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Let me guess, you need more?
That's not the P365
I need to
fuck ya
Of course not. Why would anyone buy a Pajeet 365?
what does he mean by this?

Both are dead : >>63053127
Best thing about it is how light it is. No sagging, extremely comfortable.
Yeah, chamber it in .30 supercarry.
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G43 appreciation thread too please /k/, considerin'.
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I like the idea of the G43, but my "I don't feel like carrying a real gun today" gun needs to be a gun that I feel like carrying even under those circumstances.
It's underrated.
looks like a dildo
Everything is a dildo if you try hard enough.
I have one. Tiny little thing. Light as a feather too. It's my go-to pocket carry when I'm dressing light in the heat. I really like it. Doesn't get enough love.
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I carry mine at work every single day. The big shield in the back makes it print like a notepad or cell phone in my pocket, and since we use cell phones for scanning and inventory management EVERYONE has a similar print. It's brilliant.

Dont care for how it shoots and it could stand to be a bit thinner, though. I'd prefer some magical super-gun that would be literally just a reliable LCP that didn't drop its fucking mag when you look at it too quickly.
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for me it's the bodygaurd
they massacred my boy
Quit being a fag and buy a 43x.
I wish shield arms or PSA would make the double stacks for these too
Bodyguard is not the same size class as g42/p365-380. As a result it will be astronomically less pleasant to shoot than those.
Get a heavier recoil spring and grip tape. The mag is dropping because you are hitting the mag release without realizing it because the gun is slipping in your hand so much.
Grip too long, can't allow myself printing at all.
Yeah this. Just give me a 10 rounds aftermarket G43 mag.
or just a 140mm single-stack extendo for us gamers
too heavy. The 42 is lighter and better.
The 43 is the worst of both worlds. Just buy a 26.
Isn't the frame ever so slightly too skinny for a double-stack mag?
>astronomically less
>"astronomically" [<---Lol.]
Are (You) the same teenage retard who posted on the other thread with hyperbolic grammar?

yes I agree that the Bodyguard 2.0 might ?? have recoil issues due to its inherent light weight.
we do not know how it shoots, until the pistol is in hand and tested.
I also agree that the Glock 42, among current subcompact-micro .380s, is top of the heap in shooting comfortably for most users; size/weight appropriate for the round and its recoil impulse
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>Bodyguard 2.0

Sootch has a vid review on the thread >>62053127
it's gtg
I one one of those with a 60 shot clip
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>want G42 after everyone praises it
>read about a bunch of problems in early ones
>buy one that is recent production with most recent magazine revision.
>Buy 3rd mag, Lube, and head to range
>Have 49 malfunctions out of 50 rounds of Fiocchi USA made 380
>not even mad, actually laughing at the absurdity
>go up to shop and buy some S&B and Italian Fiocchi 380
>runs like a sewing machine for 150 rounds
>no problems since

I'm very conflicted on my experience with the G42. Could have been a bad lot of ammo or burr that smoothed out. Still 49/50 malfunctions doesn't inspire confidence.
>owned one
>jammed constantly
>would lock back in the middle of a magazine at least once per mag
>traded it for a Mossberg 500 after 6 months

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