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Dolls of 2022 Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Live Gallery: https://bjd.arcesia.net/
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books: https://mega.nz/folder/iFd3wapa#B70grHUe4xsTkLU_s8Ag_Q | This is currently empty, help to replace/rebuild this archive is deeply appreciated!
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Community Events:
Current Photo Challenge: Bedtime
Previous Photo Challenge: Warm and Cozy
(NEW) Doll Calendar Project:
Order Form for the 2025 Doll Calendar!
Next Meetup: TBA

Other Doll Threads:
Previous Thread: >>48023411
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/11219938

If your doll is for sex, go to >>>/jp//ona/
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Photo posted last thread without the stand edited out
I want to fuck a doll...
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I'm finally getting around to doll furniture. Hopefully have something to show that looks acceptably like a table on Sunday.

I'm also planning on submitting the calendar order on Monday morning. I spent the better part of this evening ensuring that I prepared the .pdf file correctly.
Did anyone else preorder the Anya dollfie? I got my email for her today and shes apparently shipping in December, very excited.
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No fucking dolls in here. Only doll anons.
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>These aren't the dolls you're looking for.
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nice! are you making furniture yourself?
Yep. But nothing fancy (yet), just laser cut plywood.
Doll OnlyFans Y/N?
I've thought about making one. Doubt anyone would be interested.
thanks you for baking
very cool!
Do dolls make any of you lonelier, I think I need to avoid this for a while
I'm a really lonely person normally and I think they help more than anything, feels like I have something to care for sometimes if that makes any sense.
Forgot to reply, oops.
The doll hobby got me into photography and camping, so I'd like to think its had a net positive effect on me. But I went into dolls wondering more 'will I have fun with them' than 'will they fix me.' I definitely feel like it it was the latter I'd be worse off.

I only know of one Patreon on account with ~20 subs from a twitter of 1.7k followers.
is this a good hobby to get into if i just want to make cute 17th-20th century dresses for cute dolls? im obsessed with the different dress patterns and fabric throughout that era and women looked great during those big periods.
>t. lonely incel
what program do you make that in? would blender be good enough?
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I want to be cute and have a cute doll so we can dress up in matching outfits cutely.
Reality is so cruel.
you can get a cute doll and dress up in matching outfits even if you're not as cute as the doll. no human being will ever be as cute as dolls, pointless goal to chase after
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I'm going to have to get into doll furniture too. I feel like I don't spoil her enough yet for just how cute she is.
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I recommend looking in thrift stores/goodwill/antique shops/flea markets, you can find some reasonably priced old doll furniture every so often. I got this bench at a flea market for $5.
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Onshape. For stuff like this, parametric CAD programs are better.
Nice find for $5
End result is convincing enough but needs chairs or stools next.
I thought I had enough already (maybe even too many), but now I'm thinking about getting another doll.
I would put emphasis on just getting your grails first.
too cute!!! please make them some pjs next
It's not that I'm into the hobby with the expressed goal to fill a void or anything, just that there's an unavoidable conflict inside my mind at this point of my life. Anyways, I'm kinda on the same thing right now, I'd really like to go hiking lately. I've been meaning to ask you all given you're probably all far easier to talk to than /p/, would something like an a6100 with the 16-50 f3.5 kit lens be a good (cheap) start? I figure it's cheap enough to where I wouldn't be wasting too much money if I fail to follow through yet has a good upgrade path. I'm poor btw
It is nice in that regard as I like caring for things but I don't ever really want children. I'm glad you have your dolls, anon, I hope that they are well
I'm also thinking of buying a camera to do more photography but think I'm going to use my phones camera for a while at first. The dolls do fill a weird spot since they feel more important to me than any other collectible or toy or figure for some reason. I feel like it might have something to do with naming them and having to choose outfits to dress them in makes them a lot more personable. Also, my dolls are well and have more clothes on the way for them, don't worry!
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I had a dream I brought my doll to a psych and he analyzed me based on her facial expression.
Those hands kek
I'm thinking about getting a christmas tree for my girls and I'm debating between a 2ft/48cm one or a 3ft/60cm.
Are there any 100cm+ BJDs people here would recommend? I have a thing for big dolls (Usually plushies), but the only large anime-style dolls I've found easily were sex dolls. I have a 120cm vinyl doll, but it's a realistic reborn-style doll.
You might like Parabox's Otohime line!
Calendar project has been sent to print!
I got two extras in case anyone else wants them later.
Once I have them returned from the printer, I'll be able to calculate shipping costs and start sending out requests for addresses/payment.
I'm glad it fully came together
Thank you for all your hard work anon! I can't wait to put this on my wall.
thank you anon!
3 feet
It's funny how their 120 cm dolls are the same price as a dream choice from volks
Nice to see the project come together. Now to get completely reamed by shipping charges.
Obitsu does the manufacturing for a lot of other vinyl companies as well, so I imagine the economy of scale they operate at vs Volks helps them produce things at a lower cost.
NTA but those joints really don't do it for me. I'm guessing they went with it because it's cheaper, but still...
The 110 cm one looks better, proportion-wise as well. There's also paper moon which makes 140 cm dolls that look much more stylish, but it's unclear if they're still active (I think they are) and their dolls are $4000 instead of $400.
Thank you!

Hopefully this becomes a yearly tradition. Is there anything you would have done differently to make it easier on yourself?
Thanks anon
How would I go about getting one of the two extras?
Thank you for the tips! As well as the mention of Papermoon, even if that one's going to remain out of reach.
After getting my own 120cm vinyl, I was really curious how common 1:1 dolls of that sort were, since the Ball-Jointed-doll has their own distinct look separate from something made of silicone. I was actually surprised to see that the 110cm models on Parabox were relatively (relatively) affordable, given how much artisan dolls go for. My own doll was around that price range, and I assumed she was on the lower end due to that. She even came in damaged. She became the favorite of my collection despite that. Fixing her up really got me attached.
how exciting, I can't wait to get one and see it in person!
Absolutely. Automating the generation of the main calendar pages through python scripting would be the number one thing I'd want to change. Perhaps generation of the calendar background frames and different colors through a script that takes in desired color(s) and modifies the text and shape elements to match the desired theme color. Really, there is no good simple calendar generator I could find that would do what I wanted to do, so it all had to be made from scratch. It was probably faster to just do it manually, but very tedious if we want to make this a yearly thing.
Fill out the form linked in OP!
>Order Form for the 2025 Doll Calendar!
>sorry anon, it looks like you have aCUTE mental illness
Filled out the form, thank you for your work on this, you rock.
Some of these Aliexpress sale dolls look adorable. Does anyone have any experience with the 1/4 Dream Fairy dolls?
they are recasts
Have you seen the Obitsu 150? https://www.obitsushop.com/SHOP/150BD-F01W.html
If she's anything like the 1/3 Dream Fairy dolls then moving her joints will be like nails on a chalkboard.
Do you know what of?
oh u
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this one is 3 feet tall
That's one Charlie Brown ass tree
it probably has to do more with joint strength, given the size
Angell Studio Liu Rushi heads and DD hands. Just get a legit DD.
lol it looks a little better plugged in
Do people use the telegram alot or is it just kind of there?
>Always thought the doll-stealing ogres where just a myth.
>They're real.
Scary stuff:
Yeah this has been a pretty big story in the ig and YouTube doll communities. Most people thing it was one of her followers the that targeted her specifically. It's quite sad that she'll probably never get the rest of the dolls back at this point. Remember to keep your personally identifying information safe when you post your dolls anywhere, anons. You never know what kind of monsters are stalking around on the net.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'm the anon that gets listing alerts for doll items across basically the entire internet, so if I see anything come up, I can share the listing. Some of those are going to be incredibly hard to fence, Anifees are very uncommon, to say nothing of custom faceups and dealer-made goods. I hope whomever did this is identified and faces consequences for their actions, and that the original owner can recover more of their dolls -- at least the parts that would be hardest to replace.
I wish there was more to go off of. Home burglary of only dolls or simply collatoral damage amongst other items? If it was the former I wonder if it was someone the victim knew. I'm also not sure how the police managed to recover 1 and not know who the perp was (assuming it was paid for, shipped, and turned in.)
The original collector actually answered some of this as a view in a live stream talking about it. The dolls and some figures were the only things stolen. All cash and other valuables were left untouched. Based on this alone it's safe to assume it's targeted and done by someone in or who knows of the doll community. Could be someone the owner knows or who knows of the owner as a collector/doll content creator. Based on the perps apparent knowledge of dolls and how to get rid of them, im inclined to assume the latter.

Also from the original collector in the same live stream, the person who had the returned doll and head was also a collector who lives the the same area. They never said how that collector came about possessing the stolen doll but your assumption is probably correct.
Who the actual fuck waits three weeks before reporting stolen dolls? Especially when the amount is in felony territory. I call bullshit on this.
I don't think she waited 3 weeks to report it, she waited 3 weeks to post about it online. The cops recovered two dolls and she posted about the recovered pieces at the same time the missing doll image went up. I'm guessing she was relying on the police to find them before she turned to the internet.

I remember seeing some influencer who reviewed designer bags and clothing, she had hundreds of thousands of dollars of the stuff. She lived in a rich area and was probably the poorest person there but she was targeted because she showed of all her stuff/living spaces online. I really want to know how the two dolls were found though, who did the new owner buy/get them from?
Reminds me that I have a pretty sizable collection and photography gear that I should probably get insured.
I don't blame you for thinking that, my gut reaction was that it was an attempt at attention-seeking as well. Not to derail, but there are some rumors that this person had a stolen doll and other items in their possession even before this incident. The rumor has been floating around on places like MFC and IG for a while now. I don't know if it is 100% true or exaggerated, but it made me a bit hesitant to believe her immediately when I saw the posts appearing within the wider community. The waiting 3-entire weeks to say anything did make it seem a bit pre-planned, but there are many reasons she could've chosen to wait. Maybe she took her time because of police involvement, or she just waited because the situation was too stressful to worry about immediately. Whatever the reason, the story is really scary if true. Sucks to have your home invaded and your security shaken in this way.
>there are some rumors that this person had a stolen doll and other items in their possession
Have any details or screencaps of people talking about it? Never knew this
I don't get that either, the internet works way faster than cops. The community is pretty small and the places to actually sell them are limited.

I don't get the motivation here. If it were money, electronics are much easier to fence than dolls, not to mention they never touched the actual cash money. If its revenge or whatever, why even try an sell them. Bit of lighter fluid and a box under an overpass works great. No paper trail either.

Here ya go.
>1 billion screencaps
Uhhh, do you have a summary? I can barely comprehend the first few caps. I genuinely want to know what's happening though, but I'll put off actually reading til later. I also recognize this other girl as the other main dollfie collector cosplay selfie poster on MFC, I had no idea they had beef.

Nah I get the logic of going to the cops first here. If she really got robbed it's an insane amount of money lost, she possibly had security footage since it was at home, etc, and posting about it online could compromise whatever investigation. I feel like internet would make more sense if she got her stuff stolen at a con or if she lost a doll somewhere public.

My best guess is:
A follower who wanted the dolls, maybe assumed the police wouldn't give a fuck about some giant barbies? I know those anifees are really sought after right now.
Someone who had issues with her, also wanted some (?) dolls?

Primarily I wanna know how the two dolls were recovered, like surely the person they got them from would know something, right?
The tl;dr version
Wow, this is a lot to take in. Is this common for doll collecting to have this much drama? I'm not involved in the community at all and I'm mostly baffled. Though I guess most of the drama rotates around the guy, rather than the dolls themselves. Only damning evidence that she lied about the theft seems to be her offering to trade the Dollfie Miku outfit after it was stolen
there's also the part where the mashu doll was allegedly stolen from someone else
It varies, honestly. On the wider scale of things, things like this are rare events. Every hobby has its drama, local crazies, and grifters (don't get me started on fibercrafts,) but as far as dolls go it's usually small-scale interpersonal stuff. It's the volume and scale of the theft that made this one do the rounds of the greater hobby-sphere.

MFC has a lotta crazies in general tho, so I just stay away from all of that stuff
Its more that it intersects with cosplay drama, and some cosplayers are really good at being catty as fuck.
I don't understand this behavior. The more I learn about the situation, the more it seems like tribes of children who don't know how to talk to each other lashing out with violence and backstabbing over disagreements and misunderstandings. It's petty, disgusting behavior that tears apart otherwise healthy communities. I don't care who said what about who did what. This is fucking dumb.

If this poor girl really had her collection stolen, my heart hurts for her. If not, I'll eat those words. Simple as. Be kind to each other, anons. We're all human.
Yeah, I stumbled on the twitter of the anti-ali person some time ago and was very confused by the obsessiveness. No idea if anything they're saying is true, but god damn they're committed to trying to tear ali down. Makes me sad to see how people are these days on the internet
I mean I have nothing against this girl at all or the other people involved in the drama, I'm literally only learning all of this now. But this is the only place where I can say hey, there's some proof that she lied but the other girl had some very strong incentives to steal from her, without being crucified by either side
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Ok, back to doll posting.
why does dream rescue take so long to work. one of the reasons why im pivoting to resin, too bad it's harder to buy painted anime sculpts
Resinfags were always full of drama.
I'd agree with this. I'm usually wary of any explicitly anti-[insert person here] accounts, especially in niche hobby spaces like this. Sometimes there's merit to them, oftentimes a previous slight gets blown out of proportion, brought up at any conceivable time that [insert person here] gets mentioned. I voiced my 'damn that sucks this happens to you I hope you get them back', seeing the notice as my first exposure to her account. Like you, I'm of the opinion that if this ends up to be some something other than a girl having her dolls stolen, well so be it. But the most likely story is the simplest one, that someone stole her dolls and she wants them back.

Would that we didn't have to see this post at all. Ogres are for bringing the tea set over with their own dolls, not stealing.
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Does anyone know how often volks restocks MDD bodies? I was about to purchase two MDD 2.0s, but checked back later to find them sold out, I regret not buying them sooner
If you're one a budget, and have to use Aliexpress, you can get a legit Imomodoll there too for about 20-40 dollars more than those tend to go for. Recast issue aside, their articulation is mediocre and their bodies have a very simple construction using solid body parts instead of an inner skeleton.
Cute! I'm sure she has the same pose when holding your arm.

Her dress goes well with your tea set.
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I'm sorry for my transgression and very late reply anon. Will you forgive me?
Are doll's party admission tickets person specific? Will probably ask a friend to order a ticket as well if not
I assume you're talking about Volks? There's a overseas specific option that non-Japanese are supposed to pick up: https://dollfie.ec.volks.co.jp/item/4518992605494_GL.html
Yeah, I just wasn’t sure if the scratch ticket itself has a name on it or not
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Got her a new wig I like alot more!
She looks very cute anon, good choice!
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Post the first image in your doll folder, anons.
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sorted by date saved
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find __censored__ -type f -exec stat -f '%DB%t%R' '{}' ';' | sort | less -SR
omg it migu!
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I dunno if i got this here or from twitter

She can't eat all that. Greedy
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>She can't eat all that. Greedy
She absolutely can and she will.
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I never delete photos in my doll folder because I love going back and seeing what I liked years ago.
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Because of the number of subfolders you're just getting oldest out of all of them. 2007 was so long ago...
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>snow on the bag
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This was the 1st pic I saved... Good times...
That looks impressive! I imagine it's pretty study given the company's pedigree. It reminds me of Guava doll's attempt at making a full sized BJD. I'm not sure if those are being sold yet, but they definitely tickle my imagination.
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Two shots from tonight
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really cute outfit!
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I'm having trouble finding good Fall/Winter clothes for my girl. Even most of what I do find is in pastel colors, which feel too Spring-ish.
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what size? azone has some pretty good stuff but their pieces only fit mdd-dds (and their dolls) depending on the size. they have some scarves that would look great for cold weather outfits
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Got my first bjd! I asked here a few months ago about cutting their hair and stuff. Her hair is realy curly, which I dont like but looks good braided, just look at that braid girth. Her braid does keep undoing itself and her bangs are real long and cover her eyes. I have ordered haircutting scissors like anons recomended. Not sure what style to give her. Part of me wants to keep it long but I do like many short hair styles too.
Is her hair a wig? You could always get more wigs to cut multiple styles too if so.
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Its a wig but im on a budget so I could get mabye one more wig if I mess up. Also dollar tree toy guitar fits perfectly
That guitar is fun, wild it fits the scale so well. You could get cheaper wigs from like coolcat or something to cut and style, I think those are less than 20USD.
Whos is the maker of these seamless bodies?
I would assume they're photo edits.
I've only seen large seamless bodies with sexdolls. Theres smaller seamless in 1/6 with Phicen.
Those are edits... There are custom parts for dolls that may make edits look different though since it isn't a standard body. But they're usually just for chest, torso, unitorso, etc not arms and the like.

Adykadoll makes seamless bodies that match DD, but only the legs + torso are seamless. Arms aren;'t
I like this one. The orange and brown tones between the lights and Akira are great.
There is a maker of a seamless body however the body is silicone which means its a lint magnet and will eventually tear.
ADYKA dolls and Evoke Doll both have some to my knowledge, but they won't look this good and they have the same issues that >>48255785 this anon mentioned.
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was meant for
as well
danny choo alone is more drama than all resin combined
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This is my doll Noah. First time taking a photo, say hi!
Oh wow what kind of doll is she? I like her ears and fluffy wig.
She's a hybrid, a combination of several parts, so she's one of a kind. First resin doll, which I usually don't go for, but I saw those ears and couldn't resist. I actually think I like the resin better though, since you have to worry much less about stains.
I get the danny hate but that's just not true.
zodake_ekadoz is the premier miku doll photographer if you want someone to follow, picrel.
Hey Anons! I am running a vinyl anime doll panel at Anime Weekend Atlanta and finally got a time from staff. It'll be Sunday Dec 15, tentatively at 10:45AM! Please come by if you'll be in town for the con, and bring your dolls! (all dolls welcomed but keep it PG13 plz)
I'll add it to the OP next thread, thank you for your hard work anon!
Oh damn wish I was going to AWA this year.
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This is a very comfy image.
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Custom Obitsu 48 styled after Miku Hatsune. She's quite cute!
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I am very pleased to say that the calendars have arrived and they came out well. Colors look good, alignment looks good, and print quality is satisfactory across all pages.
I will begin the process of contacting anons for shipping addresses and requesting payment tonight.
Thanks for making this a reality!
Thank you for your hard work, anon. I am very much looking forward to receiving my calendar.
yay, thanks so much anon!!
Lets fucking go. Thanks for all your work
Thank you for doing all this!
Thank you so much for all the hard work anon! I'm so happy it all came together!
Just so happens its the same scale as the dolls which I find amusing.
Are Libidolls still in production? I saw them yesterday and was kinda interested in the hole ones, but it seems like the entire line hasn't had updates since 2017. And it's sold out everywhere.
They went out of production ages ago. You can check the archives for info. And wrong thread
Nice. Is this the first time that you managed to finish the calendar project? I remember like 2 years ago or so the project was still a thing.
Holy shit. I've never head of this. Thinking of this happening is a literal nightmare, It's like BJD organized crime.

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