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There's no escape.

Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE
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You're not weaseling your way out of this one.
>step on branch
>it snaps
>all hags turn to look at you
>eyes start opening
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A kiki would make going to work easier...
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Would you look at the time, It's rape-Anon-o-clock!
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Summer arrived, for goodness sake send your cutest zombie girls please
Let me just sharpen my hammer real quick
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Sorry, only got these girls in the warehouse.
Did you know that all Lims love Chinese food? Did you know that you can easily shut a Lim down with a quick spank? Did you know that Lims are obsessed with tabletop games but also absolutely shit at creating characters/armies? Did you know that every last Lim has spent nearly a century writing shitty fan fiction? Did you know that all Lims belong to me so don't you even dare think about taking my Lims.
Is a ghost sugar mommy. Sure why not?
>step on branch
>it snaps
>vines wrap around you and pull you into the tree's hollow
>hags race to where you were and start fighting with each other over who conjured the cruel illusion
>dryad in a night cap and monstera pajamas is sitting up in her leafbed, groggily glowering at you with "you owe me" and "do you have any idea what time it is" written all over her face
What should I do about those werewolf girls who keep stealing sheep from my flock?
Nothing you can do at this point, really. You should have thought about that before you decided to cry wolf as a joke
Bear trap and rifle
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now is the time to drink
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>Alcool that makes you blind
Meh, not a big fan of this one, I prefer the gimmick from the frog drink. I really like those food and drink profile, I hope for a beer new with magic shrooms from wonderland, tripping with a chesh seems like a lot of fun
I'd mix fancy monster booze with cola no matter how expensive it is
rum 'n coke is my go to in bars
>go to mg bar
>order some kraken
>take a sip but then feel two krakens sit next to you
>they say they see you like kraken and wonder if you you want more
>cant get another sip before being wrapped up in tentacles
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>"Anon, I have come to have your hand in marriage. A young man below the age of 21 such as yourself deserves to marry a pure faithful woman such as myself and not be taken and defiled by a monster woman."
you know how most kamen riders kick their enemy and they explode?
I want do see a lilim do that with female knights and they become monster girls in a purple explosion
I was hoping you fucked off for good since our thread didn't have that kind of off-topic garbage for some time, but sadly no such luck.
>Pure and faithful maiden
>Ask for the man's hand, defying any tradition and common senses
So she's a whore who turned around and need to settle down.
What a weird clock, it seems it's every hour of the day. I guess it makes it easier for dumb batcat brain
Surely there's more about me that you're interested in than being a man below a certain number in years of age?
Candlegeist-san said my spirit was as a flame burning bravely in the darkness of a moonless glade...
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>Your average "non-sexual" fight with a monster girl
Your mamono sucks cocks in hell
i mean... pandamonium is a thing, so... kinda?
what if you fuse the kikimora and gremlin?
and then hand them a tool kit and a easy bake oven?
Sorry anon, i already took the undead lim. You can have the others though.
> Easy bake oven
Aren't those things banned as kids kept burning their fingers?
IIRC the older versions are out of production
They still make them, though now they're these pod thingys that your kid has to be a fucking idiot to burn themselves with
>Aren't those things banned as kids kept burning their fingers?
i thought they were defactor banned due to needeing lightbulbs that are no longer manufactured.
Your mom is an easy bake oven.
>automaton's son
My mom can bake 6 million cookies in just short span of 5 years all by herself
That's a little more than 2 cookies each minute! Have you ever heard of an oven that can cook dough so quickly?
Multiple leviathan-class lifeforms detected. Are you sure whatever you're trying to do is worth it?
Don't worry, I've got my Stasis rifle. I'll put them in a stasis field and then I'll study them more closely.
Bro is your mom a fucking lim or something? Trying to bake that many fucking cookies in that span of time with a WOODEN OVEN DOOR is impossible, there's no way it can keep in all the heat needed.
Nobody cares about the 'hime
Yeah, people too busy flocking to the same 5 mamono to ever apreciate her beauty.
Name 5 mamonos
You can't
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To be fair and devil's advocate:

Orderite Women, most especially the middle upper class and higher class paladins, priestesses and lady inquisitors are still baddies that can give lower and average mamono a run for their money.

And they can serve as the skill check boss fights of MGE.
nobody cares, talk about monster girls or leave.
Otohime in a yukata
Otohime with a cute mini top hat
Otohime but her tail splits at the end because she's old
Otohime but she's a wurm in disguise.
Yes and? She's still a 3D whore.
Not him, but Order girls, after Elves, are GREAT undead fodder.
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>POV: You are an unmarried, human male that exists near an unmarried hellhound
would go with on an expedition unsanctioned by the church for a profaned holy relic that must be recovered and purified because god wills it and the church is incompetent
>what do you mean god wills it? you're not actually receiving visions, are you?
>Of course I am. Visions, secrets, words she whispers to me in the stillness of the night and under the blaze of day.
>uh, y-... you know i-... one thing i should-
>Get up, get ready to go. Now. The ruined basilica is due north. We can reach it before nightfall.
>no it-
>The map is wrong. I know the way - it has been revealed to me. Faith in me is faith in God, anon, and I chose you because you were the most faithful Her servants.
>y-you too

>it must be the dehydration, hallucinating glimpses of the shadow of a barbed tail behind her...
It's mge so it's shitty anyway? It's kinda guaranteed what you get.
im going to wear a bright red mexican wrestling mask in front of miss minotaur
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I was looking for these two pics in the nextcloud archive and didn't find it, but they are in the monthly report, and they are already numbered. How often does the nexcloud archive update?
Who cares. We don't really like the guy running it.
Kek. Never change.
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Who could it be? Dare you find out?
I'd prefer if he changed.
We all know it's never happening, so might as well sit back and enjoy him being ass mad by every little thing we do.
I received a lot of suicide comments over something I made this morning.
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I choose to believe since red doesn't actually set off real cows, it's just something Minotaurs use as an excuse.
>Yeah, he was wearing red, so he was asking for it.
Sometimes i dream about becoming a buff monster's sweatrag.
eww that's my dream too
face and tongue in sweaty gym monster pits.
If you choose to wear bright red infront of a minotaur maybe you were just asking for her to pin you down and give you a cowlick.
But i bet you don't dream about becoming your wife's bench and use her sweat and girljuice as face moisturizer.
What sound minotaur is making
>posts picture of an Order nun or inquisitor- whatever
>she has yellowish eyes

If that is a pure human woman of The Order who fights for humanity and The Chief God... Then why does that broad have such inhumane and not-so-normal yellow eyes?

Monstergirls need to really fix their disguises, BAKA.
Weekly, ususally on saturday/sundays
If you are going to samefag your posts, at least try to mask your posting style because this is just embarrassingly obvious.
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>kons you
>cons you
I knew it, don't trust foxes.
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Kon Kon
>Kons back
What now, don't feel too smart now aren't ya
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Fun fact: rape
Now this is koncern trolling
>Day of the Portals
>Meet a Haku
>Decide to do a little trolling
>She picked up on the Internet on day 1, so get her to start digging into "furries" and "Doug Winger Art"
>Turns out, that's her fetish
You guys gotta help me. I didn't expect it to go this way. She's popping futa potions outside my home right no--
I wish I could rape a batcat
>I wish I would be raped by a lanky loser
- thought the batcat
Batcat has to find a way to discretely dose Anon with a raging mushroom.
My dreamed batcat, one day maybe
>Sleeping manticore blocking your path
>Try to sneak around her
>Tail perks up
>Snakes around your feet and latches onto your crotch
>Manages to spine you, then undresses you, then spine you again
>Milks you while manticore snoozes, probably dreaming of fishos or something
>Get mocked (and raped) so hard by the world's smuggest core when she wakes up and realises that you somehow lost to her while she was asleep.
How strange. Maybe it'l update this week.
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Easier to wake her up, get her tiny batcat brain busy with a conversation (not hard) and gain distance before she realizes what's happening
Even easier is to put your dick in her fluffy ears to assert dominance. The wake up will be awkward
Monster girls who can sleep-rape you subconsiously. Miss Minotaur is lethal if you get caught under her when she turns in her sleep.
>do that
>she wakes up and gives you the most normal "dude, what the fuck is wrong with you" look imaginable
You are airdropped into the center of hagville, the early morning of february 15th.
Wails and cries are the only sounds you hear.
>"It was looking comfy, sorry. Can keep it there a little more?"
I refuse. I'm right where i need to be.
Now, i'll look for a Bicorn hag to open a business as a masseuse and gather money.
Should be manageable. They won't be out on the streets in the morning after they drank all that wine the night before.
No, I'm going to find a kiki and live here.
Not all of them, also are you familiar with vision cones?
>vision cones
What does that have to do with anything?
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Do you dare serve this table?
>the fox and anon's sour grapes
Anons, I am going to go insane. Who is this artist? I have been searching for days at this point just to find a name.
I don't associate with mushrooms or corpses.
Shoulnd't be too hard right? Just por the tea amd setve them some cookies, that's all.
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im reporting you to DOUGH (Department of Utterly Gigantic Hindquarters), because you violated the Ombuttsman rules on groping monster arses.
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Fuck the bugs
>he's replying to his own off topic spam again
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they'll never take me alive
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Monster girl bureaucratic overreach is becoming a real concern. How long until men are just disappeared by DOUGH to become chairs for bottom heavy monsters?
No I was actually interested in kots hitting the pose
I wish a monster girl groped my ass.
you'll have to file the correct forms, then a caseworker of your preferred species will be assigned within 3 working weeks subject to background checks.
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You shouldn't have pulled out the KONtrol rod.
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But i haven't even groped anyone? I'm inocent!
Exactly, why haven't you groped any monster? You better have a good reason.
I groped creeping coin but my hand got stuck in her slimey ass. I'm also in-a-cent!
Because i don't want to? I'm a gentleman, i would never grope a random monsters out in the street.
I swear I only put my cumrag under the spectrometer as a joke, why are there portals appearing everywhere!
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Too big.
Good size.
that's literally a drawing you colossal retard
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And friends!
You shouldn't talk about your friendwife like that anon.
Cute dumb JK
She's not my friend or wife
Exactly, she's both.
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Hours of undeath.
Just writing the last emails and then I'll be done...
>be me
>pick up a Phantom
>pick up an Ochimusha
>pick up a Dark Valkyrie
>pick up a Dhampir
>pick up a Demon
>nightly erotic RP sessions
>Yojimbo but sexy
>Zatoichi but sexy
>Ran but sexy
>True Grit but sexy
>Once Upon A Time In The West but sexy
>The Good, The Bad and the Ugly but sexy
>The Last Mohican but sexy
>The Godfather but sexy
>12 Angry Men but sexy
>stream it all on the NukiNet
>make millions but decide it's time for the ultimate production after a few centuries
>Journey to the West meets Saving Private Ryan meets Casablanca meets Goodfellas meets Fight Club meets Forrest Gump meets The Silence of the Lambs meets The Matrix meets The Green Mile meets Back to the Future meets Jurassic Park meets Harakiri meets Apocalypse Now meets Your Name meets Princess Mononoke meets Coco meets The Great Escape meets The Treasure of the Sierra Madre meets The Deer Hunter meets Top Gun meets Pirates of the Caribbean
>so perfect it ruins erotic RP for the entire world and causes a shitstorm that ripples across the NukiNet and the NormieNet
>DL herself arrests us and imprisons us as punishment for ruining her ability to watch erotic RP porn going forward
>worth it
need a cute lich to fuss over my slightly sick self as I chug water and cough syrup
I wish I had a cute undead loli.
>Lich stares at Anon
>then at her potion cabinet
>she has a potion that will instantly cure him that's been waiting to be used for the past two thousand years
>she should really use it
>this is the right time to use it, right?
>or she could go make some chicken soup with lots of ginger instead and feed Anon herself
>it DID cost her five hundred silvers after all
>yeah, better get cooking

Former adventurer monster girls are the worst for this. They'll let you suffer in sickness when they have an old potion or scroll sitting around that they can't bear to use because what if there's a more important time for it?!
>>12 Angry Men but sexy
>The plot of 12 angry men but it's 12 mamono on the jury and anon being wrongfully convicted
>but instead, 11 of them know it's a wrongful conviction and a bicorn is convincing all of the 11 single mamono into sending you to prison so that she can give you the choice of marrying her and making a harem
>they all get convinced for different reasons
>anon refuses at the end, which prompts all 12 angry mamono to rape him in the corthouse
Happy end.
Who else is on the jury? How fucked is Anon?
To be fair, there is a difference between a light cold and "the ancient cobra kings malady of 1000 days and nights of death", so she's just being practical as she's feeding anon and resting his head in between her cold titties
Call me old fashioned, but i'd like it if a mamono took care of me the normal way instead of instahealing me with some potion or spell.
At least for inconsecuential/ non life threatening stuff. Like if i get a cold and she makes me chicken soup and sings me to sleep while i rest on her lap i would get heart pupils for the rest of my life.
>the "cold rag on forehead" thing except using a fat undead tit instead of a rag
>Salamander laying underneath her husband and cooking the sickness out of him with her body heat as she massages his body to keep his blood flowing
>Arachne tightly wrapping her husband up and kiss-feeding him broth before gently rocking him to sleep while knitting a new outfit for him
>Oni force feeding her husband so much booze, edamame and gyoza that he blacks out and wakes up five days later in perfect health trapped in her arms in a room the reeks of sweat, booze and sex
>Zombie continues doing the only thing she does normally, hug and snug her hub, until he gets better
>Vampire sends her servants out to find the ultimate "medicines" for her husband while she keeps him bundled up in bed and fusses over him, hand feeding him the "medicines" brought to her (Campbell's soup, Sprite, oyster crackers and cough drops)

Ideas ideas.
>How fucked is Anon?
>Who else is on the jury?
I mean, there are a miriad of possible combinations, but to get the most ammount of variety in terms of arguing(and sex), i thing there would be
>A hellhound,manticore, etc
>A caster mamono
>A mob succ
>Heavy ass mamono(Troll, horc, porc)
>Heavy milkers mamono(Holst, Hobgoblin)
>Loli(Redcap, Bapho)
>Innocent or laid back (Alice, greenworm)
>Contract/Law mamono (Deem, Danuki)
>Beautiful, Demure mamono that's secretly a pervert (Inari, Otohime)
>A dragon/malef/chimera
Though you can imagine other roles or other mamono dispositions and how the Bicorn would convince them.
then maybe don't drink the entire potion and just a teaspoonful of it, maybe mixed into tea so it's easier to drink if it's too viscous?
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Pick a cait sith and pet cemetary but sexy.
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>Mage decides to toad herself
Thought exercise time. Let us base these jurors off of the actual jurors from the movie.

>Foreman/Juror 1, tries to keep things in order
Valkyrie/Dark Valkyrie seems obvious here.

>Juror 2, timid and easily interrupted by the other jurors
Toss up between Bunyip and Umi Osho.

>Juror 3, angry and argumentative but insistent on a not guilty verdict instead of guilty in this situation
I like Salamander for this juror who is obsessed with justice to the point of outright fury at the attempt to subvert it by the Bicorn.

>Juror 4, classist and logical
This is probably the most obvious to me. Vampire. She's voting not guilty because she believes that a poor, low-class Anon could not possibly be guilty of the crime he's accused of.

>Juror 5, is offended on Anon's behalf because of similar circumstances but doesn't really do much else
This was a hard choice but I'd go with a Kikimora here because a Kikimora would definitely stand up for a potential Mastah but would struggle to stand up to stronger girls.

>Juror 6, stalwart not guilty verdict (guilty in the OG) and protective of Juror 9
The firm position and protectiveness screams Ochimusha or Anubis to me.

>Juror 7, bored jokester who just wants to get out of there and goes with the flow
Cheshire, Imp, Pyrow, Familiar and Kakuen were all immediate thoughts. Any kind of trickster/teaser girl works here.

>Juror 8, only guilty verdict and desperate to ensure everyone takes her side
Only option here is Bicorn. She's voting guilty to force the judge to offer the option of marrying a juror instead of hard jail time so she can get a husband and make him the center of a harem all at once. Keeps giggling and drooling during deliberation while imagining how tasty his mana is going to be with twelve wives much to the annoyance of the other girls.

>Juror 9, kind old lady (unmarried Hag) who calls out the way that the other girls infantilize Anon since he's a man
Inari, Yeti, Troll or Kejourou come to mind.

>Juror 10, doesn't give a shit about the law and just wants Anon acquitted because he's just a simple boy and bad boys are a myth and if they're real then their wife is supposed to punish them not the law
Hellhound or Ushi Oni. This character in the movie is a vicious fuck so we need a hot-headed viciously overprotective girl.

>Juror 11, immigrant in the movie so she has to be formerly human, now monsterized and pro-monster as fuck
Dark Mage is kind of obvious here.

>Juror 12, also timid like Juror 2 but easily overwhelmed by all the evidence
Kobold. No other choice.
You really want a new mom
No anon, i want a mamono who loves me enough to feel that taking care of me in a vulnerable state is worth it, even if it takes time and effort. I would do the same for her.
Been a while since i watched the film myself, but sounds close to what i remember.
I'd make #5 a Dhampir because one of the things hinted at is that #5 is they're the same race/ethnicity as the defendant, and are afraid of speaking up because they don't want to be labeled as giving preferential treatment. They're also the first to get pissed when #10 goes on their racist tirade later on.
This brings many benefits. For example, she can now breathe through her skin.
Actually, that's definitely a better choice in this situation. Dhampir or Kitsune-tsuki since they appear human most of the time.
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I find these meme templates pretty lazy.
a cheshire tripsitter would give you psychosis 5 minutes in
Good end. I don't think I could handle two krakens though.
Methanol that doesn't kill you is an odd niche indeed.
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I already did that 2 years ago, and the side effects have mostly disappeared. I feel like my incident would have never happened with a Chesh guardian
If you need me I'll be slipping generic harem manga that goes nowhere into the local Eros library
Thank you for telling us, I've notified the local eros church of this
They're currently waiting outside.
That's just erotica for them. If you want to make someone angry you should donate them to the Two Steeples church book drive. Bicorns HATE inconclusive harem manga.
I can't do this anymore. I'm going to grab an anchor and drop down to a Charybdis so I never have to deal with society again
Sandworm option is better in my opinion.
Make sure you talk to a sea bishop first at least. Otherwise she's going to have to get you out and into society again to look for a lich.
>That's just erotica for them
Surely 100 chapters of the MC not even being able to hold hands with a love interest would drive them to rage instead of lust
Best outfits for an aspiring Succumomster? Jeans and a sweater with little sleeves for her wings to fit through? Blouse and a skirt? Dresses? It's hard to choose.
They know he'll end up with worst girl eventually. That's not the worst as long as they're happy. Now imagine knowing that he'll end up with ONLY worst girl after all of that. Cuckhorses have it worse.
>be bicorn
>find an anon
>plap him silly.
>he's excited to get his harem
>but to his despair his penis disappears.
>"Do you not know how bicorns work, anon?"
>"It's MY penis now."
>Her giant horse dick flops down, it's much larger than yours was and clearly horselike.
>"I'll be building our harem now. Don't worry though..."
>Her hand snakes down underneath her, a phantom feeling of pleasure overtakes you.
>"You can still feel everything here. But I'm the one riding this horse."
>"If you're good though, I'll let you have your dick back sometimes so you can plough this horsepussy."
>She goes on to gather a harem of all the girls. It feels like you are fucking them, but really it's her harem the entire time.
>Salamander getting visibly aroused when a discussion about weapons starts
Curse of Eros
It was mara that stole the penises.
A we'll-fitted sweater and mom jeans are the classic. Bonus points for a tail slit that shows her panties or lack thereof.
Oh right, the tail. The tail that succubi have. The tail that I forgot to account for when describing this aspiring Succumomster in my layout. Thank you. Sweater and jeans.
wish that tail wrapped around me
>Enter town
>They insist no woman here is a monster girl
>Plenty of girls with unnatural colored irises
>Tails peaking out from their under dresses
>lifting whole barrels full of produce with one hand
>And an obvious hellhound who just painted herself white
Monsters in sundresses can't be beat.
>"Damn, that's a shame."
>"Here I thought I could find myself a lovely monster wife here."
>"Thanks for letting me know, ma'am."
>"I'm off to the next town then."
>He forgot the best part of the succ
I tend to focus on the horns. I am rightfully ashamed.
Your heart is in the right place and your mind is in the second best place.
>everyone thinks Balrog is a smug ringleader for Pyrows
>in reality she's just the biggest dummy and failed class several times so she hangs out with juniors
oh shit Puuyo just uploaded a bunch of mge stories on ao3
Puuyo, please go chill your shit somewhere else.
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He has nothing else in life.
It makes sense because this is where his biggest fan visits.
They should just fuck already. Problem is that they'd both alp
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If he wants he can draw my oc and his oc fucking.
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She needs an Anon who will give her lessons to improve her grades and help her graduate together with her posse.
You ask too much of sensei anon
I was thinking of a classmate, but a newcomer teacher Anon would feel it's his duty to help Balrog-chan get proper education.
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Careful around witches, these bitches be horny.
>She picks some random freshman nerd
>Balrog magic does its thing
>Her husband becomes a Gigachad and graduates as head of the football team and with honors
>Turns down an NFL position to study and create a cure for impotence
>He did it all for the "good job" blowjobs
>Oh, and he still manages to help his bimbo wife squeak by with a 2.0 average
Fucking monster pussy, man.
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having a kitsune sit on your lap must feel heavenly
H'orcs are stinky, and yet they often refuse to bathe. How do we fix this cultural problem? No man should have to suffer their aroma.
Whenever my spitz jumps on my lap I end up with fur fucking everywhere and somehow even in my mouth. I cant imagine it being any better with NINE fluffy tails instead of one.
Easy. Disregard h'orcs and only take p'orcs for wives. Your p'orcer harem doesn't need any h'orcs in it.
Is it translated japanese stories from KC's website or something?
Yeah, basically nothing. A little sleazy if anything.
But I think h'orcs are cuter...
Stay in the bath until they get in with you
Maybe sideways, MAMONO MANA will have to put in a lot of work to make it comfy if she sits straight.
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Easy, you take her to a hot spring until she associates water with comfort. Then you can give her baths at home, with soap.
Fluffy fluffy fluffy fox.
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Getting lost in a fluffy fox
Mankind was practically MADE to be corrupted by fluffy foxes...
If that's true, then why do I spend every night with my face between jabberwock breasts?
>When your mucus toad rapist curls her tongue up into a spiral
You're a failure, a subhuman
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made to be bread
But I don't want to vore my maid.
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No, I am ascended.
Get a jabberwock wife and you can vore mice together.
You're not supposed to vore the mice, even if you're married to a jabberwock vore monster. That job belongs solely to her.
Instead, you get vored alongside the mice.
But you'll survive since her mana prevent her body from doing harm to you.
Do you think those mice would be eager to not die virgins.
no, humpties are made for breading
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They're too busy sleeping to care.
We need more shog recipes. Shog cake, shog croissant, shog cookies, shog spaggetti...
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A fox cannot be trusted, they promise love and fluff but will give you rape, love, and fluff
How do I know you're telling the truth? The foxes always told me not to trust anti-fox propaganda...
trust sheep instead
No mamono is trustworthy. Don't you see anon, it's all too good to be true. When the portals open, don't come looking for me. I'll be locked in my bunker defending myself from the demonic monstruos threat while you fall to their lies.
>Got curious if KC dropped anything since I stopped paying attention
Romantic comedy idea:

Lilims and The Archangels get paired and shipped with each other. Romcom cliches, tropes and humor inbound.

Yes, yes, he's out of ideas. Remember to keep paying because next month is the best girl ever.
>Foxes will give you more than you bargained for
>But in a good way
Beats the hell out of dealing with filthy t*nuki.
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The best oni is a massive, musclebound one that doesn't just rape you. She still wants to get in your pants badly, but prefers you go with her willingly, so she's very flirty instead.
Look miss wight, just because I have a fever doesn't mean I'm dead, nor does it give you permission to stand on my bed with heels on
I want to see cute and pure gyaru freshwoman Balrog and Anon-sensei. A great romcom manga -like scenario.
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Fever makes you all the more attractive to the undead.
Zombies breaking the door down just to swarm and steal all of the feverish body heat
I want a wight to cuddle me and let out an accidental "waaaarm" under her breath like old times.
4chan ate my post and now posts replying to this are showing up as (You)s to me, what have you done?
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I will betray humanity and become a faceless goon for DOUGH, looking piteously into the eyes of my fellow man as I give him two grip strengtheners and count his reps over ten grueling minutes in the Plushie Room.
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Kiki freaky
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You better run!
When Kiki got her gun!
>old undeads from centuries past seething because the diseases they died from are now treatable and benign
Love it.
>replying to himself again
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This is my god.
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This is mine. And i am lucky enough to get footjobs every day.
That's cool, but is your god DELICIOUS?
Fuck pyrows. I hate them!
Really taking it too far, wierdo.
it's how the scraper be scraping, newfriend
But why would you fuck a pyrow if you hate them?
The intent is to scrape thread stories.
Pyrow sex!
I will only have sex with a Pyrow after she becomes my girlfriend.
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But what if you gave to have sex with her for her to become your girlfriend?
>You just got into a new hobby
>Shitposting on 4mon
>Head over to han/d/holding and post pics of plastic doll hands
>Then over to /s/abbath to talk about how much you love corpulent hags
>But /sp/ider is where you really shine
>Post pics of garden spiders, claiming they're voyeur shots of your neighbor's wife
>Ask them how to shot web
>Derail EVERY serious thread with pictures.
>Pictures of Peter Parker!
>Facts about Arachnophobia
>Pics of John Goodman as a saint
>You know, some trolling
>An Atlach Nacha even accuses you of being a cheshire
>You're pretty proud of that one

>Basically, everything's going great!

>Until the day you wake up wrapped in a silk cocoon and suspended in the air.
>Slowly rotating in a darkened room with dozens of spider girls, all with eerily reflective eyes.
>"ANON! The Spider Council has summoned you to answer for your crimes against spiderkind!"
Only if she becomes my girlfriend no later than the instant my dick goes inside her.
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Hey I heard this story before.
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what do you have against doll hands?
i dont want those anywhere near my junk
Pyrow sex! Balrog sex! Fiery demonic gyaru sex!
i want those near my junk
>celebrates your anniversary down to the second of insertion, and not one second earlier
>instead of anniversary she calls it "the moment that cute boy I liked became a little bit less of a nerd, chu~"
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is it doll inspection day?
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thats everyday
Pyrows can be real cheeky sometimes.
I wasn't expecting terrorism
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This is what happens when you don't share your harvest with those funny green things
But if you don't feed your funny green thing all the leafy green things, she'll never grow up big and strong!
It's not easy being green. Has she considered going blue?
How did this wight get the IP rights to my bodily fluids?
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against her will, yeah
The first Wonderworm was the naughtiest Greenworm in history.
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>After becoming the first Wonderworm ever. If you could go back in time and prevent yourself from stealing the candy, would you?
>Nah, totally worth it, that was some good ass candy.
I’ve seen this happen elsewhere too, 4chan just keeps getting shittier.
The munchies would drive her to go do it again but hungrier this time.
She looks so squishable.
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But who are you quoting
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what's the aftermath of being struck squarely by a couched demon silver lance?
Same, specially since she started having some weird ideas after she invited me to watch a monster children movie called "Analrella"
How are children allowed to watch this?
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Please do not the fox
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i might the fox
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What's the worst that could happen?
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So, I came back to the thread in the previous thread for the first time since late February. Is the thread on the verge of death at this point? 300 posts in 24 hours is incredibly slow compared to how it used to be.
take it easy
Gentleman, I have come from the Portal Authority to offer you a job. Yes, most of you will not last longer than a week before getting dragged from your post by a hyper aggressive girl because the machine guns are useless but the few of you who last will also end up quitting because you end up seduced by a monster girl. Please somebody accept, we're running out of border guards.
are cows safe?
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Built for alien abduction

They're sly creatures with many secrets
Can you offer me a job in zipangu? Preferably one with a damp and poorly lit warehouse.
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Don't know about warehouses but the shrines and temples are hiring. The ryu ones are the most likely to be damp.
What the pay, what we get in our kit?
I'm stealing the first huge-titted zombie cow I find from ms lich's horde and she can't stop me! It's not like she cares if one zombie is missing out of her giant flock of undead, and I'll be long gone taking the bioweapon out on cute dates and outfit hunting!
What happened to this place? All I see is erping now. What happened to all the writefaggotry?
Why would anyone want to write for this place?
We still have writefags occasionally dropping stories but generally activity shifted to this "erp" or very short greentexts. The change was not exclusive to this thread, in general writefags and drawfags moved away form 4chan to shitcord or twitter.
That tail is so fluffy. I-I wanna touch it...

Yes, I'd like to guard the local convenience store. You know, the one at the station closest to Infernal High?
What happens if I touch a married fox’s tail?
a foxlet jumps out of it and claims you
what happens if you touch 9 tails?
You get 9 foxlets, duh. No refunds.
how can a fox hold that many foxlets? escape the fox pile and touch those 9 tails again
lmao even
>year 20XX, some time after portals
>foxfags crampied their fleabag waifus so much, that they have become an overpopulation crisis on their own
>they even throw their young at random people to continue the vicious cycle
I believe vampires are largely responsible for the stagnation in monster medical science. Once they found out about leeches, any advances beyond that point fizzled out under mysterious circumstances. All the papers that get published now are still about how awesome leeches are for everything from pneumonia to sprained ankles.

They're even going so far as to argue over optimal heel height and bust size for the leeches themselves.
i wonder if fairies are capable of shrinking people down to their size
You attempt to do so but fail, then a series of unlikely events that would make an unagi joro scratch her head cause you to fall into the tails of the nearest suitable single fox.
I like to think over population is solved by a overabundance of identical mamono mana collapsing in on itself and expanding space and time to accommodate for it. It'll just happen one day, and you won't really understand how or why, and it will take a moment for you to consciously realize it's happened, but one day you'll wake up and go for a stroll with your wife outside your idyllic little foxu village, and upon a new winding path you kind of do and don't recall being there, you'll find it ends in another idyllic little village, some how familiar yet different, and at some point, you'll see faces you'll come to realise you hadn't seen in a little while, and they you. So gradually that it isn't until you see them again that you realize how long it's been.

I like to think of them like little bee hives, and it's another reason why you don't fuck with monsters, because a quiet little hamlet could turn out to be 50 all folded into the same space in parallel dimensions. The most powerful foxus might decide to wield their magicks to finalise the process, and seal off the entrance to their realm and formalise it into an actual pocket dimension and unify it into a kingdom. Or they may choose to just keep it as it is, and let people navigate the spaces though subconscious self suggestion. "I need to go to the grocery store in the town over" Letting them take the byroadsand navigate dimensions, their link to the friends and family and their soul-link with their wives guiding them back home all the same.
Furthermore, this is why you have stories of trespassing young men going missing. It's not just because they find reasons to stay (though it mostly is)
Orrrrr you can bulldoze all the little gremlins (not actual gremlins) into Pandemonium and let (fallen) God sort them out.

I'm sorry, 4d foxes are where I draw the line!
I refuse to hug skinny yeti
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Ded hours.
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Do not bully the frogs.
They're good girls.
Guess i'm going to have to do it myself then.
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One post was all that was needed to breathe some life into this thread
>hiking innamarsh
>see toad out on her pad, a good 100+ yards away through the trees
>toad waves
>wave to toad
>how nice, what a nice lady
>continue on
>struck on your cheek with a big fat sticky tongue and reeled through the air into a princess carry
>your evening plans are now "dinner date with thickly accented hermit toad whose cooking skills stop at BBQ kebab and making guacamole out of whatever she can cram in her mortar and beat the daylights out of"
Sounds like a good life ahead.

Hentai artist cheshire is scary.
Fetish artist cheshire is genuinely terrifying .
>Wurm going to germany and going on a quest to get all of the catchy songs out of people's ears
>Story is called: Ohrwurm
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How does she do it?
She knows that she is the princess of the swamp.
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moist toad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stinky, dried-up cringeshire
Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
Strategist sahu will come out on top in the end.
If that means the Sahu will become voluptuous with massive titties, big round ass, and thick thighs that put the toad to shame, then I'm rooting for her.
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It feels like someone took AM from i have no mouth and i must scream, reprogrammed it to focus all the hate on one frenchman and blocked its every outlet except for this thread.
I think I just realized how an Atlach-Nacha would try to get a guy's attention over the internet.
you should see how big gars and catfish get
For once I'd like to get catfished.
I have horrible news
I think chancellor anon might be a haglord
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Can you see them at the aquarium?
nobody puts fresh water fish in a aquarium, its only salt water
Her eyes are so beautiful
But what will a monster do when she corners me, but then she hears my boss music playing?
Last time I visited an aquarium they had piranhas there.
>>>/a/271613240 and in retrospect that was the anime that got me into monstergirls, particularly the mating season episode.
I don't get it
theyre probably one of the few freshwater species that youll see, just because theyre kinda small and pretty common in the exotic pet trade, gars and catfish get huge and require equally huge tanks, youre talking about fish that get to a hundred pounds relatively fast and will probably out live you
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Pocket Ratas are a brilliant invention.
Gonna fill the eros library movie section with heartbreak drama movies, make sure the covers are swapped so they have no idea
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The dream
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I will NOT a kiki
Too busty
I loved that doujin.
Words uttered by the mentally deranged
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You are sentenced to Frogging!
You will receive 1000 tongue lashings!
Well I mean... okay.
Maids do not need huge fucking milkers they just gonna get in her way
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it's good to have at least 1 milkmaid around
Maids do in fact need huge fucking milkers to squish against windows as they reach up to dust. They do in fact need huge fucking milkers as they kneel down and bend over, trying hard to reach under the cabinet to clean, but their huge fucking milkers just keep squishing up against the floor. Maids quite require huge fucking milkers to sway in your face as they sheepishly interrupt your activities as you sit, to sweep dust off a surface behind you. Maids must have huge fucking milkers to pad the collision as she rushes about and accidentally runs into you, bowling you over and landing on top with your face buried in her huge fucking milkers.

And lastly, how are they going to milk your cock between their huge fucking milkers if they don't have huge fucking milkers? I hope these examples serve to elucidate you as to the paramount necessity of huge fucking milkers.
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Maids need huge fucking milkers to breastfeed me and our children
All 80 of them

She kept an entire cupboard of fertility pills
>master found the milk shelf
Cute domestic Mistress Arch-Dominatrix Farelia Orga'sym-Denayal, stocking up veggies for a recovery soup no doubt. What a lovely house wife.
>hire maid
>maid is gigamilky
>constantly leaves trails of milk behind, which she then has to clean up
>but it never ends
>cant fire her because labor law prevents that
>take the issue up to court
>court decides you have to give her enough daughters to deal with the milk problem

Fucking rigged system
If Manticores aren't eros worshipers then why are they all pink?
>rigged Fucking system
>Miss Lilim-chan, your highness... Steiner's counter attack had failed...
Don't care
I will force my shog to take flat and petite form even though she wants to be curvy
They're red, that's a badass color.
Maid should be able to provide me with milk directly from the source
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Kiss Your Servant
I will Kiss My Shog.
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Zombie maid are clumsy but always do their best!
Ittan Momen on Halloween?
I can't believe this is the same girl that will bdsm torture me to the brink of death.
I like when corpses are bloated in the right places
You're right, a maid mustn't ignore that.
God, those look awful.
slime tiddies making milk? What's next, porcs with wings?
>What's next, porcs with wings?
You'll see what a creative p'orc can do with wax and feathers.
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It lost everything to fanatic puritans.
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Big undead are storming the barricades!
Milk in mammals is just filtered blood, so slimes being able to secrete a milk like substance is very possible.
Jiangshi like that one really show dominance when they hop at high speed.
Imagine the kinetic energy they are able to accumulate before bashing the barricades
Looks like asanagi works.
Dunno what story i should write
>cu sith
>She would never do that. She's brown,not black
That's how I'm coping with the fact that I find this elf really attractive
Another n'wah suckered.
They're a lot of great dark elf art, sadly it's a very "niche" race in MGE. A bad ending for almost anyone when you take in account the daughter rape + western dominatrix/bdsm/c&but fetish
How does ryuun keep doing it?
I don't know but it's amazing, he's also getting quite a lot into onis, automatons, cows and dwarves.
I must say thought that I miss his Kancolle strips, lewds and shenanigans.
Miss Kiki, this is inapropriate behavour between master and servant.
She must have just gotten a promotion.
I've heard of head maids but never of kiss maids. Are you sure that promotion is legitimate?
Kissing is done with the mouth, which is part of the face, which is part of the head, so yes, she is a head maid.
I am a monster privateer.
I steal from monster merchant vessels - including the crew's panties.
Krakens fear me.
The Royal Wonderland Navy, Lescatian Marine Corp, Danuki Zipangese Merchant Fleet etc. loathe me.
Poseidon RESPECTS me.
Please send fruits and vegetables to the cause as otherwise i will get scurvy.
Lemon Dryads are indispensable.
Good thing I don't care for it.
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there should be more griffon stuff
I like griffons
Captain tanuki has a male brothel in every port and a highly profitable slave trade business.
fresh fried griffin coming up.
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That reminds me of a greentext of an anon taking a pirate zombie home and bathing her
>get blasted by de-aging ray fired by a Gremlin fleeing the local Paladins as she tries to lose them in my local grocery store
>survival mode kicks in and I throw myself to the ground, just barely ducking beneath a Dark Mage Hag's outstretched arms
>manage to dodge a dozen other Hags as I make my escape through the use of random canned goods and a 24 pack of beer I yoinked from some gymbro and his Oni wife's cart
>try to drive off and end up smashing into one of those new mamono magic powered cars because I have the body of a ten year old
>hear the driver get out wondering why my car was moving without a driver
>come face to face with a Lim when she peaks into the window
>look back at her, feel my heart begin racing as I realize I'm fucked if she's unmarried
>her face breaks out into a wide grin
>oh no, I'm fucked
>hear the Hags whining from the grocery store entrance as she rips the door off its hinges, throws me over her shoulder and carries me home

You want to know what the worst part is? I have to go back to fucking school again.
For me? It's being a Air Pirate.
What does she work as?
Wait, I thought you were supposed to work up a healthy sweat and let her sniff your balls?
That's more for dogs like kobold and cu sith.
A traveling salesman.

Danuki has wares, if you have coin.

That's only if she's been a good 'nuki.
Kill yourself, retard
Be nice.
My Nuki landlordaccountantwife has it in our contract that she must be provided no less than one hour of sweatyballhuffing per day and must be provided with a fresh pair of sweaty boxer briefs one a weekly basis. Sounds like your Nuki has poor contract-writing skills. Then again, my Demon attorneywife did help write up the contracts for everyone so that could be why.
Ball sniffing is a good trade for breath sniffing. After all, I've heard danukis have a thing for big balls.
oh oh
The gremlin looks like she just realized she didn't think this invention through.
You have been all out with your garbage these last couple weeks, not just sniping every single Danuki post and killing every discussion but now starting your own
Kill yourself already you parasite
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Why can't people latch onto cait sith instead.
She's fun.
She has big meaty paws.
She's super cuddly too, but only when she wants you to cuddle her.
She's testing the automaton's kot catching abilities.
Automatons are good for catching kots, in case their husband/owner wants a kot for whatever reason.
Unfortunately, gremlin is a kot, so she was captured.
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Because there are better cats.
is she really a kot though?
i honestly full blown hate cait sith
I'm tired of seeing it, I don't like its face or body, I don't like the lore, I pretty much don't have anything nice to say about it
This chesh has lich genes.
I don't think so.
>bloated bottom
All the proof you need.
Since Malef blood makes their husbands want to breed hardcore would it make sense for a Malef to feed her husband her blood? I'm thinking it would work like an aphrodisiac and energy drink because of all the potent dragon mana in it.
I also think she should have an adult body.
It's a furry abortion without any redeeming qualities, everyone has universally hated it since day 1.
Undead kot is fine too.
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Aere you sure?
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>Undead kot
Cats have nine lives, meaning an undead cat has died 9 times. Be prepared for the most affection starved, tsundere and mood swingy cat. She won't be satisfied until you give her 9 lives worth of love.
She wouldn’t be affectionate starved or tsundere. She’d be a clumsy idiot on par with wurms but without the durability, you’d have to invest in a harness and a good leash to keep her from jumping into traffic cause she heard the ice cream truck
it'd probably work
but there's any number of foodstuffs that has a similar effect
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Touch the cow.
need more monster girls with guns
>Remove hat from Mad Hatter
>Put it on shelf she can’t reach
>Laugh as she’s just Mad now
Why does being in hagville make me so sleepy?
Because it’s basically a retirement community.
Okay, but why do they start smiling every time I yawn?
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Just found what very well may be THE peak Lamia wife
I see nipples.
Hagville is just that a "village" (it started as a village, but now it's almost country sized)for older mamono. Which means, there isn't much entertainment for youth or actual active people. Unless you like interacting with the century old monstergirls and listening to their stories about the war of corruption or whatever else happened decades ago, you'll find yourself bored quickly.
Without an outside influence like a strapping young man ready to do some work, places in hagville sometimes gather too much lethargic energy, which is contagious.
To combat this, you should set up stuff like gyms, zumba classes of fightclubs. It gets them out of their depressive spirals, and dispells the cloud of lethargic energy surrounding them.
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... and other such scholarly excerpts from the Limbrary of Mongress.

These are the philosophies the great nation-city-state of MGC were founded upon.
which mg wouldn't give me a weird look if I asked them to pee on me?
She is either very wise or >>47924492 a complete airhead, nothing in between.
What would a Kiki make of this request? Of course she would have to do it, but would she be glad to? Would her wan instincts overpower her cleaning obsession? Or would she love to just for a reason to wash her master's body?
would she at least be comfortable with face sitting
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>lvl 1 Anubis healer: "I-I knew it! You hired me just so you can take me out into the wilderness and... a-assault me, didn't you?"
>lvl 20 adventurer Anon: "...You knew and joined anyway?"
I think a kikimora would be very uncomfortable with it. It's just going to make a mess she has to clean up, and being peed on is a sub thing, so can't imagine your average kikimora would be into it.
If you get her to squirt on you however, that's a different deal.
I bet she arranged to be picked and is just pretending she didn't want it all along.
I don't know. The thing is that there could be at least one Kikimora who would get off of it because of the taboo. It could make her feel naughty and humiliated in a way that could short circuit her brain and be arousing.
And I think it would be an entire play. First the golden shower, then she would clean up her master in the actual shower. First doing something bad and then reaffirming normalcy.

I guess it would be ok as long as it's an order and it makes her master feel good.
>The thing is that there could be at least one
I mean, there could be a any mamono that gets off of it. We are mainly talking about the average Kiki.
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I imagine it would be a spur of the moment thing for both
>adventurer Anon enters low level adventurers guild to take a break, listen to local rumours and stuff
>normally a honourable man but when he catches a glimpse of the cute little Anubis healer with her big butt and skimpy clothes, it's love and maddening lust at first sight and he just must have her
>Anubis thinks that the much more powerful human adventurer asking her to join him and go on a quest with just the two of them can't have any practical reason to pick her, also for some reason she starts becoming aware her body is kind of lewd and she's wearing too little
>it definitely seems like she's being chosen for rape, but there's something about Anon that makes her want to go anyway
>>it definitely seems like she's being chosen for rape, but there's something about Anon that makes her want to go anyway
It's most likely the rape.
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>has cat ears
>reacts to headpats with purring
>broke everything that i left on the table
yep, that's a kot
I don't mind Cait Sith since furries for the most part keep to themselves but there's absolutely zero that sells me on them that Nekomata, Werecat, or Sphinx don't do better.
>furries for the most part keep to themselves
Monsters love rape, no matter who's doing it.
Once I get my hands on a Lim there are gonna be dozens of Lil Lims running and flying around.
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Me love cow. Moo moo milk good.
Mmmmm cow...
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Sheep and big goat milk is good too.
They got another one, brothers. When are they going to get me? I want a comfy cow too...
Man, we're never getting that cow, ey?
You're a young university student who could use a little more extra cash. There's not a lot of sidejobs left in the city that suit you, but you can fall back on tutoring high school or younger monsters that need it.
Roll 1 or more if you really want. Who is she and what does she need help with?
It's like they are looking at me.
He's gone, fren. He's been taken by the cows.

Once you go full cow, that's it. Your IQ drops the moment your face is pressed between her bare breasts, and then you become cowbrained. Milk, cuddles, loving, and a fascination with chewing bubblegum; that's all that occupies your head.
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That's why you need to stick to learncows.
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The best ice cream I've eaten in my life was made of goat milk
The effect is still the same with learncows. Same with minos too.
At least learncows will make good use of the IQ points she siphoned off.
Rolled four because I want to be way over my head.

Since the Kiki Academy doesn't have her she has to be a monsterized girl. Probably from all the mana coming through the portals lately. That means she's probably native and knows some basics. I'm betting it's some kind of social studies class. Imagining a Kiki taking an advanced class like psychology and getting overwhelmed is a cute thought.
Math and science are not necessary for a warrior culture such as hers so she's 100% terrible at both of them. History she's only good at because she likes reading about battles. Definitely a female version of that kid in high school who can recite every battle in the 1st and 2nd world wars but doesn't know about the Spanish Flu.
She's 100% failing on purpose. There is absolutely zero chance a Demon is out here failing any classes. I guarantee it's all meant to get me to sign a contract of "eternal tutorship" or something. If she is legitimately failing anything, it's gotta be some kind of science.
She's failing absolutely everything. She's so reliant on her overwhelming power that she just sleeps through class every single day. Hopeless cause. Destined to become just another dorkLim depressed shut-in fanfiction writer like her elder sisters without my intervention.

I'm fucked honestly.
>she siphoned off.
Wait, does that work with other cows too? I wanna see a Mino that took like a 200 IQ nerd as a husband.
>It's most likely the rape.
It might be she's just kind of smitten on first sight too even if she doesn't want to acknowledge it, and her monster instincts are subconciously telling her he's actually a good guy despite the momentary urge to rape. But the prospect of being ravished and dominated might be a little alluring to a young, small and slightly nerdy monster girl
>Wait, does that work with other cows too?
Technically, but...
So down to earth she doesn't want to do much but take care of the farm and her husband. The extra intelligence goes unnoticed
So lazy she has nothing to do with the intelligence. Not that she's actually intelligent because she was so dumb before she's only average now.
Does what she was doing before but harder and with a man to milk her so she's less distracted.
>demon asks for you to sign her marriage contract
>no way fag
>time for plan b
>timetravels back to when anon was in gradeschool, being taught cursive
>early bird gets the worm
>demon rearrives in the present with your signature scribble on display
>anon has vague memories of trading his signature to a purple lady in exchange for a look at her boobies
>happily married ever after
Cursive is still fucking useless.
Pay up to stay updated, gaijin.
She's having trouble with her physics homework. She's supposed to calculate the pressure she should keep her fruit at so that it's perfectly springy, not too deflated, and not too hard. After showing her how to do the calculation for any mass, she asks me if i could tell her my weight. I do(big mistake) and she perfectly adjusts the fluid inside her fruit to accomodate for both our weights. With a little help of her polen, she convinces me to give it a test drive(bigger mistake).
Suffice to say, her calculations were exact.
Well, it's not just one look at her boobies Anon will get.
She is a good student, be proud.
Every experienced adventurer knows every little thing counts. Her health buff that absorbs about half a stubbed toe. Her divine sanctuary buff that makes the kitchen knife cut your nail instead of your finger skin. Her premonition that's 1.83% more likely to be accurate than a random guess on which path to take. These things can add up to the difference between life and death! Besides, how else are low level hirelings supposed to gain experience?
>depressed shut-in fanfiction writer
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I want death to sit on my face
To kill you, right?
You're worthy of a Lilim.
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Looks like you skipped a cow.
Hey, don't worry. I was describing myself there as well.
I don't care what Big Cow says, spidercows are NOT cows.
That's an oni.
If you unexpectedly encountered a girl like her at the adventurer's guild, would you even as an experienced adventurer be able to think about that complex stuff, or would you recruit her just because your dick told you to do it?
That should've been Big Spider. It seems I'm not immune to propaganda.
But i don't deserve a lim. They are way abobe me. She wouldn't notice someone like me.
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Thats it. You're all getting Ushi'd tonight.
>brain calculates she would be a net positive even when taking into account expenses lile food and items
>Dick aproves
> Heart says she's the companion i desperately need
They would all be in agreement.
I'll take your Lim then. My Lim Legion will grow much faster with two Lims.
>Depressed fanfiction writer
She probably thinks Loto/Erdrick in DQ III is peak Hero character too.
I'm still waiting to get Whitehorned amd wake up with her on my side, so ushi should get in line.
Or maybe she's faster. At this point i would even take a weird spider/cow/demon hybrid.
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Big fat vore monster!
Nope, nevermind. I'm redeeming my free lim ticket right this moment.
I'd recruit her because my dick told me to do it, but there'd be a ton of rationalization there. I'm a big bad adventurer, I can protect her better than a lower level party, right? Someone needs to actually take care of her, she looks a bit young to really start adventuring. And if you recruit a mage young, you can have them learn spells for your specific needs. Sure there's a bit of time before she actually becomes useful, but it'll be worth it, haha. Let's just ignore the tightness in my pants.
Damn you, Anon. Now it'll take twice as long for my Legion to grow.
But I actually LIKE Ushis. Can't I get Ushi'd?
I'd love to hear the story of an unaffiliated, common-blood (or secretly not) anubis this far from the desert and working hard all by herself.
If you like being murdered, sure. Because that's what they do.
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Of course!
In fact, they're accepting volunteers right now!
Lies and slander!
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It's crazy we never post the good comic gairas here.
I might do it fucking later.
Well, maybe you should audition with the lim factory herself and try to get a second lim assigned to you instead of trying to steal other peoples lims.
Maybe I will. I'll take the stinky NEETiest, dorkiest Lims off her hands.
>The lim factory
That's a rude way to refer to your future mother in law, and even then it would take 8+ years to get your custom lim.
! !
>8+ years
If i had a lim it would take me 8 seconds.
many times i consider ushi melee focused and i forget they can shot web to wrangle anons
A man of reason, the heart's needs shouldn't be forgotten. And what could be better for it than companionship of little girls.

It only makes sense
>she's clearly too young and inexperienced to adventure normally with other low levels
>so you should take her under your wing
>totally nothing to do with wanting to fuck her

There's probably some anubi natively living north outside the desert, all it takes is some traveler really taking a liking to an exotic brown wolfu and eloping back home to start a remote population somewhere.
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How do you teach smug monsters a lesson?
And don't say rape correction because that's what they want
The only way to de-smug a monster is to bang her mom.
Context based. Depends on the situation, the smug monster and the smugged anon.
Also, rape correction.
That's how you end up with an Oyakodon Marriage.
friendship hug
So if your wife is too smug, you should ask your father-in-law for a favor?
>Take hebe monster into your party
>Buy her some actual, honest to goodness clothes: warm, durable, and loose fitting
>Adventure with her for a year or two, try to daughterzone her and watch her grow as a mage
>She triggers an acid trap (that you warned her about) and has to yank off her clothes before she gets burned
>All fatherly thoughts slayed harder than the rats in the first sewer you helped her clear,
>It's time to breed
I bet monster puberty hits like a truck.
I just wanted to make a joke about banging moms.
I tend to overthink things.
We could apply momster rules and make the daughter adopted. Mixed type monster "oyakodon" could get really interesting.
That's fine. I tend to overthink ways to talk about bangin' moms.
Mostly your own, I hope.
Don't rape them
Just walk away, they want to get a reaction out of you. Turn your back on them, and ignore anything you might hear from behind. Trust me.
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turning your back to ms jinko is recommendable
I love robot cat.
Got assigned to her as part of a mentorship. Every day is a different subject. One day it's Mathematics, the next its Physics. But every day, there seems to be a joke mixed in there. A pen with a built-in vibrator, a squeaking eraser. One thing that's certain is that she doesn't seem to reject the help. She's got a perpetual grin to her, and in spite of the jokes she's showing that she is taking in the lessons.

She is taking the whole creampie thing a little too far. She must have lifetime stock in whipped cream for all the tins she's tossed.
Jinko hug from the back is a pleasant surprise.
>You can tell it's an aborted pounce every time
>It's still welcome
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jinko anything is welcomed
Jinko kiss definitely is.
>Buy her some actual, honest to goodness clothes: warm, durable, and loose fitting
>Adventure with her for a year or two, try to daughterzone her
This would fail a couple weeks into the adventure tops, when she wants to sleep in the same bed or bedroll for warmth. She probably sleeps naked, too.
strange it feels like an mg is raping me with her eyes
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She looks like she might be out of the adoptable age group.
Nonsense, Anons are adoptable at any age, so it's only fair even a middle-aged Rata can be adopted too.
Reminder that monsters will torment you by forcing you to see the girl you like having better times with other people to make you emotionally dependent on them.
Is this the gangrape snuff doujin.
I dunno; it's just a gazer bein' all gazer-y.
My Lim wife must be up for some really freaky roleplay then if we're adopting a middle-aged Rata daughter. Granted a middle-aged Rata is practically a baby to an immortal being.
Monsters don't love you
They love power
They only want a man that would give them more power
If men stopped producing the power source they want, they would drop them like a sack of dirt.
There is no genuine loyalty with monsters, they just see humans as a food source
Incubi are a means of replacing humanity with monsters pretending to be humans.
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cat milk
Luckily monster girls haven't figured out how to produce their own semen. It would probably be a super powerful mix too.
Monsters wouldn't do this, right? They wouldn't force you to dig up old pain of being cheated on then trick you to see how the woman that cheated on you is now a monster and still happily with the guy she dumped you for just to snatch you up to be a disposable fucktoy, right?
finished your tantrum yet?
He's been on that same tantrum for like 2 years now. Just ignore him like you ignore the homeless at the park.
Your "waifu" would cheat on you at the drop of a hat the second a better man comes along.
I'm into yanderes, so your comment doesn't even make sense.
What matters is that your new daughter is happy telling you and your wife how her day at work went.
So there's a name I can put to the pest now? Nice, makes it even easier to avoid him.
She'd just kill you and move on to her "true" love, then.
>can't tell if the pest trying to drum up for his "own" story or not
Well played.
Reminder that the demon lord decided to keep the cuckold tentacle forest around for absolutely no reason despite it nearly killing her "husband". Monsters are whores that just want sexual pleasure, loyalty isn't a thing with them at all.
Monsters will steal your homes from you, tear your family apart since your wife's "true love" is with the gravedigger covered in human feces while you're forced to fuck a literal shit eater because you're the only human around that can't refuse as your kids are forced to live their lives in a brothel then kill you for not wanting to live that kind of life.
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The bear knows you're just playing dead. You look fun, so she'll play with you too.
Then she'll rip your spine out and eat your flesh for not being worthy enough for her.
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Please go find Jesus.
Gonna find a hibernating bear and cuddle fuck her all winter.
Disregard jesus, i want to find the portals.
Bring her some high calorie food before she goes into hibernation and she'll be begging you to stay.
Monsters will take joy and laugh as you're forced to live in caves under fear of dying the moment you step outside and decide to side with literal slavers the moment you have the means and power to fight back against people exploiting you. Do you really think these women will actually be loyal? That's hilarious.
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oh fug, a bear
Have a bad day with your wife because she forgot to pick up your kids? Monsters will steal her away, change her into a monster and have her get with some random guy because that's her "true soulmate" while you get nothing. Have not 100% positive opinions about Undead monsters invading your home? They'll just fucking execute you! Don't want to be forced into being a dog or a literal spider ass or a slime boy? Well too bad, you'll just be brainwashed into wanting it because your opinions mean nothing, you're just a food source to monsters.
>oh, fug a bear
You're gonna have, like, so many Khepris.
>Mindless whores that would likely just hop the dick of the guy that gets lucky and kills you or if he's just stronger
Hope not.
She's a lich living in Utah. Somehow I always knew.
You know what, you win. Mamono are terrible. You convinced me. Why are you even in this thread, brother? We should go to reddit together in harmony!
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What kind of vile trickery are foxes up to today?
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This thread needs some divine intervention.
>Mad because I'm right
Go ahead, surely if I'm wrong you'd be able to say so, right?
Chinese gacha is ungodly.
It's worse, it's K*rean.
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Anyways, spooders are cute and I like them. I would hug a spider so thoroughly.
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The same trickery they get up to every day: Trying to rape Anon.
>spooders are cute
No they're not.
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More spooders for me then!
Not if I kill them all.
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Man, someone got their cereal pissed in today.
Vomit. I don't want 3DPD-tier whores in my 2D.
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Foxes would never trick anyone.
>not japanese
>couldn't even be bothered to get the full resolution
Trash post
Reminder that monsters will invade your town, force you from your home and force you to feel unending pain and suffering after shooting you with an arrow for "getting in the way of love" if you have a problem with that.
Reminder that monsters only care about your "mana" and if you took that away, they'd see zero point in you. Want a "loyal" and "loving" wife? Too bad, your power level is just too low!
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Mick really is going all out tonight.
Too bad for him i'm too busy with actually important stuff to pay attention to his ramblings
always amusing to see he thinks everyone is as feeble-minded and impressionable as him
Reminder that monsters steal their food sources away from their homes, their family and their friends to isolate and brainwash them into not wanting to leave. Feeling sad because you're not allowed to go back home because you were turned into an Incubi (monster boy)? Poof! There goes all your memories of your parents, friends and home town! What's a human? Who cares! Your wife came home after sucking off the grocer and is gonna make pie today!
Fuck off back to /g/ with your slop, pajeet.
this mg is happy, free-spirited, excited, and lonely at the same time.
Reminder that monsters will side with slavers, pirates and literal oppressors if you try to stand up for yourself against people exploiting your home while also deciding to sink and psychologically torment a ship full of people for defending their home until they all view every single thing in life exactly how monsters WANT you to view them. Have a fear of deep water, only was drafted under threat of arrest or just got swept up in wanting to keep your home safe? Too bad, you get to spend 20 years in the deepest part of the ocean until you mentally break like a POW in Vietnam!
I sure hope no monster girls climb through this open window in my kitchen that's letting the cool air in to chill things out in my kitchen. Sure would hate to see someone break in to eat my chili, jalapeno cheddar cornbread or buffalo chicken mac and cheese. I should have time to take a quick shower before packing things away for the week.
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my mind is too filled with thoughts of milky hellhound titties
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fuck off
Damn, consider me convinced.
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All monsters eventually turn into cows, it's their natural cycle of life
Reminder that Monsters love you, you should love them back
No they don't and no I won't.
I'm going to walk up to Ms. Lim the next time I see her, grab her by the hand and start walking beside her like it's the most natural thing in the world.
What's the best way to intentionally sabotage my relation with monsters? Do I just need to stab one of their husbands a couple of times?
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Monsters don't love you, don't love them back.
Need 1920's style gangster greenworm holding a tommy gun
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This is the best I got right now
>monster version of liveleak shows anon walking up to Ms. Lim boldly, the moment their pinkies touch he cums in his pants and falls unconsious foaming at the mouth
She's like a walking chinese steel mill
Need 1920's style gangster greenworm holding a tommy gun getting gunned down horribly
If only we had an image like that....
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>Implying a Lilim would ever want some fucking loser normal human
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She looks like a bitch.
Spambot faggot. Go get banned again you annoying retard.
>implying she won't also sperg out the moment she finally has physical contact with a man for the first time in her 400 year life

We'll both be writhing on the ground cumming in our pants then.
I just realized that bass is upside down.
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Damn cats.
Fuck off, faggot.
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What happens if you overdose on mofu?
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What would monstergirl deviantART be like?
So many pudgy nerd OCs.
So. Many.
Lots of devoius art of various anons holding hands with various monstergirls, and occasionally an anon holding hands with several monstergirls, at the same time.
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Stop right there, criminal scum!
>pudgy nerd OC
Sounds like self portaits rather than OCs.
taxes are crime and i will never stop for police
Lets play monball
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I prefer shogball.
Fuck off.
I prefer Calvinball.
shogball is just you and shog
and she is throwing the shogball at you
Not quite, it's shog and her clones on one team and our daughters and i on the other team.
Not sure if I should've heard that in the voice of Noa Izumi or Amelia from Slayers
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This is the face of a predator.
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The weak should fear the strong.
Yeah, me. They should fear ME.
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Would you rather have
>1 9-tailed fox
>9 1-tailed foxes
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>oh ya? how strong are ya?
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Strong enough to open the pickle jar by myself and lift a lot of heavy stuff at work!
9 9-tail foxes
im going all in captain
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It's autumn. That means winter soon.
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Sorry, you ain't tough enough
Better go over to weeny hut club
>enter weeny hut junior
>full of hot dogs
>...all nude and with condiments covering their privates
wait a minute this isn't a buffet, there's only clams with toppings here!
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Beware of strange women in funny hats.
If she's just going to make fun of me she could just do it from the outset instead of setting me up.
Fuck off back to /vg/.
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Only one of those images is /vg/ though.
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>anon calls them out on this tom foolery
>he hears a click
>sees the door locked and the hot dogs converging on him
oh no
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I bet the foxes are behind this!
foxes are behind everything
bring down big fox!
Wrong. I'm the one behind the fox. And she's enjoying it.
>Pull the pin
>She starts to vibrate
>Can't put back the pin without hurting her
>No one around, I can't throw her on someone
I'm fuggg, the destroyer of foxes
Honestly, nobody but yourself to blame if you arm a fox without a plan
Normally a pin is a safety, not the trigger. It's not my fault if a fox sex bomb detonated in the middle of the city's park, officers
What happens when a fox explodes? she cums or something like that? bodily fluids everywhere?
mofu everywhere
and that mofu transforms into a fox
She targets her fated one, have 7-24 hours of pure sex and release a mana bomb who explode in gigantic mushrooms cloud with fox ears
It's perfectly reasonable to go into debt to sniff danuki breath when she charges you per sniff
>NEET monster insists her fated one is her custom made dildo and doesn't want to meet an anon.
>turns a random man's soul got a atatched to her dildo and she was right all along.
medusa is qt
Kill yourself and stop ban evading
Feral wendis are hot
They need to be, otherwise prospective husbands would freeze in the cold of they couldn't warm them up.
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>Destroy the competition, friend and foe
Why are cats like that?
poor hebi...
Maybe you should go and protect that innocent hebi from that evil cheshire.
>uppercut chesh
>save the hebi princess!
what could go wrong?
Unfortunately I cannot marry due to never being able to deserve even a fraction of their love. Checkmate, monsters.
Bogey bait.
>go to a village festival
>befriend satyros
>journey to the Eternally Dark Spooky Forest together
>befriend mothman
>journey to the Blistering Mountainous Zipangese Desert together
>befriend oomu/girta/manticore/apophis (viewer's choice)
>bonus raiju tags along
>journey to Wonderland together
>befriend wonderworm
>commence the Thousand Years of Intoxication, during which your bedroom is designated a world heritage site for advancements in human happiness
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>"Why did you make that poor cat cry, anon?"
>In my defense she was being a real dick, Your Tankiness.
>The knight stares the purple cat down
>She uses puppy eyes to win him over
>Hebi is menacing said cat and start to throw rocks at her
>It's slowly degenerating into a cat fight between them
>The knight looks really tired and annoyed
It's not looking good for you anon
I mean, I did punch a faggotcat, it never looked good. Thankfully Captain Bucket over there probably won't do much more than give me a (deserved) stern talking to.
Hate to break it to you, fren. But I've never been banned for danuki posting.
It's relevant to the thread and doesn't break the rules.
>Grabs the cat by the neck
>Binds the hebis with a spell
>"Fuck the hebi now or go to jail. In both case, you're getting a 2 coins fine"
>Throw a raging mushroom on the floor
>Unbinds the hebi, all her predatory instinct are now on you and the shroom
Eros police is weird but effective.
do kinda wish we had more writers in just these weird greens
stories used to be fun
Well write some yourself instead of waiting for other people to do everything for you (for free)
Then do something about it. Write your own stories, make story prompts or host a writing contest. Just bitching makes you look like a concern troll
The green is bad? If yes, sorry I tried but I'm not good at it.
I am writing myself but then we have this same fucking loop of
>I want thing
>do thing your self
>I am doing thing myself
do I have to fucking mention I'm doing my own work every time I mention the writers in this thread?
Just a reminder to buy corn.
You could just not mention the writing and fuck off.
Anon, most people here are writing something in some way or another. Have you even gone throught the recent uploads in the anubis.moe archive? If yes, then keep writing and wait for others to finish their stuff. Rome wasn't built in a day.
If not, what are you complaining about? The greens have been staple of this thread for years, and they will keep being that. Now fuck off will ya.
No don't mind him, he's having a meltdown over something
>what are you complaining about?
im probably just impatient at this point

stuff like art and stories used to much faster
shit just feels weird now
It's just the flow of time comrade
doesn't help that winter is coming
Writing for these threads is pointless anyway. There's no community anymore, just
>Tanuki breath sniffing
>Gaping sports
>Mick this
>Frog that
It's just trolls trolling trolls and unironic retards responding to trolls
The monster girl fandom in general is shrinking, every thread about them receded hard and in comparison we really have it good anyway. That and also creative types left 4chan for more traditional social media in the recent years. If you are so obsessed with writefags and artfags, /monster/ survives pretty much only on them. Though in exchange you won't have as much free-form talk as here.
Did you read that one ?
It's really recent and very good
I won't speak for others but I'm purposefully delaying myself and letting ideas simmer longer than they likely deserve so other people's stories can be in the spotlight longer. I'm pretty slow getting through my reading backlog and I imagine many others are too.
Kind of a similar situation to a game modding community I'm in. If there are plenty of new content in a time frame I feel like I'd add more value by waiting to fill a lull rather than piling on top.
>but it's not hitting the metrics of 20xx!!
don't care, quality =/= quantity
That's a good take
FFS why are you this obsessed with the frenchie?
No, that's my point. I'm saying that's all the thread talks about, Mick this, Frog that. It's in every thread and there's no point trying to do anything here when that's what these threads are.
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Then leave
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>you need to be talking about ME INSTEAD!! I MEAN, MONSTERGIRLS
get off the fucking gremputer and go design a toaster you robotics team reject fujo
So seeing as some dude is thirsty for some content
anyone got prompts one can make a story green out of?
Nope, I'm dry, head empty
russian roulette, only half the bullets are ushi blood and the other half is malef
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I honestly forgot ushi oni blood was a transformative.
>you need to be talking about ME INSTEAD, MONSTERGIRLS!!
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>Slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp
why is she smugging at my dick
Because she got it in her mouth?
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Will yancow be mad if she finds out I drink regular cow’s milk?
I want it really bad
You will eat a lot of steaks
Speaking of reading backlog, I started reading that necromancer story last night and it must have really flown under the people's radars because it has strangely little AO3 updoots.
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Can old foxes be trusted?
Age brings wisdom. What fool would reject wisdom?
Age also brings desperation
That's okay, there's time to change! It'll be her pleasure to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Unless you're talking about buying it independently well into your relationship. "Finds out" also implies you would have preferred it if she didn't, and... Basically, you fucked up. I hope this is some kind of intentional reverse psychology thing to help her overcome something.
Schedule dog lost a bet and is now the one on a schedule, ahahahahah
>Go to bar
>Order fruity umbrella drink for some random monster there
>Tell bartender to say X guy ordered her the drink and not me
>Leave when the monster girl approaches the guy
My cupid mom would be proud
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>Reporting for duty, Sensei.
wrong thread?
Now that everyone is asleep Ms. Ochimusha can sneak into prince Anon’s room to have another tryst
First the kikimora, and now her? How many more servants want to have forbidden relationships with their masters? This is going to far.
It's 2pm, what kind of retard sleep at this hours (me if I wasn't at work). Ochimusha are underused in the undead category
A fitting job for an Anubis. Grape snake knows what they doing when they take over. All hail the eternal night
Big floppy witch hat = Dark Mage
That's not even a Dark Mage, just random off-topic girl.
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They all leglock you. Even the docile and meek ones. You don't even need to say anything either. They know when you're about to burst. And they know if you're thinking about pulling out. And once they've got you in the leglock, it's literally impossible to break free in time. Even if you stop, they'll power-bottom to finish the job.
There is nothing o worry about. Monstergirl fertility is low anyways.
No problem, I'll just think of old women to make my dick go limp and wait till she's bored of laying there awkwardly for no purpose.
T. man about to be a father of 8
This doesnt work for me because it makes me cum buckets instead
That's why you do them from behind. Insist on doggy, anal and blowjob
>Sailor anon always drinks at the taverns wherever his ship docks
>tasted the finest drinks from polove to the mist
>is invited to a tarven by nice looking lady
>nothing that hasn't happened before, women tend to ask him about his journes
>the night rolls on, drink after drink gets given to him
>The lady that invited him then treats him to a shot glass with the darkest drink he'd ever seen
>She tell him it's rum that's known for having a little bit of a "kick" to it
>heh, drink ain't shit, he's boozed with the best.
>He downs the shot like a champ
>See, nothing to worry-
> When did it get so dark?
>can't remember when, did he drink too much?
>he sees a light,
>might as well head towards it.
>light is taking shape a woman shape
>her voice is nothing to the ears as she embraces anon
>her face reminds him of the lady that invited him to drink
>maybe if he wasn't out of it he would remember her name
>morning arives
>anon wakes up in bed
>cant remember the last time he was blackout drunk
>no hangover either
>thought process stops when he notices the woman on his arm
>.... and the purple tentacles keeping his legs on place
>its the lady from last night, who chooses that moment to wake up and smile
>"good morning, my love... care for another glass?" the kraken says shaking the half drank bottle of rum
>not too confident in his ability to tank alcohol anymore
Ew, what's the point if I can't see her face-to-face and kiss her on the mouth?
You can do both while pounding her from behind, anon
>Pyrow friend leglocks you
>proceeds to mock you all day for having shit pullout game
Not even quality time with the homies is safe
Destroy her ass by surprise next time, take revenge, bring pain
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I don't know why, but whenever I see a white-haired girl - it doesn't matter which one - I get a strong urge to stick my fingers in her mouth.
Snakes won't leglock you.
No, but they do this.
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but coils are even harder to escape from and they last a lot longer
Same but with big fluffy ears and my cock
I mean, technically, some lamias can at least try to leglock you with their pelvic spurs. Not very effective but the instinct is still there
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Happy Shogtober everyone!
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No fren. It's Orctober!
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What if Kaiji... but Monster Girls? You end up in debt to shady Mofukuza types and engage in illegal underground gambling to avoid being sold a slave to some horny old monster and end up a gambling addict as a result...
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But what if I want to be sold to a gigahag?
You can always lose the final raffle against her
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you could skip some steps
Made to be tamed and exported in masse to Lescatie
>mofukuza boss points at you
>talks to some other foxes
>disappears into an office
>comes back out about 15 minutes later
>points at you again
>less than 30 seconds later you suddenly get grabbed and disappear into a sweater
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Non-Wonderland Alice > Wonderland Alice
Monster lesbians are perfectly valid.
Those are called bicorns
that's a schizo testing the waters. pay it no mind
You are not a lesbian, because Alps are not real women
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Your Ochimusha doesn't need to sneak into your room if you've already posted her in there. (The approved special night watch uniforms are "lingerie" and "nothing")
one of my waifus is an ochimusha soldier beetle
Sounds cool. Does she wield a katana or naginata? Do you reward her with apols?
Damn, that a really cool idea, the beetle part is a bone structure or a classic bug?
naginata, honestly feels more appropriate because of onna-musha and soldier beetles are taurs and she being a charger variant, polearm is a better weapon for this.
peaches and strawberries
why would it be bones, shes an arthropod, the skeleton is on the outside
I don't know, I thought it would be like her arm, an amalgame of bones.
it still would be chitin, ochimusha are human zombies, why would she have human bones rather than chitin
Because it's cool? I know what's an exoskeleton, I just thought differently
but you can do cool stuff with chitin too
Centipedes are nasty and I hate them. I would never fuck a Centipede.
Fuck a Millipede then.
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More for me then.
>monster "lesbians" tell you they don't need no man
>they both actually team up to rape a human later and then become his wives
Why are they like this?
Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, the Fallen God?
No, goodbye
>shuts the door
This is a Hel household.
I'm sorry, i'm already fully commited to Eros.
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The only thing I want to talk about is when is she gonna send a dark valkyrie my way.
That lip bite makes me consider listening.
It's harsh way to call you ugly
Wait, where are the cute, barely composed and slightly purple dark priests? I was told there would be cosplay nuns.
What the fuck is that abomination?
Imagine reacting like that when seeing your future wife and mother of your children
Where's that?
Fuck no, that's a disgusting creature. Please make it goes away. I can't get her out of my head, I can't get her out of my head, I can't get her out of my head, I can't
MGE designs aren't terribly out there, but that has to be the reaction of a decent number of husbands the first time they meet their wife even outside of Order territory. Doesn't seem to unreasonable to react that way to a chimera or something like a cancer if you aren't expecting them.
Somewhere over the rainbow
at first I read your post as
>I can't get her out of my bed
Which will be true, too
>when the winged demon with beast claws and weird fleshy mouth-tail says she doesn't want to kill you and in fact, wants to marry you and have your children
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Mershark blowjobs be like
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Vtumor and gore, great catch nigger
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Do you guys think monsters have different traditions when it comes to marriage? Example: I headcanon dark elves and dark mages (really any intelligent dominant type) use variants of fiend crests as a way to mark their husbands.
Nope, they all get shit for not being cute enough now.
Girls put way too much thought into their weddings anyway
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I love this artist so much
>This after chasing you to exhaustion, envenomating you, and taking your first time while your decision-making was compromised due to magical date rape
>Why did she do these things?
>Because it's her fetish
See? She'll be a great wife but some "WTF?!" on contact seems reasonable even though you'll eventually come to love the tailpussy.
Be the change you wanna see anon. If you start to see writers writing stuff here encourage them and be nice. This thread can be pretty hostile to people for seemingly no reason so it's good to be nice sometimes
Yes, all the time.
Ceremonial riding down the aisle.
>dog girls
Pees on you
Love scratches to the men they want to mark them
>dark elves
I like to think choosing a mate involves lots of pomp and wierd spiritual journeys for the advice of their spider guard
Weird obsession with prophecy and souls when it comes to choosing a mate.
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>do not repost
>reposts anyway
anon, no.
The taurs can't resist turning down invitations.
Isn't that how art dies? specially when artists have a meltdown and delete everything they have done
Unless he takes his own life. Which will happen, a lot. But who care miss manticore had fun with the chase and can always get someone else
Don't worry Anon, I'll be posting stuff again. Only reason I stopped earlier in the year is because my neighbor shot me. Don't recommend it.
Ah good ol' US of A.
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Holy shit dude, you doing okay?
You must be a really annoying neighbor
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ooooohhh saaaaayyy, can youuuu seeeeeee
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Jesus Christ, Anon
He posts here so he probably started judging the guys fetishes.

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