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>Image Limit Reached
>Last Thread>>61982830
Do you like birds? I like birds
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Anybody got the pic of the scarred birdgirl?
Commenting on AK-15 cute little butt in public! Making her flustered!
Which pic?
>tfw a flustered AK-15 will never pin you down to make you stop flirting with her
didn't have any specific in mind, just thought they were cute
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Sweaty woman erotic!
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retarded question, what does a concussion feel like?
What's up with all these ass wings?
Whats up with your ass face?
I want zeppelins back, why cant we hace nice things?
>doesn't link this thread in the old one
Leaving for my country's military in less than two weeks

I wish I could learn to draw in my free time there
Fuck off im busy
>no instructions for sound images
this is what I get for not making it myself
>Thinking that would stop me
Dorks must always be flustered no matter the cost
You should if you can, it feels good to see the girls in your head become real
Can I find some Hags with Guns in these threads?
Like being made retarded, that or feeling like you're simultaneously out of air, want to barf, and take a nap
The main thing I'm worried about is not having structured learning

I'm sure just doodling in free time is worth something (and certainly better than nothing), but I'd rather not waste my time making mistakes for longer than needed
head hurts
you feel dizzy, tired, and nauseous
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Like losing 30 iq points, tired, tummy hurts, vision is fucky
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Is it wrong that I want to rub my face all over a girl's tummy?
Might just be desperate for human contact. It's like food, your shit will get weirder and weirder the less you have of it or it's absent entirely
Theres plenty of guides on youtube and then you just need to draw stuff and get the experience
I've wasted a lot of time on trying to figure shit out myself out of stubbornness, as long as you are willing to learn you'll be fine
closer to the humanoid center of mass, would be somewhat more realistic to have wings on the lower back than between the shoulders
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>The main thing I'm worried about is not having structured learning
Yeah its hard. you're gonna have to regrow that part of your brain
Is it wrong that i want to fuck a girls tummy?
/ko/ would have been funny, a bunch of mostly left leaning anons meet right and talk about guns in western cartoons and comics
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just do studies
>shading study, starting with learning to shade basic geometric shapes
>human form study, where you learn the actual proportions & ratios of different parts of the body
>landscape study, where you just practice drawing different landscapes
hell you can do a study of anime eyes
but the best way to get better at something is to singularly focus on that thing until you "master" it (not actual mastery, but you know what I mean)

if you're feeling bored and horny do a study of breasts
learn to draw them at different sizes, ages, sags, etc
get to know the placement of the nipple and where on the rib cage and collar bone the boobas hang from
Yeah doing that, pretty sure you've told me that before
Im currently trying to figure out creases in clothing, shits annoying
Thanks for the advice! I guess I should worry less and just draw anyway, at least to get the habit

I like the idea of doing specific studies as well and dedicating time to one thing at at a time that needs to be worked on
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Pewdiepie went from talentless novice who could barely do stick figures to actually breddy good by just drawing anime girls for like 15-30 minutes for 100 days in a row

practice will make a master out of anyone
No. I like abs or chubby tummies a lot
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is this the male equivalent of sniffing clothes?
>chubby tummies
no anon she FAT, not chubby
Found this earlier today, enjoy /ak/.
I just watched his two videos and it made me scared because I literally have no excuse
I've already read all of this, but thanks for posting anyways.
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Can love bloom in battle?
Not when knife ears are involved
No, but my dick can.
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Given >>61985617 does Delta get an anime girl?
Please post tall women.
Please post petite women.
Please post slightly older women.
Please post brown women.
I love women of all types, except hispanics, communists, jews and blacks.
Shut up faggot.
Post more S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
I hate communists. KILL ALL THE COMMUNISTS!
I'm pretty sure history has proven that's one of the only ways it can work.
So how long until this schizo falls for a communist latina and starts promoting and spreading communism here? It's not a question of if it will happen, but when.
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mars of destruction
Darker than black, death parade, welcome to the NHK, shugo chara
Darker than nigger sounds interesting, you've given the bass 30 minutes.
Cardcaptor Sakura :^)
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>Please post brown women
>except hispanics
kek those are higher tier brown women. better than Indians who are brown jews.
would have to be a venezuelan, just gotta get him a bit of action and he'll be singing the praises.
ide bet a mainlander slant eye would have the same effect on him.
I'm tempted to give you bad anime for touching a 320 but I won't. Maoyu is enjoyable particularly if you like spice and wolf
I'm enjoying Overlord.
>inb4 newfag
>inb4 not /k/
This anime has also intrigued me, the fish is spared.
Also the M18 is the Standard issue side arm of the U.S.A.F. I have no option but to carry it when on duty so might as well have bought one and use it as my CC.
>why accidently shoot yourself on duty when you can accidently shoot yourself at home too!
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>watch the Duelists
>cant help but imagine how pretty the cadenettes would look on a girl
That's how you know the drip is both immaculate and french
Watching Overlord doesn't automatically mean you're a newfag, but it does mean you're a tasteless normalfag. Know the difference, it can save your life.
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>all that flying stuff here
I dunno if youve ever been in a plane but sticking a wing out like that is a fantastic way to get sucked out of it.
She looks like she just got caught in the middle of evil-doing and hid the sickle unconvincingly behind her, pretending it's not there.
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You're telling me this isn't the peak of animation?
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>tfw no /k/elf gf
fuck you guardbro
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Outlaw Star! There's guns in it called Casters that rely on specialized shells that shoot magic. It's pretty neat.
If you're going to just imagedump like the last thread at least make it related to the thread edition
the fuck atre you taling about? i posted like 3 posts in previous thread
>peaked at s1
>s2 is OK
>s3 onwards is bad
They got too big for their own good
Do it. You should.
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based Darker than Black enjoyer.
I don't understand all of it but I love it.
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Hei is literally me
pro gamer move

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