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Yamame is going to save the day and get the boy! (Even if he is an arachnaphobe!)

Thank you Yamame, our superstar idol!
Yamame already got the boy! Two, even! Time for other girls to have a shot!
hooray, my favourite spud has a thread again
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Yam is more than competent and attractive enough to get herself a cute boy, the issue she's ran into is that she's trying to be the wingman for her 2 friends, the hashihime and the bucket.
Do you think the Yammers has what it takes to land these two a date that goes well?
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Can this old washed-up idol really pick up a boyfriend...
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Looking like THIS?
I'd still hug her to death
The Bridge Princess might have a decent shot after enough time with very careful acclimation, but Yammers is going to have to do a whole lot of leg-pulling in order to get me to trust that Bucket.
Little green-haired bastard looks best being chucked over the underground city at high velocity imo
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Anon no! That's what predators want! Your arachnaphobia needs to kick in!
I think my arachnophobia is being broken down slowly...and you're saying this is a bad thing somehow?
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Just imagine, you're a terrified arachnaphobe who somehow gets himself into a relationship with not just a youkai, but a dangerous spider youkai, but her motherly body allows you to be embraced by her squishy softness as she comforts you and assures you that you have nothing to fear, from her or any other youkai. You try to ignore the extra legs embracing you. She secretly enjoys the fear you give off.
>(Even if he is an arachnaphobe!)
I know spiders are all about hunting and trapping, but that seems a little selfish of Yamame, shouldn’t she want a more equal relationship?
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ACKTUALLY phobias are a strong sentiment that are ultimately a repressed form of love. You know you love spiders and want to cherish them but your mind gets confused translating that message to your brain, but the strength of your feelings towards spiders is only matched by love itself.
Trust me, I'm an expert on the subject, I even spok to the mistress of the palace of the earth spirits once and she reads a lot of books so she must be right (Didn't stay for long, that girl's full of herself and its uncomfortable getting your mind read)
>She secretly enjoys the fear you give off.
Is it that much of a secret when I'm already keen to leaning into my anxious tells for her sake because I know she enjoys it when I'm a slightly stuttering mess?
If it's a proper Youkai relationship then I want to give it my all for her damnit!
Youkai girls love fear bro. They literally need it to exist. I doubt Yamame would ever make it a point to terrify you 24/7, but she'd probably find it hard to suppress a grin when a spider makes you yelp. And if she manages to scare you, maybe by unknowingly sneaking up on you in the hallway while the lights are turned off and you're startled, she will get goosebumps.
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>They literally need it to exist.
While true of most every youkai, hasn't the Yam spent many a human-less year in Former Hell, which used to be sealed and isolated from the surface world? Are we to assume she was sustained by something else, or is humanity's fear of spiders so strong it permeates the earth?
Cute spider tummy
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Tasty chub!
>sustained by something else
>is humanity's fear of spiders so strong it permeates the earth?
You raise a good argument there. Maybe it'd be like the equivalent of having shitty microwave burgers for years on end just to have something running through your system versus finally eating a gourmet steak dinner with full garnish and sides plus chances for more in the future.
And that is a really cute Yam tummy. Squishy!
Why do arachnophobes want to fuck spiders?
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Not only did that alcoholic create a cute spider, but he gave her a nice warm personality too.
It is hard to resist the desire for spider hugs.
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Post Yamame x Parsee yuri
Just post that manga panel yourself and be done with it.
Four simultaneous hugs.
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Canon lesbians
Canon lesbians
And there it is.
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Kisume's not that suspicious...
How does a spider get so fat?
Now post more
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some of these guys get straight up rotund
in the case of youkai spiders, they probably have extremely slow metabolisms to go for long periods without eating.
Cute and canon.
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>go for long periods without eating.
That's clearly not happening with Yamame, maybe she needs to stop eating so much...
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You don't get to tell Yam what to do!
Why do you think she wears such a wide dress anyway?
It's convenient and that way you cant tell
Long times are subjective, but we have a handy bit of canon to work with.
In 17.5, Yamame has not eaten since morning, and whole we are not told how long ago that was, it was long enough that she came to the conclusion that attempting to eat a certain snake by the name of Yasaka Kanako was a good idea.
Clearly this poor spood goes mad with hunger if she hasn't eaten in, like, six hours.
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Fatty who gets off on scaring her boyfriend. She's a real monster!
To the guy who wrote the dating Yamame story, thank you. Hopefully you know who you are.

I want to mix primal fear and love with a sweet Yamame!
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Reminder that Yamame can and WILL tie you up. So consider your words carefully, brats making fun of her will be punished.
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Anon, there's three of those.
Wait, there's three? I only know of one, where are the other two?
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Seeing those MILF Yamame pics and reading some fics where Yamame jokes about being able to lay thousands of eggs made me realize. Alongside her fetishes for bondage (with you as the tied) and fear (with you as the spooked), Yamame would absolutely be into impregnation. Asking Yamame during sex if it's a safe day, to which she assures you "no". Then asking her how many offspring she can have at a time, and when she answers you reply by asserting you'll triple that number in a month easily. Yamame would absolutely love the idea of being a broodmother, and you'd find it difficult to pry her off you after that.

This would probably go especially double for anyone going down the submissive arachnophobe path. Perhaps your mind is too hazy from the lewdness to realize what you're sex will lead to. Perhaps you do, and you hesitate and struggle before you unleash loads of little spiders into the world. Or, perhaps, you're able to overcome your fear just for a moment because all you see before you is the beautiful love of your life.

Either way, Yamame would love it. Babies are the ultimate proof of the love between two people, so bringing lots of babies into the world means you clearly love her lots.
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Parsee is about to be yuri raped...
those fangs are luring me towards very foolish actions
Fangs made for nomming on uncautious humies
Who is the Green Goblin of Touhou?
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DO NOT ask the spider for love bites.
So tell me about the love bites!
NTA or the Author, but this is the one I immediately think of:
Real quality stuff
What about love nibbles maybe? The fangs are just too good...
Yamame is good for people who are masochists and want to be scared, but also not too scared, not too bullied, and need hugs afterwards. The kind of weirdo who wants to be tied up and spooked a little, and then cuddled while they're still all wrapped up in the web.
Yamame is for pure yuri relationships with a little bondage here and there.
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high class spider
I was pretty surprised at how popular it ended up being.
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the faith and fear thing isn't actually as absolute in canon as it is in canon, belief is important but not always essential. we don't really know how precisely youkai work anyway.
kisume. green, evil, a bit goblin-like, flies around on a vehicle, has halloween-themed attacks like skulls and wisps
I agree, but also Arachnophobia is probably the worldwide number one most popular phobia, so I doubt Yamame is in much danger of fading away. The only fear that I think even comes close is the fear of heights.
Arguably this means she should be even stronger.
god bless everyone who gives Yammy a turtleneck sweater
and god bless Yammy tummy
two vagainas
maybe more
upload all your sloppa
man AI is getting way too good.
why do they love her so much in the underground?
Most of it ends up on Pixiv sooner or later.
If you dig around, there's a link to an archive with all kids of old trash and captioned/uncensored versions.
Everyone in the underground is gay for Yams.
I'm a very arachnophobic boy. Please correct me into proper spider lover~
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She is the beloved underground idol known for her bright and cheerful personality. How are you supposed to not like her? Even Parsee likes her.
Canon lesbians!
How can you be scared of such a silly funny and cute spider like Yamame? She barely even has the legs.
>such a silly funny and cute spider like Yamame
A big & curvy Yams has her upsides of course but sometimes I imagine her to be a lot more bean-like ala her original appearance and it makes me laugh from how adorably small she'd be by comparison.
It got me to check out a little bit of what else that person had written too at least but I get it.
Sometimes in life you just need a simple spider girl to get you by.
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Accidental yuri is straight so long as they aren't into it
I'm just glad someone drew the Yammer wearing her new bow.
I won't get the sniper dots all pointed my way if I bother to say "cute" will I
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I did wonder while uploading it what would go through someone's head if that was their first introduction to my fics and not the others. It's a little tonally out of place.
>It's a little tonally out of place.
I'll say! Though it wasn't all that surprising to see the content of the other stories for a number of reasons. Not in a demeaning sense or anything, just, y'know...
I may not have gone through much but the story was a good exercise in experimentation that paid off either way considering the others, something I can somewhat relate to.

Anyways, if Yamame was a true celebrity of the underground then do you all think she'd become known through craft or some manner of entertainment like live stand-up or concerts?
I like Yamame. Her theme is nice and she's in the best Touhou game (gameplay wise). Also she's blonde and her dress makes your mind imagine.
Why does this skirt look SO big?
Out of universe reason: to look like a zpider's abdomen
In-universe reason: probably both to look like the spider she is and because all her spidering probably requires a wide range of leg movements that the big dress helps her do while staying, er, modest.
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It's okay Kisume, we'll find you a boyfriend... one day... probably.
Could be worse. Imagine if Yamame had to find Parsee a boyfriend. That right there is a headache-inducing task.
Imagine Yamame desperately playing wingman reassuring you that the seething girl complaining about all the other couples in the bar is actually super nice deep down. Then you fall for Yamame and leave Parsee to seethe about getting cucked again.
How many times has this happened at this point?
More importantly, given the actual historical context of the term "Tsuchigumo," Yamame will be able to survive for as long as racism exists.
Someone needs to take one for the team and be Parsee's boyfriend. It'll keep Parsee from sabotaging more relationships and make Yamame feel like she finally was able to get her friend a boyfriend.
She doesn't need a boyfriend if she has Yamame.
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Exterminate all bug youkai
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It's me. I'm her family.
Sorry anon, you're not troublesome enough to be a Kurodani.
The worst part is that her motherly spoodermommy body is full of eggs.
Based on the image of that spider her ass is WAY to small, not big enough. She needs a DONK on it

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