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June summer nights edition

MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

SNR: signal to noise ratio, the amount of signal the tube can make compared to the noise
EBI: equivalent background information, how much false image appears in the screen through which the actual image has to show, sort of a noise floor of sorts
Halo: How big the circle of bloom is around lights
Photocathode Sensitivity: How sensitive the photocathode is
LP Resolution: Line pair res of the center of the image as measure against a standardized chart

If one spec is shit it negates the rest, if you have a halo of 2.0 it kinda fucks on an EBI of 0.20 if you want to do any kind of shooting and it's all a balance game

The numbers to meet or beat are
EBI under 1, preferably under 0.6 being great, 0.1 is gucci
Halo under 1, anything under 0.7 is awesome
SNR, over 25 anything over 30 is gucci
Photocathode, 1900+ is pretty great, 2500+ is stellar
Resolution of 64+ is good, 72+ is gucci
invisible sight man was injured from a machining accident. he's fine now, but it delayed final assembly and shipping. that is all.
The pictures are gnarly. Hope he makes a full recovery. I had a similar injury and sent him tips on how to heal more effectively.
Damn, that sucks. Hope he gets better soon.
Someone mentioned my BS is still getting posted and suggested i share my wisdom so ama

t. original carl carwindows
I don't ever intend on getting an IS lam and he won't ever see this but I send my well wishes to him.
so was this the reason for the absurd shipping times since early last year or was this recent
Recent. This happened last month.
he's a 1-man shop.
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gm /nvg/er's
We vampires here.
He emailed me 2 or 3 weeks back after I asked him (again) about my order and said my unit is shipping out next week. Needless to say I might email him, AGAIN
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I got a better paying job finally so should my first thermal be a clipon for my scope or helmet mounted/monocular?
Gonna try and buy it with paypal credit and still don't want to spend over 3K, I will probably buy something used, pic unrelated
what the fuck
Scope. Helmet mounted thermals are a meme.
no thanks im not starting that arguement again. but theyre shit for poors.
Thermals are for shooting at living things and tangentially for highlighting them during observation. NV is for navigation and observation. Pressing thermal into the realm of NV is silly. Unless you've a COTI.
i always thought it was weird how much people push thermal in this general when it's useless 99% of the time unless you're hunting (which i'd bet a lot of the people here don't do)
There is a gaytuber who is pushing thermal hard and I think it's because of him.
>thermal useless 99% of the time unless you're hunting (which i'd bet a lot of the people here don't do)
true but ive had a few situations where the coti really helps. when it gets pitch black and you're all alone in the forest.

and you hear branches start snapping. and you dont really know what it is, so you dont want to blast IR.... ive got a few stories. ive seen "ghosts" too.
all of you niggers are retarded
State your case so we may make fun of you, retard.
Its not for everyone but there are people who do use helmet mounted thermal paired up with a pvs-14 to do night hunting of animals: https://youtu.be/QikITMVc0jw?t=90
If your primary use case is for weapon optic usage though, then get the thermal scope and one that matches your intended range.
Helmet mounted thermal can't see through weapon sights anyway so it's kind of moot.
helmet mounted standalone thermals are for poorfags
You talking about a.amantine ?
This probably gets asked every thread, but thoughts on the tanto/daisho?
My budget is limited and I would like to focus on single tube quality and a decent LAM. These look like a good way to scale up. Should I just get a pvs-14 and be done with it?
thermal is great for scanning and initially spotting potential targets. cons are the refresh rate and comparatively low battery life. night vision is good for general navigation and quick reaction/aiming because it is analog 1:1 and can see closer up in depth with greater detail. cons are of course the limited range and requiring some kind of ambient light to function.
you can do majority of tasks at night with night vision, but if your main goal is to spot warm targets then thermal makes more sense.
I don't really remember. I just recall that one of his videos was pushed to me by the algorithm and he was going on and on about how he was some sort of God of Death thanks to his thermal compared to us poorfags with just /nvg/s.
i wouldn't minmax on a pvs14 its not worth it. just get the most affordable mid spec elbit. ive seen a few for $2800
Somosisters, our response?
Thanks, Anon.
>not waterproof
>2" zero shift from drops
damn. imagine waiting 8 months for that
Did anyone actually wait 8 months for the IS-EG?
I think some guys are waiting for a lot longer than 8 months.
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I was going to point out the
>48 minutes ago
count but then I realized this guy is the one that compared about 20 different lams so maybe you're not him shilling.
Again, is anyone actually waiting that long for the IS-EG or just for the IS-Mk4 or whatever the hell the guy is up to now?
never understood the reasoning why posting a new video is instantly the author shilling. when the hell are people supposed to post stuff? once it's 3 weeks old?
Goddamn. The laser market is truly in the gutter.
Low view count, low subscriber count, uploaded less than an hour ago. These are heavy indicators that it is the author trying to boost themselves. Do you never ask yourself the reasons why twitterfag spam screenshots are all low interaction, low view count, low followers which should result in them being irrelevant?
>if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's probably a moose
or someone saw it pop up because they have notifications on. calm thy shizophrenia
Oh no, a guy putting out good content on a niche market is advertising on a niche general in a niche website.
It's 8 months if you order from invisblesight. The airsoft store ships it out after a week.
Literally just as good
>Explain rationally where these thoughts come from
I did not ask for you to validate my fucking post. I was even pointing out that this guy likely is not shilling because of his 20 LAMs video. Why are you like this.
ok but i see this shit all the time and it's fucking annoying. people whine that content isnt fresh but if you post fresh content you're a shill.
>but if you post fresh content you're a shill
>newfags don't know about when viral posting was first recognized
It's almost like over the years 4chan has been used as a stepping stone for content to go viral instead of simply being a natural part of this website.
That explains the additional delay, my Mk4 has been promised to "ship end of month" for about 8 months now.

Hope he recovers soon.
Holy fuck you're dumb.
good luck finding anything in the bush nigger brain
>the final oink of a retard with no argument
Clearly a newfag, clearly touched a nerve when I pointed out the obvious. Go back to minecraft.
The zero shifts are from the whole unit shifting on the rail rather than the diodes shifting inside the unit, he hypothesizes in the video that it might be a torque issue, which is better than somo zero shift due to weak springs and broken turrets
The waterproofing thing is more concerning but they give a solution in the video and IS apparently says that it was a production error rather than by design, which is better than multiple anons here who have simply killed somos or had cutout issues by running them in the rain.
So on both counts the IS is still ahead of the somo lol. Somo only wins on ship times which admittedly is fucking B R U T A L with IS.

Also I'm in a fb nods bst group with the 4mrranch guy and he's doing god's work by buying and actually methodically testing every cheap LAM on the market, I'll share his shit here when he posts good info (which is so far all he's posted) and if that bothers you then take your fucking meds, schizos.
>invisible sight man was injured from a machining accident.
>The pictures are gnarly.
Is there a post or links somewhere? I'm 16 weeks into my 8-12 week lead time on an NGAL
There is nothing wrong with somogear LAM’s
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Does anyone here have experience and/or links to the EvolutionGear IS-EGs compared to the InvisibleSight ones? I know that IS has basically disavowed the EG ones and won't warranty them or anything, seems to be really unhappy that his name is on those at all and has called EG "mediocre technicians" multiple times all over the place. The sales pitch for buying one from IS is that he does finishing touches and QC but I'm very curious how the EG units actually compare. Same pricepoint but you don't get to a la carte stuff like the laser port type or whether or not you want VCSEL or EEL but the tradeoff is you get it in a week vs months+
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I really don't understand the drama considering EG makes the housings for IS man
I'm still waiting for crane units to get sealed/fixed. Will probably torture these LA23s in the interim
They do that so they can sell full power units to burgers
I disagree based on my own experiences, but the problem for the most part is that the QC is minimal at best. People who get a good one get one that is 100% g2g and people who don't get a piece of shit.

IMO the biggest problem specifically with the somo NGAL is the fact that they replicated their mounting system for the PEQ15 instead of using the real NGAL's clamp with lugs style.
People seem to have had pretty good luck with swapping the somo PEQ mount with an FMA clamp (which is much more similar to a real PEQ's) with minor modifications and that seems to address some key issues, but I see a LOT of photos of fucked somos in fb nods groups from dudes trying them and having issues.
And to be clear I'm not saying that makes them garbage. I've had enough major issues with ostensibly duty-grade Steiner LAMs to think that for $300 on a gun that you're not betting your life on, somos are generally worth it.

For my money the best airshit-knockoff-that-works-on-a-real-gun I've found is the "bigpeqs15" guy modding FMA peqs, but I paid $250 for the one I have off tacswap. It's so far on-par with my greymarket PEQ but it wouldn't surprise me if it takes a shit sooner or later.
So my understanding is that IS is pissed at EG because he thought he was signing up to collaborate on units for airsoft and milsim and EG basically misled him into signing up to QC units that are advertised as rated for 5.56 and in so doing significantly increased his workload when he has already thoroughly overextended himself, and it sounds like they don't really listen to him with certain choices.

The issues seem to primarily stem from his own poor decisions and business practices though, so while I can sympathize with his frustration I don't feel particularly bad for him.

But yeah all that aside I was mostly just asking if the EG version is actually justasgood as the IS version. I'd rather have a crane plug personally and am in the queue for an IS NGAL but if the EG is at least good I'd consider one for a placeholder for a minute before throwing it on a different gun.
Oh. The "mediocre technicians" bit makes sense, then
They do that to cover their asses when people put them on real guns and they break lol.
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>Is there a post or links somewhere?
i just emailed him about it, asking about the delay
>I'm 16 weeks into my 8-12 week lead time on an NGAL
get in line buddy
I want to see clear instructions on how to add teh epoxy to the two screw holes. It sounds like adding some drops of loctite would work as well.
I agree. There definitely are people out there with thermals that aren't seeing use because they don't hunt and don't regularly go out to train let alone shoot. Some of them are probably the the same people who act like you're not gonna make it without NV and thermal while their own prep is shit tier at best.

>people whine that content isnt fresh
Someone did? This general has been reposting the same images and webms from years ago but, I haven't seen anyone complain.
Well this is what I'm going to do
>apply clp around screw holes and on screws to prevent adhesion
>shove a tiny bit into the holes with a toothpick
>experiment with fully seating screws to see how deep they need to be
>leave it sit for 15m, remove screws
>go shooting later today
Unless you're leaving the screws in i don't see the point of loctite. It tends to fuck off easily
Also, the screws are pretty soft so you could probably goop them in loctite/epoxy and break the heads off
No, dumbass, I'm saying you're bitching about a non-issue. So what if the creator of the videos is shilling for them? He makes good content for a specific market that has a lot of hype and little substance. The 4MR guy could trip and post his shit here and I'd be happy to watch it because, again, it's good info.

Please kill yourself at your earliest convenience.
>get in line buddy
Honestly I knew what I was signing up for, and when I emailed him at the end of my quoted window and he told me "there is still many people ahead of you."
It does sorta rub me the wrong way that he's knowingly throwing up lead times he can't meet, but he keeps swearing up and down that his turnaround time and processes are gonna get faster.
Again either way I knew what I was signing up for so I'm not too salty about it.

Bet that bled like a motherfucker when it happened. He's lucky he didn't fuck up tendons in his hand, I've seen injuries like that cripple dudes.

>captcha: 4NVG
Nice lol
Quit with the e-begging faggot.
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And it's done
then why did they cut their warranty time in half?
NVD recorder recommendations.
How are the AliExpress ngal? Are they as good as the AliExpress zenitco perst 4?
I have the original Brown Bear that works well, but I got out of using it since I didn't like dealing with yet another power source on my head and having to play the plug/unplug it game for on/off. They have a new one that on paper should be a significant improvement in usability. No longer requires the eye cup retainer, has internal power (4 hrs), and finally an on/off switch. Unfortunately, it still requires you to wait for your configured video segment time (1/5/10m) to elapse before turning it off to save the latest clip.
Aye, that infograph has been updated to replace the prior model of the NVGR.

>Unfortunately, it still requires you to wait for your configured video segment time (1/5/10m) to elapse before turning it off to save the latest clip.
That sucks, the way I read it on their website product description it sounds like it will start and stop recording whenever the user presses the "on/off button":
>The added ON/OFF button allows you to start/stop recording when you choose and save your footage.
I also own the legacy NVGR and have been happy with its video quality and was waiting to see a sale on the NVGR Pro before I replace my old NVGR but if there on/off button doesn't do what I think it should do then I may just hold off. I don't mind having the external battery since I use it as a counter weight on my helmet.
You know what, I was wrong. Re-reading the product page so I don't mislead folks, it does say "Gone are the days of waiting 5 minutes to make sure your clips are saved. The added ON/OFF button allows you to start/stop recording when you choose and save your footage."
I had read that as it still requiring the delay before turning off and gotten frustrated about it for no reason.
or even if he is, the uploader in question he's still doing good work and deserves some views. I know hop lurks /nvg/. I see no reason why others shouldn't.
You're doing the Lord's work, anon, giving /nvg/gers the tools they need to look and feel cool. Don't be so hard on yourself.
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kek that anon got promoted to grand wizard in USPSA
Wrong answers are funnier
Anyone with experience on a bae skeet ir-l think it is still useful for handheld scanning? Picked one up for pretty cheap, plan to get a yoter-c down the road for a proper clip on but wondering if this the skeet is worth keeping or if I should just flip and save for 640 units
640+ or bust, as a 640 owner (stingir) i will admit the resolution is quite good but leaves more to be desired, couldnt imagine relying on a device with even less picture quality. I have it bridged with a 39.2 SNR pvs14 so its also possible that having two different resolutions literally in my face have something to do with that.
What are you using as a bridge?
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>640+ or bust
Helmet mounted and especially bridged I agree.
As far as a handheld and even dedicated weapon sight you can get away with much lower resolution.
>t. bought my dad a rattler 256×25 v2 for his birthday
It actually made me question my 640×50 purchase, no it's not anywhere near as nice. But for all of my purposes it's entirely adequate, you can tell a deer is a deer at least 500 yards away (I haven't been able to look much further here in Michigan) and I'd be comfortable making ethical shots out to 250-300 depending on conditions.
I like having nice things though and I'd say that I'm not too bummed looking at a much better image on a unit with much greater capability, but considering I could have spent 25% of my nice optic and still have been just fine for everything that I do gave me a moments pause.
Yeah for handheld detection I've been perfectly happy with my 256 poorfag thermal
define cheap
Very nice, thanks for the new cover!
You're welcome
Ravyn bridge, has all the adjustment you need. Pricey but at this point do you even care anymore?
Using mine primarily head mounted/bridged, but yeah youre probably right if its for weapon mounted only you prob dont need as much since youll be stationary. Imho thermal is only going to get better AND cheaper so id say if you cant afford a good unit now just wait a year for it to go down.
What's the best place to get an absolutely spotless hi spec PVS14 for astronomy?
I’d tell a high volume dealer you’re prepared to spend $4800 and find the lowest EBI/halo possible and give them a couple months to find the perfect tube you want in return for fucking you on price
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what is the practical application of thermal
pest control
varmit/pest control
stud finder
pet finder
home defense
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Construction sites.
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why has nobody made an LPVO for PVS-14 i want to zoom in on stars and then zoom out.
Why can’t you use a lpvo?
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i dont want to aim a rifle or hold a scope in front of my pvs 14 to zoom.

i guess i want a proper variable zoom lens assembly for PVS14. maybe i should just say fuck it and buy a telescope.
Why wouldn't you just get a telephoto lens to thread into the objective lens threads if that's what you want?
idk doesnt seem as good. sometimes you want to zoom out to see a whole galaxy sometimes you want to zoom in on an individual object.
with the popularity of night vision sky rocketing, especially pvs-14, im suprised nobody has made something like this.
This, pretty much putting a deposit down and waiting. For astro you 100% want a very low halo but just know that the lower the halo, the more fragile the device. The most gucci tubes pretty much never hit the open market because of buyers behind the scenes putting their money up front and waiting. You can lurk every day and wait for a nice one to pop up too, will take longer but thats how I got mine (39.2 snr, .7 halo and ebi, minimal blems). But if you want a legit GOD tier device, youll need to make a deposit and be very patient.
I'm not saying your device is remotely middle of the road or typical, but going with someone like Apollo Gear Co. Will get you a high spec device in no time. That dude has the in on the nicest tubes on average. Also, 0.7 Halo isn't anything insanely low in terms of astrophotography or even regular usage. All six of my tubes hover around the 0.67-0.8 range and I wouldn't call any of them delicate.
Cadex makes some mounts that work with spotting scopes and rifle scopes. RRS have some mounts that would work also. I’m sure there’s knockoffs out there that are cheaper
Badger ordinance makes some stuff that works with spotting scopes too.
I probably didnt word myself coherently - my tube is certainly high end but I wouldnt consider it “god tier” or worthy of serious astro use. Yes it looks phenomenal but if I was going to use it for dedicated telescope work then I wouldnt settle for the specs mine has. With .7 halo I get pretty significant halos around the brightest stars and planets, what I meant to say is that he would want to get much lower than that, but that also carries the risk of damage occurring if mishandled.
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Nah, re-reading your original post now I can see your point was fairly well made. Sorry for the poor reading comprehension on my part.
What are some reputable retailers not listed in the attached? There's always one I tend to visit for their pvs14 options, but it's not listen here and I've forgotten their name. Any good tube options out there atm for a pvs14?
The irony is that laserspeed does way less volume and almost everyone who uses them has had issues on top of straight up getting beat for their device when they mailed it in
They did it's called an elcan
Lasersneed is overcharging there wares by a couple of hundred dollars.
> straight up getting beat for their device when they mailed it in
he's probably talking about customs or something
Unless something has changed and I’m not aware of it guys have sent their devices in for repair many months ago and have received nothing back.
i sent mine back when there was discount pricing because i got sent an outdated unit. sent it to michigan and received another package from china. it was surprisingly painless compared to my attempts to get a perst repaired in ((current year))
>perst repaired
I sent mine in november and got it back a couple of weeks ago. I'm guessing theres an issue with sending them back and them dealing with chinese customs. When I sent them an email trying to get an update, they just decided to send me a replacement and I got it in 3 days.
nah. thats the waterproof tax. all these other chink shitboxes die in a sprinkle.
FL5s were dying in a sprinkle and Mr Basque has only confirmed they survived rain but didn't specify any other details and hasn't dunk tested any units
Custom Night Vision
Steele Industries
Goonin Gear (changed their name)
Apollo Gear
JRH Enterprises (decent PVS14 deals)
Does anyone have experience with the Chinese clone wilcox mounts and J arms?
Is it worth it if all I'm trying to do is hike/ around and keep my pvs-14 reasonably stable?
Yes, you want the one called Sotac.
I have the sotac g24 mount and it's held up great after a year of fairly regular use which includes doing about a dozen or so night shoots with an emphasis on moving and shooting.
It's recommended to replace the screws but I haven't had any issues (yet) with the stock ones.
Is it better to buy a higher end gen 2+ or a lower end gen 3 PVS-14. Haven’t bought any before and was looking to put 3k or so into a device. I can wait and get a much higher end device but idk how much another 1,000 will improve the device for the end user.
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seeing if someone touched your things.
Here is a glass I drank with 30 seconds later
Save up more, gen 3. JRH should be able to get you something around 3.5k, maybe a bit more with price hikes.
Thanks anon. I’ll be probably spending 4k + with all the mounts and accessories which works with the budget. Might be a month or two but with how often I camp and hike it’ll be fun
There's no reason for a US citizen to go with a Gen 2, even if they are fine. You're paying the same money for a weaker product. Not a good deal.
Seeing through thots clothes
But what if I can get 2+ duals for the price of a 3 mono?
that's even worse anon.
No, you're thinking about this incorrectly.
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Gen 2 is darker. here is a comparison between
>NYX-14 on the left, ENVIS on the right.
I found on arfcom. Not a great comparison but hopefully this will help you understand that if you're in not so good conditions the gen 2 will be even worse.
is around $4k the right price for a high end elbit tanto
>thermal is only going to get better AND cheaper
I haven't been in the past several iterations of /nvg/ but to add to that, the below article was in my news feed the other week:

In short, Obsidian Sensors is pitching new large scale production processes for thermal sensors to get away from being slaved to manufacturing everything on the silicon die and instead separating the bolometer array onto glass sheet kind of like tv and phone displays are made. Per the article they estimate 640x480 sensors produced at scale being sub $200 vs the ~$800 for current processes. They also plan to refine the process for 1280x1024 this year and 1920x1080 in 2025.

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No toobs here, is the difference really that great?
I've only looked through ancient gen1 shit and a nice pvs-14.
This anon
kinda laid out down that at the bleeding edge there's a significant difference but a lot of the videos I watched showed side by side comparisons and the chinky jerry-31s seemed to look only marginally worse than the pvs-14 in most all outdoor conditions.
Got a german brand heimdall Fokus 50, 384 x 288 pixels so a bit on the low end but for 1400 euros, couldn't pass on it. Refresh rate seems high, specs says 50Hz, I can see bats passing by. Saw a paraglider at 1km during day, can see planes in the sky. It can be attached to the front of scopes.
I am happy
keep in mind that most comparison videos are either trying to sell you on Gen2(+) or cope about how its jag so they are usually shot in environments that minimize the difference. If you live in desert/big sky state and will only be near city glow with no intentions of using them indoors, under canopy, near anything that casts a large shadow, or during a new moon then I can accept just buying Gen 2. Unfortunately, for everything else the price of a new Gen 2 is still so much that you may as well just keep saving for a Gen 3.

It is incredibly common to be in an environment or at the very least looking into one where threshold matters.
That's why I linked Hop's video. Bonus points for showing how dog shit digital is.
if you're american you have access to the best tubes on earth so take advantage of it
>lost my job because I don't speak spanish
Fucking sick of spics I am
Wanted to buy a COTI and LAM
What happened, man?

First batch shipped by the way. DHL is being slow as fuck, so don't expect them until next week. LS said issue with very first prototype was know and it was a PCB issue and was basically demonstrative of chosen power levels only. Will probably sell it cheap so one of y'all can warranty it if you want. Future samples should be good to go. Buddy of mine claimed his sample had a 2 MIL shift when on a tripod, but I haven't gotten a first hand look at the issue, will check on it this weekend. If I had to guess, it's likely more to do with handguard flex than anything else since none of my LS samples have had issues with holding zero after the revision to the FL5 turrets, and the error is repeatable. Still, will get to the bottom of it and report back.
Mr boss man was like "sorry but you dont understand spanish so we just gon hire some illegal" fucking nepotistic beaners. I was a hard worker too, now I'm just more racist and gonna call ICE on them probably destroying the company.
Is there a big Hispanic customer base or something?
3/4 of my coworkers were spics, even my ma is starting to realize that White replacement is real and she's a bidet supporter
Crypto has been my hustle. Buy on a down day and sell on up day. Just hold if need to.
NTA but I have been getting completely fucked in crypto.
I'm at the point where I'm about to go back to DCA'ing into TQQQ just decidiing if I want to use Schwab or Robinhood.
>Wrecked in crypto
>decidiing if I want to use Schwab or Robinhood.
>Even contemplating using Robinhood for stocks
There might be a correlation on your crypto choices and contemplating using Robinhood at all for stocks.
Don't ever use Robinhood.
>Mr boss man was like "sorry but you dont understand spanish so we just gon hire some illegal"
That's very infuriating, anon. Very sorry that happened to you. I'm assuming construction or foodservice. That happened to me once in foodservice, sadly, so I understand part of what you're going through. It's hard out there for us white men. It's pretty confusing how the people who give the most to society are reviled by it at times.
I would suggest finding a smaller privately owned company in the heavy civil construction space like water or wastewater (because municipal money is one of the last things to go) and try to get on with them.
For my part, I know heavy electrical contractors in TX are strapped for good (white) men. I wish you all the best.
Because they are basically captured by Citadel market makers and sell your position data to others as a retail sentiment indicator.
They do win on ease of use, however. I maintain a Robinhood account for gambling/lotto ticket uses.
As for crypto, I think the winners of that game were already made before institutions got involved, and now it's just another esoteric commodity that follows the wider market.
I'ma be real with y'all, white people ain't shit when it comes to manual labor. I've managed landscaping and construction and I will take one or two beaners over muh whites any day of the week. They work harder, don't complain, and will generally take instruction better despite the language barrier. But please, continue about how your shortcomings are their fault.
I worked harder than raul scamnendez and got stabbed in the back for it. I was ever so close to becoming hasthermals but browny clowny boss wanted to pay his cousin less, the fucker.
Ah I see, brown nepotism is back at it.
Might do roofing with my old high school friend, its a dangerous job and I'm a nihilist so I don't care anymore. I wish I lasted another week because at least I'd be able to play Elden Ring DLC while I waited, I sold a bunch of my shit just to fund a pc so its whatever.
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You belong in the "unfuck my life" thread, not the night vision thread.
>seeing "y'all" as a trigger word

Get fucked, yank

>its a dangerous job and I'm a nihilist so I don't care anymore.

Teenager detected. Please work on improving yourself, growing up and not blaming others for your lack of competence. God bless you, anon, you desperately need the temperance.
>reddit spacing
>supporting white replacement
Shalom, I wont be buying elbit
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I truly hate retards like you.
>spics are faster
Yeah, because they take shortcuts and do a terrible job. You're LARPing if you think otherwise. I know spics who will steal material from one job site to underbid another. They are a plague and your blindness to it is why this problem will never get fixed.
>don't care as long as I profit!
People like you killed America.
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My I cordially invite you anons to visit /bant/ /smg/?
This image is retarded and wrong by the way.
>giving jobs to foreigners that could've been some kid's first taste of honest hard work
the west is falling
nah fuck that, I'd rather be working at some department store with air conditioning and a break room.
This guy gets it. You should manage spics in the unpleasant jobs whenever you can.
nta but america feels pretty alive right now, don't know what you're crying about :\
sorry anon, that's a girl's job.
nah, you can go sweat your ass off all you want, not my problem. I'm just not going to do it.
He's a low-skill worker upset that any taco-bending spic nigger could do what he does cheaper and faster.
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I think he closed up shop completely, but just wanted to warn anyone that bigpeqs15 on TacSwap sells absolute shit. Vis safety screw isn't removable, it's stuck on 8 pulses per second despite reprogramming, and overall just feels like garbage. Buddy of mine gave this to me for free, and I think I've been scammed out of my time trying to troubleshoot this piece of shit.
What blows me away about the chink knock offs is they are no where near eye safe power levels, but are expected to use on airsoft, >50yds
That's crazy dude mine's totally fine, and I'm actively trying to break it.
Tbh it seems like you have absolute dogshit luck with this stuff.
Does seem that way. If he had any sort of warranty service and hadn't gone dark I'd be more charitable in my interpretation, but I'd wager he cut and run when a lot of people had issues.
What do you nerds think about this will we see something like night vision sun glasses?

Mine was a used tacswap buy so I never dealt with him directly, but my unit is overall pretty comparable to my actual PEQ (moreso this says a lot about the state of my clapped out peq than the quality of the BP but yeah), and again I'm intentionally beating the shit out of it.

In terms of contacting the dude, when I was researching, leddit posts that turned up while googling have said it's possible to reach him on tacswap but he's not fast to reply. No clue if that's still the case. I'm happy with what I have there for $250 but I'm also not surprised other people have had issues.
If this isn't horseshit, the best we (meaning the civilian market) can really hope for is the military adopting these and we see tube-based NV become cheap due to obsolescence.
: / doesn't sound too exciting

ARC Centre of Excellence

Of the 17 ARC Centres of Excellence full applications submitted, 11 are approved for funding. As shown in Table 1, the overall success rate was 64.7%

I wonder if they're publicly traded. I tried google but its being a massive retard
>Our research outcomes will underpin future technologies, including real-time holographic displays, artificial vision for autonomous systems to see the invisible, remote Earth observation, and wearable medical devices. With impact on par with the development of the transistor, our devices will drive Industry 4.0.
Whew. I assume their actual research targets have and will be of miniscule near term value and any real world application is daydreaming marketing fluff to get funding.
I only have iron sights.

Come at me
I don't know about you but I struggled when trying to use irons under nods (not thermal) so I can't imagine it working under thermal. I ended up just flipping my nvgs away to use my flash light. I need to get a red dot for my handgun(s).
It's not happening any time in the near future.
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Anybody ever use CNV for warranty service?

They sent my shit back to a different state. My binos are in fucking Nevada for some goddamn reason.

I'm trying to figure out what's going on, but I have work right now.

Pic related is me.
what did you get it sent in for? what tubes? What housing?
Constant flickering in right tube. Elbit. 1431 Mk2s. The tube ended up being bad and had to be replaced.
were the repairs finished and it was sent to the wrong address? Or is it still being warrantied?
The repairs were finished and it was sent to the wrong address.
Best to contact CNV asap so they can contact the shipping service to update the address on that tracking number or maybe they can request the package to be sent back to CNV to be resent with a new shipping label.


Those foreskin-lacking heeb kike fucks sent me the wrong tracking info. God is good and I was needlessly terrified.
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good. ben always did right by me despite everyone saying hes a retard
I would not disagree with Ben being a retard, but at least my shit will be back in my hands tomorrow. Or Monday.
DoD has been looking at something similar based on some blurb about the future of nods they put out a few years ago. My impression is that this is one of those things that if pans out, will take a decade or two to be a mature and fielded system, and then another chunk of change for us civilian plebs to get
Bump for lasersneed waiting room
maybe next week...
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Quality thermal optic + NV monocular on non-dominant eye for CQB:
Good idea or bad idea?
My credit card can wait.
How much are Gen "2+" green phospor Armasight N-15s worth these days?
Dunno, I would put in the range of $4-6k, looking at brand new gen 2 binos they range in the $5-7k.
I guess note to go with this is that I already have a gen3 mono I'm happy with if that factors into calculation.
Has anyone ever tried the Pard TD32 scope. Thermal and NV in one package seems too good to be true but all the youtube videos ive seen seem pretty impressive as far as clarity and using both NV and thermal to spot and shoot at the same time.
goddamn, really?
maybe like 2.5-3k max
why would you run the NV on your non dom eye? how do you plan to shoot?
With the thermal optic
not as fast fps as analog and your shots will be offset. your natural point of aim will be off.
that's what I do for my night setup, along with IR laser. Day scope is a Helos 2-12 FFP with backup sight. Both night thermal and day scopes are on ADM QDs.
I think he means a thermal scope or attachment so it should be sighted ?
An ingeresting question, I have a thermal monocular but at 2,5x so can't walk with that but it is amazing for targetting that can be attached to scopes and a shitty gen1 binocular that is enough to move where I am. But I was thinking about getting a gen2, photonis echo, no gen3 is sold here to civilians, is a monocular enough to walk or the lack of depth perception is a big problem ?
most IIT navigation ever done has been with monos like a PVS-14. You get used to the depth perception issue. Even if you had duals it'd still be an issue because the focal length from high aperture/diopter or whatever; you can either see clearly close or far but not both.
Most thermal optics are too bulky for that to work. You physically won't be able to bring it up to your eye because it will collide with the NV. You can work around this by having the NV on your dominant eye and looking through the thermal with your non-dominant eye, but it's an awkward stance and you're better off just flipping up the NV when you want to use the thermal.
What about like $2k?
Do not pay 4 to 6K like the other anon said. I'd say 3 at the absolute top end. You can find Gen 3 ANVISes for about that price.
TF you talking about. Most thermals are exceptionally small except for weird ones mimicking dayscopes like Pard or ATN.

>You can work around this by having the NV on your dominant eye and looking through the thermal with your non-dominant eye
If this would work, then it would work the other way around like he proposed, and would be far more natural than your proposed solution.
Shit, there's a dude on reddit selling some minty Omni VII PVS-15s with Tarsiers for $4700 right now. That's a great deal and a hell of an upgrade from AGM trash.
There's a guy near me asking 2k. I'm kinda undecided. It feels like a meh price to me knowing that it wouldn't have any support/warranty.

N15 is Armasight (FLIR), but ya point taken.
2K is a decent deal for a mostly garbo product. If I was in your shoes and wanted binos I'd probably sell your current tube and roll it into something like an RNVG, Aeternus, or similar fixed bridge. If you're happy with your mono, keep it, but I don't really see much of a point to getting a worse bino setup even as a supplement.
Yeah, that's kinda what I'm feeling. I'm not really married to binos, and even kinda lean away from them because I like being able to do dualband with a thermal WMS or have a visible light eye for mixed light conditions.

Honestly this would be to try binos out and maybe to have as a loaner.
Oh, and also to just have another NVG bird in the hand since prices are going fucking bananas now.
How well does thermal work up close? My thinking is that the NV monocular would be for identifying targets/friendlies and moving around, and the thermal for aiming. I wanna work out a way to shoot in the dark reliably with as little reliance on emitters as possible.
bad binos also has the big disadvantage of not being able to gauge ambient lighting conditions and the scintillations become so apparent you won't be able to see anything but visual snow. even your bare eyeballs will still be able to pick up movement in almost complete darkness.
It works OK but it wouldn't be my first choice. Up close I would either point shoot or use an IR laser. Thermal in my case is more middle-distance like 70-200m.

If you're shooting your gun, you're emitting, so half a second of IR laser IMO is worth it to save time over trying to acquire a sight picture in total darkness.

The downside of trying to use the thermal for CQB is similar to that of using a dayscope or NV, you have to adjust the focus to match the range you're going to use it at or else it'll be blurry, so using it up close degrades your ability to use it at a distance. My general all-purpose setup for mixed environments is to set my NV monocular to near distance, set the thermal focus to long distance, then use an IR laser for near shots, and the thermal for longer distance scanning and shots.
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>Bonus points for showing how dog shit digital is.
It has its uses.
It's cool for situations like that I won't argue there.
Niche digital stuff is super cool, there was that guy on reddit that got to play with the SPAD sensor Canon with the broadcast lenses taking pictures of an offshore rig 12 miles away well after dark. That tech just needs to percolate a bit longer and maybe we'll see it in other devices in a few years.
Is this even worth it?? IDK if I'll have money for a real thermal and figure this checks the box. I'm out in appalachia anyways, I figured innawoods being red dot distances I don't need to reach much farther with thermals.

Will we see other/higher end models go on similar sales in the near future??


It's sad, I had detailed convos with him and he really seemed legit, but I finally bought one to see and I'm not impressed. The illuminator is WAY off center from the laser and has no means of adjustment (the turrets just spin). I was able to reprogram it for constant just fine, and no issues with the safety screws. But the Laser/illuminator being off center makes it on the verge of useless.

I hit up BIGPEQS15 several times directly tryna warranty it (what a joke, I know), and haven't heard a peep. Writing it off, just pissed I sold my gen1 FL5 for this POS.
>SPAD sensor Canon
That's that camera that costs around 50,000 dollars innit?
anyone ever get scammed buying used nvgs on ebay? looking at some listing right now but ive never had to refund stuff on ebay and if the seller scams me i have no idea how much of a bitch it will be to get my money back.
I wouldn't buy from Ebay basically ever. Prices are usually wildly inflated and you'd be better served buying on TacSwap, reddit, or even Facebook NV sales groups.
Ebay favors the buyer in a lot of the transaction, same with Paypal. If you choose to use direct pay with credit card then your bank will have charge back protection if you got scammed and you have an extensive correspondence with the seller/retailer and maybe even ebay and give them this when they request it to give you your money back.
Don't use direct money transfer i.e. debit, zelle, venmo, paypal F&F etc etc, you will never get your money back.
If you are still on the fence on using ebay especially for such a high priced products, then I recommend you go with a more historical reputable retailer that deals wtih NVD/thermal.
the prices i see arent all that bad, its bids but even then they arent going high even on very decent looking pvs-14s
Came across this comparison of the different models of the gl4 light/laser. Video really shows how much a difference the different lasers powers make when trying to set it on a target. I might pick myself up the GL4 Pro version for a handgun
https://youtu.be/Zjk3GGe-NL8?si=Kgdg9-TrMuC-ZVwh forgot the video
First three to five M6s should arrive on Friday or Saturday (I never know how many each box will contain,) some friends have already called dibs, so I'll post whatever is available as soon as I know what's up for grabs.

Was able to test buddy's M6 on Saturday and, as expected, handguard flex was the issue. He'd also misspoke and the deflection was 2 MOA, not 2 mils. So pretty minor issue all things considered. Guyslee Mk16 for anyone curious.
I am going to Cum
Am I understanding correctly that the unit was fine, and that the issue was simply with the handguard it was mounted to? Stoked for these to finally arrive. You mentioned many threads ago that you will take any payment method other than paypal, does that mean zelle/cashapp/venmo or is there a more “proper” method for transacting?
You should probably email him about payment questions.
Yep. It was a pretty minor deflection only really able to be replicated when bearing down on it off a tripod. So probably a non-issue for most people. And yep, can take basically everything but PayPal.
Did you mention what handguard?
Page 8 bump
Last line, anon
Sorry I'm color blind.
It's okay to be a little retired.
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any flaws with the new m6s?

im very unhappy with my fp peq15 performance. it's dirty as shit and its a relatively new model.
saw someone on reddit shilling this thing, theyre garbage arent they?
We haven't found anything yet. My most... Brutish friend is the one with it currently and if anyone is going to break it, it's going to be him. Still holding up well after a few weeks of abuse. Also, I was shocked by how big PEQs are. I used one while I was in and recalled it being pretty svelte, all things considered, but that piece of shit Bigpeqs15 felt big as hell in the hands. The M6 feels downright diminutive by comparison.
well it's right there in his name
You got me there, man.
No idea but i was literally wondering today if a chink version of this existed and sure enough you come along and post this. It would go on a fuck around range toy gun so i wouldnt be hugely concerned about durability but i dont want to buy an absolute piece of shit either. Also bump for gay aids i guess.
You should probably say fuckit and mail one of the new m6 to hop or some other gun toober. Even if they break it you'll make your money back be cause you know it'll get good reviews
I always like someone's take, maybe Hop? Anyway the take was absolutely do not think of it as night vision, but think of it as a solid low-light video camera. It's better used to film other nightvision at dawn/dusk than it is to be used as NV itself.
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If you're gonna go chink, and the Sneed is too pricey for you, then you want the Sotac Perst-4.
10mW vis/IR, reasonable durability. Only known issues are the beams on mine weren't coaligned, and zero will walk on anything bigger than 5.56.
>mail one of the new m6 to hop or some other gun toober
There's no reason to do that. Hop lurks, and was aware of the Sneed. He even reviewed it. Not him, but I would expect a video to be forthcoming on the subject. Hopefully he will wait until /nvg/ gets our orders filled [hint hint]
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See my post >>61894561, and additional picrel. If buying airshit, at least stick with the known "good".
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europoor here, upgrading from gen0 to gen1 kek
At least i don't have to carry a 12V battery and the bulky high voltage unit for the PNV-57
Now I need shims to tighten the chink gopro brackets, fortunately there's an empty can of beer nearby
You sir are highly based.
Is a red or green LED more visible under night vision, or does it really matter between the two?
Specifically, if someone is using a little task light to read a map, under a poncho or otherwise, is any light bleed from one going to be noticeable more visible than the other to an observer with nods?
I think under nods both are similarly visible. Bare eye red is more difficult to distinguish at distance and especially for animals so that's why people use red LED flashlights when trying to operate blackout.
NODs are monochrome and are generally fairly evenly responsive to any wavelength of visible light.
why is this pvs-14 so cheap where some of the other units are $3200+ did CNV make some sort of mistake?
photonis is gen 2. Gen 3 is what you want if you're an american citizen.
That's not that bad of a deal, really.
Likely starts off with options. Probably $800 for a build kit with no IIT or just a tube. Then e full device is probably close to $3000.
"so cheap" is really $2799.97 with the cheapest selections being GP Gen 2 + carsons which is not a recommended buy by /nvg/ for US customers.

From a customer experience side, CNV has been fiddling with their website design in what looks like an attempt to have multiple different housing products pull from a single data source to update individual tube availability across multiple housing products as customers select a tube(s) to purchase. Probably a nice quality of life change for their site admins to manage inventory, but the unfortunate result is that it looks like their product picker logic is only going one layer deep for pricing on the tube reference so for that (and other) listings where you can choose tube type (ie. GP or WP) first and only then select an individual tube, catalog view is not properly representing the tube cost in the preview price.
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correct, the minimum price is actually $2800. OP and CNV are tribal tricksters of african descent.
Correction, $3000 because even though it gives a range of $2000-$2199 there are not actually any options other than $2199

Fuck these dishonest faggots.
the low end is probably for a specific tube thats sold out
the 1999.99 option is under the GP selection after you choose to add a "Photonis White Phosphor Tube" which is pretty lame but it's probably just a lazy place for them to throw an extra handful of skus they have for GP tubes rather than setup a completely new product listing as opposed to any malicious intentions.
I'll let you know in a month, just ordered one.
thanks tester-sama
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How many animal frens have other /nvg/gers run into while out and about? Last night I met a cool frog on the trail. Frog blended into the grass pretty well so I wasn't able to get a good pic but I did get a shot of some cows out in the meadow.
>You should probably say fuckit and mail one of the new m6 to hop or some other gun toober.
You should probably shut your fucking dick trap, retard.
Last week I was dicking around outside with my dualband setup and noticed that next to a large rock (still warm from the sun hitting it in the day) was a little blob of heat that wasnt there on previous nights. It was a couple hundred feet away but as I got closer i noticed it shift slighty so I knew it was a critter. Got right ontop of it and still couldnt make out what it was on the thermal, maybe a very large toad? But once I turned on the ir led on my pvs14 and focused in, I realized it was a cute little baby bunny, just sitting in the grass now absolutely still as it looked up with its wide beady little eyes. Cute little fella. I left it alone but I imagine it got dragged away and eaten alive by my cat a few hours later because she is a merciless killing machine and expert hunter and that bunny had no business being in the open like that. If my cat didnt get it then the family of 4 owls in my yard certainly did.

Other than that, I saw a pair of young deer in my yard that blended in perfectly in my night vision but were spotted instantly on the thermal. They scuttled away into the woods when I got closer and when they stopped, I absolutely could not see them whatseoever except on the thermal, where they stood out like a sore thumb. I also regularly see bats BTFOing large insects high up in the air. I thought nightvision was the coolest shit ever but now that I have dual band I recognize how absurdly OP thermal is.
Hey, man, no reason for the hostilities. I reached out to 4MR on reddit but he told me LS was already taking care of him. I figure Hop is probably getting the same treatment. But really, I do think there will be plenty to go around. Worst case scenario, I just buy more once these are done.
>outdoor cat
>owls in the yard
Look out for your feline friend, partner. Owls often kill cats.
Nah man, I have the opposite attitude for this one.

I say shill this shit everywhere, it becomes a permanent model, and prices drop due to economy of scale. I was a $700 FL5 enjoyer
this is how you get laserspeed on the FDA's shit list
my eyes have developed to see deer shaped objects. racoons though still pop out of fucking nowhere

once word of mouth spreads enough about the sneeds either the FDA is going to start dickslapping them like Holosun or next thing you know congress is going to pull an excuse out of its ass to sanction laserspeed like they did with iray because L3, B.E. Meyers, and Steiner are threatening to stop lining their pockets
Yeah I'm sure it'll be laserspeed's 10k units and not somogear's 40M units that tips the scales.
somo has the plausible deniability of "airsof", laserspeed is a direct supplier of the PLA
Has anyone designed a printable LEAF type sight that’s compatible with an Lasersneed FL5? There are two screws and a little shelf on the front of the unit that I think would work well with a front sight, would save weight and space on rail
Eh im not concerned, shes 11 years old and a fierce little fucker. We have had a few generations of cats live out their full lives here and never had that issue, just other neighborhood cats and raccoons fucking around and finding out especially when my dog hears the ruckus and runs outside at the speed of light to help throw tf down.
The airsoft thing has nothing to do with FDA regs, and isn't related to the recent sanctions in any way either. If anything the airsoft thing is more likely to get them banned because kids are fucking with FP lasers.
that's why i'm talking about laserspeed not somogear, seems more likely to me that the iray sanctions being because of them supplying to russia are a more applicable connection to laserspeed selling direct to the PLA who are technically our enemy
Feds don't give a fuck about IR lasers, they care about $5000 high resolution thermals available to civilians because you can absolutely clap someone.
I got attacked by I think either a grasshopper or locust when I was running around with my D2. I think insects like that red/ir light?
If that were the case Holosun would've been sanctioned months ago. Holosun supplies the PLA on a much larger scale than Laserspeed. lol
Any of your friends that are doing T&E with the ones you've received, testing with a 308? I'm looking to put mine on my 308 wlvrn and just hope that they can handle 308.
why do you think it's taking so long for the iris to come out
For visible light gen 3 is more sensitive towards the red side, less so towards blue/purple. It’s so OP that any color LED should do. But it definitely makes a difference in astronomy attached to a telescope. Some objects are barely different in nods (i.e. some nebula). Others are exponentially better (other nebula; globular clusters). Just depends on the wavelengths emitted. More red/IR = massive improvement.

I’m not sure about Photonis gen 2. SiOnyx Auroras extend into UV and further into IR, but of course don’t have the gain of tubes.
Kind of opposite of my experience. I’m always shocked at how well animals stand out in nods. It’s rare that they will blend in with either, but about equally rare in my experience (sometimes I catch something on gen 3 that didn’t stand out on thermal, sometimes the reverse). I’ve never seen something blend in on both simultaneously, which speaks to the advantages of dual band.
Walked outside one night to stargaze with my Nyx-14 Pro (gen 3). Heard a noise and looked to find a deer. Which surprised me because this is desert and the mountains are a decent distance away. Normally mountain animals don’t wander this far.

I stood perfectly still and watched her walk down our dirt road, then walk back towards me. She got very close, then went around me and down the road back towards the mountains.

One of my better nod experiences. I only wish gen 3 had a record button like SiOnyx. I knew if I tried to get my phone out it would startle her, so I didn’t bother. But I wish I had video of it.
That’s pretty spot on. As a night action camera I loved my Aurora so much I added the Pro model. As a tactical helmet mounted monocular they cannot compare to gen 2/3. Though I would consider the Pro model a detection threat in the hands of an adversary. It’s a usable hand held scouting tool down to open land, clear sky starlight.

One thing Hop got wrong is that the Pro definitely has a better sensor and lens. I can see how he missed this because he seemed to test under best and worst conditions, where both models work great or not at all. It’s at inbetween light levels where the Pro struts its stuff. But while better than the other Aurora models it’s still no match for gen 3.

I love taking them out on bright moon nights. I need to make more webms for nvg.
Unfortunately no. Heaviest thing it's being used on is a shorty 7.62 AK.
>prices drop due to economy of scale
Show me a single example of this happening in the NV market lol
LS LAMs went up like 30% overnight when the YouTube fags and ledditors found out about them
Send me one, I'll put it on a Saiga and see how it handles 3" slugs
yeah but that was back when laserspeed was shit
Oh for sure dude now that the product is good and they already sell a worse version of it for like $1100 prices will go DOWN for the improved one if demand skyrockets.

Unironically are you pretending to be retarded?
Yeah you're right I'm sure small custom CNC batches will be cheaper?

Are YOU retarded?
>small custom CNC batches
Even if that were the case (I'm not convinced it is), why would it ever be cheaper than their other production units, of which it is an improved version?
>why would it ever be cheaper than their other production units
I'm implying that it would become a production unit.
LS has consistently proven that any time they realize they COULD charge more for a product, they WILL charge more for it.

No fucking shit, sherlock. Why do you think I'm confused about it?
Current price for an M6 (again, a production unit) from them is just shy of $1100. Why would this improved M6 with even larger market appeal be cheaper?
There was a squirrel on the road, he didn't understood why a human was there without light, he was looking at me, stunned and didn't even bother to flee. Saw a hare on thermals on the other side of the little valley where I am, a white blob of heat and then the hops, I knew.
The reality of it is, if this device actually delivers and Basque isn't blowing smoke about quality, and word gets out that that's the case (say for instance, Hop or AssFacts gives it a glowing review), then they're competitive product with multiple $3k+ units. Again if this thing is as advertised, and it becomes widely known as such, LS could double the price and people would still pay it, because why wouldn't they? Their production costs are irrelevant, they were making money on the $700 FL5s and I guarantee cost isn't any higher on these units, in fact it's probably lower.

Now again, I'm very confident moneyanon is gonna make his money back, and I'm eternally grateful for that. But this thing being TOO successful would absolutely fuck over its current status as a potential GOATed poorfag option.

I'm not worried about LS getting sanctioned or some shit, but I DO worry about them realizing they have no reason not to pricegouge or some asshole realizing all THEY have to do is buy out exclusivity and then THEY can pricegouge, which is why you can't buy an FL5 from LS anymore.
Now pick a tube
I sincerely hope LS is smart enough not to price themselves out of relevance. I will likely be contracting them again if I'm able to sell all of these units, and I'll continue to keep prices as low as humanly possible since this was brought on not by a particular desire by me for the changes (well, the changes to the body are hugely appreciated, but the crane switch compatibility I could not give less of a shit about,) but because I'm fucking tired of people having the option to spend $300 on a Somogear that will eventually break, $800 on an absolutely cucked civ model, or $1500-$2000 on a grey market LAM that is kind of shitty and has zero factory support. I think the gap is being vastly under served and I hope that this unit is able to get a good, dependable, and relatively affordable unit in the hands of people.
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because they oversold. They thought if they changed the form factor of the lg321 that was the only thing people cared about and people would buy it.
Look at how they chose the worst video camera they could get their hands on to show their new redesigned product. And then they decided to muddy the waters by showing off the FP version.
>I will likely be contracting them again if I'm able to sell all of these units
A penny for your thoughts. Also I will be buying one off of you without a doubt. I'm the anon that runs his AK and need a lighter one that doesn't use the damn 3/4 pin connector.
That was GarandThumb talking about his experience at milsim west using the RH25.
Ideally a decently priced O5+
I saw a fox while driving last weekend. Lots of possums, coyotes, skunks, owls, and a few porcupines recently. Mouse dont really count because with thermals you see tons of them.
This is not true at all. Gen3 oranges and reds for increased response, blues for decreased. Gen2 has better distributed response to wavelengths but with much lesser intensity.
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Wasn't Mike. In fact I just searched for the guy again and found him. turns out it's the arkayne guy but on a different channel.
New thread >>61903678
New thread >>61903678
New thread >>61903678

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