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musket edition


old: >>61993863
Aluminum Carriers best Carrier?
I’m just happy that faggot didn’t make another thread again
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its the 3rd
I'm picturing op drunk and mag dumping off his porch on the wrong day wondering why everyone else is so quiet.
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Too poor get what I want... I'll just buy more unless crap to slap on the gun.
is bunni into white guys?
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Can anyone identify this bcg for me? I've never seen this logo
Wombat Armory.
made me look
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Just make a qd mount and stop seething over LaRue's military contracts
It needs a folding or retractable blade like a microtech. That way I can tactically qd unsheathe katana when I finally run out of ammo.
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>Germoids and Slavnigs spend 5 years fighting the most brutal modern war involving nearly every infantry combat scenario imaginable
>Both decide on 16" barrel being a good overall length
>Mutts 20 years later: HERP DERP Yuuuuuup gotta be 20" for shooting 800m on the steppes of Russia

Proto-boomers deserve their mulatto grand children
>However, ACOG eye relief doesn't work like a lot of optics, you can still see through an ACOG if you're outside of the eye relief. The FOV just begins decreasing the further away you get. Even a foot away from your face, it remains usable.
That's actually how a lot of optics work anon
Don't get the 3.5
TA31 if you really care about weight savings and don't care about passive aiming
TA02 if you don't care as much about weight savings and do care about passive aiming
ELCAN 1/4 if you want to do everything an ACOG can do but have 1x without a chinweld
this is a really good deal, right?

Yeah that optic really makes it.
I am going shooting today
Comes with a $300 optic, $100 light, $100 BUIS, and you can make an offer

Very good deal.
im grippin right now
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Good morning Aryans
why is it so shiny
what goyslop should i get for brekkie before a full range day with my ar15
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I can't decide which color scheme I prefer
Went on a consooming spree on gear
I'm preparing to do the same
I like grey/brown but damn that shit be shiny
3 egg, protein shake, and a coke zero
Op tactical has 10% and wtfidea was a 15%. I got some expander wings for a shaw placard micro chest rig I have, some pouches and a hydration pouch to mount on my hx harness. I’m done for now.
Breakfast burger with vanilla shake and a dr pepper? If you say so.

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