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I was listening to innawoods spooks stories and got to thinking: is there a way to make ammunition that would be universally useful against lots of different cryptids? I mean, could you design one bullet that could check the boxes to kill like at least 5 different monsters reliably? Silver hollow points with ash in them? Silver fmj, dipped in holy water with a tungsten core? Thoughts? You can share spooks stories too, intrigued to see what all cryptids are around the US and which ones I'd be most likely to encounter.
I want to get an idea for an all-around useful ammo because plain silver bullets might work against certain things but they aren't super easy to get ahold of and what if you pack those but end up coming in contact with something where just silver won't kill it? I've heard some stories of creatures being weak to ash, so that's why I thought of the ash inside the hollow point.
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Also: what if certain cryptids have super thick fur or bone and would be able to stop or deflect a standard bullet? I guess some AP could work but then again would standard AP work against a cryptid or would you have to use some other thing like silver for it to penetrate and actually kill the thing? I've thought about this a bit, but I want opinions from people who may be smarter and/or have actually seen a cryptid.
460 sw
Looks big enough but needs incendiary variant
i'll fuck a mermaid until it grows legs
Where can I find them anon? Do you think they live in rivers or just in the ocean?
> "Hurr durr, what amoonition is good against cryptids, muh silver" * tips fedora

Seriously, get a life, cryptids aren't real. Stop masturbating to your fantasies and go get a job. Seriously, skin walkers are just a meme people who watched too much anime and wove too many baskets made up. Out of all the cryptids they definitely aren't real, and if they were, they would just be friendly forest spirits. Also, this thread is harassment. Skin walkers did nothing wrong (if they were real, which they are not).
sounds like something a cryptid would say anon. we know you're out there.
Post skinwalker tits or gtfo
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Okay, so you want a cartridge that will kill as many types or cryptids as possible. I'm not THAT familiar with lore but let's fuckin go.

First we spec the bullet, let's do werewolves, vampires, and fae. What crature is the ash for? So that's silver, wood/garlic, iron, and holy water (good general purpose I guess).

You have two ways to approach this, I feel like. One is to cram together all of these things into one unholy round, so like, a hardwood penetrator with silver/iron jacket, or to just use explosive shotgun shells because fire and explosives don't really care what your weakness is if you're paste or crispy
cryptid claws typed this post
/x/ shit isn't real
Just shoot them with bullets, they're just animals. Wicca shit is fake, gay, and retarded
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>Wicca shit is fake, gay, and retarded
It's not fake it's just that they have no idea what they're doing or what kind of spirits they're calling upon. Note that cowboys and shit weren't running into spooks like we do today. That's the fault of modern pagans/wiccans/etc.
The safest thing to do is kill them at a distance.
This post is so much a skinwalker post that it made me a believer in cryptids.
Trips of truth
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>tfw Pagan

Wiccans ARE fake and gay. Long story as to why they are literally rooted in faggotry and simpdom.

>/x/ shit isn't real
This isn't even a religious thing for me, I have seen weird all my life, I can't say it is or is not real but the fact I can't explain it and there is a pattern of it happening is what bothers me and makes me pray to a deerman that bangs on drums and makes bad things go away.
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>tfw Pagan
Feels good man.
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Based personal belief haver
How effective would a platoon sized bayonet charge be against a werewolf? Silver bayonets btw
Those whimsical creatures would trap you in a fairy ring and make you a slave.
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You know, you’re so right, these losers need to get a life. We should get together and talk about how (if) skinwalkers turned out to be real, they would be totally cool and not bad at all.
>dipped in holy water
you need a capsule, otherwise the water just comes right off.
Maybe they just want to mind their own business... and they do not want any excessive attention or interaction that leads to unpleasant and dangerous situations for both sides.

That feeling of never having a werewolf girlfriend who trusts you and shares her secret with you. And besides being a dangerous and rampaging beast... she can be lovely puppy brained.

I̶̩̥̻̓̄̽̀́́͠ ̴̗̞̪́ŵ̷̯̳̈́ȯ̵̢̡̘̭̮̳̩̝̋̀̈ư̶̢̧͙̦͚̩̤͌͒ͅl̶̢̽̌̐̌͗͜d̷̺̼̄̊͒̕n̶͙̑̊̚͠ͅ'̷̨̋̈̄̀̋t̷̡̪̮̉̃͛̑̎̚ ̵̢̤̆͊̎͂̈̕w̵̤̟̘̾̽̌̈́͆͗̕ǫ̵̡̩̰̃ṛ̴̾͝r̶̯̥̝̻̒̀̕͝y̶̡̦̫̫̗̬̘͐̂̃́̈́̀͠ ̸̫̘̪̊̀́̒͛ą̵̛̩͖̱̜͓̊̆͂̾̋̊͝b̴̰͉̰͑͆̎̊o̴̻͙̺̠̙͑u̶̩͒͆͊͗̈t̸̺͇͙̪̥̺̣͖̍̍̈́̎ ̸̧͍̯̐i̴̥̻̬̻͛̀t̶̛̞͉̩̞̰̙̃̇͗͋́
Nothing physical is immune to having internal organs perforated. Even monsters evolved with humanity, theyre scary, strong, and have been with us since before spears. Hunting methods are generally ambush, like mountain lions. No one survives without being lucky, just as anyone who tells you they fought a mountain lion is a liar. If you go hunting, range and seeing in the dark is good. Not being there is best, biology hasnt quite figured out how to jam fpvs.
And the non-physical?
Cheshire as always is the one true paring in monstergirldom.
The fair folk are not nicer than their native american cousins, they just have better PR
oh no i sure hope the big scary werewolf doesnt overpower me~
Its veen nice to know you i guess
12 gauge shotgun is the correct answer. They’re a very common, very powerful, and easy to reload yourself. There’s a whole market of gimmicky types of shotgun shells for different purposes. Now my advice would be to have a specific load for each specific type of monster you are hunting.
Silver obviously. A mix of slugs or 00 buckshot depending on range.
Hardwood slug and garlic shot for a less lethal deterrent/area denial shell
Good news is these little faggots are vulnerable to iron and steel which means waterfowl loads are effective and widely available. I prefer #3 shot for teal season which I would presume are of a similar size and flight pattern.
Honestly you’re looking for some thump to knock the water out of its head before it can reach your butthole and steal your shirikodama. The impact is what will keep you safe from these nasty fuckers.
Okay so from what I can tell is skinwalkers dont have any supernatural protection or specific vulnerabilities. Good old fashioned lead will do the trick. They rely on stealth and skin changing into critters (particularly coyotes or scavengers) to sneak up on you. The best way of handling this is to kill every coyote on sight and remove any source of carrion from the immediate vicinity of your hogan to better identify a skinwalker, and then blast any scavenger that seems out of place.
Lead bullets, fire, whatever you want. These things are evasive so I suggest buckshot.
>Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Boomers in gorilla costumes
Similarly not immune to lead however slugs offer more penetration and thus should be your go to. I will also add the caveat that legality becomes an issue. I believe Washington State made them a protected species but Texas has blatantly stated they are not protected and therefore fully legal to kill on sight. Check your local laws before engaging.
There are only 3 right choices..

While I love being in the water I can't deal with the tentacles of the Kraken.
Pagans are gay and Islam is the only true religion, but at least the other abrahamics have some truth. Evola was right that paganism is just romantic sentimentality, not metaphysical truth
45-70 blessed with ash and holy water. Silver if you're a richfag.
For bonus points engrave your levergat with religious and Native iconography and bless it as well.
Can I use just any ash from a fire or is there a specific type of ash I need? Also can I mix the ash with holy water and make holy paste, split the end of the bullet and fill it with the paste? I tried to bless my guns already but Idk if it worked, don't know where to get holy water from so I prayed over all my guns and asked God to make them work against evil.
Muhammed was a pedo and animal-fucker. Also his one "miracle" was witnessed by nobody. Literally "dude, trust me."
>Okay so from what I can tell is skinwalkers dont have any supernatural protection or specific vulnerabilities. Good old fashioned lead will do the trick. They rely on stealth and skin changing into critters (particularly coyotes or scavengers) to sneak up on you. The best way of handling this is to kill every coyote on sight and remove any source of carrion from the immediate vicinity of your hogan to better identify a skinwalker, and then blast any scavenger that seems out of place.
Those are some good ideas, I would suggest 12 gauge to hunt skinwalkers, ideally plain lead or steel shot. I doubt skinwalkers could resist a few rounds of that to the centre mass.
Alternatively something nice and small like a 9mm handgun, 18 round magazine should be plenty with hollowpoints.
We think it' weird that people think you need a cannon to hunt skinwalkers, like as if they'd try tricking people to go into the woods unprepared.
Ash from an ash tree I think. Ash trees were known for having protective qualities in English folklore.
Note: not a pro cryptid hunter. Find your local bisexual barista for more spiritual tips.
just the white ashes from a fire
not a spooky story but kinda cryptid related
>be me
>trying to get past a really big heartbreak
>decide im going to spend a few weeks alone innawoods to clear my head
>ive got a old hunters cabin ive cleaned up
>love listening to greentext about cryptids, even while i workout
>joke with coworkers that i hope skinwalkers dont get me
>day before I leave cute shortstack coworker comes up to me and hand me a small box
>"I want you to take this"
>open box
>its a bottle of holy water and blessed salt
>try not to cry... cry anyway

nothing supernatural happened while I was at my cabin, but I absolutely brought along the holy water and salt, not because I needed it but because it showed someone really cared when I was at a very low point.
Coworker’s looking out for you anon
>bottle of holy water and blessed salt
you were the unholy cryptid all along
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>anime girls with spooky bits taped on
Fucking pleb
Do you think salt slugs or whatever is in salt shells would kill a demon or just repel it and make it not want to come back? I think silver would kill the demon but curious about salt because it's far cheaper. (and nonlethal in the slim chance that the attacker really isn't a succubus)
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>Hollywoodized view of European folklore
Fixed that for you.
If you're talking about a kit that can kill every monster, you would still need an entirely different loadout for each continent, and that's before you even worry about your gun and ammunition.

North America
>most cryptids/monsters aren't very magical, so fairly simple kit
Wendigos are the most magical thing on the continent, and IIRC there's essentially no way you're killing one without the help of a shaman. Most magic cryptids in North America just have one or two simple tricks, like Alaskan folklore monsters being able to shapeshift.
>either train yourself not to whistle, or make sure your mouth is obscured so no sound gets out
They're already going to be fighting you, but whistling in the Appalachians will make a skinwalker attack before you're ready.
>Kevlar clothes on land, chainmail under a wetsuit under water.
Due to the simple nature of North America's monsters, you only really have to worry about impact, slashing, and piercing damage. Kevlar will take care of a lot of that on land, and chainmail has you covered under water. Your water kit won't have much beyond the chain armor because there's essentially no way your stopping any lake/river monsters from crushing your ribcage anyway.
>Old-timey steel plate armor, soft armor on arms and legs
I'm talking about those old cop armor plates that covered your whole torso. It's heavy, but you're not outrunning any of this shit anyway, and if you let one of these things get close enough you're blocking bone-shattering damage.
>Rifle, sidearm, knife/machete
Your rifle needs to not weigh much since you're hauling that much weight in your armor. Depending on the region, a machete might serve you better as a tool than a regular fight knife. No need for special ammunition as mentioned, since most of our cryptids are just weird animals with maybe one superpower.
>Backpack and supplies
You'll want fairly smell-free food supplies that can be cooked without a flame. Some of these monsters are found in caves, so no fire
ran out of room, but if you run into a wendigo or a thunderbird you're probably just dead.


This gets more complicated because a lot of European cryptids (this will include mythological creatures, since that's essentially what they are) are humanoids with batshit powers. There are also tons of different monsters, and many of them are giant or kaiju-sized. The first thing you're going to need is a really stupid helmet.
It needs to essentially be a capsule for your head. No openings of any kind, save for a small hole for cameras and sensitive audio equipment to poke through. The reason for this is that many Euro cryptids have powers based on being seen, like vampiric hypnosis and Medusa's petrification. The camera allows you to look directly at these monsters without suffering their effects, and audio is because you obviously won't be able to hear. It wouldn't be hard to set this up with night vision or thermal vision in the event you need to go into a labyrinth. Making the shell out of armor gives you solid protection in general in addition to protecting you from the fae. You'll want it to be able to clamp onto your chest rig so you don't break your neck with the lightest tap to the helmet. Once you're sure you're not fighting a monster with vision-related powers, you can take it off.
Pretty much only vampires will be able to shoot back at you. Anything else is too small or unintelligent to use a gun. Since vampires tend to hang out in population centers, they won't easily be able to run around with rifles, so light armor (sufficient to stop pistols) will be most useful for you.
Your ammunition will need to be very specialized. The bullets need to be half silver and half iron without being an alloy. If magic is real, then there will be horseshit rules that say a silver-iron alloy won't hurt a werewolf.
Wendigo were real.
They were just humans who were often cannibalistic serial killers who fled into the wilderness to avoid being killed on sight after being found out.
From what I can tell, they started with their families or relatives, then they would target strangers like hunters or anyone out in the sticks or water.
The bone pits of their victims are still being found to this day.
if water can be blessed then why couldn't molten lead or copper?
If silver or iron cause a chemical reaction in the monster's body, you still want those metals to be separate so that the reaction still happens fairly quickly. Iron hurts things like fae and ghosts, and silver of course hurts werewolves. The rounds need to be hollow points with a small amount of holy water for coverage against vampires and most Judeo-Christian demons. You'll want to use a pistol and a sawed-off shotgun for the majority of these due to their concealability. The shotgun is for smaller monsters, and will have a mix of silver and iron pellets in the shells. Keep some slugs handy for things like minotaurs that are just big animals with no notable special abilities or resistances. Lastly, a double-edged knife with a half silver, half iron blade.
Really any old thing with some kevlar worked in where you need it. Again, you need more mobility so not too much kevlar. The big thing is going to be dousing it all in garlic broth made with holy water, as this will keep vampires and most demons away from you. Your retard helmet and weapons will already repel a lot of other monsters, and the ones you don't already have coverage for won't really be stopped by anything short of a vehicle. Throw some red into your outfit and wear your jacket inside-out for coverage against pixies and some more obscure forest spirits.
You're going to need some heavy shit for the bigger monsters. You need a boat with a mounted harpoon canon for Nessie and charybdis. Jormungsndr probably won't die from anything short of a warhead, so probably don't even worry about that one. Dragons, giants, and the like will call for a helicopter with at least a 50 cal mounted inside it.
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Farmers have been using rock salt loaded shotgun shells for decades to scare the shit out of homeless and teenagers trespassing on their land. It’s a nonlethal deterrent. Add in some okra seeds to break the skin and that shit can break the skin and sting like a motherfucker. The bulk of salts use against the demonic is in lines they can’t cross but I’m sure a load of 3 1/2 inch rock salt in a doorway is going to clear it out for a second or two until you can reach your holy water.
This. It’s just a native term for serial killer. They were also extremely aggressive in weeding this shit out. Like the northern tribes that actually have Wendigo as a part of their lore had to endure extremely harsh winters often isolated for months so survivalist cannibalism was probably a lot more frequent than some DEI faggot academic is ever going to write a study on. By modern standards we would pity this type of person for having to endure the thought of eating a family member. Back then they hunted them like animals because they didn’t differentiate between a starving injun and a red skinned Dahmer.
>Muhammed was a pedo
wrong, at that time it was normal and she was past puberty
>Also his one "miracle" was witnessed by nobody. Literally "dude, trust me."
so? that doesent make it less true, if youre a pagan your gods are not real and never did one miracle
>at that time it was normal and she was past puberty
He raped a 9 year old girl.
Complete and total pedoshit. There's no excuse for it.
That pedo trash is burning forever in hell for his actions.
God doesn't forgive sins that severe.
Aisha(RA) was past puberty and a woman, at those times it was normal.
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how about pic related? it's not so much the monsters but the townspeople are breeding them and feeding them also so you'd have to deal with them too.
I’ll be the fun ruiner. No cryptids have thick enough fur or bones to stop rifle rounds. Even 5.56 will go through 1/4” mild steel and over a foot of wood. Flesh and bone isn’t stopping shit. Even common pistol rounds kill bears.

Unless there is magical protection for whatever reason, pretty much any gun works.
Muhammad was a pedo sandnigger
faggot horse thief and the entire religion based around his retard cult has been one of the biggest drags on the advancement of humanity. The entirety of the Middle East sucks and it’s entirely because of that baby raping dune coon. Baghdad 100% deserved what the Mongols did to them.
This thread has some good spooky stories if you're in the mood to read.
> Stop masturbating to your fantasies
Everyone come laugh at this nigger. Why would I need to masturbate when I have werewolf pussy? Duh.
Heard about one encounter with a giant ground sloth or something, not sure if real but anon said it’s skull ricocheted a .30-06. Could be fake but some animals do have fucking dense bones so I thought better safe than sorry
That’s 100% bullshit. 30-06 would easily penetrate a ground sloths (which yes is extinct) skull.
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Lead / Silver alloy hollow point with an Iron ball expander plug
Or a Silver-jacketed (instead of Copper) Lead hollow point with the Iron ball
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Anon, it wasn't 30-06, it was 7.62x54R. And this story is also bullshit, if 7.62x39 can put down a bull elephant, that x54R would have hurt this retarded animal.
>Spooks Thread / Monster Hunting
There was an old thread with some vietnam story about a night vision tech, an early one, allowed the men to see into some parallel dimension and they saw some evil spirits flying along their helicopters. Freaking out they shot at them with their machine guns.

The spirits realized they could be seen prior to being shot at.

Then the army changed the tech for the nigh vision and now we have this green that sees into nothing special.

Any stories or tech about They Live glasses so hidden cryptids among humans can be seen?
Thirding that it’s bullshit. Ignoring that cryptids aren’t real (which is lame but logical), by that guys own admission he’s scared and wearing a gas mask. He fired twice with a Mosin in a panic. He just missed. Mosin sights can definitely be off and his view could have been distorted by the gas mask (or his normal cheek weld was and messed up his aim). Steel core 7.62x54R wouldn’t glance off a fucking elephant. In fact the worlds most renowned elephant hunter used a .303 and 7mm Mauser with FMJs.
Why because I don't want to be covered in tentacle suckered marks?
Good points, my mistake
Sex innawoods
With monsters
There's only one weapon available in the human arsenal capable of handling all possible cryptid contenders.
any humanoid cryptid can safely be viewed as if they were just a big human, so Sasquatch or dogmen can handedly be taken down by 77gr OTM 5.56 rounds. Anons will try to tell you that you need 308 minimum but that's literally retarded unless you are planning to hunt ground sloths which DO actually have natural chainmail bone and a thick hide, but you shouldnt hunt them anyways because they are more valuable alive and kept to be bred to repopulate North America or South America with them, because they are cool. Most spooks people actually reasonably want to shoot though can be taken with 77gr stuff though, so no need to get to wild with it, focus on hydration more
It’s ok anon. You’re just taking someone at their word which isn’t inherently bad
>ground sloths
Eremotherium was the only giant sloth that had any presence in North America and happens to the the largest.
While massive and weighing about the same as an elephant that’s hardly bulletproof. I would certainly prefer a .308 or larger vs a 5.56. However an AR in 5.56 will a full mag could put one down without a problem. Do you really think hide and bone stops metal at 3000fps?
Man, imagine shooting one of the few living giant ground sloths. You gotta get mega bad juju for that, like reincarnation as a dung beetle tier.
The one I’d be most concerned with would be dogmen because I live in Texas and honestly I’m more concerned about them than Sasquatch. If I can just use standard hunting size cartridges against them then that’s fine but I don’t k ow if they follow werewolf lore and you have to use silver or if it doesn’t matter and regular ammo will work. Relatively illiterate when it comes to deep cryptid lore
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was waiting for this. Don't overdo it on the AI slop.
I think you could convince Buddha to give you a pass in this case. To be fair, the thing probably would have killed him for sport too. All's fair in love, war, and nature.
Find where they're breeding them and use explosives anon, gotta stop it at the source first
I'd just use Chinese steelcore cuz um lazy and cheap. Besides, I have a hard time believing anything can survive being pounded by 30 rounds of steel
They aren’t real unfortunately, so we cant exert our superiority over them as Gods finest yet most flawed creations.
Based and true
Opposable thumbs and a soul can’t be beaten
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>Scandinavian /k/ommando interrupts spook having dinner
>posts pics for proof
Good to see these again. Got a folder or archive of these?
a man named Joe Barger sais, he killed a dogman with a revolver.
From other storys it seems like .22 is doing shit against them.

What do you guys think about using 5.56 incendiary ammo?
I think 5.56 should do damage by default, but incendiaries would probably be good against anything
Yeah you'd probably be better off just etching a little cross onto the bullet or at the very least the casing, having a symbol of the Lord embedded in it's body would probably do more damage than any fragmentation or tumbling of the round
Use a magnifying glass and carve the Lord’s Prayer onto all bullets
That would likely make them incendiary against cryptids and abominations
I guess that would be great for a starter option then. Cheap and relatively easy to mass produce
You forgot the part where he was also a gigolo
An "Ash" tree, retard not the ashes of a fire.
Bone ash is white and commonly used in ritual.
Ash wood as a magical thing is a euro tradition.
Thick fur and bone for bullet proofing? Nah, usually what happens is that the "things" that are bullet resistant that get shot just straight up stop making sense as their bodies get pulverized but they are completely nonplussed and continue to do whatever they want with nothing impeding their movements. Then they comeback completely fine and no worse for wear the next time they show up.

Sasquatches are hard to fight because they are stealthy bastards and as smart or smarter then you with the bonus that they can just unga bunga a solution for everything you can bring to the table. No matter what your tech is they can just take big rocks and throw them with such force and speed you are basically helpless.
Are slugs or buckshot better for skeletons?
I appreciate it, I really do, but I might be too far down the rabbit hole by now. The wendigos got me.
Yeah, I could make a pixeldrain gallery of stuff. Might take me a bit of time though.
bros what do you use for spooky shit out in Siberia?
Go with buckshot. You don't want to risk having a single projectile and sending it clean through the gaps.
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Wouldn't carving a crucifix on the bullet tip suffice?
That could probably work too
+100 for The Far Side
Buckshot. Vital area basically becomes useless so aim for pelvis to disable and just start blasting shit until it stops moving.
where to find silver and iron buckshot? would steel be the same as iron given it's more than 95% iron already?
For silver the easiest way would probably be to chop up silver jewelry and handload it into shells
You can buy wholesale solid actual 925 sterling silver ball beads for jewelry making. They are the right weight for buckshot or birdshot use depending on diameter, and they have holes through them which may just aid in expansion? I don't know. But can you can buy them in bulk.
A skeleton's entire body is held up by magic, would breaking their pelvis even do anything?
>barrel explodes
God will protect me from the physics he created.
>come to spooky stories thread to see if any new tales dropped
>its a bunch of weirdo's being horny with AI cryptid porn

It's all so tiring
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I have been on the hunt for a particular cryptid. I know not the name, but they inhabit areas along the Missouri River in Iowa, Nebraska, and Missouri, particularly Iowa and Missouri. They are descendants of the twin daughters of an ancient witch, and her snake husband. They are ethereally beautiful in face, though grotesque and scaly in body, that they hide beneath fine clothing. They prey on men in particular, having bewitched bows that communicate their target's location, and if they be a man who is smitten with their appearance, also any weak points in his armor in which they can plant a poisoned arrow. They do this because while any man who sees them is smitten, any man who touches them is immediately horrified, so they take snakes for husbands as their mothers did. When killed, they turn to stone. They are weak to their own poison, and that of bees. I've seen two dead ones, and one live one.
Only if you're a mean mother fucking servant of God.
little did anon know that his PETITE TIGHT little short stack snowbunny coworker was getting dominated by huge veiny BBC's everyday at home
What happened to the anon from half(?) a year ago that was asking about what guns to take into a crypt he found in the middle of the forest?
I could fix her.
Read that in Dale’s voice
Oh you mean the Belton Sisters? Shit I thought they were all shot out by now. They used to roam east Kansas too up by the Kickapoo mud flats but we solved that problem with a few rounds of 30-06 dipped in rattlesnake venom. The hemotoxicity isn’t an exact match but close enough that three or four rounds will do it. I’ve heard some old timers say whacking them upside the head with a burning cross will work but that’s from some boomers down in Springfield area where they’re apparently still running loose so take their methodology with a hearty grain of salt. The Langmoore Lot Lizard is a sight scarier than those dime store knock off medusas.
They still live in the most remote parts of the Amazon and Andes. They just aren't the big ones that were the size of elephants
There's about 4 known giant sloth species from North America
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Medicine man who turned me on to them called it something like a wakanune or such. Showed me a rock in his basement he said was one he captured in '77, kept tied up like some kind of science experiment/sex slave. They're pretty worthless without their magic bows. He got her by communicating with their native spirit he called the King of the Trees, and this spirit told the wood of her bow to become as limp as grass, she couldn't shoot hom when he grabbed her. He tried various things, poisons, religious paraphenalia, nature itself seems to view these things as aberrations, judging by how much nature spirits like to fuck with them. Even honey appears poisonous to them, as does holy water to a limited extent, and the thorns of the honey locust tree, from which I have built a briar cage to hopefully contain one.

I know the dwelling place of one. They tend to shack up in pairs, I found a dead one not far from an abandoned farmstead, and have seen her sister from behind once while blind drunk wandering around said farmstead with a Colt 652. Thank fuck for whiskey dick or I'd be one dead turkey. I'm going to try and live-capture her, but I can't just nullify her bow, seeing as the only native spirit who picks up my calls is Manikhathi Wangegihi, better known as Chief Coyote, and he's got a reputation for overpromising. Best I can do is jacking off sixteen times the day I go hunting, or getting just as shitfaced, to nullify their lust triggered aimbot. Armor up with some steel scraps I found out there, and try to wrastle it like that medicine man did.
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You motherfuckers are so dumb. It isn't about the physical force, be it .22 or fiddycal. It is about myth and belief. Do you truly, earnestly, honestly believe that what you bring to bear will be enough in your situation? And is your belief stronger than the creature's?
All these things are created by myth. If you go to slay a vampire, you bring stake and garlic because through hundreds of thousands of retellings, that is what the stories have congealed, not because the overgrown ticks have an allergy to italian food and woodworking. And it will work, because you know the stories, everyone who's heard of a vampire know the stories, and the vampire is of the story. A tank round wont scratch midgårdsormen because the stories firmly state it's death only by tor's hammer. Bullets won't help against a pissed off vätte, but seemingly nonsensical appeasement will.
I do not know the old stories of the wendigo, don't know what they say work and why. Were i to meet one I'd be dead. But were i to hunt one, I'd consult the old traditions, because that is where you find it. The knowledge and belief held in the tales.
Plasma. Alternatively jet-pressurised thermite.
No they don’t. The ground sloth is extinct. Forrest Galante is just shilling now because the small handful of likely extant species that science just hadn’t got around to documenting recently are pretty much done. There are no ground sloths and there are no thylacine. The tard needs to give up his fools errand and focus his Rhodesian genetics on something useful such as exterminating the Skinwalkers, making fairy smut films to fund our research, and helping us solve the Missing 411 cases. Seriously I’m up to my asshole in feral hillbilly cave clans, Sasquatch, and howler activity.
You know how fucking hard it is for a great spirit to get a fuckin' windshield? Ol' Bill at the junkyard's got a fuckin sofa cover outta skinning those what he sent to retrieve it. The Chief means well but holy fuck dude chill out.
Yeah but my belief in God and complete lack of respect for hocus-pocus monsters removed their stupid pagan “powers” and I will turn their visage into that of a paste with righteous indignation
>There was no AI cryptid porn until 75 or so messages in, where it then occupied something around 2 - 4% of the message bulk.
>This is all I see
I think your neurons got activated very bigly and you want to make that everyone's problem.
Who mentioned anything about galante. Both the tasmanian tiger and ground slouths lived in areas were modern humans haven't been to. There is a distinct possibility that they still exist there
I, too, want to fuck a Thylacine one day. Even in the pouch.
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you need something like Hellboys ammo

I've been thinking of something like a combo of iron and silver pellets mixed into dragons breath rounds. if the iron or silver doesn't hurt it, fire is the biblical cleanser.
We are different
I will be 35 this year and have wanted a Kitsune gf since I was like 10 after seeing that episode of Pokémon when Brock looks like the former master of a Ninetales so she tries to trap him in her mansion. I need one so BAD
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ive been hunting and exploring UFO hotspots around the SWPA/WV area for the last 8 years, and if theres one thing i can say without a doubt is you NEED to be under the influence of lsd25. 10/10 times you will NOT encounter any EBEs or see any UFOs while out n about innawoods solo unless you are. Decalcified pineal glands via DMT are also acceptable, its like if an ant suddenly invented computers, youd investigate right? you are the ant.
What you need:
Personal preference, ease of use and familiarity goes far, modularity for optics and lights, you won’t be sitting so dont bother with a bipod, sling is a must for trekking, suppressor, etc.
HAS to be at night if you want an encounter and not just a flyby. NVG detect everything from planes to satellites and shooting stars in the darkest of nights. NOT DIGITAL!!! EBES CAN SHUT OFF ELECTRONICS AT WILL. YOU WANT TO SPOT THEM FIRST. walking through the forest at night without white light is crucial for this, so get some white phosphor tubes with good specs, duals preferably but a pvs14 will do fine.
Thermal is very nice to have but as a scanning tool, you dont want to use them to walk for a long time, unless its bridged to your NVG. EBEs arent cold blooded but some of them have suits that hide their heat signature which is why NVG is preferred. make sure to have extra batteries we all know how ebes can drain electronics.
>Any ammo (556)
they are flesh beings (unless youre unlucky enough to encounter the drones) with no armor, so any projectile above 9mm will work.
>Strong mental fortitude
MOST IMPORTANT! EBEs have strong psychokinesis as well as telepathy abilities, this is why all encounters involve wiping memories, speaking the persons native tongue, sensations of peace and calm to the persons, and objects floating. YOU CANNOT BE WEAK EMOTIONALLY OR MENTALLY, that being said no women should embark solo EVER. you will be raped and forced to conceive star children.
I doubt "strong mental fortitude" would be enough to shrug off alien psychic abilities
>kill alien
>alien buddies turn you into chris chan
Also if you encounter any of the "good" ones, ask them if they can fix my tinnitus and hearing or if they can drop some research on how we can do with science and shit
Well if you will eat your family members, you will eat others with even less compunction.
Well, I've got bad news for you anon...
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you need true faith
i would say i hope you get raped by a furry, but i feel as if thats all you're really asking for.
People have no idea how far werewolf brainrot goes. That fucker is probably looking to get straight up MAULED.
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>honestly believe that what you bring to bear will be enough in your situation? And is your belief stronger than the creature's?
Here's the wendigo/skinwalker/Mal0/SCP-1471a gallery. https://catbox.moe /c/42agdo
It's mostly my latest stuff, I generate way too much of her. It's mostly cunnilingus or anal, but there's also some of everything.
Which one are you
I was going with the really large ones. The Jefferson ground sloth was like 2000lbs. Are polar bears bulletproof? Of course not.
any 8 bore shotgun out there?
Werewolves and other spooks never had to worry about 45-70 beforehand. Now they have reason to fear us.
where you at do?
I want to get up in that werewussy.
also, I can shoot any would be hunters or whatever.
clearly, to be foolproof, burn the White Ash tree until all you have left are white ashes. white ashes from the White Ash tree, okay?

though maybe burn a few oak sticks until white ash, just so we know whether or not it works, but keep the white ash White Ash bullets on the standby in your other gun.
I always figured 20 rounds of 762 nato would do the trick
your right but it depends on the angle you catch the skull at. if you catch it at the slope where the bone is thickest it'll slide off but if you catch it in the eye socket, nose, under the skull, or to the side of it the round will tear through no problem (sorry for the shitty photo edit)
> Do you truly, earnestly, honestly believe that what you bring to bear will be enough in your situation? And is your belief stronger than the creature's?
Yes. That’s why I bring the brick.
> If you go to slay a vampire, you bring stake and garlic
It works because it doesn’t matter to the stake.
> https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/4c506d67-249b-43c0-a861-6258941b7419
>Later it turns out the wendigos were tricking us and just wanted to supplement their diet with a higher potassium content
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According to latino autists willing to info dump about their own neck of the woods that is exactly what wendigos do. They are nicknamed dogmen because of spooky voodoo shit but they ultimately bully and coerce their area with a protection racket using spooky voodoo drugs and shiet. The hazing ritual to become a wendigo is to murder and eat your family. Why? Because it is funny.

[spoiler]It is not even necessary for the super secret transformation ritual and you can do it without being an evil shithead.[/spoiler]
Ectoplasmic hands typed this
Why does this image make euros seethe?
you're in luck, because they're probably still alive in papua new guinea, for as much as people say otherwise
Because it shows that Americans are ignorant morons who don't know anything about European folklore, and act smug about it. It's like the vatnigger meme about having tigers.
I really hope that is true, because if there's even a handful of those shits left our modern science can give them one last, good shot.
I'll spare you from my AI thylacine stuff though.
Same goes for euros in when it comes to america
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Fuck am I looking at? Ginseng?
>fix my tinnitus
Look up electrical tongue stimulus for tinnitus. Seriously, it's a thing. Good luck; Having the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE just all-out sucks.
>not wanting to overpower the werewolf instead
goddamn hit that thing with dragons breath and buckshot till its dead
I think killing without justification is murder. Ammo needs to be explosive, incendiary, but penetrate very dense bone and explode inside cranial cavity. Need far greater penetration to get through a chest, they have plates like canines - both sabe and wolf creatures. Don't go looking for cryptids, they often have supernatural abilities, like showing up in your dreams and making you wake up with advanced cancer. Exceptionally few are beneficent, most are neutral but will go out of their way to give you a good scare, and all too many are malignant; not worth having any of these beings in your life.
As far as skinwalker (non-cryptid, actually a human shapeshifter). not sure you need anything special but Navajo lore says you need to burn the hide of the human who is a skinwalker and say their name out loud while doing so. Wouldn't shock me if they're more mortal than your typical dogman/sasquatch/whatever.
Wendigos are corporeal evil spirits, not mortal. Cast them out with Jesus' name.
In a nutshell, sapient cryptids are mortal, but far more durable than humans and dogmen certainly have a fearsome capactiy tor regenerate. There is an account from a human in contact with sabe that said that the sabe need three of themselves to slay a single dogman - two to restrain and one to destroy the head with blunt force trauma, until it can no longer regenerate and truly perishes.
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>tfw you realize cryptid cunts and demonfags are just low IQ spirits who can access into the physical world thanks to wizardfags ripping holes between the two planes

Either way, physical is physical. spiritniggers in the physical world can still get fucked by buckshot. All I want is werewolf pussy but no. Fucking cunts.
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Could track them by their scent alone

They must absolutely STINK
Paw pads...
I've had a weird sequence of events and collating factors make me think about this stuff.
I remember some LARPer made a thread last year about finding a crypt near his house and was hearing creepy shit coming from it and went to go explore it.

Never heard back from him. I don't have the screenshots anymore, but I'm sure it's in the archives.
Anon he’s fucking dead
I know Catholics get their ash from the blessed reeds that they burn after use, if you want to really jump into the religious side of things
70% chance this poster is a vampire.
small peepee spook wrote this post
You mean nahuales or loup garous? Because what most call dog men are Usanian experiments.
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go i wish
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No I am not talking werewolf shit from entertainment media. Although those guys are another band of cannibal "let us shapeshift using spooky drug magic and voodoo shit" when they are not going around trying to defile holy sites. Nothing at all like what movies show them to be.
This is why latinos way out in the bum fuck of nowhere near cursed lands (thanks to actual literal demon worshipping cartels) hate owls and birds, hate shamanistic cannibal tribes, witches, spooky lights, anything looking like even a hint of a cross between a man and a dog. Just absolutely everything like this shows up it is always humans and they will not fuck around and will hunt them all down and kill every last one of them as soon as they can find them.

Why? Because of webm related.

>Because what most call dog men are Usanian experiments.
That is just dumb. Fucking spics and latinos who barely speak english saying "dogman" to mean a very specific round of your own Larp they have never heard of? Just dumb.
Where can I get werewolf pussy?
Brother,im latino and i cant understand What the fuck you mean,what type of latinos? There are dominicans,mexicans,argies,bolivians,brazilians,etc. All of them have their own cryptids by example argies paraguayans and uruguayans have lobizones (luisones) Who are werewolfes only if they are the 7th male son of his family, meanwhile mexicans have nahuales and shit

So please dont put an entire continent under a fucking steriotype Just because you hate mexicans
I suggest you start by shooting /x/ crossposters, and then shoot yourself, thanks :^)
Hold on do you actually believe this stuff
>t. butthurt skinwalker
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Who gives a shit if it was normal at that time you stupid fucking retard. Tons of disgusting degenarate shit was normal, which is why we became more civilized and evolved nigger. By your logic if some dad clobbers your head in with a stone for trying to fuck his uderage daughter, its okay because getting away with murdwr was normal in the stone age. Pedophiles, ephebophiles and hebephiles are retards and should be put to death
Actual werewolf or female dogman?
at this point nobody cares. we're just looking for pussy.
if she has big tits, I'm going to try to fuck it. ywds.
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Can cryptids be defeated by the image of Jesus Christ? And if yes, would a t-shirt cannon loaded with t-shirts with a picture of Jesus Christ be an effective weapon?
What would you call this weapon?
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The day of the rope is coming for you pedofork.
this is my /k/ i missed
Risen launcher.
i want to ask that man one thing

>why the long face?
Sohnwerfer (it werfs The Son)
Nonhuman sapient beings hate humans, generally, maybe you can end up with one as your mate. If you don't think dogmen are real then you won't connect with them. Either you have an encounter with one if you are doubter or you saturate yourself enough with the topic if you are convinced of their existence. I don't think it's wise to seek out these beings but I'll suggest what could be done, and what could be done is risky and likely dangerous. Bear in mind that divorce doesn't happen, so you can expect to die for infidelity, and even for abandonment. Therefore, don't commit lightly to a lifelong monogamous relationship with a being that has a longer lifespan than you do, that can also read your mind.
Rabbit trail: research carnivore diet and become a sprinter.

You need to saturate your will with the knowing of these beings; read/listen to accounts of encounters if your own imagination feels lacking; if you aren't experiencing strong emotions then your will isn't saturated enough. Before or after you have had at least one physical or astral encounter, reach out with your mind trying to connect with them, if successful, never say hi or hello, only say greetings, you show respect by raising your left hand and holding out your right hand with the palm facing up and the fingers touching side by side. State to the being why you have sought it out, state your name and intentions, let it decide if it wants contact with you, don't be forceful or try to impose your own will. If it wants anything to do with you, then you might build rapport. Don't expect to socialize with other members of its kind any time soon.

OTOH if you're trying to fornicate and not join these people through pairbonding then don't try to stretch your will, seeking them out, at some point a fornicator might seek you out, or you're just shit out of luck and try to get hitched to one.

part one
part two
Anyway, another thing to try is to stretch out your will generally, intending to have a face to face encounter with something, and state out loud: "I know you're there, I want to see you". Warnings have it that doing this will get you a face to face encounter with SOMETHING, that is sapient. You don't know what manner of being it will be, what its intentions are, or its capacities. Maybe you get a malicious being that gives you cancer, or an asshole that torments your with infrasound for fun, it is apparently a way of getting a face to face encounter with something.

Another risky thing to try is go wandering around where there are noted dogmen encounters. Try to encounter some and connect with them telepathically. Good luck to all of you foolish teratophiles. I don't know if a person can rebuke evil beings in the name Jesus apart from recognizing His Lordship but all evil beings seem to back off and even flee when rebuked with His name,

BTW, fornication got you lashes in the one theocracy that God made and adultery got you death.
Based schizo
/x/ here

Iron is the oldest "catch all" for Cryptids. Good enough for Boris out innawoods getting attacked by fairies, it's good enough for you.
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does that apply to big iron as well?
Does steel count or does it have to just be iron?
It counts in pokemon so its probably fine
Alright, I saw something on the side of the road but idk what it is/was, so maybe one of you guys might know.
Last spring I had just started my shift (delivery truck driver) and it was about 5:30am. Driving out in the country close to a wind farm, no one else really on road, but I saw something off on the shoulder just before the start of one of those metal side barriers on small bridges and stuff. I only saw it for a second because I was going 75, but my mind focused on it like how it does when you pass roadkill and you get an HD scan of it for a second. It was this big thing, I thought it was a bear or trash bag at first, this probably 6-7 feet in length, about 4 feet high mound. It was covered in light gray fur with little splotches and bits of darker gray, like an undercoat that was darker. Either it's head was twisted back and I couldn't see it, or it's neck ended at a rounded stump. It had a thin black tail that was about as long as it was, extending back behind it. It's belly, legs, and paws were black, and on all four feet it had paws like raccoons or opossums. They were like the little hand-shaped-paw things, and they were all black but I distinctly remember all four feet had them.
What did I see? I giant opossum that someone hit on the side of the road? I passed the same spot later on that day and it was gone, so I imagine someone cleaned it up.
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Not an artist, but here’s a drawing of kind of what I saw. The whole thing took up a big part of the shoulder and the tail went a little into the grass off the shoulder. Its fur was light gray other than its belly and legs which were really dark gray or black. The tail didn’t look like it had fur, just black skin like a whip almost
Obviously a bullet for that exists, do you see cryptids around all the time? NO! is rare! Therefore.... :)
Just embrace the mystique stereotype.

There is a bazillion flag on a certain board (the janitors ban you for mentioning here) whom occasionally info dumps about the cults and superstitions of some latin american countries. Cartels ritualistically torturing and brutalizing people for the actual, legitimate (as seen by them) reason of gaining favor from some demonic egregore they all collectively see when they get high as balls called el muerte (doesn't matter if it is her or not). Then you have stuff like witches who do nothing all day except curse people and poison them because they are used goods hags who hate everything and how everyone else is having a better life then them.
Or my personal favorite, cannibal hermits who make a drug concoction mixed with human flesh as an extra spice to get you addicted into eating human meat. Then you are invited to become one of them and are taught the ways of being a once human monster.

Take all that and you can basically compress it all down into the same things across all of latin america, but it all dresses itself up differently. A shapeshifting bird thing trying to eat babies is the same as a man who because a doglike creature but scares tourists, is the same as flying lights believed to be witches doing their black magic, etc.

This kind of logic and reasoning is why Christian mothers accused everything of being "of the Devil" a little while back.
Do you know if they're into unusually tall dudes? Like 2 yards/meters+
Definitely a ROUS
Are you me? I wonder how many other weird kids that episode ruined
>t. 22, can't remember when I watched it but it was a while ago
fuck off, go un-schizo your shitty board. All this talk of "iron" and "salt" and "silver" is nonsense. If these freaks of nature were somehow connected to articles of faith, they would be more or less intangible and invulnerable to any form of injury. It would not surprise me if those stories were made up by the local blacksmith to sell more shit to gullible fools.
One time I was in my moms basement and I heard a tapping upon my (mom's) chamber door upon a midnight dreary. Once I heard it, I immediately began to pissed and shidded myself. Thankfully I was already gooning to sissy hypno with a condom and diaper on so I just continued and nothing came of it, except for me. Because I came.
I'm getting so God damn tired of these stupid ass threads.
Listen here you autistic little faggot, there is NO such thing as cryptids, no skinwalker, mothman, vampires, NONE OF THAT SHIT IS FUCKING REAL!! Here, I'll humor you for a second, let's say that those things did exist, WHICH THEY DON'T, we mean you no harm and just want to be left the fuck alone.
Go fuck a bear or something faggot.
>we mean you no harm
Hold up!
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Side by side break action 12g.
>loads whatever anti-cryptid ordnance you need
>rounds can be longer than typical 12g shells (I.E. wooden stake shells)
>color code your shells
>>Red = corporeal (regular ol' buckshot or slugs)
>>Blue = fae/spirit (wrought irons and rock salts)
>>White = silver shot/slug
>>8" white ashwood stakes
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Remember folks, plenty women say men are weird degenerate freaks.
The disconnect mostly comes down to women just finding men gross, whereas most men will fuck a woman way below their station, if only once.
Have you read this thread
The answer is a 12 gauge shotgun. You can load anything into a shotgun.
I have thought before of how best to make a silver bullet whether than be a fully silver bullet or a lead bullet cased with silver or a lead bullet with silver core or a leas bullet covered with silver dust etc. before I realized a shotgun with silver shot is the simplest and easiest.
Just get a shotgun and you can load practically anything in it. Silver pellets as buckshot would be easy. Wads and flechettes mean you could fire anything else. To my understanding, silver is effective against most cryptids so silver shot would go a long way.
I forgot iron until I saw some posts in this thread mention it. Iron is also effective against some cryptids like silver is. It would also be good to have loaded as shot. Could even double up with shells loaded with both iron and silver. That would probably take out the most cryptids of any other single cartridge especially if blessed.
Or just get some real hefty shells and pack them with metal of all types. Silver, gold, iron, brass, fucking plastic if you so want to. Might be hard to get enough of each kind to be effective, but maybe the extra pop from some extra spice powder can give it the kick to make up for it.

It probably wouldn't end a threat in 1 or 2 shots, but it'll be almost guaranteed to do SOMETHING to everything. Maybe even some hyper compressed salt would work. Like salt balls the size of half a pea compressed under 40+ tons.

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