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Hear me out...
Time travel but with kigs!

Useful links:
- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1m0KiLcbTwbcg_WyN_eH4aye2fTo
- https://kigguide.com/ (biased)
- https://kigudb.info/ (under construction)
- Art: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://www.findtubes.com/search/kigurumi
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ

Image Source: https://x.com/ox3870/status/1835503874326905191

Previous Thread: >>47722664
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need two big strong American kigachads to sit on me
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If those kigs moved their pantyhosed, leotarded asses about 40cm towards homeboy's head, this pic would be a lot better...

Still—this guy's a lucky bum!
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This but with tall German kigs
You'd die
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@UKROtEwDgcniIid kind of does
Isn't that what he wanted?
vile foid
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>Showing that much flesh
Hard pass
What's the definitive ranking of countries in terms of kigu quality
Jesus christ that person is annorexic, no wonder so many kigs have insecurity issues
have a medal ;)
China > everything else, but solely because of how many people there are.

North americans are bottom tier with these picks
isn't that aya severely autistic
severely abusive from what i've heard
Whats the appeal? You all know they're men inside the suit right?
becareful anon, if you mention them too often more threads will be mysteriously ruined.
that doesn't deter me in the slightest, anon
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those who are deterred because of that have not unleashed their bonds and ascended
I'm a man and I want to be inside the suit. That's the appeal.
Too bad, you get fat ugly Samus to sit on you instead.
Zero Exercise Samus doesn't count as an American kigger, that bitch is just a lolcow with no self awareness on how bad she looks

>"whats the appeal?"
>proceeds to point out the appeal
a given
Tranny "kigers" are the most problematic from what I've seen.
Miku please, you got called out in based over continuing this drama, abusive for what?
For calling out 'based' mod abuse from a drama monger at best and self sabotaging narcissist at worst. This thread reeks of said drama whoring and thread enshittening already, grats for ruining yet another one as per normal the same way you ruin based with the most retarded and pointless drivel
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The irony of what can only be a based server mod pre-emptively vagueposting, accusing others of shitting up a thread while actively shitting up a thread will never be lost on me.
For a second I thought we were getting something interesting about a kig beating their kigwife or something, but instead it's just more 'cord tea
>Whats the appeal?
Cute anime girls
>You all know they're men inside the suit right?
Only normalfags care about this. They can't appreciate the costume and idealized character as it is without hyperfixating on the identity of the person wearing it and the hypothetical opinions of other normalfags.

It don't mattah
Stop eating garbage from the supermarket. Cut down on sugary, greasy, and processed foods. Eat like a Taiwanese or Japanese... or ANY Asian person... you may not be twink-sized, but at least you won't look like Kirby or a disgusting American land-whale who's 8 months pregnant with triplets.
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If you're asking about makers anything that isn't Chinese or Japanese might ass well not exist
Japanese makers fell off hard desu. Few of them can actually make a full custom mask that actually looks decently like the character it's based on, and they require some esoteric ritual to even contact.
Vagueposting? Now who would do that I wonder
I heard anon sucks kigu cock
To be fair 2/3 of those are canadian
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>You all know they're men inside the suit right?
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Cute shrimp.
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Its worse, real female, but just fat.
Must suck not being able to do regular cosplay, do kig to get attention, and fuck that up with poor fitness / mask sizing.
Feel bad for them being mistaken as trans.
I'm about to turn into the Sam Hyde of kigurumi
Me and the boys on our way to shit up the /g/ catalog.
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>Oh cool another board is taking an interest in this hobby!
>SCHIZO webm thread
That is from the old documentary that got me into kigu, I wish I could find it again, if anyone has links to it please let me know
there you go
There was an eng sub version but I can't find it anymore.
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The channel that posted it seems to have been taken down since I can't find any of the other videos they posted either
what >>47830941 said. there has been a yt channel that had similar videos. i think it was from the owner of the kig guidebook. but i cant find it anymore.
different anon but i want to resurface this post for more visibility

>Are there kigs that do actual kigu porn anymore, besides mikuscratch?

so far the only answer are this post
>Yuukari_KIGER and my beloved 0pIxcUnOFzNSyyy

hoping for more answer, even though i doubt it
HollyWeksler has some at times. its been slow lately tho
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I'm convinced that this is just a regular asking these questions.
I want more gyaru kigs.
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it does matter because how can i jack off to them
and ideally though improbably even have sex with them
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>how can i jack off to them
with your hand
>and ideally though improbably even have sex with them
in the ass or if they have it in the onahole
Who are some good canadian kigs? Do any exist?
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who are they?
wait, wrong name, it’s yuzuki
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There's fans who prefer the crossdressing part.
Dude inside makes me even harder
need MayiU Ho'olheyak ass on my face until I pass out IMMEDIATELY, regardless of the sex of the individual inside
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You said it brother
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>Reply to (less acoustic than usual) rando dms asking for advice
>Think I helped them out with info I would have liked starting out kigging
>They get needy and still dm me all the time
>Get tired of spoonfeeding and dms altogether
>Don't even chat with people I actually like
Who the fuck am I quoting?
Guys im only 160cm tall and i weigh less than 9 stone, am i too small and skinny to be a kig?
> 9 stone
Indubitably my Victorian friend thou art of the right complexion to enjoy the aforementioned leisure activity of dressing in garments not insimilar to those of women in the animation of the Far East and partaking in buggery with other men dressed likewise.

Seriously though wtf is stone
oi mate i hope you've got a kigu loicense
Who cares? It's censored!

Fuck censorship.
It's a total dick-wilt for me...
You can be a little girl kig who's just entered middle school and is wondering when she'll grow breasts and get her period. ;-)
which kig is that
The one that 9-stone guy should morph into...
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>126 pounds
you should be fine I think
>160cm tall
>am i too small
short kigs are cute don't worry
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>Seriously though wtf is stone
British for 14 pounds.

I gotta wonder if these guys that pop in and ask if they're too small or lightweight know exactly what they are doing and are asking just to rub it in for the people who are much bigger.
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In that anons defense when the entire thread thirsts after tall kigs it's probably easy to think that you can't be sexo like them if you are short
using this place as reference for general opinion is a terrible idea
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Never said it was a bright idea
Just that I could see it happening if this is the only kig related place you lurk

different anon, and a question, was there any other place to "discuss" kigurumi? not including twitter, cant produce any meaningful discussion there,
Discord is one example. There are lots of servers decidated to kigurumi.

The source for this is https://x.com/Kig_chuqui/status/1836405097582187004
why? good kigus are generally praised and bad kigus are condemned. only subset of kigus this thread is unreasonably critical of is demon and it's only because vanny is a lolcow
discord servers end up with drama because different regions cant get along, and they end up becoming soulless because everyone goes and hides in their private servers
Here's a secret. No one will ever tell you that all kigs smell like shit after an hour at a con. Don't go near them
I saw azu at a con's artist alley yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came up front to pay for my stuff I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen pairs of heels in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the heels and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each one and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
A bit sus.
Sounds totally like him but germans were having some big meet yesterday, so why would he be out buying a ton of heels?
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lurk moar
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Or else what?
There's a non-zero chance that pasta was written before that poster was even born
is this true? are kiggers poopoo stinky?
namedrop the ones that smell the worst
I nominate that one kig who owns a decaying wyu mask with old mop for wig and a 100% blackened hada that is almost nothing more than rag at this point whose name I won't bother searching for.
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>wearing all those layers and walking around in a convention makes you smell bad
no shit
It's not just /kcs/ that thinks that. Incredibly beautiful looking women are often rejected from the model industry because they're too short. I wouldn't really blame anyone for thinking that tall women are the only ones who can be sexy.
i know who you're talking about, ive met them in person, and you are correct
Need to know more about this rotten kig
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I went to a con for more than 8 hours in the summer and didn’t smell at all just by eating properly and using the right deodorants/antiperspirant
Exactly! If you eat shit – you will smell like shit!

Fruit and vegetables, anyone? Steamed cuts of lean meat?

Also, don't you fags know how to wear perfume?
what do you guys think about
Reminds me of those old stories where the kigs had crotch breathing tubes.
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Here you go.

Imagine saying "I kig because don't want to look ridiculous in drag" when you look like THIS in kig.
>old stories
it’s pretty much the norm for kig novels nowadays, some has been trying it in real life
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this dude look ridiculous taking 3 attempts to talk shit on some wyu autist
I realized I phrased it out weirdly so I tried to delete the post and reupload, apologize.
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The germans had a huge meet going on.
Wonder how many of them are going to talk shit behind each other's back once the meet is done.
How do obvious male kigs such as sezuna moan like girls in porn? Im not talkkng about the ones that sound super fake but actually really good.

Also, muffled moans are best. Moaning kigs are all waifu material.

Personal suspicion is most of the moans are fake and added in post.

You'd hear muffled dude moans if it was genuine

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Such as shame that the pigger has the best mask.
Storage-chan has evolved to Toilet-chan
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I need to ask something, are Kohaku and Bisko mad with each other after what happened last month?
Don't explain anything, I am not asking who is in the wrong, please don't start a fight in this thread, I just wanna know the end result, I still haven't recovered from Azu/Oboro's divorce
They are so gorgeous I feel the need to worship them all day, I wish there wasn't so much drama among my germanic dolls, they are my favorite flavor of kig.
When has Kohaku NOT been mad about something?
Just play VRchat, you fags. It's not worth the trouble.
>just watch videos of the ocean, no need to go to the beach
>just watch people play video games, no need to play them yourself
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Just because both communities are filled with annoying faggots doesn't mean that they are the same
Kigs wearing New Balance or similar incel shoes are disqualified from sex.
Dont worry bout it
There wasn't much drama (apart from one person) at the meetup, it was quite nice.
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I have a question. Will I be allowed through Japanese customs with a katana with a metal blade (not sharpened), along with all my other stuff?
>I still haven't recovered from Azu/Oboro's divorce
>They are so gorgeous I feel the need to worship them all day

Jesus calm down with the simping nigga, just fap to their images and ignore everything else, there will always be drama among those, what's the point of getting this worked up?
Get with the times grandpa, New Balances are in style.
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the japanese customs website says you must have a permit to transport weapons, you could probably get a sword in japan though
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The author provided a translation.
Very choppy but I'll take it.

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