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Now this is a dire snek.

Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE
That mug looks as if it constantly talks shit to everyone, and in a very stereotypical accent.
>"1 spoonful of sugar...4 spoonfuls of sugar. It adds up to 1 fat bitch, bwahahaha!"
I was ready to post a snake thread too. It must be a sign.
That mouth looks uninviting.
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snek rules this thread
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We're all in the snake pit now,.
Year of the snake slithers closer, after all.
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Reptiles are gross
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What mg Has Really Gone Downhill?
Rachnera because he didn't want to draw her.
A sign...of treachery!!!
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I am undone.
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Where is the fishos? Over here!
I wouldn't dare to be treacherous under the glorious Apophis queen.
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fish snake
I feel sorry for the pharaoh
But I can't say no to the grape
apophis doesn't want to you to know this but you can suck the venom out through pharaohs tits and ungrape her
you and your wock wife suffer an unfortunate curse that makes the dishes shittalk her when eating and you when cooking her meals.
she gives up and starts eating everything by hand after one to many insults about her weight, which only makes the problem worse as they start calling her an uncivilized pig beast from the cabinet.
>back in my day 'when pigs fly' was a phrase for something that'll never happen. guess they had to drop it upon seeing you.
hot lim asses coming to a pool near you
>dishes shittalk her when eating
ms dormouse chooses to go down fighting to the end.
>another serving of cheese, ms mouse?
>certainly you plan on a workout session after this... right?
>hmmm... well, can you at least spare the scale?
Pharaoh doesn't want you to know this, but if you kiss her after drinking snake wine you can grape her secretly
That is WAY TOO MUCH anti-spider propaganda. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Spiders are the worst
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Yetis shred the slopes
thats a big yeti
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At ease, soldier.
is there an mg iceberg?
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>Be anon in MGC
>See an Alp getting bullied at the roller skate park
>Stick up for Alp and decide to do an anti-bullying campaign
>Wow your project is getting media attention
>A LOT of attention
>No that's TOO MUCH
>Try to chicken out, due to nerves
>Get bullied into continuing the campaign
>AHHH! You can't take the stress and bullying
>Inevitably you travel to Lescatie to beat off at a public street corner...
>As you follow the irresistible pull through the streets of Lescatie you pass by various people at the street corners and intersections
>As you shuffle down the street, pants and undies around your ankles, you notice a man being ridden by a Hellhound beneath a street lamp
>The sad broken expression on his face is a mirror of your own sense of helplessness
>"C-c-campaign against bullying?" you ask the broken man as you shuffle along
>"Article on the benefits of vegetarianism." he says lifelessly, as the Hellhound slams herself onto his cock
>She howls before biting and ripping a rare steak in half and mama-birding him with it, her hips never ceasing in their unrelenting raep
>You shuffle past the man, who is too broken to resist, dreading where this undeniable pull will take you
>It dawns on you that most of the intersections ahead are filled with coupling couples
>A man with a defeated expression is sitting in a Sandworm's mouth
>"Avant-garde jazz album." he says as her tounge drags the unresisting man into her depths
>Another street corner, another couple...
>"Democratic elections." mumbles a man held down and raped by Khepri
>"I don't fucking know. My grandma is a whore?" says a confused man in a Hebi's coils. The Hebi holds a blue flame under his balls as she deepthroats him. The flames surge at his words.
>"Yeah sure, everyone's a whore. Whatever." he mutters with an eye roll as she continues sucking and releasing flames.
>At long last you near an empty street corner and commence to jacking it in public
>Then the Alp approaches you, the one who started this mess
>Your erection is as hard as iron as the Alp nears you
>Your anger boils over "What now, are you going to tell me bullying isn't wrong!?" you roar at the Alp
>With an effeminate tuck of the chin and a blush the Alp drops her clothes
>"N-no. But it's okay for *you* to bully *me*." says the Alp as she wraps a tail around your wrist.
>You can't really disagree with that, so you don't.
I would have sex with an Alp just for pleasure, not for love
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The alp in question.
Yeah I would definitely bully that with my penis
>Not having sex for love
Clearly you need sex correction(TM). Who's the best pic?
Bullying is sadly underrated, like Alps. I'd like some Nacho-style bulli, but my stuf'fs probably too much.

Anyone got that Alice and Akaname piece? I lost the original.
The only bullying that's good is when Miss Nacho bullies me.
it is vital to bully the vampire
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Nah. Vampires are good girls.
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Would you a porc?
probably not
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The fancy archmage being absolutely OBSESSED with the bog witch's absurd body is a mood.
As is the natural order of things. She's so freaky that slow romantic non-maw sex is her actual vulnerable point. Imagine her spraying crude and profane words of tsunlove to her beloved Cuntface!
>She keeps calling you "the Belmont"
>That's a paddling, you cape wearing hack!
>Squeaky toys as you slap her unnaturally unresponsive buttocks; she yawns and goes back to reading.
>Shit is she making this a lesson about literacy and books? A-are you a bad person for doing this?
>"As expected of the Belmont." she says dismissively.
>Like a goddamn yawn.
>This bitch just yawned a fucking sentence.
>This bitch is asking for it! With a single crystalline breath you man the fig up. The garlic fig up, that is.
>Good thing you keep a set of... supplies on your person. In case of vampire emergencies.
>You pull out your vial of garlic infused holy water. It has an agitation enchantment to mimic running.
>Your other hand palms a clove of Anime. Pope sanctified garlic as your fingers caress her cool shapely but deliberately unresponsive buttocks.
>You literally bullied the fake-ass Dracula accent out of her. So that's a win. She talks likes she's from New Jersey now...you can live with it.
If only her fancy degree could give her tits like that! Unfortunately her accreditations in Conjuring and Evocative Arts don't have anything to do with breast augmentation.
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Would you a crow?
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You can have brotherly lovemaking with your Alp pal, like brothers. You can cum inside an Alp with love, not romantically but still with the kind of love that only exist between bros.
I would pork one, yes.
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I bet marrying a dragon as the kind of guy who loved roller coasters as a kid/teenager would be amazing. You could go higher and drop faster than any roller coaster for free and do it anywhere
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But why? She loves you so much though
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Monsters in short shorts
Wow, nothing has ever made me want a dragon less.
I fear and hate rollercoasters
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I'll entertain her with the tale of the time i was The Crow for Halloween.
She looks chill to hang with. Platonically, even.

Good end.
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Could someone please enlighten me on who made a Kikimora the Elden Lord, and why? I assume this is someones oc and would like to know their backstory.
The what now? Elden from Murphy Brown?
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Goodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that sweaters are in.
Invest in weresheep
Do it now, not later when its too late and the weather is warm.
Get two, no, THREE of the sheep.
Im almost sad mabobamana fixes stuff like that
Disabled monsters have so much potential, like that one blind lizard girl
I'll invest in all of the sheep
Like a farms worth
Would it be rude to ask her for some milk?
I think Eros would be ok with some disabilities that encourage couples to be more intimate, or to become couples at all.
Like a blind Anon and his seeing-eye Anubis, just don't ask her why she smells of cinnamon and hellfire. Or a veteran who lost both his legs in the old war and magisurgery is still to new for the countryside village he's retired in and he's too used to the wheelchair anyway so his state mandated Kikimora wheels him around everywhere (and enjoys doing so). Or a mute songbird harpy asking her classmate from the music club to teach her guitar/flute/piano, and romantic slice of life situations ensue. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
I need more info on "snake crimes"
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Filipino here. Can any of you chuckle fucks explain to me why a bunch of Sylphs and elementals decided it be funny to give my country FOUR typhoons!?
Global wanking.
>"When we joined the Demon Lord's armies, we took an oath!"

>"According to our station! All without exception!"

>"On the blood of our fathers, on the blood of our sons... We swore to uphold the Demon Lord Lilith's plans!"

>"Even to our dying breath!"
>But these are my elites. Their consent matters to me, yours does not.
>That makes two of us.
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>balrog lounging in her lava tub
>"I don't know how to reach him. You know, deep down. He's so secretive. The wealth, the opportunity, the means, the tools: these things are circumstantial. I can set up the circumstances. But motivation? Convincing him that he CAN be everything he wants to be? Undoing a lifetime of conditioning? There are no rules for it. It's impossible to teach. Every man's unique, and finding the key to him through trial and error sometimes feels like I'm pushing him away even more."
>lava golem head emerges and rests atop the surface
>"Maybe you need to show him something worth working towards. Guys like achieving stuff. They like a little sweat to get there too. It's a terrible thing, but a lot of them have been taught so much "that couldn't be me" that they aren't able to see good for goodness's sake anymore. They need to have that experience that reminds them that good things are good, and they need to leave whatever environment hasn't been rewarding them for the efforts that they *do* decide to put in for the good they can still see. Or, maybe even punishing them for trying."
>"By the lord. That's so wretchedly sad. But I think I get what you're saying. I need to... create a pull, rather than push. Set up a real goal, with a real reward, and a real, straightforward task to achieve it."
>"Yes, exactly. But remember to start small."
>"Yes, small. We know how good I am with small. Ha. Excuse me, can you resume the bubbles?"
>"Oh, yes."
>lava golem submerges
>balrog sighs
>lava golem reemerges and tosses her hot dripping pitch hair. "Regarding what you said about circumstances..."
>"I think motivation is also up to circumstance. Think about how much little things affect our outlook on life. For a man uncomfortable in a hot summer, it can make the day feel strangling and stagnant, whereas a cool autumn rain with gentle winds can invigorate him, or make him all cozy, and take the weight off of his shoulders. Listening to a certain piece of music can make him feel invincible, or that everything's going to be okay... or that everything's *not* going to be okay. These ambient circumstantial things don't really affect the material facts of his life, but they make the difference in every moment between having hope and... not having hope. And that's a big difference. I mean, that's why having a nice home in a nice place with nice people around is so important, right? You can have every material thing you need to achieve greatness, but so many circumstances will make you ignore them, or the feeling that you even want to. Enough little things oppressing you will eventually succeed, especially as they compound with the conditioning you mentioned."
>"Where did you learn all of this?"
>"I've been through the rock cycle a couple times. I just lava good philosophy sesh."
>"...Oh, I know that smile. You just made a joke, didn't you?"
>"Take your time."
>balrog slides the once-an-olive cinder from her martini skewer and flicks it in the golem's face
>golem catches it in her mouth and dunks her head underlava
>balrog wipes glowing molten rock off her cheek and smears it on the stone behind her
>"Round of applause for the trained seal. You better not fill up your tits when I bring him here."
>golem pops up and squirts a jet at her AGKPHTLH
the spades are growing larger... they're catching on.
>your ancient evil wife is having nightmares about the old days again
How do I correct a cheeky shog?
>Order to say I love you
>“Of course you love me, mastah~l
>Ask her to dust the furniture
>Come back later to see the furniture is now dust
>Ask her to make some cheesecake
>Only to see she cut cheese into the shape of a cake
>Order her to give me head
>Pops off her head and gives it to me
>Fucking her ask if she wants a creampie
>Says yes so I cum inside her
>Asks me where the cream pie is later
>Try to fire her and tell her to hit the road
>Goes outside and hit the road literally
>Get tired of it and tell he we should bury the hatchet
>She agrees
>Few minutes later she hands me a shovel and brings out a hatchet
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I would impregnate all of the p'orcs. Their h'orc friend too.
Your shog is a chesh, man. You might be already mad
Hire an excessively aristocratic and uptight kiki and hope that they correct each other over time.
>marry me?
> of course, who's the lucky lady?
>"This bikini armor suits you, but it cannot hide that mark."
>"Nothing ever will."
She vores him (non lethaly) btw
>balrog-sama will never give you motivation to be the very best you can be
why even try when the desired state is a known impossibility
even the captcha is saying DARN
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What happens to monster girls that live far from humans? What kind of myths do they believe in? Like, all human men need to have sex 5 times a day or they get sick? Or every human boy loves pizza but the monster girl doesn't really get what it is so they practice making it out of leaves and bread?
It's not 5! It's 6.
Only my momwife can love me
wtf is that trash
never post again
>Gluten free lilim
Oh, man, I don't know if I'd love or hate a wife like that.
Cats are cute!
Cats are safe!
Cats hate undies cuz they chafe!
I was a hero
but that's here nor there
because the monsters transformed me
into a succ's underwear.
>Introduce your Cheshire wife to fan fiction
>She loves it
>Just LOVES it
>Decides to get into it herself
>Specializes in cracked crossovers that randomly veer into hardcore pornography
>Has to keep creating new pseudonyms to trick people into reading her fics
>Accidentally builds a fanbase with one of her pseudonyms
>Gets a little worried
>Decides to try to ruin them by creating a mega crossover fan fic centered around Supernatural, but turning the main characters into gay furries.
>Just makes her more popular
>She adds a full on horror arc
>Again, people love it
>Starts getting fan mail and pics of creepy little shrines to her work
>Cheshire wife too depressed to write anything now
>Abandons the whole thing
I feel bad, guys. How do I cheer her up?
Wurm do rock
Wurm do roll
But wurm is concerned
about the ozone hole.
I defeated the horc
She couldn't match my skill
But I tripped into her armpit
and it was an instakill.
Fox be nimble
Fox be quick
Fox was defeated by my dick
fox be trick
fox be slick
fox meet burger and become too thick
Bought my shog a milkshake
So she could learn its taste
Now when I go down on her
My tongue gets frozen in place
Burma Shave
Shut up
Fat fockses...
anon is lame
anon is gay
anon alps and only has herself to blame
We had an anon
who hated monster poetry
a sharp tongue served better
licking write fairy pussy
Devil Bugs don't care
Details are unimportant
Get in the pile, fag

How to motivate?
Place man in the cockroach swarm.
Slippery when wet!

Conundrums stress and gall you?
Cockroach blowjob zoid!

Blowjobs should be done
In assembly line fashion
Keeps workforce happy!

If she can't fix you
Then one of her sisters will
There's no eye in dick!*1

Literacy don't
Put penis on the table!
(Devil bugs can't spell)

I keked.
>Rape me or release me, Parasite. But do not waste my time with pillow talk!
No points for guessing.

Humans T-pose now!
Use whips and chains in case of
Ear T-pose failure!

Cook and clean for me
Basic life skills get you groped
You know you like it

Love gems of the subtle art
Jam in Forest Elf

Holding hands with slave
While abusing the Ponce Elf
Remove her butt-plug

Forest Elves can't even
Do the Isosceles Lock?
Slave, bring me my crop

Our nympho Elf slave
Cums when beaten and slaving
Less housework for you~

My favorite slave
Delightfully indolent
Using Elf footstool!

A puddle before
My pet? Like tossing my coat:
Lay in it, Elf slut.
Slow sex with my slave
Gentle caresses and nips
Bitch, where's our sandwich?
I wish I wish I hadn't groped that fish
I'm surprised it took this long for a proper doujin for hellhound to come out. No weird fetish shit either!
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This is indeed a disturbing universe
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Mamonos are weird fetish
Depends on the girl.
Centaurs and sandworms? For sure.
Inaris and werecats? Not so much.
i cannot let my hellhound or core find out about my size fetish.
Centaurs are weird to fuck now? As expected from bigfurry propaganda
>hound knows
>has to constantly struggle against urges to minimorph herself as an objectively funny joke because she's 5% cheshire.
How does a hound become 5% cheshire, and what does that do to her smile?
>How does a hound become 5% cheshire
a very unfortunate accident with a mage, a chimera, and a shitass kot ready to ruin the mage's life work.
>and what does that do to her smile?
a goofy grin, constantly.
>Anon likes size difference
>Finger of eros kakauen paw curls
>Gets a short fairy wife
Said anon thinking outloud sandwiched between his 7 foot tall 'core and 'hound wifes
'I think they bought I'm into shortstacks' anon thought, smothered in the underboob of both wives while stood on his tiptoes.
I will let my lamia wife know about my tongue fetish.
monsters adapt to their husband's preferences. i think they will clock it when all of a sudden they are taller then you.
I can't let my wife know I'm fucking her
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>There is much talk. And I have listened, through rock and metal and time. Now I shall talk, and you will listen.
>Silence fills the empty grave now that I have calmed. But my mind is not at rest, for questions linger on. I will ask and you will answer.
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>this is not your grave
>but you are welcome in it
cuckhorse brought back another wife catalog .
I bet she has a reanimated dick collection at home and there are hordes of desecrated dead scouring the world just to get their dicks back in a quest that the order condemns on account of them being undead but secretly approves of.
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I really like pink. It's a friendly color.
Anatomical abomination.

There's no way a lamia can have a butt and make sense anatomically. Realistically, they'd have no ass. They'd be shitting and pissing out a cloaca at the end of their tails. Vagina could still be in the human location, separate of the cloaca, but the urinary and digestive tracts would have end near the end of the tail. Namely due to the fact that to power such a massive body - I mean, we're talking thousands of pounds and over 30' in length at a minimum - you'd need a very large stomach to digest larger amounts of food. This would mean their stomach likely extends down into their tail. Likewise, that's where the intestines would be. So naturally, towards the end of the tail, that's where they'd excrete waste. Having an ass in the human position would relegate their digestive tract solely to the human half. In which case, they'd simply die because they wouldn't be able to eat enough to nourish their entire body. Not to mention how difficult it'd be to keep any of that sanitary and smelling nice. This is why cloaca at the end of the tail just makes so much more sense. All of this would likely be true to an extent for mermaids too.

But yeah, that's just one of the areas where you're gonna take an L as a lamiafag. No ass and no legs. Just like how centaurfags take the L on cuddling efficiency. Or how sandwormfags take the L when it come to owning a house. It comes with the territory. Certain girls have certain drawbacks. For lamias, you forsake ass for exceptional cuddles and long, thick, erotic tongue. Sucks if you're an assfag thoough.

Apologies for the autism.
>They'd be shitting and pissing out a cloaca at the end of their tails.
Is this what regular snakes do?
More or less.

This is the last I'll mention of the subject since I don't want to fill the thread with literal shit posting, but it's a funny thought I had in my head for quite some time.
A lamia would theoretically be able to use the bathroom while in a different room. So let's say she's in the middle of a gaming session and doesn't want to get up. Provided that her room is near the bathroom, she could just extend the end of their tail into the bathroom and over the toilet without ever leaving her computer.
Confections and math
All my technical knowledge
Not as sweet as you

Sweetest equation
I can hear machinery
Weird science for you

Though my flesh tires
No law, science or magic
Will keep us apart

They say I am mad
Those dim fools don't understand
We'll make them all pay

A robot army
Weaving destruction, mayhem
Wait for me, my love

No matter what burns
Compared to my madness
You're well worth the cost

I'll never tell you
Of the unholy pathway
The bridge between us

You're safe in my arms
No device nor lab compares
Now for the sex ray!
technically reptiles do not urinate as a liquid, they pass urea as a solid waste product
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Birb has the same hat.
In this lonely cell
It aches that you're so distant
Tasty Xavier

Longer than my tongue
Is the length of my sentence
That's what it feels like

I couldn't hold it in
Blossoms of sweat on your brow
I couldn't resist

Remember our first time?
In the stall, my heart captured
By your acrid splash

You couldn't push me out
That's proof of our love, Xavier
The courts know nothing.

I burn with desire
The spice of my life is the
Taste of your secret

Memory is perfect
Where my tongue is concerned,
My soft labyrinth

By day and by night
Sliding deep in your shadows
I miss you so much

Wrapped soundly in your
Delicate churning embrace,
Fermented heaven

No matter how far
I'm still trapped deep inside you,
My sweet burning ring

I dove too deep, love?
It'll be different this time
Just please write me back.

I love you always
Please soil the paper, when you
respond, beloved.
birds are reptiles
very autistic but very correct. Snake ass is just dumb. Snake thighs are even worse.
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This man is autistically correct, but I still demand a fat hump or something where the ass should be for that butt in a tight skirt look. I don't really care where her anus is.
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>brags about fucking nations worth of men to death
and don't ask how she became progenitor of all the beast races
It just snaps right back into shape. That's the power of fox.
she do be a shapeshifter
didnt read but snake ass is fine if the tail starts where legs should be and not at hips
And now I'm imagining a doppelganger with impossibly tight puss.
spread cow across the block
Needs some sag.
holst breasts never sag due to antigravital milk in their boobs
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if boobs are antigrav then explain the inexorable and inescapable force that draws my face towards them
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>get approached by 6 inch tall pixie
>tell her she's cute but you prefer girls who are bigger than you
>get shrunk to 3 inches tall
Oh? Any good?
It sounds boring as fuck, so no.
That's the strong booby force. Like magnetism, it's very powerful and more effective at shorter distances but apparently unrelated to gravity.
Yes, it's about the fr*g getting brutally dommed by a hellhound. By the end he's completely broken in and throws peace signs while licking wan's ass.
Did you self insert as frog or the wan?
Why don't you not bring drama into every little thing?
You're just saying that because you don't want to see some hardcore femdom action.
I would love a pixie in my harem for this ability. Core/hound's eyes when they see what size she can make me. I wouldn't just use her for that though. I'd love her as much as the rest of my larger wives, preferably at such a humiliating size that I can give the pixie standing cunninglingus.
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Do abyssals count
losenis losenis, where is her penis?
Short shorts? That's more like a glorified thong
i love how thin the strip of cloth ms raiju calls pants is
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That's how you know they're short enough
They're hotpants and she's really hot.
Finding your wife's old fanfiction she wrote when she was a teen is the male equivalent of her finding your baby photos
No miss lim, you court first THEN flash your tits
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This is why vampires are far superior. They carry themselves like proper aristocratic ladies
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level draindom
good thing i'm level 0
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Monsters wearing a thong are my weakness
This isn't the greatest but if you want good level drain I have you covered.
Full of verbal mockery and all the good stuff.
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I don't want proper aristocratic ladies. I want dorky tomboys
I'd pay for miss tanukis kissing booth
this big one with the big claws and even bigger heart totally counts
dunno about the others but they're somwhere between undead, tsukumogami, and automatons, but i'd still err on the side of caution and post the monstrous looking ones only
This is why you should never ever ever EVER accept a danuki's job offer when it's to be the 'Chair' of her company.
Every human man will be converted to pedophilia whether they want it or not. You will have sex with 8 year old monster children or else.
nigga there's already too many monstergirls and not enough human men
i am not touching any new releases while there's still such a backlog to go through
Oh no?
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Miss Banshee's clothes were stolen again.
They are pretty much the main tool that hags use in conquest
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Male interns are a highly prized commodity in downtown MGC. There's only so many to go around and they have a high turnover rate
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most salarymen get picked off by roving packs of gyaru before they even make it to their first day of work
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It phyiscally hurts that I will never be groomed from a young age by a gyaru mamano
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You should carry religious icons from the major religions in case you wake up ancient undead. You'll never know which one will scare them off
I want to slap lim butt.
What happens if you do that? Do they cum or do you cum?
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Look I love the Sabbath as much as any would be wizard, but forcing love only leads to resentment.
You will fuck ze cait sith and she will make you like it.
>bringing a pharaoh body pillow into the ancient tomb
>it's an apophis tomb
>bringing the 20 foot long apophis body pillow into the ancient tomb
>it's a pharaoh tomb
i'm probably getting carried off by a swarm of khepri anyhow
Meh, just wave a cross and run away while they're laughing.
>it's not a tomb at all
>it's a cleverly disguised sandworm
throwing a young, innocent, naive male intern into the office is like dropping a strip of bacon in a tank of pirannhas.
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Fat fucking dragons.
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Bummer, man.
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what flavor of slime are you going for?
green flavor
None. I don't like slimes.
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>I don't like slimes.
Slime Pit. Now.
I refuse.

I'll throw myself into the ghoul pit before I let someone toss me into the slime pit.
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>I refuse.
Thankfully, you never had a choice.
thanks mamano mana
She-slime would be nice, but imagine the lucky bastard that's able to score a metal slime.
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Bad ending.
Forget casual sex with monster girls, I'm going to have competitive sex with monster girls.
Something something battle to orgasm tournament. I am not sure of the stakes, but it would at least be wierd.
it's nice they have a category for sprinting as well as marathons
I could probably think of some stuff but I imagine the totality of what an audience would see is competitors taking turns being on top.
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LLMs are actually really good right now for Kurobine MGE stories
Yet I just read the most boring slice of text in my life.
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I noticed that the archive of our own terms of service just got updated. I had to agree to some sort of data collection thing to access the site just now. Those of you who use AO3, what do you think of the changes? Do you think it will have any real impact on the site?
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Honestly, it's apart of a series full of one-offs so I didn't expect great writing. I'm just glad I can read more stories. Sorry you can't enjoy fun, anon.
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This is nothing compared to the heyday of llms.
Are you suggesting that what you posted is better, or mocking the very obvious levels of purple prose used in it?
It was fun because it was CYOA, but it is objective fact that too much purple prose is better than no prose but overuse of hearts.
I read that as the heyday of LIMS.
Also, can we stop posting generative AI text as images? Catbox that stuff.
>Miss Lim misses her heyday.
>She was SO COOL back when she was in school.
>But something snapped inside her.
>It got so hard to be around people.
>They were so... pliant. So willing to obey.
>She started hiding more and more.
>Eventually she stopped leaving her home at all.
>Just vidya and food deliveries.
>Her only friends are mamono so strange and caustic that she feels safe knowing they're not succumbing to her lilim aura.
>But it's the right thing for her to do--it is morally obscene to impose her will on others, even through inaction via her presence.
>Still, she wishes she could meet a boy.
>Well, a man.
>She's old enough now. Probably a man.
>If only she could justify it morally.
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Fine, so it's like that, huh?
this might be why druella likes writing letters
less immediate mindbreak that way
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>but it is objective fact that too much purple prose is better than no prose but overuse of hearts.
I disagree, but I had so much RP sessions with LLMs that most are just too fucking boring and overly poetic and obnoxiously verbose.
But also, it's a translation that also overused hearts.
No, Druella is just a dork. She got complimented on her penmanship once as a child and she STILL does a quiet "oh-ho-ho" laugh as she writes letters.
>it's a translation that also overused hearts.
I know. I don't want to read text message style stories anyway.
>t too fucking boring
I got a good one where for some reason it because absolutely convinced the catgirls let me go so they could hunt me down. It was pretty different.
>I got a good one where for some reason it because absolutely convinced the catgirls let me go so they could hunt me down. It was pretty different.
I tried getting creative in having an LLMs play the aggressive monster, but they always stall and or say stupid shit like "I won't xyz... much" that just takes me out of the RP. Even worse when you try getting the LLM to do reverse rape and it always ends with the LLM character using a cock despite it being clear in the character description that they don't have one.
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tail inspector ensuring tails are up to code
Tried this with a Lizardman... I am now married with eight kids, the ninth is due next week...
Do you like soft girls?
>elf recruited as cocksleeve
>human recruited as bed warmer
Does anyone is this party even fight?
I want to do the SEX. SEX WITH LADIES.
Finally, someone talks sense.
Don't tell anyone, but I'm hoping to trick a succ into pretending to be a human to trick me into sexing a succ when I think she's a human
Pay me and I'll show you
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nice squat
>Does anyone is this party even fight?
Night battles only.
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How do monsters handle their single digit IQ husbands?(like you)
What happens if you call a dragons tail small?
First rape
If still dumb
Rape again
If still dumb
Rape again
If still dumb
Love him for who he is
If still dumb
Rape correction once again

And so on and so forth.
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Not a lim you dip
Keeping me envenomed, ensorcelled, or woozy on aphrodisiacs is a good way to keep me out of trouble. I wouldn't mind a little tutoring, though. Taisui jelly has to help a little bit, right?
Thread can only view things based on how close it is to an mge character. If you wanted wight you should have made bigger hands.
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shoggin it up!
I scream, you scream
we all scream
Cute amazoness
cant start my day without my bowl of shogflakes
the breakfast of champions
I will not eat the shoggolates
But they're hot! Hot shoggolates!
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shoggy knows best
how about the shoggcakes? or the shoggwich?
Dude, I'd eat literally ALL the shog food my shog wife shog makes.
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She had to get the juice boxes
Kissing deonora then running away!
Gross. Dragons lick their own buttholes.
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i dont like this worm
its smug aura mocks me
They deserve to be smug.
Her tail is too fat to reach, so she cant do that
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>i dont like this worm
too bad
>its smug aura mocks me

I've seen this "greenworm" posted here before. I like her design.
She's based on a legit caterpillar--the Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar.
It's an artist called dw8_rinkae's character if you want more
She do be considering.
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Would. That is all.
She's pretty cute. I like a shortstack AND I like a confident lady.
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Sure is dead in here.
its over
>last upload 9 years ago
Instead of JUST doing these ritual posts, have you considered tacking on just a modicum of chit-chat? A little prompt to get people thinking about the various undead and their charm points?
It's not THAT hard to do--just ask people what undead they like, or would like to get to know better!

Heck, I'll spot you one: What's an undead you think would be a cool hang even if you're not compatible? I think I'd enjoy both liches and phantoms, albeit for very different reasons.
i thought these threads hated AI
We're a little schizo about it--some folks really hate it, and some folks like the weird AI chatbot girlfriend angle.
I mostly dislike it because I think AI is gimmicky.
It's late--what's the mamono you're thinking of cuddling with right now?
For me, it's the humble succ. Succs are good girls and I would be very happy with one.
Plus, wing burritos. Also, secretly capping her horns with marshmallows while she is asleep.
>Officials warn of deadly spider outbreak — and are asking residents to collect them for their milk
Spiders just like harpies can make a killing with their natural products, selling silk and milk in bulk to become rich just how harpies make a killing selling their eggs and milk
>leaves and bread?
Can't wait to compliment my deep-continent wife on her unleavened "spinach" pizza (flatbread) with her whole family sitting around the table leaning in for my reaction.

Anyway, this reminds me of the page on wisdom stones, where it's said that some monsters camp them out so they can drag off the men who sometimes faint when they touch them. That strikes me as something someone very desperate and... gullible? would do. I don't know the word for someone who puts too much stock in myths. Imagine discovering the location of a legendary stone that contains knowledge of a forgotten spell, and you just wait there for some adventuring wizard to also discover it. He touches it, falls over, you leap into action and tear his pants off, get overwhelmed with guilt and run away, come back, he's still there, and you have to figure out wtf to do before anyone else sees this.
Spiders lay eggs too, Anon.
Imagine the farms
Really wanted that to be a spider farm pic.
Skeletons. I think their like cool.
Lots of jokes I could make about them.
But something about them just deadens the sex appeal for me.
I think they are one of the few monsters who lack the ability to exploit one of my MANY weaknesses.
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How many kikis can you purchase at kikimart?
>anon has just discovered the secret and corruption behind the guilds led by danuki-chan
Any business run by a danuki is ALWAYS hiding something
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Absolutely AI is a gimmick, but it's a fun type of gimmick at least. I mostly use it for translating things that'll never be translated.
The egg sack is not for eating it is only for cuddling between you and your spider bride
tell me more Anon
Goodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, consider a kiki with wintery plumage.
Helps her blend in with the snow to hunt for Mastah.
>wintery plumage.
>wake up in bed
>see kiki on top of you, trying to blend into your white sheets
>close your eyes: if you cant see her, she cant see you
>hear a frantic "m-mastah?!" as she looks around
heh, outsmarted again
Some told me that hiring a kiki raised by wurms was a bad idea, but I beg to differ.
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Pink is the color of danger
>kiki raised by wurms
They are usually good, except alot of times their solutions to problems is to bonk it(which broke many a microwave and stoves)
Are you implying cupids are dangerous? Answer carefully.
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I'm going to go with extremely dangerous. Nevermind the fact that they're expert marksmen and aerial acrobats with eagle eye vision. When a cupid's around, someone is having the course of their life permanently altered. And to think of all that inner longing, having to give others what she really wants for herself, welling up inside her over generations...
It's just a job, cupids are sweet and demure girls except when on a mission or training or when they find themselves in a love emergency.
>always armed with a weapon
cupids are extremely dangerous
i'd rather walk a dark alleyway with a hellhound then get near a cupid
The friendlier seeming the girl, the more dangerous they are. Why else would they present such a nice facade other than to trick you and lure you in?
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>The friendlier seeming the girl, the more dangerous they are
What is the Danger Scale looking like now anon?
You should have already started running
It's currently 12 and the scale only goes up to 10.
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Don't be silly, there is nothing wrong wi
sounds like its broken, better get closer...
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I think it would be cool to hang out with a Zombie, she doesn't talk much, is a good listener and she's always up for whatever you want to do, never argues, never protests and never rest
what happens if you pull that out of her head?
It's especially pleasant.
i'm going to lift her up by the cheeks and kiss her forehead until she is thoroughly and completely convinced that she is loved to the ends of the earth
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friends being friendly
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what did she mean by this?
must've just woke up after dozing in some sunlight
Bogey big spoon, boggleboe little spoon, me in the middle of plush heaven, and ittan-momen weighted blanket on top of us to keep us even warmer
Which one gets her fingers in your mouth first?
the blanket of course
anon starts nibbling on the ittan-momen and dreaming of marshmallows
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If you don’t smack your waifu’s ass hard enough to leave a red hand shaped mark on it you don’t deserve her
But I don't want to hurt her
Slap on a butt isn't going to hurt her.
Follow up with a healing kiss, or ten!
I'll just skip the smack and go for the healing kiss or ten
>anon discovers the consequences of overhealing a mamono
Nonsense, I'll give her another 10 out of spite
There are snakes on the plane
Makes sense, they're going to spend the winter somewhere warmer.
2 many snakes, the plane is being weighed down and does not have enough fuel to finish the flight.
we have to take a pitstop in the hyper artic storm made by a bored mage that loves winter.
As long as there is a hebi next to me, then it's fine
There's always a hebi next to you
>look to your left
>look to your right
>both these hebis will rape you
dang it...
I keep myself sick using plague magic intentionally just so I can use the excuse of being sick with something contagious to keep Mamono off of me. I'll cough and blow my nose and they won't come close because they don't want to catch it. It's the perfect defense. I even lie and say my cum is contagious too so there's absolutely no way they'll want to try messing with me.
One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble
One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble
I feel a hebi sliding next to me
>Go to sensitivity HR training
>It's mostly focused on how monster girls shouldn't rape their co-workers
Why are MG companies like this?
>Go to MG sensitivity training
>It's not a lesson on how to increase your partners sensitivity and make them have a massive orgasm
Fucking rip off really.
>Go to sensitivity HR training
>It's mostly a lesson on foreplay and why it's important for both partners
Why are mamono companies like this?
With post portals economy replaced by mamonomana fueled replicators, offices became just another themed matchmaking service
>There's always that ONE GUY
>He takes his job seriously, even though it's literally "be good at Excel".
>But he IS very good at it.
>Keeps trying to get the company to become more like a real company.
>And less like a dating game where mamono dress like they came straight outta Helltaker.
>You're just waiting until a sexy business spider shows up.
>But now you're begging at the Eros shrine for them to hire an Anubis to take this guy off the hands of everyone else at work.
Your wife sucks cocks in hell
... you mean someday I get to be MARRIED!?
Can I get an owl mage that isn't autistic kuudere
In Hell itself, no less!
You can have a jub that's doing her best
Jub isn't an owl
Even when she stays up all night and sleeps during the day?
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wait until you get to the "teambuilding exercises"
You don't know the jub day and night cycle
that's more of wonderlands fault than ms jubs.
it's not very consistent, except in inconsistency
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>ywn be a "comfort man" for an Imperial Zipangese Army officer
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I mean, you do end up building a soccer team with your mamono coworker
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Leaving bright red marks on the asses of monsters at least 2 feet taller than me, and hiding in their blindspots to avoid any repercussions
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>cheshy pulls you into her personal 2D wonderland
>everything is in globohomo art style
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Thinking about demon upskirt...
And demon downblouse?
demon sideboob...
Getting intentionally tripped by office demons who catch you with spade tails at just the right angle for a panty/nopan view
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I bet that bag smells horribly of fox now.
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Jokes are meant to be funny, that's just torture
You'd be traumatized for life
he sounds like the reason post-portal mamono society would keep Excel e-sports competitions around even after magic makes beancounting obsolete
is it really kuudere when she's very talkative (as long as you ask her to explain the Bionicles lore) and emotional (if you mention Harry Potter anywhere near her; the emotion is anger)
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Thinkin about succ eye contact until I don't think anymore
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Make a big mess for senko to clean up. She's into that.
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Undead hours.
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I prefer robot hours.
Cat robots for domestic ownership when?
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I prefer dog robots.
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Mooing is my business (and business is good!)
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>with her cover blown, your girlfriend explains that in the original timeline you meet a human woman and have a son who grows up to lead the resistance against the machines
>she was sent back in time to marry you instead, then bear your son and raise him to support the machines
>ideally you would have always believed she was human, but her analysis suggests that you'll go along with it anyway
foxes, but fat
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Mating press
how do i convince a horc to do 'that' on my face
Perfect. If I can’t have a six hour discussion with a monstergirl about how batshit the Bionicle lore got, I’m not interested.
Would eros kill a minor god of sadness/indifference
I knew a woman other than an anubis being that good at grand strategy games was too good to be true...
You can't truly feel happy without experiencing sadness, at least from time to time.
And indifference can be great when applied to a sexual setting. Imagine having a harem and just feeling indifferent which of your girls gobbles up your dick tonight.
Would wurm kill a minor god of antiwurm?
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How bathshit did it get? I knew it was about the Toa being like white blood cells fighting in the body of a giant robot thingie
Wurm and Mruw engaged in kaoskampf circa Wurmthousand CAA. colorized
Wide wurms
my bet is on mruw. i like the cut of her jib. (do not cut jibs from wurms)
Eros has slain many minor gods associated with negative feelings before, don’t let the cupids lie to you
love conquers all
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Imagine showing this to a monster.
Beancounting is still around in post-mamono society, it's just a different kind of "bean"
>counting the beans on each of your wife's paws
>that one time you somehow came up one short and the both of you ended up freaking out and going to the doctor (it was hidden by overgrown paw fluff)
>succuvirus patrolling excel sheets
>hoping to catch some lonely spreadsheet monkey and write him some lewd comments (then tron beam him and rape)
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Eros Warlords say the nicest things in the scariest ways
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how to get black mamba out of house?
you must inspect the snek pits.
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Hire a mongoose girl.
>insides of her mouth arent black
is she horny when she's drunk?
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only seen 1 artist ever get that right
this is really nice
meh, fetishizing disabilities is garbage. It's like those modern twitter freaks raving over wheelchairs in fantasy settings for "representation".
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Mofu is my god, and I am the human instrument of its will!
damn succuvirus, preying on defenceless MMO players like this
requires scripting and modding correction
would be tonguedommed in a kiss with this snek
It's an extension of mommy stuff in a lot of ways. But please don't disparage khadgar, he's a hero.
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but what's with all the holstaurs hanging from balloons?
>something something go to cat kingdom
>come across some big touristy event
>told to line up with a bunch of other men
>catgirls start coming out and picking men they like
>gratuitous descriptions of sex along with chanting of praise bastet go here
You partook in a cultlike ritualized femdom orgy
>overly possessive automaton gf carrier you around in a sealed bag and extracts your mana while she's at it
you wouldn't like miss greenworm when she's.
Anon? Anon! ANOOOON!
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Those are some ears.
Just give us all of the men, and there will be an end to the horror.
No, the post ends on a period, meaning anon ended his sentence. He's saying "You wouldn't like Miss Greenworm when she is", meaning, you wouldn't like her at all.
Why do you need ALL the men?
Big oni's tribe want big families
Oni are shockingly fertile and twins are common.
"I think, therefore I am"
greenworms do not think, therefore they aren't
so greenworm will never is. and thus, you will like greenworm always
we now return to painting wagons with dragon
You wouldn't download a dragon.
I downloaded so many dragons that I'm known as The Dragonporn
I would however load a dragon with heavy cargo like a packmule for entrepeneureal porpoises.
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Fucking brat...
Level grind to pin down that brat.
Gotta at least get 999
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...no, it's not like that at all.
ur mum is like that
>grope the dragon's tits
>"You dare to lay your hands on me, human? I could... I-I could incinerate you for such an insult!"
>continue groping the dragon's tits
>portals open
>turns out they could even see us through the power of magic
>you know your waifu is coming
>get a knock on the door
>Open it
>"Hi anon. I'm your number one fan!"
On a more serious note, I like the cut of your jib and agree that it's not like that at all. A wholesome story about someone who FOR WHATEVER REASON feels like they're physically inadequate, but finds love anyway is something I'd enjoy if done well. Or mediocre but the girl has REALLY BIG BOOBS
>grope the dragon's tits
>"You dare to lay your hands on me, human? I could... I-I could incinerate you for such an insult!"
>"You've already set my body on fire."
>Head to 4mon
>Post pictures of yourself naked
>Get 3 day ban for posting child pornography
Fucking mods
How big do the boobs have to be to make up for the story being a three line ESL greentext about a monster who fought in an IRL war?
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All that talk for her to freeze up on the spot and blurt out "YOU CAN FUCK MY THIGHS ON THE THRONE LATER IF YOU WANT HAHA"
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>When angels become too fat to fly
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Time for our daily dose of best girl.
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I love Disgaea girls, top quality monsters
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more of a leg guy
OK, this thread is missing something.
Sopranos references.
What mamono would be SUPER INTO the Sopranos, and why?
Do "Grabby mgs" Solve The Fermi Paradox?
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Cute clumsy Zombie maids always doing their best!
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she will have to lick it up
i may or may not be looking under her skirt while she does that
exquisitely erotic
it's interesting that a lilim can overthrow a country for attention and anon wouldn't care but if a zombie makes him macaroni art or a greenworm seductively eats a piece of lettuce he's all over it
Lilim are intimidating. Greenworms and zombies are not.
Anon has no use for an entire country, while the zombie's macaroni art is made with care just for him, and the greenworm's seductiveness is enough for him to handle.
i feel like there's a number where zombies become intimidating. maybe 4 or 5 zombos?
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Lims just don't get it, and they never may. It's really quite tragic. Being outdone by a corpse? A centipede? A bird? My god, the torment she must live in... On the other hand, HAHAHAHAHAHA
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Men are weak to sexy corpses though
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it be like that
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Holsts, minos.... Without a doubt the angriest, most belligerent drivers out there. All the red road signs, lights, and cars.

Don't let cows drive. And if they're in the car with you, give them special glasses or blindfold them for your sake.
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Got a snake maid and while she’s great at her job she’s always going on and on about how I would be a better ruler than the current pharaoh. Any tips on how to deal with a seditious maid?
No politics in this house.
centaurs are known to slash tires
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Lies and slander.
They have a hard time reaching that low, so no. However, a swift kick to the sidewall could do some things...
Why don't you start with a little pyramid in your back yard, just to try it out? Just a 2 foot tall monument in honor of something silly, like, I don't know, your how good your maid's pancakes are. Then move on to a 3 foot one, and so on. Remember to connect with an anubis if you need help with the plans.
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How can something so cold be so hot?
How do you get a monster's hand out of your pants?
>Yeah, just build an unsanctioned pyramid
>Not even dedicated to the pharaoh, just a basic amateur hour pyramid
>Right, do that then tell an autismwan about it
God, why not tell him how to make some cool crystals while you're at it?
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Is that catgirl goku?
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>I am the hope of the omniverse! I am the light bulb in the darkness! I am the bacon in the fridge for all the living things that cry out in hunger! I am the Alpha and the Amiga! I am the terror that flaps in the night!
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Can you handle a jub? How about a jubber or a jubby?
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I could take on any jub.
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Even The Jub?
why cheshire pouty
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That's a jinko you racist.
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nya mya meow reow all cat look same
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kot racists deserve to be smothered
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I like the shape of this tiger.
Goodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember to support your Yeti wife's' team.
Even if its the leafs.
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Like she could resist! And then once she gets her hands dirty, she's incriminated too.
>Absolutely not. No matter how many jars of pretzel bites you gift me. You will be disgraced for this. ...Thank you, by the way.
>but i don't know anyone else who's as good at pyramid theory
>[munching] It's a pyramid. One square base, four triangle sides. If you are not banished for your sacrilege, you shall be banished for your ignorance. ...Thank you.
>i want to get it right the first time! you understand how that feels, right?
>[gulp] What do you mean by that?
>obviously there's a way to do it properly, like with the angles on the edge cubes and stuff. wouldn't it be more profane to make a butchery of it?
>[munching] You have a point. But you will perish choking on the baklava of half-truths. [gulp] Never invite me to this house of ignominy again.
>fine. sorry i asked. thank you for visiting. see her out, would you, Violet?
>yesss, massster.
>What are you doing?
>getting started, might as well
>[munching] You're starting with the casing stones. How do you expect that to work? Where's your plumb bob?
>my what
>[gulp] Your- don't TOUCH me- plumb bob. And your T-square, for that matter.
>i thought i'd just-
>Noooo no no no no. No. Stay right there. Stay RIGHT there. [frantic munching ] Why oh why goddess did you give the world's most feckless creatures the most articulate phalanges!??
>excited hip wiggles and lip bites from maidpophis as audible munch-panting fades into the distance
Damn that's a crazy looking cat
Hey guys welcome back to week 4 of my blog where I’m testing how hard it is to impregnate an ushi-oni. So yeah back from nurse unicorn and we’re having quadruplets.
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Flying mamono have an advantage in catching the boucquet
Why is that dark skinned Cheshire wearing so much gold jewelry? Did she steal it all from the regular white skinned Cheshes?
who would be rude enough to air lift the bouquet tossed at mrs lim's wedding?
the dragons and jubs are shuffled away for the day
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white chesh is the struggle
growing but critical need to be used as a large hellhounds dakimura wherein my head is jammed between her tits
>Tall wife just keeps getting taller thanks to mamano bananas.
I love my giant oni wife!
>tall wife
>you try to be cheeky
>she presses you down with kisses and muff
dang it...
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Anyone? >>48258836

There's a ton of art of Kiki in weird outfits and I have no idea why.
White Cheshes can't jump, so they keep getting stuck on trees and firemen have to take them down.
Chesh is pretending to be retarded again.
>be anon
>kick a tree
>cheshires drop down
As it should be
Maybe I was retarded all along.
Maybe… Chesh is the normal one. Yes. Cheshire is the sane one, the one who’s so benevolent as to offer her help to a basket case like me.
Cheshire. Cheshire the wise.
Keeks are quite versatile. Maids are just one of many roles they happen to excel at, and it's in high demand among people who are a little wary of submitting their soul to the abyss. And they look cute while doing it, too!
Cheeky anons get their face smushed against a wall by tall oni butt and made to do standing analingus to escape
wonderland has strict gender roles, none of the jobs are coed as a matter of fact. there is some order among the chaos
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marry foxes
merry foxmas
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Gee, I wonder who's forcing all these foxes down our throats
Usually /vg/tards
Batcat in a hat
The hat gave batcat too small a teacup for her paws
hug a mushroom. there are many varieties to hug, but hug one.
Lamentation Mushroom Hatter really needs one.
>French kiss an undead lamentation hatter
>Deadly aphrodisiac spores in her saliva
>Die peacefully in her embrace mid-kiss and become an undead like her

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