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A thread for comparing, contrasting, designing, sharing and discussing camouflage patterns.

> Camopedia: A thorough, though not quite definitive wiki of camo patterns:

> .rar file with scans of 228 patterns from across the world:

> Brent0331's camouflage effectiveness tests - playlist of videos demonstrating 150+ patterns, from a great /k/ youtuber with other useful videos such as infantry / squad tactics, camo face paint, etc:

> Classic guy cramer description of camouflage methodology:

> Why doesn't the military use hunting style camo?

>Bureau of Land Management camo handbook:

>Writeup on the new Dutch fractal pattern:

>Practical instruction on how to design fractal pattern from scratch:

prev thread >>62003237
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How many hours a day do you spend jerking to camos
All of them.
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Here's all of the color-balanced camo swatches from kommandopost
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Here is my submission for the "other" category
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god damn it
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Danny Bonaduce lost weight?
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Like I said, Spectre > EMR
Yo printer anon, how would you feel like printing custom digital camos?
sure what do you got?
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I cena this guy before, I think he lives in china now.
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The next war will be in the Pacific. What is a good camo for the Philippines, Indonesia and Northern Australia?
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maybe ERDL brown dom? or frogskin?
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I love your grandma.
Stuff like this
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this as well
Got the CCU, or rather the revised version of it. However, from what I read, the difference is basically insignificant between the 2 Vera of the CCU. I kept my promise, camo anon.
Here’s the tid bit from the 2nd version of the CCU trousers
>same design as the ACU(basically the final draft for the ACU)
>the hooks on the cargo pockets are black
>of course, it’s 50/50 NYCO
>made by American power source
>have the same knee slot pockets
>Velcro pockets all around
>the main difference between it and the ACU is that it’s waist string is different in terms of material
Also, I think the main difference between the second and first version of the CCU is the Velcros. The velcros for the second version is the same as the ACUs. The first version is similar to how crye do their Velcros, which is just two small blocks of it on both sides. At least for the valve pocket and the shoulder pocket for the CCU coat.
This dude also did an analysis between the 2 versions. So worth checking out if you want a more in-depth explanation for the coat at least. I can provide more pics of the trousers on here when I can.
>Northern Australia
Red Coats, let them fight on thier own for once. Maybe they'll do better against nonemus
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in america, where are the cheapest places to get good webbing in camo patterns?
>good webbing
On spools or sewn gear?
on spools but i really need about 10 yards for various slings and the sellers on ebay are in china or predatory pricing faggots.
what's the standings in the poll?
Wtf I can't vote twice? This is America!
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Closest to milsurp thread, is gomilitar.com legit, or fake and gay?

As for camo, in my heart I love jigsaw, but M90 is more normie friendly.
found some sexy blumentarn jackets if anyone's Interested?
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so far tigerstripe, itll either be 5th 6th or 7th pattern
Have anything really green that would blend well with summer plants and stuff? Just curious.
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you looking for an older type pattern or newer modern design? a few i had up in the poll are pretty green and effective.

one of the patterns is a tropic version a ww2 german oakleaf pattern
Honestly I'm just looking for something that might be effective in PA for hunting. Everything is green. Green grass, green trees. bright green bushes. Green on green on green. And no camo that works lol. I also think you might be able to sell some clothes just making them thin and breatheable enough for summer use while making them in such a way that it keeps ticks out. Feels like I often have to choose between the two.
> I also think you might be able to sell some clothes just making them thin and breatheable enough for summer use while making them in such a way that it keeps ticks out. Feels like I often have to choose between the two.

thats the plan, im originally from a very tropical place and i learn toward cold war/Nam aesthetics and is why im going with 100% cotton ripstop with some jungle fatigues roomy fit. BDUs will be twill and are fine for flannel type warmth
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I would recommend M90, AOR2, or CADPAT
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>normie friendly.
No such thing especially after yesterday.

>Speaking to local news outlet KDKA, some young locals who went to school with him described him as a loner, who was frequently bullied and sometimes wore "hunting outfits to school".
>Another former classmate of his, Summer Barkley, cast him differently, telling the BBC that he was "always getting good grades on tests" and was "very passionate about history".
>"Anything on government and history he seemed to know about," he said. "But it was nothing out of the ordinary....he was always nice."
>Others simply remembered him as quiet.
>"He was there but I can't think of anyone who knew him well," one former classmate, who asked to remain nameless, told the BBC. "He's just not a guy I really think about. But he seemed fine.
https://archive dot eye-ess 2Utdu

You should be on RED ALERT RED ALERT right now if you even have the slightest inkling of self-preservation.
This makes me feel good
I'd just go with a desert or olive M65, who cares
I think the Australian Multicam gets the job done
>the next war will be in the Pacific
I heard it’s starting in 2 more weeks.
Most camo patterns look ugly to me. Woodland and some of the Flecktarn stuff looks good to me, but most of my gear is in ranger green. I live in the northeast, and it works fine most of the year, especially if I haven't wiped off any grime (mud, leaves, etc) in a while.

I'm not super concerned about hiding in the woods though. If I was, I'd get a ghillie hood and pack cover. Beez Combat Systems sells some pretty cool options, especially their thermal mitigation stuff. Reducing your thermal signature is becoming a serious concern these days.
>Beez Combat Systems
I FORGOT, the CCU literally has no back pockets lol.
Camo condoms now, so nobody sees you cumming...
Had to.
emergency bump
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Absolutely nobody makes normal BDUs in this.
go militar is legit yes
Thanks anon.
you could find some helikon tex shit but its discountinued, UF pro also made them but not bdus, it's combat clothes

maybe Roman kurmaz would but he makes combat too, idk if he does bdus
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>tfw there's a chance we could have Duckhunter BDU's in the near future
My dick is about to rip through my jeans.
Discontinued, discontinued. Everything made in this pattern is trying to be ultra modern and ends up falling flat when compared to old school stuff. Even the material, it's almost always polyester (plastic) or a blend.
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Are we honestly convinced that typical combat gear and uniforms benefit from a camouflage print? I feel like the vast majority of the time, someone's silhouette and movement are going to give someone away before the print on their uniform. This is made even worse with technology like thermal and night vision. Modern combat gear isn't even well-suited for blending into a soldier's surroundings to begin with, the shapes and silhouettes are all very recognizable, older-style loose fitting sniper suits and newer 3D laser-cut leaf suits are very uncommon in modern militaries, and most of them wear a bunch of blocky, high-profile battle rattle on top. I feel like there are few combat scenarios where a camo uniform provides an edge over a solid-color one. Camo uniforms may be mostly just a morale item to boost team spirit. It's just psyoping your own troops to make them think they're 'invisible' to make them less risk-adverse.

Look at the Ukraine V. Russia war. Russia adopts a green-dominant pattern that at any real distance will just be seen as OD green by the human eye. Ukraine counters this by adopting a tan-dominant uniform. The point of both of these decisions is friend/foe identification, since both parties using camo ideal for the local would result in tons of friendly fire. Is it even worth the additional cost of a patterned uniform? Is the risk of friendly fire worth it? For the average unit, does it provide any benefit at all? Or is camo something that should be primarily issued and utilized by more elite units that are actually undergoing stealth-focused missions? Is giving lesser units camo just a morale boosting effect to make them feel like a unit more elite than they are?
Are you going to cry?
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Singapore's camo works very well in that domain
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its a god damned 4 way tie
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Bing chillin with ur Granny too.
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It’s like a greener MARPAT which I like more green.
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I too fap but it’s to any digital camouflage.
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Brought my CADPAT Jacket and LATPAT pants on this camping trip with my family up in the 1,000 islands.

>CADPAT TW works amazingly well since I’m soo close to Canada.
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Make a gofundme already jfc, you could collab with gear brands and stack paper selling them custom fabric and I'd buy. Hire some ukranian babushka granny to sew gear.
Would hunt coyotes in spring while wearing/10
Tldr shut up moron
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You have no idea anon.

How good is sportsman's guide? They have belgian jigsaw on sale right now for black friday (lol) but I heard from another anon that their warehouse stinks so, in result, all their surplus stink. It's a still a damn shame belgian didn't sell all their surplus when they adopted multicam.
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looks like dot44 came outta nowhere folks
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for the dot44 im not sure if id do it in a BDU/TCU or start it off with a combat shirt like picrel example
>LATPAT pants
I swear you are an asocial influencer and I too will have LATPAT LOUNGE PANTS FOR SUPERIOR LOUNGING!
>Ballot box stuffing
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CRAPpat is the marking of the indo-sino people's republic of canada therefore making you and anyone branding the communist's mark my enemy

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