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Stew Smith Edition

Lying about medical history: YMMV
Lying about criminal history: Bad

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (Short version)
https://pastebin.com/53tsDj90 (40 page version)

>Special Forces Fitness Guide
Stew Smith Fitness

For all Army SF info.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS, as well study guides for ASTB-E

Airforce Pilot guide - just do AFROTC, political science major, 4.0 with athletics is auto-acceptance

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
No, you'll get cancer and a prolapsed asshole.
tl;dr: Two year long school with suicidal furries, you never get to leave your boat, zero job prospects.


>How to get way overqualified physically for BMT/BCT when starting from nothing

>Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>another military enlistment general
Which seaman from the OS's division was given early liberty this time?
The guy that makes these is a zigger lover unironically, he's here to post demoralisation propaganda >>62038220
this is clearly a real thread, given the working links and lack of retard tier advice in the op
Coast Guard, Air Force, and Space Force are the only good branches right now.
Navy is by far the worst and it's not even close
1) different posters
2) that is a true thing that just happened and people should be aware that if they have an issue with DEI they are not welcome in the military

I am helping get the correct recruits. You are the propagandist.
DEI = Didn't earn it
How hard is Navy Seal training really? Is it really as simple as don’t quit/get injured and you’re in?
From what I understand, it’s 2 years minimum
No, you are dropped for performance as well, voluntary withdrawals and injuries are just a larger percent of drops because they beat you so hard before you even get to those evolutions.
Damn. Still going to check in with a recruiter once I'm within weight standards but I figured.
No harm in trying, good luck!
>Navy is by far the worst and it's not even close
I'd disagree with that. From what I've seen, navy and army culture are very similar in that junior enlisted are shat on as a matter of doctrine.
We spell that word with a "Z" in America, foreigner.
What happens if you start farting after each push up?
Immediate promotion.
How hard is it to pass TS clearance? I'm a former NEET so I dont have a lot of friends. Pretty much every reference Im gonna use doesnt really know me that well.
Fag army
If you don't have a "complete life" you don't get a clearance therefore no NEETs are allowed TS clearance

They are selecting specifically for Mormon tier people for the most part
the "dont get injured" part is way harder than it sounds. you could get sick and get a month long fever through no fault of your own
How common are mechanic jobs in the air force? i have to pick 10 jobs but i really wanna be a jet mechanic. is it always in demand?
Read the SF86 linked in the OP, it lists literally everything they will ask. If you did do some criminal shit or use drugs in the past they won't deny your shit as long as you're honest about it, trying to hide stuff is a red flag while honesty is a good look.
As long as you actually do have references to put down you'll be alright, ignore this fag >>62039607. Plenty of weirdo loner people have clearances, my whole fucking unit is full of them.
Have criminal record?
Ever used drugs?
Foreign contacts?
Owe a lot of money?

If all no, then you'll be gtg
ive never used drugs or have a criminal record (not even a ticket cuz i dont drive). im a dual citizen so i have filipino contacts but i was born in USA. i owe $100 to a library cuz i forgot to return some books
"I spent the last 5 years backpacking" was enough to get me denied a TS clearance, no drugs or criminal record I do have references and a job history and an education
>im a dual citizen so i have filipino contacts but i was born in USA
This might be an issue. You can get a clearance with a dual citizenship but it's likely going to extend your process. If you are applying to something which deals with SCI or SAP you might not be able to get it, depending on the specific program/agency setting the rules there.
Anon there's gotta be more to this story. Did you use that line to cover an employment gap or were you legitimately homeless for 5 years? Did you try to make a rebuttal?
isnt there a process in MEPS where they withdraw your dual citizenship? i dont mind not having it since I dont plan on living there anyway
Nah I was backpacking across America for fun

They don't like that it makes it hard to verify anything but that's what I was doing

They NEED a "complete life" if they can't verify then it's a no go even if you are a good person
Not at MEPS, no. Maybe contact a US embassy or poke around on the State Department website, that question is above my pay grade.
This is gunna seem retarded. But I want to join the army reserves. but the problem is I have diabetes (type 1) and I have a domestic. if I get a pardon can I enlist with a med waiver
Very common. I’ll advise you to list Aerospace Propulsion if you want to turn wrenches and still have a good work life balance. Cool as fuck, look into it. I think it’s one of the rarer mx jobs though. Good luck anon. You really can’t go wrong in the air force
Oh yeah and DO NOT be a fucking crew chief
isnt that the only job that translates to A & P experience? what makes it so bad?
What will it take for me to become a USAF Intelligence Officer? I'm about a year and a half away from graduating from a large public university with a bachelor's degree in Political Science, a minor in History, and a certificate in Russian and East-European Area Studies. I speak Russian and a number of other Cyrillic-based Slavic languages, and I currently have good grades. What would my average work consist of? Where would I most likely be based at? Anchorage, Dayton, Fort Walton Beach, or the DC area? Any information will help me anons!
Are you in AFROTC right now?
No I am not. I think it's a little late for that anyway because of how far into my schooling I already am, right?
In fact, straight to 5 star General.
I did this at OCS.
What happens is that you get a millisecond to decide whether you want your dignity or your #1 billet.
Probably, but you should reach out to your local detachment just in case.
You really should have been doing AFROTC the whole time, it would make reaching your goals easier. OTS/OCS is available to you and you should hopefully be a competitive candidate but I honestly don't know how selective the AF is about that kind of thing right now.
Worst case, consider going Navy or Army as they also operate massive intelligence commands. You could also enlist in the reserves or Guard as an intel MOS/AFSC/rate and then try to network at your unit and try to get a job at an agency, though this should be your last resort option.
Welp got my scores back on AFOQT and did decent on everything but quantitative, which I flunked. Got below minimum to even qualify. Now I have to wait 3 months now in order to take again which sucks. I will likely have to get a job as well since I am out of school but maybe my parents will let me get away with another three months unemployed. I think my biggest issue was not enough practice tests and running out of time. Any tips on doing well on it? What resources did you use to improve your score?
Your local library probably has some ASVAB study guides tucked away somewhere, those would be a good place to start.
the military gives you like 10 seconds to learn things so if you dont got it I wouldnt try to force it bub

infantry for you
Barron's. Actually time yourself when you're practicing.
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Half the duties of an Air Force recruiter is to trick 18-year olds into going maintenance. Telling a recruiter you actually want to be a jet mechanic might cause him to cry tears of joy.

>Where would I most likely be based at?
Intel units are basically everywhere.
Of the locations you listed, Dayton (Wright-Patt) is the only one with a large Air Force intel presence. I can't remember why that schizo said Eglin is a glowie operation. If you're really curious, Wikipedia has a lot of the locations for intel units. That doesn't cover special assignments and intel guys embedded in other units, but the Air Force is really bad at combined operations, even in their own branch, so those are pretty rare anyway, especially for officers. And obviously it's missing many units, but you get the idea, it's a good start.
I got a 47 on the APT after studying for a week. Should I even bother studying more? I feel like it will end up the same even if I did. I always did poorly in school.
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I just got out of the airforce after ELS-ing cause they tried to fuck me over with this maintenance bullshit. Just wanted to chime in and say, everything this anon says is true about the airforce. They are basically just people collecting a paycheck(nonners) and the workhorses are mostly maintenance guys being overworked constantly, paid shit, and all the other military bullshit.

As maintenance you get none of the benefits that come with being in the airforce. Maintenance gets no days off, if the birds need to go up, then you're launching aircraft or receiving and repairing and doing inspections.

It's decent if you're into that kind of thing, but understand it's not a glamorous job and you're going to be in a rotten toxic environment and want to move on with your life in the shortest amount of time possible.

This was all after washing out of special warfare, and they reclassed me to maintenance, which was a bullshit process, the ATAF MTL's got article 15's for pushing people's info through to get reclassed fraudulently, not according to their dreamsheets.

I know this because I and other airman contacted congress over it and had a investigation. Their official response was bullshit.

They fucked me and many other good airmen over for nothing. And when caught out on this they didn't accept responsibility. Their attitude sure changed after I told them I refuse to train.
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>This was all after washing out of special warfare, and they reclassed me to maintenance, which was a bullshit process, the ATAF MTL's got article 15's for pushing people's info through to get reclassed fraudulently, not according to their dreamsheets.
Is this you, chief?
Not even lying, that scared the ever-loving shit out of me when I read about it. I'm in DEP waiting to ship on an Open Electrical contract, I have a good ASVAB score (98) and I'm dead set on getting a decent job but I'm really open to literally anything in the category. It was the only jobs my region was booking that fit me, they really wanted me to go 1N but it didn't interest me. I'm here to get certs and experience and then move on. Any tips for me while I'm booking a job in BMT on an open contract? Open Electrical is pretty restrictive, really only 33 careers available and there's a decent chance of me getting one I'm looking for (2W131).
Just go be a grunt. If you caint be smart, you should at least get strong.
An air force grunt?
Yeah, go into maintenance lmao
That anon doesn't know what the afoqt is.
I heard the military is desperate nowadays. Would this allow me to get a waiver for shit like BPD/bipolar/OCD? I lose my shit under certain situations and am currently heavily medicated but I'm sure I could handle the military. People screaming at me or being shitty/retarded is not what gets under my skin.

I think the military would be a great way to reform myself, which is something I desperately need. I'd specifically be interested in humint/35M.

I've wasted a lot of my life doing nothing and I feel a compulsion to make something of it. I just want to know if I finally have a reasonable chance of joining with a waiver with the military needing people.
worth an ask I guess
Yeah bro haven't you heard about McNamara's morons? Basically military people just fucking pretend it's an important and honorable job but realistically if there is an actual need it's anybody that has a pulse.

So people acting like it's honorable and high standards are literally doing so under the pretense that they aren't actually needed. If they were, there would be no standards. So wait, like, a few more months.
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>I lose my shit under certain situations and am currently heavily medicated but I'm sure I could handle the military
It is at least reasonable to assume that a certain percentage of crazy people perform better in military life than they do in real life. It might even be a huge number.
mental illness is pseudoscience and the military should reject all doctor opinions that are not related to the structural integrity of your body
I handle most kinds of stress really well actually. The kinds of stress I would anticipate from the military do not bother me and I probably do better than most normal people under those kinds of conditions.

It's basically just certain issues that make me not normal anymore. The kind I wouldn't expect in the military.
The real question is do you want to work for an employer that selects via pseudoscience. Always a bad sign.
you may not even understand how to study but if you do you can absolutely improve your score significantly. You may also not understand how to take the test properly, e.g. you're spending too much time on certain answers and not picking up gimmes
That’s why I’m joining. I’m autistic and have adhd but haven’t been officially diagnosed so I should be good. I don’t know why they’re so strict. You can’t even admit you’ve smoked weed at MEPS.
Lol what rustles your jimmies
It's a social litmus test. If you can make it, they expect you to lie. If you lie and can't make it, it's a pain in the ass for them.

Look at it this way: If you don't lie they have to follow the rules. They don't want to follow the rules, they want you to be a good soldier.
Thank you. Honestly the AFSCs I want don’t need high scores but I want to at least qualify for cybersecurity.
This anon doesn't clean his room.
I live in Northwest Florida and while I can confirm glowie shit happens at Eglin all the time (see NASA testing their "Bi-Directional Aircraft" in broad daylight 2 months ago) most Intelligence stuff seems to be at Hurlburt Field (with 4 different Intelligence Squadrons under AFSOC based there).

Wright-Patterson in Dayton seems interesting because of the specific USAF Intelligence presence that you mentioned (I'm guessing because that's where NAIC is) and because the USAF museum is there and I know I can autisically sperg out there in my free time.

Elmendorf in Anchorage is very interesting to me because I love Alaska (I've vacationed there multiple times specifically for its outdoor activities) and because I am interested in if my Russian language skills would be the most useful here since (at least what I can understand) the 381st' main mission is intercepting Russian communications from the Russian Far East (despite the fact that the base's "Elephant Cage" circularly disposed antenna array was decommissioned in 2016.

I know that there are plenty of other Intelligence Squadrons at plenty of other bases all over the place, but I was curious if every different Intelligence Squadron had a different mission focus or if I'd generally be doing the same thing just at different places?
You clearly haven't met any mentally ill people, or you yourself have a mental illness.
army booter here. can someone explain this joke to me?
What kinds of things
nah the whole premise is nonsense in 20 years psychiatry will be a complete 180 from its current position its a joke those people dont know shit
Frankly, our models of mental health are the best we have.
Of course it's going to improve, but a 180 would be recommending booze and pornography for mental health instead of touching grass and making friends outside of the internet.
You're just a loser, anon, don't try to make excuses for your shitty behavior.
tHe bESt wE hAVe

I suggest a quite simple whole-brain hypertrophy theory for mental illness, where each part must possess a degree of hypertrophy relative to each other region and issues can exist in permutations of differing degrees of atrophy by region, and this can be directly addressed in most cases by proper living of a life

we just dont live right
this is to say that mental illness is not something to select against, because you simply need to turn that idiot's brain on
>the military is saying people were broken for life because of muh psychology
>zap em with a bit of electricity and they're fucking normal
maintenance gets no days off? how is that even allowed? surely you get some time off, no?
If you're going to babble absolute nonsense and call your ramblings a theory, then I'm going to feel quite confident in calling you a pseud.
There is plenty of evidence to suggest the brain simply performs on a scale of degrees of fitness, meanwhile the majority of psychology research cannot be reproduced.
What made you flunk specwar?
>the brain simply performs on a scale of degrees of fitness
Dude, NTA, but this is so vague as to be meaningless. It's untestable, unfalsifiable psychobabble, no better than psychology and probably much worse. You're a fucking pseud lmao.
Enlisted get a dream sheet to put their preferred bases on, and then magic happens and they get an assignment, which they hopefully like. The memes say the dream sheet doesn't matter, but in my experience it worked pretty well.

Anyway I heard officers get an actual say in their assignments. They list their base preferences ("I like Alaska"), skills ("I speak Russian and shit"), career interests/goals ("SIGINT is best INT"), apply to open spots, interview for the positions, and then they get picked by the gaining unit commander. Or something like that. I don't have any first-hand experience with the process, I was an enlistoid.
I'll give you a hint, little brain.

In 20 years we'll have implants that maintain your brain in a gamma wave state for maximum productivity. You'll fucking love it too.
Bro watched Terrence Howard once and was like "man, this guy's got it going ON!"
I want you to know I fully expected military men to have no concept of my words
Maybe you should try explaining yourself like you didn't have a mouth full of shit and a belly full of alcohol (and cum)
On a side note, does cum curdle like milk does?
asking for a friend
In the future they will simply turn your brain on, giving people pills will be as shameful as a history as lobotomies. Modern psychology/psychiatry has no permanence and is on its way out. The military has built it's house on a fraudulent foundation.
hypothetically speaking, if someone attempted suicide years back and then the hospital went bankrupt and theres seemingly no record of it happening, would that person be able to just say they never did anything and be fine enlisting or is that risking dishonorable discharge?
You don't get a dishonorable for getting caught lying about medical records at MEPS only criminal records
>am currently heavily medicated
git gud
The problem is Navy gets to be on a floating prison while you can get off an army base
Fraudulent according to who? Sounds like you failed training and got hit with needs of the Air Force. It's called a dream sheet for a reason. You'd have to be dreaming to actually believe you'll get something on your list. Agreed on MX being shit though.
I would think that people who join the navy would at least initially enjoy the novelty of being on a ship. Joining the army looking for brotherhood and being screamed at by a 24 year old sergeant after completing both basic and ait would probably be disappointing.
do i need a waiver for ear piercings (lobes)? i heard air force lets you use transparent spacers. ive been waiting ages for a waiver (over something retarded) so i figured id just get them now than after tech school
The novelty of being on a ship quickly fades over the 9 months. Would be an even bigger disappointment when the realization how fucked you are sinks in.
Space Force > Coast Guard > Air Force > Army (POG) > Marines (POG) > Marines (Grunt) > Army (Grunt) > Navy Surface Fleet > Navy Submariner
>Marines (Grunt) > Army (Grunt)
Fucking 10% more trashy whores matters to some people
If you're going to be a retard who goes infantry you should get a spiffy little dress uniform
This is the only deciding factor
Oh boy, Wednesday
Time to ask for the 6th week in a row when the recruiter is going to get my shit submitted. Air Force is slow makes me want to go with the army guys who wanted me in right away, but I have no desire to be army
Fact: Only niggers join the ZOG military. Don't be a nigger.
Who the fuck says Zionist Occupied Government anymore. What is this, 2015?
What are you, a SJW?
Really is 2015
When I joined the Airforce the whole process took 5 months, from the day I first met the recruiter to the day I shipped.
must be nice
I mean, our government has literally been propping up Zionism against the democratic will of the American people very visibly since October. It's more relevant than ever before.
I’m dumb and need the government to help me function. I’m white but I’m a spiritually a nigger.
it just feels like only a very specific subset of basement dwellers would use that term. People who used to watch commonfilth and laugh when he said MED RESISTANT AIDS
You'd be surprised by how many Americans support Zionism, Ivan
I'm American, and you are not.
I've never even heard of commonfilth, and I started lurking /b/ in 2005.
You're not a real 8ch guy if you don't remember Common filth
>You're not a real 8ch guy
Never claimed to be one. We're not on 8ch; we're on 4chan. The only other imageboard I've used with any kind of regularity was 420chan. And guess what? We've been saying ZOG on here for 20 years and it's never going to stop until the government is no longer occupied by zionists.
Opportunities to learn languages in military besides linguist?
Try learning English first.
So to confirm I DON'T get a dishonorable discharge for disqualifying medical records that I didn't disclose??

I swear to God and country I'm a patriot
If you were a patriot, you wouldn't be signing up to serve the ruling class's interests which run counter to the interests of the American people.
Yes, a dishonorable is generally for very serious crimes like rape, murder, or aggravated assault.
>the ruling class wants people to... sign up as turboPOGs and benniemaxx!!
Sure thing, bud.
Shut the fuck up you fag
>the ruling class wants people to... sign up as turboPOGs and benniemaxx!!
I have literally no problem with people who are honest that they're signing up for selfish reasons and that the whole "serving your country" thing is just silly propaganda. I also don't have a problem with welfare queens in general, since corporate welfare dwarfs individual welfare.
Great thought-terminating cliche, retard.
While a BCD or DD are a possible result of an Art. 83 charge, an ELS (if it's caught within 180 days), a General, or OTH discharge are much more likely than the BCD/DD.
Nah bro you're a fuckin dildo for thinking all policy is infallible

Autistic retard
I'm not American? Prove it
>thinking all policy is infallible
When did I say that? Are you confusing me with someone else?
Who has the better gas station pizza, Casey's or Huck's?
Whoever the triple faggot was that refused to answer and instead referred to thoughtless authority, fuck that guy
Refused to answer what?
honest question
how does one FAIL the ASVAB?

Had a little smart ass reply and I want to make sure he is verbally abused for it
By being more retarded than the average marine, which seems impossible.
How should I know the answer to that question? I've never been in the military, and I've never wanted to be.
Well thank you for the (you)s I encourage you to find purpose in your life
I knew a guy that scored 4 and was devastated. He had his heart set on the military. I went to a military school in Kentucky for teenage criminals. The majority failed the ASVAB. Many couldn't read.
I have purpose in my life. I hope you actually do find real purpose in yours, because serving the interests of sociopathic pedophiles is not it chief.
To be fair I've adopted some mental gymnastics to make it okay. See, you can't quantify actions but you can quantify tax dollars. So as long as I'm low income I contribute very little to evil. Civilians pay more taxes than soldiers.
Tax dollars don't actually fund anything; they're just a method of keeping people from being able to move up socioeconomically. That's why the middle class pays more in taxes than the ultrawealthy. Everything the government does is paid for with dollars just made up out of thin air by the treasury. It's all just numbers on a computers. It's fake. The whole system is fake.
>The important thing here is that the Federal Reserve does not dip its hand into a pot of “tax dollars” to pay military contractors, nor is it required to check some mythical account where tax dollars live before it wires the money. In fact, that account doesn’t exist. As former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke once noted, when the government pays for things, it is “not taxpayer money. We simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account.” Alan Greenspan, Bernanke’s libertarian predecessor at the Fed further clarified, “There’s nothing to prevent the federal government from creating as much money as it wants and paying it to someone.” The implication is that if Congress can pass a bill that requires some form of spending, the Federal Reserve can and will spend that money without limit, as is the case with the military.
I understand that our economy is a Schrodinger's Cat situation where we can continue to kick the can down the road so long as we refuse to observe what is inside

I get it

But still brah
I'm saying your taxdollar rationalization is nonsense, since taxes don't actually pay for anything.
Never heard of neither. WaWa's gas station pizza is better than it should be, and 7/11 has a good deal if you don't mind the grease. Gas station pizza is still shit-tier compared the holiest of holies - Bucees pulled pork sandwiches and beaver nuggets
>never heard of either
coastie faggot
It's nonsense only until we look at the integrity of the system, which we may eventually do, therefore not nonsense.
No buddy, it's literally just cope. Don't crack under the weight of the cognitive dissonance you're operating with.
>Becomes counted

You're the one coping, you are only right if we can NEVER observe the inner workings.
We are lucky to be born American, but some are luckier to be born in better places than others. Anyways, thanks for acknowledging you were wrong to assume I am not an American.
For example, US v. Watson 2011 convicted of Art. 83, 86, and 134 at a GCM resulting in a BCD. Attempted suicide and spent some time in the nut house ~4 years before enlisting.

In your case, you could just pray their records aren't archived somewhere. Even if you do get caught, as long as you do your job as best you can and your command doesn't hate you, you'll probably get an ELS or General discharge.
You also assumed wrong.
Literally mental gymnastics lmao. The amount of money a person is taxed has literally no relation to how much of the government they fund, because taxes don't fund the government. They are separate things.
I did say it was mental gymnastics in my very first post of my first sentence

But you're also still technically wrong, grow up and accept the distinction between observed and unobserved.
>But you're also still technically wrong
No, I'm not. Taxes don't fund the government. It has nothing to do with what's being observed or not.
Your statement relies on a "never will observe" which is highly improbable at best, sorry.
>Your statement relies on a "never will observe"
How so?
Just read the reply chain from the beginning I believe in you
I did, and you never explained what you mean by that. It's a non-sequitur that you refuse to elaborate on because you know it's meaningless.
They pay the interest on the loans issued to the government by the zionist rats at the federal reserve.

The observer effect is one of the primary forces behind any economic structure.

You know enough to quote Ben Bernancke I will not help you any further. You shouldn't need it.
We know how the economy functions. It's not that complex. It's not some mystical force. It's designed to funnel money into the hands of the people who control the economic system, and all of this stuff is completely out in the open. You come off like a child who just learned a few new words and thinks he's an expert on something.
Double digit nigga right here
You just have to be really really stupid. We had an ASVAB waiver in my basic platoon. He got like a 24 but they still took him because they needed the bodies. Whenever he talked to me his eyes were just blankly staring out into space. There was nobody home. I had never talked to the guy before and he just went up and said hey bro and talked about some porn he watched online before basic. I didn't think people like that existed but you see them in the army.
Unhinged schizo here. Fuck the promotion system. I explicitly signed up to do this one job, not fuck around in some kind of revolving door where every position is just a way to prepare myself for another position which will pad out my NCOER so I can promote and do the same shit over again. I don't fucking care about EOL, VA, SARC, master driver, MRT, or any of the other fake ass additional duty assignments which take away time and energy from my actual fucking job. I don't fucking care that the Army expects every soldier to want to become a CSM one day or to care more about promoting than their actual duty position. Fuck all this nonsense. 7 in 7? How about you wipe the taste of 1SG's asshole off your tongue.
>He didn't take the master driver/gunner pill
It's a bit of a pain in the ass because you get some responsibility, but it gets you out of the sharp, mrt, ammo, eo, armorer or whatever bullshit you could get slapped with and gives you a pretty decent amount of autonomy. You don't even have to do it alone I asked my commander if I could borrow one of the specialists that had done the stryker leadership course as an assistant and he went with me every time.
Trying again. CTR or CWT as a reservist? I have a relevant degree and I just want to volunteer for as many MOBs as possible while I do online classes for my masters. End goal is to go into contracting/defense. From what I've been told CTR will provide me with as many voluntary mobilizations as I want while CWT is a bit more limited.
Good score, you'll be fine whatever you pick but this thread is for midwits who can only get in because of the waiver system. Consult your recruiter.
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>he scored a 4
Meaning he is in the bottom 4% intelligence. I’m surprised he figured out how to breath.
Are you the type of person who can never be wrong? Prove I am not American
>right now.

When in living memory was that ever different?

t. enlisted during the Reagan years.
I said you assumed wrong when you said that I wasn't an American.
I never said that. You said you were American and I am not, I asked you to prove it, and provided a statement that a foreigner could not make. I then said both you and I are lucky to be born American, but you are less lucky for being a midwest fag
>You'd be surprised by how many Americans support Zionism, Ivan
You literally called me a Russian lol
You sure tow the line. Listing a couple of random gas stations that are located in [insert US state] doesn’t really prove anything anyways. We live in a world where code phrases aren’t sufficient.

I expect you will respond and get angrier and angrier, because you came here to argue with strangers on the internet rather than discuss how you could join the military
After taking the ASVAB, my Army recruiter told me I’m selling myself short by wanting to go Infantry. Did I get one of the few recruiters that actually cares or is this some kind of 4D chess on his part?
>says "I never said that"
>said that
Depending on what he offers he might be trying to hook you up. If he wants you to join as a mechanic or supply or some shit just stick with infantry, you'll be happier.
Yep, there is the desire to argue manifesting itself. Seems off-topic, doesn’t it? Also a very odd reaction. Consider how my reaction, as an American, differs from yours.
>get caught in a lie
>try to pretend it's weird that someone is calling out your blatant lying
Mutant here (avionics on Phantom and Bronco, engines on F-16 A/B/C/D/CJ then merged into crew dog).

If you are a real gearhead who truly loves technology (for example all your hobbies and interests are related including cars/trucks/motorcycles, and metalworking you'll be fine if you're not a pussy. Maintenance is not for people who don't wrench for fun. Not even joking. They cannot hang because it's just a job to them. OTOH there's a personality type who are completely unbothered by the work and the hours and take to it naturally.

The smart play for maintainers is join to do 20 at least. You'll be doing some sort of work either way and federal retirement is worth killing for. Anyone not retired hasn't a clue. After vesting there are plenty of career options if you choose not to suck and properly human network as an SNCO or officer. All my SNCO bros did well. I fully retired (back problems) which is fine too.

Best systems to work are those which will last for two careers, not just one. Do what lazy fucks do not and make frens with AFETS and company tech reps because they're fountains of info. Airlifters and drones are both solid choices.

I rank avionics above engines and engines (but not much) above crew chief but promotions are faster in the crew dog world so you can exploit those who cannot hang. If you are totally insensitive to everything you'll do fine. If you are sensitive and high strung do not defile my Air Force with your faggotry because sensitives suck to work with and not in a good way.

Aircraft Metals Technology is highly desirable but usually fills up with people who have prior experience. Small field so slow promotions but aviation metalworking beats the civilian machinist world and they work out of backshops not flightline AMUs.

If you like wrenching ONLY pick aircraft related jobs. Avoid SecFo, Transportation (if it doesn't have wings or rotors you don't want it) and any paperpushing AFSC.
So which branch are you interested in joining, Sergei?
Thank you for your contribution bumps to the thread.
It actually isn't but I was able to get my A&P as an engine troop. Remember many G.I.s would complain if they were having an orgasm. I preferred the flexy maintenance schedule as many do.

You'll have many long shifts but it's generally easy to get the shift you prefer. Fill your dream sheet with nothing but overseas bases. Korea is large fun. I tried for Japan but others beat me to it. Germany rocks as does any little hole in the wall tenant unit in NATO that's low viz.
Okay coastoid.
"No days off" is very much an exaggeration. Some people draw a bad unit which is very much luck.

Which base and airframe? That's highly relevant.
That’s all you are good for if you have nothing to contribute. Why would a man who has no interest in the US military come to this thread and spend ALL afternoon here?
Why are maintainers such fucking weirdos? Whenever I have to interact or see a maintainer they're a complete spaz.
Enlisted who are wise contact their career field manager before putting in a dream sheet and find out what their best bets are. It's common for NCOs who get orders to Randolph for stuff like writing promotion tests to walk over and meet them in person.
I'm salaried and work from home and have a bunch of shit to do that I'm putting off. This is one of like 20 threads I'm posting in right now across various boards, all to procrastinate on some gay computer work.
Nah, it's a pretty good life. I'm technically getting paid to post here in a roundabout way. I'm grateful every single day for everything that I have.
Killing subhumans, commies and combinations thereof has no moral costs. You just came here to shitpost and don't really care either.
Serving the interests of sociopathic pedophiles has a moral cost.
Do you think this comes across as “bragging”? Russoids nolife on the internet because they live in bleak hellscapes, and it sounds like Illinois can’t be that far off if you’re doing the same as them.
Why are you here? Do you think you're serving any kind of purpose? You're doing the exact same shit that I am (just worse).
I spent weeks in the barracks attempting to teach him 2+2. He literally just couldn't fucking do it. I'm not joking.
Bro Illinois is the worst state
Fuck you, faggot.
Good point. Even the loser that comes here every day to whine about the Jews took the day off and did something better with his life.
I've been to most of them and even the Mars-like areas of the west in the dead of a snowless winter are better than Illinois corn fields, and I happen to like corn fields.
I live on a bluff overlooking the river, surrounded by forests. There's plenty of cornfields, but that's not where most people live.
Sounds like you live in a beautiful place. Why spend all day indoors on 4chan?

Every state that touches you has better bluffs and river views
Because I'm technically on the clock and need to be on my computer.
Iowa? Indiana? lmao
Indiana is sick as fuck actually, can't speak for Iowa but I consider it part of Nebraska and I loved Nebraska while Illinois leaves me questioning my life choices
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>I live on a bluff overlooking the river, surrounded by forests
That's a creek.
Indiana blows, and Iowa's worse.
>no sense of humor
Stereotypically Russian demeanor. Case closed.
You're wrong, Indiana has some of the best hills and woods in the country and I say that as a Kentuckian(vapid hatred of Indiana)

I do remember now I did drive through Iowa once, was a comfy cross between Nebraska and Missouri. I liked it. Could live there.

I'd rather be killed than live in Illinois.
>if you don't laugh at my unfunny jokes then you don't have a sense of humor
>living in Iowa
lol, you're just saying this to be hurtful
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For getting a TS clearance, is the advice to be completely honest about all thc use?
It’s so grim in Illinois that you don’t even have gallows humor there? Bleak.
Your job is don't flunk the polygraph, an entirely bogus thing that is for some reason still used.
No, I just dislike you and don't want to play along with you specifically.
I’m going for an MOS that requires TS, no poly.
So why do you feel compelled to respond to all of my replies, in a thread with a subject matter you have zero interest in?
Welcome to 4chah
Might as well. As long as you're not actively using any more and are up front about it the CAF likely won't care.
MEPS might, though, which is the tricky part.
>he identifies as a “4channer”
After telling us a bit about your life, I almost get why you’re here. Sad stuff, but not enough to shed a tear. Go get some fresh air on your bluff by your river.
You post on 4chan every single day.
I’m done with meps, I told the doctor I used it a couple times experimentally in the past and didn’t even need a waiver. I wasn’t thinking about a TS investigation at the time, now I’m about to be interviewed. I smoked quite heavily for a few years after high school, haven’t used any in 8 months or so.
Wrong again. You still sure I’m not American?

Hmm, I just noticed the post count. It sure went up a lot this afternoon. I better stop responding before I accidentally kill the thread.
>You still sure I’m not American?
The gas station knowledge was sufficient evidence for me, although according to you it means nothing.
Whatever you tell the interviewer should match what you put on your SF86 and what your references should say.
If it doesn't you might still be okay, I know a dude who lied about weed use on his forms and came clean during his interview who eventually got his TS and poly but that was due to his character and the decision of his adjudicating authority.
If I just keep to the same story, no alterations, is that a larger risk than fessing up in the interview?
Idk man, if they ask your references and they say "yeah he smoked like a chimney" they'll probably call you back up and want an explanation.
As a Bong I'm considering using my uncles connections in the US to give me a Green Card and join the Marines. Talk me out of it.
Why not just join the bong marines?
Do you really want to be that much of a stereotype? A Brit in the service of a bunch of rich pedophiles?
Your own military is in the shitter. Go help.
Alright I’ll remember a little more about my past in the interview and be candid. This is the only red flag I have.
I want to move to the states, and despite there being much easier ways of getting citizenship, especially with my education, I like the idea of being able to boast I earned mine through service.
>boasting that you served rich pedophiles
Again, that's a little on the nose, isn't it?
>I like the idea of being able to boast
Stay the fuck away from the Corps, bong faggot.
My dick is super small and I want to make people think otherwise what do I enlist as
>applying for NUPOC and a SNFO slot
>start seeing portraits of Admiral Rickover in the background every other post on instagram and twitter
Is his ghost subtly swaying me into joining subs?
Any branch, just make sure you get the license plate and car sticker
Civilian emt
lol funny how much this is written for total retards
yet here I am reading it
Will I need a waiver for post finasteride syndrome?
>gamma wave state
>maximum productivity
>highest gamma wave state in humans is Tibetan monks who literally just sit about all day
They doin a lot you just a simple man
This slide...
Is the schizo back? Thank goodness, if so. These threads were getting boring as fuck.
pretty sure damn sure, buddy pal, that 'being productive' is literally the antithesis to what they're doing
So uh, is it normal for recruiters to take forever getting back to you?
The better the branch, the lazier the recruiter
taking the asvab next week. i am going to be honest, is it worth joining just so my college can be paid for. planning on joining the national guard part time
30 years maybe. you have to be competitive now
opt out of surescripts
check twitter
why would I use Twitter
But why the Marines? You do you man I'm not going to convince you other wise but I'm interested in why them specifically?
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Wait so maintainers work 60-80 hrs per week but get the same pay as someone working 40 hours? why is this legal??
Yes, it's called a "salary."
the post officer does this too, rural carriers work salary while city carriers work per hour. Rural carriers can be working 80-90 hours a week or little as 36 and make the same
As far as I care I'd rather be in the military at this point
I got cleared for MEPS yesterday after 3 months of working with a recruiter :D
>Wright-Patterson in Dayton seems interesting because of the specific USAF Intelligence presence
delete this.
Why go guard instead of reserves or vice-versa? I don't get the difference
National Guard is for people who want to shoot civilians on college campuses, and the reserves are for people who want to shoot civilians anywhere.
What's the easiest way to get 100% p&t? I have 2 months left in this bullshit.
Sustaining a catastrophic injury? Trust me, you don't want it. If you're thinking about faking it, you should kill yourself instead.
>catastrophic injury
>If you're thinking about faking it, you should kill yourself instead.

You can legit see ppl with 100% that have nothing wrong with them. So why wouldn't I want the same $4000 people get for free?
>he is openly shaming people for getting less benefit than our elected officials do after they do less time for less work.

People looking out for themselves is stupid? I bet you tell your soldiers to just "push though the pain" as his ankle crunches with every step.
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T-the army is great man! I think you should re-enlist! I'm totally re enlisting in 4 years!
>You can legit see ppl with 100% that have nothing wrong with them
Where'd you get your medical license? If you've got real issues, make sure you get them documented at medical if you haven't already. If you've already got documented conditions and only 2 months left you should be able to file a claim under the Benefits Delivery at Discharge program.
>People looking out for themselves is stupid?
No, but the wording of the question
>What's the easiest way to get 100% p&t?
seems like he's trying to bullshit his way to 100%
> If you've got real issues
Wife has been showing me guys on her TikTok and shit that even showed his ratings. Dude is at 100% and still works a fulltime job, among a few others she has shown me.
>seems like he's trying to bullshit his way to 100%

You mean like every female service member?
yeah pretty much lol
What's the problem with him trying to get his cut of the pie?
If you want to be as dishonorable as a woman, then go ahead and fake an MH condition.
>If you want to be as dishonorable as a woman

Yep. I want the same check for doing nothing while retards slave away for the system. :)
kek, based knower
Sometimes I fantasize about getting called up on IRR so I can upgrade myself to 100% P&T guilt-free out of spite
>guilt-free out of spite

Why don't you just do it now? Why have guilt for playing the system that played you?
Why do people look shocked when you tell them how much being in the military sucks?

Or when you tell them the good solders are the ones that keep getting fucked over so they get out?
Dude, I was at a family get together one time and my brother in laws sister was there, and she was trying to con her son into joining the military. She found out I was in, and tried to use me as a recruitment tool. The look in the face of the dumb bitch when I told him how much of a fool he would be for joining in this day and age, and all the other bs that comes with it had this women looking like "how dare you insult the military!"

Stupid civilians, bro.
They treated me pretty okay actually, except during COVID but that wasn't the military's fault.
(But it was a fault of the federal government, where the VA gibz come from so hmm, you've got a point)
Duing covid was one of the worst times in the military for me. But it hasn't exactly been great as a whole anyway.

The same federal government that pays private snafu 750 every 2 weeks, that also pays 120000 a year to the guy watching him work on motorpool Monday. And the same federal government that gives endless billions to every other country on earth while private snafu lives in moldy barracks.
because they don't fuck with it
>wasn't the military's fault
every damn CO and anyone else had the choice to call out career politicians on their bullshit, some did and most didn't, fuck them.
The ones that did ended up like that marine major and lost everything they did in their 20+ year long career.
Signs you're going to a shit duty station:
>people say it's great for "hunting" and vague outdoors stuff but the closest mountain or national park is more than 4 hours away (bonus: no public land nearby)
>people tell you "the place is what you make of it" or "you get out what you put in to it"
>people tell you to avoid the town right outside the gate
>housing is unusually cheap
>closest major city or place with things to do is multiple hours away
>"oh [unit] isn't that bad don't listen to the rumors"
No enlistment waivers for the beetus.
>7 minute shit limit

bro come oooon
M8, if they didn't have to spend all their energy keeping that gamma state they would build Rome in a minute

You wouldn't get it
>at least it's near a major airport
Fort Carson was the worst duty station I have ever been too. None of those things applied.
that's the whole point of his responsibility
I thought Fort Carson was pretty cool (I was stationed at Buckley and went there for Fourth of July once and haven't been back since)
I really want to join the space force but it sounds like the only jobs available are the kind where you sit at a desk for 8 hours and I already do that in my civilian life.
Do they have any outdoors stuff like the other branches? If so I'll go sign up right now.
>I want to join the Space Force
>but I don't want to sit at a desk all day
>I want to do outdoors stuff
>In the Space Force
nigga what the fuck
Kill yourself nigger
You have a fantasy image of the Space Force which doesn't correspond to reality and now you're getting mad when people point that out. What the fuck do you want?
I want you to die because you're a stupid nigger, that's what I want
you show up and the guy you're supposed to replace tries to kill himself the next week, and the guy before him also killed himself. Everyone sads out after you leave.
Granted, I don't think it was my unit as much as the leadership above the unit.
K. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.
If you're in 1st brigade it is beyond ass. I was there for 4 years and hated every second of it. Fort hood was a major upgrade by comparison.
When I see soldiers in uniform in public and they aren't 6'3 225lbs and 7% bodyfat I spit on the ground
Having worked closely with both, 100% Marines. Outside of a few pockets of excellence, the Army is easily the dumbest branch, they truly scrape the bottom of the barrel, the average soldier is stupid as hell. There is a reason Forest Gump was hailed as a "genius" at Army basic training. Marine bases are in WAY better places too.
Probably less opportunities to go to Sniper School or Special Forces in the Marines vs. Army. Raiders probably don't get as much action as Green Berets either.
Let's be fair SOF should be counted independently of branch
So I don't have to get vaxxed to join anymore, right?
I wanted to join but didn't cause of the vaxx, but I knew they'd make exemptions again eventually, and it sounds like they did, so now I wanna join again
no what?
no to your fucking question retard
is this like fake or something?
or is it only for guys who were already in?
I don't understand what you're so angry about
I don't understand why you're asking a question when you already have the answer in front of you.
I get what you're saying but I feel like you should just join the Brit military and get into one of their cool guy units if you're looking to boast
Joing American Marines as a Brit when you could have joined Brit marines doesn't look good because Brit marines are cooler than almost all the American marines
That is tricky since the usaf likes to muddy the waters by referring to jobs like tacp as "special warfare."
is bradycardia (heart rate below 60) a disqualifier? i got disqualified at MEPS for having a heart rate so i did the exercise and eat healthy meme but now my heart rate got too low…
high heart rate*
>want to join the army
>look at the unit i want to join's facebook page
>there are women in the unit
>half of the guys are overweight

No such thing as too low. ~50 resting heart rate means you have decent cardiovascular fitness. RHR charts say 50 means athlete level, but I had a rhr of around 50 not long ago, and I wasn't anywhere near an athlete.
Is "Pilot" the best job one can have in the Amerifat Military? Is it hard to get?
Why is the military in a recruitment and retention crisis.
Exactly. If you are 100% prime Grade-A all-American, both fit and intelligent, the Army is the place for you. The "pockets of excellence" I mentioned previously are the best in the world. Outside of that however, it's awful. Fat retarded mutts everywhere. USMC has retarded mutts everywhere too, but you almost never see fat ones. Marines had less criminals, and cartels seem to target the Army exclusively. Army SOF is perfection but the Army is a very, very large organization with tons of fat outside the muscle. If you want to do 4-and-out as a grunt, go Marines.
I know that feel bro, I wanted to join the Australian Army, but there are chicks in combat units now and now I'm not so sure
And I just bet all the males are like "they're just as strong as us" and "they're valued members of the team" et cetera like fuck off they kill the vibe
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I’m fat, addicted to food, and stuck in an endless loop of “starting tomorrow”
if you lost that weight, and got in shape (enough to meet the entry requirements), would there be anything else stopping you from joining the military?
I don’t think so, I had asthma as a small child, but I think it was just being a fat kid and my mom claims I was never diagnosed. That was over 10 years ago, 22 now.
This. I can confirm the army is a joke. Joined in shape, with high aspirations, got fucked over my entire first contract, was convinced reclassing and a new duty station would fix my woes.

>it didn't

Got fucked over on my reclass, pay got fucked for over a year, finance refuses to fix it, I'm now 6 years deep, stuck as an e4 since 2020, gained 40lbs since 2018, and just counting the days until I'm out and can burn the single uniform i have left because they lost my household goods when I pcsd back from Korea. Fuck the army.
Do you think the possibility of still having asthma is stopping you from getting started? For instance, tomorrow comes, and you say "today's the day I start working out", but then in the back of your head you think "but I might have asthma, so why bother" - is that what's stopping you? Also, how badly do you want this?
Don't join the military. Especially at that age, dude.
No, that is not stopping me. I don’t have asthma anymore, I’m just fat, and suffer from lack of will power.
My options are very limited at the moment. I’m living with family and working a shit job, every day the existential dread of getting older and becoming more of a worthless loser sets in a little more. The military seems like a good reset button for my life and possibly a career.
dont listen to this idiot
i joined at 33
follow your dreams
>My options are very limited at the moment. I’m living with family and working a shit job, every day the existential dread of getting older and becoming more of a worthless loser sets in a little more. The military seems like a good reset button for my life and possibly a career.

No imagine all of that, but with the heel of the government on your neck. Because that's exactly what it's like.
At least I would make my family proud.
You are exactly the type the military preys on. You'd fit right in as cannon fodder for the bankers, corporations, and politicians that need their status quo upheld. They'll make billions while you're stuffed into a modly 10x10 barracks room with at least 1 other person for $750 every 2 weeks.
See >>62052350

They're only "proud" because they saw saving private ryan, and all the other propaganda movies and video games that make it look cool and righteous.
Why are you even in this thread?
The same reason you are. To talk about the military
Why are you so salty about the military? Were you in?
my guess is a /pol/tard who wanted to join (because of the aforementioned post-9/11 propaganda), but never did and wasted his years gaming and getting fat, but the thought never went away so he comes here to troll
I indeed am. I only have 2 month left.
If the military was so great they wouldn't be in a retention and enlistment crisis.
So you’re some POG desk jockey who posts on 4chan during his workdays. Sounds tough.
>So you’re some POG desk jockey who posts on 4chan during his workdays. Sounds tough.

What are you doing right now, exactly?
I’m retired from the military, seethe more.
I like how the gay ass recruiters that run this thread have to try to debunk people while being politically correct

You little queers
I like how the gay ass never servers that post in this thread have to try to pretend to not be a loser while being a fat neckbeard

You fat faggots

Part of serving involves denial of the truth. Sad!
nobody cares about serving theiir country
i joined because i wanted people to worship me and thank me for my service
Yes we all know that you're morally compromised sociopaths and it should be pointed out
Healthy young man goes to 4chan, gets stomach filled with junk food and doesn’t exercise. Gets fat and seethes about military - OBESITY. Many such cases!
What happened to selfless service, boomer?
8 pack abs bench bitch boy

the truth hurts when you have to live with the lies for a contract length doesnt it :^)
>8 pack abs bench bitch boy
What did he mean by this?
I almost bragged about my bench but realized it was too impressive to brag about without proof which I will not provide
>implying being babysat for 2-6 years by a barely literate SNCO and a bottom 10% college grad somehow precludes you from being a fat loser
>wanted people to worship me and thank me for my service

They don't do that anymore
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MAGA milfs love it, but i still love telling people i was in the military because they instantly think im a badass
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Join the Air Force if you want a career. Joining combat arms is stupid as there are no wars on.

Joining the Army was always stupid.

That's silly. The American public are too stupid to serve without compensation. Grow up, shoot your inner child in the face then choose coldly.



You just called yourself stupid, nobody else

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