my face as I type this but I can’t hit play
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sounds like japanese isnt for you
What type of faggot shit is this are you trying to doomer reverse psychology me fuck off
Because I'm a retard and have to force myself to do fun things, or I won't do them
what....the fuck Japan?
AI voice
nta but ai can do that btw
can AI become my virtual gf yet tho
cant wait for the day all the ai fags are in their goon pleasure cubes so we can finally talk about something else
2 more years. 2026 at most
There is just nothing fun about having to pause to mine words every 10 seconds
Maybe reading is the key at least mining there isn’t as bad an interruption
But VNs and LNs are boring as shit
nobody is forcing you to learn japanese
Duolingo says 15 mins/day of studying Japanese is Intense.
Finally I feel like I'm going to make it!
So I can make bad puns.
My own desire is? Are you trying to be a pseud or something lmao
but you dont enjoy the process?
YOU... gay? :O
too robotic, try again in 5 years
post one thats better
i don't know japanese, and lil j and qm are offline...
why do you need your buddies who also dont know japanese
拍の取り方はさておき完全に意味は通るけどね :3
now put ur trip back on, coward
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What words did you learn today?

I learned
1. おじいさん
2. おばあさん
3. 立つ
4. 一番
5. 嫌い
6. いつも
7. 始める

I’m two weeks into my Anki deck so I’m still new of course.
dont put on a signature lol
i stopped learning new words a while ago
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why is there yet another person trying to clone my voice and make me look bad? at least use a trip that isnt brand new if youre gonna do it otherwise its too obvious you arent me lol
this, so much this
unko? more like un coglione ahahahahahaha
こっちはdekunai方かな lol
epic fail
sure bud sure
lmao funny seeing bunko talking to himself yet again
all that expired manko finally made unko go crazy huh
I think the tediousness of typing is one of the factors that keep Japanese people away from English, sirankedo :3
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i think the tediousness of reading your shitty english keeps me from caring about what you have to say
Yukiti! :O

you do that regardless
stop spreading hate bro or at least man up and do it in your own name
I KNEW IT!!!!!!! >:3
When something clicks of course it’s satisfying when that word you’ve read 10 times so far this chapter just becomes second nature to read it’s fun
But having to do this 10,000+ times to fill out your vocabulary isn’t always enjoyable
all i do is give advice and offer my unbiased opinion
youre just a pathetic fake using a trip ive never used once in my life
legit how do you feel calling me pathetic for being a fake when you are the fake
we literally both know the truth its impossible not to unless you are seriously deluded
DJTにおいてはdekirooこそがjustice! ( ー`дー´)キリッ
how am i the fake when youre literally the one with the fake trip?
it must wear at you a little
banned from /int/ so came here
who's voice are you recording? lol
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多目的トイレ dame! Xc
i want to see what happened next
we dont want you
Does anyone know what this guy is saying at 22 seconds?
So what exactly is passive listening supposed to do
It’s just noise without subtitles
You don’t have any feedback if what you’re interpreting is even right and most of the time you are gathering 0 meaning from what’s being said whatsoever
Talking in terms of audio books
it gets you used to how japanese sounds and if you keep going eventually you do start gathering meaning
in the grand scheme of things the period where you dont is very short
I do know how Japanese sounds I’ve been listening to it for years
I don’t know the words I’m hearing
what i did was i would listen to podcasts while walking or gaming watch some subbed content and do some reading
then over months i would listen to the same episodes of the podcasts over an over again (several dozen different ones but still) and eventually i would recognize more and more
ignore the retard pretending to be me
you dont get anything from passive listening
its something that matt and co started pushing to trick people into thinking learning the language was easy
the only real way to learn is comprehensible input where youre able to look up the individual words
wheres your vocaroo
surely you can sound better than an ai clone of your voice or whatever
>surely you can sound better than an ai clone of your voice
do you even hear how stupid you sound right now?
i thought your whole point was that all of the new vocaroos posted have been faked by ai
um no lol
ok so where is your vocaroo
not giving your ai more training data
so what was >>47803670
sounds like a mouthbreather struggling to read off a prepared sentence or a really bad ai lol
Never mind, I figured it out. It was 待ってました!
You guys are useless and don't know Japanese.
its really easy to call something bad when you have no skin in the game
ive posted hundreds of vocaroos on here faggot
find one in the archive and post it here
think everybody would realise that the voice is the same
ive got a better idea
why dont you try posting with a trip ive actually used before
im waiting
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i bet its this guy lol
or mlen idk
looks like a 偽旗作戦
no but really we both know the truth
you pretend to be me for several hours of your life every single day and its close to a month now of this
this is getting obsessive nigga
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which kanji set should i learn to handwrite now that ive mastered the joyo?
mastered jack shit
I used to get at least 2 hours of immersion in every day both listening and reading
Now I’m doing no reading and maybe 1 anime episode
It’s just so over
some people arent really cut out for this hobby


Nah I wanna learn the language just as much as when I started
not poorfags like you anways lol
Eroge, literally just for that.
>"Really, just for porn?"
And you learnt english just to use it to shitpost all day motherfucker.
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マジレスすると今ヤバいのは冬眠前の熊(* ̄(エ) ̄*)
I wish I could immerse but work exists




Is this deck a good companion for Tae Kim guide or should I just stick to a vocab one?
stick to the vocab one
youll be making your own cards soon enough and then you wont need to look for premades after that
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今からここはDaily Jogging Threadになりました!(   ・ิ  ω  ・ิ   )
むしろdaily juststfu threadになってるな
Ankidrone or Core?
duolingo is all u need
if you hate learning yes
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「Randal Cycle」とかなんとか
stfu duolingo is a good tool
literally me ;3
dildolingo is a good dilation tool you mean
its a good tool to get your feet wet with a new language
thats what premades and grammar guides are for
>left hand mouse
mental illness on top of disability (wronghandedness)
That's so he can jerk off and play at the same time
havent jerked with my right hand in like a decade
this convos a little キモ
kys fake we all know it
shouldnt you be using your fake trip right about now?
tfw no irl goon bro to watch anime with
can visions of mana be texthooked?
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can always do picrel lmfao
just heard this and i knew what the su was
would've been perfect if it was the chinese version
so ;3
does this mean "even when assuming that..."
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gee i dont know
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としてもッ! >:3
>trying to light people on fire using flint stones is considered a sign of good luck
I'm slowly memorizing kanji, but i dont know if i'm doing it right. I'm just memorizing what the kanji are, not the words they create when combined with other kanji.
I know an easy one 下 is "below"
But i have not memorized 地下鉄 as "subway".
I also have little clue on how to pronouce these words im not memorizing. Reading is good enough isn't it?
I've been studying wrong for the past month havent i?
yup youre on the path to quitting in a few months
both are yoku + emphasis but both mean something different
there's so much of this bullshit in japanese where you have two words that mean the same but one is usually used in one context and the other in used in another context more
>wahhh contronyms arent fair
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those aren't contronyms loool
i take this as your concession
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I think I might have found a way to accelerate learning a little for people that like reading:
>Download pdf file of book you are reading
>Open chatgpt
>Upload text into chatgpt
>Ask it to make comprehension questions based on the book
you are a drooling retard
please be nice if you want to pretend to be me
if you spread hate stand behind it on your own and dont be a weak pussy ass bitch ass nigga like you have been these past few weeks of dozens of posts pretending to be me daily lmfao at your life
new trip bunko?
i think its pretty obvious you arent me given the fake trip you had to create
do you have a right trip? :3
Awesome! How do i change/fix this?
>inb4 you will never learn japanese
>reinforced learning is le bad
niggas just read and stfu
try actually learning how to read
you arent reinforcing shit
how bad is your japanese that you cant even follow the basic premise of a story? are you just guessing at half the words you come across?
^knows jack shit
theres a fake guy trying to clone my voice
just look my name up in the archive
ok but that trip is not secure bro
>try actually learning how to read
I might not have enough space in my book for writing down all the words a character can make.
there would already be plenty to sample
no excuse why you cant make one other than the fact that you are not me
Holy shit, I can't imagine how bad your grades were in school. Judging by your inability to punctuate in English at all, I'm going to assume you could have used some reinforcement.
>are you just guessing at half the words you come across?
Bro, this isn't for someone that has been learning for years, this is stuff that beginners could be using to help their understanding. The fact that you couldn't even comprehend this is proof that you are subhuman.
who told you to do that?
no reason for you to make a fake trip pretending to be me yet here we are
i could write with proper punctuation if i felt like it but i dont so fuck off
> > >
i still don't get why japanese girls emphasize their menokumas
it looks absolutely disgusting
because their faces have no depth
theyre all flat like a pancake
but you make posts i clearly never would
did i slight you in the past or what? or are you just that bored
ur both shitty posters
i make posts you never would because youre terrible at impersonating me lol
やはり反日が目的なのか… >:[
we both know the truth anon
like legit your life must be extremely sad and i unironically feel bad for you
clearly not if youre still pretending to be me
>i could write with proper punctuation if i felt like it but i dont so fuck off
Spoken like a true retard
>I-if I could be bothered I would be good, but I'm never bothered so I can never be good
Then again, wasting your time trying to antagonise people on an anonymous basket-weaving forum, people that are used to antoganosing and being antagonised, isn't something an intelligent person would choose to waste their time doing.
im sorry bunko i legit have no idea who is the real one anymore
same, imagine not having a years old trip just in case
i havent antagonized anyone you cant even spell the word
i really just never thought anybody would seriously try to pretend to be me
like sure its happened many times but usually never more than a few days in a row
stop impersonating me, both of you
who are you anyway? why do you want to be me?
i dont punctuate my sentences
>bunkek talking to himself again
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The nerve of this fag.
this isn't a word
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it is a word in the 平たい顔族 :-[
more proof you arent me
顔族 isn't a word but (平たい顔)族 is a valid phrase
ウチらが平たい顔族ならおみゃーら鼻摘みたい族や! :^)
stop spamming broken moonrunes
sorry for my rudeness... :(
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How do you cope, my fellow squiggly line bros?
The particle に can mean "for" and "by"?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!
I'm done trying to learn this
why did you translate it, it will only fuck up your progress
no it can only mean に
for when stating a purpose or intent
by when indicating a passive agent
its really not that hard
Eroge would be good for immersion but I don’t really like sex
Are there any good no penetration or maybe futa eroge
how about you stop being a total degenerate
check out >>47802589
why not just do low sexual content https://vndb.org/g236?f=&fil=&l=&m=0&s=26w
or either low of none https://vndb.org/v?q=&ch=&f=1280PW80PX&s=26w
wait i meant to sort by rating not by popularity
how is jack jeane so highly rated?
is さされる one of those things you're not supposed to do gramatically but people will do regardless
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ive started to like otome games ever since my wife wanted me to play piofiore with her
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I am a dekiru
I’m not a dekinai
Does anyone remember that guy on YouTube who would be teaching Japanese while drinking beer and calling the viewers bitches every thirty seconds?
Yes Nama Sensei
these are all extremely easy whats the problem here?
Thank you.
He's what they call a 'dekinai'
I feel like after hitting like 3,000 words “learned” in anki even becoming familiar with any new ones is impossible
Even the most common On readings I don’t remember
I dont even know what On reading means I just learn words
same same
I gotta immerse more
2 hours a day minimum while striving for more
Ahhhh I’m retarded

you cannot make friends in japan
I cannot make friends
i want to have sex in japan
I don’t want friends or to have sex
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nice! please feel welcome here
tip for newbies: filter all name- and tripfags, no stubs
this is basically the only thread on all of 4chan where their breed still exists
I wanna start doing AJATT I think
Just remove the option of doing (most) things in English
I either do it in Japanese or not at all
But I think this would just cause me to laze around jerking off all day to skip immersion
as a teenager i did All English All The Time and it was great, but as an adult i
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Okay honestly I think my issue may be Full Metal Panic not that I’m super super terrible at hearing Japanese
Lots of super long sentences with many including military lingo
Then I watch Fumoffu and enjoy the hell out of it cause I can understand it way better
Then second raid is back to difficulty
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fucking psycho bitch i hope she dies by the end of the series
Im close to a 365day streak in anki, feeling pretty shitty the last month as ive been extremely busy and a lot has changed so my immersion time went to shit and ive been feeling it, i need to do something to get back into the swing of things and up my level, prior to this i always quit between 1 and 3 months but i will fucking make it this time.
but she's kawaii...
isekai bus took her to a better place
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i cant watch anime for more than 10 min
my attention span is so fucked nowadays I can't even finish 50 reviews with a whole day free
my intention span is so fucked i cant even watch a 5 minute video on youtube
i can focus for hours at work i just cant watch videos
i start feeling physically sick after 3-4 episodes of anime desu
八十亀ちゃんなら3本観れるで! :3
The hardest thing for me is the grammar. Kanji isn't that difficult but my retarded brain can't remember て form bullshit. And I'm taking the JLPT this December. I'm fucked lol.
>my retarded brain can't remember て form bullshit
>can't remember te-form
that means you can't remember ta-form either. that's a problem. get it together man it's not that hard.
with eng sub :D
you don't need to worry about te-form production for jlpt, or are you failing the comprehension part?
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i see
て form is fucking easy
te form more like gay form
そんなことないって大丈夫だって! ;3
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unko, please help this lady out
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what's your favorite japanese food that you can cook at home? i like omurice and karerice
only lazy bitch use duolingo
but she's best girl
become my waifu :3
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I don't eat japanese food
I wanna go home and immerse and start a habit of immersing more but I know when I get home I’ll be tired
immerse before leaving home then
I'm never watching a vtuber for immersion ever again
This bitch has spent the last hour just repeating the same 3 stock phrases
I'm slowly coming around to these language tandem apps, I've never gotten that many compliments for my looks before.
language learning has changed a lot since i was a teenager. back then we learned using paper dictionaries, nowadays you can have artificial intelligence make professional translations and aid you in learning. wow!
watch collabs
Wake up earlier just to play video games and immerse???
Hey that makes sense since I’ll wanna sleep a bit early anyway…
>wake up at 3am
>immerse for 4 hours
>get ready to wageslave at your 9-5
>eat and go straight to bed

this way you'll be tired at your job but that's not as important as immersion
i used to do something like that except not for immersing
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Alright that’s fucking it
Today is the day I return
No more white noising
No more skipping immersion
No more not pausing when I’m confused
No more lack of mining
No more being a retarded faggot
>No more white noising
>No more not pausing when I’m confused
have you really thought this through
good luck
Can you explain?
Guys, I'm trying to remember words and meanings via anki, but even though I can recognize characters, I can't recognize the sounds that go with them.
It’s all repetition
Especially once you realize how often common kanji are reused is other words you’ll be able to just instantly read some
How does seeing the same non-phonetic pictogram used in other words help you read anything?
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Because it’s the same sound every time you see that image
How do you know how to pronounce 7
>Because it’s the same sound every time you see that image
You're thinking of Chinese. This is Japanese.
>No more being a retarded faggot
continually quitting and coming back is already proof enough

You need to
>stop quitting
>stop being a little bitch
>be drunk during immersion
it really is that simple
Alright I’ll stop feeding the troll now
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Part of not being a retarded faggot is the stop bitching so yes I agree
Fuck that no
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daily reminder to read the official DJT guide
DJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
new - rikaitan site: https://rikaitan.github.io/
Avoid Kaishi like a plague. It's trash. It's a soul-sucking, time-wasting, productivity-killing nightmare. But you know what's even worse? The authors and the community. The deck was created by a bunch of N6 shitters who don't know Japanese and have no idea how to learn Japanese properly. Self-proclaimed "experts" who will crucify you for not using their precious "optimized" decks.
Meanwhile, Ankidrone Foundation is over here, quietly being the best thing since sliced bread. Ankidrone Foundation is made by experts at AJATT. The authors actually care about Japanese learners, not just their own circlejerk.
Don't waste your time with Kaishi deck, anons. Make the switch to Ankidrone Foundation and thank me later.
I don't read vns because reading most vns requires running nonfree software. Manga, anime or LNs are much better because you can consume them with only libre software, e.g. mpv for anime, nsxiv for manga, crqt-ng for books.
desu I just watch vtubers and google words they say often
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yeah, just keep reading and whenever you find a word, read it as its meant to be and move on
you look at words like "subway" but you dont break it down as "sub(under, beneath)+way(road,path)", you just glance at it and meaning and reading comes to you because you've seen that particular set of symbols and lines grouped together like that so many times
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It finally clicked. It no longer takes me several minutes to parse a sentence.
Until it does again (don’t worry that’s ok) keep pushing
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never heard biroon
I did nothing but watch vtubers today
I'm ngmi am i
you might make it but you're still a faggot retard for watching so trash boring media
i've seen a lot of these words and i know what they mean but i feel like i need to learn a lot about japanese folklore and mythology before i can fully grasp them. does someone know a good (japanese) book that goes over japanese mythology?
unfortunately yes
vtubers are about as much immersion as watching a nukemarine video
are there any better sites for raw manga and linnies than nyaa?
dlraw for manga
tmw discord for lns
just failed to feel out 割増
My plan is 2-3 hours of active immersion each day, just depends on free time and interest
The rest of the time will be, usually, spent passive listening
Either 1 hour of anime 1 hour of reading per day or more of one less of another
How the fuck can I listen better
It’s so hard listening in real time you gotta recall the words, notice what they’re modifying, hear particles and recall what they do, listen for the end of the sentence
The more clauses the longer the sentence and the more impossible this feels
Basically anything other than conversational dialogue I.e. exposition or rants, is just impossible to comprehend
I know just immerse bro but wanna be more efficient
listen more.
idk why u guys continue to ask this, this is not your first day here. You simply grind. That's it. There's no fucking magic trick.
I’ve been “listening more” for months
I’m processing information at the same speed with the same level of confusion
Idk if it’s a vocab thing or a mental thing
Should I be thinking / processing the information in a certain manner mentally
take your meds
i mean you just sit and listen and try to process as much as you can. If you've been doing it for month then you have improved. You're probably not noticing the improvement because of how incremental and slow it is. Go back and rewatch something that you watched when you first started and you'll immediately see the improvement.

what the other guy said
grind audiobooks, if you feel like you're lost redo the last 10 minutes.
I can read hours straight of vns no problem but I can barely force myself to watch one episode of anime, it's so boring...
I use Yomitan and Textractor for VNs for the most part, but is there any convenient program for doing Japanese OCR literally anywhere? Mainly thinking about manga and promotional images and such on the web. I would love to just hold one button and select a square and be able to get a definition for a few words here and there without it being locked to any specific program like "manga reader". Just having it autocopy whatever I selected for OCR and use yomitan would be fine.
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エロゲ原作アニメを観るのじゃ( ˘ω˘)ウムッ
I think yomininja is probably what you're looking for. Have barely used it though.

Not a bad idea
Watching it in 2x solved this problem for me, most of them are just unnecessarily info-sparse. For better directed shows though I pay my full respect and watch in 1x.
ShareX, you can setup a hotkey to copy the ocr result to the clipboard.
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Thanks galpals. Doesn't seem like any of these work on my M1 Macbook unfortunately (ARM support seems to be coming eventually for yomininja though). I'll give them a go on my linux desktop later though.



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天高く馬肥ゆる秋が来たぞー食欲の秋だぞぅ!芋タコなんきん秋ナスだぞだぞ( ・ิω・ิ)
>A more or less equivalent of Styx
>Needing a whole book about it
what is 偽ブンコs endgame
cool ill probably pick these up
and a 式神 is just a familiar but some anons like to waste their time instead of learning japanese
to become me
I tried to read Atri VN because her show was so cute but I can't, its just too hard still...
gambs said its shit
this post has been brought to you by the dekinai gang
no i just read it from a japanese jisho
blud forgot the body of the post
care to share any other nuggets of wisdom?
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and you'll get progressively better as you go
the 'hard' now and the 'hard' by the end of a playthrough will be miles apart
you = nigger
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いま混んでるから来るの後にして ;3
have there been any notable reading streams since the gambs incident

if you don't have emoticons, it's always taken as if you're angry >:[
thats not true
Anything you guys do to help make new words you encounter more memorable?
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stfu twink
watch media youre interested in so you see words in more enjoyable contexts
include a picture in your anki cards
biggest ngmi post in the thread
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How long does it take to learn Japanese?

How long have (you) been learning Japanese?

you can not learn japanese
i said stfu
lil bro busted out the boku
なんか日本語dekiru来てるやん! Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノキャー

nice to meet you :3
put your fake trip back on
false flag
huge L for fake unko
kugi ? kugi ? lmfao
ハンドル付けてる奴のセリフじゃないな! (゚∀゚)アヒャ
someone hand fake shit rope
nice to meet you too!!!
i love your country!!!
based hope you reach your goals anon
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someone please answer me
>takes off his trip to make obvious falseflag post
>immediately puts it back on again
this is just pathetic
pathetic n6 unko trying to pick on n7s
thank you anon...i wish you the best of luck in your goals as well
with that said i will take yet another extended leave
until next time, friends!!!

both not true and are in fact projections of the hate and pain in your heart(s)
the pain is about to make it up your ass
There's no such thing as fake trips, just cracked or not.
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can u guys stop posting in japanese i cant read that shit
b-but this is daily japanese thread here.. :/
im so strong i just felt this one out in real time
AでこそのBよな :3
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why are you learning japanese?
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wotd: 影打ち
真打ち登場! ( ー`дー´)キリッ



Just use English subtitles. don't be like me and spend 4 years to git gud only to realize there's still so much farther you need to go. See:
>you probably don't have enough self discipline
>no need for it
>everything is subtitled
>probably ngmi and will become a dekinai
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crazy how i suddenly see this seemingly everywhere
some people arent cut out for learning
stop samefagging
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you sound like youre hurting
turn off your audio monitor
whats with the hate? all ive done is try to make this shitty thread a more pleasant place
post anki stats
He'll learn the truth eventually
seething n3
You haven’t, all you’ve done is been annoying as fuck and take up half of the thread because you’re insecure and desire attention.
i dont take up half the thread
ive only made like 70 posts so thats only a sixth of the thread + i actually know japanese
he's samefagging again
god i miss her
you dont know nothing like i know nigger dick?
hentai nano da! :3
>too early
yo wtf
>Again count: 61 (27.23%)
It keeps getting lower
We're all gonna make it brahs
>Again count: 35 (19.23%)
ngmi count: 100%
米 more like 出米る
hooooly shit he's not gonna recover from this one
thank you i have always wanted to be rice withdrawn from a warehouse
them using english words is cringe to the max but i love words like ピンチ i consider them wago
who the fuck is them
>using loanwords is considered cringe now
back to r*ddit with you
just heard 広範囲 as 後輩
gmi count: 100%
most of you have never made one vocaroo so no
neither have you
皆さん お元気ですか 朝です
What's the full version of 二度と?
I'm assuming it's just a short version of something longer like しないと and the likes.
im coming out
nope lol
its an adverb that needs a negative polarity item
np and stop using my name
thats not funny
just talked to a japanese person who didn't know that 早い and 速い use different Kanji.

dont post vtuberslop with my name you piece of shit
nvm here's the real stream
oops meant to post this one
how about you vocaroo instead
its obvious you guys are just trying to annoy me

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