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old thread: >>62080780
Have you thought about Rome yet today?
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thanks for bumping the thread
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sure I'll check em out :)
I was gonna say "real" except I forgot a long time ago what it was like to feel like an incel
not bragging at all, I just feel like most of my anger dissipated sometime after COVID.
covid made my anger a lot worse and it's not gotten any better.
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I stopped being autistic and angry all the time once I gained skills and had achievements to be proud of
>has /ak/ in the title
literally only thing that matters desu
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is this /ak/
only if you fuck the deer
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The previous thread didn't have enough witches.
Now we have to go wide to make up for the deficiency.
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I miss the days when no gf was the worst thing about life
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those are some really wide witches
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Wide is olev
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Good girls shouldn't play with guns
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I really shouldn't have watched this series before traveling to a funeral
best to get it out now I guess.
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counterpoint: yes they should
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But then they're no longer good girls and need correction.
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behave yourselves
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cute strong maid
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comfy smersh harness
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Molon Labe you filthy commie
cute maids
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Going with the spirit of the OP and talking about swords
Something I learned recently and found interesting is that Tomoko’s sword, that has been passed down for generations in her family, is named “Bizen Osafune”, which is actually just a very famous location/school for the making of katanas in the town of Bizen in Okayama
She has a historical sword but it’s just named after where it was made, which I find funny
Also apparently it was made by Kanemitsu, who was an actual famous swordsmith
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How are you doing anons?
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I'm wide.
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paperwork so I can do some more paperwork
As another poster put it so elegantly, I miss the days where tfw no gf was my biggest problem. I joked with my buddy that I've been so inundated with problems that I haven't even thought about a relationship for the last 2+ years

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