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OMG is that Miku? OMG I love Miku!!! <3 <3 <3

Previous: >>62047679
>image limit reached

>guide for getting sound images to work
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I'll be listening to the songs in the thread tomorrow.
I will not be installing the thing to listen to images.
your loss
I'm digging this new sort of chinky Deco27 song

I like this'un

woah... Miku and Ado at the same time... wow...

snake song


captcha: PHAAG
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cinderella remixed by giga

and now for a dedicated Stack post with all the Stack songs I have in my jpop playlist























wait I definitely missed a couple
I know I have kappa yappa in my playlist
oh well
excellent Soppo X Stack post
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New song from Yaosobi and it's pretty catchy

Miku good but I've always preferred Rin
Miku + Teto

sleep time
someone else post some good songs
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weeaboos coping and seething
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Does anyone have art, videos or any depictions of Hatsune Miku pretending to be a bulldozer? Please share them!

I would like to see anything that involves Hatsune Miku roleplaying as a bulldozer, such as by assuming a bulldozer-like stance, making construction noises, and pretending to knock down walls. It is more authentic if she is not wearing a bulldozer costume, just her regular outfit. I would most like to see an animation of her performing this by herself on stage, but anything similar is appreciated. :^)
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God I hate summer, fall fucking WHEN
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AK-15! Establishing dominance!
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Fuck summer, cant wear anything more than a tshirt, fucking bullshit
Checked. Dork dominance forever
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If you have too much sun send some to us plz
I'm tired of the rain
t. Frog
"forward sisters, some of us may fall, but the rest will achieve the objective, tonight we clean Anon's room!"
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If anyone knows an artist making Marichka art on a regulat basis, I'm interested
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I wonder which Saunders girl would make the best girlfriend
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Sounds like an idea for an anime. Maybe anon is the son of a rich family but his country is being invaded and his parents were killed by artillery so he’s become a NEET meanwhile outside his mansion is under siege and his maids must fight their way back inside
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Based sleep enjoyer
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stop ruining and bulging the batteries of the mp3 player

well your pic is gonna be @usergore
There's only a collection channel that I know of with various artists: https://t.me/MarichkaArt
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the answer is Kay
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uuuuuooooh Georgians sexy
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Not even a sun problem, its just warm, too warm.
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Wokada's Mikus have always been way too good
we're well into the 90s now in Oklahoma and have already had several days in the 100s
it's going to be like this until late September
I fucking hate this place
>not posting the braless one
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None, all dykes
Now, what would Naomi do to Alisa if she ever caught her having a conversation with a boy?
probably suck the boy off, the skank
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Well that sounds shit, we're only getting around 60 right now, anything above 70 can fuck off
this isnt video games
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Kay, of course.
Well thats one way to assert dominance
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wheres the video games in this thread? show me?
My balls are sweaty.
Y-yes mom- maam!
>all dykes
Not Alisa, she's always lamenting about that Takashi guy
I have doubts about Kay too, she's friendly with everyone
As for Naomi, now that's more plausible. IIRC in one of the spin-off manga she's shown to be very romantic and attractive towards the girls
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Cute dog!
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love how this guy draws breasts
>Not Alisa
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make a spotify playlist you fgt I'm not click that shit or using goytube
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too bad
I don't have a spotify and instead listen to all my music on goytube because I get it for free through a family plan (thanks Mom and Dad)

but every single one of those songs in that post is a Stack song
Akatsuki Records (Stack's primary record label / producer) has a Spotify page
here I'll help you even more







that should be enough for you to fill out your own personal Jpop playlist some more
good luck


thx some hhhhhggg stufff

Interesting listening to this as i have no idea about this music genre
Little dyke slut in denial
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weeabos HOPE
weeabos COPE
weeabos MOPE
weeabos ROPE
The right answer is /k/ay.
>Patriotic American.
>not a Dyke.
>big Booba.
>American Waifus with Russian Raifus.
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>Patriotic American
America is gay so kay is double gay because shes also a traitor to Japan
Reminder that medieval doctors recommended to women whose husbands were at war or away for long periods of time to engage in lesbianism so they wouldn't become hysterical.
Even if we pretend this is true, this doesn't make dykery acceptable. Why bother bringing this up?

Yes, lesbianism is acceptable and, by default, all women have some carnal lust for each other. Larping online as le ebin based & trad homophobe can't change how things work in reality.
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I hate this nigga so much. I'm a total chud but something about this guy just pisses me off. The first 1/3 of his videos are always cope and seethe, preempting incel allegations. The remaining 2/3 are "I just read this book last week and heres a summary" repeated five times.
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And niggas rape each other in prison cause theres no pussy. dont make it right
Summer is quite nice here in the Netherlands, it's not even breaking 80 these last few days I've been here. People are walking around in coats dressed like it's fall in the middle of July
Maybe you've spent too much time on the internet. It's warped your mind. Lay off it for a while.
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I just think he sounds like a highschooler giving me 5 book reports back to back
Gay rape and consensual lesbianism are two completely different things. Try again and put some effort into it next time.
I hate yurifags so much its unreal
NTA, but they are both strategies against a fulfilling life of marriage and children
Oh, I get it, you're just another nutjob.
Sure, but some people just aren't interested in that kind of life due to X number of reasons. Why should they be judged for that and denied love or release?
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noooo not the hecking weeberinos
you guys have your own board you know
As do you 2016 election tourists.
cute nose
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In what way am I nuts?
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man's best friend
>Yurishitter ruining the thread again
Please stay on your board, believe it or not this thread is full of guys who want to impregnate women. If anyone is a tourist it is you
By describing it as carnal lust you are admitting it's bad, retard
When will we get new fox art?
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Nice trips, but socially engineering nuclear families out of the norm is the issue here
>spent $25,000 for an auto sear
ngl thats kinda nuts nigga
>carnal lust
Do you not realize what site you're on? Do you not realize what thread you're posting in? Furthermore, do you not realize what year this is? Take your meds gramps.
2016 was 8 years ago, anon
>Do you not realize what site you're on? Do you not realize what thread you're posting in? Furthermore, do you not realize what year this is?
The absolute state of yurifags
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How do you feel about male homosex?
Same way as I feel about female homosex. If that's what floats their boats, then just let them have their fun.
I'll draw pregnant fox one day, thats a promise /ak/
ikr. if someone starting coming here during 2016 and stuck around then they're actually well above average
Problem is that a good deal of 2016 tourists stick out like a sore thumb and are among the most obnoxious twats posting here.
>If that's what floats their boats, then just let them have their fun.
Yeah cause doing that has had absolutely 0 consequences
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You know what to do after promised day.
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And there it is, the fundamental rejection of adulthood (responsibility) and desperation to party forever
How have the consequences of dudes taking it up the ass personally affected you?
Fuck no thats pedo shit, she'd have to be giving brith to something non human and im not doing that to her
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I can almost gurantee you most of the people accused of being election tourists are really much much newer like in the last 1-3 years. Its almost as dated and silly as calling someone a summerfag as if children aren't phoneposting 24/7 now.

I'm not denying that a lot of them are awful but so long as they moved on from /pol/ they're probably fine
you remember that one pic of Revy tossing Rock's salad?
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yeah lol
oh my science guys, it's heckin current year , we've progressed enough a society to let everyone devolve into sexual degeneracy because it's fun and stuff!
>much newer like in the last 1-3 years
To be precise, February of 2022
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fuckin hell
People have been engaging in all sorts of sexual acts for ages upon ages. Same goes for libertine and easy going lifestyles.
These things haven't brought upon the end of mankind and civilization as we know it, regardless of how much terminally online cry about the fall of the West.
The end game is serfdom you disingenuous asshole
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You guys have your own board
Aha, serfdom... Serfdom to whom or to what? How does this serfdom manifest itself? What liberties does one end up losing as a result of a minority of people taking it up the ass and munching on carpets?
Actually, they have their own site, and you're on it
5% of the population, 30% of the pedos. If that doesn't piss you off you're sick in the head
>That disgusting Miku as the OP
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this is MY website you silly weeb
I thought it was 1.5% of the population?
Who the fuck are you?
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>Serfdom to whom
Moneyed interests
>How does this serfdom manifest
Consolidation of capital, securities and surging immigration
>What liberties does one end up losing
See the Bill of Rights
>as a result of a minority of people
Degeneration is multifaceted: narcotics, mutilation, sodomy, sapphistry, et cetera
Woah, so these things which have existed for ages upon ages are now finally going to do mankind in and lead to its enthrallment, huh? You got a timetable for that in your little schizo handbook?
Stop doing lewd things to my Chobi unless I'm involved.
Probably, i think 5% is all the fags combined
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Does this count as lewd?
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>do mankind in
Europe and CANAUKUS
>and lead to its enthrallment
It'll be like Brazil
>got a timetable for that
2047-2062 at the current rate
>It'll be like Brazil
Ok, cool, Brazil's alright. Degeneracy's pretty rad then.
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WAIT WAIT WAIT! there's people ITT that actually advocate for Lesbianism? I engage in /u/ niggery from time to time because yuri NTR is hot but there's people here genuinely support it?
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Be careful what you ask for anon
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Victory, but at what cost?
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>Brazil's alright
If you were born into opportunity, advantage and are insulated from the violence, squalor plaguing the rest of the country. I appreciate the honesty in your admission of being a moneyed interest, degenerate, retarded or some combination thereof :)
>anime store in Donetsk
I thought Donetsk would have conscripted everyone under 50 with a pulse by now, I doubt babushkas would be too interested in reading about a Japanese high school girl who turned into a god after realizing she's only one person out of billions & wishing she would be special.
There's countless people in Brazil who've been born into pretty much nothing and lead good lives. I take it you're just a schizo who saw a video or two of favelas and formulated all his views of Brazil around that. Any country seems like hell on earth if you focus only on the less than stellar aspects.
its just after 2014
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>feeding Chiyomi pineapple pizza
Over the line.
>you're just a schizo who saw a video or two of favelas
Baka anon-kun, Brazil is objectively worse off than non-melanin countries by every metric, you've lost the plot
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Have you ever lived in Brazil? It's just another okay-ish country. Nothing special about it. It's neither great nor anywhere near close to what you're describing.
>I engage in /u/ niggery from time to time because yuri NTR is hot

That's even worse
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still alive though
What a shame. Whoever's behind it should've hired a Japanese assassin.
>pineapple on pizza, ewwwwwww!
>pears on pizza? mama mia!
I might have believed you if your ilk weren't trying to get Biden elected unopposed by way of assassination
great, now half of 'murica will vote for him simply out of sympathy
It doesn’t matter who he is, what matters is his plan
don't be ridiculous, it was the Mossad framing Zelensky framing Putin.
It's the Regan Manoeuvre
I couldn't give a flying fuck about your elections, schizo. Anyway, Brazil's cool, take your meds and the world isn't coming to end because of a minority of anal buccaneers. Now go seethe in your containment board.
Why wait for a declaration of war? Just go there and start killing those communists by yourself. You aren't a pussy, are you?
SS is Trump’s Top Guy, his elite shock trooper
nah fuck off. We tried all that "slippery slope isn't real" bullshit in my state, and guess what, it is.

No fags, no drugs, gtk.
he was already going to beat the man who struggles with a bowl of alphabet soup, but now his cult of personality will be twice as resolute. Wish we could've have decent candidates.
Yea, well, tough luck buttercup, 'cause a schizo sperging about it online can't do jack shit about it. You're gonna take those homos and drugs and you're gonna do it smiling.
There has to be a jap somewhere around the US with a chip on his shoulder when it comes to Trump, right?
yeah shit sucks
all my sister's overseas friends were all texting after the debate saying "holy shit are these seriously your choices? your election is a joke"
If Donald Trump tells you you're his top guy, you're his top guy you're now in a position where you have to go, "oh I'm I'm Donald Trump's top guy! oh dude Donald Trump needs me? Ok, I'll do it I'm going to bat for you Trump, I got your back Trump.
the two party system sucks dick. this is democracy manifest
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>it's true
We need more political parties
our country as it is would need to end for that to ever happen.
>miraculously gets away with a grazed ear
>tough guy macho fist pumping
>everyone on social media rallies to his aid
>support for him skyrockets overnight
I'm not saying it was planned, but... it was fucking planned.
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>"we have dog at home"
he was already going to win, why the fuck would he push his luck with a conspiracy?
>he was already going to win
Just like he was 100% going to win last time?
God I fucking love Asuna so much and I dont even play that shit game
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>leftists within 5 minutes torn between smugposting "haha what about gun control now" and "nooo it's fake, fake, staged false flag!"
Makes me wish Trump actually was Hitler 2.0 like they imagine
last time Biden could at least feign decent cognition. Now it's plain to see he's worse than my grandfather was before he died.
Eh, he's not going to win anyway. They'll freeze counting at midnight and Biden will suddenly boost past Trump in votes.
And that's unironically a good thing because of the rectal ragnarok which will ensue.
>what about gun control now
why do they act like guns are some space age tech someone couldn't replicate with two pipes and a nail?
Yup. Fraud will happen again, just watch. Dems are the top dogs in federal elections for the foreseeable future
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please tell me your not one of those people, you know who.
Better a senile geezer than a twat who's only running so he can fleece retards out of their money and then later on pardon himself out of jail.
I do find it funny how despite all the boasting about releasing the Kraken and how it was the greatest steal ever, Trump still failed miserably to provide any believable evidence.
faggots who misrepresent her in porn. cuckshit. it's retarded because in game she's submissive as fuck, or that's what I've seen I don't play the game.
Because they've never done anything. Ever. They have never built anything. They can't conceptualize it.
Honestly it was by the grace of God he's still alive. Thing just barely grazed his head as he turned. Extremely lucky man at that moment
>faggots who misrepresent her in porn
is- is- -IS THAT A BLONDE GIRL?!?!?!?
yet another victory for well adjusted artists like myself heh >:^))))))))
Blondes suck (literally and figuratively).
Black hair, blue eyes is where it's at. This is a fact. Don't (you) me.
they're the people who wonder why their engine is shot after years of using the same oil and air filter.
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I like brown girls.
>t. potato-fucking paddy
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red heads?
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why would you even bring that up, dude?
its auburn brown you chinese communist *morbs all over the floor*
they shit up every fucking board.
yeah but why would you think I of all people would be into that?
In fact, why would you even know about that sort of thing?
I don't know who you are.
they spam it, as I just said. It's in completely unrelated threads and boards.
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ok but why would saying I like asuna mean I'm into cuckold porn featuring her?
didn't say you did
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auburn is best hair color

t. auburn
i thought people only use that color in reference to women
Yeah niggas normally get "doo doo" or sum shit for being brown
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Is that 40k x Patlabor?
Who are they?

I don’t think it’s 40k, but it is a Helldiver.
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give this a listen
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I forgot the link

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I'll listen tomorrow I'm tired
helldiver doesn't look bad with an uzi, it's kind of a shame they never animated the brocken with the MPL it supposedly gets
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Holy shit, anime girl biting a tennis ball is cute as fuck! Need more
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Black hair blue eye is kino
that may not help much, here in Finland our presidential election had 9 candidates, 8 of the bad (or so I thought until I came across Stubb's videos about Ukraine) & one I had never even heard of so couldn't vote for that one either, in the end we elected Alexander Stubb, the least bad of the 8.
>or so I thought until I came across Stubb's videos about Ukraine
What's his stance about Ukraine?
In the last round we got to choose between commie plant and kike plant
I chose neither
They rigged the election and Mike Wave, the POTUS of Finland was suppressed…
True patriots need to rise up asap.
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>those reindeer wondering why the fuck these dumb bipeds are jumping in the water
Also is that Junttila in the first panel background, carrying the skis? Their hair is the right color, and the fact that it's colored in when the only other use of color is Vähälä's own hair got me assuming they're a major character.
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>we came within a hair of the potential collapse of the American political system as we know it, possibly even civil war
You think we're actually in the clear?
What a shame
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Ikr, total bullshit
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Well, no. There's still the possibility of a retaliatory attack on Biden, but the odds of that succeeding just astronomically decreased because security on both of them will likely be tripled. Still, it might make a dangerous new precedent though.
Frankly im surprised this hasn't happened sooner whith how loopy the left is about trump
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I know Q-tards are retarded, but a retaliatory assassination attempt on Biden would be the most retarded thing you could possibly do if you support Trump. Trump just won the election yesterday. There's no need to kill Biden because he'll never win a presidential race ever again.

Also the shooter's name and age got revealed. He was 20. So this was probably real and not a psyop. Just a retarded and shortsighted kid doing a retarded and shortsighted thing.
>I hate Trump!
>How can I hurt him most?
>I know! With a gun!
>proceeds to hand the election to Trump
also the faggot killed a bystander before getting blasted

also FUCK YOU quit stealing my shit
mmm maybe dont avatarfag then sweety
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I don't think there will be any further attacks on politica figures. I was refering to people moving to attack supporters of their opposite faction. We are not out of the woods, this is the prelude of things to come. Stay strapped.
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I have never avatarfagged. You little fucker. Just you wait until I've GOT YOU and then you'll be sorry.
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There's no way some voting place doesn't get attacked. 4 years ago people were sitting outside with rifles which sort of blurred the lines between defense and voter intimidation. Things are worse now. Just think if you were a republican living in Ccalifornia would you feel safe voting at an office that had antifa goons camped outside? If you were a libtard in Utah would you feel safe voting at a building under the watch of boogtards?
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>quit stealing my shit

I wouldn't bother me so long as they maintained their civility. Intimidation is not to be tolerated regardless of who's doing it and who's receiving it. This is America and I'll fight anyone that threatens it.
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I don't think you can do it in such a way that its not preceived as a show of force or intimidation though. Its the same thing as sailing a carrier strike group off the coast of a naughty country or doing exercises on some disputed border. Its gonna spook people and make the act differently

on a more on topic note: is City Hunter worth getting into?
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Just shoot back.
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Smile and wave, just be magnanimous and cordial. It is the same thing I do when I meet people on the trails when I'm carrying a rifle and looking like a militiamen. A warm smile and a friendly 'howdy' go a long way in easing people's wariness.
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Packard in a bunny suit next
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Voter intimidation is fucking retarded, how the fuck are they gonna know who I voted for? Even if they somehow deduce I voted for the opposing candidate they can't do shit, because if they do I'll shoot them in their communist face.
Stop posting Springfield with ridiculous tits
Springfield got a boob job to please her customers better.
Here is this better?
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>all of these anime songs
Time to cleanse the pallet
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the future is now old man

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non anime you say
God i hate blood suckers
I have a very strong sense of Justice and order, I hate Chaos, and you know what's Chaos? The zone, filled with lawlessness, bandits, cultists, anarchists, freakish mutants, and physics defying anomalies, I would like to Remind everyone that the zone is Ontologically evil. It's an Affront to God, a result of Communists subversion of nature itself, Communist mind control experiments so they could take over the world backfired and created the second Chernobyl disaster. Which is why Factions like Dolg and Spetsnaz appeal to me greatly, they represent law and order, they represent civilization. Brave men of Dolg and Spetsnaz stand up and say no to the satanic marxist zone and fight against it.
Than you have retards like Svoboda who are "JUST LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS" tier degenerates, UHHHH OPEN THE ZONE TO ALL! and what, let these hellspawn spew from the zone and terrorize the Eastern European country side? No, Spetsnaz and Dolg keep the zone sealed, they protect the Innocent from these communistic beasts. Imagine if Svoboda had their way, a controller Wonders out of the exclusion zone and murders an innocent family, when the cops respond they get overwhelmed by the mutants burst of Psionic radiation, it would take an OMON or SOBR team to take it down, imagine how many innocent people the beast could harm before it was brought down. Zonam delende est. Зoнa дoлжнa быть yничтoжeнa
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yeah that's a cool opinion and all but:
>Svoboda's furries and weedsmokers do more work containing the zone by protecting the barrier than Duty has ever done
>All attempts to destroy or even oppose the zone have utterly failed and it is now expanding rapidly as a direct result of these actions
>My talking rock says you are ontologically evil and must be eradicated

Counter argument, you suck you suffer from literal Brainrot because communist mind control beams from C-Con and the brain scorcher, your rock isn't real. Major Degtyarev kicked your ass single handedly. And you're losing members weekly because now Spetsnaz controls the Brain Scorcher after Strelok disabled it.
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>Major Degtyarev kicked your ass single handedly
Oh right and how did that work out? Is everything solved now? How did everything work out when Strelok Strelok'd the c-con? Did things go as planned? Or are emissions and blowouts increasing rapidly in both frequency and scale and is the zone expanding uncontrolled?

You have killed your only chance at salvation, all that remains is judgement
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Hello! You must be new here, so let me fill you in on the situation. Duty and the Army are not fit to herd cats. The soldiers at the cordon get fat off of bribes paid to them by loners and tourists, and those that ask for too much get ventilated, their bodies left to the fleshes. Duty is an objectively weak and inferior faction that have to violate their own misguided principals to stay alive. Rostock is a safe haven and setting off point for all free stalkers, who mooch off Duty's lax attitude for a free base and free protection. If Duty didn't allow these Stalkers to pass through, they'd run out of supplies within a week. They have to allow people to go North for their own survival. Freedom does all the heavy lifting at the barrier, fighting off mutants, monolith, and mercenaries all while braving the more powerful psy waves. Speaking of which, Duty doesn't have any bases besides Rostock. Meanwhile Freedom owns Yanov station (remember when they saved Duty's ass?) and regularly makes it deep into monolith controlled territory with their expedition teams. Duty is getting outplayed by a bunch of hippies, stoners, and Bob Marley fans. Freedom is literally having sex with (live) mutants while entire squads of Duty members go MIA while trying to wipe out a single pack of blind dogs. All the bullshit about wearing red and black to be "seen" is also stupid, only a moron would wear armor that makes him stick out like sore thumb.
>Meanwhile Freedom owns Yanov.
No they don't it's split in half between Dolg and Svoboda.
>Duty is an objectively weak and inferior faction that have to violate their own misguided principals to stay alive.
>Rostock is a safe haven and setting off point for all free stalkers, who mooch off Duty's lax attitude for a free base and free protection. If Duty didn't allow these Stalkers to pass through, they'd run out of supplies within a week. They have to allow people to go North for their own survival.
Dolg never intended to stop Stalkers from stalking the zone, they merely are trying to stop the zone from expanding and are seeking a way to destroy it.
Spetsnaz is also more elite, they're not just Conscriptovich's stationed at Checkpoints they actually penetrate deep into the zone and get shit done. IE Major Degtyarev.
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Same. Honestly I'm just as surprised that there hasn't been any noteworthy attempts on Biden's life.

>I know Q-tards are retarded, but a retaliatory assassination attempt on Biden would be the most retarded thing you could possibly do if you support Trump.

There's your first problem right there. You underestimate the stupidity of Q-Cultists.

>There's no need to kill Biden because he'll never win a presidential race ever again.

Politically? Obviously not, but some are going to see it as a matter of revenge, not politics.

>I hate Trump!
>How can I hurt him most?
>I know! With a gun!
>proceeds to hand the election to Trump

Something something self-fulfilling prophecy
>Honestly I'm just as surprised that there hasn't been any noteworthy attempts on Biden's life
How he was able to walk around in public i will never understand
It's funny, a few days ago I thought to myself "I wonder how many failed assassination attempts there were on T and B, and I wonder if they'll stay secret or get declassified when I'm 70." Thought about that while mowing the lawn, went to bed after for an afternoon nap, and when I woke up, the first thing I read was that he got shot.
I was fully expecting Trump to get assassinated, the fact it only hit his ear is suspicious as fuck to me as well as security doing fuck all as the guy was getting ready, something aint right desu
grazing the head from 400 feet with an AR does sound suspicious, but then again this was a 20 yo kid without training, my guess is he jerked the trigger.
If he missed him id believe it, if he hit him dead on id believe it, but idk the fact he just clipped his ear makes this seem strange, its just too much luck yah know
he was a 20 years old kid with no training, it's infinitely more difficult to graze an ear on purpose than it is to do so by accident.
Yeah the anime is great, wish the manga could have ended on a better note but it’s also fantastic
new thread >>62080780
fresh bread >>62080780
lewd bewbs >>62080780

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