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previous bread >>62063526
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>ywn headpat Nipa
was this in the TV broadcast?
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I want to lick them.
episode 13 (OVA)
personally I just hate strike witches
it's bad
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wait wait wait wait
Wheres the blood?
I find the whole propeller legs thing incredibly dumb even by anime standards.
I really wanna FUCK krupinski
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you didnt watch the show? you can't hit her
Gun kata bullshit?
Its a cartoon you dip
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yeah something has always turned me off about Strike Witches art style and thats one of the major reasons
even the cheapest botegirl stuff has more appealing designs
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I always found Hikari arousing in a way that Yoshika never did anything for me.
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for me it's that the fanservice is just kind of tasteless and lazy
shows and mangas that came long before and long after Strike Witches did more tasteful pervy shit with their designs
it activates penis
but it does not activate neurons
>he says while shilling vtuber garbage
>bocchi the school shooter
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oh look the anti-vtuber autist is here
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>brown, fat avatarfagging tripcel thinks his opinions matter
>doggo caught a foxo
better be careful & not let foxo get the upper hand
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I can tell you're the same poster gayass
You should count for two post IDs considering how fat you are
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I must make my groupings smaller.
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>the anti-vtuber autist
there's more than one of us
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Doesn't make you less of a retard
yeah, but theres only one of you who would consistently spam the thread with off-topic garbage whenever they saw a vtuber
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These threads are entirely off-topic garbage and have been for years at this point.
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less of a retard than a vtrash enthusiast
>off topic
like ugly women behind an avatar?
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Need Snail wife
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What's that? Post more vTubers? Well, if you insist.
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>witch thread
>attention-seeking vtumorfaggots have to start spamming their shit
These "people" really are insufferable
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Which one would you taste first, /ak/?
>Lorchell stew
I don't trust these, but everything else looks tasty.
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The Lorchel stew (korvasienimuhennos) is basically just gussied up cream of mushroom.
The kalakukko on the other hand is the oddball one, basically baking bread with fish and maybe bacon/pork stuffed inside and slicing lengthwise. The appearance is unsettling me in a really hard to describe way.
Alikersantti Taivaljärvi's hairy unwashed pussy of course
I don't like fish so yeah won't eat that. Other than that everything else looks like shit we would make.
>The appearance is unsettling me in a really hard to describe way.
apparently that's called Trypophobia & is very common (hint, if you decide to google that, think twice before looking at the pictures)
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I need a big bewb mommy looking down on me with contempt & calling me filth
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>Ainsley Harriot
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Especially sweaty ones
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God you just know she has a big blonde bush
god I wish botan spoke english, love her laughter and her design is sex
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I want to tie her hair into a ponytail and kiss the nape of her neck
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I want to take her on a nice romantic dinner!
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And then loving and intense sex!
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I prefer wine and cheese over beer and sausage
Sorry not sorry
What does a female soldier smell like after a full day of combat?
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The best
smell fags do not live in the real world
I often ate protein bars for breakfast in Tech school, so at Lackland there's two Chow halls for Tech schoolers, one is right next to the SecFo Academy dorms and the other is way over at the nerd tech school dorms, the one by the nerds was called Live Oak, the one by SecFo was called mesquite, anyways, sometimes they'd have us go all the way to Live Oak instead of Mesquite, so I just ate a protein bar or MRE in my dorm. And was always early to formation because I didn't have to haul ass to Live Oak and back.
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look, anon, nobody cares. You WILL have beer and sosij and that's unavoidable. In addition, do you want wine and cheesum? Fine, that's on you
Make it three. Kill yourself. Nobody cares about your cheap whores and their stiff 3D models, this is an anime thread.
I don't fucking get why 90% of the subhuman scum that posts on 4chan seems to have that fetish, along with every other disgusting, degrading or submissive fetish.
Probably because they dont know what real girls smell like
I dont either though
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hey anon I have something for you
(͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
I swear that the "step on me mommy" types are just the 2020s equivalent of the *holds up spork* crowd, in that their confidence in their quirkiness just makes then even more insufferable
The only difference is that their attempt at humor revolves around porn addiction instead of lolsorandumb
She'll b'aight. Just a glancing blow. She might have brain damage tho (for better or worse)
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nah fake, wouldn't happen
Is that considered "normal" in anime? To what kind of people that anime is aimed for?
That is so fucking gay.
Yeah fear of holes. Very lizard brain creepy
horny niggas
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headpatting isn't horny, is comfy!
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someone called it redditsexual and I thought it was pretty funny. like don't get me wrong I'm a degenerate but I'm not gay about it
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Now, I know those are just Chinese cartoons, but I find it hard to believe these sort of bath sessions with underaged characters to be anything else except pedoshit. Is that considered normal even in Nipland, since apparently that's a legit episode/OVA that's been produced there?
>Is that considered normal even in Nipland, since apparently that's a legit episode/OVA that's been produced there?
yes,full frontal nudity isn't seen as anything special in a lot of countries & the age of the persons depicted may not register at all.
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good girls get head pats
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>extremely catholic
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good girls get their faces held too.
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your mileage may vary
Fuck it, rolling.
I do not like communism.
I like their guns though.
I like their women though.
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What happens if you give a Samurai Shibie who’s also a war criminal an Arisaka?
I believe in a Russo-American alliance to destroy Communist China and Conquer the middle east.
maybe after we completely destroy the existing Russian government and break up the country (Russia ceases to have any water ports other than the Baltic and the Arctic)
The Magyar lady can sap my precious bodily fluids if she wishes
>water ports other than the Baltic
we Finns will be taking Nevanlinna back (sans the inhabitants thank you)

what's that? Never heard of Nevanlinna? A pesky squatter named Pyotr Romanov renamed it St Petersburg.
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I think Finland deserves all of Karelia back at least (yes, without the pidors occupying it)
>cutting off Moscow from St. Petersburg, crushing any chance at a Moscow based empire ever existing again during this millennia
>Marry Kay
>Okay it's time for your harem, honey
>yes dear...

Might as well roll. Fuck it.
the OP has an easily copied format, and yet you refuse
you brainless little monkey
>/ak/ thread
as opposed to what? an /ak/ spool?
as they say in Finland, kys
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abso fucking lutely not. Did you learn nothing from End War?
god please I'd kill for the Czechoslovak chick right now.
Never played it.
Wouldn't they be the ones doing the assassination? Unless its yandere business....
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new fox
It's the third option for failed males besides "Angry Incel" and "AGP Tranny"
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And neither do most of the waifus
I've seen panels of some manga that looked pretty /ak/ to me about some kind of tiger woman, but I never caught the name of it. Anyone know what it is?
>it's been over six months with out any word about pic related
Is this supposed to be Heat?
Poor frozen fox! Better then me with a tornado coming through and the power out
silly fingolian
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Awesome piece. And it's from 2023... I should browse strike witches tag more often.
Yes and no, it's a screenshot from poni pani dash
Lemme tell you bout Heat, all the exposition surrounding the crew's skill and experience was never substantiated because every onscreen heist went from bad to worse. This might've been OK for an action flick, but it's a crime drama that revolves around three characters

Weakest antagonist I've ever seen, a weasel that's neither clever nor funny, murderer without motive or passion. The most amount of thought the writer(s) seem to have put in this character is his name

Robert DeNiro's characters have always lacked chemistry and this film is no exception. Not even Heat's fanatics would tell you that they prefer his role here over anything else the same year (Casino). He wore shades and blanked fired an AR-15, but it's Val Kilmer that's remembered for both: pathetic

It was probably the best of Al Pacino in 1995, but still nobody's favorite performance. I remember an estranged wife, a daughter and mutual clasping, but don't remember caring

So that's two and a half hours of mid in exchange for 15 minutes of /k/ino... do yourself a favor and just watch the action scenes on YouTube. Also, I deliberately switched two character names and doubt anyone noticed without looking it up, fuck this movie
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Post Nipa, or else.
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clumsy Nipa a cute
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I will not reproduce with finns
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You don't get a vote.
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It's okay the witches are not finns, they are suomusians.
they're carrying her off to finish the job
>Nipa running away from Lapra apparently trying to feed her a strawberry mouth-to-mouth
Nipa belongs to Hasse
...and Eila, and Sasha
It feels like it's looking at me.
>To what kind of people that anime is aimed for?
Potentially lesbians
Look at the boobs, anon. These characters have unambiguously passed puberty.
to Americans anyone under 18 is underage & anyone admitting being attracted to anyone under 18 is pedo.
mental illness
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more like hypocrisy, movies, TV shows and advertisers sexualise teenagers while everyone pretends it's not happening & when the topic of teenagers under 18 having sex with anyone who isn't under 18 (even if the age difference is less than a year-) everyone pretends to be disgusted for fear of being branded pedo.
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Its really strange how degenerate yet prudish americans are
the prudishness is pretension because they are being told that that's what the social norm is, as for degeneracy, if you are referring to being attracted to teenagers, most of the Western democracies draw the line at 15 or 16 & its mostly USA where people are being told that anyone under 18 has the same mental capacity to give consent as an eight year old.
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you can thank the french for that, unironically
talk to any teenager and you will quickly realize they do have the actual mental capacity of an 8 year old
No im more talking about how its totally fine to be a drug addict mega faggot in america but if you think any lewd thoughts about a girl whos 5 minutes under age you're a pariah for life
As a former teenager myself, I can confirm
Her tits aren't that big.
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this one is for sound chads only
Shh, she wouldn't want you telling everyone that she's padding
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reminds me of this:


>Krüger served disguised as a man during the Napoleonic Wars in Germany from 1813 to 1815 in the first company of the Colbergsches Infanterie Regiment (renamed Colbergsche Grenadier-Regiment Graf Gneisenau (2. Pommersches) Nr. 9 in 1889).

>Trained as a tailor, at 23 years old she cut off her hair, put on a male costume she had designed herself and obeyed a mobilization proclamation. Owing to the speed of mobilization there were no medical examinations and so she was not discovered at first. Her comrades admired her courage very much and were loyal to her, but during one attack her high voice caused the others to realize that she was female. However, she was not discharged from the army and was even allowed by King Frederick William III of Prussia to continue serving under her real name. She was promoted to corporal after the Battle of Möckern. She was then promoted to sergeant after the Battle of Dennewitz and subsequently fought in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

>At the end of the war she married a Prussian corporal, Karl Köhler, on 5 March 1816 and left the army. They had four children. She was awarded the Iron Cross and the Commemorative War Medal by King Frederick William for her bravery. On her death, she was buried in the St.-Georgen-Friedhof in Templin, where her grave can still be seen.
Cute nervous girl erotic ...
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Their Western counterparts
You see, Anjeer, aging slags are able to clutch pearls at the highest levels by way of DEI appointments (the very same that enabled your people to take out that bridge in Baltimore)
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Since all guns are girls how is she gonna create a son if she marries a woman?
How are we responsible for American's schizophrenia when it comes to sex?
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cute drummer
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The age of consent is actually 16-17 in most US states and it seems to be set randomly with no geographic or political rhythm to it.
Ribbed sweaters are God's gift to man. Nothing is cuter than a girl wearing a ribbed sweater.
I know that the age of consent is generally in that range, I was talking about the attitudes of the people, not the law. As for the laws, some states like Massachusetts have written their AOC laws in a retarded way that technically makes two 15 year olds having sex illegal & as such could technically both get charged as sex offenders.

I am of course aware of the OTHER extreme caused by terribly chosen wording of the associated legislation that exists in parts of USA, but this isn't /pol/ so I am not going to comment on that one.
Imagine calling M1903 a bastard when Gew.88 is right behind you.
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How aren't you responsible?
it's actually the Puritans' fault; for people preaching about chastity with every third breath (alternating between preaching about how fun isn't allowed & preaching about how everyone is a wretched sinner undeserving of God's love for the rest of the breaths they drew-), they had an alarming number of shotgun weddings, suggesting that American hypocrisy regarding sex is at least as old as the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Yet 8 year olds can also consent to sex change surgery or be trusted alone with crossdressing perverts. Weird huh
Femoids in general have the mental capacity of an 8 year old and that's being generous.
>Verification not required
Yukari I like you, you aren't insufferable like most tripfags, but I gotta ask, why do you use a female name? That's kinda gay.
Nothing more homosexual than sucking up to a tripfag. Take a long look in the mirror, anon.
Not being an asshole isn't sucking up to someone.
Get a trip so I can filter you
He's the primary driving force behind these threads degenerating into an /r9k/-tier cesspool of 'personalities' circlejerking with each other. He deserves to be treated like an asshole, because he is.
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So it's just cooked fish in rye bread? That sounds great.
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Those 2 on the right look awkward
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I want her to eat me
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aren't you "springfield" though?
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cute strong dumb dork, must protect
Springfield isn't a woman's name it's not even a male name, it's Geographical.
Also I didn't name myself that.
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It's more accurate to call him Springfield's schizophrenic then Springfield schizo.
>ree people aren't allowed to be seen naked!

Nice AK, Ahmed.
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So how do i get started on the anime for this?
Do i start with S1?
Road to Berlin?
The movie?
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Release order as always you dumbass.
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Nice how you mamaged to dodge the whole pedoshit angle, which was my main point, you fucking moron.

>Verification not required
>He's the primary driving force behind these threads degenerating into an /r9k/-tier cesspool of 'personalities' circlejerking with each other
If anything it's my fault, I've been practicing social engineering techniques in this thread for the past couple of years. About half the prominent personalities here are a direct result of my meddling.
Do I really need to beat her half to death to have sex with her?
why's her hair white if her roots and cunt hair is red?
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fresh meat
Are you blind, her roots are red too
How else would you show her you love her?
You can skip Brave Witches, it really is that fucking bad
Anon think the poor advertisers! They wouldn't be able to put their only fans thots and porn game adds next to such filth!
you can't read
Thank you for repeating what I said.
>Cat ears (fake)
>Cat tail (fake)
What coward made this? If you're gonna bother to include them anyway might as well go the full 9 yards and make her a real catgirl
Oops, I thought you said "why's her cunt hair is red if her roots and cunt hair is red"
Though to answer your question, some form of citrus juice or other natural bleaching product. Though, red hair is incredibly hard to dye, but I doubt the artist knows that.
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The celts dyed their hair white with lime, if I remember correctly, after the conquest of gaul rome was flooded with celtic slave women so roman women started dyeing their hair as well
>celtic slave women
Sounds like a hassle to deal with
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why, it sounds great
Nothing a whip won't fix.
>Nothing a whip won't fix.
But they would like that.
This kind of stuff is why I have a hard time appreciating the Romans. The Celts were cool too, genociding them was fucked up.
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which is why I can't hate the entirety of the British Isles
somewhere deep down there remains the spirit of the Roman Celtics
"It's the novelty of it"
reminds me of white women trying to copy Asian women's make up.
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Japanese women's fashion is extremely tasteful and cute and I wish more white women would get on board

everyone was dressed so nice when I visited around Christmas
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I NEED to breed all the Mediterranean girls, and Portugal too.
>literally just a brazen cashgrab because the gauls had gold and Rome's coffers were empty
I still recall how Historia Civilis on youtube seemed to mysteriously cease to be a Caesarboo during their series on the Gaul campaign
we need pretty women in pretty dresses.
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Portu-gal is mine, keep yer filthy mitts off of her
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pretty dresses you say?
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personally I love cute frilly dresses and I wish they were more common in women's fashion
Rollan' muther fucker.
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Women don't dress for men, hence why they look like bums.
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You don't have what it takes to keep her safe!
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Fukkin watch me!
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That was fast
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I have, and I'm not impressed. She will stay with me.
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i'm sorry schaferhund anon i read it and it was kinda mid
couldn't help feeling that it was kinda half-assing it between pure fun like kutsuzure sensen and super srs like groundless
the art was nice though
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Not him but I enjoyed Schaferhund
It's complete retard maxxing with its tone but that's alright
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this Suomite should post more Junttila
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he's too busy drawing Rahko's feet (real)
He once joked about drawing feet on his twitter.
The 30 page tank coitus scene will become reality one day.
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how's the vindaloo SS?
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best girl
Out of 150 images, only 35 were weapon, armor, or military themed.

You fags are straight up posting censored hentai now. This is fucking ridiculous, and not /k/ at this point. Take it to the 7 other boards built for this.

inb4 seethe.
Mmmm red bush..
>t. Albert M
seethe nogunz
m8 nta, not an /ak/ fag, and probably agree with you about /ak/ being an /a/ colony and needing corrective action BUT
>You fags are straight up posting censored hentai now. This is fucking ridiculous, and not /k/ at this point.
is the wrong fucking argument to take. /k/ has always posted weird hentai shit when mods were asleep.
I'd stick to the lack of RL Kalashnikov images myself

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