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Russia launching new Avdiivka-sized assault with approximately 10,000 personnel in an attempt to reach the Oskil river
so they sent in the equivalent of about 20 Polish wives, and fifteen horses. brool cory sto
I feel like this will end just as well as the kharkiv attempt went. Immediate gains followed by FPV and HIMARS hell.
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A target rich environment.
It was a feint.
>250 vehicle for 10,000 men

if true, wonder how this one will go since Ukraine should have received aid by now.
Monke demands banan
Ukies make do, we'll be getting exquisite TZD in HD very soon when these pathetic Mobiks and rust buckets do nothing
I think they had more metal in the Kharkiv assault
>launch another wave
>ukies are mopping up the Kharkiv one already
So it's been about a month since Kharkiv? Can we time how long it takes Russia to """"train"""" a mobik based off of this?
emphasis on had
Literally a couple of days of training
It's probably really dependent on how which unit you join and your role. If you're gonna be cannon fodder it's gonna be like 2 weeks but I'm sure elite units get several months
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what's really funny is they just moved their eastern reserves to kharkiv to try to right that shitshow
They had more meat too. 50k for that one.
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Forgot pic
hmmmm, imcoming TZD videos.
Maybe ass breather man has a little brother.
who can also breath from the ass
this is kind of interesting as it supports the idea that many of these attacks are launched under the idea of trying to just force ukraine to respond rather than having to come up with any long-term defensive solutions itself. guess we'll see how it plays out though. 20 men to a vehicle seems a bit low for how mechanized they usually are on the offensive though. i suppose if it keeps the ukes moving people around all the time to plug gaps it avoids them massing an offensive, but it seems like ukraine is more focused on bleeding russia a lot more before attempting another push of their own anywhere.
The crows and vultures will eat well

crows don't eat meat
more videos of big unsupported armored columns getting vaporized please, those are my favorite
a few days of bumsex and egg measuring will be enough
Crows eat everything
>but it seems like ukraine is more focused on bleeding russia a lot more before attempting another push of their own anywhere.

As it should be, the counter-offensive was a huge disaster and it was 100% the fault of the NAFO shitllas embedded in the military think tanks that peer pressured the Ukrainians to do it despite barely having any mine-clearing equipment.
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Send in the next wave.
>Day 846 of US special military operation to decartelize Mexico
>Women tagging president in twitter threads to make him comprehend the uncomprehensible horrors of modern day infantry warfare with pressganging.

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>has to comb over Ukrainian drone footage to see if they got her man
>the dill website
What did she mean by this?
>The tactical tricycle tractor, golf cart and motorized wheel barrow are working well for the marines on their direct assaults on Tijuana lines
>Cuban artillery shells give American forces the edge but Russian shell production aids the Mexican with better quality
>Biden demanded America holds on to Tijuana, San Diego and Chihuahua oblast even though the USA had lost San Diego a year ago
>The stock market has hit 7000 and the dollar is now worth .3 euros.
"Krop" means "dill" in russian. She probably missed her "u" for "ukrop" which is a slur for ukes in russian.
Black talons typed this
>despite barely having any mine-clearing equipment
The minefields were at least 5x as deep as the mine-clearing equipment was designed to handle.
It's just not possible to demine a path under fire even with infinite mine-clearing equipment, you would have to grant Ukraine full spectrum dominance to crack that nut and by that point I'm not sure if just detouring through Belarus to head towards Moscow would be easier.
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any other genius takes?
weird cope
About 10 days worth of equipment and personnel then
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By now you're probably used to "crests" on machine translation but "dill" was really common in the early months of the war. I hadn't seen it in a while.
It’s really fucked up
All animals eat meat. It's called "opportunistic carnivoresism."
Even deer and cows will do it.
You mean like Bakhmutt?
>that peer pressured the Ukrainians to do it
The Ukrainians wanted to do it themselves. Ukraine wanted to launch one to Mariupol right after Kharkiv but the US told them not to. There was too much national sentiment to end the war early
Funny you should mention that. Did you know Putin got the first time is using fighter escorts for his domestic flights within Russia?
Powerful. Say, how much further has Russia advanced there 1.5 years after taking that vital fortress city?
Even for a casual observer you can see the number of men is getting lower and lower
Couldn't you just drop some cluster bombs on the minefield to blow up the mines? Does that work?
No. Most mines tend to be inert to being shot at, cluster bombs are just tungsten rain, not explosives. It makes cubes out of mobiks, but even hitting mines is a challenge. Let alone detonating them. Unless the fuse triggers, you need an explosive like those mine clearing line charges.
And now, like the typical autist that I am, while reading on it to make sure I don't spout Rajesh-tier bullshit, also happened on this:
Some modern mines, such as the Italian SB-33 mine, have a fuze mechanism that detonates the mine if subject to gradual, steady pressure, but locks the fuze if subject to a sudden shock. Such mines are resistant to clearing by line charges.
You'd make it worse because like 1-2% of the bomblets remain as UXO.
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Never heard of it.
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He probably got what he deserved and so her and the others for collectively supporting their regime.

With that out of the way...

I have as a strict rule never to desire Hell to anyone but damn the likes of Putin makes it quite hard, and I want to stomp his useless neck not just for the ukkies but for all his own people he has been using as pawns to cover up his fuckup.
Lmao this guy is probably the faggot ass cat spammer
>got the first time is using
Far enough to be in range of another, vital fortress city LMFAO.
Where everyone here said it would never fall... then it did.
>Where everyone here said it would never fall... then it did.
It ceased to exist before it fell
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What is more fucked up is, that even though she has second hand experience of such horrors, she still respects Putin as some authority that will somehow save her? Like imagine you are average midwest wife, your husband went silent for several weeks after getting sent to mexico, you are browsing MexicoCartelGeneral or ig reels of cartel beheadings in a hope that you will see his face, and you still want to write Biden, not to stop the war, or god forbid criticize him, but to in literally karen-esque fashion speak with the "manager" because some recruitment officer ghosted you.
But you know what, I am no american, sure, but I think this is not unreal chain of thought for average q-tard.
>Where everyone here said it would never fall... then it did.
You mean just like the forever Russian city of Kherson?
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>your son is MIA
>cartoon dinosaur is depicted next to you pleading to find his body
so record losses for a small city with no significance
just one more meat wave bro this time we'll take the village of 10 babushkas and a cow for real bro please just sign the contract please
>vital fortress city
Literally what does this even mean? What makes it vital if literally nothing fucking happens after Russia takes it
I cant wrap my head around their strategy. I know it's Russia and incompetency is weaponized against their own military to prevent uprisings but right now the number one priority is Chasiv Yar and then swinging into Kramatorsk and Sloviansk. This would actually have serious impacts and would threaten anything the Ukrainians have north and would allow Russia to bypass crossing the oskil river directly without pontoooooning. That means Lymen and Izium would be under threat as well. Even avdiivka for as retarded as it was, the gains they made after made some sense because it seemed they were pushing to cut the TO504 (which runs directly into Ukraine's heavily defended cities/towns) or at the very least get it within tube range.

Instead they have mostly stalled in the push toward the T0504 road. They're 7km from it but their push isn't wide enough to safely employ artillery without asking to get shit on. Then they launched the retarded northern offensive which the troops and armor from that direction SHOULD have been employed toward Chasiv Yar. And now they want to push the Oskil again even after the last attempt was defeated and pushed back? Not to mention the smaller attacks in the south. It's like the Russian high command just has a vague standing order of push forward and all the details are left to the wayside. Instead of one single army operating towards an end strategic goal it feels like it's a free for all in any direction for who can take the most land anywhere. There's absolutely no organization or effort put into anything at the strategic level
So Russia is about to commit the lion's share of available personnel and equipment to a random spot on the map to die, again?
Jesus fucking Christ...
Sabaton songs are meant to be historical...
>I cant wrap my head around their strategy.
This automatically puts you in the upper echelons of the Russian strategists.
If I was a Yook I'd deliberately destroy enemy corpses and documents so their families get no closure, ever.
>got the first time
Look one letter to the left of "g" and "t"
Still a deadlock at the frontline
Where the soldiers die in mud
roads and houses since long gone
still no glory has been won
know that many men has suffered
know that many men has died

Six miles of ground has been won
Half a million men are gone
And as the men crawled the general called
And the killing carried on and on
And on
What’s the purpose of it all?
What’s the price of a mile?
Doing sadistic shit like that literally has zero benefit and makes it harder for you bec the other side hates you more. It's like torturing POWs
Because it's not about winning a war, it's about being able to report to the next guy up the chain that you did something. Same way the meatwaves are just itching for their vehicle to be hit quickly and just enough so they can run back to their lines and go ah well we tried.
Hold the fuck up
I thought Chasiv Yar was a different area of the front for how long reporting on it was going on, for almost a year, and it's a fucking BAKHMUT SUBURB?
>he fell for the Russia is winning meme
This is why he is the strongest god.
Funny how you losers are yapping like the offensive has already failed and "OOOH HOW DUMB THOSE RUSSIANS ARE". Yet the battle has barely begun and you have no clue how well the Ukrainian are holding against it. With the amount of manpower in this direction, and the Kharkov feint successfully diverting most Ukrainian assets elsewhere, this attack will more than likely succeed with the amount of metal and manpower they're dumping into this
It isn't technically a Bakhmut suburb, but it's like 3 miles west of Bakhmut, yeah.
>I will definitely write a long post on all platforms wherever possible, including Putin.
>including Putin
only if tsaar saw what's happening he would swiftly order the needful! kek.
This is a literal warcrime btw, https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule113#Fn_28E57177_00002
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Oh hey, it's Copelord!
Actually that would be Nurgle, who's power waxes and wanes like the plague, at times he is the weakest at other times it takes all 3 of the other Gods to keep the balance in check.
I want TZD but my grasp of geography is shitty
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>Bakhmut prewar population: 80,000
>Russian casualties taking Bakhmut: 60,000
So the ratio of Russian deaths to pre war civilian population is roughly 3:4. Good news! Kharkiv only had a population of 1.4 million people before the war! 1.05 million mobik deaths is nothing for glorious Russian war machine!
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There were more armored vehicles in the parade of re-enactors at the Normandy anniversary.
Russia has advanced a few km on the main frontlines, took a few villages 2km from the border at Kharkiyv at the price of a town's worth of casualties.
>Russia launches new major assault.
On TikTok.
You know it’s bad if /chug/ isn’t spamming claims that this is the fall of Ukraine
The city Russia currently holds?
This the new cope?
>theyll never take it
>they take it
>we didnt want it anyway
Sour Apes must bow to Monke man.
If literally nothing happens then why even fight over it? Fall back to a more defensible position where you can inflict greater casualties for fewer losses and simultaneously defend a strategically important asset?
learn to write.
Who's holding ground in a foreign country?
I am thoroughly convinced some third party has been mobilized to organize this swarm of retards specifically to obscure real information.
They do this to prevent thirdies like say Nigeria or Indonesia from learning effective tactics in this war which is the most on video war to date.
The State Dept, likely of all sides, does not want any rivals to glean some effective tactics from analyzing the situation.
So flood the space with misinformation and propaganda to prevent precision analysis.
>You know it’s bad if /chug/ isn’t spamming claims that this is the fall of Ukraine
Is this the current talking point?
In Bulgaria, our fifth columnists spout the usual about how the ukrofascists will be destroyed and Putin will revive Europe and Christianity.
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>The city Russia currently holds?
Stop replying to yourself, Tyler
There's been mobiks complaining on Telegram that they received only a week of training before being thrown into the frontlines.
>yeah you may have won but at least a bunch of you are dead
Ukraine will not exist.
If three Russians died for every Ukrainian Russia would still have a 3:1 advantage.
>organize swarms specifically to obscure real information
which the west is trying to bury?
>The city Russia currently holds?
Is this a bot?
It says 450 heavy vehicles. The probably have enough golf carts
>There's been mobiks complaining on Telegram that they received only a week of training before being thrown into the frontlines.
When you click to make a conscript in RA2, it only takes a few seconds, so they should be grateful for the long training.
Monke seems to be particularly fond of that game's mechanics.
mid bait
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It took Russia around 10 months to fight to past Ivanivske to the door of Chasiv Yar, on April 4th of this year the actual battle over the city started. If we go by the deep state map then the red line is the current frontline in the city as per deepstate
>Who's holding ground in a foreign country?
Not Russia since Russia claims to own those 4 regions.
It's just the usual Soviet mindset. Even when sentenced to execution in the gulag, they still scream out "Long Live Comrade Stalin".
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They do be like that.
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>The city Russia currently holds?
>On 23 March, Ukrainian forces launched counterattacks against Russian forces in Kherson Oblast.[43][44] A senior US defense official claimed that the Russian forces no longer had full control of Kherson as the Ukrainians fought "fiercely" to recover the city. CNN, however, reported that the situation in the city remained unchanged, citing residents confirming Kherson was under full Russian control.[45] Ukrainians in Kherson also "questioned the Pentagon's assessment, saying that the city remained in Russian hands".[46][47]
Russia holds Kherson.
Cope about it.
Yes, I do believe The West, and probably Russia too, does not want any in depth analysis of this conflict because it really is a cold war gone hot. Both sides have weaponry specifically built for this exact conflict and no one wants the 25 intelligent people in Costa Rica examining the most effective ways to destroy high quality weaponry or reassessing their tactics to counter modern weapon systems.

Its just a theory. But it wouldnt surprise me if 90% of the posts about this conflict were specifically to obscure and prevent examination as well as to obscure moral. Russia can easily call every loss a propaganda campaign by the West and the US can easily declare any Ukranian loss as Russian propaganda so if the propaganda is obscuring the truth neither side can be demoralized because none of them see the big picture save for those at the top.
But anon, Russia only has a 2.4:1 advantage in their population of adult men.
is the answer intel slava z?
to see the information the west is trying to bury
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Angels Calling has been my go to as of late
>Charge their lines
>The ultimate test
>It's a synchronized sacrifice
Ukraine has relinquished their claim on them?
Can you please post evidence of Ukraine recapturing partially or entirely Kherson?
The bot is broken
Ok this was a good one, actually laughed out loud.
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They do be like that also.
>Its just a theory.
>Who's holding ground in a foreign country?
Ukraine. Or are you questioning the legitimacy of Russias annexation of the three oblasts, tovarish? Hm?
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>If literally nothing happens then why even fight over it?
Russians die en masse trying to take it
>Fall back to a more defensible position
the only places more defensible that pointless forts are forts that are there for a reason, e.g., places that people still live - not ideal
they can be evacuated, but why bother?
>Who's holding ground in a foreign country?
arguably Ukraine, since Russia passed laws trying to annex and reorganize the stolen territory, but still doesn't own all of the land they claimed in that process - really fucking stupid way to guestimate who's winning a war either way, real middle ages shit
use your brain more instead of asking leading rhetorical questions you should be able to answer properly yourself
coping will not unkill Russian young men
Dill is ukrop, and *krop is not a word. The pun is the whole point.
This nigga is reading the wiki page for the the battle of Kherson, the initial Russian attack on the city:
And not the page for the Ukrainian counterattack : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Kherson_counteroffensive

>Result Ukrainian victory[3][4][5][6]

>Can you please post evidence of Ukraine recapturing partially or entirely Kherson?
The literally dozens of videos Ukie troops shot of themselves entering the city surrounded by cheering crowds?
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Let me explain
Suggesting that Russia could potentially win will result in screeching. Suggesting that Ukraine is not in a superior position at all times will result in screeching. The problem occurs when sensible anons who are on thebwesta side in this try to make logical observations but because they are not directly echoing Ukrainian supremacy it results in screeching. Being sensible anons they will point this out, not good, that forces the panic button to be hit and thebwcreeching intensifies and the anon is treated like a hostile agent. At this point the screechers start actively devouring their own side.
>Saying anything positive about russia = shut it down
>Saying anything neutral that doesn't suggest Ukrainian supremacy = Shut it down
>Saying something in support of Ukraine but not in its supremacy = shut it down
At which point we are actively targeting our own men. This then gets noticed by the watchers, the screecher shills go into overdrive, the whole thread gets nukes and everyone comes away from it feeling abused and disenfranchised by their own side.
it's over
>They're not falling for concern trolling
>Huh, guess they're eating their own
/pol/ really is a braindead place, huh?
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They are pretty beige.
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I'll fucking kill you son of a bitch
Instead of throwing a victim complex tantrum please just explain how Russia manages to turn up the millions of mobilized and the heavy equipment they would need to actually take Ukraine
If three Russians died for every Ukrainian, there will be no Russians left, but quite a few Ukrainians.

Of course, in reality it's five to ten Russians that are dying for every Ukrainian.
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Can you show what the map actually looks like in reality without HATO artificial intelligence psyops and trans actors of the crisis in youtube (jewish) videos
>450 peices of hd equipment
So like a weeks worth of fodder?
>Ukraine has relinquished their claim on them?
No and it's irrelevant. Russia claims to have annexed those 4 regions. Therefor from their point of view they are not occupying foreign land. As a matter of fact since Russia doesn't control the capitals of some of the regions, from Russia's point of view Ukraine is occupying Russian territory.
How many more men can russia even lose at this point
They really love concern trolling
>le firehouse of falsehood
>le question everything, accept nothing
>Suggesting Ukraine will not win = Shut it down
>Suggesting Ukraine may not win = Shut it down
>Suggesting that Ukraine is not currently winning = Shut it down
>Suggesting a neutral outcome = Shut it down
>Suggesting anything other than total Ukrainian supremacy and imminent victory = Shut it down
>Suggesting that the above could be taking place = Shut it down
Getting shot by our own side not because we are not against russia, but because we are not brain dead, unfortunate.
Question. Doesn't Ukraine know where they are amassing an army like that?
Why haven't they been fpving them from time to time? One or two hymars?
Arnt non combat ready troops an easy target?
>our own side
India is with us?!
I'm sorry, but did Russia already lose? Oh, that's right. The war isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only just begun. Does not having the lead two years in count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the war is still on? Russia is still fighting right now and they have been the #2 military in the world for how many years now? They're fighting one of the worst countries in europe who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off NATO leftovers. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Russia is one of the best fucking countries in the world, they have tigers and would be the strongest superpower if Americans weren't evil imperialists. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Russia wins and someone bumps this topic. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Russia topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the team because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking countries on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
Shut it down
Just stop you braindead amoeba. It's not going to work. People disagreeing with you is not "shutting it down" it's just people disagreeing with you.
Fucks sakes your mind is so rotted by the /pol/ mind virus you can only think in terms of memes and cliches: "SHUT IT DOWN"
>FREE THINKERS and SMART PEOPLE know that Russia will win
>Anything else is a JEWISH PLOT
Could you be more transparent?
desu how did that bit start again?
didn't read
3 more days for special operation
monke boy
Stop replying to the night shift streetshitters. They are here only as litmus, not to be humored.
1 shitter - all is right with Russia, daily dead under 1000.
2 shitters - the dead are above 1000 on a daily basis, but nothing has quietly exploded, Cheetos is still being delivered to the families.
3 shitters - airbase or other wunderwaffe got deleted, bridge likely wobbly
4+ shitters - something blew up, likely the usual cigarette lighting up a refinery, an unarmedA-50 full of POWs got shot down while on a humanitarian mission, or a ship returned to port under its own power.
Not disagreeing in general, but that looks like a raven
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One of your posts is in this screenshot, isn't it?
>ten thousand men
>450 pieces of heavy equipment
>200 artillery systems
Isn't this literally one division?
Is this what counts for a big massed assault from mighty Pocciya at this point?
>2nd army in the world btw lmfao
>Bathtub trout farming = shut it down
>Piss jar drop bin = shut it down
>5th grade bring your poop knife to school day = shut it down
We live in a society. It is the end times.
Disagreeing about what? I havnt made any claims itt, I'm a watcher and I jumped in to post that directed at you shills, just letting you know you guys are hitting your own men, if you wanna keep the friendly fire up which I know you will that's your business.
You are working on some fast food vendor's clock down in Mississipi, my man. Stop being an embarrassment to your fellow countryapes.
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wasn't the vovchansk memoryhole attempted with 40k?
They had 50, why waste it?
That's a crow with its feathers puffed up. A raven is proportionally thicker and has a much wider beak plus it could just about eat that shit whole
>"I haven't made any claims"
>"you guys are hitting your own men"
You are literally, not figuratively, LITERALLY a retard. How do you breathe and walk at the same time without falling over?
>Russia launching new Avdiivka-sized assault with approximately 10,000 personnel in an attempt to reach the Oskil river
It will take Ukraine a week to kill them all and destroy their equipment and Russia does not have much of that left in decent condition

Russian losses last 24 hours and totals, personnel is Russian killed and does not include wounded.

Tanks — 7974 (+16)
Armored fighting vehicle — 15307 (+20)
Artillery systems — 13959 (+32)
MLRS — 1104
Anti-aircraft warfare — 853
Planes — 359
Helicopters — 326
UAV — 11187 (+20)
Cruise missiles — 2297 (+1)
Ships (boats) — 28
Submarines — 1
Trucks and Fuel Tankers — 19031 (+40)
Special equipment — 2344 (+7)
Military personnel — aprx. 528620 people (+1230)

These putinkrieg meat waves are really helping tzd progress well
>the streetshitter got called out and assumed I am a burger
Hmm, based on my post, there should be a secondary shitter backup in the thread, maybe they will move in during the day shift in about 1.5 hours.

Blessed digits. Hey when you told me to "Smite the Unbelievers" the other night, you were just joking. Right? Whenever you speak to me through the dog, I aways assume you're just kidding.

>crows don't eat meat
they do, I have seen crows eat the dead hear the Danube, many of them, at once in the fields
It's more like five to ten to one.
Ukraine mobilized women before Russia.
This tells you everything you need to know.
lol, they don't even mobilize under 25 year old men
Will Russia run out of stuff before Ukraine runs out of fighting men?
It tells me the ill effects of replacing your frontal lobe with /pol/
>if I screech loud enough my screeching will seem like a really good argument and that will surely drive western support while hurting Russia support
Instead you just run around the room beating anyone over the head who isn't agreeing that total Ukrainian victory is imminent and espousing Ukrainian supremacy. The people in the room notice that, they also notice that as time goes on you lot are sprinting faster around the room and getting wilder and even less accurate with your beating. This serves not to drum up support for your side, but to do the opposite. Stop shooting yourselves in the foot.
Russia hit 360k dead on New Years 2024.
We are less than halfway through the year and they are at 170k dead. And the pace doesn't seem to be slowing down as metal keeps getting lost
In terms of tanks Russia has lost 2k since the beginning of the year (6k to 8k now)
AFV went from 11.1k to 15.3k total
Total logistics death has taken Trucks + Fuel Tankers from 11.3k to 19k since the beginning of the year
And arty is up from 8.5k to 14k
/pol/ brain rot is spectacular to watch
>Fall back to a more defensible position where you can inflict greater casualties for fewer losses
That's what they did dumbass.
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Behind every accusation, a confession. Typical zigger.
>170k dead in 6 months
fucking wild
Can I have the same stats but for the Ukrainain side please, you must surely have them on hand
proportionally, women play less of a role in the Ukrainian military now than they did during the initial Maidan conflict, or in 2021 prior to the invasion
women were required to register in case of emergency, but outside of the targeted conscription for medical roles they are not being conscripted regularly
given the turnover rate for Ukrainians has fallen dramatically as Russian forces degrade it is unlikely a general mobilization of women will take place, as >>61899953 rightly pointed out Ukrainian conscription is extremely lax and still isn't touching the young college age pool even
wasted digits
>what do we do?
>Shitidunnoman just say something about /pol/ and hope he fucks off
200.000 to 300.000
yes, now fuck off drone
well maybe since my digits are so impressive he will actually supply the data for the Ukrainian side as he did for the Russian
nah, I want you to sit and piss yourself
No I want the stats for vehicles men ifv etc all that crap you posted as russian losses I want that same data but for the ukrainian side, please.
Why are these major Russian pushes getting smaller and smaller?
Russia is being demilitarised. I think this was the NATO plan all along
Oh how strange you had all that data at your finger tips for the russian side but you just never bothered to contrast it against Ukrainian stats.
Fuck our shills, I'm on your side and even I think you fucking suck.
Oryx posts both
5,600,000 casualties on the Ukraine side.
If you doubt the veracity or plausibility of that number, you are doubting the ironclad word of God Emporer Putin himself and will be purged.
Time to shut it down
Who's the show for?
>Russians dying en masse trying to take it
They would be dying in greater numbers if Ukraine consolidated their defensive ring to critical points rather than defending useless land.
Ukraine isnt holding Russian land, this is mental gymnastics.
>Russia has basically already annexed half of Ukraine therefore any Ukrainian offensive is an attack deep into Russia
Come on now.
Russia is winning. This is obvious.
There will be no sweeping counter attack.
roughly 1k ifvs and apcs
nta but are you pissing and shitting?
Logistical problems. Budanov acted way too civilized.
>Oryx posts both
He posts a fraction of the losses and says so on his site, Oryx is great though and oneofus
he has you fucking pegged and pinned like a spider in an insect collection.
you are done.
>t. ass ravaged bot user
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During past year there were no russian offensives that didn't end in a strategical clusterfuck.
remember when millions of people took part in offensive?
obv. russian vodka nigger generals have never played a tower defense game. too old for kid's toys.
>From Russia's point of view
Do you accept other information from Russia's view or just this one which is politically convenient for you?
>/pol/ really is a braindead place, huh?
Its a brown place. Where the turd world goes to seethe and roll in the droppings of boomer schizos and glavset
Oh did you.just google it?
Had all that formatted data about russian equipment losses but you dont have the same for Ukrainian? How fucking strange.
funny how it was /pol/ who used to scream about posts not being organic
I'm glad your translator is working today but you didn't explain how Russia wins?
I don't prescribe to Russia's point of view.
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>And the pace doesn't seem to be slowing down as metal keeps getting lost
quite the opposite, actually (and necessarily).
more than 20% of losses have occurred in the last 2.5 months of this 27-ish month old war, and these last few months have also been among the most unproductive for Russia in their offensive actions.
This is called a Lanchester square collapse.

over 6 million
It amazes me that /pol/ niggers actually come here in groups to shit post, like holy fucking shit
they had almost zero afvs in kharkov relative to avdiivka. the whole campaign has been very infantry based. i dont think there has been a single armored column advance
pls understend sir, family die without foreign eid.
>Ukraine hasnt mobilized men under 25
>mobilizing women is le good
English please.
Where's the data on Ukrainian conscription?
*put up sunglasses*
*walks away*
>half of Ukraine
not even close, fag
you also missed the point with "basically already annexed," Russia has attempted to annex the area through legal processes but their toadies keep getting killed by partisans so they're either autonomous territories or empty, funny how that works
These are the ones who couldn’t cut it as scammers
Only reason this thread isn't kill is that he specifically pointed out about shutting it down so now they cant do that. It will be screencapped. Nor can they continue as they were since it's all been pointed out.
lets see what they do next.
>over 6 million
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Russian losses last 24 hours and totals, personnel is Russian killed and does not include wounded.

Tanks — 7974 (+16)
Armored fighting vehicle — 15307 (+20)
Artillery systems — 13959 (+32)
MLRS — 1104
Anti-aircraft warfare — 853
Planes — 359
Helicopters — 326
UAV — 11187 (+20)
Cruise missiles — 2297 (+1)
Ships (boats) — 28
Submarines — 1
Trucks and Fuel Tankers — 19031 (+40)
Special equipment — 2344 (+7)
Military personnel — aprx. 528620 people (+1230)
>A Blyat Too Far
>Battle of the Blyat
>Operation Blyat
not an argument.
>it could be a woman, it could be a trans
This is your mind on NATO LMFAO.
Russia is taking more land than Ukraine. Russia doesnt need billions in foreign aid.
So then you personally accept the fact Russia is holding foreign land while Ukraine is not?
>can't use Wikipedia
No it’s because he didn’t scream about trannies, US politics, or religion.
Hev good farm plot to sell you in Siberia, ser. All beisd and redpilled independent free thinkurs all go to russia very good plis come.
Iv youe not come, racist
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please respond
The only thing they can do now is spam spam spam and bury the comments that way. Hoping the energy of the thread will take a different direction.
>curious what I'm on about? Scroll up to watch shills get annihilated
>So then you personally accept
It's irrelevant. You made the claim Russia hold Ukraine's land. But if you personally prescribe to Russia's line, then that is wrong.
Why kind of retard are you even trying to be? Are you fishing for yous by trying to be a medgatard zigger or something? You read like you smell of piss and curry. Go back.
>funny how that works
you mean Russia violently ripping land from impotent Ukrainians?

>boomers getting killed first
based. America is gay and retarded for preparing a potential draft for non-boomers.
Would it be possible to tally up all claimed Russian losses and compare them to the totality of the Russian stockpile?
Thanks for the correction.
>Russia is taking more land than Ukraine
How much Greek land did the Romans take from Phyrrus?
Certainly a faint miracle that no casual actor has mention dicks and assholes ITT.
>Where everyone here said it would never fall... then it did
It only took mighty BBC PUCCIA two years and 50k mobiks
What did they get in return? A village turned into a moonscape
>Where's the data on Ukrainian conscription?
why would there be data on conscription? are you mentally ill?
raw numbers for women:
>As of January 2024, women constitute 7.3% of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: there are more than 62 thousand women in the AFU, and 45,5 thousand of them hold military positions.
in 2016 it was known to be 8.5% women and in 2021 it was known to be 22.8% women, mostly in tertiary roles, as the grunts came volunteering or got called up that ratio went up, obviously, since they aren't typically calling up women
as far as medical conscription, this is a known policy, "Women who have a medical or pharmaceutical specialty" was a specific guideline for registration to be called up, granted being registered is not the same as being drafted so I kind of overstated the point
not that you will read any of this lol
yeah obviously, when they cant have facts to back them us /pol/ niggers just fall back to being as obnoxious as possible hoping to stop the conversation
How about we compare it to a equally detailed list of Ukrainian losses? Or do you for some reason not want to do that?
That’s how you know it’s not actual vatniks and is just a bunch of shitposters
Why are you running some weirdo meta-narrative on us my guy? Is this 2008 tumblr?
Based get
It's sleepy sleep time both in Delhi(superior) and Moscow(inferior). Enjoy these hours.
I would rather deal with genuine retards than dishonest queers frankly
Why do you keep pushing this line when you could just give the numbers yourself? Please demoralize us with the 6 gorillion dead Ukrainians.
No. It was contested but the evidence does point to it being Ukrainian held for now.
I dont personally prescribe to Russia's line.
I am looking at the war from a neutral standpoint and Russia is the only side which has actually taken significant ground.
Annexed or not, Russia has taken more ground.
try posting something intelligent.
Thank you for your contribution to the thread, typical russian supporter.
Your mother should curb your access to the World Wide Web.
Sure plenty of sites so, most use the miltarybalance figues for Russians pre war stockpiles. Its a massive area, people even analyse open source satellite images of Russian weapons depots. In teh there biggest areas Russia had about ~13000 tanks, lost about ~8000 but what's left is a bit shit. Russia had ~20000 artillery pieces they have lost about 14000, Russian had about ~29000 APCs/IFVs they have lost about 15000. problem is what's left is shit and a lot of the depots are running close to empty now
Because it's highly suspect that you keep copy pasting a highly formatted detailed list of Russian losses from ifvs to infantry and yet you dont have aaaaanything at all to hand like that for the Ukrainian side. Gee it's almost as if you've never even bothered to look, but why would that be the case?
>I would rather deal with genuine retards than dishonest queers frankly

>dishonest queers
ok, you fooled me. good (you) farm.
Honestly Im shocked you didnt use reddit
Look the stupid brown fuck who spams for dictators can type and has a brain like a shitpipe. That's literally all your post said to me.
I'm not shocked that you learned English from DotA2 and CS, though.
Is Russia outnumbered like Pyrrhus?
Make Mother Wakanda Stronk Again
I get your feeling, but please go to sleep if you're Euro and seek Canadian healthcare if you ain't.
and yet it fell.
>I know things about a topic on which there is no reliable data
hmm, seems to be a trend with Ukrainian internet nationalists.
So russia fucked up that hard huh?
The 10km sanitary corridor...never happened.
anon it falling after wasting that much isn't an achievement, its fucking embarrassing
Putin is gloating that Russia and North Korea will stand against the west.
You're there spamming bullshit for a mental Russian dictator and you think you know what's intelligent. The Ukrainians are going to hunt down and kill you brown outsourced Putin lovers because of what you did getting involved in war crimnes against their people. In your case I hope that's true and we get a webm of your execution and I would't count on thinking you are safe in some shithole like Assads Syria either, they operate there as well. I genuinely hope they kill your family as well, any family that produced thrash like you deserves to die.
I dont really care for Ukrainian losses because the UKR and US has a vested interest in concealing losses and Russia in overstating their kills.

But I think it would be funny if UKR claimed to have destroyed more equipment than Russia had.
Everyone always forgets Iran.
Used to be a superpower before islam, you know.
>Putin is gloating that Russia and North Korea will stand against the west
Oof that bad
The tension in the room, while we wait to see what the shills do next, is palpable.
It's one of the things that keep me astounded, they know Putin is a tyrant that is fucking them, yet they keep the "if only the tsar knew" charade.
His retardation is making them spill blood, at this point you would think they would revolt, since if they are going to spill blood either way better spill blood to get rid of a retad tyrant than in a foreign nation for no gains
>UKR and US has a vested interest in concealing losses and Russia in overstating their kills
fucking what?
It’s probably over for Ukraine, can’t be certain, though.
We already know what they ''do next'' with Prihozhin's run on Moscow. They do nothing.
What a glorious day it was.
>I dont have that data
Finally, fucking finally.
You have aaaaall that well formatted highly detailed data for Russian losses and fuck all for the Ukirainains.
I dont even need to ask any more questions, you just putted yourself.
Here's my prediction. Endless spam threads from the cum/chug/gers that are zoomed in making the initial gains seem significant. We'll also get spammed with twitter screencaps saying that the hohols had no fortifications and other shit that the Russians routinely due out of incompetence. Finally once the first week of progress gets halted due to rain of fpv drones and cluster munitions, the ziggers like the faggot in this thread will say that Russian only wanted those few kilometers anyway and pretend they weren't looking for a breakout.
We'll know more in 2 weeks
You do realize that just spamming garbage like that is boring (you). We've seen the Russian losses, quite literally watched them The Ukranians have a 10 or 15 to one kill ratio against Russia. Its their fucking country and they have defenders advantage. Some visiting fucking shitty brown man commie putin raid spammer can't into war. What a surprise>>61900096
>Russian losses last 24 hours and totals, personnel is Russian killed and does not include wounded.
>Tanks — 7974 (+16)
>Armored fighting vehicle — 15307 (+20)
>Artillery systems — 13959 (+32)
>MLRS — 1104
>Anti-aircraft warfare — 853
>Planes — 359
>Helicopters — 326
>UAV — 11187 (+20)
>Cruise missiles — 2297 (+1)
>Ships (boats) — 28
>Submarines — 1
>Trucks and Fuel Tankers — 19031 (+40)
>Special equipment — 2344 (+7)
>Military personnel — aprx. 528620 people (+1230)
All that matters is that they are trending towards attritional loss before taking Ukraine. Hell, they aren't even capable of taking any major new cities.
Old story you're telling us, but this time Russia really fucked up.
So enjoy the show.
>no reliable data
>for internal military policies no one has published in the history of ever for security reasons, like conscription demographics
>this is somehow a problem when you can just look at the laws and publicly available information like the final admix of soldiers, which was shared and supports the laws as written
??? kill yourself retard
I just posted what happened last month with the "grand Kharkiv offensive".
It's the fact you have all the russian data and literally nothing for ukraine that gives it away. If you were actually one of us, had an interest in warfare, you would be looking at all that shit. The obsessive and exclusive focus on Russia gives the game away, shill.
Bitchslapped by the firehose
We already know that Russia is loosing this war but the recent influx of bottom of the sewer tier vatnigger shills is really something
No thankfully Im not a /pol/nigger
That is interesting. I wonder if it will reach a negative of RU assets because of alleged kills.
Then we will see more reliably how much is truth and how much is propaganda.
admitting your mistakes is a sign of nobility.
it would be worse had they never taken it at all.
>mental Russian dictator
I am sure you know him personally right? Otherwise how could you discern his behavior?
>Ukrainians are going to come to America and get mulched by me personally
uh based?
>Putin lovers
asking questions is loving Putin?
Youre not serious.
>wants a White American to die to a foreign army
At least you're consistent with the State Dept mantra.
They have to pay them in ruble now, since they can't get USD or EUR. So they get the cheap shills now.
Old old story.
Old like grandpa still remembers what the communists did to the Finns in Viipuri.
Old stories that mix slav and Finn blood together against the asiatic hordes.
>it would be worse had they never taken it at all.
that...doesnt make that any better you fucking moron
I doubt Russia even tracts losses they cause. They probably don;t even track Russian losses at this stage. The Ukrainians have been a lot more organised from the start. Where are you posting from or pretending to be this time? You really do seem very third world and completely new to both this board and the war.
>they've exhausted every argument except for the grand conspiracy of Ukraine maintaining opsec
>the easy solution to this would be to provide numbers from a third party
>literally every civilized nation is allied with Ukraine, oops
>Russia's numbers are so laughable they are actively anathema
it's nothing
they'd need to amass like 300k at one place to make any significant breakthrough
For those just joining us
>Major shill exposure ITT
check >>61900049
They thought they could spam it out of sight, hence why in the most recent stages of the thread it dissolved into a bunch of 1 line sentences
What a retarded piss brained turd world dipshit. Fuck where does the kremlin even find these seething brown halfwits? Is your day job trying to scam pensioners or something. What fucking reatard.
o fuck off retard
Why are these numbers causing such panic and rage in our neobrown visitors when you can literally see the empty Russian weapons depots in satellite imagery that confirm them?

Russian losses last 24 hours and totals, personnel is Russian killed and does not include wounded.

Tanks — 7974 (+16)
Armored fighting vehicle — 15307 (+20)
Artillery systems — 13959 (+32)
MLRS — 1104
Anti-aircraft warfare — 853
Planes — 359
Helicopters — 326
UAV — 11187 (+20)
Cruise missiles — 2297 (+1)
Ships (boats) — 28
Submarines — 1
Trucks and Fuel Tankers — 19031 (+40)
Special equipment — 2344 (+7)
Military personnel — aprx. 528620 people (+1230)
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nta (any of them)
we're not an OSINT source, anything you see is a repost of UKR MoD statements or some OSINT group.

so what is all this sperging about? If you want to repost RU MoD claims or some OSINT numbers you can. what are you trying to accomplish other than derailing the thread
What part of that post specifically confused you?
I just want to know if UKR is claiming to have destroyed more assets than what Russia has because then we could get a rough estimate as to how accurate the information is and how much is propaganda.
We could at least begin taking shots in the dark at understanding the material situation.
Why does this bother you?
UKR is getting a constant influx of material from the West so measuring their losses seems a bit redundant. Russia has a limited stockpile and limited production capacity so its more reliable to count their finite stores against claimed losses.
That is interesting. I suppose we shall see how what develops this year.
Why does it matter to you personally?
are you invested in this conflict or something?
You know the vast majority of White Westerners live very far away from Pocca and Ukroid land right?
>we know enough to feel reassured but not enough to have accurate data
So you got played.
You should enlist, they have many uses for (You).
The the apro. 5,00K DEAD that is worrying, because the rule of thumb goes 1:3 D:W for civilized nations, but it's Russia so the 5,000,00 dead might just mean just under a million losses for the :D pitiful, poor and weak nation of Russia.
>when you can literally see the empty Russian weapons depots in satellite imagery that confirm them?
Because a vehicle not being in storage doesn't mean the vehicle is dead.

I've been telling you faggots for months the the Russian forces in Ukraine are GROWING.
over 10k soldiers across a 10 mile front? Isn't that too much concentration of force?
That would sure attract PGMS/drones/artillery/etc.
>Posts russian stats
>Anons request the Ukrainian stats
>So you had highly detailed lists of russian armour infantry losses but you dont have anything written down for Ukrainian forces? and you expect us to believe that you are not a shill?
Fuck man whatever they pay you guys it's too much, way to much. I could do your job 1000 times better, fucking hire me.
>stop talking about our pitiful assault
That's literally it. /pol/shitter here makes a stupid ass claim and causes the thread to derail to prove it wrong.

>continues to ignore the satellite images
For one thing, Putin admitted to the numbers on camera.
>but what about Ukraine
Zelensky is saying they have an 8:1 advantage, so extrapolate from there.
>zelensky isn't reliable
then neither is putin, but you seem to have no problem swallowing his cock.
And they grew. And they launched the Kharkiv offensive.
So, after all these months, where did they end up in, operationally?

Or is is the secret army?
You would be screeching about Bakhmut as you do about Kiev had Bakhmutt never fallen.
my day job is bullying American government workers lmao.
how long until we reach a point where further claimed losses are "impossible"?
You stupid bastard, you think the're are 14000 vanished artillery tube in Ukraine along with the 3-5000 that were in service. You retarded halfwit. You moron.
>and yet it fell.
Congrats! You took a city, using Soviet era attrition tactics.
This is the second most powerful nation in the world, 500K+ KIA/WIA and over 16K vehicles of all types lost (including naval vessels).
I'm sure it will only take mighty BBC PUCCIA two more weeks to reach Kyiv!
Let's see as per Oryx and using the Wayback machine
Jan 1st vs Today for Russia
2608 vs 3139
1113 vs 1402
3211 vs 4171

Ukraine now
722 vs 847
343 vs 384
816 vs 946

Major shilling ITT
>Major Shilling ITT
Outted by this poster here
Scroll from there to see total shill death
Russia has a track record of lying about literally everything further the Ukrainian numbers are confirmed well by satellite imagery of Russian reserve depots. You are both new here and its seems new to the war, you also seem to be very evasive about truth and not very smart. You are in the wrong place for spamming your bullshit. This board has a high concentration of quite good OSINT anons.
>And they grew. And they launched the Kharkiv offensive
The offensive was likely to extend the line, forcing the (smaller) Ukranian army to commit more forces to the line and thus deplete their reserves or simply put more pressure on their units.
>can't refute just starts the thirdie "HOW CAN YOUR COUNTRY HAVE OVERSEAS INTERESTS???" babble
So we're in the cleanup period
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> It is the 21st century. For more than a dozen years The Monke has sat immobile in his bunker in the Kremlin. He is the Master of Ruskind by the will of banan, and master of a million vatniks by the might of his inexhaustible corruption. He is a manlet seething visibly with power from the Dark Age of Communism. He is the Simian Lord of the Steppes for whom a hundred mobiks are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly lose.

> Yet even in his decrepit state, the Monke continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty rustbuckets cross the drone-infested miasma of the Black Sea, the only warm-water port to distant lands, their way lit by the Copenomican, the psychic manifestation of the Monke's will. Vast armies give battle in his name in uncounted villages. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Veh Deh Veh, the Blyat Marines, vodka-addled super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Rosgvardija and countless PMC forces, the ever vigilant FSB and the priests of the Russian Orthodoxy to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from Ukies, democracy, prosperity - and worse.

> To be a vatnik in such times is to be one amongst untold millions. It is to live in the most dysfunctional and corrupt regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been embezzled, never to be re-aquired. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark present there is only banan. There is no peace amongst the steppes, only an eternity of dedovshchina and alcoholism, and the shrieking of thirsting Monke.
And all Azkhenazi jews are ethnically Russian.
God damn you actually can tell the drop in shill quality
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Let's get back on topic. Will an assualt with only 10k men and less metal than the Kharkiv assault get anywhere.

you could try to be less predictable, also picrel lmao
Did I say they were in Ukraine?
They have taken some of the wealthiest portions of Ukraine rich in agriculture and population.
What's to stop Russia from just sitting back and letting Ukraine waste itself on Russia?
Putin has gotten more white* men killed than any war since WW2 for literally no reason, thus proving you don't need to be Jewish to be fucking stupid
no I will not humor your excuse that being a race traitor is better than being Jewish
Lmao /pol/niggers spam, they really don't want you to talk about rusnigs latest fuckup. The Soviet Union fucking collapsed trying to take Afghanistan. There is no fucking way rusnigs are getting away unscathed from this shitshow
Thanks for letting us know your are some worthless brown retarded fuck squatting on your thumb in Tehran or Damascus. Nice one.
The 10KM sanitary cordon flees so fast from memory, just like the 3 day special military operation to denazify Ukraine.

Haha, good thing we have the internet so we help you remember.
No, and thing they do gain cant be held
Russian stupidity obviously
What oversees interest does the White American taxpayer have in Ukraine?
>Putin requests for peace
>Ukraine withdraws
>no nato, no eu for ukraine
>please please please please please please please please drop the sanctions
I think the only one here who has to "win" is russia.
Embarrassing Russia
Not wanting Europe to be turned into a stinking russian shit hole
God, allah. Imagine being a stupid muslim literally praying to rich men to talk to god.
>The Russians lie
>But also these are some things they said
I don't care who wins, I'm interested because I'm interested in war. The logical conclusion is they are extending the line. Yes, a cordon makes sense too because the Russian Legion constantly making incursions was a PR nightmare for Putin who sells himself as a security autist.
Shills btfo by based get >>61899999
Breaking into the European energy market, enough Middle easterners have moved to Europe that this the general situation in Europe is roughly analagous to Iraq at this point.
>What's to stop Russia from just sitting back and letting Ukraine waste itself on Russia?
Lack of air supremacy
Look its a brown telegram group seething at the west and Ukraine. Ukrainians numbers are confirmed by satellite images of Russian weapons stores. Russia is being disarmed and their dictatorships won't have anyone to sell their dictators and mullahs their toys, So sad.
tzd, the fact that my taxes have directly caused russian death is a wonderful feeling of schadenfreude. Especially after (You) kept shitting up this board before 2022. Fucking slavshit threads.

why do you immediately fuck yourself over with the NOOOTRAL shit, we know you're full of shit the second you say it every time
>sit back
Lmao /pol/fags don't understand how life works. Go farming under constant artillery fire, see how that work
Based moderate. I am also interested in war. In other news, will you be hiding your location, since the current war is not happening there but you are so keen on war that you most certainly can not wait for it to happen to you?
I imagine there's a lot of cope invested in the idea that tsar monkey isn't a bad leader, he just has a bunch of bad (but faceless and nameless so you don't get gulag'd) bureaucrats between him and the front. Comrade Putin isn't an awful dictator, he's just being tricked by a bunch of yes men who are taking advantage of him! He'll fix this if only someone pulls the scales from his eyes! He is with us! Etc.
I don't really give a shit about jews, its been very obvious for a year most of those that do are actually low IQ brown retards who fuck goats
>jew jew jew jew
(You) really are a one trick pony.
settling grudges, for one
roughly 47,000 dead Americans in Vietnam from people with Russian weapons and even Russian plants and pilots, so about 470,000 dead Russians should begin to even the scale (both raw weight in burger pounds and morally given the questionable character of the Moscow mule)
Dismantling Russia for their blunder and preventing a significant second front from opening in the case that China starts shit in the Pacific.
fuckign hell do they even pay you retards? Id want my money back
>No no no you HAVE to care
People don't care. Admin Results said it as well recently, is he a Russian shill?
>doubles down on stupid
Russia isn't getting to Texas. So yeah, I don't fucking care who wins. But it's a very interesting conflict. Like watching monkeys fight.

>lives in Kuala Lumpur
>never payed taxes in his life
>never had a hot meal in his life
Many such cases
>if only the tzar knew about this
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>I imagine there's a lot of cope invested in the idea that tsar monkey isn't a bad leader, he just has a bunch of bad (but faceless and nameless so you don't get gulag'd) bureaucrats between him and the front. Comrade Putin isn't an awful dictator, he's just being tricked by a bunch of yes men who are taking advantage of him! He'll fix this if only someone pulls the scales from his eyes! He is with us! Etc.
You're mind broken.
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>jews didn't work
>lets try appeal to authority
>/k/ must like guntubers
clockwork, meanwhile russians buy bread on loan.
>muh taxes
we're going through every shill talking point in one thread tonight
>I REALLY don't care
>Let me make multiple posts in this thread about how much I don't care
Sure, sure.
Russia got to Tejas decades ago, gringo. You still digging trenches? Maybe don some armor and mount a horse? Cut down some weend-meels? Romantic ass warrior from another tiempo.
*ahem* Uh Mr Shill, you dont know how to format. Did you skip training day?
based Alexnader II doing in a decade what Americans could not in 200 years.
>Russian stupidity obviously
can we have real answers?
>the enemy is just really dumb
Yeah that really worked out for Hitler.
dont care.
I dont live in Europe, dont care.
Also, they asked (deserved) for it, summoning the horde of asia upon Germany.
how does this benefit the American taxpayer at all? All of our trade deals see us signing away any chance of autarky and becoming a society based on tech and service economy.
This is a real answer.
>triples down on stupid
Russian gas and oil. Or the lack thereof, for Europe. It's in the US's best interest to ensure the EU is not supplied energy chiefly by one of its greatest political opponents
You keep telling me that I do care. I am confirming I don't. Also, it's mildly entertaining watching you losers freakout while I'm perched on my porcelain throne.

>If you don't care you're a shill
>Here is a person who is not a shill, he is on the record about not caring, is he a shill?
>I... Uhh... Um...
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nta but anyone sucking for putin publicly is beyond being mind broken and into having no soul a common condition among browns.
Does this conflict with TZD?
>no longer being fed (You)s
I hope they don't pay you for this
That's an edit of an ancient copypasta, originally about the Los Angeles Chargers. He's not a zigger, he's mocking them.
Total shill meltdown.
I'm saving this one for study.
it all started just before this get
>muh concern posting
>muh stats
>muh american taxes
>muh american politics
>muh jews
all classics. You are going to talk about the niggers and trannies next right?
>he's actually going to screencap people calling him retard
is it just you?
because nobody cared before
Who's sucking for Putin?

They don't want you to know this, but the (You)'s are free. You can have as many (You)'s as you want.
Uhh anyone else seeing this Mossad guy who cant format?
>I really don't care
>let me post more about how I don't care
>how does this benefit the American taxpayer at all? All of our trade deals see us signing away any chance of autarky and becoming a society based on tech and service economy.
Google "American arms sales since February 2022" and "Who is the largest refined oil exporter in the world."
Ukraine's numbers of Russian losses are confirmed by satellite imagery that the OSINT community buy and analyse. Including several anons who are oldfags here. What is most of this thread even meant to be?

Russian losses last 24 hours and totals, personnel is Russian killed and does not include wounded.

Tanks — 7974 (+16)
Armored fighting vehicle — 15307 (+20)
Artillery systems — 13959 (+32)
MLRS — 1104
Anti-aircraft warfare — 853
Planes — 359
Helicopters — 326
UAV — 11187 (+20)
Cruise missiles — 2297 (+1)
Ships (boats) — 28
Submarines — 1
Trucks and Fuel Tankers — 19031 (+40)
Special equipment — 2344 (+7)
Military personnel — aprx. 528620 people (+1230)
>being this new
Nah, it's a mind broken man who thinks he is talking to Russians or Indians or whatever.

You see, he thinks he's important. Very important.
The mossad guy is a jew and a tranny and an American and pick and choose your own displeasures, as long as it suites the suits.
I still cant believe that /pol/ niggers come in groups to suck putins dick at us
oh thank fuck, those bottom images were from a shitty company town in Russia giving out "charity" to families with too many kids to feed on a Russian salary and not dead soldiers = free snacks
the lada shit is depressing but not nearly as bad as "your progeny is worth $25 at Walmart" (99999 rubles), I was most of the way to calling my congressman to advocate for an invasion of Russia as a mercy mission, like the Polar Bear Expedition
Had Russia been successful, there would really be no impetus for the EU to get it's gas from anywhere else. They had a pretty sweet deal and Russia wanted to make sure it stayed that way. A western aligned Ukraine with vast discovered reserves would have threatened that
Only indians spammers do that shit of fucking the thread reply ID. They think its smart
Me not caring makes you mad. Of course I'm going to keep saying it.
American hours. World class experts at dicksuckery.
Wait wait wait..
Is anyone in this thread NOT a shill?
is it literally just me, Mossad and DoD?
Its fucking embarrassing, as an american
Why do you care if your taxes go to European males rather than back into your pocket?
You a cuck or something?
You fucking gorilla I am saying why doesnt Russia adopt a defensive posture and lob shells rather than men at Ukraine since Ukraine is in the position of weakness as they must take the offensive or cede the land to Russia.
You dont care about the people who run the United States and also hate the United States?
>youre a putin shill
>youre a brown shill
>youre the same shill
make up your mind, Chaim.

>47,000 boomers died
These people bought a house for three nickels and a potatoe, they deserved to be forced into war, even if it was a mock war.
who cares? The Pacific is huge.

The sole reason we care about Taiwan is because they (sucessfully) lobbied to transfer indigenous American chip production to Taiwan, meaning we lose them, we lose the chips.
But, we could just... this is magical are you ready?... produce the chips natively... AGAIN!
see how that works?
>Borrowing money in taxpayers name to juice Lockheed share prices
Lockheeds C-suit thanks you for your service.
Nope, no peace you dirty commie. But you may cope and seethe.
>They still think anyone in this thread believes they're American
Look goatfucker no one cares about your love for Russia or that your mohammed was a kiddy fucker, sorry anon. All that shits on (you)
You better watch your fucking mouth.
No I do it for fun.
If Russia or anyone invaded England or Germany or the US I would care. Otherwise I dont care. Not my race, not my problem.
Kikes can seethe.
Bruh what is this thread
fucking open shill warfare
I've never seen anything like it
>why doesnt Russia adopt a defensive posture and lob shells rather than men at Ukraine since Ukraine is in the position of weakness
Ukrainian weapons currently outrange Russian weaponry and the only thing preventing HIMARs strikes on Moscow is the Biden admin telling the Ukrainians they aren't allowed to do that.
You're American?

Cool. Post 'em.
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Leftpoly raid thread. Browns, goatfuckers , commies and tankies summoned by this image
Why the fuck are these women so fucking naive? He didn't "disapear" he got fucking blown up. He's gone. You should have prevented this to begin with. Just running when mobilization was the smartest move you could have made.

Unless you are paying for a UAV to search the land you are not finding him lady.
o anyway Russia fucked up big time, lets not forget this guys
And Belarussy KGB
I think you misunderstand, some retard is asking how taxes going to the defense of Ukraine benefits the US taxpayer and I'm telling him it captures the European market.
Some anons are very sensitive right now.
Don't waste real anons time with your shit. You're going to be killed anyway now. Good luck with the SBU.
not as sensitive as your mother, if you know what I mean
>If literally nothing happens then why even fight over it? Fall back to a more defensible position where you can inflict greater casualties for fewer losses and simultaneously defend a strategically important asset?
That's literally what the Ukrainians did at Bakhmut. It's why they inflicted 13:1 casualties there.
Well yeehaw
>gathers my spurs, my rawhide and my 11-gallon hat
>slaps my ankles with my 12-gallon hat
>dances a merry jig, frying chicken in a cast iron pan, laying a dog-gone wallop on mey ankuls with mey 16-gallon hayte
Well fuck yer and yer (dribbles spit on his own shirt) madder.
>I'm American!
>Post 'em
>Uhh... Ummm....
Many such cases.
Yet inflation goes up and it hasnt put a dime in my pocket.
I think we need a leader to completely purge Raytheon, Palantir, Anduril, Lockheed Stalin style.
If it doesnt benefit me or my race, why should I care?
>Leftpoly raid thread. Browns, goatfuckers , commies and tankies summoned by this image
1 down 2 more to go. Kadyrov has been lingering and clinging ot life for a while, but I don't think he has much longer.
>He didn't "disapear" he got fucking blown up. He's gone

You can never be sure until you have real evidence, the soviets left behind a lot of men in Afghanistan who ended up integrating with the locals, they simply wrote them off as dead.
Lmao what is the point of all the agriculture and population Russia took then. For show?
>lob shells rather than men at Ukraine
>we are going to bomb you
>no you can't bomb us back that's muh warcrime
>must take the offensive or cede the land to Russia
Damn rusnigs really believe this. Just sit in a trench and call ceasefire and everything will be ok
and then they lost to a bunch of Prisoners.
>post your ID
>youre not White

you are jewish
Yeah well that was Afghanistan which was a long slow COIN with low casualties stretched out over 10 years. Someone could easily just slip into the locals and marry some lady and vanish. These Russians are not "vanishing" by marrying a Ukrainian lady, or defecting, they're "vanishing" into a puff of meat by being hit by an FPV Drone.
Open source satellite imaged confirmed the Russian losses puvblish by Ukraine and have for a long time. There are a lot of new visitors in this thread who seem to be more at home on /pol/

Russian losses last 24 hours and totals, personnel is Russian killed and does not include wounded.

Tanks — 7974 (+16)
Armored fighting vehicle — 15307 (+20)
Artillery systems — 13959 (+32)
MLRS — 1104
Anti-aircraft warfare — 853
Planes — 359
Helicopters — 326
UAV — 11187 (+20)
Cruise missiles — 2297 (+1)
Ships (boats) — 28
Submarines — 1
Trucks and Fuel Tankers — 19031 (+40)
Special equipment — 2344 (+7)
Military personnel — aprx. 528620 people (+1230)
Agreed. I have been paying many dollar for chicken.

- John Smith from New Hampshire oblast
>the soviets left behind a lot of men in Afghanistan who ended up integrating with the locals, they simply wrote them off as dead.

This sounds a bit different from
>the talis handed the commies their own cocks on a platter, but not as a joke
>and then when the commies were in full retreat, naturally anybody not important got left behind
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you keep ignoring these problems and youre going to see Weimar solutions to Weimar problems.
My people built the Stasi and outdid the KGB we will do it to the CIA too. You will see.
bad idea, instead make an online database of the dead with documents found on them or other identifying information like tattoos, help the families identify the bodies so they'll try to go to the authorities to get paid and to prevent russia from denying casualties numbers
>Had Russia been successful
If only they were not an insane dictator leading a nation of retards who were living in fantasy land with a bunch of seething global south commies and tankie filth and reality was fantasy land and putin was right about literally anything then everything would maybe be ok?
>my people
Bangladesh border guards?
And you REALLY fucked up and now everyone east of you and west of the barbarians has their own whatever you want to call it but we all know what is is.
CIA? Kiddie shit. Toddlers. Little gay babies.
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>my people
your people can't even ride a train properly
>Bangladesh border guards?
Damascus street vendors and carriers of trays?
New watch? Ples sir, rel chiip vendors
Stop replying to yourself you brown reatard for fuck sake.
Are you OK? The guy I was replying to was obviously, perhaps terminally, Germanoid.
The fact that anyone can buy satellite images and see that the drops in Russian weapons depots cross check with these numbers is not well understood by the third world.

Russian losses last 24 hours and totals, personnel is Russian killed and does not include wounded.

Tanks — 7974 (+16)
Armored fighting vehicle — 15307 (+20)
Artillery systems — 13959 (+32)
MLRS — 1104
Anti-aircraft warfare — 853
Planes — 359
Helicopters — 326
UAV — 11187 (+20)
Cruise missiles — 2297 (+1)
Ships (boats) — 28
Submarines — 1
Trucks and Fuel Tankers — 19031 (+40)
Special equipment — 2344 (+7)
Military personnel — aprx. 528620 people (+1230)
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why do these jews hate White people so much? Why are they invested in calling White men asiatics?
ZOGdogs cant find asia on a map?
>It's like the Russian high command just has a vague standing order of push forward and all the details are left to the wayside
That's exactly it. The best Russia can hope for is demoralizing their enemy into a favorable peace. So attack on every front, hope you get little breakthroughs here or there, and maybe all the headlines will tilt Western/Ukranian public opinion towards ending the war.
>Suggesting that Russia could potentially win
What is a win condition for Russia? I know you won't answer but it's worth asking just to demonstrate.
You do understand that German is a low word similar to saying brown skin?

Caught 2 of my replies, Shalom shabbirken.
If Russia liberates Lugansk oblast it will be huge fuck you to globohomo.
Uhhh...what happened to the Kharkiv liberation?
Most of the posters in this thread have never even been on /k. before

The fact that anyone can buy satellite images and see that the drops in Russian weapons depots cross check with these numbers is not well understood by the third world.

Russian losses last 24 hours and totals, personnel is Russian killed and does not include wounded.

Tanks — 7974 (+16)
Armored fighting vehicle — 15307 (+20)
Artillery systems — 13959 (+32)
MLRS — 1104
Anti-aircraft warfare — 853
Planes — 359
Helicopters — 326
UAV — 11187 (+20)
Cruise missiles — 2297 (+1)
Ships (boats) — 28
Submarines — 1
Trucks and Fuel Tankers — 19031 (+40)
Special equipment — 2344 (+7)
Military personnel — aprx. 528620 people (+1230)
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what additions should we expect when it comes to equipment losses for this new grand offensive
Obviously a distraction
Lmao which one?
Well they may have given up on the broken tank with a shed strapped to its back phase. I think you will see very little equipment beyond Chinese golf carts, not none but much less. Equipment losses in all the categories at 5-20 while their daily infantry KIA will still be 1000+. The Russians just don;t have the equipment anymore and what they do have they can't concentrate
And where are you from again?
There was a train of T-62s recently, so probably those.
a FEINT? or a CAULDRON? Do you have a map with hundreds of arrows?
Kharkov was a distraction.
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>There was a train of T-62s recently, so probably those.
Most of those don't work well enough for use in offense and that's been true for a while.
20 T62s would not last 48 hours even if they had engines and were in defense.
And not a propaganda black eye.
Ukies were not ready for another offensive Putin got them by surprise with their pants down. More sanctions are coming.
They're certainly not going be ready for
>sends mobiks in gay chinese trucks to target for WW2 artillery pieces
based ~30yo polak TZD enjoyer
We'll see in the next couple days.
Did you mean to say
>Glorious soviet breakthrough in the deadly fight against all of NATO
or did you mean
>The second most powerful military in the world is going delete it's sergeants and buses YET AGAIN without any air support
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>all this bitching about the jews
You disappoint Comrade Putin with your reactionary tendencies. Their is no room for racism in the new socialist multipolar world order. One proletariat under The Party, comrades!
So what? Just switch to gay shit.
You know, this here /k/ board is being awfully unsupportive. Maybe they're mmmmm trannies?
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the four categories of shill

1. indian cow dung eaters (they rape their cousins)
2. canibaliatic niggers from niggeria (fucking lol pre-medieval apes)
3. chinky gooks (1989 tiannmen square massacre winnie the pooh free tibet)
3. mindbroken incel trannies and soon to be trannies from america and EU
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anons... this is a country that lost 27,000,000 men in a war 80 years ago...
I don't know why fat, soft westerners with zero wartime experience are so cocky about all of this. whats happening (and is being cheerfully pushed along by glowtards and useful idiots) is fucking terrifying.
it will end in nothing short of nuclear armageddon if it's allowed to play out to it's conclusion. no jokes, no copes.
start taking this seriously.
Putin hates communism, and specifically Lenin because he imposed some alien stupid ideology onto Russia. He likes the Soviet Union as an expression of Russian imperialism, it was an institution to him, not an ideology.

>desertcross 1000s

My god are we back? They bought like what 2000 of them? How many have been destroyed so far? At least 100. Are we going to see these stupid things show up in equipment destruciton lists for 2 more years?
Was 3(3.) taken out with Prigozhin and the trash? Poor Grizha.
We know they will keep fighting until they can't anymore, we know it's a misery cult. which is why we're ensuring that this will happen either economically or militarily or politically. It looks like 18-24 months they will run out of either equipment or money.

Prigozhin shill farms got transferred to the ministry of defense and others. Out of all the Russian figures, Priggy was directly involved in shit posting on 4chan, so it's odd we hold him in such reverence.
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weird how theyre all pro-Ukraine
whats the deal with NATO shills screeching to jannies for racism?

inferiority complex?
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the puccian twink shills are needed elsewhere as rapemeat for the chechens is in shortage after 550k mobiks got processed into meatcubes

they seldom find the time to post on 4chan anymore, their core focus is coping on VK and telegram for moscow and peter audiences
>so it's odd we hold him in such reverence.
No it's not. His money move left the entire site suspiciously free of spam, directly implicating Russian Federal authority.
We always suspected, but we never KNEW until tanks were rolling towards Moscow.
And now we remember.
"This" country used to include Ukraine lmao.
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>one of us
How about you post a gun? Dumb fucking polnigger tourist.
>dislikes Russia
>has Russian gunz
Prigozhin himself was really, really, really, funny though. That despite that he was personally heavily responsible and even pioneered spamming Reddit, twitter, facebook, 4chan, etc with Russian paid shills.
Some poor mobik has to go empty handed cuz of anon. He's a hero.

That is the entire crux of the matter. When Prigozhin revolted, the spam just...stopped.
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it seems the vatniks have breached the barricades, roll for why they're seething again today:
0. Another airframe or ship gone
1. Another cross-border raid by Russian separatists
2. Fresh /k/ubed mobik-meat pile
3. MTLB or BMP mine field massacre
4. Saboteurs destroy another SIGINT plane
5. FPV drone multikill
6. Cardboard drones destroy another refinery
7. StormShadow strikes promote another admiral
8. High ranking government official goes urban base jumping without a parachute
9. Mobik grenade suicide
Dubs: Monke chokes on a grape and dies
Trips: Russian economy collapses
Quads: Russia accidentally nukes itself
>what interest does America have in destroying its greatest enemy since 1945 without deploying a single man
Honestly the quality of dumb brownoid shill posts is in the toilet (ironic)
Keep it civil lad, the porcelain throne is a status symbol in less developed countries like Russia or Nigeria.
Could we get a zoomed out map to see how much of Ukraine this operation will capture?
>since 1945
Rabbi, of what concern is Danzig to American taxpayers?

Russia doesnt run the US
Russia didnt turn the Treasury dept into a jewish investment firm.
Yellen, a jew, literally gave investment power to Fink, a jew who is not an elected official.
Is Putin a jew by rabbinical law?
Rather laughably I think Nigeria is the only country on earth with more blacks than the United States.
Im not a rabbi, are you a rabbi?
You said The Axis were the enemy of the United States, why should American men spill their own blood and empty their own pockets over Danzig or Nanking?

Not my race. Not my problem.
Simple as.
You mean Soviet guns, that were made in Ukraine lol
If Ukraine was winning so much seething wouldn't be necessary.
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>can’t post guns
Yeah, we could all tell the “I’m an American” was a larp
Gold standard vatnik schioposting. The WWII, the jews, The nazis. Perfectó!
But you are missing mentioning penis and asshole, yes?
We know you aren’t white, sanjay. You don’t have to keep reminding us lol.
you’re right brownie, Russia is totally winning their 3 day SMO. Sorry for being wrong!
It was all a feint anyways, so Russia still wins!
Do you feel exposed?
only actual feds, boomers, and retards post their funz.
>illiterate drivel
Keep dancing, monkey man.
Where did you say you were from again?
They certainly arent losing.
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Post Snake Island
Post 1st Guards Tank Army
Post 4th Guards Tank Division
Post 3rd Army Corps
Post Northern Front
Post Hostomel x3
Post Moskva
Post Odessa landings
Post zig zag trenches with grenade sumps & basic fortifications
Post missiles that hit their target
Post Russian soldier that hasn't had their asshole resized
Post negative HIV test
Post relatives over the age of 62
Post encrypted comms
Post unexpired rations
Post undeflated spare tire
Post tourniquets with windlass mechanism
Post optics
Post NVGs
Post AA systems that don’t get mogged by drones
Post living VDV & Spetznatz with all limbs intact
Post SIM card (not the game)
Post sugar
Post bread
Post cheese
Post eggs
Post non defaulted currency
Post raw goods processing industry
Post domestic semiconductor manufacturing
Post Nord Stream pipeline
Post Baltic Sea control
Post river crossings without double digit casualty rates
Post aircraft not routinely gibbed by MANPADs
Post sensor suites in a non-potato resolution
Post competent NCO corps
Post bridges & pontoons
Post control of the Black Sea
Post Russians being cool with returning to a pre-industrial agrarian economy
Post Finland & Sweden now being NATO members
Post how you feel about being dependent on North Korea & Iran because not even China wants your money more than they enjoy seeing more dead conscriptovich kino
Post how Russians feel about being viewed as slightly better than North Korea
Post families receiving money for the death of their sons & fathers
Post any positive outcome Russian can expect even if they 'win'
Post Lyman
Post Izyum
Post Kharkiv
Post Kherson
Post commercial shipping insurance
Post Prigozhin
Post Crimean S-400
Post airbases & ammo depots NOT on fire
Post Kilo submarine & landing vessel
Post Sevastopol drydocks
Post IL76 with POW corpses
Post ICBM factory
Post Wagner abroad
Post A-50 x2
Post gas exports
Post Tsezar Kunikov, Sergei Kotov, Kovrove, Tsiklon
So this guy has been ITT for three+ hours by my quick count?
Just being upset?
Where did you say you were from again?
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Just a broke Moscow pidor
Livin' in a filthy trench
he took the midnight bmp going anywhere
Just a Mobik boy
Raped and abused in deep Siberia
He took the midnight bmp going anywhere

A monkey in a smokey room
A smell of banan and cheap drugs
For a tomb they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on

Mobiks waitin'
Up and down Vuhledar
Their shadows searchin' in the night
minefields, corpses
Livin' just to die for monke
Rapin', somewhere in the night

Zerg rushin' hard to get my fill
Monke wants banan on a hill
Payin' nothing for Ivan to die
Just two more weeks

Vatniks will cope, vantiks will seethe
Mobiks are born to suck off Chechens
Whoa, the cope never ends
It goes on and on and on and on
Mobiks dyin'
Up and down Vuhledar
Their shadows searchin' in the night
Minefields, corpses
Dyin' just to find banan
Rapin', somewhere in the night

Don't stop seething '
Hold on to that feelin'
Minefields, corpses
Don't stop copin'
Hold on
minefields, corpses
Don't stop dyin'
Hold on to that banan
minefields, corpses
Wait, did you make MORE posts than the mass reply ones? Have you been here hammering out replies all this time?
And some anon's stale copypasta broke you?
In 2022 you globohomo said Russia was going to collapse in two weeks. What happened?
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In the garden
>Great Leader
>Red line
>Trash heap
Being measured
>Brown line
Out the Window
In gearbox
Without a handle
Quietly exploding
>Square’s forelocks
Almost flew off
Warmed up
womp womp don't invade other countries if you want to live a long life and die with dignity
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>In 2022 you globohomo said Russia was going to collapse in two weeks. What happened?
please keep going vatnik, your tears are delicious
yeah kherson is russian naval base forever
Oh so now it's another two weeks until Russia collapse?
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i... i dont know if i understand why she does that, all the can possibly find is despair, even if she doesnt find her man, she will know the horrible reality at the front

is she looking for closure?
You keep forgetting to mention your IP is from israel
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I almost have bingo please keep going
tenk yu sir, one rupi here for yu special

Also what is it with the zigs and the kikes? Did they really think the Palestinian boogaloo would shift focus from them?
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>Day 846 of US Special Decartelification Operation in Mexico
>The tactical feint towards Ciudad ran out of gas after soldiers traded all the reserve fuel for fentanyl and hookers
>Cuba closed the Straits of Florida and the Yucatan Channel to all American warships entering the Gulf of Mexico
>Pararescue bravely sacrificed themselves during the Battle of the Gulf of Mexico to hold a taco stand for a few days
>Navy Seals quickly crossed the Rio Grande but got lost and dug into the Trinity Nuclear Test site for weeks. Thanks to Belle Delphine's bathwater it's estimated that 1/10 will survive their cancers
>Biden has been riding around Delaware and Maryland on a train, getting massages from McKayla Maroney after jazzericizing in his technogym.
>During the Siege of El Merida (8mo. 20,000 MIA) Guy Fieri snapped and drove across the United States in his militarized RV to coup Biden with crowds of civilians and military cheering while his Chef Wars Boys kept shooting down 10% of the United States working helicopters and an AWACS
>Biden gives a bizarre 2 hour long interview-lecture on why Canada started WW1 to Piers Morgan.
>Two companies worth of marines lost to cluster munitions when gathered for an address by their commander on the importance of not bunching up together in an active war zone.
>Military influencer posts about it on TikTok only to be bullied by Steve Doocy into giving themselves a shotgun lobotomy.
>Eight F/A-18 Super Hornets and two AWACS are claimed to have been destroyed in a matter of days following the US advance into the town of Guachochi
>33% of Atlantic fleet lost to a country with no navy
>Cardboard drones disable so many oil refineries the US suspends fuel exports for two quarters
>Arms sales down 80% since annexation of Baja
>American insurgents have taken numerous border towns in new Mexico and still hold them while the governor denies they were even taken in the first place
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>Also what is it with the zigs and the kikes? Did they really think the Palestinian boogaloo would shift focus from them?
They're trying their best, OK?
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i'll pray that putin gets sent to hell on your behalf anon. heaven's not my kind of place anyways.

Shabbat Shalomntry, did you get Bingo yet, kvetshnaze?
Is a special needs military operation, not a railway, nafoid! No train needed!
You seem to have forgot mentioning that you weren't a browno, m8
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>The Russian soldier is one of the bravest men in Europe. His tenacity almost equals that of the English and of certain Austrian battalions. As John Bull boasts of himself, he does not know when he is beaten. Russian squares of infantry have resisted, and fought hand to hand, a long while after the cavalry had ‘ broken them; and it has always been found easier to shoot them down than to drive them back. Sir George Cathcart, who saw them in 1813 and ‘14, as allies, and in 1854 in the Crimea, as enemies, gives them the honorable testimonial that they are “incapable of panic.” Beside this, the Russian soldier is well made, healthy, a good marcher, a man of few wants, who can eat and drink almost anything, and more obedient to his officers than any other soldier in the world. And yet the Russian army is not much to boast of. Never, since Russia was Russia, have the Russians won a single battle against either Germans, French, Poles, or English, without being vastly superior in numbers. At even odds, they have always been beaten by any army, except Turks or Prussians; and at Citate and Silistria, the Turks, though inferior in numbers, defeated them ... The Russian, imitator as he is in everything, will do anything if ordered or compelled, but will do nothing if he has to act upon his own responsibility; in fact, this term can hardly be applied to a being who never knew what responsibility was, and who will go to be shot at with the same passive obedience as if he were ordered to pump water, or to whip a comrade. To expect from the Russian soldier, when acting on out-post duty or in skirmishing order, the rapid glance of the Frenchman, or the plain common sense of the German, would be an insult to him. What he requires is command-clear, distinct command — and if he does not get it, he will perhaps not go backwards, but he will certainly not go forwards, nor use his own senses.
-- Friedrich Engels, 1855
Why are you afraid to admit you’re jewish?
>Artillery systems — 13959 (+32)
i'm going to have to week to week average this at some point, but it seems like TAD is slowing down, wonder why that is. seems like they were mostly hitting in the 40's last week.
what a waste of digits when it's easy to google and find the numbers that even the uke gov doesn't want to admit to. killed to wounded ratio seems like it should be average for a war, do the math.
Well, where can they bring artillery pieces to the front?
Kharkiv with the entire civilized world making damn sure that you don't
Lyman attack'ems alley?
Some gay ass random snipes?
>gay ass random snipes
i mean that's basically been the MO of the artillery so far. just seems like the topography around the areas changing hands shouldn't result in losses slowing down yet. however, we're unlikely to hear whether this is a failure to hit targets, or a lack of targets to hit.
>lack of targets to hit.
Vatniks stuck in Vovtshansk are literally cursing your ancestors rn
i mean probably, if not for lend-lease they probably wouldn't have the material to fight this war nor the government making them do it.
ive never seen a vatnigger get this mad before lol.
>D-30's on the tracker
>haven't seen a bunch of D-20's for a bit
well that's not good
My dyslexia doesn’t change the fact that Putin now fears for his life in his own homeland.
I have never seen a non-sticky thread on /k/ get this many posts
y'all need to touch some grass
yeah i took a nap for a few hours and came back to 400 fuckin posts to read here. most of them are just the normal canned argument bait
Well, it's a bit early for the webms?
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/pol/ is not sending their best
early? its like fuckin midnight in the timezones that matter, this threads probably gonna get slid off before work tomorrow
Rent free. Have you liberated Bakhmut yet?
>David Axe
At least try to be a bit consistent. I have learned here that David Axe is a fraud and a liar (unless he talks positively about things i care about - then he's fine).
That's an armored division, that's it, this is the best they can do today, probably they have been hoarding meat and armor for months preparing for this.

Forty years ago the entire 8th guards tank army would be crossing the fulga gap at once. if anyone had any doubts on how far the russian army have devolved this is a prime example.
This. It has to be this.

I kinda feel it started as genuine aid to Ukraine at the beginning of the war, and now after seeing what kind of 'strategy' the Russians decided on, it cannot end in any other way than total collapse of the Russian Federation through demilitarisation.

People forget that the USSR didn't end in 1991, it continued to exist under a new banner. If NATO manages to end Russian hegemony in Eastern Europe and West Asia, a country the size of Ukraine (which isn't even a NATO member state) is an acceptable sacrifice.
NATO have been, salvo for the Serbian seaclubbing and the Afghan mess, nothing but a standards comitee for the last forty years. Let's not kid ourselves, Russia is doing this themselves without any help, pure sunken fallacy at national level. They probably feel the pinch of runnig out of time, the depots getting empty, having to wheel the D20 and D30's because they cannot afford losing more SPG's, the cronw jewell of their artillery centric doctrine, begging ammunition to nk... yes they have enough churkas, tuvans and buryats to wrangle but everything else is running thin and there's nothing to show for the carnage.

And no, this is not a fucking game of Europe Universalis, capturing a city or a couple hundreds of square km is not a victory if the cost is your entire military force capabilites and projected strenght, no one is handling points to no one here.

This is now or never, they don't have a lot of time left.
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>He didn't "disapear" he got fucking blown up. He's gone

You're delusional Russian troops don't explode.
I've been told were only losing 3.6 Mobiks per week.
that's how russia works, it has worked like that for 1000 years. The Tzar is never to blame, it's always the nobility/middle management who fuck things up whilst the tzar is ordained by God so he can do no wrong. That's how they think anyway
>oh ncie thread reaches cap maybe its something happening
>bot broke, subhuman trash swarms /k/ to hide the issue with bots on /pol/tards

to the long list of exposing brownoids and other 3rd world trash thinking that they have any idea about guns and war i have a single reponse

I can drink tap water, you cannot.

i also wonder, if eu/us is so bad, then why swarms of your brethen leave your glorious nation and try to settle in this "degenerate and evil" west and not russia? huh?
>start taking this seriously.
no :)
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I, John Smith of Alablyatma oblast, am demoralized. Now all good Americanskis must call on czar Biden to cease arming the Nazi Jewish Banderite regime and aid mighty Puccian bear in 2 week, 847 day special needs operation in tiny neighbor with 1/7 the population and no nukes or navy.
>I have learned here that David Axe is a fraud and a liar (unless he talks positively about things i care about - then he's fine)
David Axe is never fine.
Whenever I find myself agreeing with David Axe I have to check my information to make sure if I'm being retarded or he just lucked into having a good opinion.
When your major life accomplishment is nailing a contribution at Forbes by leveraging a hugely popular article on War Is Boring - which was a half-baked hitpiece on the F-35 - you may be the worst milblogger on the face of the Earth. I'd rather read machine-translated Russian telegram with its constant references to anal sex than David Axe.
I like crows, they're cool birds.
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Humiliation ritual
I'm glad you're not.
>the counter-offensive was a huge disaster
I think it's more accurate to say that it could've been a huge disaster. While they definitely took more losses than they should have, it's clear that they stopped it before it became a russia-tier catastrophe.
>all these posts are made by pan-africanist flags
Chang's law in effect right here.

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