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Itt discuss and ask questions about the japanese language

Previous: >>48001767
it's the other way around
怒る means to get angry.
怒っている means got angry and is now in the state of being angry.
source? that's my kind of hag.
nangumi retarded
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wtf is this true?
in most cases yeah unless you are already dating and alone
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This one is for (You)
>Zero Level
but N0 is native level
suimasen stfu kudasai
seen this pop up on twitter a lot but can someone explain to me why these so called expulsion rooms are so bad? you get paid to do nothing but find a new job? isn't that based?
the what
this japanese strat of firing someone by putting them in a room with nothing to do
he deleted it

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what does なき mean?
>therefore, in a place where there is light, and where there is no darkness...

sound about right?
just 社畜 things, they hate feeling like they’re not contributing to the company
which is ironic when jap workers are among the least productive in the oecd
that's right :3
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here's the second part of the sentence, after the 'wa' particle.

>in a place where there is darkness...

the に particles in this second half are making the sentence as a whole confusing to understand.

i understand the parts of the sentence without に. it's basically saying it's the same/equal. i don't think the sentence ends here either...it ends with


this is certainly a bit more difficult to understand than pokemon
wish 4chanx had a filter image only option so that i could hide it whenever unko posts his abhorrent fetish
>me reading this post
aww lil u being humble for once in his li-
don't give him attention, don't you understand he thrives on that
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this can't be right either... blast.
that which makes a human human
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so here's the whole sentence so far

>therefore, in a place where there is light, and where there is no darkness...and in a place where there is darkness..there is no light...

then にひとしい attaches meaning it's the same.

ugh, can't grasp the たらしめ. this sentence is hard to translate. i took a peek at the english version of the opening, and they took some liberties with this. it's not the same as the japanese
this is all one passage

if that which illuminates darkness is light, then what drowns out the light is darkness in turn
therefore, just like there is no darkness where light resides, there can be no light where darkness dwells
to make light light, and darkness darkness, i command 'darkness come / let there be darkness'
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wotd: 肉棒

how does this factor into the translation? ひとしい に , it's throwing me off. maybe i should go back to cure dolly.
it's the "just like"
dolly, may she rest in peace, will not help you with this (or with anything rly)
i thought you said earlier that it attaches meaning it's the same
you also translated it as "in turn" remember?
Nigga, you don't need to understand every sentence to play the game. Maybe skip the intro and see if the actual story is more accessible. If not then pick something easier.
Can some one explain what past progressive tense in Japanese is for? It’s only really used in English to set up specific sentences like
>I was sleeping when I woke up
and I doubt the grammar is the same in another language.

to be identical to be B, to be the same as B, to be almost B, next to B
ゼロに等しい、無に等しい next to nothing, almost nothing, as good as nothing

Aは Bに等しい
A is the same (way) as B

光あるところに闇なきは (Aは)
闇あるところに光なきに等しい (Bに等しい)
what's the point of skipping if the goal is to learn japanese
you can use 等しい without に like this
大きさが等しい of the same size, to be the same size
because you learn with comprehensible input and not all input is comprehensible
>Maybe skip the intro

i just might

the intro is 10 minutes long. TEN MINUTES OF TEXT aaaa

there are two layered に's in B.

so it's ((闇あるところに光なき))にひとしい

got it, thanks for the help

this struggle makes me stronger!!
why would i delete my own post? that sounds like more something nangumi guy would do imo
>so it's ((闇あるところに光なき))にひとしい
are you ban evading
oh yeah, that's right. you're nante guy. much better
yeah, composite sentences are still tricky for me. especially in listening comprehension. but...no pain no gain.
no and ive never ban evaded
gumi?gumi? lmao
goofy ahh thread
late to the nangumi party, but is it really that crazy of a mistake? did this guy claim to be N0 native levels of japanese or something for ppl to think it's an actual big mistake?
okay i've had it with yomitan

i'm adding all the dictionaries now
yes he did actually
what word do you think youre missing?
hey tripfag, can i read it nangumi or is that considered N5 now
I'm having trouble processing this.

Specifically the 警戒心強いかれら part. It feels weirdly put together.
if you can't parse something then probably it wasn't important

move on and do better on the next line
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>what word do you think youre missing?

heiwa na kurashi

nouns are so confusing when they modify other things. sometimes they use -na and sometimes they use -no
have you read all of tae kim's grammar guide? 平和 is a noun-adjective here
why is ki such a popular sound for kanji? wouldn't it make more sense to spread out the kanji into more sounds before moving on to 2 and 3 mora? akira, shou, yoshi, kou have hundreds of kanji but there are quite a few sounds that are single digit kanji: de, ra, zo.
yes, I know the chinese have tones to smooth some of this out, but it still doesn't explain why the japanese allow this nonsense to perpetuate into the future. If they fixed their shitty ass language then the need for pitch accent and other contextual information, would drop participatory and so too would the amount of speaking.
most words can be 2-3 mora rather than the 4+ nightmare we have now.
pulled this out of my ass right now but chinese probably has a lot of sounds that sounds like ki
You could at least pretend you read the whole post
>have you read all of tae kim's grammar guide?

no. i did genki 1 and genki 2, then i started anki. then i started bunpro for genki 2 and tobira, then i got the tobira anki deck, then i started cure dolly
And you still can't recognize a na-adjective? Go start with genki 1 and actually read it this time
i didn't know heiwa was a na-adjective
there is literally a na at the end of it in your pic?
警戒心 (の) 強い (彼ら) をモデルに (して、)写真集を撮りたい
>there is literally a na at the end of it in your pic?

i thought that na was the start of another word, nakama for example.

should i default to asking "is it a na-adjective" when I see a na?
What kind of word? nakurashi, It can't be a verb, and it can't be a noun so what is it?
>should i default to asking "is it a na-adjective" when I see a na?
if it's at the end of a noun then yes
>should i default to asking "is it a na-adjective" when I see a na?
no you should, god forgive me for saying this, do more anki
you should do some more listening practice without stopping to mine words, so you can hear the flow of the language better.
i dont remember the last time i conciously thought about the fact that a na-adjective is a na-adjective, you just read it and it makes sense
suddenly reminded of the late gambs
>sees な between 2 words
>"is this a chinese person's name?"
he really said that shit. it even made the kanken video
my mind's basically imploding at this game and it's literally the introduction.

so far i've seen noun + ある (not noun + が + ある), noun + たらしめ (not noun + が + たらしめ

it's only natural i'd make a mistake
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gambs level error
introductions are famously hard and should be read last. thats how you should read the phenomenology of spirit for example
sorry i try to avoid reading english as much as possible nowadays
AJATT detected
the real 米^-^米 posts more frequently than this...ban confirmed.
Why are you in this english thread, also the only thing that matters is CI, you're brain is not magic, you don't "pick up" math/programming/physics/writing/any other skill/ through osmosis you do from understanding

this kid IQ mogs the whole general into oblivion
while djt is painstakingly mining from vins and not making progress in years, this kid learned english as an afterthought and is carrying out epigenetic experiments on 蝶's
that must be why i don't live the smell of lavendel. one of my grandparents must've been a butterfly
People have been doing these experiments on butterflies since the 1800s, there is literally nothing new here. It's the genetic equivalent of dropping a ball and seeing that it accelerates.
we all learned english by accident bro its not hard
EOPs wont ever know this feel i guess
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i finally got through the intro..the game can finally begin..
He's also already done more real science in a shorter amount of time than the fools pumping billions/trillions of dollars into a chatbot
the absolute state of djt lmao
i dont actually post frequently at all tho nangumi guy
japanese is impossible, i give up
sad that for all of bunko's myriad contributions to djt, he will only ever be remembered as nangumi guy, rip
support noh

why can't yomi detect 700 year old japanese grammar/words?! this is a travesty
im bunko but i stilled keked
don't talk about noh or you-know-who will report you for off topic posts
for me, noh theatre is the peak of art forms, it is the endgame of learning japanese. actually understanding the words of Zeami Motokiyo is peak japan. i want to learn it.
this guy needs to work on his vowels
legit cant tell if hes saying 踊ってる or 当たってる
he's saying awtawtteru
lil dek
not me
attention thread i have changed my name to create more confusion
uh can you guys just like not do that?
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i feel like i should know what あってる means by now. it's not hit.
会う probably
This is why Kanji is a must. This is one of those games with very little kanji to market to kids.
just think about what the cat is trying to say and youl figure it out
it's short for atteiru, "the person I always meet" verbs often modify nouns this way, read genki again.
Again, what else could it be? aru but the ru is still there, no that doesn't work with people.
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do i listen to the cat

yeah that makes sense

oh...if it's (いつもあっている)人, and not いつも(なっている)人

i thought it was saying "the people who are always meeting", like a cat watching the people outside going and meeting eachother
it's 合う you absolute dekinais jesus christ
"to get along"
great taste, bunbro
It could also be the correct person
It can be either, we need more context
what? there's not な there. where did that even come from?
holy n6er
typo obviously
>there's something wrong with people who always get along well
who always agree*
Don't say His name in front of nora, you'll make him angry
just lol
lmao even?
the cat that wrecked djt

this is screenshot worthy
nah thats reddit/discord shit
ill be real
i dont wanna browse this shithole after that embarrassing display
see you tomorrow
feeling good about today
you shouldnt because your life is sad
i know youre the fake me because im real
you havent posted a passport and i have
you havent posted a stream or vocaroo and i have done both
its obvious to everyone who isnt retarded or you samefagging
respectfully get a life or end the sorry excuse for one you currently have 何卒
Learned 50 new words in Anki today again.

If you aren't doing as much as I am, you're never gonna catch up.

you cant learn through anki thougheverbeit
most of my acquisition is in anki
post the words




n...nantozo? nandozo???
actually it's nandeez nuts lmao xd gottem hahahaha
wow you sure owned me there
pffft nora mined 15 billion words from pokemon red what now
ummm who hurt you?
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>japanese doesn't have any space between words nor sentences
Then how do i use a dictionary on these things?
so glad nobody is trying to impersonate me here
play games made for children (like pokemon). .they use spaces between words

rely on that until you get tsuyoi
u mad lol
it probably does. i change my body as often as i change my name in this general

among others
words normally precede particles and other nouns so its pretty easy beginner-kun
So how does someone become fluent if they don't live in Japan?
do you have enough money for a JLS?
not mad when someone worse than me tries to bite my ankles
it's impossible save for autism. most people here don't know jap and the few who've streamed have gotten miserably btfo'd
R-really? I just want to watch anime without subs.
I don't really care if I can read or not. How long before I could watch something like assassination classroom?
no one's biting your ankles fakeshit
at least a year of major immersion and then maybe a grammar guide for good measure. either way it's gonna be tough
thinking about doing the jet program.
worth it?
Okay, what guides would you suggest then? Preferably something easy and in video form
nobody here has done it
ehh most people say curedolly, but I personally can't stand the way she talks so maybe stick with a written guide like imabi or taekim
damn ur actually mad lmao
if fake me knew japanese he wouldnt be as mad as he is right now
the amount of effort you have spent on this campaign is sad
all unkos crashing out yet again
what are you even talking about?
bro you whine and complain about the same shit every single day. give it a rest. go read more
>schizos still pretending to be me
learn jap and never be mad again
wish the fake me would just go away
this thread used to be so much comfier before he showed up
>wish the fake me would just go away
well what are you waiting for?
unko still seething about his shikkaku lol
>bungo? bunko?
you to leave
can one of you fuckers just stop being unko who tf cares
why would anyone even want to be me? its just creepy
nobody wants to be you. everybody hates you.
because you're a pompous asshole pretending to be the best japanese speaker in the thread and anytime somebody challenges you you sperg out and spam vocaroo vocaroo vocaroo. not to mention you samefag for attention over and over again.
oh yeah?

ow ow ow my ankles hurt so much from you biting them
i rest my case.
concession accepted
i get it when youre the best japanese speaker in the thread people get jealous
i knew when i first started i was going to ascend higher than everyone else and so far ive consistently proved that
my lifestyle is enviable
im white
i got married in japan
and im actually good at japanese so i guess its sasuga shou ga nee na

>odds: rawdog bleach
>even: finish rance 1
not reading that
fuck you
concession accepted
The speaker in the post expresses a strong sense of superiority regarding their Japanese language skills, especially in comparison to others within an online community or thread. From the beginning, they felt certain that they would surpass everyone else in proficiency, and over time, they believe they've proven this point consistently. This belief seems rooted in their self-perception of being exceptionally talented, disciplined, and possibly even fated to excel.

Their lifestyle, which includes achievements such as getting married in Japan, is highlighted as something others would find enviable. Notably, they point out that they are white, implying that their success as a non-Japanese individual mastering the language further distinguishes them and potentially fuels jealousy among others. Despite the obvious self-praise, there’s a slight hint of resignation in the use of the phrase "sasuga shou ga nee na," which loosely translates to something like "well, it can't be helped" or "as expected." This suggests they acknowledge their talent and success as inevitable and perhaps slightly burdensome, though not in a way that seriously bothers them.

The overall tone is one of pride, with a tinge of amusement or detachment about the reactions they might inspire—suggesting they are well aware of the envy their achievements provoke but are ultimately unbothered by it.
>pride, with a tinge of amusement or detachment about the reactions they might inspire
ai spot on today



no you didn’t you are pretending to be someone else online and have spent countless hours making dozens of posts daily for months to do this
i'd rather read overly-verbose gptslop than unko's schizo meltdowns
uh oh bros unko crashing out mass reporting every post again, watch ur backs
i only report the ones i feel to be offtopic so all chill posters neednt worry ;)
you mean like what you're doing right now samefag? see my previous post
>m-m-muh bullying!
nigga just remove the trip/name and you'll be welcome here
you suck so much
none. i'm reading naruto but it isn't compelling.
But i guess since its a childrens game that it doesnt have any kanji?
black 2 and white 2 have kanji. many people will tell you to go for that one
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is て being used as に here?
oh sad. Does the gameboy ones doesn't have kanjis? Either way thanks for the info, anon.
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incase the other reply wasnt enough, 渡しておく is the ておく form (it is not called that but whatever) of 渡す
play the gameboy one. i beat it so can you
>わたし isn't わたし except it is

fuck. i fell into a beginner's trap. ありがとう.
ておく means to do something in advance, right? it can also mean to place/put something.
learning japanese to become a ninja
its not a beginners trap its just normal japanese
why are you so set on reading retro games without kanji? i feel like you'd have a much easier time if you read something with kanji
parsing will get easier with time regardless, so might aswell make it easier on yourself no?
the problem is he hasnt watched enough anime to pick up 渡す yet even though its one of those words you learn naturally by watching subbed anime before you even want to learn jap
i think newfags should (unironically!!) listen to at least 120 hours of anime audio raw (even better if subbed in JP) before they decide to read. could go for something easy and braindead or something that's nice to look at, but this should take about 2 months at most, which is also about how long it should take to finish core2K at most
then after this they can jump into reading easy stuff and their parcing will be so much better
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finally the game begins...

>why are you so set on reading retro games without kanji?

sailor moon another story was made in 1995, 4 years after i was born.

my goal is to live the life of a japanese child in the 1990's...that way i catch up to the japanese milennials.
I mean but it doesn't have any kanji? I guess i'll do it just for the fun. Hope no kanji becomes a bad habit.
idk i was reading doujins early on and learning a lot
yo its a sailor moon rpg
kinda sick
thought it was a fighter
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slopping the 3 previous miki-chan games is finally paying off
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need bunko's opinion on this one
my goal is to life the life of a child says the adult
THAT way i will catch up
nani heya
let's see how big your deck gets
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you die first
what are you doing, rabbits can't just enter people's rooms on a whim?
nora what's your discord handle??
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When outputting, I still have no idea when to use は or が
>nora what's your discord handle??
now tripfag is going to report you, good job
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just feel it out
my wife sometimes corrects me but i just say whatever sounds right
i really need your help here tripfag, i cant figure out how to read >>48014896's post...
im not a tripfag newfriend
so how do i read it, not a tripfag newfriend?
another L for uncuck
it's nanbeya
...... っ = ち????
dont you mean nanheya?
I know you're making a joke, but your pitch accent is all over the place
another L for nangumi guy lol
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Focus is so bad it took me eight hours to watch six anime episodes
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woman on the right looked fat on the thumbnail but i was disappointed
realistically it should take you 2 hours
>he skips intros
the op has to be real fucking good for me not to skip it when binging multiple eps
Even like 3-4 I’d be fine with for piss breaks and eating and whatever
what anime were u watching fren
6 hours of anime is like 1 hour of podcasts
was wondering why my TL turned into gibberish, turns out the culprit is this fucker
>piss breaks
you sound like a woman
Don't drop there, for example. Grammatical miscalculations aside, you're letting your gaijin sensibilities get the better of you
only follow ぶっかけ accounts on twitter
this is top tier rage bait holy i almost fell for it
can you read this?
for some reason i cant unhear him saying nangumi? nangumi? whenever he tries to speak
Upon further review, you also need to work on properly delineating between your "sh" and "s" sounds. You sound like you're getting wound up now, so I won't push the issue anymore. I was just trying to offer some helpful feedback
I am one
can i see the kanji for ただなか please? i need to mine this
your next reading task is the following (source mushoku tensei page 1):
based japanese expert helping lil nangumi bro out
unko gettin wrekt by fuckin professor henry higgins over here lmao
very good very good!
last text i'll give you, i made this one myself so you can see it as a kind of final exam!
you 100% could not do better
i think i know the difference between desu yo ka and deshou ka
lmao had me in the first half
uhh did you miss my message? i'll just redirect you once more, i thought we had good chemistry...お願いします!
may we hear your english voice?
sure if somebody vocaroos anything in japanese ill vocaroo something in english
i dont speak english much tho
nan nen nan uh um er g-GUMI?! GUMI?!?! wtf?
it shows, i can tell by your writing
you dont know english lol you can only type it thats why you couldnt respond to that guy on the street
i wonder why you cant make a vocaroo in japanese even just reading something simple with infinite takes
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sailor moon just fucking died
for some reason this makes me angry at him
fake unko been awfully quiet after this >>48015259
maybe hes still trying to get a good take
yeah thats probably it
hey that's not nice
alright, here goes nothing
how many of you track exactly how many hours of immersion you do?

After a year of learning, I'm at exactly 931 hours.

I remember being in this thread a year ago, when Anacreon was still here, asking questions about Yomichan and downloading VNs. natukashiine
lol whos that
how are you keeping track jesus christ
i just use a timer app and excel sheet
fake unko been awfully quiet after this >>48015244
maybe hes still trying to get a good take
yeah thats probably it
ok if i vocaroo that will you vocaroo something?
wait, i can't tell if you're making fun of me, or if this was just a trick to get me to reveal my voice
i dont believe that vocaroo is yours
lol youre doxxed buddy
nah youll just come up with something about why you cant do it
that shouldnt change your answer
nigga cant into basic hypotheticals
understandable why you might think that given all the crazies, but i take it you can't speak english?
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read this out loud and ill make an english vocaroo
fakeshit doesnt know english confirmed holy shit HAHAHAHA
first of all, i can't read very well. second of all, that wasn't the deal and i no longer believe you
offer stands to you as well
and to be clear because you tend to take the easy way out i mean read it out loud and record it on vocaroo (and post the link)
fake-kun cant speak english my sides lmao that seiken densetsu cope
classic nangumi guy moving the goalposts
nigga cant even read some text with furigana from a babby game
nigger cant even speak english fucking kek
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change into the moon?
you havent done anything
ive never laughed so hard in my life
>fake me challenges anon to say anything in japanese in exchange for an english vocaroo
>anon accepts and posts his voice
>i-i dont believe y-you!
i mean if thats the guy calling me bad then it kinda ends there
you did pussy out tho lol
alright ill post a vocaroo myself if you speak some english
should be easy right? lol
you're a fool if you think he'll man up and do it
i already know he cant so its an easy bet
lil u def lost tonight
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here we go, the first battle. let's see what this game is made of! the mazes remind of phantasy star 4

oh it's 代わって not 変わって. and that video says 月が, not 月に

so she's claiming she replaces the moon?
not you but nice try
Sus vocaroo accent doesn't match the Japanese one
are you one of the gallagher brothers?
you think i got someone else to do it for me lol
fakeshit taking L after L lmao
obviously unless you magically became british overnight

why are you whispering?
how do none of them sound like your native language
oh yeah im sure you know what native danish sounds like
this has to be fake wheres ashton
fat ugly people are not invited to djt, fake
not sure who this is supposed to be but that's definitely not unko.
mlen ラッシュ
i have two danish friends, you sound different/weird
I'm convinced this is just Moe pulling a fast one
bro sound like he brandishing a squirt gun while recording this
I'm not talking about the ability to speak Japanese, hag troll
Wait so are you originally from england and moved to denmark?
what the fuck am i listening to lolol
t. moms danish
ill answer if you vocaroo this >>48015383
why are you yelling and swearing at me in danish? i didn't mean anything by it
this man is not native i can already tell you
this sounds like some euro mutt trying to do a weird impression of us
Gotta take a chill pill, man
reported for off topic
this is DJT, not DJT
glad fake-kuns finally getting exposed hehehe
Is there a higher res version? I can't read some of the furigana
you sound like that guy from that awesome movie called jagten
i don't get it, what's the appeal for a danish citizenship in a japano centric board?
he acts like the pedo from the hunt jk i madds was the good guy
hot danish chicks obv
mlen mlen
Shouldn't have recorded this. Why do you keep taking the bait from faggos?
damn, nise unko completely and utterly mindbroken. you hate to see it.
feel so bad for unko. hope he's alright
im okay thanks for caring ^^
whats issue with making it
it just makes it even more obvious that my haters cant do shit and are just no life trolls
unko never spazzed out in danish before...hope he's feeling allright
i leave the thread for months, come back, and floodbro is still playing rance 1
bro youre on here 24/7 whereas i barely post
Slow and steady wins the race :^)
congrats you did it you made the thread worse for everyone else
all it took was several months of dedicated posting
You may see it like that, but no one here does. You weaken your position every time you play the game.
nigga how have i been dedicated? i only post on here every other day and thats in between playing vidya with my wife
if anything youre the one always raging about fakes even though ive been nothing but chill about it
disagree, thread's been poppin off somethin fierce lately
honestly dont know what else to do
nangumi the fuck?
there is really no way most of the replies on >>48015504 are not just one guy
dedicated lil nig
only thing making the thread worse is you trying to impersonate unko and having a meltdown when ppl dont fall for it
you gotta accept the hug i offered you in the other thread
>just one guy
my dude its never """"just one guy"""""
the post times have been very unnatural
it might be like 2 or 3. but there aren't that many active posters here so lots of those replies are samefag
my 立場 seems to have become 強くなる
lil bro thinks hes him :skull:
no vocaroo tho and you never will make one because you suck and or dont care and are just here to be annoying
schizo behavior desu
mlen needs his meds legit
>no u whataboutism
sasuga fake-kun
>you suck and or dont care and are just here to be annoying
true that's normally your job
ironically enough being this upset is what proves hes the fake
a man with a wife and a stable fulfilling life wouldnt let something like this get to him
hope ur referring to sputtering and sperging on a danish vocaroo
true true
gonna need ciaran to come back to this thread in an aggressive and obvious way to help counteract the scum
there is really no fix other than the adhd vtuber fag(s) leaving and that wont happen
unko is ciaran so that would be a waste
ciaran was the only one holding this place together
he wouldve already put fake me in his place
>british accent
so fake unko was queeran all along?
ciaran would never make the nangumi mistake tho
you really don't get it anon
listen to the vocaroo again
it's queeran retard try to keep up
damn and he can speak danish?
ciaran was a professional translator of fucking course he can speak danish on a whim
>djt doesnt know about ipa
ciaran taught himself to code before japanesegaryben ever flipped through a page of his html book
i mean he can speak it, but it's like a weird hybrid, i can't really explain it
the beer?
because youre not danish
i'm not but i've heard quite a bit of it from friends/family friends
i bet fake me doesnt even live in japan or have a wife
a lot of people have watched a lot of anime but would barely be able to tell spoken japanese and korean apart
i think so hes just a multilingual schizo
true, i don't claim to be conversational or anything, but i do think i can pick up maybe 10% of it if i actively listen
yeah so you honestly are not in a position to say what sounds native or not thats all im saying
>i think so hes just a multilingual schizo
wouldnt go that far satan
nah hes faking you can tell by the timezones that he posts in and hes never posted a vocaroo with his wife
the alphabet. fake unko just recorded himself reading danish phonetically. you can do this with pretty much any language
well, i can understand a decent chunk of what's said in druk and have grown up hearing it a lot, it's funny how you just end up developing an ear for it over time
go ahead and try that for japanese lol lets hear it
ohhhh yeah lol
i mean its basically just english so with enough input you should figure it all out i guess
why though? i’m not trying to prove anything here. fake unko is though
its a baseless claim that you could use ipa in that way
good point, i feel like i could probably achieve conversational fluency in a relatively short amount of time since i have a bit of a head start already, but alas, i chose this infuriating language
if he did it would probably sound non native
yknow just like nise unkos danish
again baseless claim
all this just to avoid making a vocaroo in japanese lmfao
if vocaroos proved anything you wouldnt be seething rn
don't fall for his vocaroo bait its a trap
a vocaroo from my haters would obviously prove which one of us was better
and perhaps that is why there hasnt been one
i think you only have one hater btw
what haters were just laughing at your piss poor impersonation attempts
Dude you're clearly british. How is that hating? I was thiking of giving it a go, but what would that prove?
Your haters? What haters? wtf am I reading right now lmfao
no vocaroo then lol
in my mind theres mlen and his friend (who maybe doesnt exist) and the guy who stays on trash atm
my english is worse than my danish
i spent way more of my childhood and all my education in danish
they're all playing mind games with you
so, this mlen… is he in the room with us now?
これ >>48013433 の機械翻訳だろ
weird though how they dont know japanese
idk i see a lot of japanese in this thread

これも  >>48015735# の機械翻訳だろ
I'm Japanese, but it doesn't look like there are any Japanese here...
japanese people would never be stupid enough or bored enough to come here
unko stop don't pronounce that it's a trap unko UNKOOOOOOOOOO *explodes*
well, vocaroo?
私はとてもネイティブな話し方をしていると思う。あなたの批判は根拠がない faggot

自分でファックしたらどうですか asshole
>私はとてもネイティブな話し方をしていると思う。あなたの批判は根拠がない faggot

あなたは日本語を母国語として話しますか?そうでなければ、判断する立場にはないと思います lol
mtl on ur post, spot the tell
Holy MTL, Batman!
prove it, vocaroo
yeh that's what i thought """"""masashi"""""
fake unko doesn't vocaroo
two unkos and one masashi djt has truly gone to shit

gonna need you to say that on vocaroo or i'm going to have to ask you to gtfo
You are forgiven.
I am 23-year-ord from Akasaka.
I like anime from Hokkaidoっす.
nobody wants to hear your tinny ass voice anymore
how about saasato
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QM is only Major Idol in the TMW

That's like, not even advanced level. I thought QM would be eternal idol for sure.

Can a Japanese person hear the difference between 一緒 and 一生 without context?
shut the fuck up

>I like anime from Hokkaidoっす.
Kson did not age well
>一緒 and 一生
Unless your pronunciation is really bad, it's easy to tell them apart.
nangumi will go down in djt history as the worst mistake ever made on livestream
You give a fuck up.
put up or shut up masashi

nsfw画像を貼る奴みんな偽物でいいよ >:3
lotta inorganic fake shit rn
vocaroo before you talk shit otherwise we know ydkj
機械翻訳では出てこない文よな( ˘ω˘)ウムッ
>Where are you from?
isnt he taikou tho
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ウチを含めてな! (´;ω;`)

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can't mods give themselves any role they want?
not rly how it works lil bro…
prima idol here
eternal here
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ボカロ coudn't mean vocaroo
ボカロ meant VOCARO(e.g. reimu, itako, or zunda) in Japanese like that
vocaroo haven't translate katakana ward yet, because Japanese no use vocaroo.
it kinda is

try making a server yourself
きりたんはボイロ! >:3
知らんけど( ˘ω˘)
idk why you guys willingly cripple yourselves by reading gaijin japanese
yh but ppl would notice it and call him out on it
what is this? the awakening reaction?
woke reaction
yohsh. tanoshkattazay.
yo unko
u n ur japanese ai prompts awake?
re:zero is exhausting me. so many retarded expressions i don't know
i should get back into kid shows
that means you were never gonna make it and should probably quit learning now
how so?
well rezero isnt particularly hard so if you cant understand it youre probably at a level where learning is impossible for you
このすばはどう? :3
mc's random ramblings throw me off a bit since i can't depend on context that much
didn't try it, but this image is easy
yeah it just means youre a class 1 ngmi and that image is baby level so its no surprise that even someone like you could make it out
probably because this is just text with simple sentences
i also hate the re:zero mc
vocaroo it then
same subaru mitsubishi is a beta
so currently I'm preparing for N5, I've just started with Kanji. For the Ichi (one) kanji why are there 2 readings? In Onyomi it's called Ichi and in Kunyomi it's called Hito? Doesn't Hito mean person? I looked up the kanji for hito and it's showing something else. Im so confused please help. Also, should I know both Onyomi and Kunyomi for Jlpt N5?
yeah homophones do be confusing like that
N5 is useless tho?
the final boss of listening
Are there more than 5 guys in this thread? You all sound the same.
we are a hive mind
>preparing for N5
more like a procession of clowns
it's a fucking carnival in here year round
there goes another one cartwheeling into a haystack
>Ichi (one) kanji
>2 readings
sweet summer child...
wotd: ホロタイプ

not ホロライブ, okay? :3
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wotd: stfu
wotd: 激おこぷんぷん丸
are wasabi quizzes correctly graded? i notice a lot of conjunctions are uncommon
I've already reached the level of カム着火ファイヤー though (「・ω・)「ガオー
i see i'm not the only one
十把一絡げで早合点だ! >:3
gimme a break, who tf is such a versatile person! (;・ิω・ิ)
Already wrong. いかのぼり
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About to start sentence mining finally. Is it enough to just use Yomitan with these settings and a browser video player with copy-pasteable subtitles?
Can someone help me understand the last line in the rap?
you have been posting this shit for 6 YEARS ! Are you even trying to learn japanese?! Kill yourself!!!
holy kek
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買えないの? おま国なの? (´・ω:;.:...
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>already in the library
購入済みカッケぇ… :O
where's the sentence field
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あんまりヨイショしちゃダーメ( ˘ω˘)
u got dat fat ass
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