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Radio/Stream Schedule: https://imas-db.jp/bangumi/
A&G Radio Player: https://www.uniqueradio.jp/agplayerf/player3.php

iM@S VA Database: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C-DamOHRSZQvhhAow458luQ43ohnHs6kETyP7dMTBbA/htmlview#
https://imas-history.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/03/01/224631 (Girls)
https://imas-history.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/03/01/230058 (Boys)

Imas Calendar/Birthdays: https://twitter.com/imas_calendar
Imas DB Updates: https://twitter.com/imas_DB
Imas Girls News Bot (currently inactive): https://twitter.com/imas_girls

Previous Thread: >>48517875
My beloved Reina.
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>no New Years marriage announcements
What the hell is going on
Sex with Chisa.
Does she actually speak english and german?
What were you expecting?
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A lot of the Cinderella and Million and hell even some of the older Shiny seiyuu are starting to hit that prime early-mid 30s range when a lot of seiyuu get married but there were no announcements unlike previous years. Why is nobody scooping our girls up?
Damn she walled hard
I felt like in general there were less seiyuu marriage announcements this year than earlier years. Not just Imas but in general.
Me and Sayanee are keeping our marriage private. Sorry.
t's so private she doesn't even know about it.
Abe was right to be fearful. The Japanese man no longer wants a wife, even if they are a cute seiyuu.
These girls get married all the time and don't announce until they feel it will no longer negatively impact their careers (or get outed/knocked up). Do you really think they just have a shitload of wedding on new years or a given VAs birthday?
I believe everything my seiyuufu says unquestionably. I don't think she would ever personally lie to me or not tell me about important things, as I am her #1 fan on Earth.
But they typically don't lie. They announce that they got married and don't claim it was on new years or their wedding. They are also still telling you about important things, they are just waiting until the time is right.
The only one who surprised me with the marriage waa Yumi's VA, just dropping out of the blue "I've been married for a year and just had my first child" just before 2019 ended... and then more marriages follow one after another
I agree koroazu is hitting the wall while hasshi is still perfect.
Hate to admit it, but it's true.
Koroazu hit the wall when she cut her hair
>Happy Anniversary
Please stop being mean to my beloved azuzu...
They got married years ago without announcing it and forgot to keep that out of the pic.
I just want a marriage announcement from her out of curiosity. There's this weird impression that despite her reputation as a looker and her plethora of roles, the number of people who invested hard enough on her to get butthurt seems relatively not that high. Or maybe there's an entire army of them out there, I dunno, but that's the curiosity.
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How do I get a job a Famitsu?
Can you please a seiyuu?
What does it take to please a seiyuu?
I need to impregnate seiyuu and post pictures showing off the baby bump of our children
You're not bad enough at games to work as a games journalist.
Did I miss the drunk Ruriko New Year's stream or hasn't there been one?
She didn't do one, she said she did a "digital detox" instead this year
I think she talks about it in her Majora's Mask playthrough
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what the fuck is that bottom half
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me on the left
*a failed athlete
shouldn't be too difficult
Do you have a burner email or some other way to contact you?
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I love her so much, bros
You can use ltmxnns@proton.me
Any upcoming gravure?
Did Eri's release already?
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No idea but I don't expect anything spicy.
Total Karin Love
Total dead thread
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I was asleep.
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why is there carpet on her shoes
To match the carpet skirt.
i wonder if there's a carpet underneath that too
She's never done public bikini gravure so most likely.
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What kind of services does she offer during one of those bus rides?
Oral, vaginal and anal.
How old is she?
She's an age hider. Looks like her career started in 2014 (or at least that's her earliest work) so if you assume she started at 18 she's about 29.
What even occurs during one of these "bus tours"? The concept seems weird to me.
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The actual non-meme answer is that it's basically just a bus tour but with the seiyuu in question acting as the tour guide. Usually there's a handful of stops where it's time to get off and the seiyuu tries to have a small talk with each person at least once.
It's pretty much just a way for seiyuu to make bank on their biggest paypigs wanting to spend a day in their vicinity.
>Usually there's a handful of stops where it's time to get off
Does she help?
You don't have to be 18 to start voice acting. But I would also assume she's in her late 20's since that seems to be the range for L'Antica VAs, also most of the early SCs.
Of course you don't, but if I'm going to guess an age, that'll be the one I guess since that seems to be the most common. Plenty start earlier or later but since she's an age hider we'll either have to dig or guess.
Is the right one actually acoustic or is this merely an act?
She's a seiyuu so she's obviously acoustic.
Huge drought of bare Miyu thighs
When is Carin going to show her bare tits?
That's for Dr. Kim's eyes only.
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God I hope this year.
I hope so
We don't deserve nice things
That's Chiemi.
No results found
>right click
>search image
The voice of the most annoying Gakumas idol
I forgot we had a 3rd Reina now.
Not another live dodger...
wouldn't that be the monkey looking VA?
Fair, both are annoying in different ways
Aside from 3rd she has pretty legitimate reasons for missing lives and 3rd had so many shows packed together, seemingly on short notice a lot of the VAs missed shows. Are you really going to take shots at someone for not performing a few days after the death of a close family member or not wanting to permanently lose their hearing?
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ngl she's pretty cute.
Bro, I'm just shitposting. I know absolutely nothing about her.
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She has a "will probably do gravure" look to her. I don't know how, but I feel this.
You can just say she looks like a whore, it's okay.
Ruriko gravure...
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I'm sure she's a nice gal but I don't think she has much of a face for it (ignore Hon), but I'll let you guys be the judge
I'll never ignore Hon.
dios mios
Honoke has the body of a slut, it's okay.
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She legit looks gross af without the makeup. I wish she never took pics without it, I no longer find her attractive.
I actually really liked it.
post them
I was looking forward to it since it's my fetish, but she just looked terrible.
Lovey-dovey sex with this whore.
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I thought this too for a bit (especially with her weird nose cleft) but eventually her overwhelming cuteness overpowered that in my eyes and I fell for her again
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Lovey-dovey sex with this whore.
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But she's married!
Married women are the best
That makes it better!
>Lovey-dovey sex
Literally impossible. There is a 0% chance she is anything but a total freak in the sheets
She's definitely the type to make you her whore instead
I think you pointed the nose thing out to me and made it even worse.
Why are you staring at nostrils, you weirdo.
I already explained that, he pointed it out to me.
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I don't have the PB on the computer I'm using right now but I first noticed it from the PB. There were some shots where it was rather noticeable if I recall
Looking for nose hairs
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It should have been me...
I was gonna say it still could be, but I thought that was Runa at first glance. You picked a shit picture of her.
Why didn't SoundOrion succeed despite having Momoyo, a decently-popular VA who had Revue Starlight to her name?
>for not performing a few days after the death of a close family member
Who was that and who died?
Runa was too slutty.
But Honoke.
It lasted seven years despite having literally half the unit explode. That's successful enough considering the circumstances
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It bothers me a lot when these selfies come out mirrored.
Saya left, Ami got fat, Runa had a high profile scandal and it lasted like 8 years. I don't think you can really say it failed and considering the things that happened it's surprising it didn't fold years earlier.
Why do so many newbie seiyuu hide their ages? Ironically, it seems that the newer a seiyuu is, the more likely they are to hide their age.
Reina Kondo had a death in her family like 2 days before SC 4th and did not perform as a result. She posted an apology shortly after but I don't think her relationship was stated but she seemed to have a pretty big impact on her.
They lasted almost 8 years but only got their major debut a couple of years or so ago, so it's really debatable. Plus, even after their major debut their sales and streaming numbers were still pretty bad.
They are probably older than average when starting and hide their age to seen younger.
Most idol seiyuu units seem to disband within a couple of months and dissolve at the end of whatever project they're together for. If you want to drop some data comparing their sales and streaming numbers compared to other successful and failed groups from the same time period it would be interesting to see, but it's kind of hard to see a unit that lasted almost a decade and continued after losing several members and surviving a high profile scandal as a failure.
Is the same true for the guys? I never really paid attention to see if they hide their ages too.
You know, now that you mention that I've never really noticed either. I am a fan of some male VAs but they are mostly older ones that have been around for ages where as female VAs it's more of a mix of ages. I've never noticed a male VA hiding his age before though, for whatever that's worth.
I doubt that Chisa is older than Sayanee, but I guess it's possible.
I bet she's had more dicks in her.
>I've never noticed a male VA hiding his age before though, for whatever that's worth.
There have been some but usually they were temporary and their ages got out eventually. I know for one that Gen Sato's age was unknown for a while, and it wasn't until some time after he already got roles when his age came out. Meanwhile Hasegawa's age is still unknown to this day despite how popular and prolific she is. It does seem to be the case that it's a lot more common for female seiyuu to hide their ages than men. This is not just for seiyuu but even singers and actresses from what I've seen.
What makes you say that?
I bet Chisa was born in 1995
My desire to put my dick in her is higher so it's only natural.
I bet Chisa was born in 1975
What if my desire to put my dick in Sayanee is higher than your desire?
It's not, that's why you're asking as a hypothetical m
Hasegawa is either the same age or a year older than Yoppi. I agree with your observation btw.
DId Maimai completely vanish after announcing her marriage?
No, but she's doing less. I think she's skipping the next CG live tour which is basically a red flag that she's currently with child. Assuming that's true and what she wants I'm happy for her and wish her the best
QRD on the one on the right? I don't follow CG but I noticed that for quite some time she's always featured on the Blu-ray PV thumbnails on Youtube.
Megu cute
None of them are popular.
Momoyo is. Saya is currently, but that was after she left.
Just say you hate Honoka.
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She was the center for the 2023 live which is probably what you're seeing.
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Megu gravure one day.
With that body?
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stick eroi
That's not the outfit she wore on stage...
Do you prefer cuts of meat like this to be cooked all the way through or red like this? I only assumed it was better for it be red with bigger cuts of steak.
The stick GK has a ton of porn, we are in need of lanky women.
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It's over for us, bros...
Are you telling me before Abe got shot, he replaced all of the condoms in Japan with rubber bands, so they don't protect any pregnancies and just act like cock rings instead?
Which one?
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On one hand, you can kind of see why she doesn't smile often, but on the other, isn't that kind of cute in its own way? Or am I just going crazy
Hiro. Granted, Ume (the big titty redhead) keeps being used in porn too.
The self-consciousness is endearing. Reminds me of Chisa hiding her teeth.
I love Momoyo more than average, I wouldn't say she is popular enough to carry a group though.
Why is your meat so red?
I don't really understand how this is being portrayed as such a failure when the group lasted 7 and 1/2 years.
To be clear I disagree with the rest of the framing as well.
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Weird creature, beautiful woman
sex, sex
>when the group lasted 7 and 1/2 years
You can last long and still have poor sales and poor streaming figures. When I said they didn't seem to be successful I was talking about the latter.

>Most idol seiyuu units seem to disband within a couple of months and dissolve at the end of whatever project they're together for.
I don't think it's fair to use those as comparisons because most of them were clearly intended to be one-time or temporary from the start. It's rare for groups originally created for one series (like Sweet ARMS or even Smile Princess) to branch out to other series to begin with, so the ones that do are the exceptions and not the rule. Like, do you expect Kessoku Band to perform the OP or ED to a non-Bocchi series?
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Their major debut only lasted about a year. They were a group put together by their agency, there's no reason to disband.
God I wish it was me on the left
Same. I bet she takes so much cock.
hover hands
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Not sure if it's make-up or if Aoi is just pale.
Did they kiss?
I hope not
Cute Shio.
Isn't that how AIDS started?
>You can last long and still have poor sales and poor streaming figures. When I said they didn't seem to be successful I was talking about the latter.
Sure, but why even bother continuing after a major scandal and several departures if they're unsuccessful?
>I don't think it's fair to use those as comparisons because most of them were clearly intended to be one-time or temporary from the start.
Sure, but what are these numbers and what are you comparing them to in order to draw the conclusion that they're a failure that just happened to stick around for so long? I'm not trying to turn this into a pissing contest or even say that you're wrong, but you're not really giving me anything other than generalisations.
You keep saying that but what was really different about the final year? I noticed they did a couple of EDs, but that's about it.
Azusa and Megu gravure.
Their major debut with Nippon Columbia was where sales and popularity mattered. It lasted a year with 2 songs before they were dropped.
It looks like they had 3 singles with Nippon Colombia, 2 of which hit the top 20 and one hit the top 10. What criteria are you determining these were a failure by?
>1 year of major debut
If that's the only thing you're basing your assumption off of just say that from the start and don't bullshit about sales figures and such.
Why were they dropped from Nippon Columbia?
I already said I wasn't arguing with you or even disagreeing with you, just asking what criteria you were judging them as a failure by. You can look above and read the post again, you even replied to it Don't really get why you're insisting on trying to make this into an argument. You made specific statements about sales and streaming numbers, I really don't think it's out of line to ask for some frame of reference on them.
It's too early for a new thread.
Which GK will do gravure first?
Doesn't Saki:s VA have a spread coming up in seiyuu grand prix or something?
I didn't know they allowed monkeys to be featured in that magazine.
It's not cool to bully Fairouz Ai. She already has PTSD, you're just making it worse.
Aren't they all quite ugly?
Yeah, but I don't think it's going to stop them.
You're awful.
Can't wait to watch a new instalment of 長月あおいのStreaming Club in a few hours!
Have fun, I guess
She's either pregnant or getting creampied raw so frequently she's unable to take the extra workload.
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Kotone’s VA
Oh she's cute.
What an uggo.
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I think Namco's been putting the Shiny seiyuu in stuff like Seigura a lot more often than they ever did with the first three groups so I guess it's not too surprising that they're already going at it with Gakumas themed gravure
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Thrusting inside while her face registers no emotion.
That doesn't sound fun
I have a small pp so I've learned to derive pleasure from other sources.
Please keep your sick fetishes away from nice ol' Meg. Go take them to someone like Machico instead
Meg is more of a slut than Machico.
ueshama is pale
Neither of those ugly bitches is Ueshama.
Be nice to Shio and Monkey right now
>calling other people ugly
She is the most beautiful Imas seiyuu.
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Why don't they know how to use a phone properly?
Least unhinged Ueshama fan.
How did a group that was never successful land a 3 CD deal 6 years in?
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fuck kill marry
Why did it take 6 years to get a deal and why didn't they get one earlier? Why were they dropped a year later?
fuck marry kill
Sumippe finna show that plastic bitch Carin how to do proper onsen PB.
Oh god, I'm not ready for this.
She gives 2 months for us to save money.
Though some Chink on weiboo will rip the PB and upload them lol.
Our gremlin posted some cryptic shit on her IG.
>Why were they dropped a year later?
They weren't dropped, they disbanded.
Marry, fuck, buying her some tissues.
Kill, marry, pity fuck
>Our gremlin
Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
Reading it doesn't give any hints either asides from them clearly needing a hug.
Marry kill fuck
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Are there any other gremlin besides her?
She posted that on her new IG account, since her old account seems managed by her old agency.
Please give her a follow, by the way.
She wasn't even in the first 40 people I thought of.
We have multiple trolls, ghouls, sluts in Imas, but Yui is the only gremlin.
There is nothing gremlin-like about her.
She's ugly and yet adorable at the same time.
>She's ugly
I see we have straight-up blind anons now.
Clearly the more recent CDs didn't sell enough to justify releasing more. However, the earlier ones must have in order to justify the release to begin with.
They both reproduce when exposed to specific liquids.
I will give her a follow to help support this young, single mother
Post your cutest pictures of her
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Something about her face just looks off to me, so I feel like she should be a 9 but she's only a 7. Can't put my finger on what it is though, but she's still very far from ugly.
What is the point of squatting her Instagram account? I'm not going to blame them for cutting her loose, but this shit just comes off as vindictive.
I heard gremlin and I thought Pyon.
I heard gremlin and I thought Machico.
I heard gremlin and I thought Koroazu.
Shut your whore mouth
I heard gremlin and I thought Stripe.
Are you guys okay? Why has this thread been so terribly negative lately?
My seiyuufu hasn't posted anything in days. Please understand.
I've noticed zero difference from usual.
You're a bad person.
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Can't tell if Chisa or Nanami
It's Chisa, Nanami isn't ugly.
You think everyone is a fucking uggo.
>muh uggos
it's all so tiresome
If you think they are uggos try posting someone cute.
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What is she for?
No I don't
for being comfy, can't you read
Prove it by posting some cuties then.
hand holding and cuddling
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Who is the gremlin on the right?
Why is the Joker wearing an idol costume?
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A truly beautiful woman.
Love that Joker.
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You're a bunch of jokers.
Why so serious?
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I'm pretty sure I've seen someone here call her a gremlin before but whenever I think gremlin I think of tiny seiyuu. Nari or Harashima come to mind before she does.
What exact defines gremlin? I'm assuming my definition isn't the one everyone here is using.
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My two minutes of research say that both the original definition (from WW2) and the modern definition (from the film series) are tiny mischievous creatures.
It's also the name of a monkey so maybe Aoi from GK would count: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kasakela_chimpanzee_community#Gremlin
That's how I always thought of them. So small and squeaky seiyuu.
I thought it implied they were ugly.
I thought of these two, and the GK monkey woman.
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I think that's also part of it, hence the Pyon or Machico comparisons. Like a kind of "trashy" element.
Either way I don't really know if it applies to Ninomiya the best. She probably has one running around without a dad and that's why she's sad
Speaking of gremlins.
Ueshama isn't trashy, tiny or mischievous.
I'm hoping she's a marriage hider (unlikely considering her age, but Moyochi was and she's not that much older) or that the dude stepped up.
Also she still doesn't have a new agency does she?
Based. She's overrated
I'm hoping the best for her too, but her posting a vague Yaya-tier message that starts with "everyone is going through their own hell" after a long hiatus and her agency dumping her doesn't inspire a ton of faith in me.
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new photobook

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