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How can Puccia protect its S-300/400 operators, cope cages?
Send them back to Russia
He died in Russia, all S-300 on Kharkiv direction are hiding in Belgorod
So he tried to run away from his post and was killed, while the guys who stayed at post survived with injuries.
That would be one of the funniest death's of this war
Can I have his hat ?
>two battalion commanders dead
Their SAM losses are worse than we are publicly aware of. That's 2 FCS radars likely damaged or destroyed, in addition to this chucklefuck's radar
>while the guys who stayed at post survived with injuries.
about that...
>shrapnel wounds incompatible with life
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Now I want something I can shoot at people that would be classed as 'incompatible with life'
but did he died?
Wound status : incompatible with life
Bilhorod People's Republic isn't Russian and never will be.
bum status: touched
'incompatible with life' is pretty funny ngl
rip, bozo
this phrase is common the medical profession worldwide. It's basically a nice way of saying that the patient is ALL the way dead, in a way that is so obvious that no reasonable person would attempt lifesaving measures on them. So he likely got gibbed into chunks or decapitated.
Imagine getting directly hit by ATACMS submunition or booster
There's just something inherently funny with describing injuries this way, like, instead of saying decapitation you could say "the medulla oblongata was is no longer in conjunction with the cervical section of the spinal cord".
we say mortally wounded in the west
"incompatible with life" is normal medical jargon in the west
Not the same thing. Getting hit by shrapnel and slowly bleeding out is being mortally wounded. Injuries incompatible with life means the patient is spread out across a street in fist sized chunks.
99% of English language references to the phrase are about severely defective childbirths, not injury. I do not believe that it is in serious regular usage in equivalent scenarios
while you were out partying
Alexander studied the Orenburg anti-aircraft missile
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its typically used in rare cases where someone is gibbed

>Emergency rooms and ambulance service policies advise against the resuscitation of such patients. The UK's National Health Service, for example, in its "Policy and Procedures for the Recognition of Life Extinct" describes traumatic hemicorporectomy (along with decapitation) as "unequivocally associated with death" and that such injuries should be considered "incompatible with life" in patients under 18.[8] The National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) and the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (COT) have also released similar position statements and policy allowing on-scene personnel to determine if patients are to be considered unresuscitatable.[9]

There are a few fancy medical phrases in that paragraph. Hopefully you leave this thread feeling a bit more well read
Pretty young for a captain, how old is this dude?
25 tops
NATO strikes again.
>decapitation is only associated with death in patients under 18
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Many exciting opportunities for advancement!
It's easy when all superiors before you already died to HIMARS
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>Hemicorporectomy is a radical surgery in which the body below the waist is amputated, transecting the lumbar spine. This removes the legs, the genitalia (internal and external), urinary system, pelvic bones, anus, and rectum.

Wow damn that's a heck of a situation to find yourself in, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it has a name.
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Can’t wait until storm shadows inside Russia are normalized.
>zoomers and alphies can't survive without their head
>He died in Russia, all S-300 on Kharkiv direction are hiding in Belgorod

Actually this battery was hit in Mariupol, but
Russia found a new trick to save money so now people officially die outside the combat zone. So deaths count as not combat related. This way relatives receive less compensation.
Ive heard it used on multiple cases over the years, and was regularly used during my medical training, and evem more so during dive medical stuff.
fresh ack
Turns out sometimes people don’t die when they are killed
The word means “Half body removal” if you understand medical Latin.
I've heard it in reference to drug addicts suffering from severe OD. Apparently the drugs had rewired the brain in a way that they were considered failing to live/failure to thrive.
That’s medical code for “his shit’s fucked, mate”
It’s standard EMT terminology in the US, because no emergency medical professional wants to say that they found an 11 year old girl and their dad decapitated in their sedan by the back end of a semi due to a rear end collision if that level of detail isn’t required
Fuck's going on with his patrol cap?
Yeah. If you live East of Berlin, maybe.
Abnormal spatial relations between bodily organs ensued.
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It's bog standard terminology that's used for when there's a 0% chance that medical intervention is going to do anything and is mostly used because something more official than "he was obviously dead" was needed for reasons of professionalism and legal liability. It's not used very commonly (relatively) because someone has to be well beyond fucked for them to whip it out; "injuries incompatible with life" is what you use to describe someone that you find in chunks after an explosion or a diver who gets sucked through a 6" hole or someone who lays their head on the railway - even someone missing both of their legs and covered in third-degree burns doesn't have "injuries incompatible with life" if they're still somehow gasping their last when the EMTs get on scene despite the fact that what's left of their life probably amounts to <30 seconds.
It's also nicer than saying you had to carry him out in half a dozen buckets.
More missile batteries to use up all the Ukrainian ammunition.
looks like his hat is incompatible with his head
Maybe they could use surface to air missiles.

From my understanding seems the "commander" of the installation ran away in time (probably a major or higher rank) leaving him and the crew to man the system and they got hit by the missile shrapnel.
He died and his crew mates were injured.

The "commander" and the captain aren't the same person.
>incompatible with life
Haven't heard that used since the log ride incident.
>while you were out partying
>Alexander studied the Orenburg anti-aircraft missile
>and now, when the cluster munitions of the enemy are approaching
>and your ass is about to measure the eggs
>you expect him to intercept?
Not ONCE in my CPR training was I advised not to attempt the procedure on someone who had been decapitated, I oughta get a refund
For some reason I took it to mean cut in half lengthwise
>cope cages?
Cope faraday cages around the radars.
Immunity to radiation seekers)))
It would be better in Cyrillic.
>"incompatible with life" is normal medical jargon in the west
By all means anon, provide us with evidence ot the contrary. You can, right?
>sharpnel wounds incompatible with life
I love this sentence so much.
Nta but I heard that term several times in my previous employment as a rail security guard. First responders usually call people that get obliterated by a freight train "incompatible with life" because calling out "he's smeared" isn't nice and paramedics here don't have the medical right to declare someone DOA in absence of injuries incompatible with life, decomposition, or rigor mortis having set in.
If only there was some type of system that could be used to shoot down incoming missiles.
for me it's
>HEAD CRUSH (Maximum)
from that nhtsa site
I know it as a term used by EMS/other emergency (like firemen) personell that are legally not allowed to declare a person dead (only a MD can do that) unless the injuries they sustained are so clearly lethal that even a completely untrained bystander can only come to the conclusion that "yeah, he ded" is the only possible result.
>the log ride incident

The what?
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I just realized this guy was probably in highschool (or whatever the equivalent is in Russia) when that post was made.
Turns out a surface to surface missile is the better SEAD weapon you can find in this day and age. Cheaper than risking a plane, deadlier for the crews with it's AOE. No wonder everyone and their mother in western countries is hard on building long range artillery stuff (guided rockets/missiles included)
he is trained as 300 so is only wounded
>2 battalion commanders died in two weeks
Does Ukraine have more HIMARS rockets or do they have snipers deep within?

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