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modern seax edition

post knives, talk knives.

prev: >>62083611
The Skrama product video is comfy

BBK brian brown knives, he makes really nice custom knives but you probably found one of his production models https://brianbrownknives.com/
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Be honest, are they recoverable? If so, how? Or should I just toss them and buy new ones?
(Also 10+ poison damage)
Is the Randall 14 the best knife of all time?
Whatever you do, don't "toss them". Put them on eBay or something for basically free and just charge shipping. Or if you don't know already, use them to learn to sharpen
you could get rid of the rust with that electrolyte cleaning method, or just sanding
then just sharpen the blades and they're good to use
I'd be worried about the internals. My rusty opinel works fine though.
what do you mean the internals? this isn't a smartphone there's like 3 metal parts
The parts you can't get to to sand, polish and clean like the pivot unless you know how to take that apart and put it back together.
I see what you mean. Just checked my Douk Douk. In theory you can just replace the bolt if necessary but I'm not sure if it will remain stable if you do that. Some rust on the bolt should be fine. So no need to take it apart.
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closest I have to a modern seax
theres literally 900 channels on youtube for restoring knives.
If you are too lazy to type words into google then yes, you should just sell them.
I got a svord from bladehq. Its neat but serves no purpose in my life.
Shit, amazon was 12 dollars cheaper.
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was thinking of getting the yojumbo or canis at one point, but didn't pull the trigger on either, very nice knives tho
i personally like knives because of their ability to cut bullets in half, I'm not saying it's likely but possible
No, it’s a clunky piece of shit with fudd life that boomers love. Just look how much they go for on eBay.
New pickup, Eafengrow EF933. 22LR for scale to show how chunky that blade is compared to the handle.

This thing is goofy but seems fun for less than $22. Anyone know what this blade shape is good for beyond cutting carrots?
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I hate that weird portion that's ground out of the flats of the blade. Is there some special purpose for it?
reduces weight and makes it better for cutting while the tip stays reinforced
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spot the oddity
it's not a gift I paid like 27 bucks for this it was very expensive
o shit so it's a clone
sorry i have no microtechs and don't know about them so I couldn't tell ya
cool looking knives though
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Hey Satan, new Cold Steel seax, what do you think? (aside from the absurd MSRP)
remember ben (who really likes small knives a bit too much and bounced around between knife company employment and I suspect is the reason the bugout was created) and Austin (who always seemed gay) from bladehq back like 5-10 years ago? Apparently they have their own knife channel now just like old times. I haven't watched it at all, but it showed up on my youtube homepage.
Anyway, what's with the revolving door at bladehq? Is it a "jobhop every 2 years to get paid more" environment or is the owner some abusive raging alcoholic that can't keep employees? Discuss.
Probably because anyone who stays employed at a single business for more than a few years is a sucker getting underpaid with raises below inflation.
-t. a guy working at the same corporation for 6 years cuz he's retarded
the jobhoppers I've known also moved their residence every 6 months when their lease was up
I don't have that kind of energy
unless you are a female you should feel bad for owning this
Since it's chinesium or cuz it's pink? Cuz I gotta tell you, like half my hookups come from my Hawaiian shirts showing I'm fun in a bar full of boring dudes in black shirts.
I haven't had seax in months.
I have 60 percent off benchmade, should i get an infidel
i wish automatics were legal here, makes no sense since they open barely a fraction of a second faster then a good flipper
here they're barely legal, fucking state still demands you have a gun license to own one lol
I'm not a big CS guy, but that one actually looks pretty sweet. Atlas lock is a plus as well
Are Chris Reeve knives worth the price?
I have the big seax, 110 knife for my “survival knife,” the smaller drop point, and two of the smallest sheepsfoot. The small sheepsfoot with the plastic sheath and wire clip is one of my favorite pocket fixed blades, despite how retardedly thick the blade is.
Is WorkPro a decent brand? They looked cheap and decent. I just something for utility work.
I like fiskars
Real KM2000, KM1000 (different only in finish and blade material?), or fake KM2000?
>500 bucks for a knife

Come on guys.
last website screams scam site or hey you get a knockoff 6 months later congrats. not even judging based off the price just yeah thats a fake website/dropshipper
That handle material is horrid if it is the same material on my machete.
Gomilitar site states Mil-Tech as the brand, it’s a repro.
Ironically I just received a package of surp from them today. Typical surp dealer, beware of “style” and repro brands. The site is a good source of euro surp.
It’s a lightly textured hard rubber. Not pretty, but it works. They also sell bare blades if you want to handle it yourself.
must not be because that material is excellent
>Gomilitar site states Mil-Tech as the brand, it’s a repro.
That's why I said it's a fake KM2000.
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I like the American bowie blade, but no longer then 7 inches. Any bigger than that and the weight tends to hamper movement. I like that, with a sharpened false edge you can back cut and have the penetration of a dagger, but still have a blunt spine for leverage techniques.
Overpriced as all hell but look at this beauty.
You mean with another person r..right?
I have a knife.
Cereals lee, spend ...meh a hun at most and the rest on ammo.
Indeed anon
>Come on guys.
Why are machetes so cheap? I feel like if you were purchasing a gigantic bowie knife, some kinda sword/dagger, or other blade that is a comparable size and weight to a machete, you'd be paying hundreds of dollars for it, but at walmart you can buy a machete for fucking $5.
A machete is just a flat piece of stock that is vaguely shaped and sharpened. A forged knife has real work that goes into it. There are shit knives out there that are mass produced just like machetes
Don't be a chump. Look at Condor Tool and Knife.
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I've named this blade Kamala Harris cuz it's goofy, can't do any job right, and is only slightly black.
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>more features
Utility knives are goated no dispute
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Mini Cobras are dope but if anyone needs a cheaper option Channellock 424s are great at half the price. And US made.

I see what you did there. Post your Obama knife.
The one I bought and loved at first but then it let me down and wasn't that sharp? Hmmm gimmie a minute to think.
I like mine, depends on what you're using a knife for
These are actually perfect for what I was after.
In the end I ordered the 1000 and the 2000repro. The 1000 gets here on Saturday and the 2000repro gets here when it gets here (from Lithuania).
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Pg10, no.
Of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia what is the best destination to wife from? Assuming American.
This Kershaw Blur is probably the best all around folder I own. Don't carry it much anymore cuz I like goofier stuff to make me smile when I pull out my knife to cut a box.

Got it for Christmas almost a decade ago, it's actually much more green than it's showing here, but not nearly as green as the ones which look to be sold now. No idea if it's a discontinued color or something.
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What’s the deal with carrying scalpels?
I would never carry any knife as big as a bicycle.
I would never carry a knife smaller than a bicycle.
Probably the next redditfag knife meme, like "pocket cleavers."
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where can I get this seax
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I live near jungle, don't ask why but I do. I'm thinking about adding a Bowie knife or a machete to my kit but I don't know what's a good machete to buy. They all seem like chinese garbage
If you can still get OKC's og one, that thing was fucking great. Don't wall into the trap of buying the gucci 200+ dollar ones like TOP does, a machete is supposed to be a cheap and effective tool. I would say the ESEE Junglas, not the Junglas 2 makes an excellent all purpose tool and bush clearer.
It is legit as one anon just said, a redditfag thing. Scalpels are good if you build models, do impromptu surgery or want something finer for skinning and processing organ meat. The plus is disposable blades you don't have to sharpen which is why redditfags like them so much. When you can't even strop a knife you should just open a vein.
Condor Mini Village Parang. LOVE mine.
>I don't know what's a good machete to buy. They all seem like chinese garbage
theres 2 different types of machetes thin 1-2 mm flexible ones that are pretty much stamped sheet metal and thicker ones.
the thin ones are pretty much all the same and what you are looking for is a good handle.some like harbor freight have shit handles that fall off. the difference between a 10 dollar machete and a 30 dollar one is how well the handle holds up. none of these are going to be sharp or comfortable out of the box. you finish then yourself.
then you have the thicker ones which at this point is ontarios,
It’s for skinning game
Couldn't say as I've only bought surp from Lithuania, never a wife.
Stay away from stainless steel. Thicker heavier machetes work better for harder more woody underbrush, thinner for softer greenery. Length will depend on how much room you have to swing and how big an item you want to carry. I trust latin american brands. Regarding what blade pattern, look what locals buy and how/where they use it. A typical machete is meant to be a cheap tool that is easy to sharpen and is used until it dies, then replaced. If you are spending more than $25 on a machete then you are strange, if you are spending over $100 you are dumb.
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Bk 9.
where the fuck is shirogorov guy at
just buy one anyways, they aren't legal here in Washington but BladeHQ shipped it right to me.
same with eknives, got an ultratech shipped no questions asked
I have had a bunch of automatics shipped to Washington by a bunch of companies.
Thx, but no surplus wife, please.

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