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AK General /akg/
Type 84S-5A Edition
>Thread #2034

Old thread here >>62019222
AK Buyer's Guides
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M4 stocks on AK’s. Kino or gulag?
Gulag lookswise but superior otherwise
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Should be gulag but lanklets need stock options too and the STKBR stocks are pretty hard to come by.
they get used by mobiks and operators alike
Practical, especially in this AR-dominated era. I would personally like them if they didn't look like an uncanny-valley as tumor.
Anyone here on the Akfiles? I keep hearing there's some people doing high round-count and durability testing of the new Forged Pioneer AKs. The only thing i could find is an old archived AR15.com thread and a Reddit thread where the OP was banned, probably for not being a dick-sucking elitist faggot
You need to be of home cobbled stock of folding mechanical assembly
>that green scheels ammo bag
Beta test the SureshotUSA SS-19 for us.
lemme look. wouldn't be surprised if my account is disabled tho
Good eye on you mate
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Yeah I went back aways and I didn't see anything. Do you have a username I can serach? There was something about Mishaco and M26 but I'm not reading eceleb drama for you sorry
unfortunately no can't remember who trying it, and definitely wouldn't wish reading drama-bullshit on anyone, but thanks for looking friend
I doubt it was anything important anyways because the thread title was something along the lines of "Misha is a liberal"
It wasn’t a pioneer it was a Riley Defense.
found a URL referencing an underfolder testing
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found an unlisted video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhUdciTR4ZE

Seems like most people aren't having issues. One guy broke his firing pin so everyone has been replacing them with 5.56 Beryl pins.

pic rel is 1k rounds and is typical of the other 1k posts. Theres 30 pages so I just skimmed it but thats the highest count I saw evidence for. People calimed 3k but never posted pictures. Most are pleasantly surprised but still think they're icky.
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I think about this picture a lot.
Any of you fags want a russian smerch from zalson? 210 shipped via G&S
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For comparison, this is a Saiga 5.45 bolt with ~2k.
fuck off pioneerfag, get a job so you can afford a real gun instead of coping with your shit """"AK""""
Fuck off. Seeing a manufacturer get their shit together and redeem themselves should be something everyone should strive for and would benefit everyone. I would love for PSA to get their shit together so their could actually be a servicable US-made AK so prices can go down due to competition. Paying 1k+ for an AK happily because there aren't any options like a cock gobbling slave is faggot mentality.
no one wants to be Pioneer's test subject. Fuck that shit.
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Have an SLR106 and lately PMC .223 has been tearing itself in half after shooting...is this an ammo or rifle issue?
>no one wants to be Pioneer's test subject
well theres an entire thread of people doing it on AKfiles lol
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ammo 100%
I want some flavor of 7.62x39 rifle as a general woods gun for when I hike deep in the local national forest and camp. I want something lightweight, compact, and affordable so I won’t care when it gets dinged up. I’ve already got an old Norinco but I don’t want to beat that up innawoods. I normally bring my AR but I want something in 7.62x39. So far I’m considering:
>WASR with a sidefolder
>Century VZ2008 with a sidefolder
Both of these are available used locally for a fair price. I like that the VZ is lighter.

Is there another 7.62x39 rifle I should also be considering that is both not too expensive and not too heavy? I thought about a Ruger American or some flavor of CZ bolt action (or even cheaper Zastava bolt action) but idk I like how compact an AK or VZ gets when folded, plus with a bolt action why not just get a 30-30. Not being able to easily put an optic on the VZ kind of sucks but for a woods gun all I’d want is a light and there are cheap VZ rails for that.
Couldn't it be a headspacing issue also?
What rifle in 7.62x39 could one POSSIBLY choose to grab and go innawoods.
Truly a mystery
Yeah an SKS but
I’ve already got a Yugo SKS and it is the opposite of both of those things.
Is a norinco 84s with the underfolding stock worth buying?
I'm not in the u.s. and they sell the norinco cheaper than ar15s here.
bad batch of ammo, brass is too thin. It separated where it was annealed.
Norinco 5.56 guns are notoriously mag picky so if you want a 5.56 AK make your choice based on what your local magazine market looks like. Serbian 5.56 rifles tend to have the most mag compatibility
Wasr is a fine beater if that's what you're looking for.
what's the appeal behind 90 degree gas blocks
is it just an aesthetic choice
With 5.45 and 5.56 45° gas ports cause issues with bullet shearing so they went to 90° gas ports. The block angle is just cosmetic but the angle of the port is what matters.
Yes. Also, back in the day they used to drill the gas port at an angle after the gas block was installed with the 45 degree GB’s. With the 90 degree GB’s they can have the port drilled beforehand and install the gas block afterwards which increases efficiency and simplifies manufacturing.
I hope your right fren, shitty ammo that I could likely get replaced for free sure beats sending my rifle in to get (maybe) fixed. I'll test out some Igman .223 in it next weekend to confirm.
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How does a burger order from Zeleny Sport?
Unironically Draco with a folding brace
That's a home project?
Its an old conversion kit from centerfire systems or KVAR I think. Not sold anymore
Bullpup AKs are basically nonexistent...rifle is fine I guess?
There are plenty of conversion kits. Some of which have seen limited use by states

lots of civillian kits too but they've almost completeley fallen out of favor and were never popular to begin with.
Is anywhere selling tantal furniture or do I have to deal with boomers on the forums to get it?
Recently bought a wasr 10/63 underfolder that I plan on doing some work on. One thing I want to do is replace polymer handguard it has with a wooden dong. Are there any specifics I need to worry about in regards to clearance for the underfolder or just any AKM reverse dong should work?
I think romainian reverse dongs are the only available in any meaningful variety. Get a surplus grip and not some $300 etsy shit with month long wait times. PSA has a recreation for $80 if you're fine with that
Why do I have the urge to eat soviet cosmoline
I have never found one in good condition and for less than $2000 but if you had I'm interested in a nice collector's weapon
no integrated cheek riser. oversight?
nvm site says coming soon
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I'm good with repros, might stain it a different color than nutmeg though. Anything is better than the grip tape covered mess it currently has.
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>Inshallah my dude
Why are AK's so fucking expensive?
Yeah... mechanically the rifle's fine and it came with a Romanian drum mag so that was a nice bonus. But man it looks awful.
fuckin yuck
I feel like ARs are the only thing that isn't expensive these days; probably just economy of scale.
could be both, worst case (lol) scenario you gotta run the thicker 5.56 brass
Looking for that meme with "AR guy's AR"/"AK guy's AK" where they're ridiculous mallninja shit vs. "AR guy's AK" and "AK guy's AR" where they're actually sensible stock builds
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Best I can do.
Chinese and Russian import bans, and 922r laws.
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From Syria I think
AK newfag here. I recently got my hands on a Zastava M70. I wanna put a railed dust cover on it and was looking at the B33 clones and Sureshot MK3. I know there's some differences between Yugo AKs and everything else; would I be able to fit one of those two on a Yugo if I just did the little cutout for the release pin at the back of the dust cover, or would any differences in the gas block/handguard get in the way?
Neither of those are going to fit for a lot of reasons. Diffierent receiver dimensions, handguard retainer location and size, the way the handguard fits under the trunnion, gas block, rear trunnion (as you've mentioned)

TWS makes a railed dust cover called the Dog Leg and I'm pretty sure thats the only somewhat reputable Yugo hinged cover. I'm not endorsing it though becuase I haven't used it. I have an AKM style one that works fine though
Also barrel diameter. A lot of those handguards use a clamp design that wraps around the barrel and the yugo barrels are a different size so they wont work
Thanks anons. If anyone here can vouch for the TWS dog leg I am interested. Using a side mount at the moment and while it's held zero fine, I'm trying to feel out my other options.
I only use the Dog leg because my rifle doesn't have a side rail. It works fine for me but I wouldn't be using it if I had a side mount. If its not broke don't fix it.
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Better than a side mount imo. Especially in terms of weight distribution + height over bore. My WBP has a side mount and I used a RS Regulate 1913 mount for a time before using the TWS Dog Leg Gen 3. I much prefer the Gen 3; repeatable zero after opening the cover (or at least insignificant shift) and at a good height without having extra side bulk.
I can vouch for the TWS cover. I haven't run it with an optic as much as I'd like, but it's well made and appears to hold zero well enough for an AK. I like it better than the siderail mount, because the siderail gets in the way of field stripping AND the folding stock.
Nice setup, like the army green look. Appreciate the input, I'll probably give the TWS rail a shot.
Do you have anything specific against the dog leg that would make you think more of the RS?
The obstruction was one of the things that pushed me towards the top rail. I'm running a Zhukov stock and it doesn't get in the way too much except for when I use my dual mags.
I don't like it
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>Do you have anything specific against the dog leg that would make you think more of the RS?
Not really. I meant that unless your RS is giving you issues there isn't a reason to get a Dog Leg. Its one of the few componets I'm going to keep on my rifle. Almost everything else is going to get switched out at some point.
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Why does it look weird?
>The obstruction was one of the things that pushed me towards the top rail.
Before I had the TWS on that rifle, I used a side rail mounted PSO. Besides the optic being kind of trash, it don't think the side rail interface is all that well designed. It didn't hold zero all that well when removing and remounting, which needed to be done every time I shot because of the corrosively primed ammo I have a ton of. The side mount would also dig into my chest when carrying the rifle on a sling. I finally just got sick of it and got the TWS to throw my spare ACOG on, but I didn't like the way the ACOG looked on it (lol) so I'm trying to decide what to put on it now.
Its pump action for Russian Civillians I think. I just stole it off 2Dvach
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it's a KVAR kit, I own one. Some rifles were imported as AKU-94s. The trigger isn't really bad but it's not great. The front grip section around the gas block is very fragile and broken on mine. Otherwise it feels pretty solid.
You picked the longest and heaviest variant.
Anyone get ahold of one of those PSA Krinks? How are they?
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They look good in certain configurations, especially if you have an adapter that doesn't stick out like a sore thumb. This is one of RobSki's and I think it looks great here.
i'm still waiting for the .300blk krink
Magwell on an AK just feels perverse and wrong.
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how about an ak with a vz58 stock
I use one because I'm a lanklet but I'd much prefer the new sureshot ak19 stock.
>back in stock notification for Saiga .223 30 rounders
What is red army standard white box? Just rebranded twice as expensive tula?
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unironically a 12.5" Draco with a side folding brace
>7.62x39 only loses a few hundred FPS from a shorter barrel
There's zero way a human being is shooting that rifle unless your neck is 2 inches long
>i'm still waiting for the .300blk krink
fucking why
Anyone know the easiest way to get a bayonet on a wasr10? Already tried paracording a knife on it with limited success.
Going over to Poland here soon, does anyone know of any good spots to get parts there (furniture for a tantal, folding stocks etc.)
why not?
you'll begin to notice a lot of rifles on /akg/ are set up just to larp, because they think it looks cool
they care little about anything else, hence the 2nd post itt
Radom isn't a random name, it's a town
more of a city
uh... if it has a bayonet lug, just clip it on. If it doesn't, get rekt
Does anyone have a KS47? kind of want a carbine length.
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I ran an AK match last weekend in the hell that is this heat. Novus optic held up.
Don't recommend sun strokes though. I couldn't keep water inside me.
More photos of the KP9
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I don't have a lot of photos yet from the event because none of my buddies, nor did I, take a lot of photos because we were all trying not to just melt.
>Novus optic
I was curious how well these held up before getting one. How long have you had it, and how many rounds has it been through?
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I have one of the "special ones" with the Russian markings. I bought it in February. All rounds through were on the kp9. I put 1000 rounds though it over the year. Then just Saturday I put 500 more rounds through it on the clock and in the heat. I checked my zero before the comp but haven't after yet, will be checking tomorrow when the local range opens again. But it hasn't lost zero before I don't really expect it to now.
During the comp most of the steel was painted blue or orange, and the blue tint of the optic was hard to pick out steel. Even with both eyes open.
Sig Sauer 4T or Holosun 515GM? And yes I’m a poor fag, no I can’t afford an Aimpoint T2.
(Me) I’m planning on mounting it on my WBP Jack using the rs regulate mini rds mount.
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man I had the opportunity to buy one of those a few years back at my LGS. Came with Zenitco furniture (don't care for it, would have sold it) a red dot, brace, 5 mags, and a drum for $1100. Bought a different AK that I had a boner for instead. Literally as soon as I set it down some other guy came up and bought it. Ended up selling that AK anyway. Oh well.
>pic not related
So, what is a converted Saiga 5.45 gonna be worth at peak election cycle grift?

With 2k rounds of ammo?

Think I'm gonna cash in and leave AKs forever.
bout tree fiddy
If it's not a regulated item, look into freight forwarding services.
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I have a silly question but, is there a cartridge loading for 5.56 AK's that would produce the same soft recoil impulse of a normal Ak-74?

I was mainly thinking about this in regards to an Ak-101 and a 74m
looks like a fucking mechano kit
They're minimally different to begin with, the free recoil of both is very close.
You'll be lucky to sell it, even with 2k rounds to go with.
I don't own a 5.56 AK but I've never heard of someone complaining that there was more recoil on 5.56 than 7.62x39.
my LGS sold a 5.45 Saiga rebuilt on a Nodak receiver for 3k
When was that?
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Thanks I like it
I think I hate it but I'm not sure, why did you do this?
Last month or two
I'd take $3k with the ammo no prob.
Just use a 74 style muzzle break. That's the secret of 5.45 recoil
thx anons
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It makes it all worthwhile
which one of you niggas did it https://bnonews.com/index.php/2024/07/man-arrested-with-ak-47-near-republican-convention-in-milwaukee/
I don't think I could ever hate a politician enough to risk getting my AK confiscated
It was Samool foreskinenhyde
Wi native here. Both sides are stupid.
No bayonet lug. I might try using a homemade paperclip wire to anchor the base of the bayonet if I end up buying one.
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How do you like the AEMS mister awful camo paintjob ? Legit wondering, might replace my EOTECH.
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I like my AEMS. Its the only other componet I'm keeping. That said I've never had an EOTECH

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