The new idol pretty cure girl, Mayumi!Cure Haniwa will battle the evil Animal Spiritsgu and bring happiness and smiles to the whole world!
Good thread.
Mayumi thread!
>>48377513Mayumi thread!
Mayumi the haniwa artist!
>>48384541The Japanese sure do love that weird fish.
Mayumi is stacked!
>>48387302Clay lesbian
>>48387402"Yuri golem" was a bit more imaginative, your standards are slipping.
Her ancestor :)
It's time to get to the frontline again.
Mayumi SEX
>>48407882This post make me so mad! I know you are from /u/ and raiding us!!!!! I am so angry I can't see STRAIGHT!
>>48407396>>48407882I wonder if she even knows what such is?
>>48413267I guess it depends how advanced Keiki's engineering is
>>48413386I wonder where the lamp Mayumi thing got it's start?
One of mayumi's haniwa soldier Rookie looks a bit odd...
>>48413885Jomon Alien
>>48375570>humans who live by "might makes right" are sent to the Animal Realm in their afterlife>realize they aren't such hot shit in the grand scheme of things and get enslaved by the stronger animal spirits>realize being on the receiving end of their own philosophy sucks>Keiki intervenes and frees them with an army of faith-powered automatonsThe animal spirits are just as evil as the humans who end up there, so are they really worth saving in the first place? Do they even have a way out via redemption so that they're placed back into the cycle and hope for a better life next time, or are they stuck there forever?Either way, I applaud Keiki's apparent compassion, and if Mayumi happens to possess free will, I'd also be steadfastly loyal to her. Even if I'm not a real Mayumi fan, I really like the lore surrounding her creation.
>>48416103I don't know if ZUN has commented more on the workings of the Animal Realm in the later print works, but since the exact workings aren't explained in Wily Beast it's probably more or less like the Buddhist animal realm. Since a lot of the Japanese would have at least passing understanding of what it's like, it's like a Western gamedev using "hell" as a setting without too much explanation. Anyway, the basic idea is that it's a realm where everything operates on basic instincts and fear. Maybe less about straight up might makes right, but that can be part of it. As for chances of getting out of there, in Touhou lore, it is up to ZUN who probably has a very depressing take on the matter. IRL Mahayana Buddhism believes that even the most wretched, demonic entities can eventually with time and growth get out of the hellish realms. I do like the background lore of Touhou 17 a lot. The character of Keiki plays with the lore of Haniyasu. Haniyasu was one of the kami born from Izanami's corpse after she dies while giving birth to the fire of kami. The other kami born from that are the kami of water, reeds and gourds. Water, reeds, gourds and clay were traditional firefighting tools in Japan. The fiery swirl that surrounds Keiki is probably a reference to this, and I suppose "being prayed into existence to save people" is a way to re-interpret the idea that birth of fire leads to creation of tools to control it.
Keiki ought to explain the tactical advantage that is giving Mayumi tree trunks for thighs
>>48421013Lower body strength is kind of a big deal in martial arts.
>>48420881Mythological inspirations are neat but I think that reading Keiki as an allegory of artificial intelligence (It’s alluded multiple times in the game and ZUN states is explicitly in the interview) results in more interesting interpretation of WBaWC. It all boils down to choice between corporate animal cage and paternalistic, authoritarian ai. It's basically cyberpunk.
>>48421342I get where you are coming from but I personaly got tired of cyberpunk haha.
Its been a while since I have drawn her. I should see about doing one soon....
Super idol Mayumi
I like Mayumi's loyalty. Touhou is full of loyal servants but I feel like none of them are as dedicated and loyal to their masters as Mayumi is to Keiki.
>>48431731The only good idol ever
>>48447327So true anon!
>>48454413Sure she did.
>>48455739I bet you're gonna go absolutely wild for this.
>>48456782That guy doesn't actually like yuri, he only tries to troll people.
I did not notice the ugly watermark... Have a Mayumi from a great artist that doesn't mutilate their images.
>>48470625I wonder where the pattern for those stockings came from?
>>48470821It's from some sort of haniwa expo that was happening near Reitaisai. Some people on xwitter encouraged Touhou fans to visit, and it sparked the creation of nice art.
>>48478920Oh, interesting. Total coincidence that those two were near each other, I'm sure.
Mayumi is not falling off the catalog on my watch!
>>48485678But she will on mine.
>>48485821no way fag
>>48480597I have no idea what you mean by this. I don't think that's something you should be doing, or thinking.But I saw at least one Japanese xwitter user expressing a similar sentiment. It went along the lines of "I don't believe Haniyasushin is real, but it sure is strange that haniwa is suddenly popping up everywhere..."
>>48497416You don't need to worry about me. You wouldn't happen to know how I can find more information about this on xitter?
Need mayumi fumo
>>48508349It would be really nice.
Need Mayumi in any way or form
>>48510650Sculpt your own Mayumi then?
>>48510898No matter what I do, any Mayumi I carve is an incarnation of wrath. Thus is the fate of those who owe a deep karmic debt. You'll understand when you try carving one for yourself one day.
>>48510898I bought a set from Keiki
>>48511216>oppai sold seperately
>>48511207That's my boy.
>>48511216Imagine if Keiki open new Haniwa brothel in Gensokyo, then each customer is given full freedom to costumize their own partner. The village suffers from low birth rate and population decline due to men not wanting child anymore.
>>48516521Is clay pussy really that good?
>>48519600With kappa™ technology anything is possible!
>>48523628What are thoooooose
>>48525193Mayumi's fancy shoes
>>48511484What a sweetheart.
>>48542518Youcan do it mayu!
>>48542518The talisman ended up summoning funny tentacles that humiliated her in front of everyone!
>>48543137The talisman ended up summoning a fist that punched your face off of your face.
>>48543725Why did Keiki write doujins about interracial yuri sex?
>>48543865To destroy the last shreds of her defeated enemies' dignity, of course.
I want to SEE the haniwa
Seriously? No love for Mayumi?
Loyal AND multifunctional!
>>48553385I must ask the question again: where did the lightbulb Mayumi thing start from?
>>48555994She’s kind of like a robot and robots can power lightbulbs with their soft warm mouths probably
>>48377513This image reminds me of Rosen Garten Saga.
>>48556947Oh wow I've never heard of robots doing such
>>48563541Mayumi is very versatileBut she won't do anything unless Keiki orders her to
>>48556947she can power my lightbulb any day if you know what i mean
>>48568937It would be greedy to ask for more
>>48569480what if the haniwa asks for a favor from you?what if she asks you to massage her hard clay shoulders?what would you do?
>>48573965>what if she asks you to massage her hard clay shoulders?It seems like a very reasonable thing to ask, everything considered.
Mayumi kicks ass!
>>48588605I don't know what I was expecting
>>48592737Idk boobs
Next fighting game better have her be playable she's such an obvious pick it's insane
>>48596838I don't know if I'd be expecting a new fighting game anytime soon since Tasofro seems completely dead. The last patch they released for any game must've been more than a year ago.
>>48595662The haniwa and her cute mom
>>48596838>>48600453It's a shame because Mayumi would indeed be a great fit for a Touhou fighting game.
Raw Haniwa before you apply some fire.
>>48607125oh yeah definitely Given ZUN's pattern in choosing characters for the fighting games I'd say she'd have a pretty good chance too, but the fact that she's not really someone who spends a lot of time in Gensokyo could mean that she'd have better chances if the game was set in Hell.I don't really understand why Tasofro died. But with ZUN recently saying he's already working on the new game I think the chances for a fighting game anytime soon are almost zero.
>>48607139You like unbaked clay, don't you?
What do you like the most about her?
>>48615084Her seriousness. I don't think she's a dork but I want to tease her. I want to see a face like the one she's making in the upper right part of the image.
>>48615084Her main quality is loyalty and she is a clay figure. It adds up to a simple metaphor of being repeatedly broken and put back together for the sake of her maker. Apart from that she is as bland as golem/robot character can be.
The haniwa army is here!
>>48631517The battle did not go as planned...
>>48634586She'll be back together in no time!
>>48638245I wanna humble her so bad. Anyone feels the same?
>>48638245I wanna be her so bad. Anyone feels the same?
>>48635082Oops! Looks like she will need some repair again. Good thing the area around her chest is empty, right?
>>48642025You should get one of those skinsuits and anime masks. Don't let your dreams bye memes! Since you specificaly want to be an artifical girl, it should be fine, right? Maybe you could even let >>48641826 and>>48643199 act out their wicked desires and all three of you would be happy.
>>48643519What wicked desires you rude man! I only posted the Mayumi pic I just saved.
>>48643535Out of all the recent pictures of Mayumi-san you chose to save and post that particular one...
>>48646321It's my favorite
>>48648815You're not me!>>48646321It was the only Mayumi picture I saved that day, and it fit well with the conversation. Here, Mayumi is all fixed up and happy now.
>>48649183That's better!
She breaks so easily.
Eat it and weep, shawarma Mayumi can’t be beat!
>>48654143How unusual.
>>48657085Keiki decided to upgrade her finest clay creation with an admittedly unconventional design. But there is no denying its effectiveness.
>>48654143Do they add toy Mayumis to kids sets?
>>48660656For good human spirits, yes! Stinky dumb uggo aminals need not apply.
>>48662462Seriously? No love for Mayumi?
>>48666918She should have made more shawarma.
>>48666918I can't love someone that I can't fuck with.
>>48669161Is it possible to satisfy both primal needs?
We are going to beat your ass
>>48671014You can peg me anytime you want, Mayumi-sama.
>>48671692I don't think that's quite what "beat your ass" means
Oh no!
*SWISH* *SLASH* *CLANG*How strong do you think Mayumi actually is compared to other 2hus?
>>48679697I'd say she's immune to all spiritual attacks like Medi. You can't use Yuyuko to kill her since she's neither alive nor dead in the biologic or youkai-logic sense. She is physically hardy, but probably she's weaker to actual damage in the context of a short term battle since she can't repair herself easily. she's still best had as a cute idol though, and in this she's Gensokyo's no 1.
>>48679697Probably one of the physical strongest 2hus but I don't quite know how she compares to the onis or Meiling.
>>48684168>mayumi 69She really likes that position, eh?
>>48686029Or maybe I just like to keep my files named without regard for funny meme numbers
>>48679697Hard, but brittle.
>>48688504That's why images of her broken but still continuing to fight are so cool
>>48691057Finally someone who loves Ryona!
>>48697947Mayumi (humor edition)
>>48701801I love them both.
>>48701879Same, extremely iconic duo.
>>48706077truegreat mom and daughter duo
>>48712986So as I pray, unlimited headpat works.
>>48712986So as I pray, unlimited creampie works.
Hey! The Lance Corporal's come to see us!
>>48716231same energy
Don't be silent like a statue! Say something!
>>48375570You're really making me want a Mayumi game.
>>48727204These alt clothes Mayumis are pretty fun. >>48727226She has so much potential going unused...
What does Mayumi's insides feel like? Just curious haha
>>48733617Ever touch a clay bowl?
>>48733935Very smooth if glazed.
You like this sort of stuff, don't you?
>>48740034The usual Mayumi is already cute enough!
>>48742117That's very true.
>>48742117>>48743072Now kiss
>>48743089Why would you post such a thing?