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Fagot edition

Lying about medical history: YMMV
Lying about criminal history: Bad

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (Short version)
https://pastebin.com/53tsDj90 (40 page version)

>Special Forces Fitness Guide
Stew Smith Fitness

For all Army SF info.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS, as well study guides for ASTB-E

Airforce Pilot guide - just do AFROTC, political science major, 4.0 with athletics is auto-acceptance

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
No, you'll get cancer and a prolapsed asshole.
tl;dr: Two year long school with suicidal furries, you never get to leave your boat, zero job prospects.


>How to get way overqualified physically for BMT/BCT when starting from nothing

>Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

The military has appropriated the American flag. When you see the American flag you don't think "America" you think "military". This can simply mean one thing and one thing only.

The military is not aligned with the American people.
Nigga wut?
Got my MEPS date for the 31st of July and 1st of August in Salt Lake City
28 years old, extremely anti-Semitic, just want to be around planes for my 'tism
I wish I was an American so I could join the military and civilians would thank me for my service and say nice things me. And I could get paid a lot for my injuries. And my education could be covered. And I could get lots of discounts and be pampered on Veteran's Day. Boomers would immediately respect me.
Join the French Foreign Legion and get respect from French military members and apathy from everyone else and free EU citizenship
Oh wow look an emotionally undeveloped autist surely this won't backfire

FFL is the true patrician's choice
Not him but I am a socially stunted sperg(thank you homeschooling) and I would like to know whats the worst that could happen if I joined
I assumed I would learn to get on with everyone because in all the blue collar jobs I've worked up my coworkers came away with a generally positive opinion of me despite many, many differences
Homeschooling doesn't make people socially stunted you just had garbage parents, I know homeschool parents that travel their kids around the country perpetually and those kids have 100 times the social skills of anybody in public school. Again, you had bad parents. Bet your house was dirty too.

Aside from that it's basically a narcissism issue. These loser autists have no legitimate will to power within themselves but are not mature enough to measure that properly, they put themselves above others in an unearned way and because they never earned anything when this becomes challenged they sperg out. Narcissist-Autist tornado. The school shooter breed.
House wasn't that dirty
Mom is a disabled loon and didn't bother raising me, dad cared but he was always working or sleeping, brother went to public school and socially he's great though, everyone loves him
I was homeschooled and I can't hold a conversation very well

So the problem is acting like they're the chosen one without anything to back it up and tard rage when confronted on it?
Some people are spergs with normal siblings even though they went to school and college. It is just the destiny of the sperg. You gotta accept or adapt or both.
I'm not actually autistic I just was making a joke
After the covid stuff made Mr lose my job I been struggling in poverty for 4 years barely getting by so the air force looks nice right now with the housing, food, and paycheck. Most my money goes to food and housing so I feel I can build up some money for land and eventually a house this route instead of being stuck with all my money wasted on basics.
Still dislike jews just this is a good way to pull myself out a bit with lower risk
>So the problem is acting like they're the chosen one without anything to back it up and tard rage when confronted on it?
Yep basically the entirety of the issue
You sound like a defeatist

You should have gone outside more.
4 years of poverty with a spiral of all money going to survive is shit. State is too expensive, wages too low, can't leave because I can't build up a nestegg to leave.
What the fuck you mean defeatist it's my fucking life I work 70 hours a week just to survive and I'm living in a 200 sqft mice infested apartment. Joining the military to pull out is the opposite of defeatist it's seizing an opportunity to leave this shit
They won't let you in. The military has banned bitchboys
Definitely bitch minded
yeah don't worry about the rude stuff people say in this thread
they're either polanons/vatniks angry that you're joining zog or recrooters trying to bully you into "proving them wrong" that you're "soft" by enlisting
you'll probably here worse from whatever they call your instructor anyways

you're self-motivated, you know where you are, where you were, and where you're going
you are gonna make it bro
Do you dude, mil is a good way to shift stuff up, but its gonna be hard. Itll open a lot of doors afterwards tho, even if you dont use the gi bill (which you absolutely fucking should if you go for it)
>agh my moooorgalization
Giving thirdies access to the internet was one of humanities worst choices. Neocolonialism now
You literally just described what living in the barracks or on post housing in general.
at least you get an extra 1500 at the end of the month instead of nothing
nah he's a little pussy it's plain as day
>t. sundere middle aged hr worker(in a military uniform)
>FFL is the true patrician's choice
For Africans, yes. If you don't speak French and aren't willing to do literally whatever it takes to get French citizenship so your family can escape the Sahel then don't apply, they would rather have a million immigrant types who do not dare fail a mission or queation an order for fear of losing their path to citizenship than yet another white guy looking for adventure.
Chechens aren't white
How do people still not good white isn't the skin color
No matter how much they give you, that contractor watching you work in the hot sun from his air-conditioned truck makes 120000+ a year.
>$1500 a month
Think about that. Making less than a wage slave at McDonald's.
you missed the part about the housing and food. You should really focus on learning how to read a full conversation to get the context of a statement. Working 70 hours a week just for food and housing with no leftover makes working long hours for some extra money at the end a better bargain.
I know you don't understand bills yet, but please try to understand most adults have to pay for housing, gas, food, ect.
You're both retards.
Living in the barracks means you can pocket close to 100% of your pay because you have no rent payments or utility bills. For someone constantly living paycheck to paycheck that alone is worth it. If you deploy (even if it's a non combat deployment) you can pocket even more extra money. It's completely feasible to walk out of a 3 or 4 year contract with $50k cash saved up if you're smart about it, and having a safety net like that means you don't have to work shitty McJobs on the outside because you can't afford to spend time looking for anything better.
>but but other people make more money than you!!!
Who gives a shit? If you play your cards right one day you too can be the fat contractor yapping about his fake war stories while making six figures.
>If you play your cards right one day you too can be the fat contractor yapping about his fake war stories while making six figures.
YUP, thats where these fat fuckers come from. Just dipshits that enlisted and then got an ezpz gig
>calling what come out of the dfac food.
Here's a little hint for you. 90% of what comes out of that facility is the bottom of the barrel cheapest shit you can buy.

As far as the barracks goes, ya. Living in essentially a jail cell full of mold, dried sperm, and whatever other garbage was in the room.
air force dfac food is better than eating gas station burritos 2 times a day
air force dorms better than living in your car
You're pretty out of touch with the working class, huh?
>the lower class begins to capitulate to hardship by relaxing their moral standards and serving tyrants

Collapse imminent
Rome offered soldiers land for 20 years
America offers pension for 20 years
Same thing different era
You act like I'm not still in the military counting down the days until I get my dd214 so I can get it laminated, framed, and put in a vault behind bulletproof glass so there is no way shape or form anything can happen to it, and I can be done with the military forever.
Ah yes so you admit you don't know what paying bills is like
>he thinks I didn't have civilian jobs in the past
>he thinks I didn't think like the guy in the other thread thinking the grass was greener on the other side.
>almost 8 years later and I can say for sure the military was one of the biggest mistakes in my life.
Living with your mom while working at McDonalds isn't the same as working to pay bills
Neither is having the government pay for yours, welfare queen.
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>ITT: Bunch of suckers.
2A6X1 or 15B?
How does a TACP differ from a CCT?
>The military has appropriated the American flag.
Retarded take.
>When you see the American flag you don't think "America" you think "military".
Not my first thought, but they aren't mutually exclusive either. If your brain goes straight to the military power of a country when you see it's flag, that's your own problem.
>This can simply mean one thing and one thing only.
>*reddit space*
>The military is not aligned with the American people.
The military is made of American people.
they should conscript middle school graduates. most of the students dont even want to go to school theyre trying to buy a ps5
anyone that doesnt have a 3.9+ gpa and perfect attendance is wasting their time anyway
Zoggy go home
Zoggy go home
Zoggy go home
how old is "wow that guy's kinda old to be joining the military" age
>t. 21 yo considering enlisting
Above 30
one goes through dive school for starters
same way a ranger differs from green beret
FFL is nowhere near what it used to be. They don't just take any foreign applicant, no matter how qualified. It is now more like the Spanish Legion has always been (native Spaniards or Spanish speakers of current or former territories only, with extreme exceptions)
Although, France is making a big push to regain their former military might, so the may open up recruitment a bit.
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Is being a JO on a sub the worst job you can get? I keep seeing these memes and see how some say it’s the worst shit they ever done
Also, at least historically, you are in a vague area of "no citizenship" until you pass selection. You volunteered and enrolled for service in a foreign military, so most nations (US at least) have just voided your citizenship.
You are also not yet a French citizen, since you have not completed training satisfactorily, so they can ship you to Africa and let you die of hydration while shoveling sand and legally no one even died.
Yeah but the alternative is trannies
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>hmmm yes today I will choose the military service with vastly lower quality of life, pay, and benefits because less than one tenth of one percent of the american military are trannoids
You're grown, bro. Do what you want.
LOL at your medical benefits. And you will need them when the Lejeune cancer sets in

>The military is made of American people.
That doesn't mean that it hasn't been subverted and now works by tricking the Americans that join it into destroying America. Kike endeavors such as Judeo-communism always have the vast majority of its manpower come from Goyim since Kikes are extremely lacking in honest strength. My cock is so tight because of my phimosis but the head is covered in pearly penile papules so I guess it is a blessing in disguise.
>Worrying about quality of life

Fuck you pussy I wanna be pissing and shitting blood in the jungle 24/7
A pension is fucking worthless compared to a land grant. I'd fucking enlist right now if I could get a freshly conquered patch of the world at the end of my service.
What happens in SERE school?
Alexander the great was a fag, Frederick the great was gay too, richard the lionheart was gay, spartans were gay, Mehmet II was gay, Sultan AbdĂĽlmecid was gay. THe military was always a place for great homosexuals and sexual deviants
Fredrick the II too was gay :3, study history and you might learn somethings
It's fucking Friday night, go to a bar or something.
>he doesn't know about the Resistance part
My AFQT score is too high.
What's the most straight edge MOS?
Besides the obvious: military police and officers
you buy the land while in the military then use the pension to upkeep it
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Ask your 18 series questions. I'll be around for about 4 hours.
1.Focus on the 50m goal. Asking about sage or my life doesn't make much sense if you haven't been selected yet.
2. Remember that SFAS changes constantly so go for broad strokes. If you memorize details and expect them, it could throw you off when they don't happen.
3. You'll still be in the army. Best place in the army, except maybe dentists they look pretty happy. But still in the army.
4. I am not an oldfag or a hero. I am a very mediocre green beret who sees the improvement in my life as something that should be shared with 4chan autists like me if possible.
Keeping the above in mind, there really aren't any dumb questions in anonymity. Good luck everybody.
Frederick is the only gay guy in the list you gave. frederick the 2nd and frederick the great are same guy btw.
if they issue mgs specific loadouts i will enlist
metal gear solid loadouts are based on european armies.
I'm close to 1/2/3/4 (off by a little on bench and press) and I can run a 2 mile under 13 minutes pretty much anytime, but I weigh 150 pounds soaking wet. I'm 5'8". Would you recommend being heavier and/or stronger before I go to a selection course?
So you need to be able to pass a PT test with some pull-ups. Doing 50 pull ups or 100 push ups or some other shit won't help much. it's pass fail.
You will need to carry up to 250lbs at a slow pace of walking during team week (and more often less than 200) so the squat will help with that.
But the vast majority of selection, if not basically all of it, is carrying 75 pounds around on your back. it's better if that's 1/3 of your bodyweight and not 1/2.
that being said, enlist. don't wait around to be perfect. you'll have way more than enough time through the prep course and all that other 18x shit and holdover time.
Have you blasted any narcos? Is it true they DNR for quitting under less than a life threatening condition?
Good to know, guess it's time to bulk.
I've already been in for a minute though.
If it's a medical issue that's causing you to be in a lot of pain and feel like you should be done, you have quit.
if the medics see you and think "holy fuck if we let him keep going we are screwed" then you have med dropped
it comes down to ruck speed/longevity. if you bulk your way out of cardio you've gone too far. good luck man wish you the best
Can someone give me the rundown on getting into a good MBA school as an enlisted veteran? When I say "good" I mean UW Foster and up, doesn't have to be Harvard or whatever (though that would be sick af).
Has anyone used Service to School?

Also Air/Space Force comm/cyber veteran AMA, though I will be quite busy for the next three days
Not exactly related but check out https://www.ivyleagueveterans.org/
Did you get to do DCO/OCO?
3D1X2 to 1D7???? to 5C0X1N to 5C0X1D. It was quite the clusterfuck, I don't even know what skill level I was when I separated. Space Force does send people to the 1B4 school (and I think they're trying to make that the default pipeline for their DCO) but their AFSC doesn't change from 5C0X1D.
I did DCO, basically just watched the network.
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Militarybros, why do you need so much "assistance" to stay out of poverty?

>every female redditor has her OF link posted in the bio.

This is fact.
Military members are encorged to go on welfare themselves. The military is garbage.
Why does /meg/ get so bent out of shape when people take shit about the military? Especially people that were / are in?
The recruiters are obligated to at least attempt to defend the accusations, it's free (you)s.
It makes sense. I re watched "born on the 4th of July" to remind myself getting out was a good decision.

>Politicians send young guys off under the shell of protecting "freedom."
>young guys come back shot up, fucked up etc.
>bankers, politicians, and corporations make a few billion dollars
>men come back to a country over run with wokeism

Ya, it's a joke.
>demoralization propaganda
I prefer Assault on Wallstreet myself.
Rome and the Ancien Regime were the same. Its the elite that will get the guillotine and the soldiers/veterans will be primarily the ones doing it.
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>Exam dump your way to CySa+
>Ask your recruiter about Stripes for Cyber
>Congratulations on joining the Air Force as E-4
>At least in Vietnam (which Born on the 4th of July focuses on), we were fighting to prevent the spread of Communism

Of which it still spread, we lost, and the VA treated the Vets worse than they do now.
>first attempt ASTB
>scored 49/6/5/5
>3.6 GPA in BSME going into my senior year
I’ve seen people with worst GPAs in non-engineering get selected for SNFO with similar scores. I still can’t believe I fucked up that badly
Our current education system literally celebrates communism and socialism.
>note signed June 1945
>left at a camp during the events of 1942
Is it worth going for anything other than being a pilot or something? How hard is it to get a flight school slot?
si buey sign up with Las Fuerzas Armadas De Los Estados Unidos and get your own burro >>62037394
Except even Communists and Socialists hated faggots.
After which Nixon just handed the "communists" all of our capital and let all the Vietnamese immigrants in. Also, how do you expect a strong border w/o a military?
>but the Ancien Regime has been vindicated
Beside the point, be a Napoleon.
Alright I've about mcfucking had it with basic normal life

What branch ships the fastest
Probably the Navy followed closely by the Army, then the Air Force, then everything else
Air Force is slow as shit with shipping, Marines and Coast Guard got to be faster
Space Force is easily the slowest
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>80 IQ E5s and below show up to play a Chinese boombox at your funeral
Made me snort-laugh
Based final fuck you to anyone dumb enough to request a military funeral. Low class even in death.

Which MOS/AFSC in each branch has the highest suicide rate?
Supposedly Air Force missilemen are pretty high on the list.
Shit duty stations since all the silos are in the middle of nowhere in North Dakota or Montana and your duties revolve around sitting in a steel Pringles can waiting to push a button and incinerate millions of people while also waiting for the same to be done to you. Exercises are structured so you don't know if the launch order you're giving is real or for training until afterwards.
Wow fuck me it's not even a meme, Shitmerica really is minority white
Whats the opinion going round about that cop who shot a gb candidate in pineland?
That community loves cops and alot end up transferring into police work for pay increases. SOF members who don't end up selling drugs instead or running motorcycle clubs around North Carolina.
Because it’s a non-serve doing the bitching about things that don’t affect us
>all the silos are in the middle of nowhere in North Dakota or Montana
Sounds like heaven. I'd call them weak, but I'd probably kms if I had to live in a city.
a lot has changed about sage since then, something like that could not happen. could accidentally trespass and incur a homeowner, but not cops. I remember some people asking if we had permits to hunt there, and we were carrying 240s and 249s. pretty funny question of them
Hot damn I had heard rumors Genesis was bad but here are the numbers.

"Before the health system rollout, Goodyear said, getting 100 new Marine Corps contracts took 154 applicants; now it takes 181 applicants."

The air force reduced their target, and then the ndaa reduced their end strength. It would have been hilarious if they still didn't make it.
The air force is mainly having issues because currently serving members don't trust their leadership - ACE, MRA, and AFFORGEN are all shit shows.
Not as bad as I expected
Still a disaster and national security risk
After the Donald Trump assassination attempt I have firmed my resolve to join the military. Our domestic enemies have gotten out of hand
I am 100% just going to tell the MEPs doctor that I didn't fucking remember the silly little crazy house visits of my younger years and be stone faced as fuck when he tries to be angry about it anyways and I WILL tell him that if I could have just used their little search query at the recruiting office this time wouldn't have had to be wasted

Ngl though I think I'll slip past them I'm from a shitty poor person state in the south
How should I spend the next 12 months preparing if I want an option 40
anything specifically noteworthy beyond do lots of push ups and get your mile times down
Yeah become a homisexual
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Depictions of enlisted lifers?
would that actually be beneficial?
I could try training myself into it but I feel like it would just make the gay jokes I've heard soldiers tend to make just awkward and actually gay
These are the updated average scores on various fitness tests for Rangers. Ideally you should be able to match the average scores if not the lower end of the above average scores by the time you ship.
This is on no sleep and an empty stomach right? Plus a hangover? Because green zone easy as fuck.
I was misdiagnosed as schizoaffective when I’m actually bipolar. Had a manic episode that went psychotic when I accidentally stumbled upon pizza and I called the cops. Went through mental health court and got treated. Other than that I was still able to control myself and manage myself fine without any delusions. Would I need a character waiver alongside a medical waiver?
Don't join, you sound like a poor fit for the military.
How so? Calling the cops on myself was the right thing to do. Went psychotic only because someone recorded my dick at a urinal when I was a teen and that’s how I snapped. Weird and embarrassing way for it to happen but what can you do.
When you ass get peeled apart and that tongue comes trundling down.... can you hold it together? Maybe walmart security is more your speed.
Was your hazing that bad?
Jokes aside, I was thinking of anything but the Marines. I got an 62 on the ASVAB without any studying and I’m thinking of going for the 100/115 that I’d need for Signal Intelligence Analyst.
I got a 98 on my ASVAB and my recruiter just about dropped her panties. I am talking to a Navy recruiter about IT or IS and we're in a rural area with barely any, if any at all, recruits coming in. Can I try to bargain for a better bonus or should I take what I get?

Navy or Marines. Talk to a recruiter, the worst thing that could happen is you never find out if you could've made it. Also, 63 on the ASVAB is
Also, 63 on the ASVAB is okay, you should be good to go. What were your line scores?
I made a misstatement. My bad. It was a 62 on the practice ASVAB that they have you do at the recruiting station to see how you’d do. I wanted to try army since my grandpa was in there and I was thinking of trying to go for the Benelux garrison over in Europe because of the upcoming war, but if the army or Air Force won’t take me then I’d try out the Navy. I really don’t wanna go Marines because of the crayon Hughes’s stereotype in my mind, but we’ll see what happens in that case.
*because of the crayon jugheads stereotype
My bad, was out for a bike ride and just came back. Typing on my phone.
Ugliest girl you've seen someone lose their career over?
ur mom
Wow. You let memes from neverserves influence your life decisions?
Sad as fuck, anon.
>replying to wouldajoinedbuts
t. Crayon munchers
It’s not like not finding one branch that interesting is life changing with or without the meme. It’s also not a wouldajoinedbut considering the question in the first place was in regards to waivers going through.
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>Always sucked at cardio
>Best mile and a half time was just under 11 minutes
>Coughing and breathing weird for hours after running
>Homie tells me that's a sign of asthma
>o wut
>Go to medical
>They prescribe me inhalers (but stop short of diagnosing me with asthma)
>Get 30% VA disability just from the inhalers
>mfw getting lifetime payments for something that should have disqualified me from the military in the first place
Asked a 20 year green beret sniper veteran if I should join the military.

He laughed, called me a fucking idiot, and said fuck no.

Just thought I'd put that out there.
Cool, why are you still here?
I haven't even enlisted yet so take this with a grain of salt but I always find it disingenuous when guys who obviously lived just to kill say not to join anymore
Like the shit they were doing in the 00s and the 90s and the 80s and the 70s wasn't just as questionable
It feels like they're just trying to gatekeep their job
I also want to engage in morally ambiguous missions against thirdies for the sake of the Republic, like a modern day scalphunter, boomers and xers shouldn't have a monopoly on it
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>Our current education system literally celebrates communism and socialism.
I know and it's terrible. Even the nation that was jewed into forcing communism for decades recognizes it as the poison that it is, why can't we universally have the same recognition? We fought it for just as long.
>Our domestic enemies have gotten out of hand
Then why are you joining them?
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>Like the shit they were doing in the 00s and the 90s and the 80s and the 70s wasn't just as questionable
What are you talking about? Back then, soldiers could defend America without being stabbed in the back by the American government.
he did drugs and drank and then murdered people and then admitted he murdered people
he also was literally a born and raised pat bateman meme of a person
I cannot relate and he probably deserves to be in milprison
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The liberal inquisition has a personal prison in America where they keep the most devoted defenders of America. Why would anyone who doesn't hate America defend that?
This nigga really comes here to spam zigger bullshit and fellate criminals instead of going to work lmaoooo :skull:
>Brown hands
>No arguments
I actually do want to join. But literally everyone in real life tells me it's a cartoonishly bad idea.

This thread is literally the only place I can find people encouraging me to join. The. Only. Place.
Is enlisting a bad idea right now? I'm an out of shape 26 year old neet. I don't know what branch I would do. Probably marines 11b or something like that since I'm a waste of space. I just want to join and send money home since I've given up on my life my family should at least profit off me
if you say you wanna be an officer more vets will encourage it
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>I actually do want to join. But
No one encourages you to join, but almost everyone will support it
Sounds gay
Why are the people handling waivers so retarded? They make you get literally every useless document except the one the SG actually cares about. I got DQd because my heart rate was high it shouldnt take this long to get this done
>out of shape
join the army instead
ASVAB just tells you which job you qualify for. It doesnt mean anything beyond that (except to brag to highschool kids i guess)
I might still be fine for marines though
Dunno, I see a lot of fat nasties in the Army. Very, very rarely do I see fat Marines.
I'm considering the coast guard because I too want to escape my situation as soon as possible. I'd have to a non-rate though right? Seems like a big dice roll if I'll love it or hate it.
is this the dying for pissrael general?
are you proposing that people who join the military are some kind of perfect paragons of virtue? Because thats retarded.
Heres the thing. Joining is safer than a load of other jobs. Will give you a support system, and if you arent retarded give you loads of job training in potentially lucrative fields. All while making somebody who atleast did something with their life even if you just wash floors for the rest of your life. For a man joining the military is almost never a bad idea. I have met wayyyyyyy more people who regretted not joining than who regretted joining.
its not 11b in the marines. And if you are interested go to the recruiter talk to them, and see about asvab and pre enlistment training program forgot what its called. They wont send you to meps overweight. So that gives you a few months if you have any motiviation at all to get into some shape. Also infantry can be competitive. When I joined it was 6 months waiting for a 0311 spot. Even things like combat engineer where waiting periods.
I'm not fat just a little underweight.
Would marines even be a good idea? I just said it because someone told me I'd be too old soon
I'm pretty aimless with this stuff
>I have met wayyyyyyy more people who regretted not joining than who regretted joining.
This is what convinced me to enlist. I was working construction and told my foreman I was going to be turning 21. He asked me what I was going to look back at 60 and wish I had done in my 20s. I told him it was probably that I hadn't joined the military or travelling more and he took me aside and told me about how he had wanted to join the Navy since he was a boy, never did, and when he decided it was something he wanted to do in his 30s he was a divorced dad with a beat up body ineligible for service. He told me I'd regret not joining for the rest of my life and if I regretted joining it's just 4 years and then a reset on life with some bonus points. I walked into a recruiters office that Friday and signed up to take the ASVAB, did 4 years in the Army as a 36B, went to college on the 9/11 bill, and now make probably $60k more a year in my current field than I would've been making if I stayed where I was.

I didn't love my MOS at first but I damn sure love the career it set me up for and it gave me a pride in myself I didn't think I could have. I can travel now, work from home, and buy a house. It wouldn't have been possible for a lower middle-class white guy with little scholarship opportunities had I stayed where I was. White middle-class males are at the bottom of the hierarchy in the civilian world, it's nearly impossible to work up from poverty unless you get a boost or good grades and win the lottery with the right jobs in your 20s. The military gave me the best chance to be the man I wanted to be. It's more than just admiring glances from mid girls at Applebees, it's certifications, training, and experience in careers that, if you play your cards right and milk Uncle Sam for what he can give you, can have you set for financial success in your 30s.
There are a lot of fatties showing up to boot.
Too old for only the Marines, ~28 right? No, it's a terrible idea. When enlisting, Marines should be the option of last resort. Try for CG/AF first, if they reject you try Army/Navy.
I mean why pick one branch over the other?
They all qualify for the same post service benefits, but the quality of life while in is vastly different. If getting treated like shit for 2-8 years sounds like a good time, then go Marines. They pride themselves on "doing more with less", which translates to dedicating most of their minuscule budget towards the mission while neglecting everything else. Shit barracks, shit food, and shit equipment.
>getting to pick your MOS/rate vs getting one chosen for you off a list
>duty stations
>branch culture
>branch-unique opportunities (ex. serving on an Arctic/Antarctic cutter in the Coast Guard, getting to become a helicopter pilot from nothing in the Army)
>bonuses and enlistment incentives
You should choose the branch and MOS that best align with your future goals and be very pragmatic and down-to-earth, even cold and calculating, with your choices.
I don't really have any idea for a future and don't really care. I don't know. I don't have any inkling. I just want to give the money I make back home
Just join the Air Force or Space Force, you'll have decent quality of life and (provided you don't put maintenance jobs on your wish list) might have decent post service prospects, especially if you can qualify for a TS clearance and/or are decent with computers.
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>One chance at life
>Didn't go loadmaster
How do waivers work? Like I don't remember every therapist visit or location? I just say that I need like an all encompassing hall pass for this?? Is it a psych eval to cover it all and clear me?
Don't get a waiver if they haven't told you that you need one. If they have, get whatever medical records are needed but don't reveal any information not specifically requested.
Id rather die than do computer stuff
Then go Air Force and put loadmaster at the top of your list so you can flex on >>62085866.
Do I have to take the vaxx?
That's a confusing question, they 100% will ask if I've been to a mental health professional before. Yes = Waiver.

Just woke up
have decided if I keep going down this path of job hopping and never having enough money to move out before I'm 24 I'm joining the army fuck it
all branches offer job based contracts tied to asvab scores. Thats uniform across the services.
Marines will hold you to a higher general standard. As in a Marine comm unit will be far more squared away and disciplined then an army one, but with shittier gear. But the army is large and if you know what you want to do and get into a good unit its just as good as the marines with more options. The AF is fucking disgusting, the stories I have heard make me fucking cringe, no discipline, no pride, garbage.
this guys gets its >>62085344
how would they have your medical files unless the state had to institutionalize you so its in a crim database. Do you think your fucking dentist sends shit in to some master database? The only medical thing they can find is if a judge committed you.
good, set a hard fucking date on the calendar.
I have been told upwards of 100 times that Genesis is literally all-knowing.
It is and it isn't. I went through meps in April 2024, supposedly after everything was rolled out. They had records of a broken leg when I was 6, an appendectomy when I was 15, and pharmacy records that showed medications from those two procedures. What was missing? Off and on counseling both online and irl, visits to therapists, being sent to anger management therapy by my school counselor, and several visits to a psychologist and couples therapists after I turned 18. It really depends.
Fwiw, I told my recruiter about my mental health history and that essentially I didn't have anxiety or depression, just issues with intimacy and personal/family relationships after my some traumatic events in my childhood. He didn't seem bothered, just told me to keep it to myself and if it came up at MEPS we'd deal with it. Ended up shipping out to BMT in May on a quick ship contract and I recently graduated and am now at tech school in Lackland.
But you were never prescribed meds by a therapist ever?
Wondering if I fucked myself over on this one, could use some advice:

A couple years ago, out of curiosity, I did one of those shitty online sleep tests that they ship to your door, and got diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea. I didn't actually have a single apnea event, but I just barely got a diagnosis based on some other metric (that many other sleep doctors won't even measure) since they're in the business of selling people CPAP machines. I bought one, used it for a week, didn't do jack shit for me and I sold it. I also grabbed the data off of it, and again, it didn't actually show any sleep disturbances.

In the pre-Genesis days, I wouldn't have even mentioned any of this, but now I'm worried I fucked myself over. Does this sound like something that would be disqualifying?
Did a proper Doctor attest you this? If not no one knows.
Then the only judge if it can be dangerous to suffocate in your sleep is yourself
Technically, yes, one of their random physicians signs off on the results and gives you a prescription for a machine. You don't actually speak to one. Particularly given that there was a prescription, I assume there's a paper trail.

However, like I said, I didn't actually meet the criteria to be diagnosed with sleep apnea that the majority of physicians use, nor is a take-home test particularly accurate in the first place. The machine I used (very briefly) didn't show any sleep disturbances either, so I think the diagnosis is bunk in the first place.
So a prescription at all will 100% be logged in Genesis

I've had like 20 scripts from doctors that they gave me but I literally never took and literally never saw that doctor again

How do I even begin to explain that lmfao
>So a prescription at all will 100% be logged in Genesis
Well shit, figured as much. I wonder if I could just speak to another sleep specialist and get this shit written off as a misdiagnosis or something.
Perhaps the recruiting issue can simply be resolved by hanging lawyers and doctors upside down by their toes until they stop being pedantic fags
It'd be solved by congress telling the pentagon to rewrite standards to be less retarded
Who stands more: infantry or mechanics?
Infantry, mechanics can be on their backs or stretched in weird positions to work on things
>The AF is fucking disgusting, the stories I have heard make me fucking cringe, no discipline, no pride, garbage.
This has been my experience since swapping to the air force from the Marine Corps.
The meme used to be that the army was the joke branch. Now that social media is more prevalent, people know that the air force is just as retarded and the old branding of it being the place for smart guys was just due to the fact that most civilians think that computers are magic and the air force has more technical fields.
Join the air force if you just want to be a civilian in uniform and collect giebs. Go literally anywhere else if you don't want to deal with the dregs of society.
Are chairs and hoists too expensive?
Can I sing cadence and do PEDs in the air force
Got a broken anus. If I just don't say nothin it's fine right?
They check your ass at MEPS.
It only falls out of I push hard not when I cough
>"The military is cringe you die for israel and support trannies"
>"WTF this branch is cringe for treating it like a job and not having PRIDE"
Yeah, you'd basically be a nub chief that's actually being held to a standard.
There is a new thing for security officers which isn't as bad because it's non nuclear and I think you just deal with secret squirrel stuff, but I left before I had to learn much about it. RC div-o is easily the worst possible experience you could have.
There's also two other hotdogs you can't see in that picture from chief's quarters and the wardroom because they're shoved up his ass
How would you even know you have a broken anus if a doctor didnt look at it?
I know a guy who MEPs didn't find his broken anus. I even suspect my anus is broken 2bqhwy but idk
Exactly. The DoD recruiting commands prey on retards who watched too many war movies as children and have a perverted idea of what America is, and poor people who are too stupid to know how to get free money for housing and college.
It is sad as fuck and there are multiple systems in place to make sure poor people stay dumb. It is only slightly being disrupted due to social media where people who are currently serving can show the world how shit things are compared to being an American civilian.
I can push it out like in the porno movies but it doesnt effect me its just fun
I have kind of a retarded question, is there any branch where it's possible to join for something graphic design related?
I've seen someone mention Space Force in the past, but what about the core branches?
lmao why not just get a regular graphic design job?
not college educated which cripples my employability a lot
if I couldn't get something directly related then my other plan is going AF and getting a degree for it online while I serve
Army has 46S and 46V, they're not exactly just graphic design but they're in the neighborhood. The Marines have combat camera (idk what the actual MOS code is) and I'm sure the other branches have equivalents.
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If one thinks about, this general was the beginning of the end. The start of a concerted and unfortunately successful effort to turn /k/ into r/weapons.
in the 14 years I've been on 4chan, this is the only board where I've seen people complain about a containment general actually containing
I don't believe that newfags understand the concept of containment. They think this is categorization for the sake of convenience, like reddit.
Someone has a low PC score
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>We should give glowies trying to recruit Goyim to die for Israel what they want
>It's too much effort to drive them off when they post
Die for isreal
>doesnt understand containment
Are you an unironic waterboiling thirdie?
>The Redditor relapses back into making ad-redditems
That's not that bad of a ratio
generals exist FOR convenience because of frequent topics
newfriend please stop acting
Exactly. This general was created for the convenience of glowies wanting to get Goyim to die for Israel.
PsyOps or CIA
Most generals on the slower boards keep to themselves
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Which is not the case here with all the shilling for globalism that gets dumped into /k/.
Could I get a nice computer job, maybe cyber security related, if I joined? I earned a BS in CS basically as all this fucked up covid job market shit started, and I still haven't actually used it yet. I still pray for remote work, but frankly I've probably got too much of the tism to not be handheld down a career path. I could literally walk to the nearest airforce base
Army 17C or 35N with JCAC (you will have to reenlist for it unless you get really fucking lucky at AIT)
Navy CWT (iirc)
Air Force 1B4
There are direct commission cyber positions in the Air Force and (afaik) Army but they are competitive as fuck.
>on post

That's Army wording. When I was at Kunsan the "old" AF barracks were in great shape but the Army barracks was condemned. We called it the "crack house".

The wise who want careers go USAF. Vest that delicious retirement you earned and life is good. Deferred compensation that's recession proof is Very Nice. BAH payed off a nice chunk of my homes. Free medical while in then cheap medical for life saves major bank.

If you're smart you become that guy in your second career. Where do you imagine contractors come from?

What's your MOS?
>or running motorcycle clubs around North Carolina.

^confirmed for having been stationed in NC.
He was Army, so he was right. What even draws people to the Green Machine? I grew up around vets from WWII through SEA and not one of them recommended the Army but fresh suckers keep showing up.

He was a shitbag. Note the vast numbers of self-disciplined G.I.s who did not do childish stupid shit that damages the mission. You are there for the mission not yourself.
Maintenance is only hard if you're not a gearhead. If you're high strung and a little bitch please avoid maintenance and all concerned will benefit. Fixing aircraft is far easier than fucking with modern cars and much more interesting.
FFL recruitements standards have never been set in stone, they have always changed according to geopolitical climate and state of french politics but they are nothing close to what the spanish legion is, current trend is mongolians,nepalese there are a shit ton of them.
Hey thanks for responding. I got busy almost immediately after posting.

I'm Army National Guard switching from networks/satcom to Cyber (17C for us)
I would like to do OCO butt we don't have that in the Guard. Gonna have to do a few years in the new unit and then commission and switch to active. Considering Space Force when I do that.
Shut up schizo
Have a como sci degree but hate computers and just want to hump dirt should I even bother telling my recruiter if I'm for sure just trying to go infantry?
Comp sci*
Well you get E-4 (assuming Army) for enlisting with a bachelor's, so yeah I would recommend it
does that mean more paperwork I dont like paperwork either I just want to eat and breathe the suck, 150 IQ currently a concrete worker and its not retarded and physical enough for me I NEED TO GO LOWER
All coast guard is non rate for 1st year
Call the hospital or doctor and ask to opt out of record sharing. Call your insurance provider as well. Follow up in a month to make sure they did it.
Opt out of surescripts. There a Reddit post that details how all the health records and prescriptions are collected and shared and how one would go about opting out.
I think you are retarded enough existing as you are if you’re gonna enlist with a degree.
It's not enough, it's not, I want to crush rocks with my teeth and sleep in mud 24/7
11b option 40 or 18x
Email Jake Zweig
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