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Correct Cover Month Edition
Old >>62007294

MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

SNR: signal to noise ratio, the amount of signal the tube can make compared to the noise
EBI: equivalent background information, how much false image appears in the screen through which the actual image has to show, sort of a noise floor of sorts
Halo: How big the circle of bloom is around lights
Photocathode Sensitivity: How sensitive the photocathode is
LP Resolution: Line pair res of the center of the image as measure against a standardized chart

If one spec is shit it negates the rest, if you have a halo of 2.0 it kinda fucks on an EBI of 0.20 if you want to do any kind of shooting and it's all a balance game

The numbers to meet or beat are
EBI under 1, preferably under 0.6 being great, 0.1 is gucci
Halo under 1, anything under 0.7 is awesome
SNR, over 25 anything over 30 is gucci
Photocathode, 1900+ is pretty great, 2500+ is stellar
Resolution of 64+ is good, 72+ is gucci
I hate the summer
Good new everyone. Your nods are safe from EMP effects.
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>blocks your path
The solar flares from last month did nothing but screw with gps for a couple of hours.
I was just joking, but there were legitimate flares that fucked with things?
The ones from the early 00's fucked with electrical systems such as the ones that put NYC in a blackout for a few hours. Though people were still able to use there cell phones and other devices while the power was down.
The mad lad is really giving away a PVS-14
>nothing about chinks being prohibited
Shit cover, thread ruined
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I started my NV journey in the mono to dual poorvs14 pipeline. I did end up with a pretty gucci spec elbit WP tube, though. What is my best option for getting into duals? Could I simply find a tube with similar specs, buy a dual housing (obviously it would have to accept 11769 tubes, no idea what bino housings do) and carson glass kit, and transfer my tube and glass from my 14 to the duals? Or should I pay a professional company to do it for me? I am very mechanically inclined and build lots of rifles, but have never fucked with NV. Would custom night vision be a good option for transferring my tube and glass from a 14 to binos and providing the remaining parts needed?
the best mono to duals option is the tanto to daisho pipeline
Tanto to Daisho is good. There's also the panned Daisho if you want to go that route. Neither will allow 11769, so you'll have to remove the pigtail and add resistors. If you just wanted binos and to retain the gain control, get an LLI MH1, DTNVS-MG, RNVG-VG, or Nocturn Manticore-R.
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Yes, I learned that far too late though. I scored a 2700 FOM elbit WP 14 for 3k but its in a regular mil-spec housing. So as for now, I'm stuck unless i transfer into a Tanto housing.
>CP2077 the Heist.jpg
like the other guy says, unless you want to get rid of your manual gain pigtails you'll just have to either bridge the 14's or pay someone to put the tube you have with a matched tube in a new housing. a lot of nv sellers will collimate and install the tube you have into a new housing with a matched tube if you give them a call and ask about it.
Yeah this is what I am leaning towards. Even if I could transfer my one tube and glass set from the 14 to the dual housing, I don't think I could properly collimate without a Hoffman machine. I really wish I would have done more research but when I happened across this tube with such high specs and zero blems for a decent price I hopped on it. Wish I would have known about the Tanto option.
Basque mentioned giving away a pvs14 the other day.
Figured you wouldn't want a directlink to leddit but basque is in fact giving away a PVS-14 over there
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>scored a 2700 FOM elbit WP 14 for 3k
damn bro you straight robbed those niggers
literally me
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It was a private seller. He needed cash quick. He was asking 3500 and i offered him 3k venmo and he accepted. I'm very happy with the results. Tube is perfect, zero blems.
let me give you my money
If you insist.
this lil nigga been on my mind, no cap.
Connor MacGregor sells nv toys now?
nah those are real ngal's sadly. photo is from FOGs newest book.
>> 62116242

So is the new m6 not complete? The Reddit poster said there were additional areas on the mode selector for future updates? Don’t feel like getting the m6 only for another version to come out 5 months down the line
The updates in question will be backwards compatible with the existing units. They will just be unmarked. The only change made with those units will be two extra markings on the mode selector.
>backwards compatible with existing units
Can you elaborate?
Will they need to be sent in for the updates?
there's not though
I cannot.
No, it will be an add-on you can do yourself.
They better be giving us some adapter that will make their 3 pin compatible with everything else.
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Does anyone here know how to put a user profile onto a wescam m12d200? I have managed to get most of mine working, but it won't respond to any controller commands. I can dump the output from the maintenance port if people want.
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as proof that i actually own one.
Saw the thumbnail and thought that was the iron giant or some shit.
Where was this taken? What state? WA?
CA, a god awful state in regards to 2A and politics but one of the few good things about the state is that like 40% of the land is owned by the Federal gov and a good amount of that land allow us to camp and shoot on it. This particular forest spot was way up north almost near the Oregon border.
Cool, but I'm no help, sorry anon. The only think I can think is to simulate a bunch of 4mA to 20 mA signals and try to record any responses. They do run on analog controls, correct?
When you get enough m6s to sell the next batch, do you plan on letting everyone know a date when you will open up sales or should we just keep checking the thread multiple times a day.
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100m of fuzzy vision, "we own the night."
cool as hell, anon. I dream of acquiring a 1PN58 for my slavshit guns one day
I'll give you all a heads up.
Based Starlight scope appreciator
My favorite, the 30 lbs rifle.
For mlok and basis, it would be smart to add some vibratite to ensure that when I attach a LAM to them they do not lose zero - correct?
Yes, always.

Blue loctite, 35 inch lbs torque spec, and never mount directly above a gas block or the heat will cook out the loctite.
just use rocksett
>using rocksett on mlok rails
are you mad.
The real meta is thermal.
the loc-cuck fears the chadsett
RS422, unfortunately. I was informed it may actually be done sort of weird L3 DRM lockout. May have a lead here soon on that.
>five words in post
>3 of them real words
Yeah, your brain is literally fucked.
Cockshit is water soluble and basically useless to anyone training seriously.
>people who can't afford a torque wrench
>torque wrench
>for mlok screws
I'll give you 5 bucks if you can make that work.
15lbs for them according to documents I have found.
Let's hear why it wouldn't smart guy
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I think you'll need something smaller.
>what is a wheeler FAT wrench
I'm gonna need that $5 now
He didn't say a wheeler fat wrench :)
>t. never used a torque wrench
what do you think a fat wrench is
looks very nice, good deal
dead general
this is a general? i thought it was the m6 waiting room
What is needed to use the m6 efficiently?
An M6
A battery
Neither of these are correct answers to the question regarding using it efficiently.
Let's see you use a laser aiming device without any batteries efficiently.
Okay, have fun shooting your IR laser with your naked eye.
skill issue
Rate my nv gun
Basically my next rifle/10.
looks nice
Looks heavy and reddit.
all NV capable guns are reddit
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Thread needs less m6, more nods.
how do you record this? I have some various nods and stuff but idk how to record.
I’m not him but this is my recorder recommendations and I’ve posted footage of my Brown Bear NVGR recorder like here >>62130325
I’m hoping the NVGR Pro will go on sale on Black Friday.
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Here is me trying to record some stargazing while waiting for my buddies getting their NV gear on.
>762 rc
thats a SOCOM300 SPS
>even more of a meme suppressor
Please post here if it bulges around the mount for you. Apparently that's a thing they do
because it's the best 300 blackout suppressor
erm actually that's the q full nelson *now discontinued
That's actually the CAT ODB
no thanks, I don't like edgelord companies that will be out of business in 5 years
I have a camera adapter and hook it up to a small mirrorless (Canon EOS M). Works fairly well except at the edges. There's no vignetting and less spherical aberration when looking through it.
>AK almost complete
Now all I need is basque's M6 and I can finally call this rifle "done". What are anon's opinions on ditching a flashlight to save some weight? I would rather it on an AR.
should i buy a pair of omni 8 binos or a suppressor for my bolt action first
Do you do a lot of night or low light activities? If so the binos might be a good buy.
If you have more uses of your bolt action rifle being suppressed then go for that instead.
Yeah it's dead Jim
I just want some of you to get your hands on the M6 so we can get some actual feedback on it
I'm riddled with debt so now is the best time to get one.
Can anyone recommend me some good NVGs that are available in Europe?
Purpose is mainly hog hunting with red dot sight on rifle.
Photonis are Euro aren't they?
Yes they are available here. Example: https://www.handladigitalt.se/kategori/goggles-photonis
Are they known for good quality?
Their quality is fine but they're not quite as good as Gen 3 L3/elbit etc. If you can't get anything else then they would get the job done.
Photonis Echo WP not bad, they're not L3 tier but they're definitely serviceable, they're the best value to performance tubes IMO ever since Elbit and L3 went up on their pricing.

IMO it would be:
L3 WP (high spec aviation grade) > L3 WP (high spec non aviation grade) >> Elbit WP (high spec) > Omni equivalent Green (high spec) > Photonis Echo WP (high gain) > Elbit (low spec) > Photonis Echo (low gain) >>>> Shitty AGM Gen 2 or equivalent >>>>>>>> Digital

Just my opinion though, I've only physically used L3 WP (high spec) and Photonis Echo WP FYI

The difference is pretty noticeable under all conditions between L3 and Photonis, I've never used Elbit tubes.
you're in an NV general so everyone is gonna say binos
If you can't afford a suppressor and binos you can't afford binos.
Nope, /nvg/ will shill you on mono. Then you'll kind of regret it.
I don't regret my first mono, it's good to understand and train on and know the pros/cons, plus they're good to have as a scanning/recon tool and as a backup for a friend.
Photonis makes solid tubes, as far as where to buy them goes there's a euro-centric night vision discord where people might be able to help you find the best dealer for whatever country you're in. The server also has listings for private sales if you want to get Gen 3 stuff without dealing with American ITAR rules.
got a decent mono, then got them matched and turned them into binos
i have duals, still run my mono from time to time. its just lighter and handier.
>3k for the ability to see in the dark
>6k+ for the ability to see in the dark but in both eyes

just doesn't seem cost effective.
it's not. that's why everyone's first purchase is a mono because they might have 2-3k sitting around but not necessarily 7-10k. Plus the extra shit like helmet, mount, lights, accessories, you can spend 6-8k after all the other bullshit, laser.
Something like the LLUL-21 requires a battery pack that has to be purchased separately. It's literally designed just to cut a small margin of weight.
omni binos can be had for less than 5k, I just would rather not double up on a $1300 suppressor and the binos at the same time
The big brain move is to go for a used PVS-7 to see in the dark in both eyes (But without depth perception) for 1.2k
Were there any issues with the wendy bump? I don't really need anything with ballistic protection. Basic 9mm could be cool I guess. What are my options? Budget for the helmet is 1.5k and below
other than being from team wendy no. lots of people are of the opinion that they have the best system for tightening your helmet.
Don't care about the politics, though many seemingly do. I've just read that it's the most comfortable option out there which makes sense if you're wearing a helmet for extended periods. Rails situation sucks, but there's surely adapters out there. Also afaik their bump features a metal shroud compared to the ops polymer. That sound about right?
It's not cost effective, but it turns out being able to use both of your eyes is kind of an advantage that us humans can make use of. When I borrowed my friend's duals it took me some time to adapt but it was overall better.
new ops core bumps ditched the molded in shroud, they use the same one as the carbon and ballistic helmets now. you can technically retrofit an ops core with the team wendy setup and I'd be replacing the pads in any helmet with 4d tactical zero g pads anyways. i don't know if you can just put ops core rails on the team wendy helmets though.
I'm doubtful, but promising to hear about the ops. They still have issues or did the shroud swap fix the flex issues?
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I would assume so, it's a screwed on metal shroud like one from wilcox
Will double check. I know an anon here was complaining about it a while back but that could have been about the molded in shroud. What would you go with if you were just starting? Right now I'll only have earpro and a pvs14 on it. Maybe a tiny admin light as a treat.
if you want to cheap out just get an FMA replica, what mounting are you using for your earpro
If you buy an expensive bump helmet you are retarded, if you buy a cheap ballistic helmet you are also retarded. You should be dummy-cording everything and using 4d pads regardless.
>t. Use both an Ops Core FAST SF ballistic and an FMA FAST bump knockoff as needed
Hope this helps
No idea yet. I just have a set of peltor 500's because I like the bluetooth for music lol. I was thinking the wire hangers and not so much that pop-out from the back monstrosity. Forgive the terminology as still learning.
True, but if I'm dropping a few thousand on the tube, shouldn't I spend cash on a quality mount?
if you have a $1500 budget i would do like that guy said and buy a real ops core ballistic and an FMA ops core bump replica.
>quality mount
Shroud =/= mount. Like I said, you're still gonna want to dummy cord that gucci wilcox shroud because shit happens.
this. the g24 isn't what you should be relying on to hold your nods, tie that shit down to the helmet and the shroud with bungee cords. that'll stop most wiggle as well, even the real deal g24's can have some.
Absolutely fair and will do as I don't want to risk it dropping over something dumb
Will check into, thanks. You tried avon helmets?
Plan on going real deal, but yeah tying it down for sure. Shouldn't the helmet be pretty rigid too, or is it mostly the shroud doing the work here?
realistically the helmet doesn't matter, people turn bike helmets into nod holders. secondary retention is what really matters. you will more than likely fine with an argus a4 and an ops core fake unless you're falling on your face every time you go out with your nods, no need to overthink it. if you're dead set on a bump and really need peace of mind just go with a real ops core bump (make sure its a 2024 model with the new shroud) and a set of 4d tactical zero g pads with a real g24. personally, I have an argus a4 with a real ops core bump and the pads, it comes with bungee built into the helmet to retain your nods.
Good to know and I do remember the whole skate helmet efforts a few threads back, so guess it's likely fine. Will check out the argus too. Sounds like it has some quality of life upgrades. Don't need ballistic protection as just knocking my head around is the primary concern , but should be an often occurrence with just a pvs14
I have a Team Wendy Exfil bump it's an excellent helmet, but they went up on their pricing recently which kinda kills the value their cam system and shrouds are solid
>big brain
Any issues for compatibility as far as rails go, or are there adapters out there?
the opscore stuff is more standard, but there's plenty of TW stuff out there, their side panel is kind of retarded but they have rails and MLOK slots. You'll be fine with whichever one you choose. My Exfil bump is more comfortable than my ballistic if that tells you anything.
Bumping with an angry train.

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