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As discussed previously before,

Gensokyo is one of multiple lands of its type, realms that may act as separate dimensions that hide within a space with a
different set of mathematical, physical rules where anything can happen. There, beings of any kind, maybe a God, maybe
a youkai, or any other kind of supernatural being, that may depend on faith or magic to exist lives. Some of them are not
even parallel dimensions, and exist right in our world, just hiding under our noses, waiting for someone to discover their entrances.

Certain rituals or practices can make you go to Gensokyo or have a close experience with one of their inhabitants, especially the
ones that are spiritual beings (Rather than humans). Rituals related to lucid dreaming or sleeping can guide you to different realms
of existence, including Gensokyo. Some people might have ended up in Gensokyo due to lucid dreaming, but it is still improbable
that you end up in one of those places with just that, as they are hidden, is more like random probabilities.

This has been said a lot, but the Touhou Project franchise has evil connotations. The first games of the franchise, PC-98 have
relation to certain aspects of Christianity, which can be seen in Makai, Shinki, and Sariel. One theory says that ZUN, the creator,
might have, or even to this day continues talking to the spirits of only God knows what eldritch horror to arrange a deal in which
his franchise will bring power and faith to their people.

The nature of Gensokyo's residents is still in dispute, the most logical conclusion is that they are as they are represented, Youkai,
but, what if they are other sort of youkai? Spirits that feed from human faith in a rather different way than the ones their ancestors did.
And, related, it is said that the reason Touhou has such an unholy amount of porn is because these "beings", be spirits, youkai, or
demons, feed on the energy released from human masturbation, it may be just a strategy. But the reason the porn exists is not merely
coincidental, it is planned, and manufactured.

As a lost point, you can enter Gensokyo through rituals related to sleeping, as you are in a completely different place while doing so
. I know some, but they are dangerous, as, for example, one of them I know, needs you to either enter through one of the doors that guide
you to Gensokyo, or you to have a really big desire to enter in such. People with a spiritual connection to Gensokyo, or just spirituality
in general (such as indigo kids) may enter Gensokyo in dreams or in strange events.
No, Kaneko, I'm not buying your new NFT game. Megaten was good but you fell off
What does this even mean...?
Do you really need two separate threads about this?
Gensokyo isn't real and you have schizophrenia.
The schizos can have two threads! Two!
What other thread are you talking about?

You are a fucking genius, indeed. Realizing that these threads are not real.

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No need to shout.
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The alyssum had a break out recently
There's also this one: >>48645706
It even has a similar topic.

Wait a minute, am I posting in a slide thread?
I wonder how any anon can even imagine they're able to interact with Gensokyo when the only modern day humans that did all have strong psychic powers.
Your best bet is to pray strongly to God that you might have dreams of Gensokyo because it's probably not even located in our timeline (given no one has found Sumireko yet)
>pray to a foreign God that has nothing to do with the other real Gods you are trying to interact with instead of praying to the Gods directly.
Wouldn't recommend that train of thought for results. If it makes you feel better, pray to both. But the Christian God is a jealous one and frowns upon such things.

>is on a different timeline
It's on a parallel timeline running adjacent to the Outside world and is only behind by two calendar months, per canon sources. We share the same weather patterns and animal migrations.

>haven't found zoomie Sumi
She was 15-16 in her introduction, so a magical 26 year old that was shunned by her contemporaries all her young and teenage life would learn very quickly to be hard to spot, especially in a culture such as Japanese, where the nail that sticks up gets the hammer. You would only find her if she wanted you to or an outside source acted to bring you two together, and she's about the age to be having a kid of her own to get Renko's mama doing her thing. Please, understand.

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