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You want to be a tiny haniwa getting sculpted by Keiki, don't you?
Living as a female haniwa and being dominated and humiliated by an evil goddess doesn't sound bad.
Keiki-sama and Mayumi-san have a thread up at the same time? What a time to be alive.
How odd for you to specify "female haniwa"
Well if I was a Male Haniwa I'd be sent out on the battlefield before I could count to Three.
It's like deciding between taking a dip in toilet water or living in piss.
Are you the type of person who prefers to be a male or genderless haniwa?
Not sure if it actually even matters, do they even have genitals?
Surely, though if we really want to classify haniwas by gender, the only concrete element on a haniwa we could use to classify it would be the soul that inhabit it. Tldr ywnbaw, if any objections are merging in your mind please refer to rule 1 of the internet
She seems to be floating here.
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Quite literally a shithu
keiki is a giantess?
I love Mayumi.
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Ah, yes, there it comes again.
She's a big kami.
Animal niggers need not reply
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You wouldn't let her thread fall of the board, now would you?
>Animal niggers
No need to say the same thing twice.
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captcha: HAGPT
What on Earth did they mean by this?
Driving the message home
She deserves it.
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Deserve what?
Well at least she deserves a bump!
Create Haniwa music because Keiki never dug disco!
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I had a dream that there was an official Wily Beast manga and I was rather disapointed to wake up and realize no such thing exists.

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