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Here it is, your moment of zen. US long-range missiles will return to the heartland by 2026. Meanwhile, euros will design and build their own long-range deterrence. The program will be called ELSA (European Long-Range Strike Approach). There are said to be multiple parts.

Most specifically, we know of Deep Precision Strike System. This is a ground-launched missile system to hit Moscow and 2000km targets. Euros have wanted their own Typhon for a while. At Eurosatory, MBDA introduced a missile for such a thing.

Who is involved: At this week's NATO summit, France + Germany + Italy + Poland signed an MOU. Spain and Sweden might also be interested. The US will deploy Tomahawk and gang to Germany while the eurofrens get their act together.


>The world is healing
Test them in Ukraine.
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The INF treaty has been doomed for years.
It doesn't make sense for the US to handicap themselves in competition with China (that has no such restrictions), in order to make things easier for Russia.
What you are seeing now, with Europe and the US intending to deploy medium range Conventional counter force assets, is the rubber finally hitting the road on Russian strategic nuclear decline.

Russia has used it's nuclear force inheritance from the USSR to have a greatly outsized geostrategic footprint compared to the actual state of it's economy.
Now the period of detente is finally over: the PRC and the US are engaging in full fledged strategic competition with a whole new generation of technology.
Russia now needs to recapitalise it's strategic forces, but there is no way it can keep up in technology or scale with the PRC or the US; both entities have economies over five times the size of Russia in terms of purchasing power.

The Nuclear war fighting capabilities that Russia enjoyed through last couple of decades are going to be rapidly eroded.
Russia regularly uses the threat of fighting (and implicitly winning) a limited nuclear war in order to maintain influence over its periphery.
This will be gone over the next two decades, there will be no illusion any more that Russia can win a limited nuclear war.
Their strategic forces will be pared back to a deterrent force only, like China was for the last 50 years.

The current Russian regime seems determined to deny this static reality, to gamble the fate of the entire Russian nation against it.
In the end Gravity always wins.
some potential candidates

1) JFS-M (joint fire support-missile) under development by MBDA Germany
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2) MdCN adapted for land-land application by MBDA France
3) NSM (naval strike missile) converted for land-land by Kongsberg (big canister in this picture)
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4) future 3SM Tyrfing (supersonic strike missile) under development by Kongsberg and some German involvement (Diehl iirc)
Is funny
What about Europes Hypersonic Missile program?
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Too many words. Summarise it for me. TZD?
Well France has the VMax HGV, but considering it was launched on an American sounding rocket, we can assume it's pretty far from a fieldable weapon.
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The US and China are engaging in a missile and missile defense arms race In the Pacific.
Russia cannot afford to play this game because they are poor.
The only reason they have been peer to the US in strategic nuclear forces is because the US agreed to sit on it's hands after the cold war ended.
You wouldn't wanna test them "in" Ukraine because that would mean firing them from Poland or even further, to strike targets in the east or south.

So even if you got permissions sorted and everything coordinated, in-flight failures would mean bombing yourself.
I saw hypersonics mentioned, but no specifics. The swedes are involved in the UK's hypersonic program via Avioniq. Other than basing and deployment stuff, that could explain sweden's as yet unspecified interest.
Thanks for list. Reckon we need any new launchers? We've got MARS II, any number of 6×6 or 8×8 trucks for EuroPULS, that tracked thing used for NOMADS (FFG Support Vehicle)...
I have very little faith in a good European deep strike missile. American missiles will always be better. SM-6 on f-18s. JASSM-XR, LRASM.
If there's anybody who's going to make a missile to measure up to the US, it's going to be the Euros. Considering they pulled off the Storm Shadow, making a similar but longer ranged missile isn't so unlikely.
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>Reckon we need any new launchers?
we definitely will, the question is just which.
it's either gonna be GMARS by LockMart/Rheinmetall or EuroPULS by Elbit/KNDS
apparently as of now EuroPULS can't legally launch the GMLRS missiles the Bundeswehr has in stock (technically it's no issue), so that's why the planned procurement was postponed
I really hope we go for GMARS because the increasing reliance on Israeli arms is highly problematic (Israel is not an ally and has denied requests for redistributing license produced equipment to Ukraine).
This is a nuclear icbm program in disguise, europe is gonna build a huge nuclear arsenal in the future. Lans, sea, air and space eventually no doubt. Theyve been spooked by how unreliable the US can get politically so euro nukes will be a thing soon.
lel im sad I didnt buy more Kongsberg stock when the war hit. Theyre gonna build an enourmous multi layer air defense zone around Oslo now as well, fat contracts all around
>pain and Sweden might also be interested
Sweden and Finland should chip in as a sign of (extra)goodwill after the NATO ascension. Ukraine war has shown that even purely defense focused forces should have capability to strike inside any attacking nation.
All I want for Christmas is boxer mlrs
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>pidor petukhayem status: lowered
>NATO extending their ~50-year lead over Russia even further
If there's anybody who's going to make a missile to measure up to the US, it's going to be the Euros.
Why? Because you said so?
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>EuroPULS can't legally launch the GMLRS missiles the Bundeswehr has in stock
hardware DRM on ANOTHER one of my missile trucks? aaaaaa

Sorry, what I meant was, will new launchers be required because of new requirements? Mid- and long-range introduce new problems.

For Typhon's MRC battery the US went with a bunch of trucks hauling around trailers with support equipment and missiles in containers. It's ugly as fuck but quite practical, since it will work with any VLS that fits inside a 40-foot ISO box.

>I really hope we go for GMARS
I would prefer rheinmetall over elbit any day of the week, yeah.
picrel. The announcement that the US will cover the gap starting 2026 with Tomahawk and SM-6 refers to this.
>Sorry, what I meant was, will new launchers be required because of new requirements? Mid- and long-range introduce new problems.
I think Naval Strike Missile and this Joint Fire Support Missile can be launched from platforms the size of MARS/HIMARS/PULS.
MdCN/MdCT probably not, but not sure.
>I would prefer rheinmetall over elbit any day of the week
it's LockMart, really, Rheinmetall/MAN just makes the truck
but I still agree
Most importantly, MARS is a cutie.
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>we need any new launchers
most likely yes, 500km+ missile won't fit existing platforms. also LM are assholes and won't allow integrating third party missiles using their IP
They could by TLAMs for under a couple million apiece with no billions wasted on R&D. They won't, of course, but they could.
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Bear falling behind
Nuclear arsenal rotting
Total Zigger Death
As is they will probably try to slave the MARS launcher thingy to a Boxer.
Diehl and MBDA Germany are responsible for aerodynamics/airframe, motor and propellant/fuel
using Boxer as MLRS platform is a waste imo, the Boxer isn't cheap and you don't need that kind of protection that far behind the line of contact. Using an armored truck is better imo.
interesting, which one will be this 2000km missile you mentioned ?
There are two of us. It's "Land Cruise Missile (LCM)" >>62064497 >>61990657
> a french tlam
Not very implessive
>and MBDA Germany
More specifically Bayern-Chemie, they also did the ramjet and propellant on the Meteor. Saw an interview with their CEO recently that said they are working on Mach 5+ hypersonics, but not sure if it's relevant to those programs
>Saw an interview with their CEO recently that said they are working on Mach 5+ hypersonics, but not sure if it's relevant to those programs
Probably more relevant for the MGCs and the ATGM platform.

a hypersonic atgm would be far too expensive given APS is still not a standard feature on most tanks, and those are mostly designed to counter 80s atgm or reduce apfsds penetration.
likely another long range cruise missile project in disguise. Germany been seeking indigenous long range strike capability for a while
>literally anything
>"Europe" in the program title
Almost zero chance of success. Just the usual government-EU funding grift that leads to nothing.
>Saw an interview with their CEO recently that said they are working on Mach 5+ hypersonics
Now that you mention it, I remember seeing that some months back and having no idea wtf it was in reference to.
It was probably me who posted it. It was probably in an MGCS thread
i'm not autistic enough to understand that meme
What's that with the new zigger anti-Europe agenda today?
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Good effortpost.
I mean, coming from a european, our MIC is really fucking atrocious compared to the US and South Korea. Not as bad as thirdie shitholes like novorossiya, but honestly not that far off.
the combined European MIC is second only to the US.
Worst Korea has a headstart in mass production, that's all.
The Chinese and Russians have deliberately engaged in a dog and pony show in order to hobble US capabilities. The Russians would constantly bitch about everything, while the Chinese went on their merry way, developing whatever shit they wanted, since they were not a signatory party. It's genuinely annoying that people realized this so damn late.
>The INF treaty has been doomed for years.
Are you from ten years ago? It's been DEAD at least that long
Norks produce faster, South Korea produces more advanced systems. It's really not that great.
the South Korean MIC is not more advanced than Europe's.
Same, had to sell mine due to conflict of interest back in 2021, but have found an ETF that includes them finally
Nigguh you'll have to be more convincing. Why would the fren- I mean European MIC be worthwhile when its weapons are rarely (if ever) battle tested and extremely poorly standardized, thus very inflexible and hard to deploy?
Modern South Korean weapons have never been fired in anger. European weapon systems have been battle tested in Yugoslavia, the Global War on Terror, Ukraine.
>the South Korean MIC is not more advanced than Europe's.
Sounds like a Euro trying to convince himself he doesn't need to compete; echoing the Americans saying the same when confronted with Euro advancements.

Firsties haven't competed against each other in a long time and the risk of a peer threat makes 'em nervous.
no, I'm all for strengthening the Euro MIC. I'm just recognizing the fact that, as of now, the SK MIC is not more advanced. BAE, Dassault, Airbus D&S, KNDS, Rheinmetall, Leonardo, MBDA, H&K, Fincantieri, Naval Group, Saab, Kongsberg, GDELS, Thales, etc. Gook companies are not on par with that amount of expertise.
You can't even beat them at howitzer sales. SK benefits from a full scale national production system due to the threat of NK. I don't doubt Euros can make some nice things in labs, but getting it out of the lab into t the atelier into the production line is not something Europeans have done since the end of the Cold War. The claim to a headstart has been dissolved by modern COTS tech.
goalpost moving
Euro MIC > SK MIC, that's an objective fact
No, I don't think that's been established.
producing more stuff =/= producing better stuff
>Russia now needs to recapitalise it's strategic forces, but there is no way it can keep up in technology or scale with the PRC or the US; both entities have economies over five times the size of Russia in terms of purchasing power.
PPP is a cope metric.
In nominal GDP (USD) PRC is 9 times and USA is 14 times the size of the Russian economy.
And both PRC and USA can openly trade on international markets while Russia is widely shitlisted.
Heh. Funny how things go. Yeah, this was the link and I knew the context exactly when I replied to you, namely a late 2023 Breaking Defense article with (what I considered to be) a buried lede about hypersonics.

Yet I managed to miss the mentions you made here, because MGCS. I rarely do more than skim threads like those because of the european AFV fungus amongus. You know the one.

My logs say that I fetched that link to ask in threadsrel below if anyone knew more, but I didn't get to it in time.

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useful SM-6 figure imported from the france bait thread >>62076680
too small
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Bros...it's now very apparent that we are deep into Cold War 2. I know I'll probably be okay, but I can't help but feel an incredibly unease.
Russia couldn't take over an eastern european backwater for 3 years now.
Personally I am excited. It's been about time we stopped being so complacent
How. Just how do you, or anyone, envision russia to take over europe? There are no regimes to take over without a fight, no important pro-russian countries, no civilian populaces that live as shit a live as pre-invasion ukrainians (or russians) or populaces that would swallow russian bullshit in case of an invasion. To even get anywhere important (central and west europe) they would need to fight through poland or across the baltic sea (aka lake NATO) with no army, no navy and an active warzone they can't win already.
Also europe outmatches russia in every field. Demographics, economy, money, production capacity, human capital, etc. The only thing russia has are raw materials they can barely access, refine and transport

Just how.
>inb4 muh nukes
Europe has nukes as well, even pacifist germany has US nukes and i would bet that those aren't for show.
>even pacifist germany has US nukes and i would bet that those aren't for show.
they are just for show. They're like 20 free fall B61 nukes. Imo we need either an indigenous (preferred) or a European nuclear deterrent, but that's not happening because this country is cucked to the core since 1945.
With russias air """defence""" we might unironicaly see glide bomb nukes (sadly not on belgorod) used.
Germany has no need to strike intercontinentaly, france is more than willing to pay for that capacity.
we're a country of 84 million and the third largest economy on the planet. We should have nuke tipped ICBMs that can reach the entire globe. But as I said, not happening.
>ELSA (European Long-Range Strike Approach)
sounds really promising
apparently, according to the Spiegel article, it's been in the planning for a while now

and all big military spenders in the EU are on board
meaning we finally get a missile that's in production for more than <10 years

makes no sense
we're looking at a 5y-10y development cycle here (probably on the shorter side as this will be based on some existing systems)
so realistically 2029 or 2030

chances are high that this is gonna be hypersonic missile

also there's HYDEF
work has already started
and you can expect Diehl Defence to capitalize on the gained knowledge
they already co develop 3SM Tyrfing
>they are just for show. They're like 20 free fall B61 nukes
doesn't matter

NATO Article 5 is weak anyway

there's EU Article 42(7) which is WAY stronger
France has nukes
a strike on Germany explicitly allows France (by EU as well as French laws) to retaliate using nuclear weapons

there are also rumors about a joint nuclear deterrence for the EU with french nukes
all just words
there is no guarantee France would use its nukes in retaliation if we were nuked. And anti-German sentiment is widespread in France, they aren't interesting in close mutual defense (not like we have much to offer anyway, so it's understandable).
we need to stand up for ourselves, but as I already said twice, not happening since this country is a sad joke
>We should have nuke tipped ICBMs that can reach the entire globe

we are surrounded by really close allies
the only realistic threads are local conflicts in North Africa that could tip over or some Balkan nations (well only 2 countries there) "president" that needs a "war" to stay in power
...and Russia

for the two conventional weapons (the few we already have) are more than enough

almost every more advanced weapons system currently in development is targeted for or against Russia
ELSA is one of them
and with ~2000km range you can hit like 70% of the russian population
>there is no guarantee France would use its nukes in retaliation
>they aren't interesting in close mutual defense
that means France would bury the EU
Article 42(7) is probably the strongest mutual defense clause that exists for any supranational organization / country pact
literally says
>If a Member State is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other Member States shall have towards it an obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power

>And anti-German sentiment is widespread in France
wtf dude, no it's not
i literally never met a French person in real life that "actually" disliked / hated Germany and vice versa

Germany is Frances biggest trading partner and France Germany's 3rd biggest
if one suffers, the other will inevitable too

>we need to stand up for ourselves
if you think about nukes that would mean joining Frances nuke program
on no timeline Germany would or even could develop their own ones in a reasonable time frame
Coping EU rat. Russia will be of taking France in two week only!
>If I can just take over the strongest power of the continent it becomes trivial to compete with the rest.
Ivan get back on your motorcycle!
Celebratory porrige when?
When I read the OP, my first thought was "why not just strap an MdCN to a Rafale and be done with it".
With some optimisations and redesigns, it can go beyond 2000 kilometres easily.
bro if you're German, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but other Euros don't give a shit about us besides how they can take our money. In fact most of them actively dislike/hate us.
it's most likely too large and heavy for a Rafale/Eurofighter. Launching it from a truck is possible though, but the range is smaller in that case than with air launch.
Yes, MdCN is close to half the length of the Rafale but some modifications to the airframe (if the missile doesn't deny take-off to begin with) would allow it to be deployed via a Rafale.
However, now that I have given it some thought, Rapid Dragon style of delivery via A400Ms would be a superior solution and you could send massive salvos witj just one plane.
A lot of people respect Germans in poorer countries as they see you as a model nation of the developed world.
>Rapid Dragon style of delivery via A400Ms would be a superior solution and you could send massive salvos witj just one plane.
they already experimented with launching drones from A400M, I hope they do it with cruise missiles too
true to an extent, but most Germans are oblivious to the fact how widespread anti-German sentiment is in Europe. So this assumption that other Euros would risk a nuke for us is ridiculous.
Idk why nobody is coming forward with palletised deployment in Europe.
It isn't that difficult and it would be such an extreme force multiplier.
>when its weapons are rarely (if ever) battle tested
Ah yes, weapons such as the Storm Shadow, IRIS-T, Hammer, Leopard etc. have never been battle tested, unlike the glorious South Korean MIC nowhere to be seen in Ukraine.
It should be noted that “Diehl” is an anagram of “Delhi”
>O wait, it just did
It's been lapping the donkey cart since the 1980s
>our MIC is really fucking atrocious compared to the US and South Korea
Eh, not really, even the US resorts to buying our ships
Wait, so you're saying Best Korea doesn't have the superior MIC?

Diehl is probably one the most quintessential German companies out there
>makes mainly high tech electronics
>quasi monopoly for certain aviation electronics
>boring water / energy metering (and steel) business with immovable, steady revenue
>fully family owned
>makes every type of weapons electronics and missile system
>questionable development between '33 to '45

it doesn't get more German than this
>And anti-German sentiment is widespread in France, they aren't interesting in close mutual defense
An attack on any European country is an attack on Europe itself. We may “hate” eachother (more banter than anything else), but when shit gets real may God give you mercy, because we sure as fuck won't
Yeah, I know, but my mind still went there and I found it too funny not to post
and if I take over South America it will be trivial for me to get a cutie native gf
such delusions are not worth entertaining
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>INF treaty did not apply to air- or sea-launched missiles.
Put the missile on a barge, float the barge on sea water carried around in a tank on wheels. Problem solved.
>there is no way it can keep up in technology or scale
What do you mean, in what areas are they behind? They have survivable NC3 and relatively modern, accurate, survivable delivery platforms with short reaction time. What is there to improve? Some kind of anti-SDI countermeasures like parallel staging they were developing for RS-24?
Americans have already found the real war-winning weapon of WWIII and it boggles the mind NO ONE else is pursuing it despite being such an easy move. The ability to turn any pallet into a weapons system that can be shat out of any aircraft you've got is so game changing it's insane. The JAGM's and that new stealth antiship missile can just be fucking dumped out of logistics jets a few hundred KM away and the ordinance will simply fly on over and devastate your enemy for you. Fucking wild shit man.
diehl is also home of iris-t and german licence made glmrs missiles
being dead and actually having MICs (non-USA, western ones) do something about it are not the same thing.

He probably just means the death of the INF being of material consequence for western MICs, and committing to producing such missiles in volume, has been inevitable for years. An end to the Peace dividend and all that.
Pallets are cool but Rapid dragon was a few years ago. The new wunderwaffe is americans taking their fuckhuge ship-based interceptor missiles and just... strapping them onto carrier strike fighters.
>seething vatnig cries about jannies eating his butthurt asshole
News at 11
Rapid Dragon is a pretty new piece of tech. Recency bias should not be applied here. Nooks are 70 years old but we will probably use them for a millenia or more to come.
You don't know anything about guns.
Zigger shitskins are not welcome here.
Vermintide infested multiple boards, but you will not have /k/.
Lifeless zigger, you will not infect this board with your shitskin opinions.
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Somewhat, yes but that's still mostly because they're still largely infected with Russian/Soviet military thinking.
>kraut dreaming of 2000km big stick
And where would you faggot going to get this from ?
Ivan don't you have a trench "party" to attend?

hmm where could we possibly get a medium range missile? Maybe from one of European manufacturers who already make artificially range limited missiles just to be under the ~550km?
Or maybe not having a completely defunct economy helps when you want something new developed...

vatniks are really getting more stupid by the day kek
> hypersonic missile
Source ?
yuropoors are just too poor to afford dupersonic missile
which one
France tested a hypersonic glider last year.

There a few companies developing hypersonic drones too.
HYDEF : HYpersonic DEFence Interceptor

HYDIS^2 : Hypersonic Defence Interceptor Study
>>quasi monopoly for certain aviation electronics
there's also the French ASN4G program
which should be an hypersonic missile

they changed the details (and deadlines) a few times
but it's under development and expected to fly somewhere around 2032-2033 with mass production from 2035 onward
Do you need hypersonic missiles to intercept hypersonic missiles?

I would guess no
why don't german just build their own hypersonic long range missile ?
Still hoping of getting back to business with Gazprom for those sweet gas so nu uh can't build cause we wuz pacifist n shieeet ?
German thermobaric cluster ICBMs would be quite easier to make, maintain amd mobilize than nukes, 20 or 30 of them would fuck over Moscowblight or Pidorsburg and there is no treaty forbidding them.
How about antimatter my germanic fren?:
Make it quick before Russia's fifth-columnists start bitching about le ecological damage.
>t. Demoralized shame to Bismark and too many badass german ancestors to count.
Why would Germany invest in a hypersonic missile? The money could be better spend on nuclear weapons.
A weapon to surpass the bathtub!
> building icbm without putting nuke on them
Absolutely retarded move
Any icbm launch in a substantial number would be met with full counterforce and countervalue from all the biggest nuclear powers, so it isn't about any kind of restriction here, you dimwit.
And, citing how the us/uk, last but not least poccia failed to adhere to the budapest memorandum in guaranteeing ua security in exchange of forcing them to give up their nukes. A g*rm administration with any balls would instantly forfeit the 2+4 treaty anyway, but here we are
They are butthurt because even at /pol/ they have started to get wrecked as evwn the thirdies can smell their weakness now.
cause you need actual missiles to deliver those nuclear warheads, since nuclear bombs can't just grow itself a pair of wings.
And anti ballistic missile tech are getting better. With donny and vance chance of becoming jewmerica next supreme leaders, you always have to take everything into account, even jewmerica align itself with vatnikstan
>why don't german just build their own hypersonic long range missile ?
it's not that the knowledge or manufacturing capabilities aren't there
DLR made multiple hypersonic gliders over the years and has research groups on it
MBDA already makes the Meteor which could most likely be hypersonic in a bigger variant, ArianeGroup makes the (future) french hypersonic missile and Diehl has probably enough knowledge too

but there wasn't a need for hypersonic missiles (until now)
pre 2022 Russia was "peaceful enough"
and the widespread believe (from German politicians) was, that deep enough economic ties would prevent them from doing anything stupid

and even today
Russia can't even stop old(ish) cruise missiles from Ukraine
and most of the war plays out with tanks and drones
so these are probably the fields Germany should invest in on a more acute basis (and they are doing so, more Skyshield, more Iris-T, more Lasers, more Leopards, more Eurofighter / F35)
> making leopoor tonk in 2024
brainlet take
future afv will be modular with aps and armed with bvr anti tank missile. Armor will be as minimal as possible, probably only enough to resist rifle/auto cannon fire
you heard it here first
>deep enough economic ties would prevent them from doing anything stupid
> implying the whole g*rm government werent filled with commie sympathizers or straight up fifth columnists like schroeder or merkel in the first place
I believe the ASMP can be used in case Germany is attacked, there's enough leniancy in this specific weapon's rules of engagement.
But their ballistic subs? Forget it, their doctrine is way too liberal and automated (touch my pinky and I turn you to jelly) to be used to protect two country at once, especially germany.

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