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We're not dead yet edition

post wood (furniture)
post projects
give signs of life
buy more ammo than you shoot
Frens don't give up on frens

thread theme ~ https://youtu.be/5Js0ea6yPKM?si=tTS1SMMwObxgKHEX

As always;No Trips, No Traps, No Airsoft
Previously on /brg/: >>61987816
Misato best woman
Misatofags and Asukafags have a non-aggresion pact on /brg/
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Absolutely correct
Also posting cat with gat

We're at #249. Mark next thread down as #250
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Heres a tip anons: never get one of those shitty nylon buffers from buffertech for your ptr. Had one in mine, and it took me noticing very small roller dimples on the side of my receiver to take it out. Replaced the recoil spring, threw in a bill springfield buffer, and shes running good now. Also checked bolt gap which was fine
I don't know if you just willingly put a 5.56 buffer in your 7.62 rifle, or if you got fooled by marketing, but I think you're the only one and you're definitely retarded for doing that.
It sounds like you just had a tired spring bro.
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5.56 buffers dont even fit into the g3. it was pic related. my theory is that because of the general rigidity of the buffer, and that it sticks out more than the standard buffer, the bolt would slam into it and cause the rollers to spring out. Fyi the bolt isnt actually supposed to slam into the buffer on the g3, the piston is supposed to stop that from happening.
Wasnt sure which it was, i assumed it was the buffer since the spring, while belonging to a surp backplate, didnt seem to be that worn. regardless i replaced it anyways
>while belonging to a surp backplate

It definitely was tired then, almost every surp spring I’ve seen has been almost completely blown out, the one on my collapsible stock was so light it wouldn’t even strip rounds out of the magazine unless you forced the bolt forward with your fingers.
>the bolt isnt actually supposed to slam into the buffer on the g3, the piston is supposed to stop that from happening.
Based accountant anon.
Bless you, op.
Think of it like a safety feature, like a backup alarm in heavy equipment.
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I just wanted to post this.
I thought this was #429, #420 wasn't that long ago. Last I checked I haven't time traveled recently so yeah
Last thread was literally #428
Next thread should be #450
This is what happens when you let Asukatards do anything
Former german sniper picked his tool to remove vatniks
Dude took a 5.45round through the lung, survived, got patched up, and immediately went back to killing ziggers.
He's a real OG.

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