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Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>48017804
do you guys know any good japanese podcasts? I mostly watch these beginner ones:

They are easy to understand and good for learning, but I was looking for something a bit more engaging. Idk something like the japanese Joe Rogan for example? All I find are these japanese news channels, but they are horrible horrible to watch and I can't stand vtubers.
you need to get into idol groups. they all have radio shows.
i like 三四郎オールナイトニッポン
yeah I guess I was following one for a bit, but I'm just not interested in any of this fandom stuff. I'm more interested in maybe nerd culture stuff, tech and politics.

this seems interesting
anyone play JP versions of western games?
are there any particularly good EN>JP localizations?
stopped but they talked about most of those things and its beginner friendly because they are kinda retarded
crash series and dkc were cool in japanese
i wish there was a jp dub for rayman 3 as well
no ableism please
yeah I see what you mean.

Oh and I forgot, I can also recommend this geezer
Don't do it Shinji!
does anyone still do RTK
rtk is responsible for crippled more people than the vietnam war
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feeling 1
He clearly loves recreating that scene with his asscheeks.
Are we really this bad?
it's pretty bad
right in the feels
i will become a jpop idol soon and mog all of you with my naturally occurring aichi accent
it's like a spectacle of nature i'm told
you can start your career with a vocaroo
im joking my accent is weird
you know the rules
i can't hear shit

and no, i'm not turning up my perfectly tuned systemwide volume, sorry
anyone who posts a vocaroo at the behest of another instantly loses what little respect i might've had left for them
concession accepted
if you post them of your own accord it's fine. if you do it bc someone told you to then you're nothing more than a dog
see >>48024288
why is there essentially no guide or form guided path as it relates to how to start listening? we have decks, resources and guides top down about how to start reading how to improve reading how to improve vocabulary and everything, but when it comes to listening which is arguably the most important part of this language thing, all you people seem to say is just " lol turn off the subs ". what am I missing here?
please stop projecting your pathetic antisocial insecurities onto other people
do I need to do anything while doing the kaishi
>guided path
there no need for that since actual "listening practice" (not the "immersing" meme) should consist in listening stuff you can already read and understand (comprehensible content instead and not whitenoising) and that depends on where you are with grammar/vocab/feeling.

if you are at 0 than pick any kids show that doesn't make you wanna kill yourself and actively try to pick up words and understand what they are talking about
knowing 1
they don't say 結構中々いい日本語
vocaroo throwdowns are the ultimate dunning-kruger litmus test
they are mostly propagated by one particular retard
i see the legacy thread still hasnt recovered ever since the new colony stole all the elite human capital
*takes down og posters*
looks like there's a new og in town
bbbbased how are you always eating every time you're on mic
new mic?
you're supposed to say subarashiki kono djt then play the buddy holly guitar lick
look who crawled out of /trash/ as soon as a femoid posted, lmao
so did you or did you not watch torque? how did you like it?
dude call your father and make up
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could've at least called is all i'm saying
you knowってゆった :3
>joseph decky
not dog

i remember that
the day rap died and megan thee stallion was born
you can say 発音上手ですね
based on what you're saying, listening immersion then should only be attempted once you're able to read?
o shit is qm updating animecards
for real? fuck yes!!!
what the heck are those
you can listen whatever/whenever you want, but if there's a sentence you can't read and understand it's a waste of time, you're just whitenoising

of course it's a little different when there are also visuals since you can pick up vocabs/expressions from context, but reading/mining/whatever is more efficient in terms of acquisition anyway
what did he even update?
check the github
the sly cooper series has a fantastic jp dub that i think rivals the original
witcher 3 and the uncharted series are also really good
big if true! lfg
pausing my immersion for this
I don't hear any difference
cool I need to play that actually might grab it in the next sale then
nigga what GitHub. Link it
Why are you talking to him? The more you talk to that fag, the longer he status around
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please help me understand what is being said. i am so lost
lil bro…
all i have to do is change the mood into that like
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yooooooo huge vinnie news
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go back
strongly fucken agree
Show this guy some fucking love because this is the best software for subtitles that I know and it only has 23 stars:
the sub-match-video renaming thing is cool. i used those mass file renaming tools to do it which was kind of annoying.
Yeah this program has everything included
Just run it in a dictionary with anime files and subs and it can both rename and sync them
did nora give up after all that slugging through sailor moon?
Does anyone know if I can make yomitan work in google docs?
For some reason it doesn't
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Any tool to use yomitan on manga and add it to my deck just like how you use yomininja?
roughly speaking google docs uses drawing commands for the rendering (since 2021) instead of using html elements, so my guess is no
>did nora give up after all that slugging through sailor moon?

i'm here. i just finished chapter 1 of yostuba. i only had to mine 10 or so cards.

my personal deck is now at 2,200 cards.

sailor moon isn't that interesting, to be honest. I would prefer to be playing final fantasy or ocarina of time by now.

Yotsuba is my first japanese manga i read, i'm making progress!
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what the fuck happened to my save file

i am not redoing all of that...this is the end of sailor moon. any suggestions for what I start next or should I go to ocarina?
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Play Simon's Quest. It's Christian.
i was gonna help you but then i realized youre reading gay porn and thats cringe
this is for girls

>(your nephew) doesn't resemble (you) at all, i said. that way i hoped to direct the conversation towards his wife
fine. i'll play your christian game. nobody else is reccomending anything soo..

i'll have to use a walkthrough because of the game's obtuse solution.
>what the fuck happened to my save file
uhm nothing? click a/start?
metal max 2 (nds)
princess crown (sat)
soma bringer (nds)
boku no natsuyasumi series
or try tokyo nanpa street you guys like that sort of stuff right?
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clearly enix was the problem in the merger
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wish a woman said that to me

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here we go...
>all katakana
you love to see it
that character spacing is also just lovely. chef's kiss
wonder if the clues make more sense in japanese and avgn was just a victim of bad translation
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left is original right is the translation
dude i saw someone typo "that wa cool" then i realized that english really stole from japanese lol

all these particles man
there was no wa
there was no ga
there was no ni
there was no ga
japanese cant do the hard r
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now i see why this game was so difficult to translate.

if i finish translating this, will i become christian?

>You can rest your body here (??)
>something about the spirits
my brother in christ
what's up with the christian meme?
nora hates christianity
who? did i miss a new lolcow?
is that チチト? what is that?
In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit, amen
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Should this ヌ be a ン. "You came to buy a white crystal?

your japanese is good. i never would've thought that な meant name.
christian japanese is the final boss of the language
ぬ is what ん was originally short for
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>your japanese is good.




you can~かな
literally me
我、ここに馳せ参じぬ! (ΦωΦ)
Not a game, but the My life as a teenage robot JP dub is really good but I'm not surprised since it's inspired by Osamu Tezuka works and the main voice actress in the original is Japanese herself.

As for games, if you want an easy game I would recommend skull girls as it's fully voiced.
I finally work for the Japanese government but I'm a man with a beard and I learned all my Japanese from gyarus so I say "chou" and "meccha meccha" which makes the guys laugh.
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Osamu based ;3
trash is dead at the moment so what's up guys
>貉 baasasu 貂
>蘖 baasasu 糵
>杮 baasasu 柿
literally impossible language
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