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assault rifle general: URGII edition aka post your rifle edition.

previous: >>61988990
>discord newfag rushes to make a new thread on page 4 once again
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Skelly died for our sins
Can we get Fs in chat?
Why couldn't it be ash
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>page 4
idk i only use the catalogue.
I got a week ban for saying russia is winning wtf guys.... So what's been happening /arg/?
>I don't post in the threads but I rush to make new threads
Mods are round headed slav niggers seethe posting from a postage stamp apartment in Eastern Europe.
I don't even like Russia but double fuck them
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>9rd groups
standing 30rds or they don't count
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>post your rifle
nobody got time for that, but 3 rounds is absolutely cope and he knows it
my trigger pull is stiffer than a nigger cock in the morning.
That dude has never actually shot for precision and measured consistently. He has no clue what he's talking about
One day of hanging out at a precision gas gun competition would educate him
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Me with my Glock 17
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I would have assumed Glock 40
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Any way to soften up my new sling ?
tobie maguire got bit by a spider but see me it was goat
Throw it away and get a blue force gear Vickers
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picture meant to accompany this post
That's after putting a few hundred rounds through it, as good as it gets. Clearly there's something wrong with it
What distance?
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Do you have time to discuss our lord and savior, the arkansas stone?
Maybe 15 yards?
Meant for
Huh. Yeah I agree something might be wrong. Bad barrel?
>do you want to prove anything I've said as being wrong? what part exactly has you seething
I don't think you even read my post before you responded to it since I said "most people would be better off just putting an Athlon 2-12 on their existing 16" before jumping into a SCAR 20 with an ATACR"
You won'y be getting 1" groups out of your BCM barrels though.
you're gonna look so dumb when he posts his 3 round (1 round per 45 seconds MAX) group
>Bad barrel?
I just suck with it, classic low/left
The way you phrased this all I assumed that you had already ruled yourself out.
Dry fire more. A red dot will help you learn trigger pull
Guys, 3 round groups are ML approved
With a Sig P320 I'm fine. I'd rather just not carry a pistol than jack the slide off and play with the shitty trigger dry firing for hours
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>5-round+ shills were G$ bots all along
I'm shit with glocks, i just never got used to the grip angle
is that a hydro dipped graphic?
also what billet attachment is that?
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baby don't hurt me
throw it in the dryer with a couple pair of old shoes. put shoes in pillow cases to keep sling clean. use soft fabric softener? but really just grab a Edgar Sherman Design sling.
Holy reddit
Its someone else's, it's mounted to a wheelchair.
I don't know how they do the graphic. I'm waiting for my own in mermaid pinup for a recent acquisition
fair enough, not a fan of the graphics but totally cool if it's your style. the wheelchair attachment is mega based frfr. happy shooting
it’s called mental illness
20fag is back and trolled all of the trips/troons so bad that they either got banned or are licking their wounds on discord again.
Haha! Epic troll! One updoot to him such a based guy!
Any good 4th of july deals on ammo? All I see is meh bullets that cone out to .45cpr with taxes and shipping.
Between him and bunni (the other 20fag) they’re speed running /arg/‘s destruction
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>any machinist anons around?
>they are small Tnuts for pistol RDO plate
what would be a rough estimate for the cost to replicate the outside dimensions of 2 of the above in stainless? I need a #6-32 screw type and currently not offered by manufacturer.
Trying to run a Trijicon RCR with my Beretta LTT. Thanks!
When arg ends stoner comes back
haven't found anything that great yet. Got some 45 acp reloads for 33cpr shipped
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I could make those
Stupid question but surefire rc2 fits all surefire muzzle devices right? 3 prong, 4prong, muzzle brake, etc.
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>surefire rc2
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Good qauestion!
I like that hairstyle on women a lot
what kind of mill you rocking?
I already thought of re-tapping the original hole diameter but I don't know if I would be fucking up thread engagement. Small possibility the plate holes would need to be enlarged on center as well; if the post diameter needs to be thicker for the #6-32 pitch
These painted SBR carry handle reddit tourists will get purged, Browning willing.
It just needs to be the surefire qd style. some of the muzzle devices and brakes dont have the suppressor qd built in. just verify that part.
I dont think there are multiple surefire qd patterns
Just a regular Bridgeport vertical mill with dro and some other accessories
What vert grip is that? And why the CTR over the Sopmod stock?
Can't afford a d60 eh?
Are you making an argument for 3 round groups?
Sopmod is shit and it's ugly
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Are you unable to read?
>classic weak support hand
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need a lower, who has the best one with a flared magwell?
Alright got my cover on my helmet just waiting for my arc rails and scrim to ship
Then you like dudes broseph
Are you a woman incapable of giving a yes or no answer?
The adm at home griffin is 160ish with a code, they have the code on their banner just head to their website.
More support, less support, doesn't make a difference
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mk12 ras rail

Nuh uh, I like boobies
Bless me with a picture of your rounded, baroque hand, I need it this very moment, this hour, this day
It went out of stock when I was typing my cc info
I even saw it right away on discord
What discord
>That dude has never actually shot for precision
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I’m actually excited for the PSA 5.7 compact. Gotta see what buff man’s tests say about 5.7 from a small pistol.
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My Jewish friend is having his second kid, celebrating the purchase of his house. I feel so behind. At least I have full auto
It's not enough for me to succeed, others should fail
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Scuffed m27
you should panic-marry an ugly rural chick who just wants a husband who wont beat her
I'm the anon that posted his wife like a retard once so I kinda did that tho
>thinks it doesn't matter
This is why you shoot low left.
also that's asking a lot for me not to beat my wife, what else is she good for
Eh it looks like that but there's always so much going on in the background. One of my best was doing the same then he approached me to borrow a few grand to pay off some debt/down-payment for the house he was getting. When you do it do it right.
i lik it. what baryl?
I get that, I do, but I don't want to predicate my happiness off assuming other people's ostensibly greener grass isn't actually greener. I would rather focus on tending to my own garden, cultivating something I'm proud of. I'm not proud of where I am, compared to where I think I could be. Having peers or friends 'ahead' of me reminds me to stay on track, but again you are right
I don't think that, I've tried it and it didn't change
They're out of stock. Anyone else make any decent lowers with flared magwells?
talk me out of buying a ta31
If you have a fucked up neck you're not gonna like it.
get a ta11
Get a TA02
why? better fov?
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It's just as good, trust me. Only had to replace three gas rings this time while cleaning.
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Battery is infinite, Tritium dies out in five years and oh the radiation it emits worst than lead exposure lmao
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the TA11 is trash and Hop is a fucking moron. it weighs more, has worse FoV, worse magnification and takes up more rail. the 4x32 acog is the best and only acog you should buy unless you can find a TA55 for under 1000 bucks, mostly just cause it looks cool.
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TA110 chad here

>verification not required
>Battery is infinite
yeah, what about the sun
>muh tritium radiation
grow up
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What triggers are /arg/ approved? Which ones would you call reddit?
Whichever ones are compatible with the super safety are too good for Redditors.
/arg/ approved - MBT2S, Schmidt 2 Stage
Reddit - anything Goyiselle
What the hell is that thing? It looks like he horrible lovechild between Keltec and Hipoint.
the MBT2 costs about as much as a guiseppie now
jesus christ what an absolute abortion

i hope you're at least a felon or a leaf
its the 'survival' variant of the keltec RDB, its a bit goofy but not as awkward as it looks and with the pencil barrel its like 6lbs loaded.
Isn’t it supposed to be the equivalent of the SSA-E? Still like $75-100 less than that even when the Guysleeze is on sale.
im seeing the SSAE for like 40 bucks more, i've tried both and the SSAE is like 10% better
Yeah it's supposed to be but it's not.
The SSA-E just feels better.
Maybe the MBT2 is machined better, I don't know but feel alone goes to the SSA-E and I have 2 MBT2s
Switching to a 1yd zero to get a flatter trajectory under my desk
Where? The cheapest I have seen is $165, which is still $65 bucks more than the mbt.
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Thinking about buying a suppressor for my mk18, what do you guys think about the aero precision cans? I want a 30 cal so I can use on my other guns. Do I need to change a lot of internals to run the mk18 well?
i dont want my acro P2 anymore
MBTs are 115 now
When they aren’t on sale. But I would be stupid to consider buying them at full price when I constantly see them on sale for 100.
They were $150 just the other day on primary arms (and other websites), I've seen blems as low as $125 for sale in the synagogue which is really only $10-25 bucks more than the MBT2 these days
Frens, do 2A sanctuaries actually work as intended?
If a state goes nuts and bans shit but your county is a 2A sanctuary, are you actually safe and nothing changes for you?
t. eurobean
>do 2A sanctuaries actually work as intended?
america is a big place.
do you see black people on blm land?
i don't think governments mind because pretty much all 2a sanctuary cities are rural. the government doesn't care if people move to the sticks just to own guns because then they're out of the city and no longer a threat.
>black lives matter land
I live in a cuck state and I just don't comply. There's ways around shit.
Shot my old shitrod with a milspec trigger today after nothing but 2 stages forever, actually really liked it
i dont want half my cans anymore, its all a cruel joke
>Tritium dies out in five years
No the fuck it doesn't. Fucking retards spreading bullshit. I don't know how this place could possibly get dumber but someone you managed.
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Are modern production le6920s still good? Or do I need to hunt hardcore pawn shops for an older one? I just want an colt
Yeah you might find a nice 20" colt in one of those pawn shops.
Me squatting just the bar.
I hate when that happens.
>the sudden slips disc dream
Thats AI right?

this surpasses reddit. it's 2014 tumblr slop.

please never post that on here again.
Im cumming. beautiful.
You’re so far gone you associate anyone lifting weights with 20 fag now?
why do you know how stiff nigger cock is anon?
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>omg is that a heckin animay girl??
Didn't ask + UTTP is way better than the Sharty
Sorry I don't know what that is I'm not a pedophile.
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Wow! No Hecking Way you said that, that was HILARIOUS! What a burn!! Many UPDOOOTZ 4 U :)
those pawnshop jokes really stuck a nerve huh?
Sometimes I pronounce it 'arfteen'
I'm reading the old thread and I'm not surprised it was actual trannies the whole time. I wonder if he'll change tactics or keep up the 20" routine.
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i wonder if "they were men once" will make a comeback
20fags can't recover from this and they know it.
You thinking that that post was 20 fag and that your gay joke actually strikes anyone’s nerve is just indicative that you live in delusion and suffer from mental illness. I hate both of you but at least he is obviously shitposting where you aren’t and it’s fucking cringe. But no worries, keep shitting up /arg/ with >>61995904
>>61995923 about a guy who probably didn’t even make a post itt judging by the lack of his shit stick copeA4.
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Blacks are terrified of nature, and that’s hilarious.
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Its so over bros
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Those were great
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Those threads crack me up.

That was pretty damning.
have you tried looking up "police trade-in LE6920" on the internets yet or were you born yesterday.
A confirmed trans poster here owns a 20”. That alone should sting a bit 20chuds.
My femboy loves to shoot my 16" AR at the range.
Yet your femboy has a 20 in his personal collection
Please stop talking about that she's not even ITT right now and you thinking about her is gay your jokes aren't even funny you have mental illness and I hate you so stop pointing out that 20" are trans guns and don't you dare say my vagina looks like those steaks I post because I'm in a lot of pain.
I need some sales to drop so I can unfuck my rifle
Agreed sis this is supposed to be a chud free general
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bunni do be kinda zesty though.
>just bought that same exact upper
The deal with the used barrel?
Was that the rooftop deal? I told myself no more gun stuff for a while.
I’m gonna send an email to cancel
they have one in stock, tempted but will probably buy an optic instead
have you seen django unchained
>armed scholar
>guns and gadgets
Who watches this garbage? This clickbait trash is always on my suggested videos.
20" barrel in his pants.
>armed scholar
He got me a few times but never again
Won $110 in the office betting pool. What should I spend it on? If I don't get a satisfactory answer I'm going to use it to get a dirty massage from some Asian lady.
>tfw /arg/ stops gossiping about a2 and gossips about m16bro
>I'm going to use it to get a dirty massage from some Asian lady.
make 100% sure it is a woman and not a 'laaaady'
He unironically won.
yeah a2 really GRIPPING it these days
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paper chuds...
Wtf is corporate
No FUCKING SHIT dumbass. Go slap a dumb fucking bendy bill rail on your stripped receiver with no barrel and lift it up. Wow it's so light lol!!!! Bc it's the SAME FUCKING AMOUNT OF MATERIAL YOU KNUCKLE DRAGGING FSGGOT NIGGER. Fucking retard. FUCK.
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spend it on drippy gun tape
Probably private security companies.
shut up anomalous
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does anyone have a clone of this?
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We used to have a guy who knew all about those rails but he ascended from this realm of shadows
>dozens of hours of research
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I thought it was hundreds of hours
I spent a dozen minutes finding this charging handle after seeing one irl
My parents actually encourage my A.R.M.S. research chudie I'm practically a scholar
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I enjoy calling anomalous a pedo but I don't actually hate him or believe he's really a pedo.
I still don't understand why Crye has 4 different knee pads and what the difference is between those honey comb pads and the regular ones.
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Gonna post a four-round group out of spite, because I've had it up to here with you noshootz posing as an authority on anything other than tossing each other off
>t. never shot beyond 200
Honeycombs are for the G4, the regulars are for the G3. It's absolutely retarded and makes zero sense.
Well shit, I am glad I did not get the honeycombs.
It is pretty funny, I've started doing it too.
The pdf file and projector bit a few threads ago gave me a good laff
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I love you too
There's a seller on ebay selling a ton of crye knee pads from a government surplus auction for 13 bucks. A lot of people that gets the clone pants just throw these in.
That one wasn't me but it was funny.
4th of july week sales are kinda weak so far. It's like at best you get 10% off.
11% optics planet bruh
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Well yes, you are correct they are bad.
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The age of sales on anything is Joever
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Does anyone have the "are the trains in the room with you now?" edit with the admiral?
I’m cool with most degenerates but troons I just can’t even if I tried they just freak me out I get uncanny valley vibes when I see them
I saw one of those F1 firearms builds at the range once and the guy couldn't get through a mag with out a malfunction.
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Just imagine suppressing one of these things. RTV mod isn't gonna do shit when gas is flying out of every hole.
yeah these kind of guys who think they are more manly and tough for following some instagram trend are pretty fucking gay in general Whats that face on the bottom left though?
Most competitive shooting bans cans anyways
not buying anything for the rest of the year anyway MAYBe some ammo. Almost bought a schmid 2 stage but slapped my little dick like no silly lol
F1 isn't even competition shooting autism it's just gaudy trash for guys that drive lifted trucks with red billet rims.
hey /arg/, longtime no shitpost. Buddy of mine just bought a springfield saint victor in 308.
Any optic recommendations for that? it's 16 inch
Holosun 403
It's a collectible hypebeast gypsy patch
Do you work at the pawnshop he just bought it from?
this is so fucking real
Honestly, something like a 2-10 or 4-16 would be good on that. What's your budget?
Is it above, below, or equal to spikes?
What's with numen and collectables. Are there any adults left in this country?
way way below
That's exactly what i thought, his budget is like 1,000 and down
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Just give up and buy the skull and crossbones hockey tape
>one of us
>one of us
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>modern production le6920s
If you find one that isn't marked 13629, don't buy it
trijicon 2-10x36 credo is nice. A lot of people here hate vortex but the viper pst gen II series is awesome for the sub 1k price point. Maybe the pst gen II 3-15?
Probably never grew out of it. As kids there were all kinds of things to collect, baseball cards, pokemon, z bots, pogs, micromachines, the list is endless.
kek I swallowed the wheel on one of those
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did it hurt when it pooped out?
No but I did get taken to the hospital over it.
I got a marble stuck up my nose.
i've been trying to blow my bonus on gun shit but I can't find anything worth spending it on
yes you are. you're the only one that mentioned pedophilias, so clearly you are projecting
Thoughts on Criterion barrels?
pretty good
I like to think the real DEALZ™ are being saved for 4th.
The average gunsoomer
Worth the cost when it isn't CHF if o don't plan on ever testing the life of the barrel?
I hope so
I'm just tired of putting boxes and boxes of rounds through my shitrod and want something nicer
When you rattlecan your gay rifle, use pot leaves.
It will look cool and tropical operator as fuck.
Unless you're really going to rip and tear you won't notice the lack of chf
the core profile is nice
Stoner Rifle! Get it?
lmao well memed my kind sir I LOVE lightning up a heckin bowlio while watch my heckin cartoonerinos!
I'm only after the sub MOA performance, I have a CHF on my SBR but it's around 2MOA.
Let's see your painted gat then young gangsta
white oak might be more your speed
i can confirm this
my 22b impreza sti in forza motorsport 2 was covered in pot leaves and it was so raw
Never heard of them, seem to be around the same price as Criterion. Why do you recommend them?
I'm guessing you FAGS don't even smoke weed
Pay some homage to the real ones who served before you even spawned
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For pure accuracy stainless is the typical recommend. It doesn't last like chrome lined though
Noveske is another top option for stainless. Supposedly they do something to improve wear resistance.
I suppose the question comes down to is there a good reason to with something stainless or another brand over Criterion? Like are we talking the difference between .5 MOA and 3 rounds through the same hole or are they all gonna be about the same?
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I have a white oak SPR barrel, it's pretty decent. All their barrels are sub moa though they also have a more expensive "white oak precision" line which use Krieger blanks that are basically national match grade. Noveske barrels generally regarding as being very accurate like the other anon said
Most likely the shooter will be the true limiting factor in all but the most stable conditions (ie benched with bipod)
Alright boys. What is the best ar15 pistol brace. I want solid and not squishy. Do any take cheek risers?
/hg/ is that way
I like the B5 SOPMOD
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i want to put a dissy like this together. how are they? i never shot a dissy., is functionality sacrificed in any way?
Magpul ctr
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pretty good, a little punchy but only a little. My experience with an 11.5 core barrel.
CHF matters less than the chrome lining of it
CAR stock pussy nigga
sba3 with it folded inside itself to stiffen it up.
it's actually illegal to fold it in on itself, just use a stock instead
is chairs gone too?
its illegal to be a huge cock sucking faggot but here you are
Went to discord
That's fair, at that point I'll just see which I can get for the best price between Noveske, Criterion, and White Oak.
If you can get a coupon code to work at midway you can get iwi 55gr for around .43
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Sub-3" targets activate my ligmatism of the eye :(
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huwhat foregrip is that
i’m a big fan of 300BLACKED for home defense.
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It's a KAC vertical foregrip, how fucking new are you to AR-15's?
But it isn’t.
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r8 my autismo
You can find anything on reddit. You're trying too hard.
there is not a single picture of a block II with anime merchandise on reddit
There has been much worse posted here and I say this as a block 2 bro. I don't even want to post it there has been enough talk about trannies today.
think im gonna get a range session in tomorrow. try out my new plate stands
I dont care what anyone says part of reddit's purpose is a hivemind brainwashing operation.
Found what it is, OA
apparently its reddit
I got mine a few months ago for 150 delivered. I had an SSAE that had about 10k through it. Switched to an MBT. Put about 12k through it. SSAE is better. When ammo is 50 cpr and up. 50 to a 100 buc more isn't a lot.
gun deals 100 buc delivered.
Central California?
I couldn't get over the reset on the mbt. it always works fine yes. But it just feels fucky. Even tho it's muh bombproof S7
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cuz batn'. I sold my friend a Trijicon RX01 about 15 years ago. A few years ago, I sold him my RX30. You could barely tell the difference. Tritium starts to dim @ 12 years. The only danger is if the Tritium somehow catches fire and you breathe it in.
I haven't had an acog that long but I have some trijicon night sights from 2010 that are still going but they aren't as bright. No clue how long they sat on the shelf in my lgs they could be way older.
You misunderstand, that is not a bad thing. Redditors who whine about anime do much worse things.
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>Tritium dies out in five years
No it doesn't, and dead tritium doesn't matter at all anyway. If it's dark enough that you can see tritium, you cannot effectively use a 4x optic because you can't fucking see anything.
Fundamentally is not a real thing.
Dark room shooting at a bright outdoors
Why do people who don't own ACOGs try to argue about this.

Doesn't work that way. Here's pictures I took three years ago that are all blurry, don't have the reticle in focus, and are all fucked up to illustrate the point. All you'll see is black reticle when aiming from a dark room into a 'light' area, in this case on a not very bright at all overcast day.

Very subtle, vatnik. You are not american or owned guns.
My 2019 acog tritium died in 3 years, I emailed Trijicon and they fixed it for $545.
>My 2019 acog tritium died in 3 years
No it didn't.
Tailhook. Not a fan of the A5 system btw but it will give you a little extra lenth of pull so you aren't completely shooting with your hand resting on your gyno
Oh okay. I'll tell that to Saera from Trijicon Customer Service that she lied to me.
My 2024 acog gave me ligma. I'm writing this from a hospital bed. It's over bros.
My 2007 dog died in 15 years :(
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>with your hand resting on your gyno
>how did he know?
Good, please do. Be sure to tell them that the half life of tritium is over a decade, so it expiring in 3 years is physically impossible.
what a cozy thread for the most part :)
Spikes uses FN barrels and KNS turned small parts. They do good shit.
t. never owned or shot a spikes.
Your picture shows the issue of being in a dark environment while aiming into a bright one. LED is superior but feel free to cope
you people have started to convince not to buy an acog at all
Oh and I forgot, also remind Saera that Trijicon warranties their tritium lamps for 12 years minimum.
Good, you don't deserve one and it will make you easier to kill.
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Most shooters - including me, and definitely - you, cannot reliably shoot a 1 moa group. Just buy a chl cl barrel. If you must have accuracy, but a nitrided stainless.
Just get some $300 LVPO it'll be good enough and piss off Redditors who dilate to dual optics.
Oh fuck saved.
it's between a gen ii vortex or an acog. i just don't want to spend over $1k and be disappointed with either of them. might just run irons and buy more ammo
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you better look through an acog before you buy one, the eye relief might freak you out
They're both S7. The G is cast, while the L is billet.
I personally DGAF.
ACOG curb stomps every optic in its price range and double it, if you can deal with the eye relief.
The RX are dots, but I get you.
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The TA31 has my endorsement (I shoot the furthest of all anons)
the 3.5x has similar eye relief to the magnifier I'm currently using, is the 4x that much worse?
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Depends on how you feel about NTCH
>Very subtle, vatnik. You are not american or owned guns.
Nice try ESL ukrop, go shill for Greater Israel somewhere else

However, ACOG eye relief doesn't work like a lot of optics, you can still see through an ACOG if you're outside of the eye relief. The FOV just begins decreasing the further away you get. Even a foot away from your face, it remains usable.

TA31 is the best optic ever made but you have to look through one mounted on a rifle before you buy one or you might be setting yourself up for disappointment.

Your charging handle loves you, so lean in and give it a kiss.
No I'm talking about pistol sights the bright n tough. I know it's apples to oranges with an acog but it's tritium from trijicon. Also have some of the hd's but I can't remember when I got those.
Cope, ACOGs die in under 5 years and it’s been proven dozens of times.
fuck it, i'll order the ta31 tomorrow morning
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>it’s been proven dozens of times.
Then why does Trijicon warranty the TA31 tritium for 15 years?
Cope with what? I can and do buy whatever optic works best. If you want to have a cock measuring contest I'll win.
>ACOG so garbage you need to buy backups.
Lol, lmao.
Whoa there, bucko! You might want to give one a look before committing. I ordered from Euro Optic only after first seeing the image quality and FOV of one at a Sportsman's Warehouse
>not having backups for backups for backups
It's like you don't even have crippling autism.
so is it TA31 or TA02??
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you finna t2 that bitch?
no i don’t like reddots
The Sig Sauer Tango-MSR 1-6 is good enough for my good enough PA-15. Save the thousands for better gun like I am.
actually ngtmi
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then why for you even wanna ta02 nigga
We don't do that here.
hey thats my LostArk pic from like 2021!
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good nostalgia to see that. sold that account for like $700 and bought the 2-10 credo with the funds
is that what the guntuber shills told you?
i like battery but i like fiberoptic idk what to do
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>sold an MMO profile
>wasn't a scam
>2-10 sneedo
some men have all the luck
>i like fiberoptic
everybody tapes that shit over anyway, just get the ta02 or put the money down for a specter
Have fun shooting up close with a fixed 4x and no 1x
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i funded college with RMT then sold my WoW accounts for a cool couple of grand, then years later took the accounts back by telling blizz I was hacked. i miss those days now im just a wagie
it's all so tiresome
lol classic
they should restock soon but i went through the same shit when i wanted to buy a ta02 ended up getting mine from alpha2omega on eBay instead.
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say what you will but the aesthetic was /k/ino
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