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Friday Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists
https://hackmd.io/@Patchboi/PatchThread (2021)
https://hackmd.io/@chef5estrela/ByQJ8OFtn (2023)

Thread Theme:
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>New seller Yucca is still accepting email orders for Bucees patch, other assorted designs
>PineTree working on Bradley patch, plans drop soon
>Koznstahl's Volume 2 is out now
>Absolute is restocking, poll related https://strawpoll.com/w4nWWDPbJnA
>Aho is cooking as per usual
>Badger working on chill skeleton patch, plans release soon
I’m wanting something either JConn or Anne Frank related that is also somewhat nationalist.
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Only seen it as a sticker so far but I really like the design. Anyone have similar?
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thanks summary anon
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you usually find merch like that in /pol/
The ol motte and bailey, leave the kids alone fag
Your actions are an affront to God's perfect creation
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You profess belief in a god yet not that he'd create us the way he did for a reason?
Queer and trans youth deserve the same support as everyone else anon. Please let go of the hate in your heart. It's not healthy.
>You profess belief in a god yet not that he'd create us the way he did for a reason?

You were not born trans or even gay for that matter. You mind has been twisted into nothing but degeneracy through the pride you have and the porn you watch. You are mentally ill just as all those before you who've done the same and removed themselves from the gene pool.
>god can do anything and has an ultimate plan that no one can change
christcucks really just need to be culled at this point.
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That's the cringiest collection of patches I've ever done seen.
You have no actual argument against what I have said so you break down and whine. You cannot handle the truth of your own degeneracy so you wish death upon others who refute your degenerate ways. Fix yourself. You do not have to be this way, it is a concous choice by you lest you forget what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.
>breaks down and whines about gays
Why isn't your omnipotent god stopping this!?
God can do anything, you're right. Within that, he has clearly layed out what is right, what is wrong, and what he created. Anything outside of that is considered Sin and against the natural order. Sin, in it's definition being "apart from God". Due to you being created by God, you cannot fully be away from God till the end due to God grace which you must choose to accept and follow

Due to being made in the image of God, he has given you his free will. He gives you this free will which allows you to either choose right or wrong. God didn't make Humans to be robots, he made us to commune with him as his people who chose him over what isn't natural i.e. sin
If you choose sin, you will die because of sin. that is the consequences of your actions. Be better
Make no mistake, I am not whining over gays or trans. Rather, I am deeply saddened by your pride in doing what is blatanly unnatural and will lead you to nothing but depression, hedonism, and
inevitably death.
>god can do anything!
>god can't stop you from being gay
oof, lot of text for an own goal right there bud. Anyways you can stop whining now.
>i'm so sad i go on 4chan and cry about it to the masses but i'm NOT WHINING!
lol you should pray for gumption and stop worrying about other folks.
Well, it's apparent you're being intellectually dishonest or trolling. On the off chance you genuinely cannot comprehend this, It is by Gods choice that any of us are still alive, and his grace gives us all chances whether we deny them to the bitter end or not.

It is most definitely a troll at this point, You refuse to have any actual conversation about your situation. I'll pray the Lord has mercy on you as it's clear you do not know the gravity of what you say.
Reddit trannies don't miss a beat
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Don't reply to obvious trolls.
Ruin their trolling with genine heartfelt responses instead. They just seek to rile people up, so just don't give them the response they want.
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floridabros keep winning
there's nothing intellectually dishononest here other than a hypocrite that doesn't understand the meaning of what it tries to preach. You are just a whiney little bitch that can't accept a reality outside of the dump that your pastor took inside your skull. Have you even read the bible? I bet you think people go to hell too lol.
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>You are just a whiney little bitch that can't accept a reality
I'm not the one that thinks he's a woman.
Now you're malding and coping. I would suggest reading the bible, it'll teach you you're not a woman at the very least.
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thanks aho!
the "I'm a pedo" indicator
>hasn't read the bible
>I would suggest reading the bible
there's that hypocrisy again lol, At least you tried fight back with the tranny comment instead doing the usual "oh no I've lost the argument and have no rebuttal so I'll act all sad and say I'll pray for you" shpiel
>>hasn't read the bible
You're projecting and have 0 basis to assume I haven't.
Deuteronomy 22:5, Deuteronomy 23:1, Proverbs 31:30-31, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, Jude 1:7, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Romans 1:27, Romans 1:32, 1 Timothy 1:8-11, Matthew 5:17
May the Lord have mercy on you, and us all.
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>had to spend 20 minutes googling bible verses to continue his larp
lol that's good start champ! I'd suggest you actually try and read the whole thing now.
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Trump patches are in
Lmao, you're funny.
Godspeed to you anon.
>NH the only halfway based state in the entire northeast
How much longer can we hold out?
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Not much longer, sorry about the fleeing massholes.
Checked and doppelheil'd o/
Are these mocking him? Or did you just really fuck them up that bad.
Gay (derogatory)
Honestly, check Etsy.
w2c top left flag patch?
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Any idea where i could get escape from tarkov faction patches? usec n bear, ordering stuff from the offical merch store aint happening due to current events
calvinism is a heresy anon
raid etsy
>Run afoul of the express tenets of a religion
>actually this is fine
Only way its fine is if you (1) acknowledge it as sin (2) confess your sin (3) work to actively resist the sin.
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It's Misaki's birthday today, so to celebrate we have the 467 Harekaze patch 30% off till Monday.
No code needed, can be combined with that additional 10% order discount from the newsletter subscriber welcome email if you so choose!
Have a good weekend y'all~
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there's some on ebay
Find me a homosexual or tranny who wasn't raped or molested as a child and I'll find you a million dollars.
Here's a great compromise that works for both sides of the issue. Wanna protect trans kids? Wanna protect gay kids? Stop making more of them, stay the fuck away from them. No little boy has ever been raped by a man who wasn't gay himself
Fuck what did I miss
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A map of the US labeling each state by how "risky" they are for anti-troon legislation, with NH being the only based state in the entire northeast.
what stores are european / shipping here? eastern europe specifically

I don't want to find out one by one that a burgerstore doesn't ship here
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I'll ship to you, it's just expensive
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i'll also ship to euroland for $15. FatFck is in Poland. Vostok is in Engerland (he's on a break).
wheres my million nigga
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>Find me a homosexual or tranny who wasn't raped or molested as a child and I'll find you a million dollars.
Free gibs, where is it?
>Queer and trans youth deserve the same support as everyone else
But they want more. Much more.
Why are you superimposing Buc-ee on a black sun?
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You queers are just consoomer gatekeepers.
These do not suck.
I ship to anywhere internationally for a flat rate of $12
Everyone ships overseas
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>not sucking
>stop liking what I don't like
I mean, if you can do a better job, be my guest. It is a shitty job, even illegals don't want to do.
If you had a decent pair you'd be playing with them like a druggie.
Don't want to get too off-topic, but have you ever had the pleasure of interacting with them?
A lot of jobs are shitty. Not everybody working a shitty job acts like a tyrant. That almost seems to be a hiring requirement for them.
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Patch idea
>Probably AIDs
whats a good company to make patches ?
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Patch idea
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want this for a patch. no text. how do we get this done, reddit?
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already patched
Looks gay, try again
Gonna buy myself a Zippo. What's a good symbol/sign that out myself as a /k/ but also doesn't look weird or alien to normies?
it was real in my head
well they own the board now, and they have since this ukraine shit
why do they have to ruin everything
the only good tranny is dead one
13/50 pretty low key yet easily recognized by most people who do math & mass transit.
why the soccer ball though?
Cringe nigger kys
>how to spot a groomer
This should be redone with
>A magical place

Patch is flat dark earth.

Replace the soccer ball head with a headless infant stencil.

Replace the trees with apartment buildings and minarets.

Let the guy running hold an AKM.

Replace the helicopter with a drone or an F16.
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You guys ever collect old patches? My wife likes to go to antique stores a lot and I always seem to find old patches there both military and civilian.
I really hope the guy from ukraine will restock the yukari patches. The Kay patch is fantastic and he even gave a little postcard :)
Don't currently, but I've been eyeing up a load of vintage fishing patches. Live in Bongland, there aren't many cool ones here, Burgerland has all the good shit
night creatures patch - who has it?
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I love how they say "protect" but you know they mean "fuck in the ass."
besh im pretty sure
While it’s true that God loves us, He does not intend for us to live in sin. Sin separates us from God.
Genesis 1:27
New International Version
27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
When you look at the Bible, and the pattern of satan, every time he comes in he comes to twist things. In Genesis, he said to Eve- “Did God really say..”, making her question things.
>Genesis 1:27
>New International Version
>Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”
>1 Corinthians 14:33
>King James Version
>33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
Don’t be decieved, friend.
Also this. Amen.
>Trump patches are in
Thx, placed.
>Spider-Man comic books are proof that Spider-Man exists
Say what you want, but I’ve seen plenty within the first year alone of seeking God and I can tell you my Jesus is very much real.
1 Corinthians 1:18-19
18For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19For it is written:

“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”
I hear very similar things from magic crystal girls. Ever since I've been charging my amethyst with moon energy, things have gotten better, and that makes it real. Except they haven't killed unknown numbers of people for disagreeing with them over the centuries, but give it another thousand years for them to organize properly. Islam's going through it's dark ages right now, following the established pattern, and maybe next century they'll look at Al Qaeda the way Christians look at Templars and actual fufil that "religion of peace" claim
>Except they haven't killed unknown numbers of people for disagreeing with them over the centuries
Throughout history, humanity has always used a cause to justify their actions. Christianity and other religions are no different. Does this mean it's false and you shouldn't believe? Absolutely not.
If someone plays Beethoven, and executes it horribly, are you going to blame the writer or the one who played it for it sounding so badly?
It's funny you use that as if it's a valid argument. Have you looked at any war throughout history? Humanity isn't exactly doing better without God. Now about the crusades in general, I can't speak on that particular subject because I simply don't know enough about them, but from what I understand, they were a response to Islamic invasion across several Christian nations.
I like your collection anon!
I held off on the Bucee sonnenrad because I wasn't sure about quality.
Looks like it's not too bad. Gonna get myself one!
Because we're not letting geartards in Hawaiian shirts just have Buc-ee's without a fucking fight.
>gas the trucks and the (((bikes)))
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Well, your wisdom is certainly obliterated.
Carry on.
Such a good damn game.

>we must decent
what gme
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Ok so im looking at AliExpress cause I want a custom patch
It would be a fairly complex anime girl close up face
Top result says for embroidery its 10 pieces minimum. Is that bs? because thats not bad at all. I know it wont be high accuracy but I can always draw with simple lineart
Oops looks like i need a woven one and that needs more pieces but ill see what chang quotes me
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w2c /out/ patch with night sky background?
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perfect, thanks
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My local antique mall has so many cool ones. HK, Remington, you name it
where can I get the crepuscular operations group patch?
bump for this. who do i ask? im autistic enough to pay $20 for it
It's out of stock and no one is selling on ebay :(
I sent them an email politely begging for them to make more.
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2 new patches today. Thanks, Yucca!
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They replied quick! We are so fuggin back bros.
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he's so chill w it
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let's go
good store for SCP patches?
leave, pedo. we don;t like your kind here.
Is he still active?
>Let's get this out onto a tray
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i got patches from them a couple months ago
Nice hiss
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did you clean your camera with your pussy juice? wtf, have some pride in your work.
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Got em fast as fuck boi
I put this in the camo thread but I'll delete it, I forgot there was a pat h thread

Where's this from?
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I still hate I didn't get a black jack apu.
based so excited it's coming back
fuck that looks sick
Shit, where'd you get these, anon? Love from Texas.
who makes these?
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Just attached to bug out bag. Genuinely surprised how much I like the bee. Also thanks for the free america pure-of-heart.

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