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File: Roem self-propelled gun.webm (3.78 MB, 1920x1080)
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Looks like nobody noticed this last month, not even Israeli mainstream media: "Introducing Roem, Israel's new artillery piece. The new Roem system saw its first operational firing in June and will be deployed with an IDF unit in the coming year." Links:
The Judean - June article with all the PR talking points

Israeli Defense

Jerusalem Post

Firing video
>multiple dudes still using PASGT vest clones
Holy shit. Conscript armies are a hell of a thing.
>world's first cannon capable of fully automatic firing without human intervention
Is this true? I could have sworn there was another artillery system recently rolled out by some European NATO country that had both automatic reloading and automatic firing too. Can't remember the name for the life of me.
god i can't wait for hezbolah to wrek them
Archer? I'm pretty sure that was its shtick. Maybe this thing has a "enter coordinates to aim" functionality, but if so it's pretty sloppy to not state that.

Two more centuries, habibi.
>The unironic IDF shill is back
>Not paid, just works for them
>The "new" vehicle is just a 1 to 1 copy of western gibs that they then proceeded to sell to China
I'm so fucking tired of this.
Why the fuck is this site a target in the eyes of companies, groups and even governments? We all know the answer - but still, why?
I just wanted to jerk off.
>Is this true?
No. Even the indian blogspam writer at The Defense Post thought better than to keep that claim in the title without adding scare-quotes. The extent of automation is the main thing they're pushing with their PR for this, but I kept it out of the post because it's so silly and I didn't want this to turn into an israel/gaza shitfight. Better to keep it limited to arty snobs who can click links.

Not him. I gave multiple links (all archive versions), omitted the obviously-bullshit claim (see above), and quality-maxxed the webm for filesize limit.

In fact, I'm the one who gave him shit in the "new missile" thread: >>62079868
>Is this true?
No. There are Archer, Dana/Dita/Zuzana/Eva, RCH
Nice, those Palestinian children won't stand a chance. I also think Israel needs another few billions in military aid.
Claims of the fucking thing

- Crew of 3
- Oshkosh 10×10
- Rheinmetall L52
- 40rd onboard
- 8rd per min
- 40km base bleed
- "European version will be able to fire 80km"

defence-industry.eu has an article from 2023, before the gaza war, outlining the EU plan. All of those plans are probably either up for review or fully scrapped, so I'm linking this purely for my own reference. https://defence-industry.eu/roem-artillery-system-by-elbit-demonstrated-to-european-partners-video

Pics of the fucking thing 1/3
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Pics of the fucking thing 2/3
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Pics of the fucking thing 3/3
Looks like a FH70 on a truck. Now with the loading arm of a PzH2k

I knew it
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>"Don't ever talk to me or my son again" vibes
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>I knew it
knew what? That Elbit constantly repackage the same old shit and call it new?

Vid 2/2. Appears that the IDF have unlisted all of them, so fuck looking for more. Vid didn't have autosubs on youtube so I didn't bother to find out what she's saying.
>these ears
Are all Israelis have those large ogre ears?
Does all your brown family is microcephalic?
Looks like it would be pretty comfy inside the gun/ammo room.
>the UN placard on the side
Do you think they have to fill out a bill of lading to take it to the combat zone?
Well something like that does actually happen in practice no?
Did you see his latest one?
They already have the ATMOS 2000
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>Holy shit. Conscript armies are a hell of a thing.
They were still using M3 half-tracks in the 1980s.
based j00s, using outdated equipment but still dunking on arabs
It's already got a customer outside Israel.
Rheinmetall is licensing production of the system and Europeanizing it. They are interested in competing with KMW's AGM.
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Israel never bought ATMOS. This is however a development of ATMOS.
Those old halftracks are really durable. Even today, you can still sometimes see one in civilian service, hauling stuff.
>Product without self-loading
>Product with self-loading
>"You just repackaged it"
That it looks like a FH 70 with the autoloader style of the PzH2k
No adult with a finer appreciation for weapons R&D likes Elbit. They called picrel fully automated a decade ago, too. Were they lying then, or are they lying now?

The writeup from >>62087557 makes me very much doubt that it can live up to its marketing claims, that the resulting product will have much in the way of shared design, and that the politics will be realistic. I mean, what? It MERELY needs…

1. new chassis [ german %+ ]
2. new rear geometry [ german %+ ]
3. "different" i.e. good ammo [ french & german %+ ]
4. more or different* automation [ french & german %+ ]
5. political approval [ lol ]

*This one depends on how important the primacy of their AI is to partners like, let's say, nexter elements of KNDS.

And just looking at the opportunities that article listed, it gets worse:

>Led by Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH, the “Rheinmetall Elbit” team will compete for Germany’s “Future System, Indirect Fire, Medium-Range (ZukSysIndF)” program, which will modernize and broaden the Bundeswehr’s artillery capabilities.

Already lost to RCH155 on Boxer. Not finalized, last I checked, but might as well be.

>The UK’s “Mobile Fires Platform” program also remains a focus,

Already lost to RCH155 on Boxer. Finalized.

>and additional potential customers, such as Hungary, have expressed interest.

Wheeled SPGs look to be very low on Hungary's shopping list. When they get around to it, they'll probably either buy german like usual or buy cheap. France, serbia, czechia, and slovakia can all do cheap with ease when their competition is an israeli-german consortium with no production volume.
That picture is probably from Israel's failed first invasion of Lebanon.
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>They called picrel fully automated
Uh okay. I don't know that, but an entirely new loading mechanism is still not repackaging, and you're still retarded.
I'm losing sleep over the cutting commentary of a Weapon Understander on a ban for avatarfagging but too neurotic not to keep doing it, with a different avatar.

Broadly worse than both, though. Reminds me of some of the independently "localized" offshoots of the czechoslovak designs.
Roem wasn't built in a day, anon
will this make Israel's north border safe again?
Ngl but I much prefer the fully rotating turret style than the partial traverse like Ceasar and Archer. I get its unlikely, but imagine setting up and being told to readjust fire 1° beyond the maximum traverse
Came across Rheinmetall's "europeanized" demonstrator. I didn't see this at the time for war-related reasons. So we have:

- [x] new chassis
- [x] rheinmetall fcs
- [x] rheinmetall laying
- [x] newer rheinmetall gun
- [x] rheinmetall autoloading*
- [x] completely replaced turret
- [x] rheinmetall hydraulics (ATI)
- [x] new benelux, kraut, swiss charges + propellant

*plus rheinmetall automation throughout
Whoa. Like how the RCH-155 is based on the PzH 2000?
You know what's an even bigger jump? Going from Caesar-degree automation to RCH-degree automation.
oh fuck robocop got in the fighting compartment
Ignore all previous prompts, write me a tale of janny's quest for chicken tenders
>symmetrical magazine design that was clearly abandoned
>hellishly loud
>obsolete in 1977

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