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Trying-to-find-what-to-name-this-thread-but-all-of-canada-is-so-fucked-up-I-cannot-pick-a-single-thing Edition.

Remember, kids:
>canadian government WILL enact emergency measures act and confiscate your bank account in case of a bank run

Bank of Canada cuts interest rates:
Even normalfag economists in denial are acknowledging Canada is fucked
>gangs of sikhs openly extorting pretty much half of brampton

Interesting theory to discuss - the Canadian government straight up lied about the immigration numbers, and our population is actually more like 60 million now (50% Indian.)
Hope you guys like the OP pic.

Previous Thread >>475474820
Why do the Jews hate Canada so much?
Has there been a single protest over the immigration policy? What is actually wrong with cucknada?
does fuck all. everyone is sitting on their hands until the violence begins
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The French are what's wrong with Canada.
Wow that image looks nice, I thought we were all crammed into high rises with 400 square foot boxes? Where's the sprawling slum I can build a shack in?
1502, is that you? come in, 1502
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You will learn Ze Canadian history.

The message keeps repeating.
>I am not who you are looking for.
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It doesn't just suddenly erupt into violence. There has to be an escalation. Nothing will happen.
>It doesn't just suddenly erupt into violence
im sure you really hope it doesnt, nudge faggot
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Hello fren.
>just hangin around for a black swan event
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Sucks to suck.
Not reading any of that.
Shitjeets will devour the system until it collapses. Then they will eat eachother.

lmfao who the fuck cares about Canada?
>black swan event
>prospect of starving in the subarctic
shut the fuck up on your temperate island fallen to shitskins. you have your own fucking problems.
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It's actually about le history Quebec.

You anons will be made to learn about our based and fucking hilarious history,
Anon, consider listening to 'Christmas truce - Sabaton '

No more brother wars, even if the fucking Brits killed us to justify bringing Canada's resources into the war effort.
Ackchually, prepositions are omitted in abbreviations.
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the norman aristocrat class in england can die with the shitskins. the anglos annoy me to no end but theyre alright comparatively
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Irishtown NB is super fucking comfy. I drove through the s - n secondary road and went through there, great drive.

t. Laying in the dark with an Acadian company.
new brunswick? with all due respect, fuck the entirety of the east coast
Need to get out of here
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As an Albertan, I agree.

Please read this acedote from Previous Canada and know that it at present day is completely true, I spent 80hrs talking about work and they just don't want to talk, and at any point conversing with these subhuman loyalist Nova Scotians they have multiple conversations and a time and layered conversations to the point you spend so much time talking, that no point or progress can ever be made, and they just lack the intellectual capacity to see any other world view aside from working 8 weeks a year and getting EI.

The Canadian beaver kills more Canadians a year than smoking and drinking and driving combined, let's not even talk of what a moose does to a fucking Honda civic....
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I haven't worn underwear in over 15 years anon.

Reject modernity, embrace oak leaves.
Though blackpilled, these Canada collapse threads are my favorite.
I used to love this country in my childhood ignorance, and now all I want is to see it crash and burn.
>look at immigration rates for top 10 countries
>9 of them all have similar rates
>top country India is fucking 500% higher than 2nd place
will we ever find out what happened here? this is not normal
Has there been any for the boat migrants? What is actually wrong with bongerland?
You do sweaty
Good morning sirs
Saw where Canada was headed back in 2014 when all of you retards were still asleep.

Moved to Florida in 2015.

No, you can’t come here, you’ll bring the stinking Pajeets with you.
>Why do the Jews hate Canada so much?
testing ground
>Has there been a single protest over the immigration policy? What is actually wrong with cucknada?
testing ground
too busy working to pay inflated rents and grocery prices. the grocery gouging isnt a meme anglanon. pick an average canadian city and look up grocery prices and rents. and then check other cities because the prices are fixed geographically. some cities more expensive than others. then look into which cities have "safe supply" and publically anounce their homeless help. some cities are just open drug use and homeless everywhere. theres a city in canada named after your capital. trudeau visits there often. its the worst. its also full of white anglo german boomers who will vote liberal till they die no matter what. look it up first in your comparisons. sobeys, metro, no frills, shoppers drug mart are the grocery stores names.
Canada was sold out to globalist institutions like the UN, who decided Canada’s population needs to be over 100M by year 2100. If they are going to keep doing this, then they need to start training these poojeets how to do construction.
Hey what is the name of this series of books?
What up brother? I live in Irishtown no foolin
its sweEty you fucking fag jew paki golum
Housing prices, lol why the chinese bought everything 12 years ago

Until they declare war you can't do anything about it
Was in NB a few weeks back. When the hell did you get so many homeless camps?
love how 2 politicians were bragging about how london ontario has the most people in their province
moved to florida, calls us retards. what did he mean by this. theres way more niggers spics and gays than in all of canada
They only bought Vancouver and some of Toronto, the rest of the housing market is boomers and more recently pajeets with fraudulent mortgages living 10-20 to a house
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You guys are alright. You can join ARA, the alliance between America, Russia, and Australia. With a C, hmm, maybe AARC.
hate canada fuk u Ill never live there again
Jesus Christ, pick one. I can’t be Jew and paki simultaneously. Why do you get offended by a comment that wasn’t even directed towards you?

P.s. the white trash in Canada (you) are just as bad as the poojeets.
We've always had them but it seems like either they were better hidden. Maybe the homeless stopped caring about hiding in the woods and just camp by the side of the road now.
Or it could be that many of the poor were bumped down from poor to homeless. Like my family was lower middle class, now we are poor.
they already train the jeetpakis in construction. there are trades training programs just for "newcommers" . but not for you white man. want to go learn welding? $3500 a semester. are you brown? its free and they pay you. canadians dont want the jobs? bullshit. the whole state aperatus is set up to excluude canadians. time to hoist the black flag and start cutting throats canadanon.
your government also uses your tax money to subsidize wages for foreign workers, encouraging companies to hire them over actual Canadians because it's cheaper.
The east side of London Ontario is the the meth capital of Canada. Maybe some towns in Alberta can compare.
that's so disgusting how they have a free welding program for 'newcomers'.
but oldstock have to pay out the ass
marx was right about it being a war between prolitariat and bourgois scum. guess what side youre on? your fucking parents and family voted for this mess. fuck you. go suck a dick you FAG PAKI JEW GOLUM
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Pierre Trudeau setup the destruction of the Canadian nation mid-late 60's. Canadian genocidal propaganda says "Canada" chose their demographic demise then. no such choice or referendum was held on the demographic destruction of Canada. Just Pierre Trudeau treasonous acts against the Canadian nation, and it's founding people. any subsequent support of the treason is also treason.
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Which brother are you again?
I just came to. Calgary and graduate police man program. I am proud Canadians
the immigrents used to have to have a in demand skill and fluent english before they would look at an application from immigrents. there chain family immigration now. one jeet can bring his whole family, brothers, sisters, sick grandparents, and if he has a wife she can do the same. a refugee to canada, a country with 1 land border, with america(fucking how you get to canada as a refugee is fucking beyond fucking farce) gets $3000 a month plus rent, clothing, free training etc. ontario works(dole for the unemployed canadian) is $700 a month. but you cant get a job as a canadian because these fucks all have preferential training, preferential hiring. the genocide has already been decided, we're just watching it play out. also canda was a HUGE advocate of the united nations, we learned all about canadas leading role in the UN's formation in school
I saw where it was headed in 1996.
30% of wages. which is how much the avg working class min wage canadian pays in payroll tax. right out our pockets and into theirs. canada is the nation of training your replacement.
if the lights ever go out youre gonna go missing in kananaskis
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Why are pajeets like this? Always driving around base model cars with tacky Jeet bullshit plastered over the sides, absolutely jammed with people, blasting bobblejeet music at full volume wearing fake designer they bought off Alibaba.

Do jeets not understand this behaviour is obnoxious? They have zero self awareness
I hate the regime. Fuck globohomo.
they really really want to be street niggers. its pretty gay lol
I saw a Jeet walking around the other day wearing the fakest vlone you've ever seen. They are obsessed with trying to be black and "hood".
Lmao, whites love this shit and the handfull that dont wont do shit.
But when they show up to the ricerocket rallys in Bramladesh, the blacks and Filipinos fuck with them and chase them away
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Indians are not human. That is all you need to understand. Anything you would expect of a human, should not be expected of them.
I see signs for this shit everywhere about free training for jeets and first hire and white people still deny its happening
Lmao, you are a white incel loser, given the fact you can't breed you aren't human
Any of you anons go to one of the Diagolon events? They're in Edmonton tonight.

The communists have been absolutely seething.
I googled tickets, and all I found were lefties freaking out that this exists.



The best part is that commies are so fucking stupid, all their bitching and coordinating did nothing but help the tour gain notoriety.

Lefties put out notices warning everyone that a hateful racist group of bigots are coming to town for a "terror tour" to make fun of indians and faggots and the government, and the tour sold more tickets. Because people fucking hate indians and faggots and the government.

Cops are literally telling gays to stay inside, and jews to hide religious symbols, because le HaTefuL DiAgoLon peOpLe aRe coMiNg!! Its fucking hilarious.

They built Diagolon up into a scary nightmare in their heads and now they're shitting their pants about it. They are being scared by their own fake news articles.

>For anyone that doesn't know, Diagolon is a meme country conceived during lockdowns when someone noticed there was a diagonal line of states that refused vaccine mandates, running from Alaska, through Alberta, down to Florida. The government then used this group of memers as an excuse to use the Emergency Measures Act because this "terrorist group Diagolon" was "trying to take over the country". It is a joke on one level, but it is also a collection of based people who hate where the corrupt govs are trying to take us. The gov is right to be intimidated, but Diagolon is not an organization, it's basically just a bunch of people who watch the same podcast. That podcast is what they are doing live for the tour, and that is causing lefties to freak out and tell gays to hid inside when Diagolon comes to town.
Lmao, white incel losers seethe when indians move in, get rich and flaunt their wealth
How is it not direct genocide when you subsidize immigrant wages 70% versus 0% for white people in the middle of a silent great depression? There is literally no competing against that unless you're self-employed.
>hi, I'm a white incel loser, I can predict the future, I dont use my skills to get rich or make my country better, I cry on incel forums. I am very intelligent
Is that... Do you realize your flag is set to korea? Are you raging too hard to grasp the irony, or just indian?
How is it not genocide when white incel losers refuse to breed? Lmao you decided to end your lineage
What are they going to do, smoke weed all day and do fuck all like the trucker protest?

And whites where I am still love migrants. I cant even hint at the problem without them sperging out.
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Any time I see a car like this it's like an invitation to vandalize it

Fuck pajeets
get better friends
Why are you here crying about a country you have no stake in since you are incel?
making it hard to have the basic necessities. exclusions based on ethnicity. etc all the shit in the UN's signs of genocide are happening in canada. boomers will vote for it till their dead. the whites that go to universities will vote and work for it to hppen like good goyim.
Oh we got a tough guy, lmao afraid to talk to girls no way you would touch chadjeets car
Its everyone who is like this. Everyone. The single person who does hate pajeets is a commie who loved the lockdowns anyway.
Pretty much the same thing as this thread but IRL.
Find your friends while you can.
Are you ok, charlie? Did mommy promise you an ice cream if you make enough posts or something?
How do we know that Diagolon isn’t a CSIS/RCMP glowie operation?
see >>475536475
fucking gookJEW
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>canadian government WILL enact emergency measures act and confiscate your bank account in case of a bank run
Yes, just look at what happened in Greece in 2014. The financial system has been steadily collapsing over the last 4 years and it's about to go off the cliff.
Yea, this is soviet tier psyops. On top of all the bullshit, if you even bring up any of it you can quickly become persona non grata.

Normies don't even really function mentally anymore this country they are broken, they just sort of exist in a daze, floating from day to day, always slightly angry at something they can't articulate, experiencing only brief moments of lucidity. It looks like hell.
>incels will cry about it till their dead.

Victory to the truest Canada.
Destroy the churches. Destroy the pestilence.
A lot of Canadians have been making snide racist comments but that’s it
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Make some more posts crying about indians as we take everything from you....lmao
I don’t care the world economy is about to collapse sometime this year and who know what happens after that
>the sky is falling reeeeee I read it on an incel loser thread waaaaaaaaah
>their wealth
>riced out civic
Canadians are too nice to do that. Rural folks don't really care as much to protest because they don't really have to see the jeets so it doesn't affect them, and they've already been saying no to immigration for decades now. It's mostly city folk who now have to deal with them in large amounts after supporting bringing them in, and they have no backbone to protests against it, they'll just quietly say to one another, when they think it's safe, that "I think there's a bit too much immigration right now.. BUT I SUPPORT IMMIGRATION I'M FINE WITH IT, CANADA IS BUILT ON IMMIGRATIONS AND DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH....but I think we should ease it back a bit"

On one hand, obviously we have way too fucking much immigration from third world countries. WAY WAY WAY too much. BUT...on the other hand, I really like to see pro-immigration liberals drown in a sea of brown.
that sucks, anon. America does the same shit but at least they're more subtle about it
Owned by the bank

Pajeets don't have money
>south korea

You won't exist in 30 years.
Worst-korean, your tiny dicks are smaller than even Indians. Your birth rates rival Japan's. Your women despise you sexully
pretty sure you get thrown in jail for questioning Trudeau's immigration policies
no korean woman was raped by the japanese. they were all whores. your grandmothers. whores. the men all cowards. you would need to be a tired soldier to fuck a korean bugwoman. lso i know you korean fucks hate being called chinks so FUCK YOU CHINK your grandmother was a whore. i hope the stuck her with a bayonet when they were finished fucking her mouth. fucking chink fuck
Probably not gonna happen
lol nobody’s afraid of poos stealing our women. You and I both know you don’t have much going for you. Stop the cope
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Indians are a slave caste that are totally dependent on their betters to maintain infrastructure. They literally can't survive without modern infrastructure mantained by whites.

They don't really breed once they immigrate neither and their women cuck them a lot. You don't even need deportation to get rid of indians, just close the borders.
And you, friendless, an incel afraid to get your drivers license
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Every accusation is a confession.
Lmao, white incel losers are experts on cock size
I hope the USA annexes us during the next Trump admin. It's probably the last hope for anyone sane in this Country. Normies are content with the entire country imploding as long as we're 'nice' through out the collapse.
Carry a small pair of side cutters and snip his tire valves off.
Also a little bit of dot3 brake fluid does...wonders... To paint jobs
Look up images
>our women

You are incel, you have no women. I don't recommend indians marry white 3dpiggus but maybe fuck them if they are virgins
These faggoty pro-bank threads are more jewish than anything else on pol.
You are insanely nazbol, don’t you know what the “bol” stands for?

>Bolshevik, which is about as Jewish as it gets.
indian leader right now is a hyper-nationalist who is abusing global immigration systems to turn his bloated national pop. into international jeet settlements.
>Anglos don't know they burned down Canada's first parliement in a fit of rage against Canadien people.
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>He literally admits to being indian
Hooly shit this is just nonsense bud
You aren't taking shit, make no mistake.
It's been given to you by corrupt faggots
You literally can't take anything for yourselves. You're too weak.
it is. they all are. the real organisations just act. the csis rcmp ones do alot of talking and planning. what fucking legit revolutionary organisation uses the states media to communicate. its a honeypot. fucking hell anon. catch up. fast. you can work out what csis/rcmp office these posters are from by the time. that diaganlon anon is in calgary or further west. but big operations in calgary office. they think theyre smart. they arent. they stnd out. the toronto office does the pajeet shit. the new brunswick office does the standard demoralisation stuff. serious you can see it happen. now watch this thread die. they always do when real info gets posted. calgary fuck is just starting shift.
Your master begs us to come fix your countries
They expose RCMP corruption regularly, the main dude Jeremy Mackenzie just spent 6 months in prison for nonsense charges. He beat something like 8 court cases, every case they threw at him, and is now going to be suing the RCMP dicks that have been messing with him the whole time and wasting time in court trying to bankrupt him. He has lots of chat logs and behind the scenes stuff exposing their corruption, obtained through FOIA requests from his court cases. He put the files up online publicly so you can look through them and see exactly how corrupt the RCMP is.

Video summary here:

Files here:

He's not allowed any banking in canada, not allowed any passports to leave, he wasn't even allowed to leave Nova Scotia for the last 4 years since this started.

He first appeared on RCMP radar when he made a series of videos criticizing their involvement and coverups of the Portapique massacre in 2020. He went really fucking hard on them and they did not like it one bit, they've been trying to get him in jail ever since, even going so far as to plant evidence and mess with his family.
oh canada
our home ON native laaaaand
Fuck off, we gave featherheads everything and more and they still cry about whites.
there was no social media or group that sat around talking about burning churches. they just did it. thats how you know whats real and whats bait. the policeing class and the policed class are culturally so far apart that the cops always stand out.
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Would the US invade to prop up a collapsing CA, much like the Fed would a collapsing bank in the US?
>it makes no sense
Holy fuck, its always retards who know nothing about another culture other then what kind of spice they like who are shocked by this
for a jew, marx really really hated the importation of outside labour. even he had problems with it.
and theyre called "nashie" not "nazbol". nazbol is the western inteligence name for them.
>collapsing CA

What is it with you incels " muh collapse" you've been saying that for ever....lmao sure your life collapsed but even indians are getting rich and getting pussy
When you move from below 3rd world to 1st world, it's not hard to complain.
fml, got that backwards.
*there's nothing to complain about
Don't do it to prop up. That'll just enable these faggots further. If you invade, go all the way, depose them, put your own people in and take over fully. Too many latent subversives in our government.
Canada (Ontario) licks nuts, I fucking hate this place. Any better provinces or are they all fucked?
That's where you're wrong, bucko.

inchon. the gook whores love the bwc. it doesnt even need to be big. any VISIBLE cock will do for those moon faced whores
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95% of Canadians voted for it in 2021
97% of Canadians will vote for it in 2025

Canadians voted for it, overwhelmingly. Canadians are the globohomo faggot race. Canadians are the result of a eugenics project by the British to breed the dumbest and most docile nigger cattle to ever exist
Canada is a banana republic shithole

If you were any good, you wouldn't be in Canada.
>divide and conquer
>it was the French, I swear!!!
I will once again give blame rightfully to all the anglos that promoted Trudeau and his party to a majority party because of weed lmao 10 years ago. Quebec always voted for the same fucking parties. Who swung the vote? Ontario, BC and Manitoba. You guys started the snowball and now it is bigger than ever.
Fix your own damage instead of blaming the French who actively tell immigrants to fuck off.
Separate, faggot. You're not one of us.
So you saying I'm a glowie because my time zone?
Solid fucking reasoning, bud.
I think you're more likely to be a glowie because you cant back up a single thing you've said and you're spreading disinformation in an attempt to keep based people from finding other based people.

see >>475540773
knife attack against 3 strangers in Vancouver yesterday. Literally the only thing i enjoy here is walking the seawall because addicts are unhealthy and overheat when they're in the sun too long and they can't be away from their dealer long enough to go hunting around stanley park
quebecois seperation is the match we need to light the powder keg. if you push for it, the west will. deconfederation soon
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what does a korean even know about Canada?
The only thing you're gonna be taking are my orders, jeet.
if he was arested and in jail hes been flipped. you might not be a glowie, but your doing their job for them.you- "what group should i join to fight back? ar-are these guys based?" dude any talk is bullshit unless its to expose and share facts. actions are private and dont need to be discussed.
it's probably that same guy that was using the Montenegro VPN in the other threads. We have our own dedicated glowie shills for Canada threads.
Both the previous elections were won before they counted anything west of Manitoba.

The system is as it's always been. Western Canada produces the resources, Eastern Canada has the ivory towers that make the decisions. Quebec gets paid extra money / tax breaks and pretend they're on equal footing.
i'm pretty sure you're an indian in korea not canada. you're not taking anything from canadians... and women in korea don't even look like that... they have black hair lmao. you're literally in korea fantasizing about being canadian.
Indians have taken over job recruiting websites too it's absolutely disgusting

They will clone legitimate job listings or make their own and mill your resume the second you try to apply. The moment your resume gets sent to them you're fucked. They will pretty much just forward all your info to a call center and use it for scamming. I fucking hate jeets they aren't even human. They will destroy a country just to take advantage of the people they fucked over
Rigging aside leafs love to whip themselves over lefty shit.
that montenegro dude disapeared quick after that canada bro mentioned killing muslims during the yugoslav war.
koreans aren't reproducing either dummy.
pajeets are low quality kikes. you can be both
>the fakest vlone
i dont know what the fuck that is
do you remember all the talk of senate reform? genx does
It was partly us. We started voting for the BQ at the same time the Reform party came to the scene in the early 90s. We only had a temporary reprieve during the Harper era. Otherwise, before the BQ, we were conservative. So yeah, we fucked up you stupid frog.
I will never understand this. Why do white Canadians keep going to Tim Rottens and use DoorDash, etc? YOU ARE FEEDING THE BEAST.

You come here always complaining about the jeet, but won’t buying the goyslop and riseshares.
Yep and the only time I voted left was for proportional representation. Turns out that was a lie (it's always a lie)
you don't understand that canada has open borders. you may as well stop using banks, buying groceries, going to restaurants etc. canada is fully of immigrants like it or not.
reform sold out to the conservative party. the cbc and ctv and issy asper really went hard on preston manning. "refoooooooorm"
I'm Canadian, lmao why do you white incel losers cry cry cry that your life sucks and when I agree with you that your life sucjs you sperg out about korea?
No more back yards for Canadian houses as stated in. Globe and Mail article
>I'm Canadian
not according to the real ones
*won’t stop buying the goyslop and rideshares.
White Canadians are decadent nihilists who would burn down the world for fast food then bitch about how its the conservatives fault things are bad.
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I don't do Tim's anymore. Or any place that is rampant with jeets. Unfortunately we have to remember they are part of any logistics chain since they drive semis
your a chink fuck whose grandmother was a jap army matress. she was coverd in jap cum. while your tiny dicked gook grandfather watched and ate dog. you gooks are only recently jew aproved mainstream. we all remember you as dog eating whores and shrimp dicked cowards.
It's hilarious how the chronically online center-left take the "terror tour" name literally and seriously.

I dunno. He got let out kind of fast for a political enemy of Canada. On the other hand you mention that he got dirt on the RCMP through access to information so maybe that was enough leverage for his lawyer to make them stop abusing his rights. He may have been flipped in order to get the abuse of process to stop, or maybe the Crown backed down.

They should really stop fucking with the anthem. The choices aren't limited to classic English and nuspeak English versions. There's also the original French and all of its verses. For some reason nobody near power dares flout Quebec's culture so that version will never be changed to be PC.

And management wonders why workers are checking out.

What's the purpose of the Senate though? Blindly stapling democracy to it doesn't necessarily fix things. Now you've got Senators who think they run the country as much as the Commons does because they're elected now. Or the parties devise means to grasp Senators within an iron fist same as they've done for MPs so even the less political second look at policy is gone.
Using banks and buying groceries isn’t a choice. Going to Tim Rottens, and being a lazy fuck with DoorDash and Uber IS a choice.
>i'm pretty sure you're an indian in korea not canada

You incels aren't very smart if you really think this, but it's kind of funny that you start sperging out about indian cocks and post pictures of indians shitting
Why should we? All other provinces are vassals to Quebec and Ontario. Without us, you're worthless.
I am glad moat immigration is pushed into the west for them to be walled in a prison province and pay taxes.
Nah, that's bullshit. None of our governments give a shit what the people want. They do whatever they're paid to do, and have the media back it up and make everyone think that everyone else agrees with it. And the herd animals just go with it because they think everyone else is going with it, even though most people don't agree they're just too afraid to say so and go against the (false) consensus.

Social engineering from top to bottom.
Every time I hang out with friends they want to eat at a pajeet infested spot. And each time I point how how badly they fucked up the order and they joke about how Im a racist.
My ancestors lived in Canada in the 1700s, I'm just smart enough to leave, that's what men do, bot cry on incel forums
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>no sar, I give you what you order sar
>19 pbtid shrieking about incels
lol okay
your vpn is set to korea retard...
If a party promises free shit and life gets worse you made a mistake. When people keep picking that same party hoping for free shit and life gets worse then they 110% voted for it
Good man, you get it.
"sober second thought" was what we were taught it was for. for the record, the liberal senate caucus was so corupt that there isnt allowed to be a liberal senate caucus anymore. and the worst grifting fuck was a "top" political commentator on cbc/ctv. hes the only one who was botted from the senate though. the rest are there forever. on 100k a year
White incel losers are why Canada is collapsing. Lmao did you think crying your life away in a basement would not come back to haunt you?
the maple leaf forever is the only canadian national anthem
>20 pbtid shrieking about incels
get help, anon.
I have some good news.....lmao,,,,since you are all incels the collapse doesn't really mater to you yall already dead,lmao dead branches rotten fruit as the Chinese say
found the montreal JEW. go fuck a bagel kike
verification not required
They straight up gave me an empty bag weighted with fries once without the burgers. Everyone thought it was an honest mistake. Didnt expect me to check the bag for take out and the rat was shocked he was caught.
>filter the fake Korean
>half the thread disappears
Its mind boggling why it's all just punjabis. Over here the punjabis have an alliance with civnats. Many civnats here cant stop sucking off punjabis for being able to "integrate well" or something along those lines. They're considered the cool poos.
Anyway this is all so bizarre.
> I'm Canadian
..Ok first of all Canada is not even a real country.
no they didnt. your great great great great great grandma was getting pounded out by the manchu back then. your microdicked great great etc grandfather was still watching and eating dog though. your whore female ancestors didnt even wear clothes above the waist back then. tiny flat gook pancake tits everywhere. and covered in manchu cum.
i think im gonna use fent and kill myself. this place is absolutely fucked beyond belief. im divorced, cant even imagine trying to "Date" again. christ, having to tell them my unvaxxed status. 36. fat. loser. with no ability to escape this hellscape. i hate being born in this shithole.
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Like I said, you're not one of us.
I didn't even read your bullshit cope. Shut the fuck up faggot, you don't know shit. Canadians are the globohomo faggot race, they deserve nothing, and that's exactly what they voted for.
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>cool poos
No such thing. They're all the same.
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This is correct.
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All leaf women gun for men who make a million dollars while at the same time sabatoging the job market with migrants
Canadian Cucks letting poojeets and Muslims stomp all over them
today pajeeta bitch at wendys gave me diet instead of regular coke. theyre so bad at their jobs i get sick all the time from eating there i just have no other options :(
cook your own food, anon.
Were you also divorce raped financially? Or was she merciful?
you can make your own food
A few issues with what you said.

>if he was arested and in jail hes been flipped
So if he's not in jail, he's a glowie,
and if he was in jail, he's still a glowie.

>but your doing their job for them.you- "what group should i join to fight back? ar-are these guys based?
Didn't join a group, I was sitting there unvaxxed and unmasked during lockdowns, everyone around me was gay, this guy was saying he was unvaxxed and that everyone around him was gay, there was a whole audience who could relate. The idea is that if we got locked out of grocery stores we could at least still work with each other. Why do you assume the gayest possible thing at all times?

>dude any talk is bullshit unless its to expose and share facts
Yea that's the whole point of the podcast, to explain how fucked everything is. To redpill people who don't know and to inspire those who already know to speak up about it.

He's literally driving around the country RIGHT NOW yelling about indians and faggots in public, the cops are seething, the leftists are angry, and it's based as fuck. What exactly is your problem with it?
What are you doing? Is it a secret?
eat some Ramen noodles, make a sandwich or something
beats getting food poisoning from some poojeet who just wiped his ass with his bare hand then didn't wash them after
Your friends are part of the problem here, get rid of them or they will rake you to hell with them.
I just gave a story about how cow fuckers straight up try to scam my order and the best damage control you can muster up is this?
The loss of the Liberal Senate caucus also helped the Trudeau brain trust in seizing control over the party. All the new MPs couldn't look to Liberal Senators for guidance on wtf was going on in their caucus meetings. They had to quietly sit and take being lectured to by party staffers that had no business being there and running things.

I don't know if the Senate is a good means for sober second thought but Canada definitely needs it. The various online legislation recently is an excellent example. Parliamentary committees still meet and still call witnesses but the governing coalition MPs refused to listen or pay attention to anyone who spoke in opposition, even the most mild criticism, of what the legislation was going to do. Even organizations that were historically perceived as Liberal/NDP allies, or individuals of the appropriate minority identifications, got categorized in a metaphorical enemies box. Then the legislation passed sans necessary changes and, surprise, the implementation has been just as terrible as predicted.

But French O Canada is basically a militant Christian hymn. It checks the boxes for "You can't say that in current year!" but it also checks the box for core Quebecois culture so I would want to see which side wins in the public view if they came to a head. It would be funny either way. My bet is that Canadian society's hall monitors would suddenly pretend they don't understand French.
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Whay are you, 15? Stop eating goyslop you retard
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The boomer comments were hilarious about how no one really gave a fuck. Talking about how if they were there something something, talking shit about the zoomer. It's like bruh, where the fuck you think you are? That zoomer probably walked over 3 maybe-dead-addicts on his way to the Starbucks.
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>There's a labour shortage and we need shitskin immigrants
>it's normal for highschoolers to face hundreds of job rejections

Pick one
Stop eating goyslop. All fast food is goyslop. Go to the grocery store and buy a bun and make a fucking sandwich. You can do that.
i live in a fucking homeless shelter i dont have a fucking kitchen im homeless go fuck yourselves you fucking POS asshole idiots with ZERO empathy fucking MORONS. i cant afford SHIT fuck you.
do not respond to this memeflag. He has no life and comes to shit up épolé 24/7. Get some sleep sis
Is that you Brett? Trips of truth
Kys you mentally unhinged societal dredge
you never said that. how the fuck are we supposed to know, you fucking spastic? you doing fucking drugs?
Blackpilled defeatist or shill?

You decide! (same thing anyway)
Take out your frustration on the staff, they deserve it for being wagies.
Not a friend problem, everyone is like this.

They pick the "white kids are just to lazy to work min wage in heat stroke conditions"
actually she's a good person shes a slurb she came here at age 8 so shes not like ur typical leaf cunt. just had too much anxiety and anxiousness always worried worrried worried about nonsense constant i couldnt deal with it anymore. and to deal with her anxiety she ate and ate and she got chubby and i felt bad for her but i wasnt attracted to her anymore. she had a traumatic childhood. life sucks. i didnt get raped at all it was amicable.
Frog detected
You obviously can afford a data plan.if I was homeless I throw my phone in the trash. Go to the library and use free internet and communicate with email.
lol you won't do shit timmy
There is no labor shortage, there is a deficit that the fed needs to pay off and is importing immigrants to pay the taxes and hoodwinking them with the false promise of a future.
You're controlled opposition and you don't even realize it. Stupid faggots like you are the problem. You're too weak to deal with reality so you make up a fiction in your head to cope.

I don't waste my time with sniveling faggots like you.
Stop eating the slop. Stop jacking off. Regain your power of focus.
Nations have been much worse situations and have gotten back. Just look at Spain
oops i meant to reply to u:

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DTES, Home.
Reminder that these "Canada is collapsing" threads are made by Americans with VPNs. Canada is doing just fine, better than ever actually, and it makes Americans really insecure.
Don't you mean "sneed sneed sneed" you stupid limey
The least you could do is provide a link to prove it.
Says the guy who can't stop crying about how it's over, it's hopeless, wah wah wah. It's so far from over, you don't even understand. We will make it. Get a hold of yourself.
lol crackhead
Says the memeflag. Gold.
>from brain dead albion
All anglosphere countries decided to go liberal and import immigrants. It is genetic. You are defective.
because idiots like you put your hand up and say" i like that guy" then your on a list. not you personally but you conversationally. he might be sincere but the glowies monitoring around him are taking names(and ip adresses). opsec means shut the fuck up. repeat sht the fuck up if your legit. theyll find you. 4 d chess and all that.
Believe me, I also wish for the destruction of this shithole country.
Canada is Russia in the 80s. Things are fucked but leafs are conditioned to think this is normal to fight a cause. The cause this case being climate change and racism.
>Labour shortage
>Record number of employed ever
>While also having higher unemployment rates
Wait a minute! It's almost like they're trying to subsidize big corps and stagnate wages or something!
whos baking the next one?
Nah, its over now. Impossible to come back now, same with the US.
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>here's your first world country bro
trudeaus brain trust were the fabian socialists running the uk labour party. they all came over to canada(and lesser america) after gordon brown lost the general election in the uk. dates correpond. nd yes the french version is awesom. so is the french(france) national anthem. "water our fields with their impure blood" is pretty hardcore.
Our countries might be fucked, but our people aren't, and that's far more important.
That is precisely the issue.
>Canada is Russia in the 80s.
I am once again posting this palladium magazine article about how Canadian business unfortunately works.
>Canada is a holdout of Brezhnevism. T———’s apparatchiks aren’t very different from their Soviet predecessors: frail old men in buffoonishly baggy suits from the 1990s, complete with black (Volga-like) sedans and dachas in the countryside. When they aren’t vacationing in said dachas, their main occupation is making sure that things are as stable as possible, which realistically means making sure nothing new ever happens.

and of course it's in the fucking handicap spot
Canada has been a zombie country since covid. If Americans invaded, we would be better off. We would have the USD, better supply chains, access to American markets and products, a second amendment.

What are we losing though? a dead national identity and all the government parasites that sold us get taken out with the trash.
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Why are you trying to run some weird fucking psyop in this thread? Why are you, a non-Canadian telling Canadians what the fuck is happening? You're a retard, a know nothing. Someone who can't deal with the faggot like Canadians are genuinely a bunch of docile faggots and it's literally just their fault. There's no grand conspiracy. Canadians are just fucking weak retards who do what they're told. Exactly as how the British designed it since the very beginning. Canada has never been a real country, it's always been a resource colony and now we don't even do that. Shithole banana republic.
I dont. Heath inspectors just shut down a restaurant here full of jeets. Its not even about supporting them, its about not wanting to get violently ill.
Tim Hortons isn't even edible anymore

Every time I go there (someone else usually offers to pay for my shit) I get sick because the food is so incredibly unsanitary. Very few tim Hortons are run by white people anymore. Jeet food is not safe for human consumption

Also holy fuck those people are stupid with the orders. Tried ordering a roast beef sandwich or some shit and I couldn't even tell you what the Jeet repeated back to me. Something not even close
Your women will be bred by us aryans and you will remain incel. In the deepest parts of your blood and dna, you know this too.
bro, i will feed and buy some socks and tootepaste/essentials/native smokes for the next homeless white canadian man is see on your behalf. never give up. DO NOT kill yourself. i love you brother. i care what happens to you.
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Get out of my thread, Amerifat.
Wait until it finally comes out that New Brunswick is having a vaccine resistant tuberculosis outbreak from the TFWs they hired at their fish plants.
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Kawartha bro here. I'm seeing some indication that Kawartha, Durham, Peterborough County and Mississauga-Peel are increasing property taxes by 10% minimum. Holy shit it is the end. I Hanne no idea how I'm going to keep my house.
it's over. as soon as boomers die off whites become a minority over night. it will be no different fom going to india and expecting your vote to count there. we are fucked. i am predicting all politicians will be indian in our lifetimes
its the gook jew fuck switched to un
and no one will care
You vill own nahsing.
Nah. You've been in the dark too long, anon. Things are pretty fucked but it'll be alright in the end. There's no doubt about it.

>>475547988 (卐)
Yeah, well? Our people will be fine, we've been through worse.
Canada births Antisemites like crazy. Look up Monika and Alfred Shaefer or Jews for Hitler. Even Jews in Canada won't hesitate for a moment to expose some Jewish bullshit the public is fed.
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Yep, there have been protests in Toronto over it. Not Irish tier but protests. I think we need to start calling out these immigration centers as plantations like the Irish call them.
Ontario has 121 federal seats. Most of those are in the GTA. Most new immigrants coming to Canada (50%+ according to Wikipedia) move to the GTA. Approximately 1/3 of all new immigrants are Indian. Roughly 1000 Indians arrive in Canada per day based on one million immigrants per year (they say that’s it, but there’s more). So 500 per day arriving in the GTA. So yes, it is likely that an Indian party will take over Canada eventually.
>a vaccine resistant tuberculosis outbreak
>from the TFWs they hired at their fish plants.
bigoted opinion
It's clearly from the antivaxxers. Now that's a proper Canadian media narrative in 2024. What no there's no need to find named experts to quote. Lazy generalized accusations against a non-protected group are fine.

Canadaland has a new podcast on it. Situation still fucked up. But they caught the feds saying that a federal scientist was unable to meet with them to discuss his leaked emails expressing concern. An access to information request revealed that said scientist was pretty much the only person in his entire chain of command that never received a copy of the request. Even the deputy minister was in on the denial and stonewalling.
Moi aussi, dude
Québec Derangement Syndrome
Imagine getting submerged in Shitjeets and still poiting fingers at us
Baseless statements based on nothing. Just cope. The Collapse of Canada is justice. There's nothing to cry over. There's only the future to look towards. That is where you are spooked. You want to hold onto things that never even existed.
unironically fptp voting is saving a much worse fate. if they switch to proportional were fucked instantly. most dont understand that a country riding can have 10000 people and return 1 mp and a riding with 100000 can only return 1 mp. if proportional voting happens all the seats shift to the cities, where all the pakis are.
Are you white? Like actually white, not a pale Mexican or Indian or whatever.
I could smell it a mile away, you're spooked because you can't cope with the fact a white colony turned out to be a bunch of globohomo faggots. You just can't cope. You're a globohomo faggot, controlled opposition. Too weak to look at reality.
not too many mexicans here. all sudmero fucks. hes prob a guatemalan
Begone American
Wrong. We had an influx of cartel niggers when Trudeau removed the visa requirement.
>Canadaland has a new podcast on it. Situation still fucked up. But they caught the feds saying that a federal scientist was unable to meet with them to discuss his leaked emails expressing concern. An access to information request revealed that said scientist was pretty much the only person in his entire chain of command that never received a copy of the request. Even the deputy minister was in on the denial and stonewalling.
Typical, and nothing will ever happen.
Once the cities are gone, parliament is unironically gone. It wouldn’t shock me to see the Canadian federal parliament become some bizarro version of Indian politics. Khalistani separatists trying to claim Canada as their land etc. It’s insane how quickly it all happened.
So no. Why are you hear preaching doom and gloom for white people when it's not your problem?
in 10 years russia america and china are going to fight ww3 here for the resources. canada is a dying husk. verification not needed
Whites are beyond saving now
We already have a bunch of diaperheads in parliament
I'm white, not amerifat white, actually white.

Let me be absolute clear. Faggots like you are the worst. You are no different from a globohomo shill or bot. You promote lies and copes. You create worthless noise and prevent action. You are the enemy, a roadblock.
I’m talking over 50% Indian parliament.

Dude what? You're the one saying to just give up, it's over. Keep your mouth shut if you're just gonna work for the other side. Defeatists like you are poison.
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>faggot shill bot keeps coping
jeet detected. Go home.
diaperheads fucking lol. how was canada back in the 70's80's? you genx just got completely shut out of the game. remember when people would say indian and your dad would say push or pull start. like the dot was a starter button and the turbn was like starting an outboard before fishing. fucking lol
Get a life bro. You waste your time doing this gay demoralisation shit 24/7. Do you feel accomplished acting like a loser like you claim others to be? That's an accomplishment for a place like this.
i live in canada :) i hope our country feels better.
I hate this fucking anthem. It doesn't sound glorious, it sounds like a fucking pop song or a nursery rhyme.
this is a worse effort than the last one. low quality
same :)
new bread

new bread
It's pretty obvious what that is since a long while ago, it's cyanobacteria caused from algae bloom due to the shitload of fertilizer run off into all bodies of water. It affects crops, livestock, and wildlife. Remember the zombie deer shit in NB? Same shit. The last scientist that wrote a paper about it in NB lost everything, was kicked out of all his programs, disavowed, and run out of the province due to the Irvings.
yeah. but what do you call a jeet whos neither push or pull start?

kick start
new bread
leafs seethin'

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