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Same questions from yesterday, just want further input if possible. Thoughts on the Leupold Sentinel or Leupold range glasses in general and or good alternative brand suggestions? My old 'range' glasses/sun glasses are beat to hell and scratched up since I used to do a lot of yard work in them, also they were cheap to begin with so now I'm looking for something fancier that will actually protect my eye's from the suns UV rays. Also they're on sale at my local indoor range so I don't wanna miss out on that. In fact I think they're for sale pretty much everywhere.
Someone also suggested Oakleys but I know for a fact I'll be getting a specific pair for Christmas, also I dunno if they're range rated nor would I even want to take a pair to a range anyway.

I'm probably gonna get them anyway but I value your input anons.
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looks alright to me

does anyone think / know is these types of designs in ammo will return?
what was the issue with them that stopped them from becoming common?
And now I feel like a dingus because I forgot the link to the previous thread, case anyone cared....

>does anyone think / know is these types of designs in ammo will return?
Dunno hopefully soon though. They sound neat if they do actually work as advertised.
Any ressources for a french beginner willing to start firing guns as a sport? Probably black powder because it looks cool and based.
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I recently acquired an M&P sport 2 and a primary arms holo sun. I want to mount the holosun on top of a carry handle. Are there any picatinny mounts for carry handles that allow you to aim thru the carry handle's peep sight?
Im moving pretty soon and where im going I'd like to have a safe for my guns. The spot I could fit said safe is pretty narrow in my closet, do you guys know of any safes that are less then like 12 inches across? It doesn't need to hold much only a couple long guns and like 4-5 pistols
Holosun 403 or vortex strikefire ii?
Both are the same price right now and I want it for a pistol caliber carbine.
Id go 403 its smaller and holosun makes good stuff
In terms of the Sten- how hard would it be to make pic related?
Also does anyone know where I can find measurements for the original Sten tube, and what type of steel they used?
I’m thinking about building my own.
Pretty easy to find a PDF of Israeli-spec STEN MK2 blueprints. Just search for STEN on Scribd or something.
>and what type of steel they used?
The receiver tube is just plain mild steel, not heat treated.

The collar with the magazine well would be easiest to make in two parts.
Make the mag well and just weld it to a section of tube.
Alternatively the collar can be completely omitted if you just weld the magazine well directly to the receiver like a MK-I STEN.

Disclaimer: Obey your local laws.
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Why are there so few sellers, selling pic related on eBay?

They are always out of stock and only in brown colour on airsoft websites.

AliExpress doesn't sell to my country

Amazon is too expensive

UV protection is a meme. You can literally protect your eyes from even uv-c lamp by wearing precipitation lenses. Big Clive did an experiment on it. Go watch it
The real ones are decent. Don't buy a chinesium version, it'll be shit.
>Are there any picatinny mounts for carry handles that allow you to aim thru the carry handle's peep sight?
there are but its not a good sight picture its roughly a 1 cm square, something you could use if you had to but not something you want to use.
Certain knockoffs are fine this ids not one. Save the money and get the real deal
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Personally I'm saving up for a Larue foregrip for the storage and because I like the company culture but if you can get a legit one go for it. I'd avoid the knock offs since they'll quickly break on you.
>They are always out of stock and only in brown colour on airsoft websites.
Paint them black? All you need is a open backyard or well ventilated work shop, lite sandpaper for prepping, and a can of your preferred color.
How to get a pair of range glasses for less than $10.

Go to Amazon: search for tinted safety glasses. I bought KleenGuard Nemesis safety glasses for $8.64.
- ANSI Z87.1+
- Polycarbonate lenses
- 99.9% UVA/B/C
- made by Kimberly-Clark
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Do clamp on light mounts affect accuracy?
On a rifle? Yes. Fucks up barrel harmonics.
On a shotgun? Not enough to matter.
That is possible, you can look up some on Amazon and they should have dimensions listed. I recommend Amazon mostly because of free delivery, since shipping can get prohibitively expensive if it's not free.
When you have such a long cartridge with straight walls extraction becomes a huge problem. They stick to the chamber, especially if loaded to high pressures. This can be addressed with a polymer coating like FN use on their 5.7x28mm, but still adds unnecessary complexity as opposed to a slightly tapered necked cartridge.
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How safe do you want your safe? Do you wanna keep a dedicated criminal prying away for 40 minutes till he gives up or brings out the welding torch and diamond drill or just keep noisy kids out?
Sturdy safe makes one that's like 14"W 12"D 60"H but it ain't exactly cheap. Otherwise I dunno look online for cheap narrow safes from HomeDepot, they've got plenty of Chinesium options are are good enough to keep young kids out. I wish there were more high end narrow safe options honestly. More chest safes too that aren't made of pot metal as well.

Also I can no longer with a clear conscious recommend '''Liberty''' Safes like I have in the past because of 'that thing' they did, basically they handed the master code to all their electronic safes to the FBI WITHOUT a warrant so they're effectively dead to me and I hope they go out of businesses soon.
No I'm not even a Megapeed tard, I'm just uncomfortable with how quickly and without hesitation they did that. I don't recall the victim even being a J6 rioter, last I checked he was in DC but as a peaceful protestor at the Lincoln Memorial or whatever.

>That is possible, you can look up some on Amazon and they should have dimensions listed. I recommend Amazon mostly because of free delivery, since shipping can get prohibitively expensive if it's not free.
Fine to BUT just make sure you do your own research and review reading outside of Amazon reviews since half or more of those tend to be bots or paid shills.
Went to the range to shoot my lcp max. Group was fine horizontally, vertically it was measured in feet
What am I fucking up?
either you fundamentally misunderstand what the proper sight picture is, your trigger pull is bad, or the gun is shifting in your hand between shots cause its small.
I understand sight picture. My trigger pull could very well be shit. It was absolutely bouncing around in my hand.
Different anon but have you tried the original single stack version? Some people for whatever reason shoot those better, probably just the shape of your hand or whatever.
Granted I can't really compared myself since I've only ever shot the LCP single stack myself but I never had any issues with it.
Those are all possible. Anticipating recoil is another possibility too--that's first thing I'd check.

Anon, get some snap caps. Next time you go to the range load your mag with a random mix of snap caps and live ammo. Do this with your eyes closed so you dont' know what rounds are in what order. Now go shoot and see what happens when you pull the trigger on a snap cap. I'd be there's a good chance you find you're jerking the gun downward unintentionally to compensate for the recoil.
Do AR-15 FSB pic mounts also affect accuracy I can’t find any information if does.
Anything you attach to the barrel affects the mass of the barrel and therefore it will affect barrel harmonics. Whether that affect is significant or not is pretty much impossible to predict though.
Not as much because it's sitting on the gas block rather than the barrel itself. It's a less than stellar solution for precision shooting, but if you intend to do that you should have a free floating barrel anyway. For practical functional accuracy it's going to be insignificant, although adding the weight of a light may throw off the balance which may be a more tangible problem.
The secureit Model 47 is pretty good for what you're looking for
What's the best quality A2 stock in the ~$50 range, /k/? Or should I go full swag and get an OG vietnam colt one?
>the best quality A2 stock in the ~$50 range
doesnt exist
at that pricepoint its all chinese and it doesnt really matter which one you buy cause all of them are the same
there is actually noticeable differences in real a2 buttstocks and cheap versions. things like the buttplate the latches plastic rigidity and thickness will change
What do you think is the cheapest decent quality one then? When I googled it a reddit post came up saying Rock River Arms (which is $50) or Windham but I'm not trusting fucking reddit. I don't need the buffer assembly btw just the stock. And it looks like you can get a nice FN one for about $100 so anything between those points? If I have to spend that much I would get the FN or the oldschool colt.
>Rock River Arms (which is $50)
those are 95
i didnt realize you were talking about just the stock no buffer or internal
empty 50 is a reasonable price for a quality stock but its rarer to see just the stock.

rra is fine
ty anon
Reinforce the closet door and install a deadbolt. Spend the rest of the safe budget on alarms and cameras. Safes are a big heavy waste of money.
Does anyone make a Glock slide that doesn't look like a Glock?
there are plenty aftermarket ones with retard cuts and special serrations on them, ones that try to 1:1 glock are the rarity
I dunno but Brownells sells a lot of A2 stocks including one from a company called Luth-AR. Not sure if they're any good or not but you can look into them.
Be aware the fucks don't include a stock screw or spacer.
>Be aware the fucks don't include a stock screw or spacer.
The more you know, thanks for informing us anon.
Aero makes one but it's grey and perpetually out of sock... A stock that's out of stock, heh.

But I assume this is a hobby build so you could probably just paint it.
Mmm yeah color doesn't matter, well actually black is better. I just want something with solid build quality, and I don't wanna spend fucking $300 for one of these stupid 'precision stocks'. It's actually going to go on an M1A+Delta 14 build (picrel, not mine but same rifle/chassis) to replace the chintzy buttstock that came with it, then I'll stick a custom riser on there for perfect fit. Might be slightly cursed but idc, having the pistol grip on this thing is freaking awesome and the butt is the one thing I hate about it right now.
>electronic safes
To be fair, anyone who settles for electronic safe locks are gay retards who deserve to be bent over and fucked
Yeah I can't imagine shipping a 200lb metal box the size of a person is cheap, I'll keep that in mind.
It's mostly just to keep them out of my little cousin's hands and in a out of the way spot for what little room I have. I saw a metal shop cabinet/locker that would have been a decent idea if it wasn't 800 bucks. I'll check out what you suggested too.
If it was 80 bucks cheaper I think I I would already have ordered it, thanks anon
That was actually my first idea but it's a sliding door closet and I couldn't find a decent way to convert it
>saw a metal shop cabinet/locker
Stack-On cabinet. It's not super secure but it's good enough for keeping little kids out.
have you tried shimming the current stock? couple layers of tape will take all the play out of it
>I couldn't find a decent way to convert it
How so? There are many kinds of key locks that can be installed on sliding doors.
Nahhh, I just hate the thing. It's cheap plastic and ugly and every part of it is flimsy/loose. It's the same one in the pic, the 'Urban Sniper.' I just want a nice solid chunk of plastic with no moving parts and weight to balance the rifle, so the A2 is perfect I think. Thanks for the suggestion though
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have you actually thought about if it fits cause i feel like it wont. even if you swapped the buffertube to an a1/a2 tube its larger than the carbine stocks and needs the rear of the ar receiver to keep it from rotating.
this is a mockup and looks horribly uncomfortable. yeah you can probably find an adapters but that adds length
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Hm. You're completely right that's ugly as shit and way too low (I knew it would be low thus the riser). I don't know why I thought my pistol grip had that lower vertical piece but it doesn't. Maybe I'll go for something more like picrel, then. Big thanks for cluing me into that, anon.
mesa tactical does make high tube adapters for shotguns and the adapter the pistolgrip is attached to is a mesa. might be able to do that but it just seems really dumb.
that thing is breaking my brain lol. No I don't think I want to mess with all that, it looks like it would put the grip too low and far back from the trigger too. The grip is quite comfortable in current configuration, but the buttstock is short and low.
They are set up like this. Only off the shelf solutions I could find were sliding channels that would block the hinge. But they're tall enough that they could probably reach that.
But let's say that I DID want to use it...
My mom's husband ( not my biological father) has some neighbors watching me. What is the rifle to take these mexicans out, when they step up to me?
maybe u should say hi to them and they might want to be ur friends instead
i was always taught u should be nice to your neighbors
What did/would you get after a rimfire and centerfire pistol?
Maybe I should stop while I'm ahead.
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Those are "bifold" doors, not sliding doors.
Three easy ways to lock them:
1) hasp and padlock
2) install deadbolts near the hinge of each door which go up into the frame or down into the floor. Or both.
3) picrel is specifically made for bifold doors or pocket doors.
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I can't stop thinking about getting a SAA and loading it up with black powder rounds. Why does this sound incredibly fun to me?
Go with your gut, anon. Blindly conooooming guns because someone online gave you a checklist is stupid. Go with your interests and see where that takes you. Do you want to hunt? Bust clays with a shotgun? Larp as an old west gunslinger?
Probably semi-auto rifle, AR-15 or something more special snowflake. Shotguns are fun through if you can shoot clays nearby.
no, i dont believe in associating with just anyone
Stock guy back again, I think I found what I want. Bravo C5. Simple, robust, nice tight fit, nice flat top for the riser. Thanks for the assistance yall
I bought a M1. Feeding it expensive even in .308 but it's a lot of fun and it's a piece of history.
for """practical""" use, get an AR
for fun, get a 10/22, .308 bolt gun, or an m1 carbine. or a shotgun shotguns are fun too
M1/M1A is also extremely fun, second.
If I neck down a .308 case to fit a 55gr 5.56 bullet, how fast will it travel out of a 16 inch barrel?
The velocity would depend entirely on what load you came up with, but the idea is old. People have made wildcats like that for decades. See .223-08, .22 CHeetah, etc. Assuming you kept the pressures around factory .308 you'd be looking at about 3200 fps from 16".
Yeah thats the problem I'd want to consume each one on my checklist. G3 and M1A. Lever and bolt action and revolver. Shotgun and AR / AK. Damn fps games got me. I'll figure it out and work my way up thanks
>nice flat top for the riser.
You should look more into risers. Unless you plan on making one. Storgae compartments on the side make it harder to find a compatible one
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was planning on going for something like this
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like this. I guess the sides need to be flat. maybe adding some foam to the in-cut areas to support the sides of the velcro pad? idk I feel like I'm way overthinking this all at this point I just want a freaking stock that fits and doesn't wobble without a million extra gimmicks on it.
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Yeah I prefer dials or physical pins just for the peace of mind alone in knowing it won't need battery changes every couple of months.

>It's mostly just to keep them out of my little cousin's hands and in a out of the way spot for what little room I have.
So what you want is a glorified locker then? Oh V-line makes those and they're pretty good for what they are. Mind you they're wall mounts so you gotta cut some drywall to install them but me personally I think that's a plus since it means you can hide them a lot easier. But if your not comfortable doing that you can always hire a carpenter and it would still be cheaper than having professionals lug around a thousand pound actual safe.

Cheapest model they have is like $360.00 retail BUT that's for the shotgun model, granted you could fit a normal 16" barrel AR in one with a non standard 20 or 10 round magazine and then keep the standard 30's in pouches or whatever but the wider more meant for rifles cabinets aren't to much more expensive honestly.
Also manufactured in the good ol US of gAy's if you care about comparing American pot metal to Chinese pot metal.
>I saw a metal shop cabinet/locker that would have been a decent idea if it wasn't 800 bucks. I'll check out what you suggested too.
As the old saying goes anon, you get what you pay for.

>Links related

>More chest safes too that aren't made of pot metal as well.
V-line makes those too apparently.
>link related
y-you mean hiding it under the bed isn't good enough? :<
I like spray painting my guns and recently I painted my glock. The other day, my friend found out what I did at the LGS and both the store associate and my friend said I made a huge mistake bc the glock plastic reacts badly to the paint. Is that true?
Lacquer and enamel paint thinner can melt plastics but usually if you spray light enough layers thats not an issue.
>Those are "bifold" doors, not sliding doors.
>1) hasp and padlock
Those things are made of the cheapest plywood imaginable. I had a rough day at school once as a kid and punched a hole straight through one and I wasn't even all that muscular back then, I was a skeleton with a shit diet in fact comprising most of tasty cakes and poptarts an barely any protein because I was retarded and shocked by the fact that this made me unhealthy.
Now imagine how quickly someone in half decent shape could get through that lock or no lock.

To much metal gear and spaghetti westerns I guess? There are worse mid life crisis hobbies in all fairness though. You could have ended up as some fat balding boomer with chrome rims and a modified engine on his Honda civic despite not actually being a professional or semi professional racer or even worse be one of the retards who buys the shittiest most run down BMW possible because 'muh German engineering'.
I say embrace the cowboy larp to your hearts content even if you'll be the only twink in a ten gallon hat whatever, just have fun.

Just buy more ammo for what you've already got unless you intend to hunt or train yourself for military service or mercenary work or get into long range competitive shooting. If your not gonna do any of that I wouldn't bother, maybe a basic AR or Rossi or Marlin lever action some time down the line if you find a good deal for one but don't make it a mission you have to fulfill now.

As for bolt actions? Just get something like a Tikka or Howa with a decent cheap piece of glass from Vortex or Leupold I guess and if you ever wanna become a huge glass snob and upgrade to a Steiner or whatever well you can always just through your old optic unto a different gun or hook a poorfren up with it as a gift.

...I miss cheap surplus ammo....
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I rec leupold vx-ii as affordable starting glass (older ones are better)
because BP is fun.
Thanks, I really want to experiment and make a 80gr .223 bullet travel @3300fps out of a 10 inch barrel. I know I can safely load a .308 casing to over 67% charge.
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Are EoKek thermal imagers any good?
>Now imagine how quickly someone in half decent shape could get through that lock or no lock.
Anon, if the doors are flimsy then you replace them with solid ones, or you screw plywood or even metal to the back. I know they say Zoomers are afraid of using tools but is it really that bad?
That should be pretty simple, download Quickload and start playing around.
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An assault rifle is a weapon that has the capability to switch between firing in semi-auto and automatic (and/or burst) modes.
Is an AR that only fires in semi-auto really considered an assault rifle ?
>Go to Amazon
>made by Kimberly-Clark
>"just trust the safety of your eye's to some random who company that imports 'trustworthy' Chinesium junk"
I've seen those things scatter all around Walmart and in my personal experience the only thing they sell that isn't complete junk are their lodge cabin cast iron pans and that's pretty much it.
Nah I think I'll pay the slight premium for something I know for a fact will work because they'd get sued into poverty if it didn't unlike some random factory in Shenzhen that just changes their name whenever controversy or lawsuits gets thrown at them sorta like what Backwater does. Plus as far as I'm aware of Leupold isn't under the sunglasses mafia (Essilor Luxottica) like Oakley and Rayban is, or at least my research doesn't suggest that anyway so that's neat.
As long as it meets z87.1+ its fine. Safety glasses are meat to be replaceable after a few years use or impact anyways. It is like dot helmets vs snell, snell is a lot better but you replace on imapct anyways and both need the marking.
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What benefits do I get by upgrading to nitropiston that results in same muzzle energy?
I think, it'll allow me to fire heavier loads and not worry about damaging my springs. Am I right?
Anons, what plates should I get for my vest? I know to avoid AR500, I'd prefer something level 4 ceramic.
AR500 steel is fine anon, stop being a pussy. If you see incoming projectiles you can't avoid just angle your body in a way that they ricochet away from your gut and face while tucking your arms behind yourself. This can be done by bending your head backward and raising your chest forward while doing a squat or by rotating your torso in whatever direction doesn't have people behind it or even towards other enemies intentionally so they get pelted with shrapnel from their own guys.
>inb4 I'm not very flexible though
Go to a yoga class then.

The AR500 plates offer a lot of versatility that ceramic just can't compete with.
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Fellas with a laithe- in the future, if I decide to design my own gun, then could I count on paying you to make a few basic parts with threads?
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measurements are in metric
Fully semi automatic rifles aren't salt rifles, they're sporter rifles or something.

Yeah but they've also got good UV protection and other features that would make them good for overall casual wear too.
I have normal clear shop glasses burred in my garage for using tools an stuff.
>Is an AR that only fires in semi-auto really considered an assault rifle ?
The media calls it an "assault WEAPON" instead, and "assault weapon" does not have a clear definition, though there are plenty of contradictory legal definitions of "assault weapon".
When mounting a scope to a bolt action rifle does it have to be 100% level for it to maintain accuracy at longer ranges? How bad will it be if I am off at all or even 1 degree off? A couple degrees?
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Does the ATF's new tax stamp approval process just benefit suppressors, or is every eFile Form 4 subject to approval in a matter of days?
I'm sure some actual PRS nerd could do the math, but yes, being off-level either due to poor scope mounting or having the gun tilted will fuck up everything outside of the exact range and wind the rifle is zeroed for because all your adjustments will be slightly sideways.
An estimate of the error would just be basic trig. Your windage would be off equal to an amount equal to [bullet drop at whatever distance you're shooting at] multiplied by [the Sine of the angle that the scope is off by].
Windage error = Elevation hold x Sine(Scope mount error angle)

That's not 100% exactly correct but it should give you a rough idea.
Is there any real difference between the red and blue snap caps?
According to my LGS everything is fast these days. I believe it, I did a couple E-files a while back, one was a form 1, the other a form 4, both took under two weeks.
one is hot and the other is for cold
I want to design my own gun but no matter what’s I come up with I’m not happy with it.
I recommend a spiritual journey: Shoot a couple cases of shotshells as a warmup. Move onto large-bore rifles, SBRs with brakes, and big-bore snubnose revolvers. Find a way to get black powder into the mix. Let the recoil, muzzle blast, and powder smoke take you away. When you wake up in the morning the gun design gods may have blessed you with inspiration.
Nobody else will be happy with it, either, because it's not a Glock or AR and it's too expensive. The best way to become a millionaire in the gun industry is to start with a billion dollars and a neat idea.
Makes sense
>Is an AR that only fires in semi-auto really considered an assault rifle ?
Depends on how you vote
Highcom 4SAS7
>but no matter what’s I come up with I’m not happy with it.
The burden of an artist/designer/song writer/engineer Et cetera anon, there is no cure. You'll keep try and trying again till your finally satisfied with something you've created long enough to ride the high of accomplishment or burnout for a while and take up another hobby temporarily.
Thanks anon. I appreciate it. I guess I just need to stick with one idea.
I work at a major resort. Earlier that day, I noticed a hard lump on my rear gum. I kept running my tongue over it, wondering what I did to cause such inflammation. A few hours later, I was in the elevator and started pressing my finger against the lump. All of the sudden, the limp moved. I felt warm, Metalic liquid burst into my mouth. Pulling my finger away, it was covered in sticky blood. Just at that moment, a guest entered the elevator and smiled at me. Normally, I would ask them questions about their stay. Unfortunately, my mouth was fill of blood. I just smiled and nodded in her tits direction. As soon as I as able, I spit a mouthful, of blood into the nearest trash can. I repeated the process a few minutes later. I take good care of my teeth, are there any anon dentists here? This probably has nothing to do with my ownership of quality firearms.
idk, gums are weird
sometimes you just get these weird blood zits for seemingly no reason
if it doesn't keep happening continuously for weeks I wouldn't worry about it
Do you regularly brush your teeth enough and use mouth wash? Do you drink soda often enough to potentially have a tooth/gum infection? I'm pretty sure prolonged lead exposure just causes mild retardation and cancer in fully grown adults over time but that takes a long of time.
Could be a diet issue? Inflammation perhaps and you should consume some more anti inflammatory foods and perhaps drink green tea too. Do you eat hydrogenated seed oils regularly like vegetable oil or canola oil? If so then you should probably stop that.
I dunno, if this persist then maybe go see a dentist.
I used to get bumps to back when my diet was more or less absolute garbage.

Also your question is probably more appropriate for >>>/fit/ to be quite honest. They'll probably be a lot more helpful than anyone here is gonna be.

>Do AR-15 FSB pic mounts also affect accuracy
Yes, anything touching the barrel is gonna effect accuracy/harmonics. Question is though what kind of AR are you building...?
>A 20" or 22" free floating barrel AR where the receiver and hand guard are all made of a single piece of billet aluminum?
Then you should probably not use a sight mounted rail.
>A 16" rifle or 10" pistol AR?
Probably doesn't matter enough to bother caring so go for it if you wanna mount stuff like a light there and not change out the entire hand guard then go for it anon.
could you detect a stealth aircraft flying close to the ground with an airborne radar by looking for an airplane sized hole in the ground clutter?
Are there any lightweight rmr mounts that are either lower 1/3 or taller? Looking to slap this on my wwsd rifle.
The WWSD's feeling of lightness comes from the relatively heavy fixed stock and lightweight barrel and carbon fiber handguard shifting the center of balance back toward the pistol grip, like it is on a bullpup. It is lighter than an average AR, but it's not a "lightweight build" per se and you shouldn't feel obligated to put lightweight parts on it just for lightness's sake.
Using an open-emitter pistol dot like the RMR to save weight is pointless since it's going to be mounted near the middle of the gun where it'll have almost no impact on handling and it's barely any lighter than an Aimpoint Micro anyway.

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