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前: >>47802474

Ask questions about japanese and how to learn it itt
first for wagmi
beautiful women
>dekiru face when he finally musters the courage to post vocaroo
blessed sure
>wannabe jamal with a gay lisp
2/10 try harder
lol at the state
youre pathetic
ur only kansetuni responsible so donmai donmai!
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whoever posted this on trash is ナイス
and trip?
酉割れてるやんかー! Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノキャー
why is there a trash thread i haven't seen the janny go apeshit in a while
i'm the real one and I would really appreciate it if you people stopped using threads that are supposed to be about japanese study to annoy me. do you come here because you're learning japanese or because you want to shitpost?
not me but cute women
fake trip
too obvious
Where can one find these cute plump women javs? In western porn it's either sticks or megawhales.
やつの存在自体がおもしろくない罠 _(:3」∠)_
まあ今は見分けつくからいいかな :3

just look up bbw jav


lol was not expecting that also 高い高い acquired
do NOT look up bbw jav
most of them are barely bbw its more like chubby
give me some cute girls, otaku anon
lol he forgot to take off the trip >>47811605
i don't even know how to use tripcodes
fake me caught in 4k lol
>wake up early to have time for immersion before work
>i have a head / eye ache for some reason
I got 7 hours of sleep cmon…
sorry about your slave life
7 is nothing
my wife sleeps for like 12
wtf is this second goofy kanji, never seen before
訝しい is worth being able to read as well
I've never seen the word 訝 used on its own.
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lets be chill and nice
im the nicest person in the thread tho
why use a modded 3ds when you can use a modded vita? are you dumb
because i didnt have a vita when i took that
今どき敢えてやりたいPC98ゲームあるかなー? (´ε`;)ウーン…
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>? are you dumb
its always the dumb ones who call people dumb
reminds me of 誑す as well
ちょ、おま…懐かしすぎるやろ!!! (´;ω;`)
でも普通にwindows版でよくね? ;3
bokeha bokede
acquired エッチスケッチ
men are strange and disturbed creatures
Should I track the amount of immersion I do or just do as much as feels right, as long as it’s a significant amount of time
You should not immerse then come here to complain that you're not immersing.
ワンタッチ! (゚∀゚)アヒャ
track it so you can hold yourself accountable, but don't set goals like 'I have to be doing this for a specific X hours every day', it'll lead to longer hours but with way less quality
if you want to. but it's not necessary at all. becoming a slave to immersing x hours a day can definitely make you want to skip out on having a life outside of consuming japanese media
i simply full stopped reading english translations and got all of my immersion naturally
if you gotta count then you were already ngmi anyway
you should immerse in an 8 hour vtuber stream every day to make it
たぶんロード速度とかロード速度とかあとロード速度が全然違うと思うよ ;3
nah mate it's all good but you go ahead
no vtube watcher has ever proven they know japanese
probably because they all suck ass
その編あまり詳しくない ><
音源付けてないのになんで鳴ってたんだろう98 :3
epic non-native fail
im going to apply to be a janny and start handing out month long bans in here frfr
no don't i like shitposting here
just saying that is a bannable offense
I'll try my broken English again! >:(
probably because no one other than the guy pretending to be me likes you
ok i'm back what did i miss?
notice how the thread quality deteriorates based on the amount of moonrunes. we gonna end like /int/
it would be good. maybe then you'd spend time actually immersing
immersing with dekinais is never a good idea
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Wake up 4 hours before my job just to immerse for only 1 hours
The next step is training my focus cause Jesus Christ
immersing can be stressful
No stress it’s watching anime bruh just dumb brain
just do your reps and immersion on the clock
amphetamines dude
you must work a pretty lazy job if they let you do that
I just do enough to be unnoticed and stay employed
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Why are you learning Japanese?
you cheated
i dont learn japanese
sorry i prefer the french cartoon
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glad theyre finally going through with that osmosis jones live action adaptation
so you're telling me i have a gazillion lolis living inside of me?
no, its just a stupid movie
i think its one of those personifications
would you be willing to transfuse Western lori's blood? :D
you want to know how i know you arent japanese? you wrote lori instead of loli when the guy spelled it out for you
thats how i know you arent japanese
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i have a problem in that it takes me like 1-2h every day to do my reviews in anki, and at that point my brain kinda decides that its done its work regarding japanese for the day which isn't helpful at all. at the same time I'm deathly scared of stopping anki usage.
uh why not just scale back the amount of new cards you're doing
Only learn 5 new cards each day and set your desired retention rate between 75% and 80%.
i haven't been doing any new cards in like 2 months desu. i think I'm scatterbrained from low stimulation. I have like 160 cards due today and this used to take me 20 minutes.



dropped shika slop by ep 3
its tryhard humor instead of real one
selfown for not being able to understand that from the name/cover
but watching every show to ep 3 is the law and my duty as a weeb
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>my duty as a weeb
I look at the promo art and trailer. Only an insane person would look at the first 3 episodes of every show
man honzuki is fucking long and i don't feel like i'm getting much new vocab out of it. like 2 words per chapter tops
i did that in my early weeb days but it quickly became apparent that you risk missing some real gems by doing that
Yeah I'm catching up recently for all the shows I missed over the past 13 or so years. It came in handy now because I have lots of good immersion material
kotd: 天狗になる

薬師坊二代目にはならない or 自惚れたりはしない
reddit law that doesn't even work

! :O
I am not going to watch that video.
neither did i tb h
anata aside, how the fuck did xe fuck up even the thumbnail lmao
Someone linked a website before that had a tutorial for texthook on emulators or non VN games. I can't find it in my history. Anyone happen to know what I'm talking about? Site had colored sections. I remember a red and a green one maybe a black background
no but here's random tutorials on it
where is her pubic hair?
Thanks ill check these out after work
in my mouth
ok but consider leaving some for others next time
agent texthooker? haven't tried it but i have this bookmarked
use yomininja
anyone else have autistic synaesthetic interpretations of certain kanji
for instance 〆is an rx7 fd, whereas 晒 is more of a honda beat
i used to when i first started by now i just see the whole thing as arbitrary symbols
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bought these and now im mad because normies praised it to the moon, but it's rather disappointing
gaming headset
gaming peripherals will never not be disappointing
"audiophile" headset
you get everything deserve if your cans come with a microphone lol
I feel like I'm just too low IQ to learn grammar using guides, and picking it up 'naturally' (what does that even mean? how can you be expected to pick up grammar if you don't understand what it's doing in the sentence) doesn't work either. I can analyze a sentence as hard as I want but unless I literally write it out on paper, the first half of the sentence will have already escaped my head by the time I get to the latter half. ngmi man fuck my life
janny you have to just keep reading until the grammar soaks in
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>and picking it up 'naturally' doesn't work either
that's how you did with your first language
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>update ajt addon
wtf is this SHIT ?????
if you're learning rules you're ngmi
Expending brain power and autistically trying to surgically break down and "solve" individual sentences is the nr#1 way to permanently cripple yourself.
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dolly sensei would disagree
wish i had a dolly gf
dolly was gross
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am i fucked if i have it at 95% and doing 50 new cards everyday, core10k btw
understanding a sentence is actually the best way to dekiruness
>trying to understand something to understand it faster later will cripple you.
>湯 = boiled water
>please boil the boiled water
stupid ass language
it means hot water
how much liquor is optimal for learning?
alcohol is a drug and we don't do drugs here on the deejaytea
In all seriousness, what was wrong with Dolly? Was it a dude pretending to be a woman? Why did it sound so weird?
she was doxxed as being some kind a european cultist
yea but she was hot
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I need to know this... for closure...

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Updated AJT Flexible Grading

- Added an option to hide remaining card count (AJT > Flexible Grading Options > Show remaining count). Thanks to keke1137!
- Added an option to show the number of reps done today on the bottom bar (AJT > Flexible Grading Options > Show reps done today).


daily reminder to read the official DJT guide
DJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
new - rikaitan site: https://rikaitan.github.io/
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see https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/should-i-trust-cure-dolly-and-organic-japanese
how did my post 545 trigger so many of (you)s
hey dude wish i knew japanese so i could understand you
im gonna be honest stuff like 買い出し still fucks me up
start shopping?
yay i got mokuro working and it's only going to take another 5+ hours to do 22 more volumes
Fuck she's so hot bros. I'm gonna cum
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a vocaroo subject lets try anons
forgive me djt for i have read 年々 as としどし
yea but ねんねん is much more often used then としどし
why would you assume native pronunciation?
i like the tits in the beginning
Sexual access. I am incel in my own country.
good like bwc
How is your country adding people?
consider not coming thanks
japanese more like YAPanese
me too
やっぱねーぜ! >:3
This is called being insecure
>surely the grammar rules will save my ass
>they wont
what's the current consensus on fsrs?
sucks when you get to the point where you're desensitized to erotic descriptions in linnies that they go from funny to cringe
skill issue
i feel ya
best scheduler currently
i can't tell when djt is trolling me
oh im sorry did it rape your mother or something
gonna rape your skull with a kugi ? kugi ? lmao
fsrs the dekinai fast lane rofl
crazy how fake unko is just as dumb as the real unko
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literal native level "mistake"
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shit cope sasuga kugitard
are you retarded?
i think youre never gonna make it if you think thats a mistake lol
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retarded bros i dont feel so good
don't think just smile lil bro you've made it to the lolcow hall of fame *snap*
ive seen my wife write it out that way so youre literally retarded
>shits on dolly
>recommends tae kim
pathetic n6
ignore the first quote
hilarious how the latest lolcow most eager to post in japanese doesn't know a lick of it lol
youre trying too hard
why does it make you cry? ngmi
you could do with trying harder kugi tard lol
>>47821614 explain this >>47821553
who hurt you that you have so much hate in your heart?
lmao why did you post an image you cant read
bro what do you think とも means
bro what do you think >>47821559 means
how did fsrs enhance your learning?
so how do you explain >>47821553
it upgrades dekinais to super dekinais
by not being n6
post a vocaroo otherwise its obvious ydkj
even google thinks its a mistake >>47821576 but lil bro just keeps digging his hole bigger
dont think you could handle the trauma of being called n6 on vocaroo lol
youre grasping at straws
but youre not explaining it...
but the dictionary says it right there
what even is a mistake when natives use it too
youre grasping at jack shit
i accept your concession samefagger
yeah says it isnt the correct way to say it lol
accept your dekinai award fake shit
im very real
not sure who the other guy posting with my name is tho
it doesnt say that in >>47821553
cuz of low iqs like you
i think you just lost lil bro
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pathetic n6 ngmi cuck
lil dekinai is aggressively retarded
many such cases sad!
Apparently 杭 is the right way, 釘 is a mistake even made by natives so it's not a big deal.

apparently fake shit doesnt know japanese lol
why is it a mistake? the meaning is obviously the same
there isnt some higher power deciding what is right or wrong
if enough natives said kugi that would be accepted (which it already is in some dictionaries lol
translation: waaaah waaaaaaah lmao keep coping lil shit didnt read
yea cuz if you had to reply to it in earnest you would just dig your own grave
youre samefagging pretty hard at something natives including my wife say
did i do something to offend you?
digging with a kugi ? kugi ?
>what even is a mistake when natives use it too
By your logic mixing up there, their and they're is not a mistake because natives do it too
crazy how this n6er didnt realize his embarrassing fuckup until now
whats his iq like 60
thats not really an equivalent
its more like "could care less" being commonly accepted because a lot of people say
why are you attributing qms mistake to me?
he might be dumber than the real unko
i am the real unko tho
omg stfu
Proof that it's commonly accepted?
i know its not the same but this reminds of when we talked about 独壇場 vs 独擅場
bro should make a yt video like that guy talking about keeping a job at mcds with a 70 iq rofl
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i know its been you samefagging this whole time just fyi
I was talking about 釘
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im with qm on this one
why do you keep thinking im quiz?
so youre saying...you dont know jack shit? lol
im saying vocaroo or stfu
nah you arent saying anything at all lil bro get on the mic and read these posts out loud cmon
concession accepted
biggest L in a couple of months
copecession rejected
Well it seems 釘 can be used nowadays you are right
nope youre literally wrong on this one lol
its ok to be wrong bro no need to flip out like that
we're here to learn, together as a team wagatomoyo
shut up cuck go learn some baby japanese lmao
yooo wtf is that even supposed to be meido no ringo?
wheres all that anger coming from? you got proven wrong
just take your l and move on
its my face when i see the thread
only thing you proved is you cannot read babby n6 japanese
you didnt see the thread
youve been posting in it the whole time with two devices
ive never misread a word one time
funny how this guy wants to talk so big for years but has never even once posted any japanese because it would embarrass him
wonder how lil shit sits down with that much butthurt
at least i dont pretend to be other people like you
yea youve misread many times lol
im not talking about you lol damn
post it
who are you talking about?
just scroll up kugitard
what did i misread?
youre a dumb coping ngmi faggot who doesnt even know what 正解 or 間違い means lol unironically n5
are you guys seriously pausing your immersion for this kugi kui scheiße?
so no proof? got it
*for laughing at the lolcow
esl kun...
you dont need ellipses after a signature
what a shit show
im sorry you still struggle with english
i found it to be relatively easy growing up in denmark
be sorry for your useless lolcow existence kugi
you wanna kugi for that *winks*
hvad vil du have at jeg skal gøre for at overbevise dig?

timestamped pic with your danish passport or social security card would do the trick
i already posted one a week ago
nah that was me
feel free to prove it by making one with a new timestamp
maybe there were 2 bunkos all along
feel free to prove it yourself by posting with a trip ive actually used
it would make it a lot more convincing if you did it
where's ur trip then?
same to you
gonna give this one to the tripfag
you are the tripfag
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is that your underwear? lol
How do I learn japanese? There are too many grifters like Matt and Tatsumoto so it's hard to find good resources.
Here's the official djt guide https://preply.com/en/blog/how-to-learn-japanese/
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Just take meth
Trans rights are human rights!
Grifter guide
Shit guide
i hope your cock fits in there
>shit guide
it's the best guide
I like Sonic
just read and mine words you dont know
not that hard
What about grammar? What about immersion?
yeah i dont wear it though
now whats your response
your 立場 grows more and more 苦しい
try adding 杭 lil bro rofl
Cuckold post
grammar you can pick up by reading or you can go through a grammar guide like tae kim/imabi
immersions anything you choose to read or watch
my response is you didnt show proof you were me lol
lol what
You are a cuckold loser
until you post a timestamped danish passport ive posted way more proof than you
actually infinitely more
im sorry you got proven wrong on that one
maybe you can try to find an actual mistake the next time i write japanese lol
Look man if you don't want to spend thousands of hours on it you won't learn it. It's as simple as that. Just immerse it's that simple. There's no shortcut because this is the shortcut compared to classroom study
youve posted ai voice clips and doxxed my ident on here
now youre using a tripcode ive never used before pretending to be me
get a life
im sorry youre an n6 in denial lil shithead but the 正解 is 釘 there is retarded and wrong youd know too if you could read any japanese
There is no way Tae Kim and Imabi cover all of japanese grammar
thats not a response to my post
I don't know the basics so immersion won't help me with that when I struggle to read fucking Yotsubato
would you be saying that if you heard my wife say it?
tae kim no imabi yes
why the tripcode then? why pretend to be me?
>would you be saying that if you heard my wife say it?
concession accepted
i concede you dont have vocaroos of your wife saying it
whats even the point of vocaroos if we are just gonna say its ai generated now
Real bunko would post his home address
Shut up faggot. Kill yourself
i think you missed the point
It would. You just have to do it for a few thousand hours with some kind of dictionary handy
i think you dont know english either lol
>if you heard my wife say it?
lets hear it esl cuck post a vocaroo
Dictionary won't help me with grammar
oh the irony lol
oh the lack of vocaroo lol
Do a flip, faggot
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i wish that watching things was not such a slog. i want to be able to enjoy something but it's hard to get into a new show because even though i know a lot i don't know enough to sit down and watch something without subtitles
Trans rights!
the answer is to listen more and as much as possible
I have an easier time listening to japanese than reading it
With english subs
read this as めがさめたか?
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i just put on some ラジオ and play my minecraft
hence why ydkj and have to impersonate me all the time
Okay then read up on grammar on the side as well. You don't need to know every "grammar point" because just paying attention to immersion material will make your brain make unconscious connections.
click fast you don't want to miss this immersion
gonna need fake bunko !oBasanip.ws take on this one
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cringe + left a dislike
kpop puts this to shame
wotd: ことっと
eotp: やや硬い言い方
kotp: 釘
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these videos bother me they feel like garbage dump slop super tuber videos made to screen into your viewing holes without engaging in thought about anything

jotd: 無能無策
flood guy
batta guy
hayai guy
kugi guy
youre really that mad about being wrong huh? lol
plus shit guy
you guys know any good comedies on netflix i could watch with the little lady? she wants something funny before bed and we just finished 恋はつづくよどこまでも
>she wants something funny before bed
just unzip rofl
1 not funny
2 i leave her quite satisfied every night
>1 not funny
dont sign your posts
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we just watch tver and have no sabusuku
cannot believe not a single soul has ripped terrace house OND gonna have to do it my self
its laughably sad that you think we dont have netflix
please do
found it in 20 seconds lol sasuga retards
i slowly roll over from my designated spot on the very far edge of the bed. i softly whisper "vocaroo" into her ear making her go wild
go brag about it to someone who cares
oh never it was on rar lol i really should download that archive of all the rar stuff before it was removed
only a retard would think not being retarded is a brag sasuga
nigga idgaf
Enjoy your 600 cards every day.
i dont know why people feel the need to set their retention so high
the point is to do less anki not more
nobody cares what you think dekinai retard lol
well seeing as i actually know japanese and you just sit there twiddling your thumbs i think people do care
^this anon is not well
why would you think that? im happy have a semi stable income and a wife who adores me
how does any of that make me unwell?
youre even more pathetic than unko lol
i am unko and its pathetic that you think youre me
>i am unko
yea youre shit alright lol
thats just what people call me
>i am unko
retard lol
im that nighas dad i made his swag
stay mad
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>Recommending Duolingo in 2024
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Do it for her.
Imagine a game that worked like anki but was a dating simulator at the same time.
sounds horrible
For you, it would just be a NTR simulator.
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Because you need to answer the cards correctly to not have the girls leave you.
then it sounds like i would do well lol
imagine your only flex being that you are good at anki
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rip your reading comprehension

antonym of hawt
low test
was about to scream out of joy because its a new kanji but alas...
why would you think a kanji youve already seen would be new? also read some pre-reform lit niqqa
i dont mine names
retard doesnt know n6 phrases and reads "pre reform lit" lol
i would never say pre reform lit
who said i didnt know n6 phrases?
explains why your impersonation is so bad
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so is she wasavi or wasabi?
vi and bi sound the same in nippongo
not always
depends on the ability of the speaker
post timestamped passport and then we can go further
your trip gives away youre not me tbqh
weird how i can post a timestamped pic then and you cant
and what does your passport prove exactly? that you somehow are magically me and live with a beautiful woman who adores him?
so are these all questions that are trying to bait you with the wrong particle
feel like everything works except 3
think i know enough words now to get a lot out of listening but i don't wanna listen because it's boring
if you could post one as well then yeah it doesnt prove anything
if you could post a trip other than one a week old youd have this whole argument in the bag
the trip proves that i posted that pic earlier
it also proves youre just some fag impersonating me
wott: 論破
it doesnt prove that though
wotd バカ
it does
you made a bran new trip called yourself the real me and now you expect people to believe youre me
パスポート貼れない癖に^ ^
>no argument so he has to keep pushing the passport thing
10,000 hours eng sub = fluent
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おやすみ( ˘ω˘)スヤァ
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Why you learn Japanese?
that's a man
to go fuck a petite little slut like this in japan some day
i wish more men looked like that
one piece has a lot of great moments but those moments are sandwiched between some of the worst and most boring plot in all of shounen.
>dat handwriting
fluent in english, yes
Why not 消えれば?
Does it change the meaning at all?
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no change in this case. generally when it comes to irrealis, both ば and たら are interchangeable. but there are instances where they're not
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literally me
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When is the next PM getting decided?
what does this mean?
bring it on
what did i miss?
JPDB: 8717, 65105

1 what one desires; what one hopes for.
2 suits me well; could ask for nothing better; bring it on; make my day.

dead thread because the power posters are on trash.
oh thanks
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mental illness but cute
it maxed out at around 500 cards of reviews everyday + i would forget around 20 cards + the new 50 cards = 800-900 cards in total everyday

sometime i would hit 1000+ cards
because I have nothing better to do :/
Why is 五輪書 read as ごりんのしょ despite not having a の?
i don't want to become an anki ricelord but what's the meta for simple mining? trying to set up yomitan and anki
I see a word I don't know =
the word on the front
definition and example on the back?
IDK DJT’s opinion on it but man personally passive listening to audiobooks and condensed audio while doing something mundane really seems to make my ear stay in “Japanese mode”
It also seems really good for nailing down existing vocab specifically, not for gaining it
A lot of words I mined in anime and other books is coming up and I’m getting them now
Hoyl SIHit
but lOOk
stay here don't go back to the shithole
thats what I do, it werks, also audio would be nice
>The Ryu-'kyu or, variously spelled, Riu-kiu, Liu-kiu, Lu-chu or Loo-choo Islands are a chain of 37 small islands extending southwesterly from Kiu-shiu (the most southerly of the larger Japanese Islands). They were then, as now, under Japanese control, but owing to their remoteness the Japanese Government was not able to strictly enforce there its decree forbidding intercourse with foreigners. American and other whaling vessels occasionally touched at the Loo Choo Islands. Commander Glynn who touched at Napa Keang in the Islands on his way to Nagasaki in the spring of 1849 says:
“Foreigners there mingle with natives, because there are no means to
prevent it.”
ryukyu is also unironically the only part of japan where japanese ppl seem actually human
oh look a new tripfag, yay
hes not new but you certainly are
oh look a new namefag, yay
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We stand against the hijack attempt of the (former) Yomichan project by the "moe way" because they promote a flawed and ineffective language learning method which is different from AJATT. Moreover, "moe way" has been a bad actor in the Japanese learning world for a long time, and we can't trust them.

I recommend Rikaitan instead. Say "Rikaitan" if you also believe the hijack should not succeed. Rikaitan is the true successor of Yomichan. It's a browser extension that lets you look up words on web pages (a pop-up dictionary). Rikaitan is free/libre software. It is maintained by the AJATT community and everybody can contribute if they want to.

Tatsumoto is unironically the best Japanese language guide out there.

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