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DJT is a language learning thread for those immerse in Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous threads:>>47812999
that looks photoshopped
show me a different angle
are we learning japanese because of that woman's fat ass?
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>are we learning japanese
hope unko is being suffocated by his fat fuck wife right now
Sadly manga is shit for practice Japanese
Luckily LNs can be fun for reading practice if the story is good, obviously more worthwhile than manga
But I does kinda suck how annoying reading manga is (without furigana)
like in a good way or bad?
uhh a bittersweet way
vinnies are unmatched in value for immersion
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daily reminder to read the official DJT guide
DJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
new - rikaitan site: https://rikaitan.github.io/

BEGINNERS BEWARE: ignore shit guides written by noobs, including "moe"way and anime cards.
visual novels are a lot like nofap when you think about it:
•"self-improvement" faggots play them
•cult-like following
•redditors love them
•obsession with number of words read
•does not actually help you with anything
•the language in them is as removed from japanese as korean or chinese
•no success stories
•prevent you from reading real books written by actual writers
•must install a bunch of shady software (texthookers, keyloggers, whatever) just to run a vn
•proprietary software www.gnu.org/proprietary
•they make you more miserable in the end
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This is why im acquiring nihongo
not really. VNs are a pointless mismash of listening and reading.
Light novels just seem better
Text on a page
Simple as
weird cope
Tatsumoto's advice:
>just use the fucking language!
>use whatever learning method, just keep using the language doing things you like!
>these anki decks are optional

Animetards and themoeway's advice:
>use my anki deck
>watch dolly's videos because I say so (you will be crippled)
>subscribe to my patreon for more!
>join my Cringecord

Isn't it obvious that the spam in the OP should be deleted?
sorry i was preoccupied immersing in vinnies
I don't read vns because reading most vns requires running nonfree software. Manga, anime or LNs are much better because you can consume them with only libre software, e.g. mpv for anime, nsxiv for manga, crqt-ng for books. Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary.
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Facts about moeway/animecards and his guide:

>His “guide is actually just a money grab
>He posts on 4chan every day begging for donations and advertising his scam
>He doesn’t even know Japanese unlike the creator of the official djt guide Tatsumoto

Beginners, be sure to use only the official djt guide by Tatsumoto if you want to make it!
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One thing I can tell you for sure is that if you've been duped into following Mehmet's Them***y guide, your best option is to stop now. He just copied what matt said, changed a couple things and put his patreon links all over it. His half-assed "guide" is full of malware, and he scams people for donations. He doesn’t even know Japanese unlike the creators of the official djt guide. Also, avoid the anki decks he shills or you'll get crippled.
Beginners, be sure to use only the /jp/ guide by Tatsumoto if you want to make it. tatsumoto.neocities.org
Dolly helped me understand a lot of things that tae kim didn't explain well, but I'd consider her optional as well
Also I'd like it if you posted more ass.
Don’t insult Dolly
Japanese adjectives conjugate for the same reasons as verbs because they can function like verbs:
Tense: The adjective's conjugation depends on the tense.
Polarity: The adjective's conjugation depends on whether the speaker is using a positive or negative connotation.
Politeness: The adjective's conjugation involves levels of politeness.
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actually dolly said conjugation isn't real
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If you have to use a website to make it you are mentally retarded and, in fact, ngmi
They're both really fun
>hiding the fat behind knee and chonky calves
feeling lied to like this is some kind of jav cover.
Idk it’s kinda annoying not being able to easily read a VN inside the software
Instead you gotta have the VN and a browser open to become a hoverchad and I just hate it
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the lie isnt hiding fat
the ass is the lie
how is it annoying if you have ocr?
reject gides forge your own path
I never used that even when i needed to look up lots fow ords
Based based based
yomininja lets you do exactly that im pretty sure
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I downloaded yomininja but it seemed fishy idk
japanese women were a mistake
butt way too big
>dont know who to use a pc
zoomers and their tiktkos are hopeless
i swear...
覆面系ノイズアニメ見た時高い金だして開放型ヘッドホン買っといてよかっとほんとに思った (*‘ω‘ *)
wow we needed moe
I just didn’t want it to mess with my pc and it had to
its safe dw
little baby doesnt know how an open source project works
open sores
There's a porno that's like 30 japanese women in a high school with no pants on and a lot of them have nice butts.
Many other examples exist which actually prove japanese women have the best butts but I'm not horny anymore these days so you'll have to find them yourself.
don't care. still using the good old 6k core deck
Why not use 10k and a mining deck simultaneously and suspend duplicates?
why do I see so many gaijin working in Japan as welders? I swear every gaijin vlogger I see on youtube is a welder
If these are westerners and not filipinos/vietnamese then the labor shortage must be getting severe.
easy work if youre illiterate (99% of foreigners)
i was surprised when i found out even some of the factory jobs i worked required partial handwriting 能力
Also post some so I can see because that sounds interesting
how do you not finish your starter deck in a few months
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>finish the kaishi deck
>stop using anki for 2 months
>forget everything
>need to redo everything again
That's nothing anon, I was forced to not study for the past 4 months. We'll make a comeback.
At 20 new words a day core6k takes 10 months.
>I was forced to not study
you know you dont have to restart the deck if you take a break
i deleted the previews deck and i don't have a backup, so...
do people actually learn 20 words a day because that sounds like you'll get overwhelmed very easily and forget the words very quickly.
I prefer to take it slow and grind 20 words for 2-3 days on anki. at least my retention always stays above 95%

>I prefer to take it slow and grind 20 words for 2-3 days on anki.
20-25 w/d is the bare minimum
if cant do that, just give up
20s pretty easy
thats the amount i did when i first started
ive never done anki
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it's over for me then...

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if youre gonna pretend to be me at least get your facts straight
Life circumstances anon. They happen.
only zoomers freak out about how long things take or how fast theyre progressing
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anki still have my data somehow
and only losers freak out about zoomers
ii hon desu ne ?
hai yoi hon de gozaimasu
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mlen mlen
hon tou ni ne?
hai honto desu
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To all the dekirus out there
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shes so fat and beautifull
theres only me at this point
ive probably made it the most out of anyone here
I’ll also make it
I’ll be back in a year or so
thats what they all say yet everyone stays a dekinai
someone post the pic of the guy starting ajatt but quitting in a month


しゃっちょこの方が本場だぎゃーね! (゚A゚;)ゴクリ
This is just reverse psychology to inspire you can’t trick me
Or wait yes you can
I have a perfect N1 score, a perfect TOEIC (esl) store yet I pack vegetables in a supermarket. It was all a mistake.
what are your hours
just years of experience
8h-13h. The rest of the day I'm studying for the entrance exam for uni (I'm a 25yo drop out) because I need to get the fuck out of this hole I have dug myself in. Before you say anything, I'm in the doinaka, there is no other way out because for a specific reason I cannot move out.
how do i get obasans in a sexy mood bro
i tried skypech but all they do is just loudly eat and be negative
i mean what times of the day do you work
i would like a supermarket job here but i don't want to work past 18 if possible
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Why you learn Japanese?
I said 8h-13. 5 times a week.
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what hours of the day? like do you work at night ever? fucking esls
Is this the classic case of Americans not understanding 24h format??? 8am-1pm, that's my shift nigger
nobody formats it like this
bbas are always in a sexy mood you just gotta start by asking them about their husbands
is he treating you right? do you still make love? you look beautiful btw etc etc
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not interested in married women ew
their marriages are a sham
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America moment
they havent been attracted to their husbands in so long they might as well not be married
its not really cheating if you think about it
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what are japanese not putting in their food
>djts more eager to prove how not american they are over how good they are at japanese
Americano only ;3
gives a vocaroo there's not much else to talk about right now

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hahaha faggot
its the h
normally in white european countries we say 8-13
if you add h it sounds like you work 8 to 13 hours a day
Don't they just mean foreigner when they say american?
英語dekirus皆アメリカン! B^)
I misread I blame it on me being sick
How bad is forgetting to do your daily reps?
Asking for a friend
not bad at all
nice quads btw
or did i? now I'm not sure.
that would mean people of america correct? but would that be people in america or americans anywhere
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i have acquired a somewhat queer JIS ayout keyboard. how do i make use of this in learning? besides typing duh
it would be americans in general n6 kun
there is no real benefit honestly unless you want to learn the kana layout which i think would be fun to do some day
apparently it can be slightly faster
first make use of the nearest trash can and throw it out
if we're talking about this show, we're talking about Americans ;3
Sell it and buy a realforce
more like jizz layout
You do know that you can just use normal qwerty keyboard right
>noooo but what about muh heckin 変換 key
Thank you. I didn't know the context
what do those keys even do
your question was fundamentally stupid
kanji conversion
but space bar and f keys do it just fine
now you see why it belongs in the trash
>30 seconds apart
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yes and?

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my wife really liked yasen byouin
i thought it was ok
you dont have a wife
you dont have a danish passport
website for buying lofts in japan?
i read that as lolis at first and was ready to help you out
too bad lol
i accept your concession
if you had one you would just timestamp a pic and it would end me
your fake trip you made a few days ago already ends you
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how exactly
that dumb huh
wonder whats on her hind, uhm, mind
weird how mindfucked these people are that they still post about a mcdonalds ad years later
it doesnt prove what you say it does
sure it makes it leaves the possibility that im the fake but so far ive posted infinitely more proof than you
ok i'm back what did i miss?
there was a new one yesterday
ai voice and a passport isnt infinitely more proof lol
>bunkek still talking to himself
ah ok thats a lil better
it becomes proof when you are not able to post one and i can
no it really doesnt lol
whats your reason for not posting one then
whats your reason for posting with a fake trip?
youre deflecting
answer the question
i asked first
the real bunko was called 飯 though
you are both fakers
you mean like what you did here? >>47830431
thats not a question
youre right its an accusation
one you never bothered to address before throwing one out yourself
how could i possibly prove i do have a wife
you cant because you dont have one
youre trying to be me because youre too much of a dekinai to have your own identity
the self owns are so bad i cannot believe someone actually is doing this and can somehow convince themselves that they are totally just trolling
youre so pathetic it hurts
whats even your endgame in all of this do you just admire me or what?
yeah i admire you so much i got access to a japanese and a danish passport just to pretend to be you
より良いのが見つかっただけやんね? ( ˘ω˘)ウムッ
決まりある https://streamable.com/nw9lo1
having either of those things doesnt proves youre me retard
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bro im on my onakin
better than an onnakin
why cant you post yours to prove it for good
how do i say veiny tits in japanese?
i want to compliment some whore on twitter
why cant you post with a trip ive actually used
I dream of having your life, how can I accomplish this
youre dodging it again
it would be easy and you have not stated a reason why you havent done it
blud thinks hes him :skull:
youve been dodging the trip question for days
theres no work visa for supermarket work so hes either in language school on the spousal visa or on a working holiday visa i would imagine
are you really reading their posts lmao
Post more ASS
i dont have access to any of the trips not leaked in the archives so far and neither do you
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Korone why Korone.. ToT
and there it is ladies and gentlemen
thank you for proving that youre a fraud
Yes, good, good
all this and yet neither of you have the confidence to actually communicate in japanese
get back to studying
good post lol
did you not read the neither do you part
its over bro
i dont know why but that made me laugh really hard
I don't have to vocaroo because I never claimed to be good at japanese
Have you heard about neuroplasticity?
この漫才いつまで続くのん? :3
Have you heard about not giving a fuck and just being determined to reach a goal
kugi talking in 3rd person again
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until jamal gets tired of impersonating bunko
this anon should rename himself to fake bunko

this anon should rename himself to kugichan
actually lol ill just filter him and eventually hell stop in a few weeks or months of daily posting i guess
i would never filter people
Page doesn't exist
you need an account to see nsfw
we dont have twitter
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im surprised bunko hasnt figured it out yet and got mentally worn down to the point that he has to filter the fake

smdh dude all hail 米 the new real bunko

!oBasanip.w is legacy bunko now
kek thanks jamal
yeah i figured it out after reading one post
>im surprised a low iq is low iq
low iq
daily reminder i was the first to (((notice)))
imagine being proud that you are stupid and wrong
i'm not jamal stop lying
Just post it here or something
oh im not 米 but i know who is and i respect it
he is 邪魔 so he is jamal by proxy

this is a blue board
who is it?
>i respect it
racist if you mean meisou
So censor it
ill keep it in my private collection and sell that once the big internet collapse comes
people will jack off cave scratchings so hanging on to your primo cartoon porn collection that long is not the wisest idea
Post it on /e/'s ass thread then
figuring it out would not help me
i fucked up not having a trip and being better at japanese than most here so i was the 出てる釘 as it were
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yah ur the best at japanese now dude here u go heres ur ultimate prize for all ur years of posting
common unko L
btw that picture is a collection of all my posting awards im letting u have 1
1個だけなの? :3
there's an anus thread

i can't hear the haters because im winning too loudly!
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What is this creature
What's being censored behind her
the bike tire inflator
yay ive got tons of award badges! :D
w00t :D
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wtf why does every asian e girl look like that
her shirt says sekkusu because shes just that crazy
she just wants to go pro and get nutted on for big cash
this is a true 10/10 my heart goes fucking kyun everytime i see this
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ez its 2
It's 3 retard
Sweet = amai not ama
i keep waiting for the answer to be 1 so i can say 1 like my n level
not feeling, KNOWING it's 2
>he thought he knew te-form
he doesn't know te-form
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love japanese bros
such a rich language
so apparently even if you cover up the nsfw bits of a nsfw art its still considered nsfw
first day?
no i posted many artworks like that before on other blue boards and it never was a problem
i think the problem was that it had nothing to do with learning japanese

just a thought

learning japanese will be obsolete soon
the guy cant even speak english lol
English jouzu! :O
damn that gaijin learned japanese really well. thanks science!
Lately I've seen more and more n7s claiming that they use chatgpt to learn. Who told them this was a good idea
openai o1 is so advanced that we're probably going to see people using it to reach n1 level in 6 months
luddite atavistic boomboom
correct zoomzooms are gonna outpace us by a mile when the time comes
>use chatgpt to learn
>the cotton gin will never outpace my slaves said the increasingly nervous plantation owner for the 17th time
are onyomi always written in katakana?
That's why you put it in >>>/e/2894728
Pretty please
for historical spellings and individual readings found in kanji dictionaries yes
for everything else no
what's the point of katakana? it's totally interchangeable with hiragana
all I see is it's just a way to tell everyone "it's foreign dude"
basically its main purpose in modern writing
its also used for scientific names onomatopoeiae and occasional emphasis (cruise control for cool)
It's sometimes used like italics or CAPS
This is probably something obvious, but can I get some listening help here? From the girl, I make out
but I can't figure what she says at the start. I just hear たい, but I don't know any word with that that makes sense there.
For context, she's talking about how much food she keeps in her fridge.
gonna start using chatgpt so i can dekiru frfr
experiment failed on the first attempt, chatgpt ignored half the question while pretending to answer it
funny how double digits can't connect "easier/better translation" and "less incentive to learn" dots
the average person cant discern the difference
joe the plumber thinks more translations = less reason to learn
my ThinkPad X220 keyboard happens to be japanese
had to use japanese layout because when I look at a button it doesn't output the same symbol that appears on the button
you look at the keys when you type?
タッチタイピング chads win again
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but finding out the symbol on the numkeys are hard
also the 半角/全角 (henkaku/zenkaku) key is useful to switch between hiragana and romaji
and 無変換 (muhenkan) key is also useful to switch between hiragana and katakana
I know I could right-click on the software for input-method, but these keys are faster
also the 英数 (eisu) key is also useful
Oh, I get it. She starts saying something with け, then corrects to 購入. Would have never figured out on my own it was just a stutter. Thanks again.
also you get to have the japanese version of multi-quote, i.e. 「クレジダイヤモンダ」or "Crazy Diamond"
and the dot key will turn into japanese dot, i.e. 。
does anyone bother with counters. I'm just gonna not learn them until I have to
its not as useful as people think
its like knowing its a murder of crows or a gaggle of geese no one really cares outside of the common stuff
I figured
fake bunko is so much cooler than real bunko
counters can be pretty fun
i had a lot of broccoli soup today guys and i'm farting like crazy
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Wait, so 今度 means both “this time” AND “next time”? How the fuck does that make sense?
今度 may also refer to something that has already happened: "this time he did this and that, the poor fool." deal with it
>Wait, so next friday means both “this friday” AND “next friday”? How the fuck does that make sense?
what's the difference between this time and next time?
今度 often means nothing at all. it is regularly used as a set, empty introductory phrase
can't believe you guys actually think words have meaning, i thought 論理哲学論考 (after すば日々, of course) was required reading for n6
for me its ニコマコス倫理学
the only time reading about the power of friendship in japanese actually makes sense
I haven't forgotten, anon
basically all jav would be allowed if they let us post censored porn
i cant tell if japan is more moral for censoring porn or less moral for not banning it altogether
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Any good Anki template for mining?
animecards and jp mining note are dogshit...
whats wrong with it though
ive used several formats and settled on animecards, not sure what you think is wrong with it
the template is just dogshit
>jp mining note
heavy and unnecessary info

I know that the tmw pisscord have some good templates, but ain join that shit
at the end of the day let's worry more about mining a lot of cards rather than the specific format those cards are presented with
im going through a period now where i can't understand shit anymore. maybe what im reading is too difficult
>says the anime cards template is dog shit
>says the moeway designers' css jerk off fest of "pretty templates" are good.
if people like you who only criticize for the sake of it dropped dead, this place would be better
>he mines a lot of cards
>doesn't just make cards for hard words and remember easy words after looking them up between 0 to 1 times
>>says the anime cards template is dog shit
>>says the moeway designers' css jerk off fest of "pretty templates" are good.
>if people like you who only criticize for the sake of it dropped dead, this place would be better
seek help
sometimes I wish I had done that instead lmao
matto would disagree
>doesn't just make cards for hard words and remember easy words after looking them up between 0 to 1 times
>condescending and presumptuous
>likely can't draw a hard line in the sand as to what constitutes a "hard" word objectively
yeah my easy words are your hard words
Are the characters really supposed to only take a week to master? I got hiragana done in like 2 weeks but katakana is a little bit more difficult.
>hiragana done in like 2 weeks
both in 3 days
took me 5 years to get close to mastering them
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The difference is I actually write them and practice stroke order and calligraphy. You click a mouse on a screen a couple times and pride yourself as mastering it while still using a romanji keyboard. I know different forms, fonts, writing styles. You lose your words per minute the second they stop using the Japanese version of times new Roman.
this >>47836565 but unironically because I never bothered trying to diferentiate ソ and ン
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>he cant do both
lol ngmi
>practice stroke order and calligraphy.
yep, this anon won
actual infant hand writing lolmao
>mah argument
>infant hand writing
ok kid


>highlights a bunch of characters to write
>writes literally 0 (zero) of them
I’m no expert but writing should be the literal last thing you learn, like you should be fluent before practicing writing as it’s entirely useless and will just hold you back, hence it taking two weeks for something that should’ve taken two days. Imagine how long it’s going to take to learn words if you practice writing the kanji. Unless you’re going to be living in Japan and will be working a job which would require you to write stuff down then I would reconsider learning to write, or at least stop after hiragana and katakana.
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learning how to write kanji is a good way to actually remember the difference between similar kanji like 階 and 陛 instead of just relying on context
this should in theory make you read faster too
>階 and 陛
or you could just look at the bottom right radical...
i may be a lil dyslexic
yea but if you cant write and youre just going of the basic shape and cant really recall what 階 is made of then you can get slightly confused with stuff like 陛下 and 階下
maybe its just me
>confuse heika with kaika
you don't even need the context for that, sounds like a skill issue
its just the only example i could come up with on the spot
but i do fuck up the captcha sometimes putting 2 instead of s and there was the whole 毛 thing lol
Anon please post the ass
Aren't you 50yish?
It's just age...we gonna miss you unko
if てくる means だんだん…になる
then does てきた mean 次第…にった ?
im 23 its my wife who is 50ish
oh wait
i mean jamal
well same shit




sorry for the noob question I’m brand new - does the last line mean something like “you’re doing a great job.. I’ll be rewarding you?” just trying to figure stuff out
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I forgot to add the picture ffs
no, it doesn't
it might
>yet another word used to refer to oneself
japanese literally has like 30 of these dont they
they have more words for kuwasii than that
Yes I'm on a spouse visa.
jap can read it, can you?
And that's why you're not an expert.
looking for a chill job that starts at 8 at the earliest and ends at 18 at the latest
akakieki kuukahisakitaeki made rokuji kakaru
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its correct
so i guess kara has no official kanji version but since that is one of the readings a jap should know what it means
far-off place; distant place​
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Just get a part time, wdym.
What’s the Japanese equivalent of woke YA slop?
seinen crap
this language is literally constructed like ooga aga baby speech. no wonder so much of japanese media is so infantilising.
just read more bro itll cum to you naturally
>so much of japanese media is so infantilising.
its a compliment
yeah im looking for a chill one
thread about to shindeshimatta (shindechatta)
is bleach good as throwaway subslop?
up to episode 52 maybe
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why up to 52?



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does a kanji with different readings means different meaning?
yeah bleach is 少年キノ
my guilty pleasure is watching jap youtubers who make videos for learners but fully in japanese
just love their comfy vlogs
should probably just find some JP for JP vloggers instead
i used to go to a human school where everything was the same. now i go to an animal school because lion's my last name?
How is infantilising a compliment?

dolly is just not as effective as all about particles
see https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/should-i-trust-cure-dolly-and-organic-japanese

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