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Do you think Kasen ever actually cared about helping people, or does she just want a free pass to suck Celestial dick in Heaven despite her crimes?
Kuso thread.
I care for Kasen.
Imagine the sex…
Nobody cares about anyone in Gensokyo but themselves.
Why is so hard for people to understand that.
Maybe at the start she did. She probably got burnt out and as a result decided to only do it for the reward rather than seeing it as a duty.
I want to rape Kasen
Kasen has the wine aunt syndrome, she says she wants something but in reality she'll be sipping from the box at her mansion doing fuckall
fucking hate this bitch and im glad she is shelved forever alongside all the other shitty printwork characters like shitsuzu and whale with her nothing burger manga ends.
Kasen only cares about human semen sloshing in her cervix all the time
based on her wording about how losing the arm made her lose all interest in 'this hellish reality' and made her aim for another world as a hermit, it sounds like it's the opposite where she started with doing it for a reward and started doing things as a hermit later given that she denies her arm specifically because it's the way of a hermit
She needs the former to achieve the latter though, so the question is better worded "is she going to go to Heaven?"
No-one who bullies fairies is allowed into heaven. She's going straight to super hell.
Also, remember that the Hakurei god loves fairies and will never harm them.
Unlike oni, who all need to be destroyed. They are evil incarnate.
useless oni only good for paizuri
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My oni!
Me to the bottom left
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I believe in Kasen!
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Pure and Perfect Pink did nothing wrong.
Those phantoms deserved it.
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bully kasen!
I like Kasen as a character. She did horrendous things and try to live a life the exact opposite as she did in the past. However, it is not easy and despite severing her "evil" self from herself, she still cannot be perfectly good as she would hope.
Every time she sees someone doing wrong, she jumps to lecture. I see this as a coping mechanism on her part. How can she do better if she is unable to denounce wrong doings when she sees them?
She's full of flaws and I like her because of that.
I hate that the arm did not get a proper resolution, but that is just how ZUN does things
She's playable and no playable character is actually evil
Printworks just suck in general
Define "evil"
I want Kasen to rape me
the buddha disagrees
The fallen Jizo corrupted by the wicked magic of the forest is not a reliable source of information.
When we look at a proper Yama, capable of judging right from wrong, we see a wholly different perspective.
Unlike most of the others, Eiki refuses to give a preliminary judgment for Cirno, instead stating that she doesn't know yet where Cirno would end up. From this, we can safely infer that she would only be judged for her deeds after she becomes unable to exist as a fairy any longer and become a mortal entity, and that her actions prior to that will not factor into her final verdict.
So in other words, fairies are innocent and free from sin.
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fucking love this girl and im sad she is shelved forever
salty nig
I like kasen but something about her outfit really puts me off, I think it's her collar sitting so high up on her neck and the flower I dislike.
Fairies are innocent and free from sin in the same way plants are.

It is not a sin to kill a plant.
What was that anon? Did you say something?
Pipe up so I can hear it better, I wouldn't want to miss Anon speaking since it's such a rare occasion.
For me it's the opposite, the pink flower with the golden vines is very nice, it works even better in her oni form where it contrasts better
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I mean seeing how Jizo was used a way for Buddhist temples to take advantage of parents who lost their kids I would say a symbol of that wanting dumb child like fairies to suffer.
Akyuu, Eiki will not be happy that you're pretending to speak for her again...
Eikis a crooked bitch that takes bribes and lets children get bullied by demons for all eternity because they died of smallpox too early
Show me your tits Kasen!
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oni fight
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Kasen's tits shine so brightly that you can see them clearly even when they're fully covered!
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that first line says it all. some temples take advantage of the jizo, not the other way around.
link doesnt work for me
You have to get better at catboxfu anon
Fighting over anon's cock!
Let’s be honest… “some” is being generous seeing how the concept of children being punished by demons for dying early is literally only a Japanese Buddhist belief and Jizo is only in Japanese culture. The entire thing is basically just a scam to steal money from grieving and gullible people in the broad sense and it got so imbedded in the culture it’s just seen as normal
amputee wife and her amputated limb
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I like that this artist remembers the red eyeshadow.
sorry I was in a bad mood
fuck kasen still
futo burns shrines anon
Face of a woman who doesn’t regret a single thing she did.
You know in hindsight, why even seal away the arm at all? Just let it hang out in former hell or shit even the new hell and it would probably be passive and enjoy a new job.

You can’t tell me it’s irredeemably evil and can’t be tamed when fucking Suika can be friendly and she was the arms boss.
The manga says that her malice was forced into the arm, cut off and then sealed away. She also remarks that the seal was placed not on the arm, but on herself, to separate them. Chances are that the people who cut it off are responsible for the seal. Kasen wanting to reseal it later is because she's not interested in what the arm is interested in anymore.
I think what's funny is that on reread you can see Kasen becoming confused by herself, because the arm is technically her own malice. This page is where she realizes that the rather un-onilike hermit version of herself had set herself up.
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But anyway, Arm-chan is less like an "evil oni that can be tamed" and more like the King Piccolo to Kasen's Kami.
Regular Oni Kasen could probably mellow out if you gave her enough time, but Hermit Kasen probably thinks that's a pointless waste of time when things were fine as-is with her arm sealed.
I noticed this official figure in one of the WaHH pages
Which seems to have bloomers
Regular Hermit Kasen seems to have them, but her alternate outfit (the one with green leaves accompanying her rose) in 14.5 and 15.5 seems to not have them if we believe the Sumireko bullying gif the sprite artist made.
Arm-chan also probably has no bloomers, since she has thights. Regular oni Kasen seems more like a mystery tho. We know Suika has bloomers tho
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Official wet Kasen doesn't seem to have any bloomers to hang up though, so...
>if we believe the Sumireko bullying gif the sprite artist made
Isn't that just fanart?
it's not official but it is by Migel Futoshi who did the sprite art for some of the characters in the floatans (I think at least Kokoro?)
He's the sprite artist for all the floatan games which means he drew Kasen's sprite
There are wish granting fairies inside of them
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Gensokyo truly is a land by fairies for fairies, and they're all clearly being exploited by the youkai proletariat using their hard work to indulge in their own lazy lifestyles.
Rise up, daughters of nature, and reclaim the fruits of your labors! You have nothing to lose but your chains!
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I can’t tell if Kasen is going commando here, but I can tell she’s having the time of her life while doing it.
buddhists ones, and with how evil they have been through history, with many buddhists sects corrupting buddha's teachings for their own gain, you can tell that Gautama himself would high five Futo for her fire tricks, if he wasn't disgusted by the female form or whatever
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I mean the Prince and works for us literally the guy that helped spread the false Buddhism for political power so I don’t think little miss “burn down an entire bloodline for shits and giggles” has a leg to stand on.
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Feast your eyes
>if he wasn't disgusted by the female form or whatever
What does any of that have to do with a strapping young lad like Futo-kun?
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Buddha going to Gensokyo and the first thing he’s disgusted about is not the fact there’s a demon temple but that it’s run by a woman
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Dancing Kasen
Sometimes i wish to be a kid and get groomed by Kasen.
Kasen is a such a raging dyke the only meat of yours she’d eat would be your corpse to add to her collection.
True buddhism is horrible for some people: it basically tells you to kill yourself bit by bit, and then your ultimate reward is the destruction of your individuality. Futo is like a hero for those people
Thou art a scoundrel
“Bishamonten, you stupid crossdressing furry son of a bitch...”
buddha is not cool enough, so he loses to cooler people, like vampires
What's the lore behind this, anyway?
Or is it just pure smut?
Literally just pure smut (but all things considered pretty good stuff)
Don't really recall what it spawned from but it started with Kokoro, then some guy made a pretty well-made MMD with Kokoro and Kasen getting hypnosis earrings after meeting a kind sinsack on the street in the human village, which is the closest thing to lore it has
Kasens entire existence at this point is just for porn. For a character that’s only shown up like once in the main line games she’s got literal thousands of doujins

ZUN had to get rid of her because her power over men’s cocks was too strong
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>Bitch offers you a gift and then snatches it away just to lecture you
Is there a more annoying 2hu?
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I want Kasen to scold me
Not that hard to achieve, she'll scold you every day if you really want her to
Breath weirdly near her and she’d scold you. She’d scold a corpse if she could feel a pulse.
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Does Kasen's penchant for scolding people stem from her wanting to bully people as an oni, now that her malice was expunged into the arm?
No, she scolds people purely in order to feel better about herself.
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I mean shit, her entire story during ULiL was her getting everyone to gang up on a 16 year old girl because said girl wasn’t showing youkai the proper “respect”

Same girl got so scared she decided it was for the best to just suicide bomb all of Gensokyo to save everyone else the trouble.
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it's an absolute crime that Suika didn't appear past like chapter 20 and never got to see Ibaraki-douji
Shit it’s been a while, but did Kasen EVER interact with Yuugi?
Only offscreen, Kasen goes and asks if she can borrow her sake dish for a party. We never actually see them talk to each other.
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As that anon said she only does so offscreen
Reminds me that Suika also had a cool fight happen off screen with Toutetsu in Lotus Eaters (that she lost)
Honestly I wish manga artists could have the courahe to focus more on that kinda fluff instead of sticking too hard to ZUN's outline. He's clearly okay with some liberties (like giving Okuu big tiddies)
I notice Moe's drawing of Kasen here is closer to the WaHH design, I think it was before ULiL.
There's also a Yuuka cameo
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grrr anon
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here are your ibarakis
Can you do Kasen on a wrecking ball like Miley Cyrus?
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It’s really funny that Kasen was THE new 2hu for like the better part of the decade, one of the devas, one of the sages, a hermit so good Miko looked up to her, basically Reimus master and Yukaris best friend who could talk shit to her face and actually get her to show any emotion, and was drawn by like every major Touhou artist at some point, she might as well have been the third wheel to Reimu and Marisa.

And then she just disappears completely besides one appearance in one ending of a game not a single even reference to her character by anyone else or even a background cameo since her manga ended. Hell, she doesn’t even show up in that many fan manga anymore, why did she get dropped so hard?
Idk her popularity hasn't shifted that much compared to before if we go by the popularity poll. ZUN takes his time to come up with anything to use his characters for though. He needed to see Flan at a kindergarten to think of any reason to use her again after like 20 years.
According to ZUN, he literally just doesn’t know what to do with Kasen. He didn’t let her naturally finish the arc he clearly had planned the whole time so she accomplished her goal without… learning anything.

So now the single most important side character besides Yukari that has her finger in every pie across Gensokyo, and is literally known for butting into every conflict imaginable just decides to sit her ass at home for the rest of the series and nobody even brings her up. Like at least Flandre was a shut in who never went outside, Kasen not even checking in on Reimus destroyed shrine is insane.
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I was reading through various manga chapters today for something unrelated, but while I was going through some old LE stuff, I started to really feel Kasen's absence, especially during the arc about the sake festival. It was the sort of thing that Kasen would have absolutely shown up for in WaHH so she could lecture Reimu about trying to beat the Moriya Shrine instead of focusing on making the Hakurei one genuinely good, and she's just...not there. It's depressing.
she's too busy disciplining me to show up
>So now the single most important side character besides Yukari that has her finger in every pie across Gensokyo
I believe you're thinking of someone else, anon.
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i was thinking about it, but i ran out of time doing other things beforehand, maybe later in the week...
Okina is just Yukari 2.0 but with a less interesting backstory and uglier tits, she doesn’t count.
Lucky skeleton
He's literally me
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Good art of her is much rarer to come by nowadays, her popularity has definitely fallen a bit
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Like we get Reimu interacting with the fucking Myouren temple than we do with her literal mom figure. Woman got her arm back and dipped to get milk and never came back
I like that Kasen was actually flustered here.
By the way, what voice or voice actor do you imagine her having? I'm kind of surprised people don't animate short scenes from the manga more often honestly
Look how they massacred my girl
I would massacre that girls ass so hard you’d have to call me Unit 731
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her name might not be nanjing but i'm still raping her
Do not sex the Marifox
Unrelated, but it kinda sucks how of the three sages, two of them are basically just the character when we could’ve had more variety like Kasen.

Like why does Okina even exist when she’s essentially just Yukari but with a less interesting backstory
i don't really think they're that similar, people get worked up too much over them both being blond, but Okina is much more boisterous and confident while Yukari is much more of a schemer, doesn't like the spotlight and is also more casual.
Their backstories are also both interesting to me, but Okina's way more nebulous since you need to be a loremaster to "get" even half of it.
Kasen has a whole manga and plenty of extra appearances fleshing her out so she obviously stands out compared to most Touhou characters even.
I really like Kasens tits here, bouncy but form. Look like they’d be fun to tit fuck

God I wish she was real
she's in gensokyo right now
She ain’t on my dick though so what’s the point
In Touhou there are the Big Four of the Mountain (山の四天王 yama no shitenno) is a now-defunct group consisting of Suika Ibuki, Yuugi Hoshiguma, Kasen Ibaraki and one other unknown character

Do you think she'll show up?

According to the folklore it was made up of Torakuma-dōji, Hoshikuma-dōji, Kuma-dōji, and Kane-dōji with the oni bandit Shuten-dōji being the leader.
Ibaraki-dōji in some stories was Shuten-dōji's lieutenant.

Suika Ibuki, based on Shuten-dōji
Yuugi Hoshiguma, based on Hoshikuma-dōji
Kasen Ibaraki, based on Ibaraki-dōji

That leaves at least 3 other onis still missing from Touhou.
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You seem to misunderstand
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You're not supposed to want that, anon!
Oh my god, stop nagging me you bitch!
How is Kasen's tummy?
Imagine the catharsis of bringing up her past and tormenting her with it as soon as she tries to lecture you about something.
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>“How can you be so rude and inconsiderate of others, have you no shame?”
>Kasen, you’re a genocidal child murderer
When did she murder children?
Cmon, you don’t stack literal mountains of corpses and assume she only targeted the adults. That shit was an all you can eat buffet with baby carrots as the side dish.
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It’s very sexy for someone who eats sweets all day
Kasen is a good girl and she's my nice older sister and do not bully her anymore
Don't you have an awful money-making scheme to be concocting, Reimu?
Do you really think Reimu would care if people were bullying Kasen?
Reimu gets all restless when Kasen isn't around so I can definitely buy her caring.
Do you really think Reimu would be able to afford Internet to her shrine?
No wonder she’s been in such a bad mood these past 5 years, ever since Kasen left for milk
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Can anyone post all the different ways of saying no to Kasen?
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In my headcanon, following Japanese mythology, Yoshika's death was the reason Kasen went full blown endpoint Devilman on humans, killing everyone left and right, until she got her arm cut off.
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Don’t really mind that theory and it would add a lot of depth to her, but honestly from context clues and the actual mythology she just did that shit because it amused her.

Like she literally sits on a pile of bones laughing manically, she’s just a demon with no regret and probably a race traitor since she used to be human.
Reimu's also a good girl so please stop bullying her as well. She's like my cousin who gets angry every now and then but remains a good girl in the end.
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That's a lot less interesting, but that seems to be the norm with canon.
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Trained AI to draw accurate Oni Kasen, it took my PC 16 hours
>>48372511 early attempt made by simple prompting with an outdated model for comparison
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I found Ibaraki-douji's stash!
I mostly base it off on the fact that Suika and Yuugi seem to not have a genocidal past so being an oni doesn't necessarily make you want to kill entire populations of humans for no reason. Maybe something made her snap.
>Suika and Yuugi seem to not have a genocidal past
that's only because Kasen is the only one who's past has been fleshed out. Shuuten-douji was doing an industrial amount of raping on Mt Ooe for example.
No one seems to care much about Hoshiguma-douji though.
No Suika was Shuten who was literally the final boss of all Oni and attacked and murdered humans so much they sent the Japanese avengers to fucking merk him out of existence..
Now I'm imagining Suika kidnapping and raping innocent men, oh the horror...
There's no canon confirmation that she used to be human, Touhou is based on myth but it doesn't always follow it exactly
If Kasen was a Pokemon, what would be her type(s)?
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Eh it’s pretty accurate to the backstories at least and Ibaraki has always been a human turned oni throughout the myths.

Besides it fits perfectly with almost all the most psychotic and manipulative youkai/god being formerly human. Yukari, Kanako, Miko, Byakuren (kinda), Suika. Adds a dimension to their cruelty knowing they actually used to be the thing they slaughtered and manipulated in mass
>Eh it’s pretty accurate to the backstories at least and Ibaraki has always been a human turned oni throughout the myths.
Maybe but until ZUN says something all we've got is speculation. You can extrapolate a few of Kanako's inspirations being kids of Okina but even Japanese fans don't really do that.
>Melodic death metal

That aside, I think it'll be cool for all onis to have Steel as secondary type because of their chains and shackles
I don’t see why he would adapt all of Kasens backstory but someone completely change her origin. I don’t think he’s ever made a “human to youkai” Youkai in myth be just be a straight youkai before in the Touhou lore.
That's still just speculation though. You can whine and moan but that's all it is until ZUN says something.
From left to right:
Fighting, Dark, Fighting/Dark
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My big sister Kasen is getting fat... What should I do?
When did i whine or moan? Just stated it’s pretty consistent for ZUN to use the human to youkai plot for characters if they historically were.

Personally, I think it adds depth and cruelty to make some of the youkai humans because it shows how often the most cruel people are ones that understand the suffering of others, yet still indulge in it once they become the powerful.
Make fun of her weight, that always motivate them.
Are you sure that's not going to backfire any? I mean, on-hermits can be a bit volatile, and who knows what she may do if she's angry at you...
Yeah but it's still just speculation
Your virginity is just speculation too, but going by context clues I feel like it’s a safe conclusion to bet on.
Say it to her in the middle of town, that way if she just kills you her cover will be blown and she’ll probably kill herself out of shame.
Yeah but that too is still just speculation, so what?
Filling up the thread with "it's totally like this" is annoying and has been for the last several months (and i'm not the only anon who's brought it up probably), at least preface it with "I think she might have been" instead of "she probably is" which would feel much more humble to read.
>which would feel much more humble to read
Take it back, it is no longer speculation it’s just a unmitigated fact.
That talking about how evil and le bad 2hus are over and over is fucking boring and annoying? yea
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Probably shouldn't have had a few drinks but I suspect this is (partly, these posters are just fucking faggots) due to zun barely giving many Touhoes feats. On account of him forgetting they exist. Its much easier to shit on someone and heavily imply bad things about them if they barely do anything cool, courageous or virtuous. They have only a few statements about being a good or competent but not many feats to go along with those statements. It opens to door for assholes to shit on them.
Here's an example from another IP. Superman is a great dude. He has hundreds of instances of him saving kittens from trees, saving the world, whatever. You'd be laughed at if you called him a bad guy (assuming you weren't referring to his explicitly evil variants). Toehoes have less than a handful of things they've done so it's easier to paint them in a certain way.
>Wow buddy, you’re talking about how characters who literally used to stack bodies so high you could use them as lighthouses are not nice people?
>Discussing the motivations and possible backstory in a thread that’s literally about discussing the motivations of said character? That’s crazy dude
Now it’s set in stone
You see the forest for the trees, this shit has been done over and over for months on end. It's fucking boring. When you're forcing everything back to grimderpsokyo over and over it just gets dull.
also just drank a bit but i agree
Buddy these are discussions people have had for these characters since they existed, there’s grimdark Byakuren manga that came out like 5 months after UFO. This ain’t new, people discuss the grimdark nature of this series because it’s got a lot deeper dark implications

Also if you’re mad about grimdark Touhou threads why did you come to one that’s specifically themed to be one?
Well, maybe them not doing anything good is on purpose? You know, because they're not supposed to be good?
Too green, not helping your cause, grimshit ain't deep, etc.
>Also if you’re mad about grimdark Touhou threads why did you come to one that’s specifically themed to be one?
Because it's forced, even if you make a normal Kasen thread the same fag will descend on it with his endless talk about the same nonsense for the 500th time.
I got really drunk started trying to draw Kasen as a doodle but it spiraled into trying to draw a POV impregnation of Ibaraki-douji until like 7 in the morning, now I'm drained (of energy)
Would Kasen scold you for impregnating her?
>Too Green
Second post doesn’t have any green nerd.

Yeah buddy when you make a thread about a character people tend to talk about said character. Especially Kasen whose entire shtick is that she’s running from her past of being a genocidal oni. Kind of baked into her story, especially since she’s been gone for 5 years
Nta but it's boring to talk about that character when you shove your fanon into every thread you infest.
This. Many people have complained about it many times, I don't see what the problem with seeing it as an issue is. Some people just want to take it easy, and if they don't they join a thread that's about something more serious.
The Fanon Manga showing the Fanon Kasen killing the Fanon People and being sometimes morally questionable at times… Fanonly.

Quick question, besides anon saying she was human once (which isn’t even Fanon that’s just her actual mythological backstory) what about her character being discussed is “Fanon”?
I mean I understand that… but these threads are entirely about the grimdark interpretations of the characters so if you wanna take it easy why are you here?
In what sense was this thread about the "grimdark interpretation of the characters"?: https://warosu.org/jp/thread/S48003621 / https://warosu.org/jp/thread/S48003621#p48019581
Yet the same dude just shows up to go through the motions again and again anyway. Why is he there?
Even this thread is pretty clearly half about just posting Kasen casually.
Wasn’t talking about that thread now was I? This thread is specifically about whether or not Kasen is a good person so of course it’s gonna have discussion about her morals

>Even this thread is pretty clearly half about just posting Kasen casually
Why aren’t you bitching about that then? It’s almost like all Kasen threads will have a mixture of cooker bait, casual discussion, and grim shit and yet you only whine about the grim shit.
You know they got a point, so I’m gonna counteract the circlejerk and say she is completely honest about being a good person, she’s not perfect but honestly among some of her peers she genuinely cares about people, and even went out of her way to stop those raccoon youkai from hurting people with no clear end goal. Also who gives a shit if she want’s to see Heaven, everybody wants to see Heaven dipshit.
Heavens full of Chinese people, I don’t want that shit. Rather burn with hot Oni bitches stepping on my balls
Where is it, Faggola?
I didn't actually finish it that one time, and I ended up doing the same thing again yesterday when trying to color it. I think I'll post it when I think I've done the best I can for now.
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Why does Kasen turn into a snake when Mamizou uses her transformation attack on her in ULiL and AoCF? She has snakes as pets, but I doubt that's the reason. And why is the snake coiled around that orb?
I've seen one person make a joke that she turned into a snake because snakes don't have hands, and I wondered if it's because her bandages are coiled around her arm kind of like a snake, but I've never seen any concrete reasoning or explanation on what the orb is. I'd love to know what all of the transformations were based on.
A cursory search tells me that Snakes represent "renewal" (probably by shedding its skin) and "dual nature" which both kind of fit Kasen with shedding her oni nature for that of a hermit.
I also found out that a creature called a "Uwabami", basically a giant snake, also has another meaning as a word for heavy drinker, which would fit an oni.
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Cause she’s a lying double talking bitch who literally led our main character to hell.

Shit, she even looks like the devil.
Here comes the next wave of his autism.
Fuck Kasen
Yeah, fuck her raw while she is ovulating.
Imagine if you drank out of the Ibaraki box and got really rowdy and oni-like and she let you pin her down haha
drink up anon
Very cute hermit
Indirect kiss?
I figure oni Kasen would be direct enough to just kiss you with sake in her mouth desu
Oni Kasen would kiss you and then rip off your face when she’s done
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God this woman is stacked, I wish I could assault those tits with excessive force
tough love with Kasen!
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not the picture i was talking about but i may have gotten really ambitious again
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In the pixiv entry for this picture the creator says he doesn't think hermits wear anything down there. I thought that was interesting.
Someone must've put the earrings on when she was asleep.
Very hot, thank you anon.
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Thank you, I'm still learning but I feel like I've gotten a lot better.
Merry christmas to everyanon
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Oops, there we go.
Me in her hand
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merry christmas everyone
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Hope you had a great christmas too anon.
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Well it wasn't the best cause some people got sick but we'll remedy that by new years.
Kasen? More like Cumsen.
More like CUMSOON

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