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Shitty new cover Edition

MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0 [Embed]

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

SNR: signal to noise ratio, the amount of signal the tube can make compared to the noise
EBI: equivalent background information, how much false image appears in the screen through which the actual image has to show, sort of a noise floor of sorts
Halo: How big the circle of bloom is around lights
Photocathode Sensitivity: How sensitive the photocathode is
LP Resolution: Line pair res of the center of the image as measure against a standardized chart

If one spec is shit it negates the rest, if you have a halo of 2.0 it kinda fucks on an EBI of 0.20 if you want to do any kind of shooting and it's all a balance game

The numbers to meet or beat are
EBI under 1, preferably under 0.6 being great, 0.1 is gucci
Halo under 1, anything under 0.7 is awesome
SNR, over 25 anything over 30 is gucci
Photocathode, 1900+ is pretty great, 2500+ is stellar
Resolution of 64+ is good, 72+ is gucci
What do you all think of the ATN Thor LTV 320 3x9?
Into the trash it goes.
Nice new cover, anon. Proud of you.
If you want I can drop the .xcf of one of the old ones if you would find it helpful.
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I just used mspaint and toned the contrast because I had to position the camera and mono up for a decent enough pic
Can you make a better cover with one of my pics? I'm gonna go take nv pics of my neighbor's horses
I think your dog has autism.
Which one to prioritize?

Pvs-14 + thermal or duals?
Mono and thermal, rh25 for thermal.
PVS-14 and thermal bridge/clip-on
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Cant wait for my l3 super gains. Wish we could get the insane 5000 FOM tubes SF dudes got these days.
Dual band 100%. Fusions binos are going to be the new meta in just a couple of years once they become more available, in the meantime pick up a nice pvs14 and 640 sensor thermal and enjoy. Binos are better than a mono but having dual band shits on binos, unless you have a thermal mounted on your rifle which is pretty much a meme when it comes to scanning while moving.
when wearing a mono, is it so bright that your brain cancels out the light going into your other eye?
I got double vision so I just try and wear an eyepatch or use a balaclava to cover my left eye
If you open this file in GIMP you would find it easier than MS paint I'm sure
>he swapped the QR code
Is it dolphin porn now?
More or less, your mono eye is getting tons of detail and information while your naked eye is getting very little, you pretty much need to make an active effort to focus on using your naked eye or else you tune it out.
I'm moving to Hawaii soon, any tips so my NVGs don't get broken or stolen?
>any tips
Don't move to Hawaii.
Not an option, the green weenie is forcing me to go.
Bring it as carry-on, pelican case in seabag, or ship it with the rest of your stuff in pelican.
also where in Hawaii? I was in k-bay
Use a padded case for a camera, dont put it into a tactical pouch. Dont leave a battery in the unit so if they decide to fuck with it they dont damage your unit.
Thats what I did when I went out there and my stuff went through the xray machine and nobody questioned me.
Stingir 640 and Ravyn bridge arriving tomorrow, please clap.
How important is a helmet mounted IR illuminator, and what would be a good option? Ive read (here) that the surefire vampire sucks, but if its just used for indoors rather than for trying to see 1 billion yards away, would it be suitable? Are there cheaper options preferably in FDE that perform just as well? I intend on grabbing a M6 crane once they are available so whatever i have on the helmet if anything would be pretty much just for flood. If it makes any difference I have a PVS14 but the ir on that seems a bit minimal especially using an iris.

Speaking of irises, I just tried one for the first time last night and having everything in focus is neato but the loss of FOV kinda sucks dick. Is it worthwhile to grab that attachment that raises the FOV to 60 degrees or is that just a meme?
Most headborne stuff is for task lights not really illumination at range. The Vampire is one of the least worst options, but not as a task light. You could do the Vampire and a Streamlight Sidewinder Stalk, but that gets expensive. I'd forego flood or long range illumination for just a small IR task light. Both the Streamlight Sidewinder and Princeton Tec Charge are a good choice. I currently have the Princeton and it's fine, but I'm not crazy about the fact all modes have to be cycled through with a single button.
Oh, and don't get 50°+ lenses. They suck pretty hard.
buy a sotac MAx mount and one of their surefire vampire clones, you don't have to worry about rifle recoil so it works fine for a helmet. should cost you about about $70.
Boomslangs are going to be the meta
Forgot about the Boomslangs. They have their downsides, but if he can swing that, it's not a bad choice. Considering he's hung up on budgeting for a light I'm not sure he can spend $1000 on some new lenses.
Go look at the tests of it in practical environments, the increase in situational awareness is well worth the small hit to image quality if you want something you are actually going to use and not just jack off to NV picture quality porn.
The second half cold harbor supplies vid on the lenses showed this well imo
I use mine for astrophotography as well so that matters to me quite a bit, but my main point was that I don't think he was buying Boomslangs and instead would probably be grabbing some AGM nonsense.
>How important is a helmet mounted IR illuminator
Not very. I have a bendy LED one, and I've only needed a handful of times.
I use a PVS14 and an Armasite Sidekick 640 over duals because spotting things is more useful to me and what I do

If you haven't tried a NVG/Therm bridge I would see if you can try someone else's before going that route. I can wear my set up for hours without getting a headache but most people who have tried my combo can't look through both at the same time and end up closing one eye at a time or just articulating one of them out of the way.
If you have enougg time do you mind commenting about this guys analysis?

Depends on what you are up to and where you are. I find that when there's a lot of ambient/sreet light of whatever that it starts to give me a headache. When it's actually dark I don't mind much.
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There is a learning curve. They just need to cope, seethe, dilate, and carry on. The only people that I have seen fail are those that fail to apply themselves. Also, it is not imperative to be dual band at all times. I swap from dual to i2 to thermal on the fly, as demands arise. I do not like to be behind dual band right as I am entering a dangerous situation. It is too much information for me to process when I am already getting swamped. For navigation out in the open it is fine. I can just force my brain to parse everything as it comes. I do not try to fuse the images. I just let them conflict, and then process them independently.
Tbh I've never wore them in a dangerous situation and only use them for navigation which is why for me always having then in dual works pretty well
Ah sorry I misread what you meant, yeah the cheap high FOV stuff is garbage and not worth it.
Bros. Is my amazon counterweight ok or should i buy something else?
If it balances your weight it's fine
If it helps you eliminate kikes it's double fine
Its probably reflective
Its over
I lived there (on Oahu) for 17 years; AMA.

Petty crime is very high. Just don’t tell everyone what you have. Loose lips sink ships.
link or name?
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It's fine. But...
Interesting spot for a task light. Are you concerned about snagging or are you running it there to deal with weight distribution?
Likely glows like the sun under ir, which is probably less and less meaningful now that thermal is becoming widespread and youll be glowing no matter what you do.
Nta. But The sidewinder has an ir beacon. Thats why it’s mounted there
Avoid samoaniggers, they're just and fiendish as blacks.
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Get thermal clipon for scope then a dual purpose helmet/scouter monocular, right?
Make sure that you want a clipon rather than a dedicated TWS.
Where you get the patches? Sneed both.
I know a guy trying to sell me a new-old-stock unissued PVS-14 with Carson housing, Carson optics, and an GP OMNI-VIII tube with no further specs given. Military contract unit. Has some minor peppering in the image, but no "blems". May be dust, tough to tell.

It's one of those "fell off a truck things", so I'm not enthused about the moral considerations.

What is a fair price for this? I'm not hurting for night vision, as I already have binos with L3 22UA and 24>>61674679
UA, plus a PVS-31. Only considering this for a spare piece for s&g.
Fucking hell, I don't know how to proofread, plus mis-clicked on poor anon's other post by accident.

Meant to say PVS-30, not PVS-31. Not like that matters in the context of my question.
Depending on the cosmetics I've sold Omni VIIIs for between $2100 all the way up to trading a Staccato P for it. If the cosmetics are a little uglier in terms of peppering, maybe $2000 or less.

I'm fiending for a PVS-30. If you're ever in a selling mood, post details.
Made GM in Carry Optics this weekend.

Please clap.
Congrats anon. I'll have a drink for you.
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*clap, clap, clap*
Bump for breast cancer awareness
Both illuminators being used on mh-1.
Not too bad i guess
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>full color
>oh my God, it's even NIR
Has anyone received an order from InvisibleSight? Like ever?
some people have yea it took about 9 months
12 month wait times
some arfcom niggas have them
nah, helmet mounted thermal + mono NV, then dedicated thermal WS for predator control
I got my Stingir 640 tonight… is thermal just a gay meme? I literally cant see shit with this thing. Everything is washed out, just one giant glowing smear. The image looks absolutely nothing like it does in any of the photos or videos ive seen, its so bad that i cant even make out cars in my driveway from 50 feet away. Is there a break in period? Did i get a dud? Its 95% humidity where i am so could that be why? Really frustrating to read so many glowing reviews and see all sorts of footage only to finally get one and it is practically useless. I can literally see more clearly in the dark with my naked eye than through this thing.
Is it just out of focus?
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I did. Compared it to the new M6 and sold it the week after. It has a lot of issues that I found kind of unacceptable for the price and wait and I also just don't really like the NGAL form factor.

Reasons I didn't like it in order of importance:
1. Retarded button placement. Should be flip-flopped with the mode selector, but the real one is the same. Nature of the beast.
2. Annoyingly small turrets.
3. Neutral density filter causes phantom pointer to show up in the lower right hand. That bright-ass point basically touching the beam is not a camera artifact, it's another IR pointer that is always there.
4. Two pretty massive halos around the main illumination cone.
5. Lots of little artifacts on the bottom of the image.
6. Illuminator gets down to about 3' at 100yds, disappointingly wide for long range shooting. Very niche desire, but I need a tight illuminator for distance.

It's not Just As Good™, the wait times are absolutely horrendous and will drag on to 9 months or more, and if anything should happen to the guy you'll have as much support as if you'd bought a real one on the gray market. In short, it's a valiant effort from a single-man shop, but the scaling issues make it extremely hard to recommend to anyone.
The focus ring needs to be focus to specific ranges to get it in focus similar to any manual focus camera lens mechanism.
The theres the diopter which needs to be adjusted to your eyesight, if you know what is due to wearing glasses or from your other scopes with a diopter adjust it to match that. Set it to 0 and that should be normal eyesight and if its still blurry you will need to adjust the power either + or - until it looks crisp to your eye.
LMFAO yep im actually retarded. I forgot there even was focus rings on it. Nevermind this thing is actually pretty fucking tits
Bro, thermal is not plug and play like i2. You are going to need to learn how to adjust it for your environment. High ambient temperature and high humidity will wreck your image. That is one reason that i2 is here to stay for a while. This video is not even a worst case scenario.
It looks like you might be in the worst conditions for thermal.
Nah turned out im just big dumb and didnt have it focused. This thing is actually cool as fuck. I can see the individual hairs in my beard from the reflection off of my window. I can see everywhere i have stepped from footprints of heat ive left behind. I watched my dog zoom around outside and as she was sniffing around and panting, i could see her leaving puffs of heat from her breath on the grass. Never used a thermal before so all of this is really fuckin neato to see for the first time. Tomorrow evening im going to get my bridge setup done and see how this performs with my pvs14. Cant vouch for that yet, but as for the Stingir640, this thing is legit.
1. Focus ring (yes)
2. humidity is terrible for thermal
3. Make sure it's refreshing correctly (either set to auto or manual)
4. Try different color palettes
glad you figured it out, I think everyone has had this experience at one point
Yeah i was pretty mad because a month or two ago I bought a jerry CE5 which i used for 20 minutes before it went back in its box to rot because it sucks fucking dick on a mono setup. Thought I had been duped yet again but it turns out i was just being dumb lol. Very happy with this device.

I bridged it with my pvs14 and it seems to work well paired, theres absolutely going to be an adjustment/learning curve with it but based on my 5-10 minutes of dicking around, it seems the trick is to run the thermal on your non dominate eye (left for me) and turn on the crosshair, and then focus on the crosshair using your right/dominate eye. Obviously your right eye is not physically looking into the thermal, but if I mentally focus on that crosshair using my right eye, the images overlap nicely. Its not perfect, any time Id look around rapidly I would lose the crosshair and the thermal eye’s image would vanish and I would have to focus my left eye’s image and “hand it off” to my right eye if that makes sense. Worth noting that I didnt mount it to my helmet yet, just was holding it in my hands, it probably could use some more fine tuning with the collimation as well, and maybe the crosshair setting to make it more prominent. I have to be up for work in like 4 hours so unfortunately this will all have to wait for tomorrow but so far its a big thumbs up for me on this combo. Now I just need to get myself a sneed m6 and my setup will be complete.
Can anyone give me some advice on how to M-LOK mount a USB battery bank? I love my thermal scope but it sucks on more 123A batteries than a whore sucks dicks. My first thought was to get a cylindrical battery bank and then mount it with a scope ring but finding one that has a similar diameter to regular scope mounts is proving to be tricky. I have seen that battery bank that mounts on pic rails but that's $100 for a 10,000 mAh battery pack that is still charged through fucking micro-B.
The easy answer is always tape but I'd like this to be minimally nigrigged. Still gonna try to go for the scope mount battery though, that's looking like the most practical answer without going into anything custom.
you never used your CE5 since then? Are you the same anon said everything's glowing, laggy, and the only way to fix it was to turn it off?
Yeah that was me having an autistic fit. In a nutshell i found that the CE5 made my ability to see much worse. The thermal image wobbled like jello and the processing speed is noticeably delayed (maybe thats what causes the wobble?) and yeah it pretty much highlighted everything everywhere which made it pointless. Like id be watching my cat scratching a tree and both my cat, the tree, and the ground would all be highlighted. I could *maybe* see it being worthwhile on a bino setup, but on a mono its just way too much shit going on for one eye to deal with. I intend to sell it soon as my freshly made r*ddit account is eligible to list on GAFS.
I ordered their Peq15 right before they shutdown the sales on their website and received it 3 months later.
M6 wen?
Speaking of, any video of our new m6 in action stephen >>61684739? Or just photos for now?
Bump for autism awareness
I have an ANVRS and it kind of sucks at recording since there's a significant lag in changing lighting conditions. Still, some more "static" recording might be in the books. I'll rig my shit up for it tonight and hopefully go out this weekend. More samples were also shipped today so fingers crossed I can get some pictures and footage of the new samples, too.

If anyone has a GREC-X they'd be willing to sell or even let me borrow, I think that would be a much better recording option than the ANVRS or the phone mount I've got.
It's not quite the end of the month yet. But it's close.
So you have 6 or 7 sample units at this point? Are they asking for those back? Not so much because I want one but just out of curiosity.
3 total. One set at 25mW for the pointer, one set at 20mw, and one set at 15mW. I'm not 100% sure how many are being sent this shipment, but yeah there's a handful with me.
Forgot to answer your other question. No, they're not asking for them back. They're basically here for T&E.

Ha, captcha was "STAY"
There must be a better way to record through a PVS14 than holding my phone camera behind it.

There are. There is an infographic. It costs money.
No kidding huh? Do you have the infographic?
Not handy, hopefully someone else can provide to you.
Here is my old infographic of my recommendations on recording through NVDs.
The brown bear recorder has been upgraded to the NVGR Pro model with higher resolution recording capability and also an internal battery.
I’ll have to update this infographic someday.
>Nah turned out im just big dumb and didnt have it focused
How do you focus the Jerry?
Appreciate it man
adhesive lul
yea running the thermal on your non dom eye makes sense since you'll be passive shooting with the mono using your Dom eye
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This needs to be revised slightly
>buy holosun 509t for rifle backup dot in green on accident
>not as good as red, still usable
Gonna refund it, I know I'm getting a EPS 2 MOA but should I just get better parts for my PC? Never liked passive aiming with my rifle, its way too front heavy.
Why lats wrong with green? I have one and I kinda prefer it to red
You don't like passive aiming and think your rifle is too front heavy? I got bad news about the alternative, man.
What rifle do you have? T. AK /nvg/ anon.
this shit is so old and outdated,

>no rh25
>no mh25v2
>none of the newer iRay offerings for TWS for 2024
Putting in thermal device models were always gonna be a mistake as it’ll be out of vogue or out of date in short order.
But the thermal technology, terminology and concept is still relevant.
Its not as good as red for nv aiming, maybe because I got a green phos tube, I want to play elden ring
Holosun 509t on top of a LPVO
passive: look through red dot with night vision to aim (no ir emmision)
active: use ir laser and or illuminator unit to aim (ir emmision present)
>on top of an LPVO
No wonder it's too heavy. You need to reconsider your choices if you want this to be a night rifle. AR?
Its a heavy barrel ar
You're saying passive aiming is too front heavy, right? I'm saying you're going to dislike active aiming since that's usually adding some non-negligible amount of weight to the front of your already front-heavy rifle.
My right arm is bigger and my left arm holds heavy barrel. Might get a lighter barrel later idk. When I put my LPVO+DOT on the pistol build it wasn't bad
Whatever works for you man. Just practice with whatever you decide you like.
Passive aiming makes more sense with a mk18 instead of 20" musket, I neglected the little guy and still need a can
I need vision
Has anyone here actually printed my gopro mount?
I have! I currently use it to mount my gopro on my scope optic instead to record footage of my thermal clipped in front of my optics.
This is the gopro mount attached on my ACOG and my C35 thermal clipped on in front of it, I wanted to record footage with the ACOG reticle and the thermal display.
I was speaking in reference to the stingir 640. The jerry ce5 cant be focused, i actually had to go and double check the other night just in case i missed that too but nope, its fixed to whatever.

As for pvs14 + stingir, its really cool and workable but fusion is going to absolutely shit on it once it proliferates more. I am able to consistently fuse the images but it takes considerable effort to the point where im busy trying to focus on fuzing rather than being able to focus on my environment. This is only after like 30 minutes tops of dicking around so im sure with more practice it will come more natural but its definitely not something you can just pick up and immediately have work for you. You can however focus one eye at a time for great effect, arguably better than trying to do both at once, just use your pvs14 for everything and the stingir to occasionally scan and look at anything sus. I will also say that what surprises me the most is that I kinda miss having one eye free and adjusted to the darkness. With both eyes covered its like youre fully committed to looking down the periscope for everything so to speak. When I had only the mono, it was kinda nice to be able to look around with my uncovered eye to get a feel for how everything looks to everyone else. Practically speaking its a moot point because the assumption should be that you always are visible to everyone else.
This is what I get for not reading that infographic fully. I should try printing your gopro mount. Actually I guess I need to get dual tubes first.
>Say that I need dual tubes
>JRH email suddenly arrives advertising dual tubes for memorial day
Lol. Also what makes L3 more expensive than Elbit?
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>C35 thermal
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Just got my 2nd pvs14 fixed today from nighthawk vision systems they're g2g.
I hate you.
>spills MARCOs everywhere
i have so many of these damn "egg hunt" glow sticks it'd be a shame not to
One is made by red blooded Americans, and the other is made by pathetic sniveling jews.
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anons, chicks dig thermals, but think nv is cooler.

this space was intentionally left blank.
I don't think your poultry gives a shit about what you use to see them in the wee hours of the morning.
>FOXES could be here, he thought.
>I fucking hate FOXES
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Neat, have a bump
dude i fly with a pvs14 everywhere, in a small padded case, it's no big deal, not overseas ofc
smaller forearms are faster
the muscle there does nothing to aid you in weapons manipulation, not even charging handles that give weaklings problems

i've moved up and down in weight numerous times like fighters do, and i've always noticed the difference
You sure? I fucked up the ligaments in my wrist and lost about 50% of my grip strength. As my grip strength decreased, my forearms got weaker and smaller. As I made a conscious effort to strengthen my forearms and increase my grip strength, my forearms got bigger and I was able to more easily hold up heavy NV-focused rifles.

This may be different for striking and such, but for pure grip and stability size and strength have absolutely gone hand in hand.
Can you differentiate white and black people when using night vision?
what to you think the N in NIR compliant stands for
Woah not yet.
pretty straightforward

likely bait...forearms is one of the top indicators for overall *functional* upper body fitness/strength.
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nerd vision is dead.
>brighter nights
>warmer temps
What is wrong with you fags.
My dad molested me which stopped when he went to prison. It's been tough getting action as good
Send me dual tubes and all your problems will be solved.
I don’t even have my own duals bud
Jerry 31s any good?
Eh. It's better than no night vision, but I'd probably try to find some ANVISes, RNVGs, or similar fixed setup with Gen 3 GP tubes and good glass rather than Chyna mediocrity.
The glass is bad and you can get used gen 3 duals with Omni tubes for comparable prices
not really
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Gonna try one of these GL4 Pros on my sub gun.
they are probably the best option other than the streamlight for one
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Is (((elbit))) worth the extra couple hundos over a photonis?
it's gen 3 vs gen 2 so yes it is
This guy just strapped a nikon camera to his face.
What’s going on w the laserspeed group order for the new Crane plug compatible model? That still a thing?
Anon is still testing. You need to read this thread. >>61689640
Whoops, missed that post. Thanks anon
Last prototypes arrive today, I'll go out to do some quick and dirty testing, first full batch should arrive in the next 11 days since they're staggering shipments a bit.
you should cum on the first batch before send em out so we know they're special just for the /nvg/ggers :3
A guy is offering me this as a trade for my RCH scar 20s 308. Would this be a fair trade. I don’t know anything about NV. I have my scar listed at $4000
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Forgot pic
do not get photonis
I wouldn't buy nods off of tacswap or gafs unless I could put hands on them in person beforehand
Silly. That's where all the deals are.
I'm just risk averse, I'd rather pay more for peace of mind
If you're smart about it there's no risk.
I wouldn’t ship it would be a ftf deal. Besides that does this deal seem fair?
No. If you're gonna do a straight trade, ask for both PVS-14s mininum. If it's a trade plus cash, I'd ask for $2000 on top. Those PVS-14s are anywhere between $1600 and $2200. If your SCAR is valued at $4000, one to one is not remotely a fair trade.
nah, that deal is trash.
Well that took long enough
check and see if you have diffuser cap artifacts like basque does
Testing shall intensify tonight. It doesn't get dark here until 2am
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I need more photos of the new m6 like get some decent side profile shots, it's hard to see how sheltered the turrets are because all your photos are perfect top dead center

Get some photos of it on a rifle too. For size scale
Why the FUCK can't we get decent lasers for $200? there's no way in fucking hell it costs $4000 to R&D a fucking laser diode, assemble and pot a PCB, and have a shell that won't shit the bed on recoil.
it doesn't, but the DOD will pay that much because they have infinite money (your tax dollars) and the manufacturers milk the teat for everything it's worth. Then the DOD doesn't let anyone sell to civilians cheaper than they sell to them because they KNOW the mfgs are assraping them in the procurement contracts.
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It's mostly been that way because it's a non-issue. They're recessed below the bumpers and require a decent amount of force to move with the included tool.
Why would anyone listen to you you do nothing?
so what's the overall timeline on these doohickeys? if i remember correctly were they sending you 30 to start and then another 70 after? the 30 are coming up in the next week or two and then what about the remaining 70?
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Here's one on an 11.5 with a 10-ish inch rail. Exact dimensions are 4.04"x2.22"x1.38" if it weren't for the illuminator adjustment being kind of long, it would basically be NGAL-sized.
Correct on all counts. First batch should be shipping next week. After that, they said they could fulfill the complete order in about 30-40 days.
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Here it is next to the IS NGAL that I already took out back and shot.
looks pretty rugged, I don't like the black color scheme tho, the fde/bronze would look much better.
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Thanks mang

Rattle can is always better anyways
are these cerakotable or would it kill the electronics
They'll probably offer it in the future, but it won't come from me.
No clue.
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By the way, guys, I'm begging you: please use good judgement. Anyone claiming to have an in on pre-orders, that they will be getting them before me, or anything that seems counter to my staunch opposition to taking your money before I have something physically on-hand to ship to you is trying to scam you. The only people that have an in are personal friends that I've distributed the prototypes to for additional testing. If you receive any communication from any other email than the one above, it's not me. If anyone on reddit claims to be me (I'm the dumbass offering free gunsmithing services, one of those posts is always up near the top of my profile,) and offers to sell you one, no the fuck they didn't. Please don't get scammed. LS reiterated that my batches will be the first on the marker so treat any other leads as suspect until after mine go on sale.
Pretty damn nice looking, if I finish my pre-election ammo buying spree early I'll probably pick one of these up.
You already seeing scammers trying to sell your m6?
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I've had people on reddit contact me that others have stated they work with me and will be accepting pre-orders. This is false. I also had a guy on here email me about helping me sell them and while I'm not accusing him of anything or saying he was trying anything untoward, I don't want to do that purely so I can centralize and correct any issues that may arise.

If you're reading this, dude, I really mean zero offense and just want to handle it all on my own.
I can tell that rubber cover is gonna get ripped off super easy. and whats with the little hole in the cap? is it supposed to only let the vis laser out during daytime?
Honestly I've genuinely no idea what it's for. I just ripped it off soon after that picture was taken. As it stands, it's mostly useless. If they redesign it to be a hard plastic or the like and maybe incorporated a neutral density filter or diffuser it would be cool, but as it stands it's just kind of silly.
it's so you can lean your rifle up against a tree when its raining and not have your emitters fill with water. and also an extra safety device.
>rain right down your barrel
Explain how much of a difference there is between the two
gen 3 uses a more sensitive photocathode plate (gallium I believe?) so it performs better with less ambient light than gen 2
it's fine, just shake it out of the muzzle. problem is, water really doesnt like leaving the tiny laser emitters so they shake treatment doesnt always work.

I had a peq15 become completely unusable in a rain storm after a single droplet got onto the lens of the illuminator.
that's thermals, NV uses phosphor

Sling much? or maybe just don't lean it up in the rain like a retard...
>or maybe just don't lean it up in the rain like a retard...
ok yeah ill just keep my rifle slung 24/7 and can never set it down even for sleeping.

or just have a cap.
i looked it up to double check and it's gallium arsenide not just gallium that they bond to the photocathode
The omni iv I got is gen 3 and it still sucks
well that's because you bought an omni contract tube that only has minimum specs and didn't buy a hand select tube. you roll the dice on omni for a lower price.
>just have a cap
Doesn't solve water down the barrel.
still slung and maybe even wrapped around my leg so nobody can take it from me.

I'm not saying the cap is a bad idea, but your logic is flawed verification not required
we're like double the omni's now bro, omni IV has sucked since probably 2019
phosphor has nothing to do with the element phosphorus you pants-on-head retard, educate yourself before you spout total fucking nonsense.
I'm so tired /nvg/, really I am.
>Doesn't solve water down the barrel
not a problem short term, i use lacquered military ammo and doublethicc chromelining
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First prototype is Rip. SOMETHING within the crane port is causing a short which makes the device inoperable. Contacted LS and was told the issue has been rectified. There have been some small changes made to the ones I received last week that don't present the same issues, but it is something I'll keep an eye on as the firing schedule continues. Will update with any other issues or problems found during testing.
Great example of why I'm glad that there was a delay in them shipping you the rest of the units.
makes the port inoperable or the device inoperable?
>crane port
Are you testing first with a pressure pad or just testing with the button first? I would think you would test all functions first without using anything in the crane port since it's a common problem on many different units and gets prolapsed like an anus.
I can't speak for him exactly but he was testing without anything in the port iirc because he prefers using the on unit button.
Whole thing. It's up and running again which is damn weird, but we'll keep killing it to see exactly what the issue is.
Did both, the issues with the port started with it not working with Unity switches and subsequently being told to stick shit in there and try to get it up and running again. It eventually DID work with Unity switches, but only in specific orientations. As a standalone unit, it was doing great. When I started fucking with it and using the switch, that's when the issues arose. The newer prototypes don't seem to have this problem.
Mostly correct. I was using it standalone for a while, but started testing with tapeswitches since I didn't have any on-hand initially. LS is also including tapeswitches with them now, but it's the overly long ones they've been using. If they could basically cut them in half, they'd actually be pretty decent tapeswitches since they can attach to pic rail, M-LOK, and Keymod.
>but only in specific orientations
Is the unity real or a knock off? I have a knock off switch that does what you described with a knock off surefire flash light. It doesn't kill the entire thing but if it's oriented in a specific spot the switch doesn't work.
Both. I've those two, a standard PEQ tapeswitch, and the one LS provided. All but the real Unity worked.
>All but the real Unity worked
thats a huge L because those are pretty tough to send to china, i think they might be ITAR. so diagnosing this will be shitty.
Unfortunately, but it seems they sorted it since the new prototypes are good to go with all the ones I've tried.
>All but the real Unity worked
Here's another one from a different launch. This time I had my Nyx-14 Pro with 5x attached to a Canon EOS M. The webm isn't as detailed as the QT file for some reason, but good enough.
Same launch, SiOnyx Aurora Pro at 1x.
It does appear that Unity is... Spotty in terms of reliability. This, gutting DBALs, and just kind of sucking in some situations does make me feel a little better. Still, I know people that like tapeswitches like Unity so it's kind of a catch 22.
Sweet footage of spacex's rockets!
the ir beacon fires out of the selector wheel, which in that photo means it's firing to the left. if you want it to fire up it needs to be mounted In a conventional side of the helmet location.
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Some slant eye gook is selling a 384 core thermal monocular for $400, I think its just an iray shell company desu.
I'm pretty tempted to do it ngl.
I think my gameboy had more pixels back in the day.
Its a xinfared handheld thing the size of a gopro, they offer a phone adapter. Would be cool to put a cheap phone in some 3d printed shell and use it as a scouter. A2 is gone so he cant laugh at me with his glowie stuff
So whats the name of your website that you are selling them on?
How would a nomex racing suit look under thermals?
COIN doctrine is designed for unconventional wars and combatting unconventional enemies such as insurgents or revolutionaries.

A full scale zionist government lockdown, similar to the COVID-19 lockdowns, is in line with COIN doctrine for suppressing revolt and uprising against the occupying government and joint occupation force.

The result is a very target rich environment for guerrilla operations.
Yeah what they dont tell you is that your refresh rate will be absolute ass and the processing lag will make it impossible to use for anything practical. This is probably good for someone like a home inspector who just needs to look at a static environment, it will be dogshit for everyone else. Even “good” thermal can be a headache to use, shitty thermal will make you want to kill yourself. Save your money and get something decent, there are no free rides.
I'm not the chink
what the FUCK are you yapping about? Literally who asked?
Probably a post to bump this thread.
How can I get in on the group guy? I sent you an email btw.
stephenbasque I sent to this email(gmail)
On may 29 around 2 pm
Group buy ended on May 28th, looks like you missed out. Next batch will be some time next year.
WHAT??!!! man cmon
How much were they even? There was a group boy for regular m6 a for 680. Maybe I’ll just get that since I rarely use plugs anyway.
He dun got you good. Don't worry, you haven't missed anything.
I've not received an email by the way. Might want to check it actually went through.
Been saving up for ARNVG's with decent tubes, should I be looking at this now with the addition of manual gain? You think the housing will more or less be "as rugged"?
Are the seasoned bino guys happy with Steele? Getting ready to pull the trigger in the next month
bot post
Ive ordered from Steele twice (nvg + thermal) and have nothing but good things to say about them.
this looks pretty neat, however i'm always wary of being an early adopter
What is the highest snr you have ever seen? 40+ is godly but what about 50 or even 60? Surely the secret squirrels must have gear of that sort but has anyone here seen a unit like that themseves?
As much as the perception is that the military gets the absolute latest and greatest everything and civilians just get the cast-offs, that was never really my experience. Even our PVS-31s had dark spots and other little defects. The majority of them only had to hit some of the FOM mins and most of those were reached with godly CR, not insane SNR. This is tangential, but I could swear that Elbit has a max SNR of 45 so I'm not sure if 50 or 60 are even possible. If so, it won't be from Elbit. Plus, in my experience, those super high SNR tubes streak like an absolute motherfucker.
I already have a mono and really good thermal setup but I really wanna drop like 6 gees on some BNVD duals.
This, the tubes I used in the Army were shittier than what I have in my 14, and what I have in my 14 is a pretty unremarkable poorfag Omni VIII
Did you ever get the chance to try these out?
I have some 1431s I'm getting rid of since they were a bit too heavy for my wife. Give a holler if interested.
Erm how much do you want and what are the specs
Shoot me an email, I'll get you pictures, spec sheet, etc. in the morning.
Nah my email went through, I just forwarded it to you again. Is it in your spam folder?
>military gets the absolute latest and greatest everything
Isn't there a joke about military equipment quality going to the "lowest" bidder or something along those lines? Even if the lowest bidder's pricetag is still massively over inflated. The cuckold military is the reason why a rifle like the scar costs 3,000 dollars. No reason.
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No it hasn't been dark enough yet
They sold this morning, by the way. Sorry if I missed an email.
We nine vision again.
Drunk thought, using thermal on one eye and night vision on the other doesn't work for some people at the moment because thermals being naturally digital, low resolution, and low FPS is too much of a down grade/different from what is essentially your natural vision but seeing in the dark. Maybe once thermal can catch up to somewhere close to analog night vision it can be more easily fused in your brain.
are you taking a list of people trying to reserve a spot some of the m6 in the first batch or is it whoever emails you once you get them in?
The latter.
I'm seeing some conflicting opinions nwry
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Stars in nods are nice.
Just a random funny. A switch that I modified myself (not even soldered, some tiny 20 gauge tier wires) stood up better on my AK than the laserspeed switch included with the M6. I'll have to make sure to swap those wires for heavier gauge soon.
I meant to say M3. I have M6 on the brain waiting for ours to drop.
Its never going to get better. By the time technology catches up, fused binos will be widely proliferated and the whole mono + mono meme will die.
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Really kicking myself for not taking any pictures when I went out camping at the end of last week. Sky under nods is magical.
*any pictures of the sky
any decent chink clones of the Wilcox ftc?
nvg mount or magnifier mount?
the dovetail one. planning on getting one for a clip-on
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Post night vision you homo.
Ask nicely faggot
Post night vision please, you homosexual.
Damn ayys.
When are you going to start doing YouTube reviews and giving us sweet discounts on lasers?

Is the discount you're getting when buying from me not enough?
>12 hours ago
Who are you.
Once again want to ask. Which company sells the better chinkshit g24, and I'll probably get the fts from them.
neat. thats about how it looks with the elcan
>adjust diopter for NV use
>re-adjust back for day use?
ACOG does not have a diopter, you have to adjust the focus of your NVD to make sure the ACOG's reticle is in focus when you try to aim through it.
I also would like to know if chhink wilcox flip to side mounts exist, I picked up an old skeet ir-l for $2k and don't want to shell out $500 for the real deal unless absolutely necessary, might even just use it as handheld and save for a yoter c as a clip on
In that video the image looks the same whether or not the acog is being used so it tells me there was no adjusting.
I don't have to adjust anything to use my elcan either.
This could depend on a person's eyesight, tube specs, or both.
I think people who need to adjust to use a scope are in the minority or have a very specific eye condition
I also don't know how NV recording devices work so maybe that's why?
my b thought it was an LPVO from the video couldn't tell my point still stands though
next week?
what's next week anon?
The week that comes after this week. Duh.
Which should I get first:
Bering Optics Hogster clip-on thermal (doubles as handheld)
Or a decent PVS14?
Both are relatively close in price on their own but the PVS14 will require, of course, way more accessories to be useful
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Owning the night is kind of based. How easy is it to scan with the hogster?
I went 14-thermal-duals route
A decent PVS14 first.
Anyone have the sotac g24 infographic? Need it for a friend
If you hunt or work in construction get thermal. For everything else get NVGs.
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Can I get contact info for that group buy? I care less about connectors as well
Are you guys genuinely retarded? His name is all over this very thread.
Bro there are so many fucking retards popping up asking the same retarded fucking questions the last couple threads lol
These niggers are literally unable to ctrl-F even when there is an unbroken continuum of linked threads documenting the entire process along with specific instructions and contact info, literally every thread.
Even worse.
>Reads thread and gets to that post
>Doesn't read any of the replies that would have gotten him the information he needs
>proceeds to e-beg
Is there a 30mm 640 thermal scope that can take cr123 batteries? Seems like all the nice ones require some obscure or proprietary battery. A usb external power source would be nice too.
Goddamn what button turns a bae skeet ir-l on?
Figured it out lol, where can I find a stolen instruction manual while I’m at it though
super yoter
new thread >>61813821

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