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Kyrylo, where the fuck are you?
I did my part of the deal.
Thanks for cooperation.
More in my Twitter.
t. Fortified Taras
What’s happening here, Taras?
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I was asked to write a message on destroyed ziggers equipment.
You actually got that close to the front?
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And i did it.
What this say for those of us not versed in Mordor Black Speech?
There’s another guy who posts here who’s in the 47th brigade I believe
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I'm close to the front.
But I won't lie to you. This is an exhibition of destroyed equipment.
These are birthday greetings in Ukrainian.
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Those welds…
The forbidden chair. I wonder how much that can sell for?
I think that customs will not allow to ship a chair made from shells into the USA.
And it probably weighs as much as a car.
It’s possible to send decommissioned tubes within the U.S.. someone got a t-90 from Ukraine here.
As clean as the day it rolled off the assembly line half a century ago
Some boards ask for sharpies in the butt while others want bread or just a post it note, but I guess /k/ is okay with people just claiming to have done something.
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I won't risk doing this.
Although, this part of the BMP-2 turret would probably fit into the parcel.
Do the 14 words next.
There is no secret.
I did it for a donation.
Life near war is not the easiest.
Who gives a shit
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Top-tier Soviet "quality" workmanship!
Taras is pretty legitimate. You’re free to reverse search his stuff to see if it’s legitimate or not.
>I was asked to write a message on destroyed ziggers equipment.
Putting on a card that will last until the first gust of wind is not writing on the tank.
t. not Kyrylo
>But I won't lie to you. This is an exhibition of destroyed equipment.
At least you're honest about it.
Does being a cunt come naturally to you, or do you have to work on it?
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If it was a short word, I would write it with white chalk.
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If I have time I will write to you boys "sup /k/"
>timestamp a fucking tank
fucking do it lol
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Which tank do you prefer?
It seems to me that I have a T-72, a T-80 and this T-62 here.
There is also a 152mm self-propelled gun, but it probably won’t interest you.
>but it probably won't interest you
this is /k/, all of them interest us.
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I took this photo last year.
interesting how even just the sparks from the impact creates those oxidized rings, i figured it would need to be heated for quite a bit longer to get like that.
the answer is yes. kinda wanna see what happened to the T-80 since most seem to deconstruct pretty thoroughly when hit.
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I'm pretty sure it was done with a 30mm auto-cannon.
One hit and that shit would have cracked open like a Bakugan
must've been early war then, considering it's an SPG
if it somehow got clapped by a 30 mm recently then the crew must've been completely clueless at positioning.
What's that "small barrel" thing for?
Putin. Yuor armies are defeat.
It is time for you to sitting in the ACK chair.
now that's a throne
This is the cuck chair that Russian air defense sits in
I don't want Taras to photograph a sharpie up his arse. He has been consistent enough.
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That's a hydro-pneumatic recoil system.
It basically works the same way as a car shock absorber, smooths out the gun's recoil.
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Crests, bum touching crests
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Have you been making a few shops around here recently?

Good job. They're pretty under appreciated.
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Yeah I’ve made a few
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You live on Kharkiv right? Were there any differences when Russia launched their greatest Kharkiv offensive 2.0?
You fool. Don't you know there will be asses that will be severely damaged if you don't delete this?
>Life near war is not the easiest
understatement of the year
>You live on Kharkiv right?
>Were there any differences when Russia launched their greatest Kharkiv offensive 2.0?
Ask something more specific.
Now they are not trying to drive somewhere quickly.
They crawl in small fire groups.
There is a feeling that this was a red herring.
They had no intention of getting anywhere.
The equipment is not the best.
But they are trying to stay at least with what they captured. This doesn't make much sense.
It was obviously a distraction on their part to try to deplete Ukrainian reserves at the cost of 50,000 low OQ mobiks
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I was asking if there were any changes to your personal life like more booms
Show me the self propelled gun. Tank fags can seethe.
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Where is this anon? Im going to be in Kiev/Kíyiv next month and I need some cool plans
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The summer of 2022 was the most active.
Then they had a lot of Iskander ballistic missiles and they fired at the city with them every day at exactly 23.00.
Now they are trying to use glide bombs weighing up to 500 kg. The outskirts of the city are mostly affected. There is no need to talk about accuracy.
The air raid alarm sounds constantly, but no one pays attention to it.
This is near Kharkiv.
But I am sure that in Kyiv you will find something interesting.
>They had no intention of getting anywhere.
>The equipment is not the best.
Doesn't this describe most of their futile attempts?
whoa based. any close ups of weapon impacts?
>The air raid alarm sounds constantly, but no one pays attention to it.
human beings are interesting in their ways
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I don't know why I am supposed to care.
Do you have the wrong Kyrylo?
Be sure to detour to Vovchansk and check out the aggregate factory.
I hear the weather is wonderful this time of year
It's the "little boy who cried wolf" scenario
It's just impractical to drop everything and go hide when it's happening constantly.
You're not really statistically safer in a bunker, if there's an airstrike falling on top of your head you're probably going to die no matter what.
This was talked about a lot during the pandemic: what amount of risk are people willing to accept during their every day lives? People in middle eastern cities still sit outside and have coffee in cafes even though there's the risk of rocket or suicide attacks. Hell, I was reading a book on the North African front and there were many accounts of how Tunisian Arabs would just watch the Allies and Germans duke it out while farming their fields/pulling stuff with donkeys.
When you have no choice, just...carry on.
If it's old, then it might just be that the sparks took the paint off and it's been rusting since late 2022.
Seething shitskin
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>An the mercy seat is waiting
>And I think my arse is burning
>And in a way I’m yearning
>To be done with all this measuring of eggs.
>An brown eye for an brown eye
>A Pidor for a Pidor
>An anyway I told the truth
>And I’m not afraid to die.
Anyone in the 47th lurking itt?
Any word on how the guys the Americans trained last year are doing? I was one of the trainers and I always wonder whether anything I did made a difference.
>These are birthday greetings in Ukrainian.
No offense or anything ... but, have you guys considered dumping the cyrillic? Convert Ukrainian to a fully EU Latin, use borrow whatever accent marks you need from any other language and make it authentic pronunciation. One of the most fundamental, best ways to purge r*ssian from your country & culture. Reject cyrillic, phase it out over ten or 15 years, but erase it from your country, it's government documents, everything.

Remove. Vatnik. From. Everywhere. Purify your cultural heritage, excise the soviet & r*ssian cancers.
Fucking lol
Eastern Europeans are the ones who introduced written language to Russia, anon, not the other way around. The earliest known cyrillic writing was in Bulgaria.
welding on "new production" T-90 hulls looks the same
>The earliest known cyrillic writing was in Bulgaria.

from a Bulgarian priest named Cyril
Wasn't even alive when Cyrillic was created
whats that rusty thing in the bottom left? somebody should shop that on monke's head since it looks like a crown.
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Some BTR i think.
>[...] no phenomenon, no matter how startling at first, if prosecuted with tolerable regularity, and unattended with any new circumstances of terror, will very long continue to excite alarm or even wonder.
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Mangled shell, probably.
>The air raid alarm sounds constantly, but no one pays attention to it.
I remember a text from the early war that went like "air raid' been blaring for 2 hours now, are they bringing the bomb by bicycle or what?"
>there were many accounts of how Tunisian Arabs would just watch the Allies and Germans duke it out while farming their fields/pulling stuff with donkeys.
War this, war that, but the field won't work itself.
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Oh. This one?
Yeah its some shell.
Please don't be cringe like this. Don't change your historical language just to bow to the West. Don't be a Vietnam. If you must, be a Korea instead.
>Iron Throne
I'm sure you can answer that, old chap. They're the brigade celebrated the world over for doing the kind of shit you specifically mentioned you had to work hard to train them not to do: Take on tanks with the Bradleys.
Why are russians like this
Why do they constantly conflate war and destruction with sexual acts
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Weld is weld
>Convert Ukrainian to a fully EU Latin
It's a good idea which falls onto its face when you actually try to convey spoken words into written ones. You'd either need to go the polish route with all of those "shch" type of crap (no, just no) or the czech route with accents. In both cases a random from Europe still wouldn't be able to comfortably read that.
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happy birthday anon
>I wear this crown of shit
>Upon my Monke's Lair
>Full of broken tanks
>I cannot repair
>Beneath the Black Sea
>The ships disappear
>You are feinting Kiyv
>I am still right here
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That chair is cool. When this is over, a variant of it should be made the President's chair for Ukraine so they can permanently spit on the memory of dead invading Russian churkas.
thanks for working on TZD.
This thread seems to really upset Rusnigs for some reason. You think they'd be used to it by now, I honestly don't even get that much of a buzz out of seeing a vatnik be set on fire any more.
>This was talked about a lot during the pandemic: what amount of risk are people willing to accept during their every day lives?
this is a good point.
how much of a city can get exploded at once? not really all that much.
>This was talked about a lot during the pandemic: what amount of risk are people willing to accept during their every day lives?
after spending 6 weeks in my apartment alone I was finna bout to goddamned kill myself. what the fuck does any risk compare to me suck-starting my 590?
>You'd either need to go the polish route with all of those "shch" type of crap (no, just no)
As if compressing "shch" into one sound is more readable.

t. w Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie
Named in his honor for starting the process and defending the rights of people to use their own language. Bitch.
t. Cyril wasn't his name either.
But Constantinollic sounds gay as fuck
This is a horrible picture in so many ways, good job Anon.
Kek, I remember the ads for these things.
The bitching by /pol/ trolls and the usual schizos in the last few days makes me wonder if they really did hit that S-500 like they said they did.
Nice one anon, I propose only a small change so the amount of syllables in each verse stays the same as in the original.

>I wear this crown of shit
>Upon my Monke's Lair
>Full of broken tanks
>I cannot repair
>Beneath the Big Black Sea
>The ships all disappear
>You are feinting Kiyv
>I am still right here
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Oh, I forgot to show you the funniest exhibit.
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Other side.
>Those toilets
I know this is satire, but do they really do that? I heard stories about the soviets pulling toilets from the ground and taking heating radiators from the wall when they left the satellite states, but that was the 80s, 90s. Is this still a thing?
Okay what does Mapoдep mean?
I mean I don't speak Russian but that's literally an English word bro, use your phonics

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I still say you guys should go full Lebbeus Woods with the Russian shit.

Imagine the seethe if Vovchansk got repaired with the corpses of RF materiel employed to destroy it. Like some absolutely malevolent wabi-sabi creation with the Zone as head architect.
Beat me to it.
based pragmatic realist
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They were stealing a lot of washing machines, I think there were a few pictures of toilets being stolen.
Putin himself admitted that he stole the refrigerator from his state-owned apartment in east-germany when he left the country, tried it to the roof of his car, and drove it back to russia when the krauts unified and kicked the ruskies out.
what indoor sewage system were they gonna hook those up to? or do they think the toilet itself is magic?
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>or do they think the toilet itself is magic?
You've seen the /k/ube, now behold the /k/hair

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