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We've narrowed it down to these two, which should we get?

I'm leaning towards the Gripen E, they're cheaper and Swedes have already proven to be more reliable than burgers when it comes to military procurements.
Get the Gripen, the Burgers may suddenly decide that the f-16’s you bought should go to Israel instead.
F16s obviously
You MUST support our military industrial complex or see what happens
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Buy the Gripen E and have them to be made in our factory :)
What does it say in the bottom about F35s? You should get those
Are you capable of posting without mentioning Jews or Israel at all, """briton"""?
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>buying planes from somalians and jeets
smart countries buy chinese, a single pakistani j10 makes indian airspace a pakistani ones.
Isnt gripen c the newest? either way please please buy
>Pakistan ever winning anything ever
Americans won't sell them to us for geopolitical reasons, but they'll still offer reheated leftovers like the Block 70 F-16 and F-15EX (made by Boeing).

Neither of which is as affordable up front or in lifetime maintenance cycles as the Gripen E.
>Isnt gripen c the newest?
Are you really Swedish?

I tried! :/
Gripen is a giant question mark, leased but rarely bought and never by anyone seeing combat.
F-16 is among the most proven platforms in aircraft history.
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We've already dominated Chinese fighters in earlier exercises using the Gripen.
>that's not real combat
Neither is shooting down Cold War era Syrian MiGs with an F/A-18 Superhornet.
Could have sworn we already bought the Gripens. Is this about a second purchase or did I remember wrong?
Second purchase. We have Gripen C/D, but not E.
Might as well get what's cheap. You'll probably never need them anyways
The only reason to buy from america was their powerful sway over other countries now it's fading and waiting years for a delivery + the political conditions that come with it isn't worth it
Gay. You buy mil equipment based on who give biggest goodboy point It's not like we will ever actually use it. If china ever chimpout they are US problem.
Maybe the F16V then? Buy fewer if price is an issue? We have way more old-F16 pilots and experience
The realistic scenarios are Myanmar war spillover or sudden Cambodian chimpout
myanmar and cambodia are both backward ww2-tier country. even super tucano would be enough.
There's no kill like overkill :)
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Myanmar still operates MiGs that would obliterate a propeller plane.
Dont talk shit about my beloved myanmar
>*vietnam war-tier
Do the US still sell F4?\
No offense, they have massive opportunity to rival viet but they squander it by being complete retards.
>geopolitical reasons,
That tends to happen when you buy chinese submarines, chinese frigates, chinese tanks and chinese IFVs.
Who the fuck would invade Thailand?
Ladyboy enjoyers.
The JAS since Sweden actually lets you buy them
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>4/5 stars on Amazon
Is this an oriental insult?
>>61977867 (OP)
>No need to rely on limp dick Swedes, half the world away, that will promptly forget about you when SHTF.
>Able to work many different scenarios to fit your AA/AG needs
>Cheaper to buy as a package. Don't need to negotiate separate license agreements for any crucial part, like engines, or radars, with third parties. Nor do you need to figure out which 3rd party you will buy weapons from.
>Much better support options. Whether that's maintenance, training or upgrading. You and 20 other nations can share experience.
> Super reliable 12 000 hour engines
>US airmen get 200-250 flight hours a year with these things.
> Get invited to train with the US
>You don't need high schoolers to service the plane. There are plenty of people and it's easy to train them.
>You don't need the take off from highways meme.
>Even then it's doable, but why would you ???
That's mostly due to the Gripen targeting the discount market and the discount market is such because they don't see regular combat.
Then why offer anything at all?

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