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Previous: >>47610685
Camomi Camomi...
where did she fly off to
Can I get YUA here?
I can't see it not being her, there's not much there that looks like AI, but Camomi's artstyle was always schizophrenic so it's hard for me to tell if things like the broken window panels in the top-middle of this image was intentional or actually was AI like you suggested.

But the biggest reasoning I don't believe it's AI though is because her art-style is borderline impossible to replicate, and there's also other images that show PSD layers. There's an image with her face and then a later close-up of her more detailed eyes, and when I layered them over the top of eachother it made it crystal clear that the only changes there were in the very specific parts that she sketched out originally, notably the 2 flowers becoming more than just sketches and the two circles becoming two new red flowers in the exact same place as the sketch as well. The hair is mostly unchanged barring a thicker bang and a bit more white up on top, but if it was AI the entire thing would have changed rather than simply some parts of it, because that's how AI works. If you doubt me, you can do a quick and dirty layering of the image yourself (I ratio'd by 60% which was very slightly too big, you might want to use 57-58%) but another tell to me is the parts that were off-screen in the bigger image, notably the red shape half-offscreen on her pen in the first PSD, becomes an actual shape in the close-up rather than simply being forgotten about which would likely happen in the process of genning.


Here are the two posts I was comparing, and if need be I'll dump my own shitty layering of the two for anons to check themselves since I'm sure my explanation isn't the best as I'm an autist, not an artist.
Himaribros ww@
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Not that surprising, he's been getting in there a lot with Reject folks over the past year.
got rec a clip of him these days and he said that he was making the same as salaryman just from streaming, it's nice that he found his niche after so long.
He is free and he is happy. If Only Akkun wasn't a menhera
If she thinks she is safe from having her art used for AI, she will have a rude awakening.


Being said, I wish she could write something on twitter or do a livestream. I miss her voice and how comfy her videos were.
Nobody is preventing you to put YUA as the next OP
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yua is a whore
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And? all vtubers are whores
Vtubers are pure
This but Yua
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bullshit fake forced positivity is so gay. worst tarento stock character inherited by vtubers
I don't doubt Bluesky is shit like every other alternative, just saying that I have reason to believe it's not AI because AI cannot make singular small changes. If it was re-genned, the entire picture would have changed in a variety of ways, rather than adding onto spots that were explicitly pre-planned to have stuff in them or keeping the exact same coloring/strokes of the piece. The only way I could see it being AI genned is if the person doing the gens had the same amount of layers of the usual autistic artist, aka hundreds, and was genning each specific part of the art piece by piece, layer by layer... which would imply a level of effort that absolutely zero sloppers have. I can't even say there's a sliver of possibility to that, even with the knowledge that this is the internet and anything is possible with enough autism and schizophrenia.

That being said, I too want to hear her voice. Partially to have it be outright confirmed, and mostly because I've always loved her personality and art and simply just want more of it, and it hurts a lot having the memories of her fade away from my mind. Camomi's my rad angle, basically.
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to this day the only chuba reincarnation that I subbed to was pmaru, and that's purely because pmaru is much better than luna. no one that reincarnates comes back any better, it's either a rehash or a downgrade.

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