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Many reasons,
The tech could be still prototype, South korea may not wanna give the tech up, or the components may be way more expensive than we know, It may have limited range or power against larger drones, or it may have safety concerns.

Hopefully these are all addressed and we can get some epic laser fights soon.
Will laser rifles ever materialize?
A few years ago I saw some new laser weapon the army was using and they slapped it on the back of a humvee and shot the reporter. It wasn't actually strong enough to hurt him substantially, but the reporter did say it stung. I imagine we will have handheld rifles within 30 years. However, WE wont get them unfortunately
lasers are exclusively LOS so missiles cover a much wider area which is what you need when you are protecting many unarmed cargo ships instead of an individual warship
South Korea should use these to target communist trash balloons
Probably because they're shit and aren't actually sufficient for the role. SK hasn't found the magic bullet that makes the tech viable.
>I imagine we will have handheld rifles within 30 years.
lol no, lasers and capacitor banks are huge, you cannot miniaturize into a viable rifle, i dont see this being a reality in the next 100 years.
>South Korea should use these to target communist trash
No cause they can blind people
Probably for the same reason the French didn't use their fancy new smokeless powder in 1884 to shoot random pirate niggers in the Suez area back then too. It's almost like brand new tech both needs a weapon to utilize said tech and also it's not in your best interest to just flaunt said fancy new thing if keeping it as secret as can be reasonably expected until it's ready to use means you have that much more of a head start on the tech when it is released to the international market.
Huh, almost 150 years and mudslimes are still goat fucking subhumans seething at their betters using the canal. How about that.
A buddy of mine in the AF said classified technology was deployed against the Iranian missile attack on Israel back in April. Can anyone confirm if this is true?
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Yes it's true trust me my dad glows in the dark
Can you translate this into a normal sentence?
As other anon said, the main issue is power. You need huge heavy capacitors. Unless there's some revolution in that field there won't be man carried laser rifles ever.
So you’re expecting a regional war in the Middle East?
>It may have limited range or power against larger drones
This. It's a CIWS equivalent, which means you'd have to install it on every merchant ship passing through the Red Sea to actually get what you're looking for out of it, and even if the units are on the market, shipping companies are probably going to find it cheaper to pay the insurance or go the long way than to install cutting edge military tech at MIC rates.
OP, fuck this guy... keep it going!
Yea and there’s a new AK thread like everyday. Several drone threads a week, etc. This is a vital capability that warrants extended discussion(s). You don’t have a point, now get the fuck out.
>Why weren’t these deployed against the Houthis?
What? Aside from the media silence Houthis are still going strong.
Why haven’t they been deployed*
>SK *to* mass produce...
Can't deploy what's not there, can you?
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How picky are we being with form-factor?
I assumed they’re going to mass-produce what they’re only producing now.
to mass produce or not to mass produce, this is the question
If you can't explain why continued discussion about this one weapon system in a tasteful thread (with only one up at a time) then how about you fuck off.
If you have confidence in your product and the necessary funds then you don't really have a reason not to mass produce it from the get go.
Assuming your assumption is correct and assuming that the lasers do work as promised and assuming that the lasers can shoot down drones of any size then there'd still be the bureaucratic process in advance of the decision being made and then the time consuming process of fitting the lasers onto a suitable platform.
Didn’t read your novel, goodbye
Because like most gookwaffen it's shit and they're lying about it's effectiveness
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>unprompted reddit crying
>unprompted Ukraine crying
>AI slop
go back to /pol/
You have no argument that holds water against OP's on topic post. Stop your cocksucking you mindbroken faggot.
>Why was a south Korean weapon which may theoretically exist in 5 years not deployed on USN ships a year ago
OP asking the real questions
cause a japshill gonna japshill
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The 'first' is really about ready to deploy for 'production' use. The various US versions are still listed as being in the prototypes/indefinite validation/development stages. In fact, if you read the latest report to congress on the state of directed energy/laser weapons, they are still asking for more money to further the development.
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The difference is its in mass production already. Other systems developed by different countries are still in development but they are getting close. The US has multiple platforms in development now but most are still not finished due to complexities of using larger power lasers to take down more than drones.
Because south Korea needs them at DMZ and Seoul first to stop Best Korea from getting any ideas.
Based worst Korea carrying their weight and not just leeching off the US's hugely inflated budget
what's the effective range like?
With a little effort you could be rocking an eyeball melting laser rifle right now.
Yes, but it was probably the boring kind of classified technology which is just the normal technology but a prototype iteration.
If mods van his IFV threads he always swaps to shilling for and against Korea.
He also spams the BVR missile threads.
I mean there's like a 99% chance that during any operation at least SOMETHING is gonna be classified, even if it's something as minor as a slightly new intake design for a turbine or prototype new fancy cup holders that double as crayon holders for when you need a snack mid op. Hell even something like what exactly the tires are made of on a jet or what brand of window cleaner they use is probably classified.
>Is beginning
These are not the verbs used to describe something in mass production a year ago.
Because both Houthi and Korea didn't have any animosity towards each other?
Reminder that any world in which portable laser weaponry becomes commonplace is also a world where soldiers have to wear fully enclosed headgear with tinted glass or even a camera/video setup to protect their eyes, especially if tanks and vehicles need to be chrome armored to reflect laser energies
Because even a 1% refraction beam off one of those weapons going into your eye would instantly cook your cornea
not until the EU disolve
This is cool AF. Where is it from/who drew it?
I'm retarded, disregard
South Korea is THE MIC now. America's days are over.
Pretty sure that using laser weapons solely to blind people is considered a warcrime by the UN and there are treaties against it since like the 80s. If not we would have satellites with lasers on them just to blind pilots whenever they get in sight.
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What do you think would be a better AA, railgun or laser?
I don't think even the newest 500kw lasers can intercept hypersonic missiles. For everything else lasers are better, even for taking down fixed winged aircraft.

I mean, as long as it isn't raining.
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But I like railguns.
American laser tech is better. Koreans just have lower standards.
I also hope you like replacing barrels every other day.
why would a hypersonic missile be any more difficult to shoot down? It's not like it's exiting the atmosphere.
NTA, burn time. Lasers need to stay focused not just on the target, but on a single spot for long enough to heat it to the point of failure. That's true of all attempts to intercept a hypersanic, especially if you're dealing with a firing solution other than "it's coming right at us", but there could be other factors that hit lasers particularly hard, such as the level of minute control to keep the beam on the same spot when the target is moving that rapidly. There's also the plasma sheathing thing, which may or may not effect the cohesion of the laser, that's not my field of autism.
>lasers and capacitor banks are huge, you cannot miniaturize into a viable rifle, i dont see this being a reality in the next 100 years.

umm... they already did tho
There is also the fun thing called the inverse square law. Most of these laser systems are on capable of intercepts in the single or low double digits of km. Light loses so much fucking energy over distance and in bad atmospheric conditions. Lasers will always be a CIWS kind of thing

A video popped up for a while of laser weapons in use against inbound low end missiles.

There are many lasers weapons around now. rheinmetall openly promotes them as add on option for their AA set up.

They work fine but all so far need a massive source of energy. Either need to be hooked up to the grid, to a ship with substantial power generation or to a generator the size of a shipping container at the smallest.

You can go smaller but you will only have a couple of short bursts per minute or even less as the capacitors will need longer time to charge between bursts with a smaller power supply.

Also capacitors aren't batteries and need to be constantly charged as they lose power very quickly even when not used so just slapping a few dozens pre charged capacitors on a veichle won't work as they would only keep the charge for a few hours. Also using batteries doesn't work well as batteries while they can store power reliably can't output and input power fast like capacitors do.

So either you need substantial power generation capabilities, direct high voltage grid connection or you need a massive battery+capacitors set up which is likely about as big as a large generator

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