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Canadian firearms General
>New here? Read this:

>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous: >>62099955
holy ammo anon
i need to blow a few grand on some ammo soon
Canada is fuckin retarded
fuck you MUTT
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Nobody knows how retarded this shithole is more than a Canadian.
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Weekend is half way done, I hope you boys go shooting. Stay hydrated and drink lots of water.
Re posting from last thread as it’s fun to point and laugh at poly

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So how's it going to turn out next time boys? I want a GM6. Also why are the maritimes so damn liberal
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Liberals are polling so far down you could fit their MPs into a mini van next election, PP super majority incoming.
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Libs will get fucking destroyed to the point of loosing party status but the damage is done and we're still fucked regardless.
>33.74% of votes (Majority)
>seats don't reflect that
this is good because... it just is okay!
It's unreal how much influence Toronto (the worst city in Canada) has on our elections
Election reform, which would ensure more fair voting and less wasted votes; was one of turdo's earliest promises. But he abondonned the idea, presumably after realizing the current system was the only way he could continue to win (with leess votes than cons, but more seats)
There was an e-petiion to try and get him to honour his promise, which secured the most signagtures of any petition ever in canadian history, beating the 2nd most signed petition; the one to scrap the 2020 salt weapons ban.
any other anons into paragliding? I usually take some shit and fly into the woods near huntsville ontario. Its cool
ca you do the ultimate skydump while flying?
>t. looking to take my skydump skills to a new level
yeah you could, do whatever the fuck you want
unless you get caught.
i just wish my motor was better so i could carry a deer back, uncharted northern ontario is like a cheat code when hunting. I guess i could butcher it there
>unless you get caught.
Last time i checked sky dumping wasn't illegal
Where is the 2nd Green seat? only seeing 1 in Victora
Lol Island people are such braindead hippu faggots it's unreal.
>t. GVA belly of the Beast resident
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>be Victoria resident
>see people owning things
>tug on the sleeve of the gov't
See that over there? ban it please
it will never be enough for leftists
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How easy would it be to cut off the island from supplies?
I unironically cannot wait for the Helter Skelter to happen, so we can do funny things to them in Terraria.
>it will never be enough for leftists
It's literally in the name, progressivism, the ideology completely relies on doing more, legalizing more of that, banning more of this, you can't ever stop pushing for more progress because the moment you decide we've progressed enough you're no longer a progressive, you're a conservative.
It's like a car with no breaks, once it starts the only way it stops is crashing.
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Harder than it looks. The best solution would be a commando landing at the outbreak of war before the loyalists even know they're under attack, and force them to capitulate rather than try to starve it out, since even the most optimistic outlooks on the rebel navy's capabilities means it would be piss-easy for loyalists on the mainland and in America to run past any sort of blockade and get supplies into the city. That's assuming the loyalists don't pull a Viet Nam and retreat into the wilderness to wage a protracted guerilla campaign, which would be the worse sort of wrench for any plans on taking the island.
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>That's assuming the loyalists don't pull a Viet Nam and retreat into the wilderness to wage a protracted guerilla campaign
But anon....they willingly disarmed themselves.
Is the ruger American any good? I don’t have a single bolty or .308 and my local Canadian tire has them on sale for $550.
Buy it immediately.
We can destroy the bridges and ships.
The rotary magazines can have feeding issues. Its an accurate and cheap rifle given it's handicap.

You might be better off if you saved a bit more and got a tikka in 308.
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Take me back
My sister, a progressive, can sometimes be heard saying the line "i can't wait for that entire generation to die". as she wishes for the death and destruction of every person, every idea, ideal, custom, tradition, etc, that came before her.
There is somthing strange going on in the pacific ocean.
Coastal BC, Washington, california, all suffer from a similar flavour of brain rot
Actually no one can help you with the virgin part. You'll be that forever.
>15% discount on an order of two or more firearms from the old inventory clearance.
>only 48 eligible products to choose from
>none of the eligible SxS's have exposed hammers...
Ellwood epps had some black powder sxs with exposed hammers cheap. That would actually be kino. Hunting with a blackpowder hammer gun.
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Elwood are gun grabbers.
But, i do think one would pair nicely, with an new rusty old overpriced bear trap.
Wasnt there a list of gun grabbing stores that supported confiscation? Anyone have that list so i can avoid those cocksuckers?
>There was an e-petiion to try and get him to honour his promise, which secured the most signagtures of any petition ever in canadian history
Wtf seriously? Do you have a link to it?
Here, have a rando CTV article link that popped up when i looked it up.
Their numbers are off. they list the firearms one as 86k signatures. but according to "ourcommons.ca" (which i belive to be the official govt website for these e-petitions) it got 175k signatures.
They got the electoral reform one right though, at 130k, but that puts it behind the firearm one.

These records are likley being broken every year though, apparently one about the jizrael war got 286k.

Have you ordered a bumbadier sight yet?
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Does anyone know what aftermarket carry handle that is?
>won popular vote
>with the absolute limpdick candidate Erin TheTool was
The next election is going to be very entertaining.
use the QR code and find out
thats about 5% better than just getting a picinatty rail adapter
why didnt they make the rail lower? you still need a cheek riser with this. just nonsense
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>He doesn't know that extremely high optic mounts are the latest "thing"
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they could have at least put a picatinny rail in this spot
That's literally a MLOK slot...
so where the FUCK do we get it?
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mlok isnt as reliable as picatinny
and i meant the top part not the side
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>mlok isnt as reliable as picatinny
The US military didn't get the memo, you should tell them
yeah and notice now absolutely nothing is attached to the mlok slots
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That's also a MLOK slot
well thats gross, mlok doesnt hold zero thats the problem with it
like you could mount a flashlight or a sling mount and it doesnt matter if it loosens up a little but a laser? nah
You're confusing MLOK with Keymod: https://soldiersystems.net/2017/05/05/details-on-the-ussocom-sponsored-keymod-vs-m-lok-test-conducted-at-nswc-crane/
keymod and mlok are equally bad, mlok is better because it doesnt look like dicks
Libs are gay but I do fucking hate how gay and car-centric north america is
>Oh you want to or have to walk somewhere?
>Here walk along a strode with no trees, no seperation between you and the road with Brandons in their faggy brodozers and Karens in their crossovers doing 80 as you walk through an endless sea of parking lots

I recently moved from a bigger city to a smaller town and its just kind of depressing. Literally the only people you see walking around are crackheads, chugs, and Indian "students".. pretty much the only people who cant afford cars. At least in the city you see normal people.

But of course I cant support the calls for "le 15 minute city" because as with everything, it will be subverted by jews into a tool for more control.

I jsut dont know why we cant plant more trees along roads..
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>I jsut dont know why we cant plant more trees along roads..

I hate urban centres, fun fact the amount of asphalt and cement makes cities hotter creating a heat bubble. In some cities you’ll see this effect rain with rain clouds forming around the city but never downtown. TLDR plant more trees.
I think Boomers just hate everything beautiful.

MY moms husband wanted to chop down the tree infront of his suburban town house because "it hid the house". Like yeah everyone is dying to see your ugly cookie cutter mass produced goy hut.
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I believe it, boomer coworker bought a new house in a new area of town. No trees, fake grass and a sterilized park nearby. Meanwhile the older neighbour hoods has big trees, tall grass and “naturalized” parks nearby. Sure it has ticks and loud birds but sure as fuck is better then the new ((outside)) they created.
It's amazing how terrible modern "urban design" is. A lot of the newer condos in downtown Toronto have no trees despite being set back several meters from the road, so you're faced with a giant swath of blazing hot concrete sidewalk and a decorative overhang that never provides any actual shade to pedestrians.
>cut down tree
>"man, was the house always this hot?"
I know branches & shit can fall but you'd miss the trees' shade if you have to park outside, trust me.
lots of small cities have "green laws" requiring urban trees. i guess your city sucks
Only when they allow for a cheek weld, which the 97 doesnt
Guys should I buy a Famae in 308 or a quad for hunting season and plowing the driveway?
I don't have a battle rifle yet.
Pic unrelated, do you liek walnut sks stock?
Looks nice. I'd say get the quad, shoveling snow sucks.
Mlok doesn’t hold zero either, hence why LAMs are mounted on the top picatinny section of most guns and usually guns with monolithic uppers like the NGSW i think. Could be wrong about it being mono though
I’d get the 542, you can pick up a used snowblower for like 200$ on fb marketplace. Small engines are easy and fun as fuck to maintain, too, if it craps out on you.
i find shoveling snow to be good exercise so yeah get the famae
Famae is nice. Though how big is ur driveway lol
Driveway is like 300m and steep.
Fugg I really want the Famae.
So just get it lmao
Buy a snowblower dingus
Buddy got a shooting range for a driveway. RIP anon, real life stuff comes first. Though uses famae prices are better than retail with jew tax
>Buddy got a shooting range for a driveway
He should set up some wind socks. Purely for decorative reasons, of course.
I would normally say "Buy the gun, they aren't going to outlaw the snowblower anytime soon", but...yeah
>they aren't going to outlaw the snowblower anytime soon
You should look up the movement to ban two-stroke gas engines (mainly used in leafblowers and chainsaws). Once those are gone they'll likely move on to lawnmowers and snowblowers.
They can take my KLR-650 from my cold dead hands buddy
SKS is a cope gun because Leafs can't buy AKs.
AR-15 is a cope gun because you can't afford an M16
Not exactly; even when VZs and fixed-stock T81s were available people would buy SKSes because they were cheap.
Yeah that's what I meant. Ever go to Homeless Despot lately? They're pushing the faggy electric shit more and more.
nobody is pushing that shit. consumers are actively heading that route because many of the tools are more convenient than the gas/corded alternative.
i fucking love my milwaukee leaf blower.
give me the run down:

what guns can you own in canada?

how much ammo can you have in a magazine?
I guess if you're just working a postage stamp yard, it's okay.
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10 in pistol
5 for rifle

And we can own a lot still
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Kek, no. The landscape company contracted for my employers massive property uses Milwaukee whipper snippers and blowers
10 for handguns, 10 for rifles that can take STANAG 556 or XCR 308 Mags. Unlimited for .22 with specific restrictions for 10/22 at 10 rounds. Unlimited for bolt action, Pump shotguns no restriction. Everything else 5 rounds.
The batteries alone and the fast charger to keep up with them could buy you two professional series stihl weed whackers.
>whipper snippers
Ah you are a kid on dads computer and don't know what you're talking about
Maybe, but their gun owners are based as fuck. By comparison, british gun owners are 100% cucked and half of American gun owners would either gladly hand in their guns if they were banned or have the “I already have mine” mentality.
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Aye Aye
the names are regional and it's actually called a grass trimmer.
not sure why you're trying to tell a random company how to run their business but here we are
Eh, based on the info you gave, the quad makes more sense, assuming you haz a rifle in a full flavour cartridge. Battle rifles are fucking cool, but spend your money on the tool that best serves you needs
Why is this country so fucking cucked?

Some nigger faggot (probably a furry) at the fair kept giving me 'the look' so I flashed my CCW at him and told him to fuck off. Now he's pressing charges and they're trying to get me a couple years in the klink and take all my guns away.

You won't take my 30hp snow blower you fucking jew.
kys yourself busrider libtards. if you're so hot just turn up the fucking ac
>shit that never happened: the post
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i have 9 things on this list
you have 9 tavors? okay faggot
>/r/NUMTOT is here
Disgusting zoomers, stop posting
Was your ccw a knife?
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CanGen speaks for the trees. Go back to India if you hate nature so much jeet.
Shut the fuck up your retarded leftypol faggot. Peak housekino is a massive and well groomed lawn, no trees in the way, and a 300ft driveway to the ranch house. Sorry you're a nigger who hates farms but where do you think your food comes from?
whats the laws like about transporting a firearm like that? Just normal transporting laws?
>This cartoon dog thot has better trigger dicipline than some of the people I see at my range
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I sent in my PAL renewal on June 10th, and its been in the initial stage of review for since the tenth of this month
is anyone else's taking a long time? Should I give them call?
I've been a good boy so I don't know of any reason why it would get held up, other than regular office volume
Appreciating nature is something only white people do. That's why you never see nigs or jeets on hikes.
So real
perish furnigger
camping is poorfag cope for niggers and jeets who dont own large enough properties they can just shoot on their own land
this has been rectified as of april.
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King. I can’t put stickers on mine tho cause the plastics are too weather warn to hold anything lol
Excited to go hunting with it come fall, though
Fuck off you spiritually void boomer
elf loving furfag
>not wanting nature destroyed
>makes you a furfag
Post a gun. Post a single round of ammunition.
I love nature because i’m a hunter. No woods? No deer.
Go eat more goyslop though fagboy
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That's actually my favourite KLR gen. Saw a real nice one all prettied up for sale here in NB. It's nice carrying a little shorty in the duffel bag.
Yeah man we should just own our own mountains and shit you know? Fucking poorfags
This but unironically. Do you not?
Sorry you have to live in a shared 1br in tornto, Manpreet, but some of us actually are real Canadians.
If you don't have at least 100 acres by 25 you're NGMI it. Just kill yourself now.
Never seen a brown, innacrown.
Of the few people i do see, its probably like 90% whytes, 5% n8v's, 5% other (with other being a mix of asians and mutts)
Most of the nons are either loggers or only appear during peak hunting season.
Well flag me down if you ever see me riding around our beautiful, tree-filled province. I’m on the lookout for a serbu super shorty to throw in a milk crate on the back

I've seen groups of browns on a number of occasions in VERY remote areas. Stinking up the area or otherwise being annoying. Including two of my crown land shooting areas, hours from the GTA.

We can't seem to stop what's coming.
Probably helps that there are several towns, separating me from any major city, all of which have easy crown access of their own.
But yeh, the pooslide has arrived in my own town, they have a nack for taking over gas stations, motels, and resteraunts.
Nah, ive just never tried to spell that word out before. figgered i mideswell just give it a try.
good sar u did the bloody bitch basterd needful sar
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Based and ricky pilled
You don’t even need your grade 10 bud
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>found an elcan c79
>scope is clear but tritium does not illuminate
>$900 plus shipping
Is it worth it, /k/omrades?
How easy is it to replace the tritium in a c79 scope?
you can do it yourself with your bare hands
Sorry, let me rephrase the question.
How does one get the tritium itself? and what loopholes do I have to jump through?
just buy it/
should I go to the range this evening
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Will do
What site is that? Try the word "cuck"
no1 will ever know
I hope you fucking cook like a rotisserie chicken you NIMBY shitbag.
Saskchads absolutely dunk
Ofc Gonetario is no.1
Please, dude, “onterrible” is the correct nomenclature
canadian balkanization when
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That time again.
Digging a hole, to install up to 7 chickens into. (all are either old pets, or too small to eat.)
2 of them are the ones the weasel killed, have been sitting in the freezer since winter.
I have to shoot the rest myself.
The one that will hurt the most is Naomi. Shes over 8yrs old, one of the very first batch of chimkens we ever got, raised her since a chick. But, shes done now.
Theres also Bendy, a young chimken with a terrible case of scoliosis, that you guys convinced me to spare a couple months ago, but she has become much worse.
and others..
May my aim be true, bros.
its a fucking chicken lmao you pussy nigger where do you think tendies come from
Still not used to it yet, ive been the resident executioner for only a few years now, and its usually old animals that we raised since they were babies.
We just started raising birds for meat this year, maybe it wont bother me so much after ive been doing that for awhile.
retarded urbie
I havent lived in the burbs in over 10 years, but alright.
>killing something you yourself named
peak subhuman behavior
once it has been given a name an animal should be considered safe
It's sick, dying, anon. I'm not just killing it because its old.
She has an impacted sour crop, and at her age probably isnt going to pull through it.
blow it up with tannerite. it will be dead so fast it won't know what's happening
fuck her to death. no animal should die a virgin
That was jokingly brought up by a family member, as a consideration, given the number of chimkens going into the hole.
Not sure how i would make that shot though without blowing myself up.
Shes no vrigin.
>Shes no vrigin.
fucking WHORE.
Oh, i suppose i could jsut suspend the tannerite above the hole, with the chimkens below.
Nobody nearby stocks it tho.
Shes been getting railed daily, by a very angry cock, since she was a wee little lass.
roosters have no cock, despite the name. they do that cloacal kiss shit
I suppose this is entirely the wrong thread and the wrong board, but I've... Never actually been curious as to how birds mate but since the topic comes up I might as well ask how.
Roosters and chickens only have one hole on their rear end.
ITs thier shitter, their pisser, and their mating hole, all rolled into one convient package.
The roost will mount the hen, standing on her, usually grasping her neack his his beak for balance, and they will touch their holes together.
it's basically the same as mammals but more akin to frotting than pentrative sex. the male still spoots cum into the female, they just dont have a handy wand for it. imagine like lesbian scissoring but if one of them cums into the other. not all birds work this way, just most of them. notably most waterfowl and anything in the ostrich/emu/etc family has big pp.
Will add, that the majority of the time, it is essentially non-consensual, the rooster will chase the hen, grab her by the neck, take her to the ground and have his way with her, while she cries out in distress. (though it depends on how the the particular rooster and hens get along)
afaik chickens can get alone and the majority of sex is consensual since chickens will gladly fuck eachother up (and eat the corpse) if they see or experience some shit they don't like
idk,just looks pretty rapey to me most the time.
If the hen really wants it she will hunch down on her own and not scream when it happens.
Some cocks are worse than others tho, and seemingly cant got more then 15mins without gittin some, and end up harming the hens, stripping them of most the feathers on their neck and back.
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Welcome to chicken talk, /k/'s premier chicken related discussion general.
>and they will touch their holes together.
idk that sounds kinda gay. like scissoring
If you don't raise your own chickens, or other livestock, you're just ngmi, simple as.
All easy wild game will be poached within a few weeks of the bigg boog.
>implying I won't capture wild deer and breed them in my basement
I'm just going to eat bankers and politicians.
Does this make you seethe hard or something? Having a sustainable household means being better able to protect yourself from those who would come to take your guns. Logic, nigger.
Cfg means chicken fried general
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>You see, the problem with that idea is, that if you thought of it; So did about 5 thousand other people.
raising chickens exclusively for fighting rather than food
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Never, his majesty always ensure we stay united no matter what ruffians try to break up our fair dominion.
I know they're expensive but has anyone ever raised fighting cows
why arent you doing cardio?
why are you so fat?
Because it’s 5 after midnight, I’ll run tomorrow though
Because I'm a skeleton and I'm investing inna dodge build. Even muscle is heavy, ounces are pounds mufugga
i need mighty girth to be like my hero Jack Black
No, thats because colored people blend into the trees. White people stick out even in a snowstorm.
I am, and thankfully I'm not. But I was pretty out of shape hating life working for Amazon, but thank god managed to snag a sweet geo-logical sampling contract north of Prince ali G, so I been getting in shape. A little sad my PAL renewal didn't come in time but ah well we'll be fine. I do my working out at a "bouldering gym" so I can do fun stuff for my arms, and it sure does get the feet and hands in working hard shape. Anyway does anyone have any recommendations for a decently durable but still a little lightweight/packable 2-3 person tent? Currently about to pull the trigger on a MEC Volt 3.
I literally have 8 pack abs
if anything I need to gain weight, being a based fatlard would make the winters more tolerable
buddy of mine put on his pal renewal that he now takes meds for depression. give it to me straight boys is it oger for him or does he have a chance of getting a renewal?
start paying respects now, hes gonna get wellness check'd with a 9 banger and a pink-blue-white C7
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Call me a bitch ass nigger, and a faggot;
But i did not enjoy filling this hole.
You buried it? You didn’t cut it up and cook it and serve it to your dogs? What a waste.
You don't strategically bury your dogs food, to keep them stimulated?
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I enjoyed filling yer mum's hole, m8
we are all working
So how's the summer treating you guys? Went innawoods lately?
Working? I thought this was a neet hangout.
its hot
Went target shooting last Saturday in 35C weather. Every time I shot 10 rounds and walked 200 yards to check the target I had to take a long break.
Been good, did lots of fishing and camping. Did some shooting over the last few weeks as well it’s just been hot as hell. I can’t wait until August when I can start doing some NVG shooting at night again. June-July really sucks as a nod owner as it never gets dark at night during these months.
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need to keep up on that cardio lil nigga
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Processing our first meat bird today.
He wasn't really finished growing yet, but he had become such a fucking asshole that he couldn't stay with the other chimkens anymore, and we didnt have room for him elsewhere, so he's dinner.
Hopefully image isnt too morbid for blueboard.
If you have any niggers by you they'd buy the feet
Don't feed invasive species.
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I applied for my PAL. What's the first rifle I should get for target shooting on a $2000 budget?
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Type 81
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Henry 22.
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put an sks rubber buttpad on my valmet and now the length of pull is perfect and is way more comfortable
shouldn't you be at work
Yeh but now it looks a bit overdone.
Form>function; ditch the maxipad.
Doing fan fucking tastic. Got a new innawoods machine so that’s fun. It’s been years since I was on a motorcycle so naturally I bought a 400 pound stupid high dual sport.
Took me a little bit but now I’ve got the hang of it
Honestly that’s not small for a non-GMO free range chicken. Our perceptions are fucked by grocery store chickens but a medieval peasant would have thought that was a prized bird
Depends what you want out of it, where you’ll be shooting, etc.
ruger makes some good 22s if you just want a target gun.
If you want longer range look into a pre-sellout rem700 action and build off it
The new CGN layout is so fucking bad
>dual sport
Based versatility enjoyer.
Yeh its a dual-purpose birb (the hens make decent layers and the roos make decent meat)
Chantecler crossed with somthing, the breed is canadian, from the early 1900's.
Nothing like the dedicated broilers or layers manufactured by Big Chicken.
Downside to dual purpose being that they grow slow relative to a meat bird, and they eat alot of feed relative to a layer.
Total ass yeah. EE sucks now
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you mean like bulls?
well if i could find a proper valmet stock id use it instead of this jank
No. Moocows.
Fuck canada
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What’s the smallest NR innawoods gun. Takedowns are fine. Looking for something that’ll fit in an ammo crate bolted to the side of a motorcycle for camping.
12 gauge, 22, any caliber is fine really
one of those badger .22 folding rifles
Those little Turkish 12 gauge shotguns, not going to fit in an ammo crate. Also the Henry Ar-7s, which aren't reliable, might fit.
Chiappa Little Badger
Ruger 10/22 Takedown
Savage A22 Takedown
Savage 64F Takedown
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The AR7 got a good review from Paul Harrel didnt it?
Takedown leaveraction’s if you don’t want .22
Pump action shotgun with the barrel removed
Break action shotguns separated into two pieces
Upper and lower separated if your into modern firearms. You can get some decent sized ammo cans
That was more his brother, than paul. Though paul helped with the accuracy testing and achieved decent results.
For reliability testing Roy fired about ?200rds of a mix of CCi minimags and rem golden bullets. It apparently only experienced one malfunction during the test, which probably makes it the most reliable ar-7 to ever leave the factory. Though, he did mention that it had alot of problems with Aguila ammo.
i had one but it was so goofy i had to get rid of it
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what's a male moo cow called, retard?
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I chuckled
mondays suck monitoring this thread gotta read all the weekend posts
I have one and it's goofy af.
It's also very light, holds ~50 rounds in the stock on top of everything else, and the cheek weld is one of the most natural and comfortable I've experienced because of the big goofy plastic stock.
It's my go to vermin control rifle, just don't feed it shit ammo and keep it nicely oiled.
The trigger isn't comfortable, but whatever. It fucking floats.
Btw Sub2k takes up less room than the ar7, and Glock makes 33 round mags for it, pinned to 10 of course.

I've decided to go with the quad AND the Famae.
Are gangs based?
Based ty for the info. I don’t trust keltec, but I need a dirtbike small game gun. Would really prefer 12 gauge but that doesnt seem feasible
The weekends do suck, I imagine it’s because everyone is having SEX
Keltec is a meme, but Fwiw my Sub2k has been dog reliable. Easily 1k rounds and no hiccups.
Invest in a quick release mount for a red dot, the irons suck. Deploys in like 15 seconds from folded which is another pro over the ar7 which takes a minute to put together.
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>holds ~50 rounds in the stock
It holds 3 magazines (despite only coming with 2) which would be 24rds (8x3) Unless i guess you are talking about jamming rounds into all those little slits at the back? or maybe omitting a mag to fill its space with loose rounds?
>It fucking floats.
For a limited time only.
The charter arms ar-7's were filled with foam that could allow them to float forever. but the henry's are hollow, if you put it in the water you will see the bubbles coming out and it will end up sinking. (how long it takes to sink depends on how much stuff you have in the stock)
Maybe worth noting that its not legal to keep the 3rd magazine loaded during transport or storage. because it sits in the reciever, and legally the ar-7 is not considered locked or secured even when its disassembled insde itself.
Yes I'm talking about the little slits in the back. That's what they're for. 2 full mags + the slits is over 50 rounds.
>That's what they're for
I don't recall bullets fitting niceley in mine, varied from one slot to another i remember most of them being really tight which concerned me about round deformation or possible separation of the bullets from the casings.
I don't have it anymore to check that again though, i sold mine.
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>So how's it going to turn out next time boys?
I have high hopes, the liberals polling numbers are in the gutter and all evidence points to everything that's turning people against the liberals only getting even worse in the next year.
And the absolute best part? The liberals STILL think their absolute garbage reputation is a "communication error" and nothing they're doing is actually bad, Canadians just are too stupid to know what's good for them and big daddy Trudeau just needs to educate them better, they're that disconnected from the general public.
So yeah, she WILL sing again.
Turdo will step down before the next election, removing alot of the tarnish from the libs reputation, giving them a fighting chance at winning again.
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>Turdo will step down before the next election
Unironically this might be the only shot the liberals would have, but it's not gonna happen, Trudeau is almost a textbook narcissist and will never willingly step out of the spotlight.
I'm thinking he will want to quit so that he can always say he never lost an election, that he was undefeated, the people loved him that much.
He must know that he is going to lose if he tries again.
They got nobody to replace him that doesn't smell of the same shit. He's going down with the ship.
>He must know that he is going to lose if he tries again
I'm honestly not sure he does, he's basically completely surrounded himself with yes men and seems very out of touch with the Canadian public.
AAAHHHH!!! I'm going to burn down in a forest fire, it happened to my last house, and now it's going to happen again!! an i cant afford $600/mo for fire insurance. AAAHHHHH!!!
oops, didnt mean to give a (You) with that, mb.
>surrounded himself with yes men
aka liberal-voting safe ridings
Sprinklers unironically work wonders at keeping houses safe, that's what we did to protect exposures during big fires.
>the water is off
see you get a big above ground pool and a high pressure pump to feed the sprinklers and have the pool filled before the fire comes and they shut the water off.

Remove any fire hazards that are touching your house or are near it like log piles, decorative evergreens, dry grass etc.
.300 Winchester Magnum, yerp, all you need son.
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shipito has forwarded me the holster i had sent to them for export
Holy fukk he was quick to put that together lol
im going to do another one from safariland this time because fuckers wont ship to canada
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>liberal-voting safe ridings
Didn't the libs recently lose a 4 decade strong liberal riding?
Yeah, turns out people get angry when there's no jobs and housing you decide the solution is to just bring in even more competition
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Double digits and I don't go to work tommorow, day drink and then proceed to impregnate my gf.
>She really want my babies
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i don't know any nursery rhymes so i just sing Weezer songs and my newborn daughter goes to sleep. then i drink whiskey.
Ty for the reminder, i have a couple set up on the side the fire is coming from, now.
Unfortunately, my water is quite limited for other reasons. My well is shite, like apperently it was not even legal for the house to be sold as a residence with the well having this low of an output. But, we usually power the sprinklers by creek water, unfortunately that creek is very pathetic this time of year too.
Doin the best i can.
I didn't get digits but, I wasn't going to go to work anyway, am going to day drink. The real roll is if I am gunna cum inside her.
Such is the decision making process of a newfie...
DON'T YOU DARE, call me a (((newfie)))
For your sake, rolling and hoping for dubs.

Should I fail, you should take the day off work and impregnate her anyways, but minus the day-drinking. I'm being dead serious.
If you're white please cum in her many times and make a big beautiful white family. I am dead serious.
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Rolling for a homie.
I gotchu senpai.
Take these trips for a firstborn son of great renown.
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Type 81 is my cope.
"If you say avoid the parks and camp on crown land, you cant bring a gun unless you have a valid hunting license and the gun more or less matches what you will be hunting. Possibly you can get away wiht having targets as its not technically illegal to have a gun in the woods per the RCMP, however the MNR will rape you and take everything youve got if you have no valid hunting license and have a gun in an area with game. Problem is theres no real seasons in the summer where you can get tags, early fall some areas, wolf tags are nice and ambiguous. Other thing is say you claim you are hunting small game...you have a rifle with ammo for small game.. but if you are in an area that is currently running big game tags, you have to have blaze orange on at all times..even if you are hunting small. game and not big game if you are out in the big game season"

Is this true?!?? I didn't think you needed a hunting loicense to take an NR rifle onto crown land....
This is only true in Nova Scotia. They could technically get you for hunting caliber restrictions in a couple of provinces but the chances of that is slim if you don't look like you are poaching.
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Yeah only a maritime thing, rest of Canada you can shoot and camp with a firearm on crownland. Provincial parks and national parks are no gun zones sadly. Here in Saskatchewan some crownland near highways was declared a wild life corridor so you’ll see these signs on crown land you can’t shoot on.
between that and this:
What the fuck is going on over there
Not maritime, just nova scotia. I camp with my guns every time in NB lmfao. You call the DNR and they’ll just be surprised you actually bothered to call
Ah I wasn’t aware, I just assume Quebec and maritimes are auto hell for Canadian gun owners.
They've been economically enslaved by the Laurentian establishment since confederation.

Realistically it's not even true for Nova Scotia, fish cops are too few and too busy chasing chug poachers to give a shit about target shooting.
>They've been economically enslaved by the Laurentian establishment since confederation.
How do we fix this?
Nah, New Brunswick is good. They changed the rules during covid for crown land shooting because the fish cops were overworked, so crown land shooting is fine now. They just never updated the website because we only have like a million people here
how does one man upload 30 fucking pages of ads to gunpost? i see him at all the gunshows in southern ontario too, he never sells a single goddamn thing, and his ads are all the same shit.
No life same as how some people aka me can sit in CanGen all day.
>I miss when we had poster counts mods bring those back for /k/ please
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Purge the political Laurentian establishment and various monopoly families (Irving, Saputo, Weston, ect.)
Establishment of gold back currency free from central bank control.
Development of heavy industry and infrastructure.
Completely buy out or disregard the treaties with chugs.
Day of the pillow for all the crab bucket boomers who impede any kind of real progress.
Various other pipe dream shit that'll never happen.
Half measures won't ever fix anything but the average NPC Canadian is content to wallow in mediocrity so nothing will change.
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LOLOL, cucknadian armed forces members got got, in hohol land. Press S to spit
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>Call DNR and explain you want a "sight in" permit.
The women working the phone most likely won't even know what your talking about. I ended up getting a cheap range membership cause I'm from Ontario and found the whole thing just bizarre. Didn't like hearing the range once had the ability to shoot at night but they didn't renew it or whatever and good luck trying to get it back.
Why the fuck were we there? Wtf
theyve been there for like 10 years
>totes not agitprop btw
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No big deal, we can handle it. After all, our armed forces are top-notch and we can easily support them via naval operations in the Black Sea. The Irvings built our ships, which is why they work so well.


>20,000 litres of seawater entered the ship
>there were problems with a pumping and cooling system
>mechanical failures involving anchors
>refuelling system that’s too heavy to use
>structural issues hindering the operation of Cyclone helicopters from the vessels
>can’t perform emergency towing, as was required in the original contract
>some cranes on the vessels are inoperable
>contaminated fuel and issues with systems to launch lifeboats,
>issues with diesel generators
>fittings and valves in the potable water system were manufactured from alloys that exceeded the allowable amount of lead
>system that allows the vessel to manoeuvre wasn’t functioning properly
>problems with the fire suppression system
LMAO. I worked on one of those, the things were FUCKED
Thank you Irvings, very cool!
Aren't they based on a functioning Norwegian design? Did Irving just completely fuck up the construction of them? I heard they use TFWs in the shipyards these days.
>Aren't they based on a functioning Norwegian design?
Yes they are but, with a "canadian" twist lol. We haven't built any ships here for decades before these so all the old heads whop knew what the fuck they were doing were all long gone and the new engineers are a bunch of diversity hire retards. Also the "skilled labor" these days is absolute garbage, failing welds etc etc
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Imma say it, I don’t care for holosun optics.
chiappa little badger OG or TDX? any chiappa little badge stories?
Ukraine is kicking Russias ass. Russia sucks so much they probably hit a playground or something and are calling it a win lol
You aren’t canadian. You don’t own guns.
This is not a globohomo respecting thread
Get the 30-30 version!
You are a delusional faggot
Anybody wanna buy a type 81 myanmar handguard? 200 bucks seem fair?
Where did you get them? How many? Just one? I’m not buying I’m just curious.
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I wish I had a g3 so fucking bad bros
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Shot one at Calgary shooting centre last weekend. I prefer the FAL over the G3 desu fal was much easier to control and nicer to shoot, but just my opinion man.
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It's battle proven.
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Get fucked ZOGbots
I've shot that rifle before but I didn't think it was an actual G3 just one of those spic clones.
The CETME is actually the precursor of the G3, but it was designed by a German living in exile in Franco’s Spain.
Heres the video of the strike

I believe in you anon.
Yeah i got one ages ago. Just held onto it for a while and its taking up space
aushohol isn't going to like this
And we’re supposed to just believe that?
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w2c unissued SKSs?
I want more
these things are a steal. they're easily 4k guns if made new today
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Man then God must really hate Russians going by their casualty numbers. Don’t forget the great Christ loving Chechens.
I think just about everyone has them in stock right now, if you're referring to the Chinese ones with plastic handguards.
North Sylva just got a batch in that's going around, they don't seem to be in as good condition as the French tickler ones though.
>hate Russians going by their casualty numbers
How many have been WIA/KIA then bucko and post your sources
Baker! Bread's going bumfight, time for a new one pls <3
Ok fren

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