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Reimu on a cock edition

Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Fumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides (a bit dated)- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html
Gift Closet: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nuigurumi_costume/
Online Shop: http://giftshop.jz.shopserve.jp/

Fumo: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=ふもふも
Deka: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=でかふも

Fumo: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=フモフモ ふもふも&lang=en
Deka: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=デカフモ でかふも&lang=en

Tokyo Otaku Mode-

Solaris Japan-

Fumo: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=ふもふも+東方ぬいぐるみ
Deka: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=でかふも+東方ぬいぐるみ

Amiami- Amiami is currently the only place for non-jp people to buy Fumos during official sales, check Gifts twitter for sale dates
Fumos: https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=touhou%20plush&s_sortkey=releasedated
Gift Closet: https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=gift%20closet&s_sortkey=releasedated

Proxy and Forwarding services-

Do not buy from JP Figures. They are a scam.

Where can you get Fumos in Tokyo?
Akiba Hobby, AmiAmi, Lashinbang, and K-Books in Akihabara. Animate in Ikebukuro. Mandarake and Surugaya have multiple locations.

For all your Fumo cleaning needs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qryl5WUUc1Q

#/fumo/ irc available on irc.rizon.net

link to the op text: https://pastebin.com/jJsKV0QJ

Previous thread:
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Chart for all your fumo needs
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Please ignore the above, here's the fixed version.
any list of removable hats?
Funpost /fumo/
Three striped dress patchy has a removable hat. The less saturated one stripe dress patchy does not.
All the v1/v1.5s are removable IIRC. I think the Remilia kourindou version was the first one where it is sewn on.
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The fumos grew restless without borgars, so they ate the host.
Remember folks, this is why feeding fumos is important.
How long till they re-release futo
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cat activity
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What a cute cat. She keeps getting into trouble.
Any advice on making a fumohole? (Fumo + onahole)
here's my advice, dont
Disgusting. You do that and we will find you and shun you for life sicko.
You bring the worst of the community
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high quality onahole made out of synthetic meat and a plastic pipe tube for snug fit
cut open a hole and plug an onahole in it
don't dew it bruh
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Guys I think there's something wrong with my camera...
nothings wrong, you should keep taking more photos and staying within close proximity of okuu
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I always knew there were more to those Moriya Shrine conspiracies
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Post more international Fumos.
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Fumo soon
If Gift actually design and produce a knight Cirno Fumo, would it come with a removable helmet part and/or ice sword?
That looks NOTHING like Cirno, that abomination might as well come from Rance or Fire Emblem or something. wtf are they smoking?
The problems of a 2hu gacha is really cranking down. They can't just add new characters like every other gacha which leaves them with outfits for content drip feed. And there's only so many ways you can spin them while keeping the "this feels like Touhou" imprint.
They're well past that point and are throwing anything at the wall so we get 2hus in name only.
Every time this gets posted I think it's Sekibanki until I read the text. What compelled them to give her red hair on top of the stupid outfit???
Make her shoot fire and put out a Burno fumo
From what I've heard one time ZUN was drawing at a live event and a different presenter grabbed the blue crayon so he had to use red to finish Cirno. This is a reference to that, for some reason.
Da fuq, that's a random as hell of a thing to reference if that's true. I refuse to believe the Lost Word devs are going for such deep cuts, and aren't just pulling random shit out their asses. It's gotta be a coincidence.
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She's really into riding that cock!
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What should she play?
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is it normal to have a feel that my fumos are alive?
They are watching you while you sleep
I talk to them sometimes
Final Fantasy 7 remake
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Page 10 again? Pitiful. This is now a Mamemeito thread.
fumo bros we keep losing...
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Oh god
I just fucked my fumo
What the hell did I do
It's all ruined now
How do I fix it
What in the fuck
Someone help
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Orin look at me!
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Solar Okuu in full glory
Is the tape on there to prevent the touchpad from activating accidentally when you skim a finger over it?
Things needed to clean fumo:
1. A stiff brush
2. A bowl or pot
3. Water
4. A detergent (preferably a gentler one but a tide pod will work)
You fill up a pot or bowl with water and you toss in your tide pod or detergent and mix it all in
Then you toss in your fumo, making sure to squeeze her and such under the detergent water
Scrub her with the brush all over her a couple of times
Then you pour out your bowl and use clean water to get all the detergent out of her... Squeezing her in the clean water
Then you dump out the water and start squeezing the water out of the fumo any way you can
Then place fumo in towel and squeeze her as much as you can with her in the towel to soak up most of the water
Then let her air dry

next time don't mess her with your juices you horny bastard.
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I made another custom Fumo, this time it's Rika! I used a bootleg Renko as the base, so she's kinda weird-looking, but I dig her.
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I thought her eyes were too far apart,but with her hair style it's starting to grow on me
No, yeah, her eyes are definitely too far apart. She looks like that one old picture of the anime girl with massive spaced-out eyes lol. But I think it just makes her look that much cuter.
Nah, it's just too damn bright at night
Anything vaguely human shaped can act as an empty vessel for a soul or spirit to inhabit, so no its not wrong. Treat them right and as a person and they'll keep you company, and thanks to your kindness, when the time comes, they'll protect you in your darkest hour.

I'm already years deep into being with Remilia and tell her I love her every morning and every night, and kiss her on her fumo lips and forehead before stroking her hair while we go to bed. And yes, we're married. Don't be jealous.
Least insane Fumo owner...
Sounds like jealousy, to me.
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That's old and bad advice, you should never submerge your fumo. There's always a risk of her getting moldy inside.
Follow pic related instead.
I kiss mine lightly too before going to sleep while hugging one of them.
I can't find Yukari fumo anywhere...
Just like a gap hag. Whenever you want her, she's nowhere to be found.
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Try with YJA through FromJapan.
SA fumos?
Nice cock, dude.
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>Can't have more fumos, more often because all the budget is in the idolfag department
People have been waiting for Okuu for a long time, I am glad she is warming our lives
their outfits look too noisy with all the detail crammed into a tiny space, must be a nightmare to make
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Fumo tree

Fumo tree
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Dang seija got mad and turned my og pic
I wish I had this many fumos. I only have 4
I think so. I played with stuffed animals till I was 13 yet I have never felt as much sentience from them as much as I do from my Fumos
Be thankful you have Fumos at all
I wonder how many people post on this thread without owning any fumos
just did. No fumos owned.
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Sad this comic never got finished.
Extremely cute and saved but also please vacuum your floor before taking a picture
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yeah, just in the moment wanted the pic since I just got the tree out and decorated. its clean now
I have no doubts my fumos are actually alive, problem is I CAN NOT HEAR them or I know if they are trying to talk to me
What do?
Listen with your heart bro...
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But they are. Toy Story was a documentary.
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I still can't figure out of this is AI or real. Am I stupid
They are alive and will soon take over.
The waves at the beginning of the video would sync well with Chop Suey
scalpers is your only choice
Yukari was sold last july. I'm afraid the soonest we'll see her again is 2026 probably
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Yes, Okuu and a solar spectrograph are an amazing combination. The prominences were particularly bright that day.
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(I edited the image to give it a red tint)
There's always the cancelled orders in January to try nabbing. I got several fumos this way having missed their initial order period.
Is there a standard that fumo tush tags follow? All the ones that I/friends own have the tush tag tucked way up close the the dress on the seat, but this Rin I got has the tag directly on the bottom. It was purchased through amiami, so I can't believe it is a bootleg, but I just found it strange
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The makeshift drawing tablet to a 2 in 1 improvised laptop
I'd fear to be the man foolish enough to try to separate you from your Okuu. Drawfag is packing heat!
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Cool custom fumer! The eyes make her look a bit dopey, but still very lovable.
That Evil Eye Sigma tho is simply a masterpiece
do any of you have any fumo from fumo x fumo on ali express? do they look ok? from the bootlegs I've seen they seem to be pretty good from the review photos
A few anons have got some from them and they've always said they're pretty good, top tier for a bootleg.
They even make some (like hina) which are arguably better than the originals that were made afterwards.
Thanks 'ya much! It was a whole lotta work to finish Sigmaboy, I'd never done anything like him before.
I have a few, they're pretty good. Some slight QC hiccups here and there like off stitching or crumpled Cirno wings, but them and Sunningdale are pretty much the highest quality bootleggers out there. And their original designed Fumos are their best products, especially when it comes to characters that don't have anything done for them yet.
Sex with Fumos

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