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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Trying-to-find-what-to-name-this-thread-but-all-of-canada-is-so-fucked-up-I-cannot-pick-a-single-thing Edition.

Remember, kids:
>canadian government WILL enact emergency measures act and confiscate your bank account in case of a bank run

Bank of Canada cuts interest rates:
Even normalfag economists in denial are acknowledging Canada is fucked
>gangs of sikhs openly extorting pretty much half of brampton

Interesting theory to discuss - the Canadian government straight up lied about the immigration numbers, and our population is actually more like 60 million now (50% Indian.)
Hope you guys like the OP pic.

Previous Thread >>475528262
>Interesting theory to discuss - the Canadian government straight up lied about the immigration numbers
Canada doesn't really track people leaving so if visas expire but people don't go back...
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>During foreign inquiry committee today, this was the actual response to Conservative demands they release the names of traitorous MPs who cooperated with hostile foreign governments
Which day was this exactly?
mid june, not sure what day specifically
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95% of Canadians voted for it in 2021
97% of Canadians will vote for it in 2025

Canadians voted for it, overwhelmingly.
Canadians are the globohomo faggot race.
Canadians are the result of a eugenics project by the British to breed the dumbest and most docile nigger cattle to ever exist
Canada is a banana republic shithole

If you were any good, you wouldn't be in Canada.
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this clip kind of sucks sorry I didn't watch it before posting
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time to invest on canoes
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Canada's not sending our best, folks. When Canada sends its MPs we're not sending our best. We're not sending you. We're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with them. They're bringing corruption. They're bringing treason. They're cowards. And some, I assume, are good people.

Btw one of the banks is probably teetering over the abyss as per pic related. Boo hoo get over it I guess. Or perhaps this time we will see government engaged in swift action to defend their business partners. Assuming that the BoC keeping credit churning isn't enough.
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This is why people used to fight duels.
It's pretty bullshit that whenever the banks get too greedy and fuck themselves over, the government just gives them tax money so they can keep being greedy and fucking everyone.
1 & 2 are good advice. "Lose" the gun in a boating accident.
All good friend. It at least gives me a rough date to use if I decide to look for it later.
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Go back to bed Balkan nigger
what flag is the montenegro/korean/united nations kike glowie using now?
>boooo get over it
>mfw why aren't people being killed
There is a right way, and a wrong way to preserve your gun rights.

The Virgin:
>I lost my gun, no guns here. I respect you personally, officer! Have a nice day!

The Chad:
>Yes I have it, fuck you, come try and get it, faggot.
Just start your own bank bro. Oh wait, only jews are allowed to do that.
Who is this fucktard?
>poos robbing poos

Good, the worse they become the more likely they are to completely implode and die off
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Canadians are nigger cattle and the politicians are correct to treat them with open contempt and max vaxxx the masses.
You're not Canadian.
Dunno but he forgot to mention she has a larger ass than you
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>You're not Canadian.
Canadian means being a cucked faggot, so ya you're correct.
>the media always tells the truth goyim hate yourselves pls
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>Just start your own bank bro
pic related

The US has small and medium sized banks but in Canada they tend to collapse. Canada also has Wealth One that got attacked by the Canadian government for not very detailed reasons related in some way to the government of China and money laundering.
Nigger please, we don't have rights here we jave an unratified charter of permissions that can be revoked at any time the government chooses, in a country that isn't a signatory of the UN declaration of human rights.
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>HH in ID
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>we don't have rights here we jave an unratified charter of permissions that can be revoked at any time the government chooses
funny innit
gud morning sars
No, it makes my blood boil when normies talk about mUh RiGhTs or MuH ChArTeR
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based Canada renouncer
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>>475554444 (checked)
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>when normies talk about mUh RiGhTs or MuH ChArTeR
mfw the plebs think voting matters when the country is owned by a literal King/Queen
I didn't know Canada wasn't a signatory. Even 50 years on, that's kind of fucked.

'Don't worry aboot it, everything's fine'.

'Nothing ever happens' is Canada's attitude, which is weird considering the shit that went on here in the 20's and '30's.
Certainly explains the eagerness with which they tore up all the train tracks here.
Habitat for Humanity gifts house to banker and lawyer from Nigeria 2 years ago


Philip Olatunbosun, his wife, Kenny Olatunbosun, and their three daughters, aged 12, 9 and 7, came to Canada from Nigeria a little over two years ago.

Philip is working his way through exams so that he will be able to use his law degree from Nigeria, while Kenny is currently working as a banker.

Philip said it makes him feel blessed that the couple didn't have to come up with a down payment to secure the 20-year interest free mortgage.

The fact that their payments, including property taxes, will never exceed more than 25 per cent of their income has made life easier for his family, he said.

>Habitat for Humanity
look at this motley crew, i like how they made sure Nigerians are in New Brunswick
Nigerian princes and Indian callers...
While our people die in in the streets with rent costing vastly more than all government assistance can pay for, and the jobs for those people on the bottom go to jeets subsidized by the feds.

It's absolutely disgusting.
I like how you ignore all the white globohomo faggots. People like that enabled and created all this shit. White people worship immigrants, they love them more than anything. If it wasn't true, why do they vote for it?

Without personal responsibility there is no future.
his wife is named ken?
You should be grateful they let you out of your shithole instead of bitching about the people who are feeding you.
If white, I am very sorry for what's happening to you leafbro, you don't deserve it
>I like how you ignore all the white globohomo faggots
Thats exactly why I posted it, the white guilt cucks here are the biggest issue of Canada
I was born here, just like both of my (white) parents. Stop being a obstructionist faggot and acknowledge the reality of the situation.

I literally cannot understand satire anymore because of mostly american posters trying to manifest some racial fiction that simply does not exist.
that looks like the kinda shack they whearhouse the snowchugs in winter. inbetween freezing to death drunk on listerine. no wide shot of the house? wtf is that pipe? a drain in the ceiling to the deck? thank you white man for the window. the thing about these white candians here is they are racist. they see this nigerian and think how bad the poor little darkie is etc. in nigeria he was a laweyer witth a wife and 3 kids. this guy has money from low level coruption etc. hes pissed about the house, hes already get the ad on kijiji for jeets to pack in it. moncton is a liberal riding and a shithole. hes going to make more bank from being a immigration lawyer for all the other nigerians. when hes done with law school on the canadian taxpayer. and the rumor is that he gets $3000, and another $500 for the spouse and $500 per kid plus all kind of preferential treatment. fucking canadians man. retards getting fleeced. /polish from scarbrough.
>the reality
But you never even say anything, you're just rude and vague all the time. Post after post devoid of content, just snark and contempt.
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>I literally cannot understand satire anymore
iktf sorry bud
Some boomer relatives of mine brought an Eritrean over to help him get established and will then help him bring over his entire family. Its fucked on many levels I don't understand why they do this instead of walking 1KM up the road to the nearest homeless encampment and help people there if they have the capacity to do this.

There is a whole swath of boomers in this reality bubble unable to see the decline all around them.
uhm achtually that's not falsifiability works, faggot. You're just making up shit and telling actual Canadians they're wrong about Canadians.
the fucking dumpster behind the free nissan
Interesting story. Apparently when he was in high school that photo was on the cover of a magazine and some kid brought it to school to show everyone. I think he wrote about it in his autobiography.
cool side windows for the view of the fucking dumpster
>All the leafs are brown
>And the sky is grey
Quick they need more cuc-... er, volunteers!

>"More volunteers are going to be needed to help solve the housing crisis in New Brunswick, according to non-profit organizations that build and manage homes in the province.

>Habitat for Humanity New Brunswick has drawn on volunteer board directors, tradespeople and donors to build 88 homes in the province over the past 20 years."
Most of Canadas stats are fake is something I have learned over the years.
Ken? More like Kenya go back to africa?
I guarantee they get some kind of financial and/or tax benefit from that. Most boomers are the greediest fuckers on earth. There's no way they're doing that out of charity.
i WILL get his autography on this pic somehow.?
You need a gun in your canoe, every Canadian knows that.
Let's be honest here. I'm not meming or trying to be edgy. Canada is doomed. I'm not sure what I will do. The suicide pod seems to be more inviting each passing day.
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>There's no way they're doing that out of charity.
They're mentally ill christcucks usually, they think giving it all away while importing hordes will grant them heaven in the afterlife, here it is from a boomer cucks own mouth:
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Make like your ancestors did & move to greener pastures, its gg no re
>suicide pod
Nah, at least wait until the CAD completely implodes and hyperinflation kicks in. THEN you'll see some shit not seen for a long time.
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>Nah, at least wait until the CAD completely implodes and hyperinflation kicks in
2 more decades
I know the feeling. Trying to run away from here seems to be the better option but my relatives have allowed themselves to be so plugged in that they honestly couldn't even bail on the system if they wanted to.
I'm terrified that I'll see the day that everything comes crashing down and I won't be able to protect them because they can't see what I can see.
the people that did politics and debate at highschool were all statist bootlickers and fucking asskissers
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I got you.
I think I only see 4 white kids in that picture. I took the bus the other day and I was the only white person out of almost 30.
>They're mentally ill christcucks usually
Unfortunately you are correct. They attend a woke church and are creepily excited about this.
>It's pretty bullshit that whenever the banks get too greedy and fuck themselves over, the government just gives them tax money so they can keep being greedy and fucking everyone.
The next major banking collapse will not be bailed out, they will freeze everyones accounts, do a bank holiday and use it as an excuse to do a currency/monetary reset, AKA "The Great Taking".
so if you shout "mick jagger fucked your mom" at him will it give him flashbacks, will the pussy cry? are all these pornstars offspring going to go into totalitarian politics because we've ALL seen theyre mom get railed so we ALL must be punished. will they take me down the diefenbunker and shoot me?
>current year
>STILL waiting for a collapse
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I think that the boomers that never had children, leeched off of other people's kids and tied all their retirement plans up in government programs are going to suffer tremendously in the ends of their lives.
Either as wards of the state, beaten and neglected by the brown "caregivers" they elected to import en masse or by a batshit authoritarian nationalist government who identifies them as traitors to their own people.
At least I hope they suffer. They deserve it. The former is way more likely.
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>Just start your own bank bro. Oh wait, only jews are allowed to do that.
It gets better. They don't just want you to register your gun, they want you to register ALL your assets to prevent....

Money laundering.
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>are going to suffer tremendously in the ends of their lives.
>Either as wards of the state, beaten and neglected by the brown "caregivers" they elected to import en masse or by a batshit authoritarian nationalist government who identifies them as traitors to their own people.
At least I hope they suffer. They deserve it.
Checked, its the one silver lining - they'll be abused and neglected by their beloved immigrants lmao
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>that pic
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>Canadians are nigger cattle and the politicians are correct to treat them with open contempt and max vaxxx the masses.
And Canada has become a shithole because of exactly WHAT reason?

I wonder what has changed about Canada since 1976?
>See this 1976 Vancouver tourism promotional film, picrel. Count how many NON-whites you see in lower mainland BC.
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checked i wonder what he's up to
>let me tell you about your country
The only thing worse than a Canadian woman is an uneducated, inexperienced, arrogant American trying to tell you how they think things are when they don't even run their own common core country
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>Dunno but he forgot to mention she has a larger ass than you
how big of a problem is money laundering and terrorist financing to warrent a 21st century domesday book style account of the peasants posetions? what do they mean by "terrorist? or money laundering"?
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watching old media is just painful at this point
they were promised sunshine and whitewomen
Picrel. Charter specifically allows any and all discrimination against whites until inequality has been ameliorated.

What day might that be?
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Not discriminating based on national origin in a sovereign nation is insane
the one black guy in camo is trying real hard not to make eye contact and laugh his ass off. i heard dude had a pajeet last name.
>watching old media is just painful at this point
Watching that Russian makes me feel like when I climbed the rope in gym class.
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The first rule of the charter is that the charter can be arbitrarily ignored at the will of some random boomer. Canadians have no rights, they don't exist, the state can and will do whatever it wants. Canadians will never say no, ever.

The elites are right about Canadians.
so canada is legally an open doors free for all? wow. cool. tim hortons is still open
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>Charter specifically allows any and all discrimination against whites until inequality has been ameliorated.
Reminds me of this:
An Ontario judge has struck down a deceased doctor’s attempt to set up university scholarships exclusively for white, single and heterosexual students, ruling the unusual stipulations clash with “public policy.”

>Her decision invoked a little-known legal principle — stemming from an 80-year-old Supreme Court of Canada judgment — that allows courts to quash people’s final wishes if they clearly offend the interests of the state.

>if they clearly offend the interests of the state.

A 2014 ruling similarly halted a New Brunswick man’s bequest of $200,000 to an American neo-Nazi group, while a 2009 Nova Scotia judgment blocked a will that said the deceased’s property could be sold only to Anglicans or Presbyterians.

>But judges can curb Canadians’ freedom to direct their financial legacy only when the transgression is blatant, said Laura Cardiff, a Toronto lawyer who specializes in estate cases.

>checked i wonder what he's up to
That's one way to whiten your teeth.
for a tim hortons double double you could stick your superior american shaft up her ass and stir last nights perogies
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>stir last nights poutine
extra cheese please
Imagine the most important requirement for residency of a place is that you're unarmed.
Don't stop drinking, whoring, raping, no that's all good as long as you don't threaten any oligarchs.
whoever signed it into law and enforces it is is guilty of sedition against the crown arent they? i didnt think parliament could open the estate.
>The only thing worse than a Canadian woman is...

Canadian women are far worse than cute traps at this point. Not only do females not see men as even human beings deserving of any empathy, they are actively incentivized to hallucinate or fabricate victimization which the entire weight of the government will be used to punish the man for.
Pierre Trudeau had a problem with the idea of immigrants arriving and being all sent together to Toronto or Montreal or Vancouver where they would form enclaves. His vision for Canada didn't work that way and Canada couldn't work that way long term either.

Somehow there must have been some intent to discriminate based on national origin despite that section of the Charter. Maybe using Section 1. Maybe through technicalities around officially targeting based on immigration program status or pathways but I can't imagine them thinking that would pass by Canadian judges.

So probably governments were supposed to use Section 1 for laws and regulations to keep Canada being Canada, except that ended up being unpopular or too much work or something.
imagine the sound
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beavers tail slapping a log
>Not discriminating based on national origin in a sovereign nation is insane
Once the people (genetic stock) who created the nation are gone, or disempowered, the nation no longer exists.

Quebec can replace all the Quebecois with Haitians and North Africans. (Marc Lepine's father was Algerian) Quebec will still be french, but it all the unique beauty and culture of the Quebecois will be lost forever, and that will be very sad.
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>The first rule of the charter is that the charter can be arbitrarily ignored at the will of some random boomer.
Not some random Boomer, a group of Boomer clowns hand picked, and appointed without scrutiny by Justin Trudeau.
>An Ontario judge has struck down a deceased doctor’s attempt to set up university scholarships exclusively for white, single and heterosexual students, ruling the unusual stipulations clash with “public policy.”
lol at the people just realizing they hate us
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>for a tim hortons double double you could stick your superior american shaft up her ass and stir last nights perogies
I prefer stirring haggis.
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>extra cheese please
Imagine if her and Destiny made a child together?
>So probably governments were supposed to use Section 1 for laws and regulations to keep Canada being Canada, except that ended up being unpopular or too much work or something.
NON-Whites always vote their ethnic group interests. This is why multiethnic/multicultural societies WITHOUT FIXED proportions (which you cannot do with Muslims) are politically unstable.

See Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Rapidly growing Muslim population in a country with majority rule democracy? What will happen to Serbian culture once the Muslims became large enough to have the political swing vote? (like Quebecois have in Canada)
>lol at the people just realizing they hate us
It's almost too late to vote our way out of this, is it not?
Naw, Canadians could just vote for PPC but they don't. I mean it at least stops the bleeding. You can't ever really go back, though.

Canadians deserve it.
theres a reason subirban subdivisions are built the way they are.
its always too late to vote your way out of a "constitutional monarchy"
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Voting is what created this

>I mean it at least stops the bleeding
lol, lmao even
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>the Canadian government straight up lied about the immigration numbers, and our population is actually more like 60 million now (50% Indian.)
Why would you do this to yourselves?
hobbes says that an absolutist monarchy is the only legit for of government. and if you dont like hm or his policies you are compleltly within your god given right to take a run at him. but you better make sure you dont loose. because thats not good for you or society. he wrote at the time of the english civil war. where monarchy gave way to civil war(democracy) then oligarchy and then to tyranny of cromwell
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Savage, and well done
>i cried a little
if they lost everything in the "holocaust" how did they have all those prewar pictures. i thought the nazis burned everything?
i dont want to live under a feudal lord unless they are magnanimous and they wont be. i also dont want to live under the tyranny of the retarded majority, either.
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>Naw, Canadians could just vote for PPC but they don't. I mean it at least stops the bleeding. You can't ever really go back, though.
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one of the most bizarre statements about common law ever made
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see >>475562391
Mass population replacement is perhaps the most popular political policy in the history of politics. Canadians love immigrants more than anything. They worship them, they give them free houses, free food, automatic jobs. They'll literally pay companies to hire them. Women orgasm on the street thinking about all the Indian food. Men jerk off thinking about about the epic diversity.
>Do you guys remember Meshtastic?
Yes. Meshtastic also allows AES256, ultra low power, ultra long range at the price of a relatively low data rate.

>Why would you do this to yourselves?
>if they lost everything in the "holocaust" how did they have all those prewar pictures. i thought the nazis burned everything?
It's dangerous to notice too much in Canada.
to hobbes the peasants relation to the lord and vis versa was the same as subject and king. its an agknowledgement of natural rights. so if you were unhappy with the lord you could go at him. but youd better not loose. the outlet for this was in colonial mercantilism and eventual market economies. the king let the lords and anyone else go off fucking with the world and it was all good total support of his majesties navy and army, IF you didnt start shit in britain and gave the king a piece of the take. thats british history, world history. take your run at the king/lord or go looting. just make sure you give the king his piece. you didnt really think canada was anything other than a colony did you? fuck
So this is just PPC taintlicking general, huh?
I preferred /shit/.
I went into a Bestbuy the other day, and it was all Pajeet run serving pajeet customers, in an area which once was completely white. Did a 360 and left.
>i dont want to live under a feudal lord unless they are magnanimous and they wont be.
They are more likely to be if they are genetically related (fifth cousins).
>So this is just PPC taintlicking general, huh?
Feel the Bern...
How do I get an American company to sponsor me so that I can leave this fucking country? I have a civil engineering degree and work in construction. Is there any hope for me?
/ccc/ Canada collapse consortium
There's probably a demand for competent people in the rich gulf states. Why go to the US though? You're just surrounding yourself with violent nogs, unless of course you go somewhere nice like Wyoming.
Lantzman was the most pro-Convoy CPC MP. Where what were the goys doing? Nothing.
Sounds like you voted for it, buddy.
>you didnt really think canada was anything other than a colony did you? fuck
of course not
When did we cross the point of no return?
we're not quite there yet but its quickly approaching
I would have agreed with you four months ago but this traitors-in-parliament business with zero action from anyone has me convinced otherwise
he is clearly an idiot who doesnt understand what he reads or what hes told but hes kinda right. to the brown hoards reading this, british law doesnt "codify" a law. parliament drafts an act ad it becomes "law". its never really finalised because up until the first case no one knows how to practically interpret the law. so it goes to court in a "test case" and everyone argues their interpretation, lots of appeals, and eventually the supreme court ratifies the law, by codifing the decision. thats how the law "really" becomes law. however in a parliamentary monarchy, the parliament IS the supreme court. because the parliament is supreme. they are lawmakers. so an apointed supreme court or any supreme court in a parliamentary monarchy nulifies the will of parliament and the will of the king, as the king has given the exercise of his soverignty over to parliament. canada didnt used to have one and neither did britain until tony blair.


Surrender to the US

Max is a good guy, and had the Cons not cheated in their leadership selection, it would have bought us a little time. It is probably better in the long run for Trudeau to speedrun the process, bring it to overboiling in a very short time, creating a significant backlash and a strong lever that can be used against the government when the time is right.

Nothing pisses off Canadians more than having people actively shitting on beaches in a country that has AT BEST, 12 weeks of really nice weather, and typically get a few weekends to hit the beach, only to have to ban your children from playing in the sand, lest they find bioweapon land mines.

This is a problem from COAST TO COAST.

We should all be grateful to Trudeau for speedrunning the end of the multicultural delustion.
you faggots pretend that you didnt know this was going to fucking happen
>Men jerk off thinking about about the epic diversity.
Brown hands ejaculated that post.
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>Lantzman was the most pro-Convoy
it was a controlled op honeypot m8
>Lantzman was the most pro-Convoy CPC MP. Where what were the goys doing? Nothing.
What's her position on mass immigration?
>When did we cross the point of no return?

>we're not quite there yet but its quickly approaching

This is a question that can only be answered in retrospect, unfortunately.
middle east bro. theyll hire you quick. the wogs dont have origional thoughts, but still want the shiney things. theyll hire philipinos and indians to build your wildest dreams. you can drink and smoke weed everywhere. whores(not arab). fuck america. the british who are like you work in the middle east. and live like kings in the uk(compared to the rest)
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I thought the screens were shooped for the longest time.

This picture is so much more fucked up when you realize it's not edited.
rice lake, hongcouver
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(You) are a fucking retard lad, enjoy the decline, imagine thinking they don't have all bases covered, you're stuck in a fixed game, the only winning move is not to play baka
this webm is an alagory of canada. canada is the window. the house across the street is the housing market. the paki plays the same part
Speak for yourself, I jerk off to womens suffering.
ontario works unemployment is $700 a month. just go to the states burn all your papers and come back with a funny accent. there white refugees now.
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>imagine thinking they don't have all bases covered, you're stuck in a fixed game
"Lich was a primary organizer of the 2022 Canada convoy protest in Ottawa"

imagine falling for this retard
>the Canadian government straight up lied about the immigration numbers, and our population is actually more like 60 million now (50% Indian.)
Anyone who has stepped outside in the last 2 years knows that.
when? here>>475559595
Filthy, ugly kike.
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The Freedom Convoy was the fringe minority of Canadians who actually did literally anything to oppose their government. If the majority of Canadians were like that, there'd be no issue. The Convoy was clearly not a "honeypot" because the 360 degree collateral damage and bad PR. The government looks incompetent at best, and tyrannical at worse.

Lantsman was the most supportive of the entire CPC, not that means much in comparison to Max to where there is no comparison.
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>rice lake, hongcouver
Mighty nice lake you have there Leaf, it's their's
now, they've marked it and staked their claim.
PPC are do nothing retards who can't into optics and think Christcucking and obsessing about trannies is the way to win or have influence. At the end of the day they're either controlled opposition or genuinely stupid. Either way they are indeed the /pol/ party in that they're a bunch of charmless chuds who can't and won't get shit done and exist just to seethe and lose to the people they claim are inferior to them, and worst of all they aren't even actually based by offering acceleration solutions like legalizing machine guns, deporting post 1980s immigrants, and nationalizing resources. They just offer the stupidest takes on everything (pol) while being too cowardly and dumb to catch people's attention with actually shocking beliefs that would challenge globohomo dominance in this shithole nation of ours.
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Lots of excuses from someone who voted for it.
>muh vo ting
glad you niggas be dyin tbqh
I'm still mad Dominion stole the Conservative leadership vote from him. I actually put my hat and money in the ring for Max. I hope that gets exposed one day.
>lots of excuses
Keep praying to your jewish false martyr and your big book of jewish fairytales you fucking clown.
you still voted for it, though. Don't feel bad, you're in the majority (95%!)
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Thanks bros. I just realized that you don't have to pay income tax in certain Gulf States. You fuckers just planted a seed in my head.
>imagine thinking they don't have all bases covered, you're stuck in a fixed game, the only winning move is not to play
Collapse of complex societies is not something that can happen gradually and in a controlled fashion. Imagine a long span bridge bridge slowly rusting from lack of maintainence.

Look at the title of the thread. The banks are in serious trouble, leveraged up and barely solvent, depending on overpriced real estate to keep in the black, while the country dips into recession, the stock market is in a bubble, our biggest trading partner is beginning the process of devaluing their currency in the midst of their own bubbles and recession.

Young people in Canada have had their PRESENT and future stripped away from them to pump up Boomer real estate prices, while the country is flooded with Jeets in a misguided attempt to increase GDP and supposedly to pay the pensions....

PR Indians can bring their parents who can qualify for CPP when they've been her for 10 years. You cannot cheat the jeet.
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I don't vote cuckboy. Voting is consent whether you vote for the ruling party or not. You're giving the system legitimacy and power. No party that could and would change things would ever actually be allowed to do anything. Even if the limpwristed PPC were gaining traction everyone else would coalition against them, key members would be honeypotted, 5th columnists would be inserted to chew down the foundations from the inside.

There's literally only one course of action that could fix Canada, but we're too atomized, selfish, and cowardly to pursue it. There's a reason why multiculturalism was foisted upon us as our biggest and only moral, because multicultural countries cannot resist globohomo.
>ontario works unemployment is $700 a month. just go to the states burn all your papers and come back with a funny accent. there white refugees now.
That might work only if you've never been fingerprinted.
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>"Lich was a primary organizer of the 2022 Canada convoy protest in Ottawa"
>imagine falling for this retard
Tamara did nothing wrong. She's just an ordinary person who found herself at the focal point of something much bigger than she expected.

She as BIG BALLS compared to the "co-organizers" who acted like terrified dogs, rolling on their backs and urinating all over themselves when the government made scary sounds.


The man in the brown coat who appears to have a horse hoof coming down on his head.
dont tell the canadian govt anything about why your overseas. they will tax you. i was visiting friends. that its. none of there fuckng business
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Back in 1982 we didn't have a good understanding of race realism, (Sub Saharans will never be able to match other groups) nor did we understand that the institutions would be completely captured by Jewish/Woke/Marxists intent on genociding White Canadians.

Trudeau's charter may have contained the tools for enabling the future destruction of Canada, but it was not the point of no return (turning point) that marked the end of Canada.
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>The Freedom Convoy was the fringe minority of Canadians who actually did literally anything to oppose their government.
They didn't do "literally anything", they created hell on earth, holocausting minorities, burning down apartments, flying the Nazi/Trump flags.

They literally turned Ottaway into Dresden. I personally saw the big pile of shoes.

Anyone else remember they wanted to arrest all the protestors and EUTHANIZE their pets? People should remember and be very angry.
I didn't vote for it jew, I voted for the PPC despite all their representatives being retards and browns.
some time about after midnight last wednesday:
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Long winded way of admitting you voted for it, you complicit faggot. You had a choice, and voted for the status quo.
>I just realized that you don't have to pay income tax in certain Gulf States. You fuckers just planted a seed in my head.
I met a guy who worked offshore drilling platforms in the middle east. He explained you can't have property in Canada or maintain "residency". Since there is absolutely nothing in Canada than you can't a cheaper, better version of (including, property, pussy, weather, healthcare) outside of Canada, the only reason why he came back was to visit family and old friends. He was making about a quarter mil per year (no income tax) back in the 1990s when I spoke with him.
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I’m not dying in a pod if shtf I’m moving back to France my ancestor moved here in 1676 and I’ll be the one going back home to the motherland
>tfw not qualified enough to leave
>tfw don't have enough in savings to leave
>boomer gen x mom and stepdad made me pay rent starting at 16 despite collecting child benefits and child support
>boomer relatives either refused to help out, or actively sabotaged my attempts to get ahead until I left my home town to live with my dad
>still had to pay rent there too
>tfw too much brain damage, too white to get qualifications, not white enough to actually be white
>native status isn't "pure" enough to get me any assistance, too white to live on the rez safely, no jobs on reserves either
>no spaces in trade schools or college because foreigners get priority
>"not enough" damage for disability or assistance
>disability would pay less than my wagie work does now
Holy fuck I hate this country and the people in it so much it's fucking UNREAL.
>moving back to france
Good luck Pierre Ngubu
>I voted for the PPC despite all their representatives being retards and browns.
I've voted PPC too, but I'm realizing that an idiot like Trudeau is the best way to crash this corrupt country the fastest.

Start from scratch.
Now who would do such a thing?
the ppc rep in my city was literally an indian-canadian slum lord housing international students above legal residency capacity.

I got kicked out pf their meetings for pointing it out.
>Holy fuck I hate this country and the people in it so much it's fucking UNREAL.
Take the homestead pill, if you can find a way to do it. Consider trades that will ALWAYS be in demand, ANYWHERE.
1. Medical skills
2. Mechanic/millwright
3. Meatcutter/butcher
4. Hunter/trapper
5. Carpentry/builder

Find something that interests you personally and find free online/youtube courses to get started. Scrape together some means to get started. Look for apprenticeships, trade schools.

It's a safe bet to expect the system is going to crash under it's own weight/complexity/internal stresses. You WANT TO BE RURAL when that happens, and you want to be NEEDED for your skills. Shit is going to crash, maybe not in two weeks, but we do NOT have 10 years left.

Godspeed fren. Being a Canadian Aboriginal has some good points. At least they know how to deal with the garbage.
>I got kicked out pf their meetings for pointing it out.
You're a man among men fren.
that somali fuck was giving intel and movement info to the fucking warlords around the bases for mortar attacks on the base. he got caught. and the beat the fuck out of him
>Now who would do such a thing?
I read parts of a deddit thread that was implying that the headline was misleading, that people were throwing bagged pet feces off their balcony.

Who the fuck throws dog shit off their balcony down on the street below? Whitey, is that you again?
Finland will deploy troops to protect northern ontario farmland from the rapidly deteriorating surrounding area.
>>moving back to france
>Good luck Pierre Ngubu
Some parts of very rural France might survive.
>Finland will deploy troops to protect northern ontario farmland from the rapidly deteriorating surrounding area.
I hope the come and put mines on the highways before the Indians start planting biowarfare landmines all over the Province.
>MFW, planning to visit very rural Alberta, checking for hotels: "We speak Hindi". on the website.
>The Convoy was clearly not a "honeypot" because the 360 degree collateral damage and bad PR. The government looks incompetent at best, and tyrannical at worse.
Everyone who became newly vocal against mass immigration in the last couple of years supported the convoy crackdown. People are bitching about JT for every reason but no one brings up the crackdown.

Like you said, only people who were already strongly anti-JT supported it, and those people are a minority. Unfortunately the middle masses are the ones who decide, and they've only recently been swayed against the libs.
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>that somali fuck was giving intel and movement info to the fucking warlords around the bases for mortar attacks on the base. he got caught. and the beat the fuck out of him
God bless those native lads for doing the needful. I know one of them killed himself and the other had his life/career destroyed.

I would donate money to build those lads a proper memorial honoring them for making the world a tiny bit better.

Those lads did notthing wrong, they followed orders as they understood them.
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>Unfortunately the middle masses are the ones who decide, and they've only recently been swayed against the libs.
Yes, and most of them are too stupid to understand the Conservative<=>Liberal rope-a-dope game.
So she was a porn star?
this was before somalia really descended into anrchy and canada still did the real peackeeping. there was still the old somali govt and state in place and it could have been saved. guess which north american country took over peacekeeping operations after canada had to pull out? america
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Khazar shitters.
she was a rich heiress type. she fucked everyone. her father was sinclair oil.
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>this was before somalia really descended into anrchy and canada still did the real peackeeping.
Somali Warlord's wives were living in Canada doing welfare fraud (using multiple IDs to collect multiple checks) and sending money to Somalia. Check the date on picrel.
>she was a rich heiress type. she fucked everyone. her father was sinclair oil.
She had sex with members of the Rolling Stones.
I tried to break into the trades in my 20's. I had to make income to survive so I had to pass because of the sea of shithead boomers offering only unpaid internships with a history of kicking people out before they meet their hours quota for their tickets/certs, who've since laid off entire crews to hire foreign "students" with govt subsidized wages

Canada has no options left to get ahead, all opportunities have been given to wage subsidized foreigners who took over all the hiring positions and only hire their own.

You probably also missed the part where even if there was spaces in upper education I have too much brain damage to make the best of it anyway, I can barely retain new information as it is, let alone being able to recall stuff even from 10 years ago.
Did you know you can start criminal prosecution just by going to the courthouse and filling out forms, same as civil suits? You'd have to pay court costs if you lost but if you have no money that isn't an issue.
>You probably also missed the part where even if there was spaces in upper education I have too much brain damage to make the best of it anyway,
Have you tried taking magic mushrooms? Psilocybin has been shown to help increase brain plasticity.

>I can barely retain new information as it is, let alone being able to recall stuff even from 10 years ago.
Any task that you truly enjoy, you can learn through repitition. If you've got a documented disability, (get the documentation if you don't have it already) YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT to get every penny of assistance that is available to you. By taking every legal advantage of a corrupt system that fucked you over to begin with, you are getting some small measure justice.

If nothing works for you, you can still die an hornable death that will make your ancestors and descendants proud.
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>her father was sinclair oil. I wonder if sinclair oil has anything to do with sinclair media empire.
Remember anons, this only ends with going back to subsistence production. Clinging to the computer complaining about shit wont teach you to milk a cow, build a soddie, and repel bandits. Theres now voting without soverign money
The broadcast group has nothing to do with Sinclair Oil though? Also it doesn't seem to promote globohomo.
>build a soddie
Noice. I want one with a coal stove.
Soddie: earth sheltered home, ideally built into a slight hill so you have a natural drainage.
Here's the legal definition. Treason unfortunately is opposing the government meaning they can do whatever the fuck they want as far as that is concerned.
>The broadcast group has nothing to do with Sinclair Oil though?
Don't know I know the Desmarais family (Chretien's daughter is married to Paul Desmarais jr.) owns a lot of stuff including the Total oil group and LaFarge cement, insurance companies, banks, etc. Most people in Canada likely have never heard the name.

>Also it doesn't seem to promote globohomo.
One of the very few who don't. God bless those bandy legged Scotsmen.
Queen Victoria was the last true liberator.
$10 for 60 hectares and a build your own soddie
Now the theives have you in a life of debt bondage in an apartment with less sq feet, less ability to change, and they wont even bother soundproofing

Too much land for them to enforce their land monopoly up here.
Only register the stuff you plan to surrender.
>Too much land for them to enforce their land monopoly up here.
Alberta needs independence. We have the energy, the arable land, the ranchers, farmers. We just need to remove curry kebab and sub-saharan.
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>Remember anons, this only ends with going back to subsistence production
Traditional family homestead. Picrel can be yours. Not today, but perhaps in as little as 5 years. But not in the city.
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>Here's the legal definition.
They will charge White people under the terrorism laws if they take out a fiber optic pillar, but not if you're a negro or a feather Indian stealing copper from the same network infrastructure.

What will they do if someone puts signs on infrastructure indicating how much weight in scrappable copper is available in each box?
Power Corp, the disgusting front of the Laurentian Parasite.
>thinking "please put me down"
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>Power Corp, the disgusting front of the Laurentian Parasite.
Maurice Strong (former CEO of Power Corp) was the UN father of the IPCC and the global warming scam.
God she's repulsive. Look at that gunt.
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I wanna tickle that kot's belly.
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>God she's repulsive. Look at that gunt.
Fucking her missionary is just like fucking on a waterbed.
>plap plap plap
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What it lacks is strong national identity and interational support
First is building itself on laurentian hate
Second can come if alberta aligns with Brics.

Might force USA to invade, would be an improvement imo
When I was on EI I was getting like 2k a month
Pol is right, some leafs need a raking.
If im still paying property taxes fo MAID ill stick to reindeer herding in NWT

Nice not to have anything beyond a sat phone or gps beacon in the yurt
I have tried a few alternative treatments (after having my physiotherapist show up for one session then never show up again) Funny enough, Weed has helped more than shrooms did. I don't want to mess with anything much "stronger" because my family has a history of mental illness, though I seem to have gotten lucky enough for it to skip me, or it would've started fucking my shit up in my 20's.

Maybe the brain damage rewrote the parts that would've succumed to whatever mental issues my moms side has risks of.

I've tried several times to get disability, and got refused every time. My mom also lost all the main documentation from my brain injury, and disability would get me less than my current job, and I can't collect disability while working anyway.

I'm quite literally fucked into a corner by both government and my family.
>our population is actually more like 60 million now (50% Indian.)
How's that possible?
Canada isn't even a real country. It's a territory with 3 urban centers.
Canadians voted for it
The government that lies about literally everything else has lied about how many people they're bringing in to work as nuslaves.
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It certainly feels like it
I could believe the numbers when jeets were confined to the big cities, but now they are literally everywhere, even up north and in small towns
Student visas are still breaking records despite the so called cap coming in, and then what do we do with the ones that are already here? If we close the PR loophole they will start rioting
Man that would make for some interesting times desu

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