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Canadian firearms General
>New here? Read this:

>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous: >>62115822
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Train the whole militia, starting with you.
Uh oh....
PPCucks gonna freak over the OP pic
Slow day today. Let me share a problem and solution I had the other day in case someone else encounters the same thing. So I was looking to zero my micro red dot. Hit paper out the box but was hitting about 6 inches low at 25m. No good. However it was impossible to move the dot down because I Maxed out on the elevation dial. Went home defeated and looked up what the solution is. Some company makes 1 degree angle shims to fix this, but I bent some 0.02" copper wire and pressed it between the rear of the red dot and plate when screwing it down. Now thats about a 0.7 degree angle for me and the next time I take it out to the range I should be able to get the elevation zeroed.

Thanks for reading my blog post.
Where does a man buy cheap spraypaint these days? I bought like 10 cans from Rona a decade ago for $2 each and now even Walmart wants like $17 for a can. I just wanna repaint my gongs.
checked pastebin (never did before) why is halifax army/navy in the boycott list? they got cheap ammo
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All the tranny flags wasn't it? I think some anon got weirded out by someone there asking leading questions or something too.
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vz masterrace
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superior czechnology
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cz858 unpinned full auto and silenced when
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inshallah /k/ommandos
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spicy meme?
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spicy meme!
I'm voting Conservative this election but I do know they will do precisely fuckall about the endless flood of pajeets and I do hope we'll only have to endure one more term of LIBCONDP before people finally wise up and are willing to elect Bernier and close the borders.
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H&K, is also okay.
I believe it was gay flags, though of course, having one inevitably leads to having the other.
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The Drama Teacher fears the Slavs larping as Germans
It hilarious how you dumb faggots are only "one issue" and have all your shit banned anyway and still grasp at the "vote". Meanwhile random assorted niggers drive around with switched glocks and collect welfare while you slave away just so you BBQ on saturday. STFU
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Not drinking tonight. First time in a long while.
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>at an indoor range
>see someone with atrs
>range officer kicks him out
Wtf anyone else see people with atrs modetn sporters out?
I am drinking quite heavily as the forest fire grows larger and nearer.
If the line coming from up the creek fails, all is lost. my well can only sustain maybe one, or two impulse sprinklers, but i need 3 sprinklers to keep my roof soaked.
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Is the mauser m15 any good?
I hear the upper is aluminum
About as good as a gsg.
I don't know why mauser decided to tarnish their good name by licensing airshit.
How much you drink?
>t. on my 12th beer after blowing my shift today
>t. gunna blow tomorrow too
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8 drinks or so. I have a newborn I need to look after so it's not sustainable. looking forward to a clear head tomorrow
nta, but i have discovered that if i ration myself, to 250ml spirits/day, i can wake up and feel no consequence. If i exceed the ration i wake up feeling like ass.
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Army & Navy still exists?
I thought they're dead now.
There used be one where I live right beside a surplus store that was in a pretty old building, now the back parking lot area is occupied by filthy drug addicts and tweakers.

Pretty sad to see.
Honestly, is a good analogy for the absolute state of this circus.
I want glocks with switches too. I just don't want to go to prison for it, so voting it is. Can't grasp nuance can you
this is a lot less prevalent in 2nd/3rd gen immigrants
Legit staffed by troons but like the weird AGP kind instead of the fun, bubbly ladyboy kind.
Freaked out my wife when we were there.
Good ammo prices tho for sure
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Hell yeah
I know the veteran that works there part time. Hes kinda a diagolon sperg. Everyone but him are troons or faggots. I think he found a new job though.
Was it the guy with the single, massive dreadlock down to his ass?
Worst smelling human I think I’ve ever been near lol.
Also the cheap pelican cases were cool. I wanna pick one up for my innawoods bike
No that guys a faggot.
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Making videos innawoods is pretty fun bros. I put my phone in one of my chest rig pockets and it seems to work pretty well.
D&C shill faggot
The really old dude? Long beard, wears surp literally every day? He was the quintessential milsurp boomer lol, made a comment about not selling restricted ammo one time i was there. Sad about the tranny shit, haven't been there in over a year
anon is that a prohibited AK47 assault rifle??
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Ok I just installed a gun rack in my closet, now this is not how I store my ammo I lock it up. This is just for effect. I need to patch up the holes where I put wall plugs in because I didn't measure I just eyeballed it. My 88 and my SKS. Got room for that Ruger 10/22 I want to get in the next couple weeks. Also need to do something about the door pins so it cant be pulled off the hinges if someone ever wanted to break in and steal my shit. I keep 'em in here with trigger locks though behind a locked door. Trying to cover all the bases. Now also I ahvent fired them yet I just got them and am going to the range in the next week. My stripper clip holds 10 but my mag is pinned at 5. How do you use this or to you bother?
Well this is embarrassing. How do I post pictures right side up? they're not like this on my computer?
Crop the picture a bit on your phone
Honestly “within access to gun” is such a ridiculous law that most instructors think you’re fine as long as the gun is locked. My uneducated but kinda smart opinion is that “within access to the gun” with regard to ammo pertains to unsecured firearms - so you’re fine so long as the gun is locked.
Look at your average bass pro or cabelas - they usually just have the ammo sitting on a shelf not five feet from the locked up firearms. No cop who’s ever walked in has tried to charge them for that, so mimic that and you’ve avoided any mens rea - remember in Canada you have to intend to commit a crime to have committed the crime according to the courts (so long as you have competent defence attorneys)
Turn them around, like the bottom facing you
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Thanks. Is my sling on the right way? Just got that today in the mail.
I wanna buy a Ruger Hawkeye but I don't know which calibre to go for. I'm leaning towards .308 as being balanced for hunting vs economical for plinking.
Also any suggestions on what colour I can paint inside my closet and lighting solutions? Theres no outlet in there or light fixture but I know you can buy little LED lights
you seriously plan on only owning 3 guns?
though i was naive enough to think one of those canadian tire gun lockers was enough
lol probably not. Ruger 10/22 is my next purchase then I think I want my really big buy to be an HK SL8. Then if PP relaxes the restrictions next year I want a 1911 of some type(probably Rock Island) and a Glock 40. Then a 9mm I'm not sure which one though Sig p365 looks nice but everyone says sigs are jamomatics. So maybe a glock 19? or an FN 509? Also a pistol in .22 I think a Mark IV Ruger. I dont know about PCC's though maybe an MP5 Clone of some kind? the Kriss Vectors look kind of cool and space age especially the ones in Alpine white. Its gonna be expensive. I dont know how I'm gonna afford all those guns and the ammo. I need a sugar momma.
Literally just get one of those LED strips and you can run the wire along the wall. If you don't want that you can buy a small portable light/lamp and have it hanging or fix it along the wall.
If and when PP replaces JT I suspect it will still be some time before they undo the libtard gun bans. That shit is codified into law now so a conservative parliament would need to remove it. I wouldn't hold my breath for the cons to do anything when they know the firearms owners are stuck in their camp with nowhere to go. The cons will have bigger priorities than simplifying the firearms classification system when they get in. At least its in the party platform, if it wasn't I wouldn't bet on them doing it at all. I'd guess at least 1 year after the election before they do anything.
The law can be changed if they manage to get a super majority(Hopefully) be yeah we can just hope that we get all of those retarded laws removed so we can actually enjoy our guns. Also it is pretty funny that the moment the liberal faggots ban handguns, every town, city and even fucking stores seen a 200% increase of shootings. The fact that faggots still think banning shit will somehow do anything when dumb ass nigs and jeets just smuggle the guns regardless.
Lurk more retardo mcfagnig.
Amnesty ends a week after the election. He has to do something.
But this is a fucking gun thread not a politics thread so post one
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The city I'm residing in has grown into the size where degeneracy and crime is rampant. Thinking of moving to a hamlet in AB. They're so comfy.
>dies in a forest fire
Nothin personel… kid
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yeah you totally have to watch out for forest fires in the prairies
I want to live here. I bet you don't even know what a mosquito is.
>yeah you totally have to watch out for forest fires in the prairies
You're damn right.
don't do it anon, they are weird af due to hk autism
Fuck off were full
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Does Jesus hate westerners?
lel i'm 20 minute drive from the hamlet pictured in >>62140020
Dude this fucking sucks all my best shooting spots are on fire or new fire, can’t breathe some all this smoke. Uncle Ted was right
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Personally I think that forestry practices since about the 1960s are mostly to blame.
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The lack of rain fall the last few summers we could now see the rise of the Jasper Badlands unless something changes.
What you guys listening to in the gym right now? For me it’s this yeah French are gay but the lyrics go hard.

What's a guy gotta do to find an unfired T81M with the not-retarded stock option? I refuse to get the underfolder and just "deal with it" because it's retarded and clearly a silly idea on TIs part listineing to redditards and CGNiggers, just like the SRs that havent all been sold yet, and nobody asked for it either. Crazy to me that the SR is a separate FRT from the normal T81 too.
It's not the forest fires you need to worry about
It's the mysteries new kind of "Forest fires" which don't burn trees and only burn houses
Paint your roof blue, for some strange unexplainable reason the Jewish space lasers, er I mean Forest fires use a wavelength which does not burn anything blue
All the wealthy elite are painting their rooftops blue on their houses in areas planned to become walkable cities
The SR makes me fucking furious
It's NOT a sniper rifle
So what does SR stand for?
Stupid Retard???
Must be.
It uses standard 7.62x39
It SHOULD use 7.62 nato
It SHOULD have a thicker barrel as well but instead it has a thin barrel like the regular type 81
The type 81lmg has the thickest barrel and is the most accurate of all of them
What bothers me the most about the type 81 is the fact it doesn't accept SKS clips, this is a huge design flaw
Can I buy this for research purposes or would it be illegal?
Is this fed entrapment?
>You need a proper full auto trigger pack
Ah yes, because these are very easy to obtain. (Sarcasm)
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>The fact that faggots still think banning shit will somehow do anything when dumb ass nigs and jeets just smuggle the guns regardless.
Here's the thing, anon.
Its not because they are retarded. It is because they are literally evil and they are doing this on purpose.

What purpose you might ponder about?
Well I'd say with what's been happening for the past decade, its frankly clear the purpose is to disarm white people. And let the shitskin orcs they happily imported, run amok and terrorize whites just like in modern day Europe and South Africa.

That is why any liberal party voter, ndp cuck, or whatever leftist faggot should be seen and treated as an enemy.
Remember that they happily cheered that your VZ got banned, you losing your job because you didn't want to take an untested vaccine, etc. Not because they are naive emotionally impulsive retards, but because they are EVIL emotionally impulsive retards who think that the government won't ever go after them.
No law against it but it'd definitely get you on some list somewhere. The Dokument torrent had a bunch of those type of books in PDFs, for research purposes of course.
I dunno brother
no just the feds starting the fires
The Dokument has that specific book under the filename "SKS_Variants_Full-Auto_Conversion.pdf"
The whole point is to disarm white people so only the new invasive species have firearms a
Jeets are getting guns?
Pretty much.
If you ever seen that video from South Africa with the niggers with the radio jammer attacking a farm, you sure as fucking hell know that (((somebody rich))) is supplying them these for a nefarious purpose.
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coming to a rural property near you
Whites still btfo'd you plenty of times in history despite being vastly outnumbered, streetshitter.
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Can you nigs recommend me a sling for an a2 style raifu?
I tried looking for the padded vickers one made my blue force gear in OD green, but it seems like everywhere is out of stock and only on backorder.
I lived with a saffa and this is literally why I got into guns kek
shit is crazy over there, be safe lads
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I've come to the fork in the road between a tikka t3x and a bergara b-14 HMR
>left handed
it's terminal, doc.
any anons have experience with either [spoiler] or both? [/spoiler]
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It's ogre, cangen has moved to /pol.
The general over there is alot more active, there never even used to be a general over there.
Do note; that Cangen was essentially given a pass for political (and other offtopic discussions against board rules) discussion here on the grounds that this was the containment general for canadians for this site, but it seems there has been a migration, cangen has been unusually dead for a few weeks now (this thread alone took more took like 30hrs to get just over 80 repliesr), i fear the noose may be tightening, our time is running out, our priledges are about to be revoked and we will be forced to talk about guns (ugh, i know) again.
Its been nice knowing you all, this may very well be the last cangen.
>cangen dead
>links /pol/ thread
>scroll through first 20ish posts
>roomtemp IQ takes with reply chains that cangen boils down in one post
I think I'll stay here, and you can have the (You) for your troubles. Go back and stay.
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That, or the majority of cangen are residents of Jasper
Holy fuck the sheer magnitude of PPC dickriders in that thread
Their birth rates are plummeting lmao.
>Our best bet is to beg them to allow us to be their slaves rather than completely annihilate us
Oh, never mind, it's just another streetshitter lol. Isn't it embarrassing that the entire history of your subcontinent is one of being subjugated by foreigners and relegated as lower castes by them?
Lmfao that’s just the gay zoomer PPCfaggot thread
Fuck off doomer retard
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>you can have the (You) for your troubles.
Ty anon, i was hungry.
>Go back and stay.
Nah, this is my home. Ive only been going there recently because of the trump assassination thing.
Its all over...
/pol/ is bas for your mental health anon.
Get the tikka t3x
Oh Rhodesia

Not him but i’d be wary of the slinky slings. Get a slingster or bfg vickers
Can’t go wrong with tikka. I have an older one but the quality and accuracy are insane
Which T3X, the CTR? Either way get the Tikka.
Bergara has been slowly falling off with their QC in the recent years ever since they got popular, and if you ask around Bergara shills will literally just tell you to buy their premier line instead.
Absolutely gutted over the Jasper town wildfire desu lads...
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I've heard that abstaining is preferable to making a "protest" vote. Is there any truth to this? I don't believe in democracy anymore.
It's quite well-known that local police forces have on occasion supplied weapons to farm attackers directly from their armouries.
Got a link for said dokument?
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Tyvm anon
Yes, to commit crime with. Jeet violent crime has skyrocketed ever since their population in Canada tripled over the last 5 years. Jeet gangbangers are coming in through student visas and establishing branches here. Over 1 million a year is no joke, but most people are still oblivious to the fact even though they see and smell jeets everywhere daily.

Reminder that purchasing a 3D printer on a credit card and owning guns is enough for horseniggers to make up a reason to get a warrant and doorkick your house whenever they want, threaten you with the lives of your family, and arrest you when you're out at work/shopping/driving.
>to commit crime with
The funny thing is that some law-abiding jeets are also getting PALs because they're being threatened by jeet extortion gangs here.
Stop drinking dumb fuck juice. South African jews are considered whites by the blacks there, and by other whites. They're not in cahoots with the ANC to genocide the hecking poor white farmers, they're on the ANC's hit list as well and most of them have fled overseas like the rest of the SA diaspora that they're 100% a integrated part of.

When my father-in-law was in the Bush Wars era (aka apartheid) SADF he and his best friend convinced his first CO that they were jewish because the base didn't have a jewish chaplain to run services, so he'd give them leave every weekend to "observe their faith with local jewish families", aka they'd go and get shitfaced. He's a boer, the CO was boer, his best friend was english.

Your world view is retarded and oversimplistic. Most children have a more sophisticated and accurate understanding of the world than you do.
That Unabomber wasn’t joking, the industrial revolution sure did have its consequences.
Not law abiding because they don't know the law or care. They carry them with them all the time and pull them out at the drop of a hat. Being threatened is just an excuse they use.
t. live in jeeted area
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Voting PPC is probably the dumbest thing you could do. With a first-past-the-post electoral system, all it will do is split the CPC vote, giving the Liberals another term to wreck your country and impose even more gun and hunting restrictions.

Take it from an Australian, guys. Things can get a Hell of a lot worse. Pierre is your best shot at stopping the rot.
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They shouldn't have had so many trees so close to town.
Look at this shiet; replace all those trees with concrete and they wouldnt be on fire right now. Dumb hillbillies.
Men are not bullpups because we have the action (penis) in front of the trigger (prostate)
>what is the Esau Gambit
The dumbfuck here is you.
You gay af for that one, lil nigga
How do I SIMULATE force on force engagements for TRAINING?
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Easy, you just go to Scarborough.
We should all use trips tb.h
Thats a ffv sling they sold them for like 10$ nigger bought them and doubled the price. Shepherd defensive makes a pretty nice rbs sling to but its like 100$
GUN BAN FAIL: According to police stats, these latest criminal shootings put Toronto on pace for approx. 90 homicides by year’s end — just shy of the 98 endured in 2018 known as 'The year of the gun,' a homicide record that had stood for nearly 3 decades. #cdnpoli #gunbanfail #news
fellers should i SHIT??
Gun crime is white registered guns owners fault.
In the water treatment plant, it’s good for the water.
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How man guns will be stolen from homes in Jasper?
none? no guns in parks aint it?
Why would I want to stop the rot?
If you live in the park you can own guns just can’t use them in the park.
Take it from another Australian who's not dumb enough to give political advice to people in a political system he's not a part of that the other Australian is a fucking blathering moron. Domestically following his advice is exactly what lead to Australian gun owners getting absolutely fucked by our center-right natural party of governance. If there had been other non-retarded right wing parties available to absorb the protest vote over the National Firearm Agreement after Port Arthur then Howard wouldn't have dared fuck gun owners over because he would have lost supply. Instead, gun owners were hostages to the "better than the alternative, lefties will take my guns" mentality like a battered housewife and got fucked for it. Now the ancient boomer fucks at every SSAA range sit around with their antique bolt actions fearful that they'll be taken away too if they make too much noise, furiously trying to throw every other gun owner under the bus, utterly killing the hobby and any associated lifestyle.

Vote for whoever you want, but never let anyone take your vote for granted and never let yourself become an irrelevant constituency.
Technically the magazine (prostate) is behind the trigger (penis) since your prostate makes the sperm
I legitimately doubt you even know any South Africans. I reckon everything you spout about South Africa is fourth hand bullshit from Youtube grifters and other imageboard pseuds who are literally reading from the ANC tribalism playbook. People like you would be funny if you weren't desperately trying to turn every decent country in the world into a shithole like South Africa has become.

Voetsek you fucking kaffir.
Jasper is getting fucked, eh? Shame, I really liked it when I visited there a couple years back. I hope Ontario doesn't get raped by wildfires cuz I'm having too much fun
> your prostate makes the sperm
Pee is stored in the balls. Sperm is made in the prostate. Get a educated anon lol.
I think that's kind of what happened in our previous election. Our Conservative candidate for PM (O'Toole) got the nomination because he appealed to the right-wing of the party and said good things about unbanning guns, but during the actual campaign he flip-flopped and said he'd keep the bans in place which is absolutely killed his momentum and ultimately led to him losing the election. The current leader of the party (Poilievre) has said multiple times that he'll reverse the ban which is good enough for me at the moment, but if he ever flip-flops I'll drop him just as fast as I dropped his predecessor.
> that he'll reverse the ban
Did he? I thought he just said that guns need to be classified differently than they are right now. I just want an FAL
Once PP gets in there will be a FAL in every home don’t worry
I believe he's said he'll reverse the OiC. Anyway I'm waiting for the actual election campaign to start up before making my final decision.
>a FAL in every home
rly anon? pls don't fuck with my emotions I'm already in a sad state
it's a meme. but assuming he isn't lying about his plans for pure function-based classification, semi-auto FALs will be legal. I wouldn't hold my breath for much more than just undoing the shit Trudeau has done though personally.
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That's a cute opinion.
Did Ian McFaggot give it to you?
Realistically the RCMP can and will cockblock it like they already do.
if he rewrites the Firearms Act, there's nothing the RCMP can legally do about it. though obviously they can whine in the media
We used to go around to people's houses and tell them we'd clear out trees from the houses and other fire hazards. Most of the time they would just tell us to fuck off, and they'd have spruce trees touching their house and a huge log pile stacked up against their wall or something. Also a town wide fire hazard reduction program is a huge undertaking and I doubt Parks Canada fire has enough manpower to do the job, in fact I know they don't.
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>All this talk about forest fires
Why don't they just build a moat around the town?
During the Slave Lake fire we had houses like 100-200 meters ahead of the main body of the fire lighting up. Wind will jump fire breaks all the time. Just saw a video of Jasper and it looks exactly like Slave did, the town is completely fucked.
The wind carries burning embers well ahead of the fire.
No mate, the many dozens of South African expats I grew up with, live with, and am related to did. Some of my uncles and grandfather were still living there until the mid '00s, and my grandfather chose to move back there to live out the end of his life.

To scum like you South Africa is a catch line to try to stir up trouble. You don't give a shit about South Africa or even one single South African. How could you? You don't know anyone from there, you don't know anything about the country, you don't speak a fucking word of Afrikaner, Zulu or Swahili, you've never been to a braii, can't name a single South African dish, I bet you don't even know a single line of the South African national anthem, can't name the three biggest sports in South Africa (let alone play any of them), and can't name a single commander in the Boer War on either side. The fact that you projected your jew shit onto SA pretty much guaranteed that every one of these was true, since you'd have to know literally nothing at all about the place to do that.

But tell me I get my opinions about South Africa from a Youtuber, you fucking disgrace.
Wow you wrote so much text, /leftypol/-kun.
I'm sure everything is fine and dandy in Pretoria, amirite?
I just really hate niggers. I hate jeets more, but boy do I fucking hate niggers.
It seems like when there is an active Canadian thread on /pol/, this thread slows down or even dies
Maybe it's just because these are working hours. Things will pick up in the evening.
I post most every thread but I just got a new motorbike so my posting has gone down to maybe once a thread sorry bb i’ll try and pull my weight more
Uh guns and ammo or something
O'Toole was from Toronto, Poillievre is from Alberta. Also, Australia is more controlling of its population than Canada. That's why being close to America is so nice. To keep it /k/ related: get your relatives shooting. I got my sister-in-law to buy her first gun, a SKS, last week. She loves it. She, like many people, was unsure about guns until I taught her to shoot (and proper safety).
My brother in Christ, I was calling him a kefir before. I'm not /leftpol/, I just don't suffer idiots. Everything is fucked in SA, but only a fucking moron who knows absolutely nothing at all about anything to do with SA would be trying to blame jews for it. Doing that just tells anyone who knows anything about the country, its history or its people that you're a grifter who can barely even be bothered to pretend to care.

SA isn't your battle cry for rayce war nao against da joos and dey dem golems. It's equal parts infuriating and pathetic that you want to try to claim shared victimhood with a group of people you don't belong to and know nothing about, and want to use it to push an agenda that those people don't agree with. You'll find plenty of South African expats who hate blacks and are white supremacists, but you will find seldom few who will buy into your jewspiracy shit and you're more likely to get a broken nose than a word of support if you go fishing in those particular waters. Most expat South Africans have expat South African jewish family friends who fled the country with them.
>more inane kvetching
>its totally not the jews man I swear 1!!
Wanna tell me who Mandela's handlers were again?
Its also "Kaffir" not "kefir" you retarded mong.
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>Everything is fucked in SA, but only a fucking moron who knows absolutely nothing at all about anything to do with SA would be trying to blame jews for it.
What an ordinary white looking fella on the right, eh lads?
Definitely not part of a certain tribe.
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What is going on out there guys? You're my favorite part of the country why is it on fire so much lately? All it did is rain here all year.
Doesn't look like that anymore, rip.
I live in Scarborough, I'm always checking the profile of black kids walking in the streets. Its hard to spot the ones who are actually carrying, because they all try to pretend like they're carrying.
Doesn't matter if they are or aren't, you know the rule, around blacks...
God hates us because all we do is fuck up the earth with oil and gas pollution
We got a lot of rain in spring however in early July we had a massive thunder storm that sparked a lot of fires and a heat wave for the last two weeks which dried up anything that was wet. Added that the land hasn’t recovered from last year‘s drought and boom like lighting a powder keg. There are also lots of factors that added to jasper like lack of rain and lots of dead standing trees.

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From some X faget

>Jasper National Park has been my backyard and my playground for 35 years. There isn't a trail in the park that I haven't hiked.

>During those 35 years I've seen a lot of mismanagement, but nothing like I've witnessed during the last decade. I've ranted about it it all my videos, talked about it online, discussed it with other users and even written to the staff.

>The devastation that's happening right before our eyes was totally predictable. We all saw the hillsides covered in dead, beetle infested pines. Forest are living eco-systems that go through life and death cycles. The fires are natural, but didn't have to be this dramatic. Park managers should have conducted some controlled burns and cleared dead forests.

>As usual, everyone is full of prayers. That's not what we need. We need to abandon this woke ideology that has infiltrated all our institutions.

>We need heads to roll after this one.

>Don't praise the fire chief for his efforts. His primary job is to prevent forest fires, not put them out.

>Don't celebrate the the park's superintendent who wanted to rename mountains instead of maintaining a healthy eco system.

>Blame the bureaucrats who worried about wheelchair accessible trails instead of fire access roads.

>Criticize the politicians who sent billions to the Ukraine meat grinder instead of buying water bombers.
Source on that rail/optics mount?
It’s link related but you’ll need to find one that ships to Canada.

3 SKSs
1 HK SL8
T81 underfold plus sks

I already have a t81 and sks' I just have a gift card I wanna use up and will most likely sell the rifle I buy.

SL8 Chads, has anyone been content with just the base long sight picture model? That shit looks fire to me ngl
I have the SL8 with shorter rail and I like it a lot. Very heavy gun overall though. Since you already have a T81 and SKS you should get the SL8.
Thanks breh. Purely academic question anyway since neither I nor anybody else owns a Vz in Canada (Thank you Brime Minister Trudeau for keeping our country safe)
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>Parker was shot in the cheek, nose, shoulder, thigh, calf, hip, abdomen and foot but survived.
>shot in the cheek, nose, shoulder, thigh, calf, hip, abdomen and foot
Presumably while shaving. I've had days like that.
>But as evidence mounted that Donovan was acting in self-defence and there wasn't a reasonable prospect of conviction, the Crown decided to withdraw the charges.
there it is.
>when i say every time, i mean every. fucking. time, brother!
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How does Cangen do it? Ever since the Reddit invasion, it's an island of basedness in the sea of Reddit that /k/ has become. How did Cangen avoid being occupied or destroyed by them?
I rarely visit the rest of 4chan besides a handful of re-occurring threads
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we're too retarded and autistic to be defeated
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We actually own guns and gear
Extremely heavy moderation. Only way to keep the bumfight shit out
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We unironically have the one good Janny
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What anon said we own guns
I want to (mostly) quit 4chan too but the problem is it's not complete dogshit all the time. Every so often there's a genuinely fun or good thread, and that sort of bullshit keeps me browsing this fucking website. It's like how a fruit machine occasionally plays out to keep a gambling addict from quitting.
We’re the only actual gunowners on /k/ instead of trying to be armchair generals and keyboard warriors lol
pls get an elcan
Bros why are 7.62x39 ballistics so bad
I fucking love the cartridge but holy fuck you have to aim like a foot and a half above your target at 300m
I gotta get a desert eagle when the transfer ban ends
its not a precision round its a whom it may concern round
but its $2.50 a round
You don’t need to teach Slavs to aim.
Only a problem of you're poor
Terrible ballistic coefficient and not a lot of powder for the aerodynamics and weight of the bullet
Top left won't work.
Are you AfriKKKaner? Most based creed of White i've met alongside Russians/Polaks
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It's basically a WW2-era cartridge that was invented by just taking a boolit intended for a much larger cartridge and sticking it on one that was like 40% smaller, the entire reason it exists is because Russians were like "you know, most engagements only happen within like 200y at most so let's just make our rifle round smaller so troops can carry more of them."
Hell, a lot of slav countries straight up considered AK's to be more of a submachine gun replacement than a rifle replacement and just decided it didn't really need every troop to have a "real" rifle anymore since even before then they were playing around with the idea of arming entire platoons with 7.62x25 submachine guns.
7.62x39 has perfectly fine ballistics for the ranges that the Russian military really intended it for, which was within 200y.
Fair enough, I just wish we could get 5.45 guns as that cartridge actually has impressive ballistic performance. It blows my min that through sheer engineering the 5.56 can in many ways mog 7.62x39
Still absolutely love me simonov tho
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Sounds about right. I could certainly see the town council in a national park not wanting to do any kind prescribed burning/logging.
The area near where i live was up for consideration into becoming a park, but the people shut that shit down; too many gay fuckin rules in a park, ill live with the loggers clearcutting my area if it means i can atleast use the bush the way i want to, too.
.30 calber boolit fired from puny intermediate shell.
ugly pistol round, barely breaks 1000ft/lbs energy.
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Hard not to love the SKS, she's a dirt cheap date who's taken like 80% of Canadian gun owners virginities.
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I wonder how much more he's gonna fuck up in the next year before we finally get our VZ's back
Is it bad etiquette to dry fire a gun in a gun shop?
No, it's pretty standard to test the feel of the trigger (assuming you don't have the gun pointed at the cashier's head or anything). I have seen some places where the trigger is ziptied or otherwise blocked from moving, but that's not common.
Most places I've been to have a trigger lock on their guns so you can't really test them
>ill live with the loggers clearcutting my area if it means i can atleast use the bush the way i want to, too.
with you 100%, brother. i hate that environmentalists turn crown land into parks, instead of enforcing a few rules on crown land. it would be so easy to prohibit OHVs
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Hey little zoom zoom - write down this script
>Hello kind shop keeper, I would like to look at that shotgun
point to the gun
when he hands it to you, finger fuck it a little bit, then ask
>is it ok if i dry fire it?
good eye
You are the right wing equivalent of a white female gender studies student with a Che Guevara shirt kneeling for BLM. KYS.
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>noooo goyim you're supposed to heckin support the chosen people or you're not huwhite!
Crawl back into the oven, Herschel.
Nobody will save you from your own golems that you created to use against white people.

Denounce the Talmud
Anyone taken online gunsmithing courses? Are they any good I know I can probably learn most of it on YouTube but Id like to have an actual qualification.
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>the fine line between self-delusion and optimism
You're a fine example, anon.
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What you payin for this lever .308?
Sure. I denounce the talmud. Haven't read it. Don't know what's in it. But denounce it.

The language is also afrikaans, not afrikaner (the people) and both were there as a shibboleth to vibe check your SA creds (you failed hard).

KYS you schitzo faggot.
>Winchester model 88
If you want to disassemble literally any of the reciever you need to punch out pins that need to be broken to remove, and the only way to put it back together is have extra pins made
>t. My gunsmiths hate working on these
Fuck niggers and jeets.
Never knew you swung that way, you have peculiar tastes
>need to be broken to remove
what in sweet heaven above
thank you
hardly see any
don't like em
>disarm white people.
Problem is it's white people doing the disarming. Whites who wrote the gun bans. Whites who plead for it. Whites who enforce it. They made their bed they can lie in it. But I don't.
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>still posting
>still kvetching
>still no sense of self-awareness
>its white people
Odd way to say kikes, Chaim.
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shut the fuck up you faggot cunt nigger deer
Friendly reminder that every aspect of gun-control is jewish in origin.
Have a nice day.
whites still in charge of all the important country street shitter
What's a reasonable price to pay for a Russian SKS and a mosin nagant?
Bout $3.50
Russian sks? $600 on todays market. Nugget? $500 on today’s market.
what about an sks-d
I haven’t seen any for a while but probably $900 and up.
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>thinks that at-death's-door boomers represent every white
>shitskin admits he cannot comprehend sympathy towards animals
Do you even own guns?
Why are you even here?
What do you guys think about the savage 110 magpul hunter? I kind of like these magpul stocks. Was also thinking of ruger American hunter. Which is better? Would be going .308. I don’t have anything in .308 currently.
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Forgot pic
I’m so conflicted on magpul. On the one hand they’re based for making cheap AR mags, but on the other hand all their designs feel very tired at this point. Anything they touch has a cohesive aesthetic which is a good thing, but it feels like that aesthetic has failed to evolve
>the aesthetic is cohesive but hasn't evolved
the absolute state of AR-fags
I’d be looking at the MDT stock version before magpul
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for me its classic stocks
MDT field stock was another one I was looking at actually. Priced pretty much the same as the magpul hunter stock.
KRG makes some pretty decent stocks also. Way better then magpul
Savage since it’s made right here in Canada
Mdt is good. More soul than magpul
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
They only make the .22s here.
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Ah I didn’t know that good to know.
If I just inhaled a lung of chlorine gas. How long until I'm dead or need to go to the hospital? Not trolling. I fucked up. Figures a weapons board would know l.
You fucked up
Depends on how much you actually inhaled. If you just have a sore throat / sinuses then it'll likely be alright (I've done something similar to myself with hydrochloric acid fumes and I was fine the next day), but if you have difficulty breathing or are coughing up blood then call 911.
Thanks. Just a bit irritated. But could be my imagination. I tried to reduce the odor from a bag of chicken droppings I was going to dump at work (I'm not chicken anon who posts here). It only occured to me after that ammonia and vineggar make chlorine gas. But did it kill the smell? I don't know, it choked me out.
You'll be fine. Most likely it was just some fumes that irritated and dried up your throat and sinuses without making its way into your lungs to cause any damage there. Drink some more water.
Chlorine Fumes General
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New AR cope rifle just dropped NR as well. It’s made by crusader arms

neat. not gonna buy it, though.
i forgot about that new magazine law. fuck.
I’m confused what’s the new mag law?
any new semi-auto centrefire rifle has to only be able to take magazines capable of 5rnd mags. no pins, etc. he explains it pretty well in the video
they came up with a proprietary design that fits into rifles with STANAG compatibility, but not vice versa
fuck we cant get rid of the oic fast enough
That’s actually pretty smart. I might buy if they’re under 2500$ and I can A2 larp it up
cooey, lakefield, and savage are all made in the same area of canada. its some kind of conspiracy
kek so basically instead of fixing their piece of shit Templar rifles they decided to go to the trouble of making a gun that doubly copes because it needs proprietary 5-round-only mags
God only one more year of this shit and then it’s all reversed.
well, no. Templar is AR180 and Crypto is AR15.
>Crypto is AR15.
Yeah, sure. You should buy one.
>can't infer subtleties and context of conversation
low IQ.
i already said i wouldn't buy one.
You're the one who thinks it's somehow okay that they abandoned their development of a piece of shit AR-180 for a cope not-AR-15.
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Not once did I defend them. I pointed out that they're two completely different rifles that are being offered at the same time, while you made it seem that one was replacing the other.
the Templar is now labelled as "gen 2" which would suggest they haven't abandoned it. it's funny that multiple canadian rifles have "generations" because they're such pieces of shit at launch
A cope gun's cope gun
>they're such pieces of shit at launch
>at launch
Have any of the "they fixed it this time" actually even fixed any of them? They all seem to still be shitty.
Fatty with a soft voice says we gotta turn in our guns. No thats faggot suck start that cope shit.
Not to my knowledge, no. It's usually because the guns are broken not because of minor design flaws but because the choice of materials and manufacturing quality is deliberately shoddy as a cost-saving measure, and you can't fix that without making the gun cost more or decreasing the profit margin.
I’ve done that before trying to clean mold in my shower at my old place. Heard vinegar works so I sprayed the shit out of it and it wasn’t working so I got impatient and hit it with bleach before rinsing all the vinegar out first by mistake. Started wondering wtf was happening because my nostrils and throat and lungs were starting to burn. Opened all the windows in my apartment for like the whole night in the middle of winter kek. I’d say you’re probably alright as long as you don’t start puking, coughing up blood or start having trouble breathing as other anon said. I’d say just go to ER anyway just in case but our healthcare system is fucked up and you’d probably die waiting anyway.
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Fear mongering by a shitty company to sell trash.
Lmfao they won’t do shit
All they have to do is announce it and 98% of people will comply
They. Won’t. Do. Shit.
They. Havent. Taken. Any. Guns.
Nothing. Ever. Happens.
They'll just do what they've done since the OiC, which is ban and grandfather so they don't have to do any actual confiscation so new PAL owners are screwed while everyone else settles into the "got mine" mentality.
thats an old af rumor
I think last year or before they did kick the idea around, but gave up after seeing how big of a task it would be and settled for just requiring a PAL to buy mags. Poly made a news statement about it reeeeee that high calibre mags are still allowed
What job requires chicken shit, but that the odor is so unacceptable that you would douse the shit with viniggerr?
Vinegar generally isnt good for plants, its acid.
realistically speaking this is the easiest thing to fear-monger about because it sounds likely and plenty of stores would be extremely happy if their mags were all sold out.
It doesn't matter they know cucknadians will buy anything, hell 90% of what is sold in gun shops is fucking turkshit for Christ sake
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The job doesn't require chicken shit. But it's so remote that I can dump it without problems.
I ate half a rotisserie chicken. Then gave the other half to the chickens. They... love the chicken... but their diet shouldn't exceed 30% protein so they got the shits (they don't sweat so they need proper hydration to handle the heat). Landlord moved them to the garage because she saw them in distress. Thankfully.
By the lack of anyone previous being competent at work I've been made manager. But all the people who are newer than me but should have been made manager.. haven't! I got the job by time and not by skill. Embarrassing.
My very first act as manager was to let everyone go home (with full pay) at 2pm. I asked, is the work done? Yes. Ok, let's go home. "Why?". I answered honestly and maybe I shouldn't have. "My chickens are suffering from heat stroke and I don't want to ask anyone to stay later than I am." One guy at work was sick. OK! I belt out with gusto: "go home, get better, you'll be paid anyways and we will cover for you. Don't use sick days. please go home." He refused. I don't understand. Maybe he was trying to prove what a good employee he was? Fuck off. Get the required work done and go home. These sick bastards. I told one not to come in early and to come in at 10am because he was moving his family to work at the company. Our pay isn't great so why would I be a jerk to anybody unless the work isn't getting done? He came in anyways. Please, no.
They chickens have recovered. I'm worried they have given them selves an impacted crop by eating a lotof grass. I increased the ventilation and fixed their diet. Had to clean out over 20 chicken shits from the garage while I fixed the coop.
I hope I'm not crazy but if the work is done -send people home with pay. I think it's a good incentive. Maybe I'm all screwed up like a mushy hot hamburger sandwich.
Pic me walking down the street with a chicken on my shoulder letting the neighbours know I'm crazy.
People just aren't used to working for a manager that gives a crap about them. Better to ease them into it than make big changes all of a sudden, like start by sending them home 30 minutes early if there's nothing to do. Also you might accidentally make it look like there isn't enough work, which implies layoffs in the future.
Thank you for the decent advice. I'm going way too fast for them I think. My priority is keeping talented people so I'm trying to give them as much time off (paid) as possible. They are not used to it. My subordinates are in their 40's and 50's (one in his 20's). They know WAY more than me. They have engineering degrees in their field, are passionate about the work and care. I have a college degree. I never should have been a manager. But I want to be a good one. I want to keep things working. I want them to feel valued. I am impotent to give them more money, that's why I'm trying to get them the only thing I have a bit of control over. Time off to do their own thing. I'm sorry that I've veered off topic.
Everyone I supervise is older than me. What is the best way to diplomatically manage this? Your help is appreciated.
For firearms of course.
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yeah, right
>My chickens are suffering from heat stroke
I leave a sprinkler running for muh chimkens during hot days.
Keep the roof of the coop soaked to help it stay cool inside, and keeping much of the surrounding ground wet.
Some chimkens really dont like the sprinkler though so make sure they still have some dry space outside, too.
>40's and 50's
That explains it; they're used to the "old ways" (back when the social contract kind of existed) which is why they give a crap about the company, even if the company likely doesn't give a crap about them. One thing you can do instead of just giving them chunks of time off is to let them be flexible with their time. So like with the guy that came in even when you told him to come at 10, you could have instead suggested that he come at 10 and "make up the time later" so he still gets the satisfaction of having done his time. Some guys might prefer to come early and leave early, so giving them the option to do that also works. Same with guys that come and leave late, often to beat traffic.

Another possibility is maybe exploring something like work from home which is always popular (even among guys that say they don't like it, once they get a taste they can't get enough of it), but I'm not sure if that's within your purview.
Will do.
Will do.
Thank you all kindly.
I worked for parks canada last year at point pelee in ontario. They had everyone that was fire trained flown out to wood buffalo in NWT for a month or so.

Fire crew also pays surprisingly low for the risks and how physically demanding it is, I wanna say starts at 27ish an hour.
Remember when they flew in "fire fighters" from south africa because we have some retarded international coalition with them or something. But they were only trained to fight fires using african technology like giant stick fans so they got sent home and then they tried to go after the government for not paying them the promised amount.
I remember when they flew in African firefighters and they immediately went on strike for more pay when they get here so they got sent home
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They clearly signed up for the wrong program;
Doesn't sound nearly as fun as firing suppressed machine guns from boats and helicocksuckers.
The Rider of the White Horse of the Apocalypse was in attendance today. Boyo's 2025 is going to be very special I reckon.
How do you mean oh brave schizo anon?
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Olympic opening ceremony, they also mocked the last supper with a bunch of assorted niggers, faggots and trannies.
He's talking about the Olympics opening today in Paris.

God help France because her people clearly will not.
Christ have mercy.
Terrible stuff.
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uh oh anon! Shouldn't of posted that! Anything pro-russia will draw out a ton of retards who would gladly see themselves and their kids raped by trannies if it meant that Russia could theoretically be inconvenienced! No room for nuance here!
>good morality
lol, lmao
Ukraine is kicking Russias ass retard
Like clockwork.
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We cannot let this thread become Ukraine thread #43
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>The hohol roaches support kike funded faggotry
Checks out
>groyper retard doesn't realize that Russia is just East globohomo with a touch of bolshevism
Putin literally arrests Russian Nationalists and imports churkoids from central asia
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why are you maple monkeys so chuddy?
it's too late, the Ukraine dick suckers are already here to talk about how mature they are or whatever the fuck that means
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I agree, feds are asleep lads. Post gats
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Family photos are best photos.
Unfortunately, my vagina is far too large, i do not like to post more than 2 guns in one photo, and there as some guns that i will never photograph.
Left or Right, /cangen/erals?
That is very smart, there are allegedly some cousins once removed from this family picture *wonk wonk*
Shit, meant to say "may or may not be" 'some that i will never photo...
They are probably actually just in my head. Nothing illegal ofc officers, just think it a bit unwise to put everything you may or may not own up for public record/display.
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Imagining firearms is a sign of schizophrenia anon. We'll be over soon. Don't expect a knock
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Still looking for the right lee enfield
Sick trigger locks
>Imagining firearms is a sign of schizophrenia
I just can't get them out of my head, AAAAHHHHHH, Leave me alone, guns!!!
>gun ranck
>gun cabinet
Baste room, anon.
Are you running a standard stock or a buffer tube conversion?
I plan to get a folding stock whenever I can.
Possibly the most pathetic of all the copes. Even a 180c is better than this trash
Lee Enfield is just the poor man's Winchester Model 70
you're probably right. god i have no idea how they'll fuck up direct impingement, but they will
Prolly want to go with the higher mount then. cheek weld's gonna suck though
I guess my spidey senses were right after all then.
Thanks anon.
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37% FUCKIN TAKEN OFF MY PAY IN (((deductions))).
Indian refugees and their parents, and their cousins and their 15 kids need free healthcare. This is for the greater good. Now give up your guns.
If you have a side rail, I do have a spare low pro mount if you want
My property tax increased by 35% this year. Bullshit
You live in surrghanistan by chance?
Anyone know of a super lightweight stock or chassis compatible with AICS mags? Preferably something barebones
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Nah, somehow worse. Near the fake Thames
>trigger lock
i kekd
Yeh, can't escape the jew, even by "owning"
My property was only worth about half a mil when we bought it less than a decade ago, but sombody decided its worth closer to a million now.
Property tax is a few grand a year, but even worse would be keeping the place insured, fire insurance shot up to $600/mo, cancelled it, thankfully the fire near me seems to be settling down lol.
>fire insurance is $7k
I'm too far away from a hydrants or firehalls, apparently.
The worst part is the r*ddit toes
>even by "owning"
You don't all fuck all in this slave camp nation bucko. Even if your house is "paid off"... try not paying your (((property taxes))) and see what happens.
I'm aware.
My aunte lost her house because the govt wanted to pave a highway through it.
A horse rancher a relative worked for lost their property because the govt wanted the minerals under it.
Even beyond just the property tax meme of not owning, you literally do not own Canadian land, it is all King's land
canada needs a bundy standoff
And that wasnt even over as big of an issue, he just didnt want to pay the fee for grazing on public land lol.
The King's a fucking poofta.
Just look at all the pics of him with that nonce (((Jimmy Saville)))
Read anything from Rurik/slavland chronicles on substack?

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