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Oooo sugoi I ruv anime velly muchu!!!

previous: >>61969716
>image limit reached

>instructions for getting sound images to work
>that scope
Anyone here carry a Mk. 19 around before?
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Jappers begone, this is a USMC board
These cancer threads should be moved to /a/, fucking nogunz incels salivating at cheap 2d smut
There's always that one newfag retard getting triggered by anime.
This wouldn't have anything to do with that Chinese rocket crashing, would it?
Uhhh, you're not supposed to bring that up.
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report them if you think they're off topic
Yes, it's a heavy bastard what if it?
im gripping it
this isn't/v/, pal.
Man, this manga was good.
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She can’t keep getting away with it!
>an ACOG with a piggy-backed red dot on a .45-70
>a Delorean with smoke launchers
>an M202 FLASH
>not a heli autist
I wish I lived in this reality but that amount of ordinance being available to large metropolitan PDs sounds like hell.
>translucent Japanese police girl skirts
A world we don't deserve.
I'm fapping to it.
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so trad!
isn't this a picture of korea
Do people wear kimonos in Korea?
That's not a kimono, idiot-san.
That is catholic church,anon.
They stole 90% of there culture from the land of the rising Sun, (who in turn stole 90% of there culture from the chinks) so i wouldn't be surprised.
Shit's ass
a yokata
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They wear what's call a hanbok. It has a few similar features at first glance, but they emphasize the skirt portions much more like in pic related. The other anons' pic >>61983209 is most likely just a kimono.
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kinda gay by proxy
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See >>61983364
It's absolutely a kimono
still mad this ended like this and there isn't an alternative version....
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Japan is the only country on earth that has never done anything bad ever
And thats a fact
>Japan is the only country on earth that has never done anything bad ever
transnistria has entered the chat
It's got a border, a government, currency and military. De facto, it's country even if dejero nobody acknowledges it as such.
That fact it has the gall and the audacity to pretend that it exists and is a real country is a sin against humanity.
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Fuck caring for it and moving it around but nothing will replace it in when you takenfire
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Those are some of the most suckable breasts I've ever seen I'd create hickies on em, damn son I'd be sucking on those things day and night. DAMN THOSE ARE SOME NICE BOOBA! GOD DAMN GIMME THOSE TIDDIES!
Looks like Osaka is done with Godzilla's bullshit
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>Smoke launcher police delorean

The fabric was needed for the war effort?

Ashigaru and Aztec gorl were the best ones.
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shame about the other one
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got wounded and fainted before she could do a suicide attack. Very dishonorabru she will now be raped to death in an American pig dog prison camp. Wait, why are they treating her wounds? why are they feeding her better than she has eaten in years? why aren't they ravishing her and pulling out her teeth? why won't they kill her?
Does anyone get pics of girls with small pistols?
God I love veiny tits
I hate veiny tits.
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Yes but can you post guns that work?
>Verification not required.
FUCK YOU AND YOU'RE SMALL CHEST! THIS IS A BIG MOMMY MILKERS THREAD! (or just nicely shaped breasts, they don't necessarily have to be big.)
Come on, do it!

No. This is Small Chest Land.
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somewhat anachronistic but here
USP that is way too small
This is very nice, but I'm gonna need more.

Kinda hard to kill them if they got the guns.
You want WHAT kind of milk?!
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maybe she is just really big.
Strange that such lewd thing can act as murder.
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Adult female military officers/Commanders with black hair and green eyes fits very nicely.
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NEED fighter pilot waifu so badly bros
>Type 99
>Has late war short handguard but monopod and other early production features
All it needed was a full length handguard unless it's supposed to be a Type 99 long rifle.
Sharty lost
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Yes we know milki
Guys what do Japanese women smell like and would they be ok with me unzipping my dick on the first meeting?
Japs "stole" as much as Koreans did. Koreans have the excuse that they were everyone's little bitch boy in the area and got told what their culture would be like or else...
Japs where on the end of the Far East cultural dynamic, they just like pretending they are unique and came up with all of it themselves.
> inb4 korean shills are insufferable
I'm not, but I don't pretend either like a retard that Japs are somehow honorary white men.
Plus neither Japs nor Koreans fuck half has good as either Mongolian or Vietnamese women.
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>what do they smell like
they're actually pretty odorless (Japs have the type of sweat that doesn't stink) for the most part except when wearing perfume
I guess I'd say they smell like tea and flowers
>would they be ok with me unzipping my dick on the first meeting?
>would they be ok with me unzipping my dick on the first meeting?
More than Koreans (who are the most insanely prudish people on Earth, I fucking swear what kind of culture makes "awkward pauses" the main component of any social interaction?), less than either Vietnamese or Filipino.
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Which one?
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Absolute dork
>photos taken moments before disaster
Why isn't it release for global yet?
Shipgirls are robust.
Because white blood cell sama was too chad for CN to handle
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best girl
what is that line on her face?
There's something exhilarating about seeing modern weaponry crush primitive armies. I can't really explain why
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>still waiting for some lewd Type 30
c'mon guys...
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Aren't some of the lewdest and horniest gachas around made by Koreans?
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I'm sure that the supreme court would make an exception for giant tits if the matter came to them.
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Damn this is one of the best /ak/ threads I've seen in a while.
Anyways I was curious about how you guys load your Concealed carry? Personally, I go 1 in the chamber FMJ than a Hollowpoint followed by an FMJ so on and so forth, until I fill my 17 Round Magazine, followed by a Spare 21 round Mag with the same FMJ Hollowpoint stack.
face seam line
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I am not even remotely surprised that the SecFo guy does something retarded like staggering his rounds
I don't have a concealed carry, but I do have a homeless guy locked in the trunk of my car with a sharpened screwdriver. I find carrying a gun to be too boring. When I point a gun at someone and pull the trigger, the only thing that happens is the aggressor getting shot. It is boring and derivative. That's why I trapped this homeless guy in the trunk of my car. I feed him food and water three times a day through a small hole in the rear seat, as well as hand him handwritten instructions on what he can do when he gets let out. Assume a robber attempts to relieve me of my valuables in the parking lot. All I have to do is push the button on my car keys to release the homeless man. From there, anything could happen. He could follow my written instruction and stab the perpetrator. He could also stab me. He could stab an uninvolved bystander. He could run away and get hit by a car. He could not choose to come out at all. Variety is the spice of life, and I implore you to explore more interesting alternatives than just carrying a gun.
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made this
I still don't know if Andou is supposed to be French-Algerian or Southern French
Who cares, sure, but I'm still curious
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Which IJA girl is best girl?
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8 rounds of Hornady hollow point
What happens if the homeless man decides to not come out and you get killed by the robber? Is the robber now the homeless man's master by right of combat? Is he free? Or is whoever that owns the car owns the homeless man?
Who knows, anything could happen. And that's what makes it so interesting. But I'm not defenseless, I also carry a jar of bees in my pocket if I need to defend myself away from my car.
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>the only good bug is a dead bug!
jar o' bees is too slow and unwieldy. need to get some good high quality pocket sand bud
I presume that you carry the jar of bees only because the jar of wasps would be overkill and jar of hornets is basically a war crime.
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Once you put the man in your car's trunk he ceased to be a homeless man. He became a trunk monkey.

>8 rounds of Hornady V-MAX
You watch too many cartoons. Sand is worthless in a self-defense situation. At most, it is mildly irritating. And it would get everywhere in your clothes.
But what about IJN?
do not report this post
I like these tiddies
>didnt know i had an Irene dommy mommy fetish until today
I think I have an adult woman fetish
Reminds me of a time I met this really tall and Buxom chick named Irene, unfortunately she rejected me.
>insert screencap.
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Anna Komnene is cute when she is fangirling

>Anna leaves a portrait of him in her Alexiad. She met him when she was fourteen, leaving no similar portrait of any other Crusader: Now the man was such as, to put it briefly, had never before been seen in the land of the Romans, be he either of the barbarians or of the Greeks (for he was a marvel for the eyes to behold, and his reputation was terrifying). Let me describe the barbarian's appearance more particularly – he was so tall in stature that he overtopped the tallest by nearly one cubit, narrow in the waist and loins, with broad shoulders and a deep chest and powerful arms. And in the whole build of the body he was neither too slender nor overweighted with flesh, but perfectly proportioned and, one might say, built in conformity with the canon of Polycletus... His skin all over his body was very white, and in his face the white was tempered with red. His hair was yellowish, but did not hang down to his waist like that of the other barbarians; for the man was not inordinately vain of his hair, but had it cut short to the ears. Whether his beard was reddish, or any other colour I cannot say, for the razor had passed over it very closely and left a surface smoother than chalk... His blue eyes indicated both a high spirit and dignity; and his nose and nostrils breathed in the air freely; his chest corresponded to his nostrils and by his nostrils...the breadth of his chest. For by his nostrils nature had given free passage for the high spirit which bubbled up from his heart. He was so made in mind and body that both courage and passion reared their crests within him and both inclined to war. His wit was manifold and crafty and able to find a way of escape in every emergency. In conversation he was well informed, and the answers he gave were quite irrefutable. This man who was of such a size and such a character was inferior to the Emperor alone in fortune and eloquence and in other gifts of nature.
Elaborate. Give me the reason behind your train of thought.
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You gotta learn to enjoy more variety.
I came here after a weekend spent enjoying the finest DFC and child bellies.
He was unironically probably her first crush. She wouldve seen him at a young age and then bam! He becomes a medieval celebrity after the success of crusade 1. She probably had fond memories of the slightly older boy that she penned as her father's nemesis.
I've (almost) accepted the fact that I'll never own a stechkin, but I still want something too fill the void. Talk me out of buying an airshit replica.
Airshit doesn't go bang, it can't make the bad guy go bye bye.
ide like to say yes, but for concealed I have a shield 45.
for personal defense you don't need ball ammo unless you're truly a poorfag. you ain't shooting through media that needs better penetration.
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you'll pretend to be happy, but under that smile will be the sadness of knowing that at the end of the day, you're buying a fake one.
big brain
buy a real one that has been converted to a fake one
If the suspect is behind wood or thin metal, or he's wearing thick clothing while these things won't stop a 9mm Hollowpoint they'll drastically reduce it's effectiveness, which is why I Stagger ammo.
Buy a airshit than use the general dimensions of it to make a clone of one even if it's a 22lr one
>buy a real one that has been converted to a fake one
Once a machine gun, always a machine gun.
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lol, lmao.
if hp doesn't get him ball ammo won't either.
but in that case you have a chance to get away because you're not a cop and it aint your job, or you have backup and you get in for a clean shot.

unrelated, I was looking for this pic for the fhs Friday and couldn't find it at the time
Got a better quality version here
Ashigaru is my favorite
I know that pain, Stechkins are sexy, the makarov's taller and hotter sister
Kill bandits. Behead bandits. Roundhouse kick a bandit into the concrete bath anomaly. Slam dunk a bandit rookie into the trash compactor anomaly. Crucify filthy bandits. Defecate in a bandits tourist delight. Launch bandits into the comet anomaly. Stir fry bandits in a campfire. Toss bandits into active volcano anomalies. Urinate into a Bandits gas mask. Judo throw bandits into a springboard anomaly. Twist bandits heads off. Report bandits to the SBU. Karate chop bandits in half. Curb stomp influential bandits. Trap bandits in a fruitpunch anomaly. Crush bandits in the vortex anomaly. Liquefy bandits in a chemical anomaly. Dissect bandits. Exterminate bandits in gas anomalies. Stomp bandit skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate bandits in the burner anomaly. Lobotomize bandits. Mandatory castrations for bandits. Grind bandit rookies in garbage anomalies. Drown bandits in fried sausage grease. Vaporize bandits with an RPG. Kick veteran bandits down the stairs. Feed bandits to bloodsuckers. Slice bandits with a bayonet.
Need murderer gf
There's really hot hentai of Revvy fucking some eye patch lady. She's got a big strapon deep in her womb, touching her cervix.
And the chick is leg locking revvy too, it's more boner inducing that viagra.
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>You just know
join the air force as a mechanic and pretend like you have a chance with the pilots
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10+1 rounds underwood xtreme defenders
two 17 round mags of underwood xtreme penetrators

with my job I'm more worried about wildlife than anything, so went with something that should penetrate well without sacrificing too much to achieve it.
I know, i have an OC use one as her sidearm exactly for that reason.
So what manga or anime are these from? id like to check it/then out.
4/5 are oc donut steel and the last is girlsfrontline. no manga or anime invovled
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Idi dorogoi, stalker
they've been here since before you were born, tankie-kun. Feel free to cope and seethe
Sexo tanlines
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Post a gun right now or take yourself to /a/ and stay there fag
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Those hands doh
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not that faggot anon
but I'll post a gun for the sake of posting a gun
What gun would each Touhou character use based on their personality?
expensive boutique hunting rifle in a big bore dangerous game cartridge, never shoots because the one time she tried it nearly knocked her over from the recoil, too embarrassed to try again
Suppressed Ruger mk IV. She can stop time so there's no real need to worry about effectiveness, just doesn't want to make a mess
Total gun otaku. Posts dolls with guns on /jp/. Fell for the Czechnology meme, has a vz58 and a CZ52
P90 and five seven
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>Remilia Scarlet
Ornate flintlock pistol
>Flandre Scarlet
>Reimu Hakurei
>Marisa Kirisame
Model S&W500
>Yukari Yakumo
USP 45
>Reisen Udongein Inaba
FmW 35
>Youmu Konpaku
>Alice Margatroid
duel wielded 92FS
Steyr TMP
>Yuyuko Saigyouji
Armsel Striker
>Aya Shameimaru
>Shion Yorigami
Police auction Hi-point C9
>Joon Yorigami
gucci'd Mk. 17
>Kaguya Houraisan
Whitney Wolverine
>Fujiwara no Mokou
AA-12 with dragon's breath
>Nitori Kawashiro

What do you think?
FMJ ball ammo, but in some of my old revolvers I only use lead round-nose. Considering lead wadcutters for the .38 since they might be easier to find.
>inb4 min-max BS
They all fall to ball, and the bare lead is for the longevity of the rifling.
>"Hey Bohemond, wanna marry me and become heir to the Byzantine Empire? I'm ovulating right now"
>"no way fag"
>marries a Fr*nch woman
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I love tall women, and I love older women, I mean on the brink of being past breedable age, but not quite there, early 30s age 34, teetering on 35.
I love the Idea of saving a woman from being a crazy cat lady, being her 10 year age gap knight in shining armor that swooped in and rescued her from being a cool whine aunt.
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I like this song
Good morning to all the tall Queens put their.
To all the females under 6'0 ft. Mornin' bitch.
that doesnt seem like good wet weather gear
What about space shuttle Challenger?
Inaccurate, in reality she'd be heard miles away because her fuck huge RCS than they'd pummel the shit out of her with /SPAAG/SHORAD/SAM's, wherein F-15E-san would come in and Rescue her with a combination HARMs and Mavericks. Because F-15E-san is just that much better.
Fuck huge RCS and slow speed I should add.
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>zog bot
>race mixer
>used goods enthusiast
Why is streetshitter schizo like this?
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Η Μακεδονία είναι ελληνική
They're still losing
Go shill elsewhere, we dont want your retarded takes here
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Are they? Hasn't Russia lost like half of the territory it originally gained at the start of the war?
And now Russia is having to go begging the Norks for help. I dunno man, I don't think *that* kind of desperation is indicative of a winner.
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..said anon and posted a Japanese schoolgirl.
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she eats żurek, annd without potatoes to add. she is Polish
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>tfw you will never be the boytoy of a wealthy but lonely 30 year old businesswoman
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>Good morning to all the tall Queens put their.
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God I love office ladies
i like them ernest and good
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I've never understood why people think /k/ matters enough to shill on
Well, we had kike tripfag saying to go fight for your own or something like that.
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>that guy does art for model kits
>some have anime figures included
>but no garage kits of his sexy artworks
Life is unfair.
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>getting your entire young male population killed and enslaving yourself to foreign powers means your winning
Im just here to shit post, anyone actually invested in either side is brain dead retarded
>continues shilling
Cry more nigga
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>getting your entire young male population killed and enslaving yourself to foreign powers means your winning
If I didn't know you were a zigger, I'd ask whether you're describing ukraine or russia...
>getting your entire young male population killed and
you cannot be serious
you have to be baiting

>enslaving yourself to foreign powers
it was an easy choice
either they become actual slaves to the Russians
or they become "friends" with the West
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triggered zigger lmao
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>Yukari as Kyle
I rafe you roose!
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The term zigger is a psyop to shut down any criticism of the ukrane narative
I am anti ukrane because the people who are pro ukrane are all fag lovers who hate me and because ukrane fucked up /k/ so they deserve to die
>clearly and island operation
>uses drawings of women to gain undue attention and disproportionate budget
The degenerate and westernized IJN will be destroyed by its ultimate nemesis, the IJA.

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>the most schizo of takes
You brought this argument and then got btfo, just fucking leave you absolute mong
>>used goods enthusiast
I never said that. I wouldn't touch a fornicator or a divorcee. THE ONLY reason I'd touch a woman with a previous sexual partner is if she was a widow.
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Nah these little spaz outs are the only time i actually think about the ukrane situation, if i keep it going long enough i might actually come to some sort of rational conclusion intead of basing my arguments on "i hate the government and everthing they do" and backing that up with random shit ive heard. My conclusion will however be fuck ukrane because i have an irrational hatred of them
>I'm a retard please rape my face
Alright already, we get it, you're mentally ill. Now kindly fuck off back to whatever containment board you crawled out of.
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I miss the birds can we have a bird thread next
yeah, but you'll have to make it
I don't have near enough bird pics on hand for a bird edition
don't go making an edition and then only post like 8 images related to it
Wot n tarnation boyo we got a fackin bri'ish muhfugga
Bitch /k/ was literally my main board before this bullshit, we where almost back to pre corona post quality and then ukrane fucked everthing up so now it must die
Fuck em
>Nah these little spaz outs are the only time i actually think about the ukrane situation
feel free to schizo out elsewhere tho
Sure, schizo, whatever helps you sleep at night.
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Which will then supply their island garrison with selfmade submarines, i presume.
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>his local city police don't have a B-52, B-2 and a B-1 for good measure

Decadent Western piggus.
idi svoyei dorogoi*
new thread when the shitposting must continue
New >>61995083
Post birds
The right one. I wonder why it was removed.
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Jannies being prudes, i suppose.
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I mean the government pretty much confirmed they have agents here, who else do think is shilling for the XM7? They're certainly all noguns because they lie constantly about basic shit, like the dimensions and weight of .277
You're not gonna get anywhere arguing with them dude, no point. Hell, I even somewhat support Ukraine (which means basically nothing because you nor I don't decide policy here, so who fucking cares what we think?) and I just hate the blatant shill posters here. They're the ones that actually fucked up the board, thankfully most of them seem to have moved along. I suspect that no matter what we're in for another period of the site becoming unusable after the coming election though, so the relative peace isn't gonna last too long. Enjoy it while you can, it only gets worse.
Speaking from experience, softly softly catchee Japee. Don't whip your dick out unless if she's the town bike, in which case go for it.
Protip: if you're trying to lay a Jap and they are at your house, start making insinuations about needing to take a shower or letting them know they can use yours. People in Japan are really grossed out by not being clean before sex.
If they go take a shower or wait around for you while you do it, it's on. If they make their excuses and leave, they were not interested in fucking you (that day) anyway. It also has plausible deniability. "Huh, no. I just smell bad is all. I wasn't trying anything"

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